Hosting without advertising with php. PHP hosting: what is it, what are the advantages? Free hosting with dedicated IP address

For a long time now, PHP website hosting has been known as a programming language that runs on web servers. It is the server language that provides the user with enormous opportunities and simply incredible flexibility. For example, it is now possible to do everything that was previously very difficult to implement with JavaScript technology. It's about not only about working with files – also with databases and images.

Running code directly on the server today is much safer than running code on the client's machine - that's exactly what PHP does. As you know, modern websites are no longer static objects. Additionally, this includes a means of sampling, as well as data storage and databases. There are also tools for creating data documents and for processing user queries.

Modern developers have very, very rich possibilities for choosing website creation tools, but not everyone will be generally applicable and open. After all, there is a need not only to create a resource that will have dynamic content, but also to ensure the availability of such content, regardless of changes in modern technologies software and hardware. Most best choice today it is hosting php websites.

A little theory

As you know, PHP is a scripting language that is embedded on the server side. What does this mean? The technology itself processes website hosting php code inside an html document, giving it the ability to generate existing content. You can even make the site a web application - thus, it will cease to be an ordinary collection of statistical pages.

Why is it common to use hosting with mysql php support? Surely there are still so many options? It's all about speed, simplicity, reliability, platform independence and the ability to work with a database.

PHP was originally created for working on the Internet and copes with its own tasks just fine. It also supports many extensions, which will be very useful for developers.

Popularity and demand for hosting with mysql php support

Perhaps today the most popular and popular virtual hosting is PHP. It is this development that makes it possible to provide customers with reliability and quality of services provided.

It is best to choose a hosting that has minimal restrictions. Thus, PHP should not have any restrictions on creating databases (MySQL format), as well as restrictions on the amount of incoming traffic. No restrictions on quantity mailboxes, their size should not be either. The user has at his disposal a web interface that allows him to work with mail and a DNS management interface.

A notable feature of PHP is the ability to include blocks within one page. Also, the user can easily isolate all PHP blocks using special characters. After the server has received information on the page, all blocks will be launched using the PHP engine on hosting with mysql php support.

Where is PHP most often used?

    E-commerce system

    Content management systems (Joomla, DLE)

    Blogging – WordPress format

    Forum management software - phpBB tool

This instruction does not claim absolute accuracy or any novelty and is intended for those taking the very first steps. So don't judge too harshly.

Combat mission.

Suppose we want to host a small project somewhere in a reliable and not particularly slow place. And since the site is small, we won’t bother and will want something simple from hosting. For our purposes, PHP, MySQL and FTP access will be sufficient.
Ideal for solving this problem Web service from Amazon which amazingly combines the ability to withstand heavy loads with a free resource pack for the first year after registration. IN free package includes a lot of things, but at the moment we will be interested in:
  • Virtual server in micro format on Linux based with SSH access.
  • 30GB of space in Elastic Block Storage plus 1GB for backups.
  • 15 GB of traffic per month.
  • Dedicated external IP address.
Moreover, if you wish, all this can be registered and ready for work in half an hour, but you will need a credit card, which Amazon will accept (and charge $2) and cell phone at hand (homemade will not work).

Step 1: Register on Amazon.

Registration procedure usually doesn't raise any questions. The only advice is to enter real or close to real data. Semenov Gorbunkovs from Gorky Street have not been registered for a long time, and if you incorrectly indicate the city code, the system will give a hidden answer at the stage of checking the code over the phone.
Before entering data credit card, you need to make sure that at least 85 rubles for Mastercard and 75 rubles for Visa are available for withdrawal. Depending on your region and credit card type, we may be asked to verify your cell phone number at the end of the registration process. There are 3 rules here - you need to enter the number without the eight and the country code (10 digits), do not forget to choose the right country and start entering the code from the keyboard only after the synthesized telephone lady stops talking and lies low in anticipation. If you are not asked to confirm, it means Amazon really liked your credit card and they have not yet had problems with users from your address range. But since we are most interested in the EC2 service (for which verification is required), we will have to confirm 4 digits by phone in any case. After registration, they will charge 1 dollar from the card (and then it will not be returned) and will immediately provide access to the file storage service S3 and to the chic control console

By the way, from the very beginning all the pictures from this message were on the service S3 and 5GB of space on it is also included in the free annual package (but the free limit ran out in less than a day). On S3 you can create a cart ( Create Bucket), enable the checkbox Enabled on the tab Website and easily organize file storage. For example, if you name a basket with the word test86 and put the file in it test85.7z, then from the browser it will be visible at the addresses And Please note that without changing additional options when downloading, only the owner of this basket will be able to see the files. To open access to viewing one or more files, you need to highlight them and select them from the menu Actions/Make Public. Except S3 Amazon has a lot of other interesting services, but today we will only talk about EC2.

Step 2: Preparing to create an EC2 server.

Directly from the management page S3 you can click on the top tab EC2 and agree to have this service added to your account. If at the verification stage the credit card is not transferred to the verification procedure phone number, then it will transfer from here and you will need to confirm. After confirmation, something like this will appear:

and another dollar will be debited from the card.

Step 3: Add a user group.

Without wasting any time, click on the link Security Groups left. It is better not to touch the group created by default, but it does not suit us in any way from the point of view of access rights (all ports, any actions). Therefore, we will create our own group with more limited rights

And let's call it, for example, web.

After creation, add several rules in the tab Inbound

By analogy, let’s add for public access (Source:, to ports 20-21 , TCP ports 1024-1048 , HTTP And HTTPS. I would be careful about allowing access via SSH from any address, so it’s better to enter in the line Source: or your static IP or the subnet of your provider (something like ). The result should be something similar to

Click on Apply Rule Changes and move on to the next stage.

Step 4: Create SSH keys.

Keys are needed to access the server via SSH and they can be created during the deployment of the image of the selected OS, but in IE and Chrome there are periodic glitches with the delivery of the key file for download. Therefore, it is better to do this in advance and if it fails, then repeat it.
To generate keys, select Key Pairs in the menu and press a couple of buttons.

The server will think a little and give us a key .pem file, which we need to carefully hide in a safe place and not show to anyone.

Step 5: Deploying the Operating System Image.

So we have a key and an additional user group. Now you can safely click Launch Instance from the menu EC2 Dashboard.

Let's agree to Classic Wizard.

Our choice is 32-x or 64-bit Amazon Linux AMI.

We leave all settings as default.

Enable deletion protection.

It is not necessary to enter tags.

We will use already generated keys.

In the firewall configuration we leave only Security Group index- web.

We check the settings and launch.

After starting in the list Instances our micro-server will appear.

Step 6: Register the IP address for the server.

On the menu Elastic IPs First, reserve an IP address for yourself.

And we immediately assign it to our running server.

Please note that reserving an IP address that is not assigned to a running server is not included in free package. For this you will have to pay a cent per hour. As soon as an IP is assigned to a running server, it immediately becomes free.

In our example, Amazon gave the server the address and in the future we will often use it, but in your case in all actions and commands it will need to be replaced with the address that was given to you personally.

Step 7: Connect to the server via SSH.

For this purpose, you can use a lot of different programs, but all further instructions are written for Windows and free PuTTY (direct download link).
From the archive we will first need puttygen.exe. Launch, select Conversions/Import key.

And resave the private key as an SSH2 RSA .ppk file. At this stage, it won’t hurt to properly password-protect the key.

After that we launch putty.exe, drive in our IP in the field Host Name.

In the SSH-Auth section we indicate the path to the .ppk key.

And press the button Open. There should not be any error messages in the terminal window, but in the sentence:
login as:
need to enter ec2-user.

Now we will configure via SSH.
During setup, you will sometimes have to press a button y to agree to suggestions to install everything along with dependencies. After entering each command, you need to wait until the work is completed and only then enter the next one.

Step 8: Update and prepare to configure the server.

It would be good to update immediately after logging in. To do this we say:
sudo yum -y update
In the system, Midnight Commander (an editor more familiar to mouse carriers) will not interfere with us:
sudo yum install mc
Let's create user group virtwww:
sudo groupadd virtwww
Let's add users:
sudo useradd www -g virtwww -d /var/www
sudo useradd webserver -g virtwww
and set more complex passwords:
sudo passwd www
sudo passwd webserver
Just in case, let’s set the rights to the directory again:
sudo chown www:virtwww /var/www
sudo chmod 0750 /var/www
Now our server is completely ready to install services.

Step 9: Install MySQL.

Install MySQL:
sudo yum install mysql-server mysql
Let's add it to autorun:
sudo /sbin/chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on
and run:
sudo service mysqld start

After that, set the password for the root user:
mysql -u root
USE mysql
don't forget to enter something of your own instead s10ZniYpar00L
SET PASSWORD FOR "root"@"localhost" = PASSWORD("s10ZniYpar00L");
Let's prohibit connection to the database without a password:
DELETE FROM user WHERE password = "";
DELETE FROM user WHERE user.user= "";
and update the privileges:
Let's delete the test database:
and exit the MySQL server management console:

Step 10: FTP setup.

Install vSFTPd:
sudo yum install vsftpd
Add it to autorun and try to launch it:
sudo /sbin/chkconfig --levels 235 vsftpd on
sudo service vsftpd start
Editing the configuration:
sudo mcedit /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
Changing the parameter values:
anonymous_enable=NO local_enable=YES write_enable=YES
Add to the end of the file:
pasv_enable=YES pasv_min_port=1024 pasv_max_port=1048 pasv_address=
Don't forget to enter your IP here
Use the F2 button to save the changes, exit the editor via F10 and restart FTP server:
sudo service vsftpd restart
Now you can try to connect to our server via FTP using any client that supports PASV mode.
We use our IP as the hostname, user www, password from step number 8. PASV mode is forced. We connect and try to upload it to the folder /var/www any file. If that doesn't work, we say:
sudo chmod 0755 /var/www
and try again.
This is roughly what it looks like in FlashFXP:

If it flooded from the very beginning, then there is no need to change the rights from 750 to 755 (this is an additional security hole)
and check the access rights to the file. It must be created with the rights 0644 . If everything matches, then move on to the 11th step.

Step 11: Install Apache and PHP.

First install Apache:
sudo yum install httpd mod_ssl
After it PHP:
sudo yum install php
A separate line of regexps:
sudo yum install pcre-devel
and a general bunch of modules and dependencies for PHP:
sudo yum -y install aspell aspell-en aspell-ru cvs php-gd php-intl php-mbstring php-mysql php-pdo php-soap php-xml php-xmlrpc php-pspell php-devel php-pear

Add Apache to autostart and try to start it:
sudo /sbin/chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on
sudo service httpd start
If everything starts, we adjust the configuration for the Amazon server and user webserver:
sudo mcedit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
We look for and correct the following lines in the text
ServerTokens Prod TraceEnable Off KeepAlive On MaxKeepAliveRequests 256 KeepAliveTimeout 10 User webserver Group virtwww
String TraceEnable Off may have to be added.

sudo service httpd restart
Allow modification of files via ftp:
sudo chown www:virtwww /var/www/html /var/www/icons /var/www/error /var/www/cgi-bin
We remove the main malicious hole in the PHP config:
sudo mcedit /etc/php.ini
We look for the line magic_quotes_gpc and set it to On:
magic_quotes_gpc = On
For compatibility, it doesn't hurt to include short tags:
short_open_tag = On
Use the F2 button to save the changes, exit the editor via F10 and restart Apache:
sudo service httpd restart
If at any stage Apache stops starting, roll back the changes and look at what happened in the logs:
sudo mcview /var/log/httpd/error_log
sudo mcview /var/log/httpd/access_log
After everything has started, close the terminal:
and return to the control console in the browser.

Step 12: Enable load balancing ( Load Balancers).

In principle, you can skip this step, but it is not advisable to do so. Balancing is included in the free package and I don’t see why to refuse such a useful thing that can also be used to maintain the vibrancy of the site. In this mode the system Load Balancers periodically it simply accesses some URL on the server and draws conclusions from the response time. This logically follows the most common mistake in configuration. By default, it is suggested to ping the site's index page, but who knows how much it can weigh in any case? As a result, each check seems to waste a little traffic, but in a month it can accumulate a whole bucket. Therefore, we will create a special page for this system ping.html and enter a single 1 there without Unicodes, spaces or line breaks. As a result, exactly 1 byte of traffic will always be spent on checking. This file must be downloaded via ftp to the root of the site before creating the balancer.
The name can be arbitrary, but unique if there are several balancers.

The purpose of the check is to select ping.html

We will check our already running server

Hurray and that's it! You can open our IP address in the browser, upload PHP scripts via FTP and communicate from them with MySQL. Example:

Don’t forget to periodically monitor your resource costs in the account management section and try not to miss the moment when your free hosting suddenly becomes paid. If the limits of any of the free services, it does not stop, but becomes paid.
Prices for exceeding free standards for S3 And EC2

Instead of a conclusion: You should not think that all the described manipulations are optimal and provide at least some level of security. The server in this form is only suitable for testing and hosting home pages with a dozen visitors per month. It is possible to bring all this to mind and it is not even difficult for a competent person. The ambush is that it doesn’t take a day or a year to become literate, and in general, one person rarely combines a writer in common PHP and a specialist in setting up servers. Therefore, before letting all this disgrace float freely, ask some familiar bearded Unixoid to connect to your server via SSH for a couple of bottles of cognac. He will swear, fiddle around for about 10 minutes, call the writer of this wall of text a sheep several times (and he will be right), but after that everything will work much better and more stable.


  • amazon ec2
  • amazon web services
  • hosting
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A critical vulnerability has been identified in mail server Exim, which allows you to run code on a server with root rights.

This vulnerability (CVE-2019-10149) can lead to code execution on the server with root privileges while processing a special request. This threat can be exploited in versions from 4.87 to 4.91 inclusive or when compiled with the EXPERIMENTAL_EVENT option.

New promotional codes for VDS orders!

We inform you that all promotional codes for VDS orders that were previously drawn in our social networks, were successfully used! We have received many requests to increase their number, so we are publishing new promotional codes for 15% and 20%. The discount will be valid for activation and a month of use when ordering VDS with tariffs from Cuprum to Aurum inclusive!

Promo code for 15%: 2000

Promo code for 20%: 2004

Promotional offer for Intel Xeon E5620 processors

If your project needs something more powerful than VDS, we recommend paying attention to dedicated servers.

We are renewing our promotional offer for desktop computers with processors Intel Xeon E5620, on the basis of which you can build a productive server with a configuration suitable for your project. You can select and order a server now via .

The promotion for promotional codes is in full swing!

At the moment, there are already 2 promotional codes available for use, which will give a discount of 10 and 15%. To use promotional codes, you just need to combine them from the correct answers to previously published questions; many subscribers have already given the correct answers. The resulting promotional code can be entered when ordering VDS in the cart. The number of promotional codes is limited.

Drawing of promotional codes for VDS orders

We are launching a small but useful interactive in which each of you can take part! Over the course of several days, we will post questions related to hosting topics on our social networks; from the correct answers to these questions, it will be possible to create promotional codes that give a discount on VDS orders. Promotional codes will be valid for activation and 1 month of using tariffs from Cuprum to Aurum inclusive. In total, there will be 4 types of promotional codes for 10%, 15% and 20%, as well as 5%, which we will place at the end as a consolation prize for everyone who took part. They will be active until June 29.

We will publish a series of 2 questions; from the correct answers to these 2 questions you can add a promotional code. The first episode will be the simplest, the discount for this promotional code will be 10%. The following questions will be more difficult, in turn, the discounts for the resulting promotional codes will also become greater. The promotional code should be compiled from the correct answers, placing them in order of appearance, from first to last. The number of active promotional codes will be limited, which means that the fastest and most attentive will be able to use them.

End of the promotion on Dediki

The promotion for grandfathers has come to an end! Second promotion in recent times Intel processors Xeon E5620 completed. If for some reason you were unable to take advantage of this offer, you can choose another processor and components suitable for your purposes for a productive dedicated server. It will be an excellent solution if you feel that your projects have reached new level and they need something more powerful than VDS. You can view all available options and select a configuration using.

Advantages of a dedicated server:

Critical RCE-level EternalBlue vulnerability in Windows OS

Information has appeared on about the critical RCE vulnerability of the EternalBlue level in the Windows operating system.

According to the SolarSecurity blog, the discovered RCE vulnerability is observed in Remote Desktop Services RDS. With its help, attackers can remotely execute arbitrary code on the attacked system.

By according to Microsoft, to operate it, it is enough to have network access to a host or server with a vulnerable version of the operating system Windows systems. Attackers can exploit the vulnerability directly from the Internet if the system service is published on the perimeter.

Continuing work on replacing the switch

Dear Subscribers, 05/17/2019 from 12:00 to 18:00 we will continue work on replacing the switch; these actions will affect some of the servers located on cluster 7. For subscribers whose servers will be affected during the work, a mailing and additional notification will be made in billing. These measures will improve data transfer rates. While the switch is being replaced, there will be a short period of unavailability that will not exceed 5 minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Transferring work on the kvm-04 cluster

Dear Subscribers, for technical reasons, work on the kvm-04 cluster has been postponed. They will be held on May 16, 2019 at 8:00 Moscow time.

Congratulations on Victory Day

On this day, millions of people around the world honor the memory of those who accomplished a great feat. It is thanks to the defenders of the Motherland, who showed their heroism, steadfastness and courage, that we know what the joy of peaceful life is. We express our gratitude to everyone who contributed to saving humanity from a colossal threat. Eternal memory to the heroes and defenders of the Fatherland.

Happy Victory Day! We wish you harmony, tranquility and peaceful skies above your head!

Free hosting- This good opportunity place your first websites on the Internet. While there is no money for paid hosting, you can try almost all the features of paid hosting without paying a penny for it. There is even free hosting without advertising, that is, there will be no third-party advertising on your site.

For those who are not yet familiar with html basics, it is recommended to choose free hosting, where the site is created based on the proposed templates without programming. This is, for example, hosting on UCOZ.RU and on Google

Those who know what programming is can host websites on one of the hosting sites that support php and mysql. You can choose both Russian and foreign free hosting. Below are some of the features offered by hosters.

Has your project reached paid hosting? We invite you to try inexpensive and high-quality paid hosting + free domain >>>

Pick up domain name for your project and you can register it on the page

Who needs hosting with php mysql support and why?

Not all clients understand why providers provide hosting today PHP MySQL, for what purposes it is used and what are the advantages of it. Modern professional companies provide exclusively PHP MySQL hosting -

To build an interesting, original and visually pleasing resource, a site using HTML code will not work, so modern developers use the PHP programming language, which allows you to implement all possible functions and ideas, and together with the bases MySQL data this gives the most flexible and convenient finished product for any task.
If you have implemented your website in PHP using MySQL databases, then such hosting is mandatory for you, since if there is no support for it, the resource will not work correctly, and visitors will not be able to fully use all the functions.

Hosting PHP MySQL is technical feasibility hosting. Due to the fact that the PHP programming language is one of the most popular and easy to understand, the presence of such a function is mandatory. Therefore, professional companies like Hostpro gain a tangible advantage over others.
Therefore, if you are going to create an interactive website using current features, plugins and scripts, then you cannot do without the PHP and MySQL functions. This means that hosting with PHP MySQL support is a prerequisite for you.

PHP language and its advantages

Websites built in PHP have many advantages compared to other resources - not only modern scripts are written using this language, but also full-fledged CMS engines. For a simpler understanding, the advantages of “PHP” are better divided into 5 points:

1.Easy to learn and practical

PHP, unlike other languages, does not have strong typing, so it is easier to understand. For example, when creating a variable, you don't need to think about its type, width, or other characteristics. Therefore, simplicity in understanding allows you to get a lot of solutions to one problem without a specific limitation.

2. Flexible

PHP is an embeddable language, which makes it useful for writing and developing a variety of tasks. PHP codes are integrated not only into HTML pages, but also in JavaScript, XML and a number of other languages.

3. Fast

One of the main factors when choosing a programming language. Large-scale applications and pages are implemented in PHP due to the fact that it works very quickly.
4. Safe

PHP is based on a number of reliable information encryption mechanisms. Additionally, due to its popularity, it has a variety of additional security features that you can attach to your final product. One of the main features is the compilation of the script on the server side, making the text impossible to view in a browser. Therefore, any implementation and all kinds of mechanisms will always be hidden from the view of an outside user. Even if ddos attacks your information will be protected.

5. Supports databases

On the list of main useful PHP functions– this is the ability to support more than 20 types of different databases. In addition, there is also support for DBX and ODBC standards, so the language will work with any database that supports these standards.

Basic parameters for choosing hosting

Hosting is the basis of your website. Depending on which service provider company is chosen, the final opinion of consumers will be formed. If, when choosing a potential site for placement, you come across quality service combined with objective prices and highly qualified online support, then your site will have a much greater chance of becoming more visited compared to similar resources.
In order to resolve the issue regarding your placement, choose proven hosting - wide tariff plan, high speed SSD drives, large selection of control panels, professional online support and a guarantee of high-quality work combined with experience and optimal prices. If you are in need of quality hosting with PHP MySQL support, then HostPro is what you have been looking for.
