The main differences between a phone, a smartphone and an iPhone. Which is better: Android smartphone or iPhone? Is it better to buy an iPhone or a smartphone?

Hi all! Due to my slight passion for Apple products, I am often asked: “We bought an iPhone, look - is everything okay with it?” or “I bought a cheaper iPhone from an online store, and I have some doubts – is it new or refurbished? Or maybe they slipped it into a used one! Look, huh?!”

I, of course, am a kind and sympathetic person - I can always look and check on my own, it’s not hard for me. It’s another matter when such questions are asked online – what to do in this case? The correct answer is to write a good article. And now she is ready! Keep instructions on how to find out and understand which iPhone you bought (are going to buy) - new, used or refurbished?

Ready, attention, march. Let's go! :)

How do you know if an iPhone is new and not used?

The easiest and surest way is to use the Apple website:

There may be many options, but in order to make sure that the iPhone is new, we are only interested in two:

Have you received any other messages that you do not understand? The transcript is in .

How to distinguish between a new and refurbished iPhone?

There is one small catch in this matter, the whole point is that there are officially and UNofficially restored iPhones - let's start with the latter.

How to identify “makeshift” restored iPhones

In fact, these are the same used devices that are assembled in an unknown place and in an unclear way. This means you can also distinguish them by checking the serial number on the Apple website. If the warranty has passed, then the iPhone is not new.

And everything would be fine, but many sellers, selling unofficially (read, in basement workshops) refurbished iPhones under the guise of new ones, go to all sorts of tricks and try to confuse the buyer:

But the worst thing is that craftsmen can change serial number directly on your phone. What to do and how to find out the truth?

  • Check IMEI using the command *#06# + call button. By dialing it (like a regular call), the serial number will be displayed - compare it with the one indicated on the box and in the settings.
  • The most labor-intensive, but the most reliable - . After this procedure, all interference in operating system, if there was one.

What is the difference between officially refurbished iPhones?

We all know that Apple does refurbish and sell some iPhone models with the "like new" prefix.

How to find out that this is a refurbished device? In fact, there are not so many ways:

There are no other differences. These are the same devices as new ones. They have a full warranty and are also verified on the Apple website. There is no need to be afraid of them.


So what's the bottom line?

  • The most correct and reliable way To find out that an iPhone is new, check it on the Apple website. Depending on the results of the check, it will be possible to draw a conclusion whether the device was used or not.
  • Sometimes the serial number can be faked in order to pass off an unofficially refurbished iPhone as a completely new device. Therefore, we look at the IMEI not only on the box, but also in the device settings (ideally, restore the firmware via iTunes - if the serial number is changed in any way, then after this procedure the real numbers will “return”).
  • Officially restored iPhones are practically no different from regular ones. The only difference will be in the drawing and inscription on the box, and the price.

Perhaps these are the most important points from all of the above.

I hope that the information was useful - if it helps at least a few people (prevents them from buying a “bad” gadget, reassures them and reassures them that the purchased iPhone is really new), then that will be very good!

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When choosing a product, the consumer prefers familiar brands. Users of Apple products follow their own line, and users of the Android platform do the same. For a person considering which is better, an iPhone or a smartphone, a comparison of the two competitors is offered.

Basic features illustrating the difference between a smartphone and an iPhone come down to a short list:

  • Openness. If Android platform uses the freely distributed Linux kernel, the iPhone uses a closed corporate version - OS X with UNIX components. This is where the following distinctions come from.
  • Individual customization for the owner. The breadth of Android's capabilities contrasts with the rigid frames of the iPhone.
  • Alternative app stores. Devices with Google OS allow other sites, but on the iPhone they are blocked.
  • Safety. Due to the number of manufacturers, Android phones do not receive patches for software vulnerabilities. At the same time, Apple devices rarely encounter the problem of viruses, and updates are available on relatively older devices.

The market, divided between dominant platforms, dictates the need for constant work on software. Each side quickly increases advantages and eliminates disadvantages to gain consumer trust.

iOS users show greater satisfaction and commitment to their devices. The level of safety and prestige of the brand ensures a significant share of the business segment.

The owner of an Android device has the predominant application base at his disposal. The general availability of devices allowed us to receive 85% of sales mobile technology. Finding the answer to the question of which phone to buy, an iPhone, a smartphone or something else, is becoming a difficult task.

A close look at both options reveals properties that potential buyers consider.

Interface design

Both corporations have established certain rules that application developers follow.

For iOS it is:

  • emphasis on content - the functions and content of programs are considered the main part, which is clearly emphasized by the white background, font and colors;
  • clarity – to attract attention, the effects of transparency, blurring and shadow saturation are used;
  • depth – the process of application operation is accompanied by the imposition of hierarchical levels, providing unmistakable orientation.

In the case of Android:

  • realism – the introduction of naturalistic controls makes the programs intuitive to use;
  • layering – the paper-thin structure of the applications concentrates attention on each individual page;
  • interactivity – design components are not static decoration and are capable of interacting with the user.

Specific details that the eye focuses on when studying devices:

  • "Home" or "Home" button. Android has 3 control functions - “Back”, “Home” and “Browse”, which helps to perform any action. The iPhone is familiar with one button – “Home”. iOS developers are building a back button into the apps themselves.
  • Navigation panel. At the top of the screen, it contains the name or logo of the program, system information - network status, battery level, time. The iPhone displays this data evenly across the width; on Android, the icons are shifted to the left.
  • Floating Action Button (FAB). Allows Google OS to clearly differentiate itself when compared to iOS. Represents a submenu collapsed into a red circle in the lower left corner of the screen. Contains your favorite application options. Apple’s analogue is a less functional “Call to Action”.

Build quality

The iPhone manufacturer is only one corporation that closely monitors the quality of parts. Among the manufacturers of Android smartphones is a list of companies, each with separate control standards. Products vary in size, weight, properties and reliability.

If desired, you can easily notice which smartphone better iPhone but according to technical characteristics. However, there are not many such models and the differences are quite minor.

Android phones from the high price segment answer the question of which smartphone is as good as an iPhone in terms of quality of parts, but low-cost models may have problems. Problems also occur with the iPhone, but these devices are superior to the competing group in terms of quality.

Number of programs

App Store contains fewer sentences than Google Play. According to the situation in the spring of 2018, 2.1 million versus 3.5 is a significant difference. Although choice is not always the first factor.

Apple is famously strict when it comes to allowing applications into the corporate store, while Google's controls are much more relaxed. The restrictions placed on the App Store are sometimes considered too stringent. However, they prevent situations where an untested program causes harm to consumers.

Developing applications for different environments leads to increased costs for creators to adapt the product. Combined with Android's free app policy, the result is that developers don't cover the costs. The result is the debut of many products on iOS, with Android versions appearing later.


A category where it is difficult to draw a conclusion, but some details can be outlined. That's why, despite the previous superiority of iPhones, photos and videos taken by Android phones are gaining primacy, although they do not come off too far, as an expert may note.

In this case, we are talking only about advanced new products. Mid-range models will be much inferior to the iPhone in the ability to take pictures.

Applications that directly control cameras are convenient and fast in both cases. Ease of use and performance results favor iOS. The opponent gives a variety of options, which is sometimes appropriate, but in other cases it is unnecessary.

Speaking about the camera, which is better, a smartphone or an iPhone, according to user reviews, opinions lean towards the latter.


Taking as a basis models from the range of available ones - iPhone 6s and Samsung Galaxy Note 7, experts found that the Apple device easily beats the Samsung product in the speed test. The test consisted of opening several applications one by one, repeating the cycle twice.

The iPhone was able to complete the task in 1 minute 21 seconds, Note 7 spent 2 minutes 4 seconds. In terms of technical characteristics, the Samsung phone exceeds the specifications of its rival. Apple's superior performance is due to optimization.

However, another factor is the difference in development conditions - software manufacturers do not provide programs with the same operating conditions on different platforms.

Therefore, what is better than an iPhone or a smartphone, in the eyes of a technical specialist, is not so clear.


Planck iPhone quality accompanied by a corresponding price bar. The newest model of this brand is about 50% more expensive than its closest competitors with Android OS. The situation changes depending on the time that has passed since the presentation of the devices, but the iPhone remains more expensive than its counterparts from the competing camp.

The situation is slightly different in the secondary market, but not by much. Buying a phone secondhand carries risks, so the final costs are even higher than when buying in a store.

The cost of Android devices is surprisingly affordable. The most unassuming Chinese models are orders of magnitude cheaper than the iPhone. The disadvantage is that such a product breaks down faster or does not work correctly. But it can turn out to be quite good and meet the needs of the buyer.

It’s obvious how an iPhone differs from a smartphone and which one is better in terms of price.


Owners of iPhones tend to purchase additional peripherals more often than owners of other phones. Apple has made sure that there is plenty to choose from - the number of accessories associated with their products is greater than that of any other device.

iPhone connectors make it harder to quickly find one for it charger to replace the broken one. Android smartphone At the same time, it complies with the Micro USB or USB-C standard, which makes it easier to connect with other technical devices.

Thanks to their origin from a single manufacturer, iPhones pair perfectly with their accessories. The same can be said about regular phones from major companies whose smartphones are even slightly better than the iPhone. Less well-known manufacturers cannot receive such feedback.

The whole truth about protecting new iPhones from water.

iPhone X , iPhone 8 And iPhone 8 Plus on various advertising posters and videos they are depicted in water, or covered with water. Thus, Apple clearly shows that their latest smartphones, despite the glass cases, they are protected from water. How good Apple flagships protected from water and what does the “IP67” characteristic mean? Told in this article.

What does IP67 mean?

IP (Ingress Protection, translated as “degree of protection against penetration”) - international system classification of degrees of protection of device shells. The degree of protection has the form IPXX, where instead of the first symbol X is the level of protection against the ingress of solid objects, and instead of the second X is from the penetration of water. Let's look at the rating using the new iPhone as an example.

iPhone X, iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus are rated IP67. The first number 6 indicates that the devices are dustproof. In this case, dust cannot enter the device and complete protection against contact is provided. 6 - the maximum level of protection of devices from dust according to the IP system.

The second digit 7 means that new iPhones can withstand short-term immersions to depths of up to one meter. Smartphones are not expected to operate underwater. This level protection is not maximum. The IP system has levels 8 and 9, which require prolonged immersion of the device to a depth of more than a meter and exposure to high-temperature water jets, respectively.

iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus - waterproof, not waterproof

So all three are new Apple smartphone 2017 model only waterproof. They really are not afraid of falling into vessels with water, getting drops on them, or even a direct stream. However, a long stay in the water will undoubtedly be fatal for them.

Is damage due to water covered under warranty?

No. If your iPhone X, iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus stops working (or one of the functions fails) as a result of contact with water, then you will have to repair the smartphone yourself. Apple states this directly, although for some reason in very small print.

Users often ask how an iPhone differs from a smartphone? The question is really interesting, although it is posed incorrectly - after all, the iPhone is also a smartphone. It’s just that in recent years its name has become a household name, as, for example, in the case of copier, because Xerox is the name of a company that also produces photocopiers.

Smartphone(from the English smartphone, that is, “smart phone”) is mobile phone, which successfully combines the functions of a pocket computer. With it, you can not only call friends, but also play games, watch videos, listen to music, surf the Internet and much more.

iPhone is a series of smartphones produced by Apple.

And what happens? And by calling an iPhone a smartphone, you won’t be wrong at all!

What is the difference between smartphones and iPhone?

Now let's talk about what makes the iPhone different from other smartphones.

Perhaps the first and most important thing is the operating system. Our website has already talked about it. This operating system is interesting because it is used exclusively on devices from Apple, so you will not find it on smartphones or tablets from other manufacturers. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, it is bad. It’s good, because Apple polishes its operating system to perfection, so it often works much more stable than other operating systems. The bad thing is that it is impossible to install it, for example, on an LG phone.

iPhone 11 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S10:

The second important difference is the small model range. So, for a long time Apple released only one model, which was later joined by the iPhone 5c. The same applies to the screen size, although in the sixth generation two devices were released at once - one with a screen diagonal of 4.7 inches, and the second - 5.5 inches. Now look at the huge selection of devices based on the Android OS - the difference is simply fantastic. So if you don't like the look of the iPhone, you don't have much choice but to start looking at devices from other manufacturers.

As for appearance, there is nothing unusual here. In previous years, Apple could shock with the appearance of its devices (remember, for example, the iPhone 4 with glass back cover), now it’s a regular smartphone. Of course, it is distinguished by the presence of expensive materials, but all this invariably affects the cost of the device. But on the back there is a corporate logo - a bitten apple.

iPhone 11 and Huawei P30:

iPhones do not have a memory card slot. This, one might say, is an Apple signature feature. Of course, you can always choose an iPhone with a large amount of memory, but the price difference will be several thousand rubles, while the cost of a fast and high-quality flash drive does not exceed a thousand rubles. However, in fairness, we note that many manufacturers are now refusing memory card slots. Fortunately, not all.

iPhone Xs+ Max and iPhone Xr:

Some users consider the disadvantages non-removable battery in iPhone. In our opinion, this should not be considered a disadvantage. Firstly, in most modern smartphones The battery cannot be replaced (except by service), and secondly, it lasts 2-3 years, while the average replacement period for a smartphone is only one year.

iPhone SE and Sony Xperia Compact XZ2:

It should be noted that there is support for just one SIM card. True, in latest models eSIM appeared - .

As for everything else, including characteristics, availability of applications, shooting quality, etc., in this regard, the iPhone is not particularly different from other devices on the market. Android based. What's better? It's up to you to decide. You can go to some electronics hypermarket and compare the iPhone with another smartphone you like.

Be that as it may, we found out that the iPhone is also a smartphone that has its own characteristics.

In 2007, on June 29, he entered retail sales The smartphone, called the iPhone, was invented by Apple. At that time, few people knew that his popularity would increase so much. The design of the device was very simple, the only thing that made it stand out was the image of an apple on the lid. The iPhone looks like a very popular player from Apple called “ iPod Touch" At that time, the 3.5-inch screen seemed very large, so the device attracted attention. It is very convenient to use because touch screen has increased sensitivity, and the device itself takes up very little space, so you can carry it in a small pocket. Although the main advantage of the iPhone is not appearance, but functionality. ABOUT technical specifications we'll tell you below.
The first thing worth noting is that the iPhone is a very high-quality communicator. It can perform several functions at once, for example, you can sit on ICQ and download files from the Internet, while listening to your favorite music. Many programs and applications have been developed for the iPhone; approximately thousands of programs can cope with any user needs. The device has a built-in 2 megapixel camera, without flash, auto focus or mirror. The pictures had a resolution of 1600 by 1200 pixels; the camera is one of the shortcomings of the iPhone. To access the Internet, GPRS/EDGE and Wi-Fi were used, but already at that time there were models that used latest networks, such as 4G and 3G.
It was originally built into the iPhone email client. The main advantage is the ability to operate the device for up to 8 hours in talk mode, and in audio listening mode – 16 hours. The amount of memory depends on the model and ranges from 8-16 gigabytes; there is enough memory for absolutely any need. The iPhone is distinguished by an interface that is not similar to other phones and smartphones. It also has several benefits that other phones don't have, such as Multitouch technology, an accelerometer, a light sensor, and a distance sensor. Multitouch technology allows you to use multiple fingers when working with a smartphone, for example, when moving your fingers in opposite directions, the image size increases. The distance sensor locks the screen when a person brings the device to the ear, this protects against accidental clicks. The light sensor is also very useful, which automatically sets a certain brightness depending on your location, for example, in a dark room the screen becomes brighter.

The accelerometer is used when turning the smartphone when it is in a horizontal position - the screen automatically rotates. You can turn off the alarm by shaking the iPhone using the accelerometer, which is also very convenient. But using an iPhone as a phone is not very convenient, because there is no MMS support.

Features and characteristics of the iPhone smartphone

On at the moment The iPhone is considered a revolutionary new generation smartphone, with which you can make calls by dialing a name or selecting your favorite numbers. It has synchronization with the contact list with the PC and the Internet. With it you can select voice messages and listen to them in a given sequence, just like in an email. The iPhone uses the latest user interface, which significantly distinguishes it from other similar devices. Currently, Apple has 300 patents that provide the device with high quality. Most smartphones won't be able to match Apple's performance in the next few years.
The iPhone is also very convenient for making calls, and making calls is much easier than from other phones. You can select a name or number, create a list of favorite numbers, and so on. You can quickly merge calls and create a conference while communicating on the phone. It is also very convenient to send SMS messages because there is predictive typing that corrects any errors in the text. You need to type a message using the touch keyboard; it is much faster and more pleasant than pressing standard keys. All letters are arranged in the same way as on a classic keyboard. On iPhone there is voicemail With the Visual Voicemail feature, you can organize your message listening in the way that suits you best. You can distribute the importance of messages depending on your contact list.
The new iPhones have a 5 megapixel camera. Eat special application for photo editing that outperforms other smartphone apps. When connected, it immediately synchronizes with the computer. To view your photos, you only need to click one button, and you can also upload your photos to the Mac Web Gallery.
You can choose your favorite ringtone song among 500,000 songs in iTunes Store. To do this, select a song and edit it as you wish. You can edit the entire song or just one fragment, change the strength and volume of the sound, listen to the fragment in advance, and so on, all this will change the sound of the song in better side. The audio quality is at a very high level, and there is convenient and easy navigation through the list of artists and albums. You simply scroll the screen and quickly find your favorite artist, which is also very convenient. You can download new songs using Cover apps Flow. The ability to watch videos is also very pleasing, because the device’s display is very wide. You can watch TV shows and any movies through the iTunes Store.

It is very convenient to surf the Internet via iPhone; there are email services from Safari and HTML. Browsers are also very advanced, they quickly synchronize bookmarks and so on. You can quickly find it through Safari necessary information at Yahoo and Google. Using your iPhone, you can perform many actions at the same time, view an interesting page on the Internet and download mail messages in EDGE or Wi-Fi. The iPhone is very popular because of the Safari browser, which quickly opens pages on a large screen; you can enlarge a page with one click using Zoom.
Main e-mail on iPhone it is an HTML service, which is why emails are not blocked by IMAP and POP3, and graphics and images are displayed along with text. iPhone has iPhone cards Maps and Google Maps, so you can see the territory from a satellite and receive information about the situation on roads and routes. All this is very simplified, so the device interface is very convenient.
Through the device you can watch videos on YouTube, you can also download home videos to very high speed. If you find an interesting video, you can save it in an email and send it to your friends with a direct link to the file.
The iPhone has a very convenient touch screen, which is developed using innovative technologies. You can control everything that happens on the screen with light finger movements. Printing is done using predictive input, just like swiping through Cover Flow media. To view the image you need to make one click, and it is also very easy to control the image size.
The device has a very sophisticated OS X operating system, which is one of the best at the moment. This means that you have access to the most the best programs for smartphones, including postal service from HTML, well designed Safari browser, and the calendar along with notebook. WITH using iPhone You can perform many actions at once, this is one of its main advantages. You can read interesting materials on the Internet and receive email messages. New programs for of this device will change the way you think about smartphones.

What's the difference between iPhone 5 and iPhone 4s?

Firstly, they differ in appearance. The width of the new iPhone is approximately the same - 58.6 millimeters, but the length is slightly larger - 123.8 millimeters. iPhone advantage 5 is that it is much thinner, its thickness is 7.6 millimeters. The weight of the device is also reduced, it weighs 20% less, namely 112 grams.
Secondly, installed Retina display, which has a resolution of 640x1136 pixels. Of course new display Much better quality and thinner than the previous one, it reproduces colors better, and the image quality does not deteriorate in bright sunlight.
Thirdly, the iPhone 5 model has 4G support, while the previous model had 3G support. Also, the processor of the new model is much more efficient. The graphics chip and processor are twice as powerful as the iPhone 4s. Very attractive new iPhone due to duration battery life. Of course, it remains at the same level, although the size of the smartphone has decreased significantly.
The camera of the new model remains the same - 8 megapixels, but options have appeared, for example, noise reduction, improved quality in twilight, and so on. You can even shoot video in FullHD – 1080p format, but the previous model had regular HD resolution. Front iPhone camera 5 writes high quality video with a resolution of 720p.
The new iPhone has its own 3D maps, but the previous model was equipped only with Google Maps. The new model is also equipped with the Siri voice assistant, of course, it was in the previous model, but in the fifth iPhone voice assistant has been updated to the new version.

Disadvantages of iPhone 5

The new cards from Apple are most often discussed, and many consider them to be a disadvantage. The maps of the US and other countries are very well designed, but the rest of the maps are poorly designed, so users cannot use them. Many Russian cities are not on the list at all, and instead of Kyiv they wrote the name - Kylv. Most houses and shops are not displayed correctly, but the streets are displayed. But the most unpleasant thing is that it is impossible to return to standard Google maps, they were even removed from the AppStore. But they left the Yandex navigator.
After the update, the Siri function learned to distinguish between Korean, Japanese and even Chinese, but Russian is still not on the list. Considering that Siri distinguishes between British, Canadian and American pronunciation, this is a significant drawback; users from Russia will not be able to use this function.
Many people condemn the iPhone for communication problems, for example, the fourth version did not work well cellular network, for example, if a person did not hold the smartphone well. After the update to iOS 6 occurred, complaints appeared about Wi-Fi connection. It later turned out that this is due to the fact that the person does not respond to the iCloud agreement.

Even though the display has increased to 4 inches, it does have its drawbacks. Applications that were relevant before launch with strange black bars across the entire screen that appear at the bottom and top. All this is due to the fact that applications are designed for a 3.5-inch display. It is quite possible that applications will be rewritten and take into account changes in screen sizes.
The new iPhone has a Lighting connector and this is a disadvantage because previous accessories for the iPhone have become irrelevant. They do not fit this connector, you will have to buy them again external batteries and cables. You also need to take into account that the fifth version accepts the latest SIM cards, which are called nano-SIM. Therefore, switching from the fourth iPhone to the fifth is very problematic; you will have to spend money not only on the smartphone itself, but also on many applications and gadgets for the Lighting connector. It further turned out that using iPhone 5 without a special protective “bumper” case is almost impossible. The coating scratches very easily, including the display. The paint peels off quickly from aluminum, which spoils the exterior iPhone view 5.
Whether you buy an iPhone or not is up to you, if you want to make calls, just have a simple phone if you need additional features– it’s worth taking a closer look at the iPhone 5.