Retribution Paladin Guide - WoW JP. Retro Paladin, everything you need to know!: Archive: outdated paladin themes Paladin Retribution 5.4 8 pvp

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PvE guide to Holy Paladin

PvE guide to Retri Paladin

PvP guide for Retri Paladin 5.3.8

1. Talents
2. Symbols

3. Characteristics
4. Stones/Inchat
5. Rotation

6. Macros

7. Bis

1. Talents

Tier 1

Speed ​​of light - gives a good, but temporary increase in speed. It will be very helpful in important moments when you need to react or run away from a puddle.

Tier 2

From the position of evil, the choice fell on this talent, because... in Pandari patches we are fighting against humanoids.

Tier 3

Sacred Shield - absorbs the same amount of damage as the Eternal Flame heals, but it may look a little more attractive due to the fact that it makes incoming damage “smoother”, cannot go into overheal and does not consume light energy.

Tier 4

Unbroken Spirit - allows you to use some cooldowns more often and should be standard choice for all battles.

Tier 5

Sacred Wrath - allows us to reduce the restoration time of Justice by 50%, especially when using Justice it gives us the accumulation of 1 unit of light, and the healing efficiency increases by 20%.

Tier 6

Hammer of Light will be the best choice in the vast majority of situations, as it provides both good AoE damage and decent AoE healing.

2. Symbols

There are several symbols that may be useful in some situations:

Combat symbol is intactowner- this symbol will provide quite a lot of passive healing for the raid.

Alabaster Shield Symbol- If you successfully block an attack, the damage done by your next Shield of the Righteous ability will increase by 20%. Stacks up to 3 times.

Glyph of Directed Shield Throw- “Avenger's Shield” hits 2 fewer targets, but deals 30% more damage to them.

Symbol of consecration - You can now cast the Consecration spell on a specified area within a 25m radius.

Symbol of Divine Protection- reduces the magical damage limitation imposed by the Divine Protection spell by 20%, but now the physical damage received will be reduced by 20%.

Symbol of the Hammer of the Righteous- increases the duration of the limitation of received physical damage imposed by the spell “Hammer of the Righteous” by 50%.

Glyph of Avenging Wrath - while the Avenging Wrath spell is active, you restore 1% of your maximum health every 2 sec.

Symbol of Uncontrollable Wrath- the “Wrath of Heaven” spell deals an additional 50% damage to enemies who have less than 20% health.

Small symbols are cosmetic in nature and do not affect your game in any way.

3. Priority of characteristics

Stamina > Hit (7.5%) > Mastery (15%) > Speed ​​> Mastery

Endurance. Main characteristics of tanks. Most bosses have hits that cannot be avoided and the damage from which cannot be reduced. You need to gain enough stamina to survive such attacks. Generally, the stamina from the gear will be sufficient in most cases.

Parry and Dodge. Both statistics give the tank an avoidance - that is, complete avoidance of damage. It is very important that you should always have 2-2.5 times more Parry than Evasion. The reason for this is different dimming when setting these characteristics. In other words, Parry loses effectiveness much more slowly than Dodge. Always keep these characteristics balanced.

Mastery. The Holy Bulwark increases the chance of blocking melee attacks, and also increases the effectiveness of the Shield of the Righteous.

Accuracy. Reduces the chance of a miss against all opponents. The hit cap for a paladin in Pandaria is 7.5% or 2550 hit rating (2210 for draenei). This value will allow you to avoid misses against level 93 bosses.

Mastery. Determines the enemy's likelihood to dodge or parry your attacks. In patch 5.4, you need to reach 15% mastery (5100 rating) to eliminate the chance of your attacks being parried. Some races, due to bonuses, need slightly less skill rating to reach the cap:

Dwarves with blunt weapons

People with swords or blunt weapons

Which cap you need depends on the selected stat priority. The Accuracy and Mastery set increases the generation of Light Energy.

Speed. Increases attack speed and, thanks to Holy Battle, increases the rate of generation of Light Energy, which increases the survivability of the paladin, allowing you to use the Shield of the Righteous more often.

4. Stones/Inchat


Special Socket Uncut Primal Diamond

Red Socket Clear Primordial Ruby / Imperial Guardian Amethyst / Baneful Sunset Onyx

Blue Nest Durable Heart of the River / Powerful Native Jade / Lightning Native Jade

Yellow Nest Soft Sunlight


Shoulders Great Mark of Bull Horn

Back +200 stamina / +180 accuracy

Chest +300 stamina

Wrists +180 Evasion / +170 Mastery

Hands +170 Mastery / +170 Speed

Belt Live steel belt buckle

Legs Ironscale Overlays

Feet+140 mastery Shield+170 parry

Weapon River Song

5. Rotation

One goal

Hit the Warrior of Light Strike on CD to generate ES.
Hit Judgment on CD to generate ES.
Use Avenger's Shield (regardless of the Great Warrior of Light proc).
Use the talent from Tier 6.
Use Heaven's Wrath.
Hit the Hammer of Wrath when the target is below 20% health.
Use Sanctification.

Multiple targets

Paladin tank in 5.4 should switch to AoE rotation only if dealing with 4+ enemies. Otherwise, maintain a normal single-target rotation.

The differences between the rotations are as follows:

Replace Warrior of Light's Strike with Hammer of the Righteous.
Consecration will be a higher priority than Avenger's Shield without use.

Survival Abilities

Prot Pal has two survivability abilities that he should use frequently in battle.
Shield of the Righteous should be used before heavy hits or periods of heavy damage to soften it.
Celebration should be used in difficult moments when healers are unable to heal the tank. You should always use this spell with three charges of Holy Energy.

Game Improvement

Survival and Shield of the Righteous

Shield of the Righteous has a cooldown of 1.5 seconds and reduces physical damage taken by 25% for 3 seconds. Reuse spells will prolong the existing effect.
In addition, using Shield of the Righteous will grant the prot paladin the Bastion of Glory effect, which stacks up to 5 times, increasing the healing from the next Triumph (applied to yourself) by 10% per stack of the effect (i.e., up to 50%).
The effectiveness of both effects is enhanced by Mastery.
It is important to remember that the Shield of the Righteous only reduces physical damage and has no effect on magical attacks.
You should maintain as much uptime as possible on Shield of the Righteous whenever you are hit by significant boss attacks. This will also build up charges of Bastion of Glory, allowing you to heal with Triumph when needed.

6. Macros


Most Paladin macros are based on casting a spell on a target with the cursor over it:

#showtooltip Hand of Protection
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Protection
#showtooltip Hand of Salvation
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Salvation
#showtooltip Hand of Freedom
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Freedom
#showtooltip Hand of Sacrifice
/cast [@mouseover] Hand of Sacrifice
These macros will allow you to apply various Hands to the target under the cursor.

#showtooltip Lay on Hands
/cast [@mouseover] Lay on Hands

Places an Imposition on the target under the cursor.

/cast [@mouseover]Cleanse

This macro applies Cleanse to the target targeted by the cursor.

#showtooltip Divine Shield
/cast Divine Shield

This macro interrupts the current spell and casts Divine Shield on the target.

/cast [@focus,exists] Rebuke

This macro applies Rebuke as your focus target, if there is none, then to the direct target.

#showtooltip Divine Shield
/cast Divine Shield
/cancelaura Divine Shield

This macro will allow you to apply/cancel Divine Shield. Cancel Divine Shield is useful if you use Divine Shield to reset debuffs and continue tanking the boss. If you are affected by a divine shield, the boss will attack the target with the next highest amount of aggro.

/cancelaura Hand of Protection

Allows you to cancel Hand of Protection for the same reasons as Divine Shield.

7. Bis

Head: Faceguard of Winged Triumph Bloodthirsty current (Token)
Breast: Chestguard of Winged Triumph Sha of Pride (Token)
Wrists: Bubble-Burst Bracers Glubiny
Hands: Handguards of Winged Triumph Nazgrim (Token)
Legs: Legplates of Unthinking Strife Garrosh Hellscream
Shoulders: Shoulderguards of Winged Triumph Siege Master Blackfuse (Token)
Cloak: Qian-Ying, Fortitude of Niuzao Legendary
Belt: Demolisher's Reinforced Belt The Iron Giant
Feet: Malkorok's Giant Stompers Malkorok
Neck: Juggernaut's Ignition Keys The Iron Giant
Rings: Bloodclaw Band Kor'kron dark shamans
Asgorathian Blood Seal Siege Master Chernoflavs
Weapon: Siegecrafter's Forge Hammer Siege Master Chernoflavs
Bulwark of the Fallen General General Nazgrim

Thok's Tail Tip

The current is bloodthirsty

Vial of Living Corruption


Changes in Mists of Pandaria patch 5.4
Symbols: Large symbols, Small symbols
Rotation, Burst
Characteristics weight
Stones, Special stones
Consumable Items
BiS raid content T16
Frequently Asked Questions
Races: Alliance Horde


Mouth guards have been changed. Now in PVE you need to have 7.5% accuracy and skill. The caps you collect will give you a spell accuracy cap (15%). In addition, the mastery cap excludes ANY parries. But the target can still block blows delivered to the face.
Basic symbols have been removed from the game.
We receive spell power at the rate of 50% of attack power, but we do not receive it from the corresponding buffs.
No more auras. Paladins of all specializations receive the Aura of Devotion - a full-fledged raid cooldown.
Blessing of Might now increases Mastery.
T13 bonuses have been revised due to changes in mechanics: 2T13 increase DPS damage by 15%, 4T13 increase Templar's Verdict damage by 10%.
Justice is considered a magical attack, i.e. it is affected by spell hits, and Judgment no longer triggers chants and trinkets that activate when dealing melee damage. In addition, the ability's cooldown has been reduced to 6 seconds. Today, Judgment is still a melee attack with a radius of 30 m.
In addition to the Warrior of Light's Strike, JudgmentHammer of Wrath, and Exorcism generate 1 charge of Light's Power.
The Hammer of Wrath is associated with our mastery. Mastery now triggers from dealing damage with Hammer of Wrath.
Interrogation now has a DoT mechanic: the remaining duration is added to the new duration when refreshing it between 0 and 2 seconds of remaining duration.
Exorcism basically has no casting time; the ability's cooldown can be reset thanks to the Art of War talent. No longer has 100% critical strike chance against undead and demons.
Holy Battle now reduces the cooldown of Hammer of the Righteous (available to Retribution paladins), Hammer of Wrath, Judgment, and Exorcism.
Thanks to the talent Unlimited Persuasion, the maximum number of units of Holy Power has been increased to 5, however, finishing abilities cannot use more than 3 units (Templar's Verdict and Divine Storm, by the way, are ONLY available with 3 units).
The critical damage coefficient for magic has been increased to x2. This will only affect Exorcism.
Inquiry now grants an additional 10% critical strike chance.
Sword of Light is now our main source of mana regeneration, since Judgment no longer provides active mana regen.
Consecration and Heaven's Wrath are no longer available in the Retribution tree.

Patch 5.4 changes

The main changes regarding our DPS are a decrease in the cooldown and stacks of Defender of Ancient Kings (in general, this is a burst nerf, but an increase in constant DPS), as well as an increase in the duration of Inquiry to 20 seconds for 1 Holy Power.

Holy Battle - additionally affects the cooldown of the Holy Shock ability.
Banish Evil - 15 second cooldown. (Please note: The symbol of the severity of guilt will be redone, which will be discussed later.)
Seal of Epiphany - no longer has a chance to restore mana during attacks.
Defender of Ancient Kings - cooldown reduced from 5 to 3 minutes. The maximum number of stacks has been reduced to 12.
Inquiry - lasts 20 seconds per charge of Light, instead of 10 seconds.

Hammer of Light - works as a “smart” healing. Heals the 6 most wounded allies in range. Small guardians are no longer affected by the ability (wild imps, bloodworms, snakes from a snake trap, etc.). The overall change from the ability remains unchanged.
Eternal Flame - periodic effect heals 40% more.
Sacred Shield
Light: the ability puts up a shield instantly, can be used on several targets at the same time, but now the talent costs mana and has three charges with a 10-second cooldown.
Defense: effectiveness reduced by 30%.
Selfless Healer - in addition to the existing effects, the Judgment ability generates a charge of Holy Power for healing paladins. Stacks of the effect of Selfless Healer reduce the cast time, cost and increase the effectiveness of Divine Light, Flash of Light and Holy Radiance.
Burden of Guilt - replaced by a new talent - From the Position of Evil, which allows the paladin to use the Banish Evil ability on players and animals.
Hand of Purification - Reduces damage from hostile periodic effects by 80% (instead of 70%) and reduces damage taken from hostile periodic effects that cannot be prevented by immunity effects by 40% (instead of 0%).
Unbroken Spirit - simplified ability. Reduces the cooldown of Divine Shield, Divine Protection and Lay on Hands by 50%.
Death Sentence - when the effect dissipates, it instantly deals damage five times the last tick.
Delayed Retribution - when the effect dissipates, instantly heals five times the amount of the last tick.

New big ones
Glyph of Divine Shield - removing hostile effects with the Divine Shield ability heals the Paladin for each effect removed. Healing cannot exceed a certain % of the Paladin's maximum health.
Glyph of Hand of Sacrifice - The Hand of Sacrifice ability no longer transfers damage from the target to the Paladin.
Inquiry symbol - redesigned. Now increases the duration of the Inquiry effect by 30 seconds (up to 2 minutes) each time the paladin lands a final blow on an experience or honor granting target.
alabaster shield - increases the damage of the next Shield of the Righteous ability by 10% per stack (instead of 20%).


No more magic resistance.
Auto-attacks with less damage (glances), only on mobs that are 3 levels higher, happen 24% of the entire battle time. Glance deals 75% damage and has no critical effect. Bosses have a resistance to critical physical hits of 4.8% and resistance to spells of 2.1%. This means that your critical strike rating will be less than what you can see in the character window.
The critical hit rating cap for auto attacks is 71.2% (100% - 24% glazing - 4.8% resistance). Critical strike ratings above this level will no longer have an effect.
The critical hit cap is either 95.2% (100% - 4.8% resistance) or 100% (104.8% - 4.8%). Both are not available for Retro Paladin equipment.
The hit cap for melee DD is 7.5%, which in turn is equal to 2,550 (2,210 for draenei) at level 90 and 769 (666 for draenei) at level 85. This cap will allow you not to miss a mile with attacks. For the Strike of the Warrior of Light and the Templar's Verdict, this accuracy cap is required.
The accuracy cap for spells is 15%. We get a 7.5% chance of spells hitting the target with the mastery cap (also 7.5%). Spell hit is required for: Hammer of Wrath and Exorcism.
The Retribution Paladin needs to have 7.5% mastery (2550 rating at level 90, 769 at level 85). Humans and dwarves must have a 2,210 (at level 85 - 666) rating when carrying certain types of weapons.
Basic Attacks, Crusader's Strike, Templar's Verdict, and Hammer of the Righteous count as melee attacks that use accuracy and critical strike rating. However, these attacks can be parried or dodged.
Hammer of Wrath can be dodged, but cannot be parried. Does not count as a melee attack.


The usual talent trees have been reworked, and now every 15 levels you can choose one from 3 talents. It should be noted right away that the main and most important talents are MOSTLY provided by default, however, some familiar ones will still have to be selected. This is the case for all classes. The choice of talents will depend on your playstyle, encounter and tactics, as well as the role assigned to you in it. Raid Dungeon Talent Tips will be posted later.
First shooting range

Tier 1 talents are related to movement speed.

The choice is optional depending on the encounter and your role in it. All three options can be useful.

Second tier

Control. That says it all.

In PvE the choice is yours. It is unlikely that you will have to kite anyone, so the choice will lie between the first two talents.

Third tier

Healing and damage reduction.

Since in raids we spend the Power of Light only for our main goal - causing damage, the choice should be made between the first and third talents. Again, the choice is situational.

Tier four

The fourth tier is mainly useful for PVP.

In PVE, the second talent seems to be the most useful, since very often you have to “catch” AoE damage with Divine Protection.

Fifth tier

Actually, talents that affect DPS.

Now we are forced to choose between strong burst and stable tunnel damage. The Holy Punisher, besides the fantastic animation that replaces our weapon with the Incinerator itself, has the greatest potential, since now, although it only lasts 1518 seconds, we will spend exactly half of our GCD on the Templar's Verdict.

As for burst, Defender of Ancient Kings now deals significantly more damage directly with melee weapons.

Although more benefits can be obtained taking into account the joint use of Avenger's Wrath and Avenger Saint at 4t14.

Tier six

New abilities aimed at healing and dealing damage. In my opinion, defense paladins have been somewhat shortchanged.

If the Hammer of Light for Retribution is applicable only for AOE phases, then the situation with the other two talents is more interesting. Thus, the Divine Prism can be used more often than the Death Sentence, which on average can help avoid downtime in the rotation, and the Divine Prism has a cleave element. But if the circumstances are successful, the Death Sentence inflicts on 1 target huge amount damage, especially during burst, and the effectiveness of the ability depends on the chance of dealing critical damage. If the last ticks and the final burst are critical, then this ability is significantly ahead of the Divine Prism in terms of DPS per target.

Symbiosis with the Druids

In Mists of Pandaria, druids were given an extremely interesting ability with original mechanics - Symbiosis. If we talk only about the Retribution paladin, then we get a very controversial reciprocal bonus - Wrath. Perhaps it will help to snare a target in PvP, but the absence of the light magic component in the damage makes the scaling from Inquiry equal to zero.


Large symbols

The situation here is somewhat sad: we have practically no symbols that could increase our DPS. I will list only those that are relevant for the specialization in question.

The symbol of harsh words will help you if during the battle the boss is outside the melee zone more often than you would like. It must be admitted that the symbol is more suitable for paladins of the Light specialization.

The symbol of instant recognition is only relevant when completing quests, since without the symbol, the Seal of Truth begins to win in terms of DPS after 7-8 seconds of battle.

The symbol of repeated punishment is applicable only if there is a second target, in addition to the boss, on which the buff from the symbol can be constantly maintained.

Glyph of Inquiry is only useful for those players who cannot reach the 99% uptime of this ability. Using the symbol leads to a decrease in DPS, so I strongly recommend using any of the addons that help track buffs/debuffs, and the importance of Inquiry has increased, due to the fact that this ability also gives a 10% chance of inflicting critical damage.

Small symbols

Small symbols are cosmetic in nature. Allow you to change the animation of some spells or add role-playing abilities.

But it should be noted that the small symbol of the falling punisher, when using the Punisher’s Wrath, the falling speed slows down) sometimes saves lives)


Single target

The Retribution Paladin rotation in Mists of Pandaria is similar to the old rotation, which is more of a priority system. Single target priority:

Inquiry > Templar's Verdict (5 Light Power) > Hammer of Wrath > Exorcism > Strike of the Warrior of Light > Judgment >

Firstly, your goal is Inquiry uptime close to 100%. We update 2-3 seconds before the end of the effect and so that we do not have to update during the burst (during the effect of Holy Punisher, Punisher's Wrath, Defender of Ancient Kings).

Secondly, we use the finisher (Templar's Verdict) only when: 1) it is available (we have at least 3 units of Light Power); 2) all our Light Power generators are on CD. That is, we try to use a finisher with only five units of Light Power, but if the SS is from 3 to 4, and the generators are on CD, we press the finisher. “Empty” GCDs can be skipped or spent on non-rotational abilities (whether it be refreshing Holy Shield, pressing Divine Prism or Flash of Light with 3 stacks of Selfless Healer). When single target, always use Seal of Truth.

As for the priority of the Strike of the Warrior of Light and Justice: in terms of DPE, these abilities are at the same level, therefore it is optimal to use them in priority of recovery time. What does it mean? Let's look: if you have 0 units of Light Power (let's say Exorcism on CD), then your priority should be to use the ability with a shorter recovery time first, since this will allow you to do the following at 0 Light Power - Strike of the Warrior of Light, Judgment, pause, Strike of the Warrior of Light, which will allow us to gain 3 units of Light Power, which we can use to our advantage. Otherwise, if you have 1 unit of Light Power or more, then your priority should be to use first the ability with more for a long time recovery (Justice), since this in turn will allow you to gain 3 or more units of Light Power, spend them on the finisher, while the recovery time of the generator with a longer cooldown will expire.

Of the level 90 talents, the optimal one if you have only one target is Death Sentence.

In 5.2, the Strike of the Warrior of Light becomes more important from 4t15: we can get tasty benefits from it. Therefore, Strike of the Warrior of Light has a higher priority than Judgment, not only in the normal rotation phase, but also in the burst phase.

The target debuff from Exorcism at 2t15 doesn't make it higher in priority than Hammer of Wrath, which doesn't change the pattern of our priorities after getting 2t15.

IMPORTANT With 4t15 if there is a proc and with less than 5 units of the Power of Light with the available Strike of the Warrior of Light, DO NOT USE Strike of the Warrior of Light, but use the proc Templar’s ​​Verdict to prevent the buff from updating.

IMPORTANT When high level of your melee weapon, the priority of Exorcism for DPS in a solo target becomes lower than that of the Strike of the Warrior of Light and Justice, this should be taken into account when increasing your overall ilvl.

From 4t16, the potential of the Divine Plan increases, which also affects the priority of characteristics. Having 4 items from the t16 set and using the talent Divine Design modifies our rotation:

Inquiry > Death Sentence > Templar's Verdict / Divine Storm (5 Holy Power) > Divine Plan (if less than 2 sec. left) > Item - Paladin T16 Retri... > Hammer of Wrath > Warrior of Light Strike > Judgment > Exorcism > Divine Plan > Templar's Verdict (3–4 units of Light Power).

Multiple targets

AOE rotation is very similar to single target rotation.

Inquiry > Divine Storm (5 units of Light Power) > Hammer of Wrath > Exorcism > Hammer of the Righteous > Judgment > Divine Storm (3–4 units of Light Power).

IN at the moment rotation in AoE using the Hammer of the Righteous instead of the Strike of the Warrior of Light is justified if there are at least 3-4 targets (at high Mastery values ​​- 3 targets, at low values ​​- 4), since with a smaller number the Strike of the Warrior of Light will give more DPS. Divine Storm on 3 targets already exceeds Templar's Verdict in DPS due to the fact that it has a magical basis for damage, i.e. not subject to reduction due to armor. The Seal of Righteousness is used instead of the Seal of Truth when there are at least 3 opponents. I remind you that changing the seal causes GCD, and wasting this GCD is a loss of DPS, so if possible, try to change the seal before the start of the AoE - or single-target phase.

Among the level 90 talents, Divine Prism and Hammer of Light have an AoE component. Speaking of Hammer of Light, when used on 2 targets it is equivalent to Death Sentence, provided that both targets have received all the ticks. When it is possible to hit more than 2 opponents with the Hammer of Light on cooldown, this talent outperforms Death Sentence. Divine Prism wins if additional targets last less than 8 seconds and their spawn cannot be synchronized with Hammer of Light's cooldown.

From 4t15 to 5.2, Templar's Verdict with the benefit of the set bonus on 2 targets has more benefits than Divine Storm.


Thanks to the fact that Judgment allows you to stack Censure and the shorter cooldown of this ability, which is also reduced by the Holy Battle talent, we can maintain Censure on more than 2 targets. You may find the macros for Justice by focus and selecting the previous target and Justice by mouseover useful (they are available in the macros section). Let me remind you that we get the greatest effect from a multidot if the targets live for a long time.

I also recommend using the Symbol of Repeated Punishment when multidoting..., since Reprimand is often supported by Justice, and its cooldown allows you to maintain DoT, alternating targets (main and, for example, focus). In this case, according to the DPE, Justice becomes higher than the Strike of the warrior of light and acquires a higher priority.


Since Cataclysm, the Retribution Paladin is perhaps the best burst machine in the game, as our specialization has powerful cooldowns that can allow us to deliver tons of damage at the right time. But for this you need to know HOW to do it correctly.

So in Mists of Pandaria we have several options for dealing burst damage. Firstly, good old Fanaticism has become an optional talent, slightly changed and becoming even more powerful, this is our Holy Punisher. Secondly, the talent Sacred Wrath (also optional) now increases the duration of Avenging Wrath by 50% (i.e. up to 30 seconds) and reduces the recovery time of Hammer of Wrath by half.

Let's consider the options.

Burst from the pool

In 5.2, using it with a 4t11 pool on a tank no longer works, so let’s pay tribute to this abuse under the spoiler.

If you are in range, then use the raid combo Judgment > Exorcism > (in miles) Strike of the Warrior of Light to gain 3 units of Light Power and activate Inquiry. It looks something like this:

[–0:01] prepot

Justice 1 SS

Exorcism 2 SS

Warrior of Light Strike 3 SS

Inquiry 0 SS

Justice 1 SS

Warrior of Light Strike 2 SS

Avenging Wrath + Holy Avenger

Hammer of Wrath 5 SS

Templar's Verdict 2 SS

If Holy Wrath is taken

In this case, the scheme is slightly modified:

[–0:01] prepot

Justice 1 SS

Exorcism 2 SS

Warrior of Light Strike 3 SS

Inquiry + Avenging Wrath 0 SS

Hammer of Wrath 1 SS

Justice 2 SS

Hammer of Wrath 3 SS

Warrior of Light Strike 4 SS

Hammer of Wrath 5 SS

Templar's Verdict 2 SS

I would not recommend reaping Avenger's Wrath from the pool for 2 reasons: there is no Inquiry buff (that is, no +30% damage to light magic and 10% crit) and you can simply disrupt aggro from the tank. If the Defender of Ancient Kings is summoned already in battle, then it is better to reap Avenging Wrath with the Sacred Wrath taken along with it.

Characteristics and equipment


Your main characteristic should be strength.
Accuracy and mastery caps should be achieved through reforging first and foremost.


Reforging allows you to change 40% of a minor stat to another that is not on the item. For example, if an item has a critical strike rating, you cannot add it, but if an item does not have that rating, then you can change 40% of another stat (Mastery, Haste, Hit, or Mastery) to a critical strike rating. An item with 100 accuracy and no critical strike rating can be reforged with 60 accuracy and 40 critical strike rating. Since we cannot reforge any of the stats into strength, we must focus on other, equally important stats.

Your goals will be:

Accuracy cap. If you have not reached the accuracy cap, then reforge the most “unnecessary”* characteristic into accuracy.
Mastery Cap. If you have reached the hit cap but not the mastery cap, then continue to reforge your “worst” stat into mastery.
If you have reached the cap on accuracy and skill, but there are still items that have not been reforged, then focus on another characteristic that is important to you.
Thus, having collected the cap of accuracy and skill (due to the reforging of crit and mastery, among other things), we reforge less significant characteristics (crit and mastery) into speed.

Cap at level 90
Cap at level 85


2,550 (2,210 for dwarves and humans*)

769 (666 for dwarves and humans*)


2,550 (2,210 for draenei)

769 (666 for draenei)

* for people - when wearing hammers and swords; for dwarves - when carrying axes.

Characteristics weight

In order not to miss auto attacks and special attacks on bosses (level 93 targets), we need 2,550 accuracy rating units (2,210 for draenei). To avoid parries and dodges, you need to collect 2,550 skill rating (2,210 for dwarves and humans when the racial bonus is activated).

Crete 600 0.46

Skill 340 0.82

Speed ​​425 0.68

Accuracy 340 1.10

Mastery 285 0.49

As you can see, the preliminary best secondary characteristic is speed. Moreover, according to theorycrafters’ calculations, speed costs more than 0.5 strength, that is, at the moment, hybrid stones like Flashy Sunset Onyx are better than pure stones with the strength Relief Pristine Ruby

IMPORTANT As already noted in the Rotation section, the combination of 4t16 and the Divine Plan affects not only our rotation, but also the importance of characteristics: due to frequent use For finishers, speed priority drops somewhat, so theorycrafters advise stopping at 42% speed and then maximizing mastery.

Pre-raid equipment

in 5.4 It's simple.... Timeless Island - chests with the Burden of Time which makes 535 items instead of 496, the rest is 496 items + weapons from old LFR raids - PS, SS, TVV, PG (I can buy the Rune of Fate here, on the same island for 500 island coins and throw it on bosses where your weapon drops.

Quickly make the entire wrathion chain for the 608 legendary cloak, now it is done faster.

Also crafts 553 shmotau forge, they are not expensive regs piled up on auction. At the very least, you can also craft 522 and it’s too cheap.

Stones and enchantment. Consumable Items


Nowadays the priority stones are those that give us speed. Below is the priority of stones by socket color.

Socket color

Red - Catchy Sunset Onyx

Yellow - Soft sunshine

Blue - Lightning nugget...


Soft sunshine

Jewelry stone

Embossed snake eye


Rumbling primordial al...

Special stones

The roaring primordial diamond is the most best choice for retry paladins. Strength is our priority characteristic.

A legendary socket to the head will give approximately 5% additional damage to the target, so consider this for yourself, which is more profitable for you.


Head - Mists of Pandaria has removed upgrades for this slot

Cloak - Enchant Cloak - Accuracy / Enchant Cloak - Critical...

Shoulders - Great Fang Mark...

Chest - Enchant Chest - All...

Wrists - Enchant Bracer - Strength... / Enchant Bracer - Mastery...

Gloves - Enchant Gloves - Strength... / Enchant Gloves - Advanced... / Enchant Gloves - Mastery... / Enchant Gloves - Haste...

Belt - Belt buckle made of live...

Legs - Wrathleather Overlays

Feet - Enchant Boots - Walk... / Enchant Boots - Accuracy... / Enchant Boots - Haste...

Weapon - Enchant Weapon - Dance... / Enchant Weapon - Strength with... / Enchant Weapon - Song...
Enchant weapon - dance... - 1 ppm (proc per minute), from a melee attack that reaches the target;
Enchant weapon - song... - 2 ppm, from melee attack, direct magic damage/healing;
Enchant Weapon - Strength with... - 5 ppm, from any direct or periodic damage

We give priority to chants that provide strength or the most useful secondary indicator. For the first time, you can hang the most affordable options. The table does not include improvements available only to members of certain professions. About profession bonuses - in the second part of the guide.

Consumable Items

Infusion: Infusion of biting frost.
Potion: Mogu strength potion.
Food: Pandaren Treat / Black Pepper Ribs….


Punisher's Wrath increases damage dealt and the amount of health you recover by 20%.

While using Avenging Wrath, even if the target's health is above 20%, you can use Hammer of Wrath.

Holy Punisher - When you activate Holy Avenger, abilities that generate Holy Power (Exorcism, Hammer of Wrath, Light Warrior's Strike, Judgment) grant you three charges of Holy Power at once. Using Zealotry reduces the rotation to: Exorcism / Hammer of Wrath / Crusader Strike / Judgment > Templar's Verdict.

It should be noted that now there is no talent for reducing the recovery time of Punisher’s Wrath, therefore combining abilities with different recovery times will only work the first and every third time of using the Holy Punisher.

Protector of ancient kings - While Guardian of Ancient Kings is active, each of your attacks and each of the defender's attacks causes a stacking Ancient Might effect. 10 seconds after activating Defender of Ancient Kings, press Punisher's Wrath and/or 15 seconds after activating Holy Punisher. This will give you maximum burst.

BiS raid content T16

Calculation logic:

DPS calculation = (static characteristic * characteristic weight * characteristic coefficient) + (proc characteristic * characteristic weight * proc uptime [duration/ICD] * proc coefficient)
Odds are based on a 7 minute fight.

You can get higher value scores by scaling better trinkets with Avenging Wrath, Protector of Ancient Kings, Death Sentence.

Used prepot and sweat on the second Defender of Ancient Kings.

Death Sentence is used 5 seconds after the start of the battle and then on cooldown.

Defender of Ancient Kings is used on the pool and further on cooldown.

Inquiry is used 5 seconds after the start of the battle and subsides for no more than 2.5 seconds.

The Tinket proc takes about 5 seconds.

Pressing trinkets are used after 5 seconds and then on CD.

All odds are based on Simcraft data.

The base proc factor is the approximate DPS that a static stat would give or ((static stat * stat weight) + DPS)/DPS.

When you apply Sweat, you gain a % increase in DPS ((4000 Strength * Strength Weight) + DPS)/DPS. A multiplicative model operates.

If Death Sentence is used during a proc, the weight of the proc increases by a factor of 1.05.

If Avenging Wrath is used during a proc, the weight of the proc increases by a factor of 1.2.

If Defender of Ancient Kings is used during a proc, the weight of the proc increases by a factor of 1.17 (the average weight of the ZDK).

If Inquiry is not active, a coefficient of 0.8 is applied.

Thanks to comrade Zephur

Raid Boss Tips

Tips for the Mogu Shan Dungeon Raid

The new section will be updated over time. The tips assume that you are familiar with general battle tactics.






Tips for the Heart of Fear raid






Tips for the Terrace of Eternal Spring raid



Throne of Thunder boss tips










Addons are a matter of taste. Some players play without them, while others don't have them on the screen free space. In this section, we deliberately did not indicate many addons, but focused only on the ones that are most important for retricks.

CLCRet / CLCInfo will help you correctly follow the priority rotation and track the procs of various abilities and buffs.

DeadlyBossMods - nowhere without DBM.

Bartender4 In my opinion, the best substitute for standard panels.

ExtraCD A convenient addon that shows you the remaining duration of procs for trinkets, chants, etc., as well as their internal CD.

OmniCC is an addon that adds notes to items (spells, abilities) that are on cooldown, about when it will be possible to activate them again. This addon works great with the previous one.

Nice Damage - the addon allows you to choose ANY font to display your damage.

Tidy Plates - a replacement for standard name plates.

TellMeWhen / PowerAuras – addons for tracking buffs and debuffs. The possibilities are so extensive that they require a separate guide. I recommend using it to track the procs of trinkets, Collapse and other situational moments.

NeedToKnow is another addon that perfectly helps track various effects, CD, etc.

NugComboBar - for those who are not satisfied with the standard panel with the Power of Light. IN new version Many styles have appeared, very beautiful.

MoveAnything is an addon that allows you to move and resize ANY INTERFACE ELEMENT. is a site designed to help with competent reforging.

Many players advise installing addons such as a threat level meter, frames and addons for panels. Increasing the threat level threatens you with zero DPS and death. Frames and other panels in more efficient places on the screen reduce eye movement and allow you to focus on increasing your DPS.

It is recommended to personalize your panels to suit your needs and playstyle. Having your own panel and a standard one is like comparing lunch in a fashionable restaurant and in a diner, respectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

What seal should I use for PVE?
At the moment there are only 2 PVE seals. Seal of Truth gives us the most DPS on a single target, while Seal of Righteousness gives us the most DPS on multiple targets (5 or more). Also, the Seal of Truth makes it possible to multi-dot targets.

Which weapon suits us better: slow or fast?
If the stats are the same (strength and item level), we should still use slow weapons. Our melee attacks scale with weapon damage, so higher damage on slower weapons is preferable.

What to enchant weapons with?
See above in the "Enchantment" section.
Should I use a faster weapon to gain the Seal of Truth censure faster?
No. Changing weapons means losing DPS. The damage lost from switching weapons far exceeds the damage dealt from reprimand. Moreover, in the conditions of Mists of Pandaria, the damage of Justice does not depend on the selected seal and the number of stacks of Reprimand, and the Seal of Truth does not require 5 stacks of Reprimand.



When it comes to paladins with the greatest damage in PVE, then, of course, the Alliance is in the lead here.


Morale increases accuracy by 1%. A good bonus that will allow you to reforge accuracy on objects, and also provide additional features on various combinations of epic armor. And Naaru's Gift increases the paladin's survivability in both PVE and PVP.


Humans gain 1% proficiency by having a racial specialization in blunt weapons and swords. Racial ability Everyone can give a few extra seconds of DPS in PVE, and in PVP it allows you not to buy a PVP accessory that removes all slowdown effects.


Like humans, dwarves gain an additional 1% proficiency when using blunt weapons. Again, reforging will allow the worst blunt weapons to outperform any other type of weapon thanks to this bonus. Stone form, which removes all effects of poisons, diseases and bleeding with a cooldown of 2 minutes, may not always be useful in PVE.


Blood Elves

A magical stream that interrupts spells and restores 6% of your mana. Since the talent Rebuke has been added to paladins, interrupting spells is no longer a problem.


Thunderstrike - two-second AOE stun and increased health. Possible use in PVP, but not always in PVE.


Alchemy: Mixology adds an additional 320 power points to the Flask of Biting Frost, and also increases the duration of the effects of all infusions. In general, the characteristics increased by alchemy can be compared to those increased by blacksmithing, enchanting and inscription, however, the longer duration of infusions has its advantages. A new alchemy stone will become useful before receiving raid trinkets - Alchemy Zen Stone.

Blacksmithing- gives additional sockets in wrists and gloves that allow you to insert 2 stones. No different from alchemy, enchanting and inscription.

Enchanting Enchanting a ring gives you 160 strength, that is, 2 rings gives us an additional 320 strength. No different from blacksmithing, alchemy and inscription.

Engineering: Neural springs are a very powerful burst with a short CD. The ghostly dragon...may be useful at the beginning of mastering the content.

Herbalism: Blood of the Earth is a good boost to our specialization, as it gives 6.7% haste for 20 seconds, reducing the cooldown of our abilities. However, bonuses from professions that provide static strength are better.

Typeface- Secret mark of the fang... - gives the same final bonus as other professions.

Jewelry: The embossed snake eye gives an additional 160 power points, and considering that you can insert 2 stones, we have that bonus of 320 power.

Leatherworking: Fur lining - strength gives us an additional 500 strength points on the bracers, which results in a net profit of 330 strength (with 170 strength from the standard chant). This makes the profession one of the most attractive.

Mining: Toughness is the only benefit of Mining and gives 480 stamina, but has no effect on your damage output. No DPS increase, only survivability.

Skinning- Anatomy Expert - increases the critical effect rating by 480, that is, at level 90 it will give 0.8%.

Tailoring and Embroidery in the form of a handle m... gives us 4,000 attack power for 15 seconds and has an internal cooldown, according to my measurements, of 88 seconds, and the chance of triggering is 15%. Taking into account the uptime of 17%, we have approximately 680 relative to the static attack power. And although this embroidery replaces the usual enchantment, 680 to attack power is better than increasing the critical strike rating or accuracy by 180. In addition, the 88-second ICD goes well with the bonus from 4 T14 items.

And may the Light be with you!


#showtooltip /cast Holy Punisher /cast Punisher's Wrath /startattack
#showtooltip /cast Avenging Wrath /cast Hammer of Wrath /startattack

Abilities on 1 button
#showtooltip /cast Ability name; /cast Ability name

Allows you to bind multiple abilities to one button.

#showtooltip /startattack /cast Justice
#showtooltip /cast Divine Prism

You can enter the name of your tank into the macro, the healers will thank you.

#showtooltip /cast Celebration

Multidot macro. Allows Judgment to keep Censure in focus.

#showtooltip Justice /target focus /cast Justice /targetlasttarget

Multidot macro. Allows Justice to support Mouseover Censure

#showtooltip Justice /cast Justice /targetlasttarget

And here is our new guide, this time we will devote it to the most popular spec among Paladins. Meet the Paladin of the Retribution branch in BfA version 8.0.1 World of Warcraft. Let's go over the main points of playing for your favorite class. Is he strong in PvE? Now we will be happy to tell you about it.

Class Overview

In Battle for Azeroth, Rethrick feels great both in single-target combat and in battles with multiple enemies, without being inferior to the power of AoE damage. Not many classes can boast of this. In this regard, Retro Pal is such an all-rounder that can be very useful in raids at the moment. Yes, he may not occupy top positions in the DPS Rating, but he confidently remains at the top of this list.


  • Very significant burst damage both in a solo target and in a situation with many targets.
  • An excellent opportunity to quickly switch between targets with no DPS drawdown. Very useful in battles when you have to change targets frequently.
  • The presence of Blessed Freedom and other pleasant utility opportunities to help allies and yourself, for example, the very same Blessing of Protection, which will give immunity to physical damage and, more interestingly, to all weakening effects. Another equally important skill available to us in the Retribution branch is the Great Blessing of Wisdom - an excellent means of replenishing mana for yourself or an ally who has spent their mana.
  • In addition, we have more significant self-def abilities in the skill book. The first of them is the Shield of Retribution, which gives us both a shield that absorbs damage and area damage when the shield goes down. The second is our favorite book that will save your life more than once. Divine Shield, which gives absolute invulnerability. And if you took the talent at the seventy-fifth level, then Eye for an Eye which also increases your damage.


  • We only have one weak side due to the fact that Retri Pal is, as we have already said, universal. This weakness, as you may have guessed, is our mobility. Compared to other classes, we really miss it.


And so Retribution Paladins are naturally a melee DPS specialization, with an incredibly simple play style. The skills at our disposal are quite simple and effective. While their damage output is solid, they are not the best at single target damage or AoE damage. But unlike others, they can show consistently good performance in both of these elements. That is why this class is considered universal.

The only difficulty in combat is that you will need to manage your generation and expenditure of Light Energy charges in order to maximize your damage.


Let's look at the talents we have chosen and give you a short description of them.

Tier 1: Fanaticism (level 15)

After using Justice, it gives us a buff to increase the speed of basic attacks and their strength by adding light damage. A very nice bonus.
Tier 2: Hammer of Wrath (level 30)

This talent will help us during the Execution period in the fight against bosses, as well as when using the Holy War, helping us gain damage to the maximum.
Tier 3: Fist of Justice (level 45)

Reduces the CD of our stun due to skills that spend accumulated charges of Light Energy. Not so bad, using a hammer won't hurt us for control.
Tier 4: Consecration (level 60)

Casts a puddle that deals damage to everyone nearby, while giving Light Energy. Very helpful.
Tier 5: Unbroken Spirit (level 75)

This talent reduces the cooldowns of our defensive abilities. Very good.
Tier 6: Selfless healer (level 90)

Retrik’s universal talent will allow him to heal both himself and others in need if something happens.
Tier 7: Holy War (level 100)

Similar to Punisher's Wrath, but much more interesting. Under the influence of this talent, when we spend charges of Light Energy, we increase the damage dealt and speed.


At the moment, Speed ​​is the dominant characteristic. Skill, on the other hand, greatly diminishes in usefulness. Here we have made a scheme for prioritizing stats according to their importance.

Strength (our primary stat) > Speed ​​(our secondary stat) > Versatility/Critical Strike > and lastly, Mastery.

Update 8.0.1 brings a lot of new features when it comes to features. In BFA our stats will be compressed and they won't be as big in numerical value like in Legion.

But let's look at them in more detail and try to reason.

Strength is your main stat, which will be present on all Plate armor that we will wear. Strength directly increases our attack power and skill damage.

The choice of secondary characteristic here will be very simple. We give preference to Speed, but you are free to consider other options.

  • Speed: Increases attack speed and casting speed. The most important thing is that it reduces the cooldown time of many of your abilities. That's why we put it first.
  • Critical hit will increase the chance of additional effectiveness on attacks and healing. Quite useful, but not as it seems at first glance compared to what we suggested just above.
  • Mastery: Increases the effectiveness of Mastery: Hand of Light . The efficiency of this skill is not so high, so we sacrifice this stat for the sake of more useful and effective ones.
  • Versatility: Increases damage and healing, and reduces damage taken. In fact, the increase in damage is not so noticeable, so you don’t need to bother too much with this stat either. What will be offered when typing the main characteristics will be enough.


In principle, our rotation will be built around the collection and expenditure of charges of Light Energy. We will accumulate them with some skills, and release them with others.
We start with the priority of skills for gaining Light Energy, and continue to adhere to it until the moment when there are either the maximum number of charges, or if the next skill you use will merge them so as not to create an excess.

Rotation for one target

It will be more of a set of rules, following which you will deal damage corresponding to your equipment. Well, shall we begin?)

  1. We use the Blade of Justice ability. It gives as many as 2 charges, so it should be used first.
  2. Let's use Justice. .
  3. We use the Hammer of Wrath. We will talk about when its use will give maximum profit below.
  4. Let's use Consecration. Even if there is only one target, we still use this skill to increase the already weak DPS, which will remain consistently high.
  5. We use Strike of the Warrior of Light with 1-2 charges. There are some points that may slightly disrupt this rotation. Details are also below.

To release the accumulated charges of Light, with such a build of talents, we only have this skill

  • Templar's Verdict

We advise you to distribute your skills in such a way that you keep a stable number of charges without sacrificing your damage per second. You should also be careful and stop accumulating charges Sveta. After all, you will need skills to recruit them in order to gain all 10 stacks of level one hundred talent under the buff. And besides, we will be able to use the hammer under its influence without waiting for the execution phase. Isn't that great?)
You have not used the Sacred Warrior yet and are planning to do so in the near future.
Your current target's health is below 20 percent.

AoE Rotation

When fighting multiple enemies, we will use basically the same rotation as against a solo target, except that you will be replacing the Templar's Verdict skill with the AoE ability Divine Storm against three or more enemies


Since we have already found out that Speed ​​is the best second characteristic for us, we need to insert exactly the stones that give this indicator, and this is our Lightning of swiftness. You can also consider more budget option these stones are Svetozar of swiftness. They give a little less than +11, but +9 is not much worse, but it is better to stick to the maximum possible increase.


As we already said with enchantment in 8.0.1, there are no difficulties because there are 1-2 types of enchantment we need, sometimes they are equal to each other, but in this case we will only talk about those that we consider the only ones possible to increase your damage in raids.


Since we are playing for Retri Pal, the only possible enchantment that we can make will be Enchant for Necklace - Sign of the Invisible Satyr. The rest are not so useful, so we won’t even consider them.


Everything here is also quite simple. We are trying to enchant to increase our main skill - Strength. Therefore, we enchant specifically for this characteristic.

After all, it is Strength that gives us the biggest increase in DPS. No wonder it is our main characteristic.


With rings, of course, we have a choice. But Pal Retrik, among other stats that can be raised by enchanting rings, naturally chooses Speed, so we again take an unconditional step towards this enchantment. Others are less effective

You can choose others, but understand that if you want to make your DPS consistently high, we advise you to follow our recommendations.

Macros and Addons

In previous guides, we have already given you macros for your def abilities. You can easily use them from our previous guides on. Here we will try to supplement macros useful specifically for Retriks

Macro for Cleansing:

  • #showtooltip Cleanse Toxins
  • /cast [@mouseover] Cleanse Toxins

This macro will remove poisons and diseases from targets at which we aim the mouse. Makrosik will help you out in raids when the main healers do not have time to do it.

Macro for quickly knocking down a cast:

  • #showtooltipRebuke
  • /stopcasting
  • /cast [@focus,exists] Rebuke

This useful macro will cancel your current action and quit

I also advise you to look at the paladin guide:

Guide proto fell 5.4.8 Pve

1. Talents.

2. Symbols

4. Chants/Stones

5. Macros/Prints.

6. Addons.

1. Talents

Tier 1

Long Arm of Justice is the most effective talent for pvp. Can be combined with the symbol of “Judgement”, which will slow down the target when using Justice, and the talent will increase our speed.

Tier 2

Fist of Justice is the best choice in tier 2. Gives a stun on the enemy without casting, it also has an advantage over Repentance, in that when damage is dealt to a target, the target will not leave the stun. The fist of justice was an integral part of LK (in LK it was called the Hammer of Justice).

Tier 3

Selfless Healer is an excellent talent for BG, 1v1, and is also suitable for the 2v2 arena. Those. The main advantage of this talent is its mobility. It makes it possible to use a flash drive on yourself without casting if we have 3 stacks, and each stack increases the casting speed of the flash drive, so it’s a mobile and easy-to-control talent for us. It also heals your partner most effectively.

Tier 4

Softness is the best choice of all, increasing our mobility in the arena.

Tier 5

Holy Punisher - Slightly modified Fanaticism, the essence is the same. Since there is currently no cooldown for the Celebration, you can use it to quickly heal yourself/your partners. Or drain all points for damage (verdict or triumph when the Symbol of Harsh Words is taken). Theoretically, every other GCD you will have three points of Light energy.

Tier 6

Divine Prism - for the greatest effectiveness, you need to use it to damage those who are surrounded by your comrades, or to heal those who are surrounded by your adversaries. A CD of 20 seconds makes you think about how to spend your GCD more efficiently under the prism. After all, a prism will not give a charge of Light energy. But the prism does good damage and, again, is a ranged ability. Monitor the situation carefully: sometimes it is better to hit one and heal five than to heal one and hit five.

2. Symbols

Symbol of harsh words - adds one new ability to us. The Triumph spell can now be cast on enemies and deals Holy damage equal to the amount of health it can restore. Does not work in conjunction with the Unquenchable Flame spell.

I advise every retreatant to have a symbol of the severity of guilt! - Mandatory.

The Templar's Verdict symbol is one of the most useful symbols, softening blows. In 5.2 it now works even after using Exorcism. - We recommend it.

Symbol of triumph - since our main heal is Triumph, and we heal quite often, each use of it will increase your damage. - We recommend it.

Re-punishment symbol - to increase damage when switching (a very good symbol for games on RBG)

Glyph of Flash of Light - to increase your survivability (if you didn't take Selfless Healer, then don’t take this symbol)

Small symbols- the taste and color as they say...However
Glyph of Falling Punisher / Glyph of Righteous Retreat - the most useful.

3. Priority of characteristics, reforging

Accuracy/Skill -> Strength -> PvP Strength/Speed ​​-> Crit -> Mastery -> PvP Resilience

Accuracy - 3% / Skill - 3% - We just need to collect accuracy to the max. After all, missing a control can sometimes be a shame.
To avoid dodging in melee combat (mainly against wimps), you need to collect a skill cap. It's pointless to collect skill against parrying. If you use Symbol of harsh words, then the need for skill is reduced.

PvP resistance - PvP resistance in 5.4 is 72% by default (no matter what gear you wear). You can increase this indicator only with stones or a chant on the breastplate.
If you use both PvP trinkets, then you are given a bonus of 2600 units. sustainability indicator.
Having two PvP trinkets, a special PvP stone and a chant on the chest, the figure is 75.08% stability. This is without gemming in resiliency.

Speed- this reduces the CD for most of our attacking abilities, and also reduces the GCD after using these abilities.
Reduced CD - more opportunities to hit from range, more opportunities to kite, faster HP gain, etc. Speed ​​also affects the casting time of flash (and this sometimes helps out a hell of a lot) or Repentance (with the talent taken), the damage from the seal, and makes it possible to deal more white attacks.

Artificiality- Mastery: Hand of the Light adds additional Holy damage when using the abilities Holy Strike, Hammer of the Righteous, Hammer of Wrath, Templar's Verdict and Divine Storm.


Reforging is most often done for speed or priority characteristics.
4. Chants/Stones


Special- Rumbling Primal Diamond / Tyrannical Primal Diamond.

Blue nests- Strong Imperial Amethyst or Perfect Strong Rogue Stone (+80 strength and +80 pvp strength).

Red nests and colorless nests- Embossed Primordial Ruby or Perfect Embossed Pandarian Garnet (+160 strength).

Yellow nests- Showy Sunset Onyx or Perfect Showy Tiger Opal (+80 strength and +160 speed)

Shoulders- Great Mark of the Tiger's Fang./ Mark of the Tiger's Fang

) Cloak- Enchant Cloak - Critical Strike III (+180 crit)

Breast- Enchant Chest - Resilience IV (+200 PvP Resilience)

Bracers- Enchant Bracers - Strength VII (+180 Strength)

Gloves- Enchant Gloves - Strength VI (+170 Strength)

Belt- Living Steel Belt Buckle (+1 Colorless Socket)
Engineers install the same Nitro accelerators for themselves.

Legs- Wrathleather overlays

Feet- Enchant Boots - Pandaren Walk

Weapon- Living Steel Weapon Chain / Formula: Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel
5. Macros/Prints.

Attack macros.
We insert these macros instead of attacking abilities.

/cast Warrior of Light Strike

/cast Templar's Verdict

/cast Justice

Focus macros.
We take one target into focus. We hit the other one. When you click on the macro, the attack/control will go to the memorized target.

/cast Reproach

/cast Justice

/cast Hammer of Justice

Macros for assists on the Battlefield.
The situation is this: you are running across the Battlefield and see the enemy attacking your ally. Choose an enemy to target (your enemy's target will be your ally). Be sure to set your target tracking in the game settings. You can give your ally an assist or heal using the following macros

/cast Celebration

/cast Hand of Freedom

/cast Hand of Protection

/cast Hand of Sacrifice

Macros for assists in the arena.

/cast Celebration

/cast Hand of Freedom

/cast Hand of Protection

/cast Hand of Sacrifice

PS: the macros are standard and simply taken from the Internet.

Seal of truth - our main seal. We run with her almost all the time. Places the “Censure” effect on the target - a kind of DoT that stacks up to five times. You will deal maximum damage to a single target only with this seal.

Seal of Justice - our “slower”. If you haven't taken the Weight of Guilt symbol (which is extremely stupid), then this seal is the only chance to slow down your target. There is only one difference (and a very significant one) - with “Weight of Guilt” you slow down the target from a long distance, but with a seal you can only slow down by hitting the enemy in close combat. For a very long time, the retreatants have been waiting for a slowdown for their class spec, now we have it. Don’t be afraid of a big loss of damage in a fight with some range class (hunt, mage, elem, etc.), feel free to switch from Seal of Truth to Seal of Justice - they won’t run far from you.

Seal of Righteousness - rarely used in PvP. Essentially, the seal is designed for AoE damage. In other words, if there are at least 3 opponents next to you, then this seal will help you give out maximum damage. However, this rarely happens, and the task of our class spec is not to attack) The seal is very useful in PvE on packs of mobs or in a mass battle in the outdoors.

Seal of Epiphany - according to the description, it’s quite ok (restores HP), but in reality it’s another seal that we very rarely (read never) use in PvP, because we heal mainly with Triumph and a flash drive.
As an additional bonus, the Seal of Epiphany increases the casting speed by 10% (and essentially we can only cast a flash drive, Repentance with the talent taken, Banishment of Evil, and the Wrath of the Druls, which they share with us using Symbiosis =)
It also increases outgoing healing by 5% - but this can sometimes be very useful.
6. Addons.

You can purchase all the necessary addons from our website, you just need to click on the picture:

Today we will talk about a unique character who has won respect among players as an experienced and powerful warrior in PvP, and not only. The paladin is unique in each of its specializations and can become the best of the best. We will look at them all in separate guides, but now let’s talk about Retri Paladin 5.4 PvP as the best warrior in the mists of Pandaria. I think you understand that a Retri Paladin in itself will not become great just because he is a Retri. It is necessary not only to be able to master all the skills, but also to know your Pal from cover to cover. Let's go: " Hyde Retri Pal 5.4.8 PvP

The “Retribution” branch will differ from others in the build layout, leveling up of characteristics, the character itself will be designed not for healing, but for causing damage. Many people ask: “Why exactly Retry,” because before WoW was in English and the “Retribution” branch was called “ Retribution" This is where it came from - “Retry Paladin PvP”.

Characteristics of Retri Paladin 5.4.8 PvP

Retrik can be upgraded in two directions in PvP and the characteristics in each of them will change. For a 2x2 team there will be one priority, which will ideally work on BGs and in duels. For Tim, 3x3 is completely different. Such data was taken according to mechanics Retry Paladin in PvP, and they are not disputed. Therefore, it would be better to take the highest rating in 2x2, and when you become a real professional, upgrade the Paladin for a 3x3 team. Let's look at all the stats for a 2x2 team:

"Strength"- will affect the power of your attack, parry and the power of spells that come from the Sword of Light passive. A passive ability is an ability that you don’t have to monitor; it will work on its own, according to its mechanics.

"Speed"— affects the speed of recovery, both CD and GCD for all Retri Paladin abilities. As a result, “Light Energy” will accumulate much faster. Your attacks will also go a little faster. “Light Energy” is quite important for the Paladin. You need to learn how to use it correctly and accumulate it correctly, but we’ll talk about that later.

"Critical Strike" - You can deal damage with a double increase. Works for both damage and healing. It's nice to inject double damage to the enemy in PvP. For such penetration the HP is beautifully demolished.

"Mastery"- also affects the damage that will be increased for the following abilities: “Hammer of Wrath”, “Templar’s ​​Verdict”, “Hammer of the Righteous”, “Strike of the Warrior of Light”, “Divine Storm”.

At the same time, you need to remember about caps on skill and accuracy. These characteristics affect the accuracy of your strikes against the enemy. It is enough to collect 1020 rating units and this indicator will help eliminate the likelihood of any mistakes. If you like to play in 3x3 teams, then it is recommended to change your priorities a little and pump up your stats in the following order: strength, then crit, and swap speed with skill.

Build for Retri Paladin in PvP 5.4.8

On the one hand, the build is simple and there are no problems. But it seems so at first glance. In Pandaria, it’s not all about the build, it turns out to be a kind of conductor of abilities, the whole point will be in the future correct use of the Retri Paladin’s abilities in PvP. But we’ll still go over the important talents.

"The Long Arm of the Law" - As soon as an enemy is hit by one of your Judgments, you will move 45 percent faster. This will prevent your opponent from running away from you. Retri Paladin uses justice very often in PvP, so this talent is the best. Despite the fact that you will run much faster during virtually the entire battle.

"Fist of Justice" - is able to stop the enemy for 6 seconds, stunning him. This used to be our favorite Hammer of Justice. The good thing is that the radius of the spell has been increased, as well as the cooldown on the stun is only 30 seconds.

"Selfless Healer" - if “Judgement” worked successfully, then “Flash of Light” will spend much less mana than usual and at the same time the effectiveness of healing will greatly increase, both for yourself and for your ally. In this case, the effect itself can be summed up to three times. This talent allows professional players to run in two DDs, since Retri Paladin in PvP will be excellent at helping to restore health.

"Softness"- often your opponent will try to stop either you or your partner. Helps your ally to always be mobile "Hand". By pumping up your softness, you will receive another additional charge in your hand. For the arena and BG the talent is excellent, but if you are a fan of duels, then the best option there will be an unbroken spirit.

"Holy Punisher" — the effectiveness of any healing will be increased to 30 percent. With three charges of light energy, you can both deal fairly good damage to the target and heal.

"Death Sentence" — the talent seems to slow down the fall of the hammer from the sky, thereby increasing its damage. Once the talent wears off, your target will receive another powerful additional hit.

Stones for Retri Paladin 5.4.8 PvP

With the help of stones you can improve those characteristics that you lack. Jewelry is very good for Retry Paladin in 5.4.8 PvP. She allows you to place several unique stones that you won’t find so easily.

Symbols for Retri Paladin 5.4.8 PvP

"Symbol of Celebration"- will give three percent damage for each new charge of your “Light Energy”. However, before this it must be spent on an ally at the time of the spell's effect

“Eternal Flame” or “Triumph”. The damage increase effect lasts up to six seconds. Glyph is simply excellent in 2v2 and on BG. In 3x3 he's just a useless trinket.

"Symbol of the Templar's Verdict"- reduces to 10 percent the damage that goes directly to you, but provided that the “Exorcism” spell or “Templar’s ​​Verdict” was used before this. Retry Paladin PvP is a fairly soft target, so 10 percent to your survivability is very useful.

"Symbol of Divine Protection"— when the “Divine Protection” spell is cast, the limit on receiving any magical damage will be reduced, and physical damage will also be reduced to 20 percent. This symbol does not work against casters. It is best used in PvP with those who deal more physical damage.

"Symbol of the severity of guilt"- works in conjunction with Justice, which will not only increase your speed thanks to our build talents, but also reduce the speed of your opponent. It will be difficult for the target to escape at a distance from you, and this is exactly in the hands of Retri Paladins in PvP. It's like additional control in the arena.

“Symbol of the Divine Shield” - when you use the shield to dispel various spells, you will restore 10 percent of your total HP. The glyph is purely for survivability.

Enchanting for Retri Paladin 5.4.8 PvP

Retri Paladin Rotation in 5.4.8 PvP

Those abilities that will give you charges of light energy in battle are used exclusively when the paladin is under the effect of wings. This case is used exclusively for achieving the goal. Abilities: “Judgement”, “Hammer of Wrath”, “Strike of the Warrior of Light”, “Exorcism”.

Retri Paladin's abilities with which you can drain charges of light energy: “Templar's Verdict” is the main blow for dealing damage. “Inquiry” - you must always maintain this buff and update it 2 seconds before it ends. “Triumph” - used for self-healing not only of yourself, but also of your partner.

“Death Sentence” - used to deal damage if to the enemy. If it’s for yourself, then it will be a relief. The more charges of light energy you have, the more powerful the healing or damage will be.

“Defender of Ancient Kings” - is always pressed only before the start of a burst attack. The Defender is summoned approximately 5 - 10 seconds before you want to use the famous Paladin Wings. This will give you the opportunity to stack 12 charges to your strength in front of the wings. As a result, you understand what your burst will be.

Retri Paladin does not use “Divine Storm” in PvP, since it is more for AoE. The Hammer of the Righteous is also not used.

In PvP, Retri Paladin can single-handedly take down two opponents, but this is the work of a true professional and expert on his character. There is nothing complicated in the rotation of Retri Pal, the main thing is to understand the mechanics of the abilities and what depends on what.

Video: Retri Paladin 5.4 PvP in the arena alone

A unique video about the legendary Retri Pal. The player really deserves some respect, because not everyone can learn to control their game character so much. It shows not only the skillful use of abilities, but also the competent use of the location itself and its attributes. The combat behavior of the Retri Paladin itself is essentially unique.

Macros for Retri Paladin 5.4.8 PvP

1. A unique macro for using the “Fist of Justice”.

/cast Fist of Justice
/cast Fist of Justice
/cast Fist of Justice

2. A similar macro for using “Exorcism of Evil”.

#showtooltip Banishing Evil
/cast Banish Evil
/cast Banish Evil
/cast Banish Evil; Banishing Evil

3. Macro for convenient use of control spells, for more convenient changing of target and focus.

#showtooltip Fist of Justice
/cast Fist of Justice; Fist of Justice

#showtooltip Banishing Evil
/cast Banish Evil; Banishing Evil

4. Macro for Sakru, our Freedom, Flash drive and our TDshka)))

#showtooltip Hand of Freedom
/cast Hand of Freedom; Hand of Freedom

#showtooltip Celebration
/cast Celebration; Celebration

5. Macro for applying burst.

#showtooltip Punisher's Wrath
/cast Holy Punisher
/cast Avenging Wrath
/use Prideful Gladiator's Victory Token

Choosing a profession and the main bonuses from them

Many believe that the best option for Retri Paladin in PvP 5.4 will be Tailoring and Engineering.

"Sartorial" — makes it possible to put embroidery on our cloak, which will give 4000 units to the damage of the Retri Paladin for 15 seconds. This is the maximum bonus for Pal in the game out of all gaming.

"Engineering" - gives the paladin a bonus to strength by 1980 units for 15 seconds.

As a result, these two professions can raise the damage of Retri Pal quite well only thanks to the pros. Previously, one of the professions was a jewelry maker, but in the Mists of Pandaria it is no longer relevant.

The best addons for Retri Paladin in PvP

Naturally, it’s quite difficult to play without addons. help improve not only the interface, but also make it possible to understand the logical chain of spells in the Retri Paladin rotation. They can both help and tell us what action needs to be taken at the moment. The most popular addons for Retri Paladin.
