Ok google where to find it. Okay, Google - voice search: what is it?

Contrary to the belief that Okay Google cannot be installed on a computer, it is quite possible to install it on your home PC or laptop.

Moreover, this service can be used both from a regular tablet and from any other device where you can install a browser Google Chrome.

Let's look at how to make it so that you can use Okay Google on a PC.

Installation Okay Google

If everything is extremely simple with installation on a phone with the Android platform - in Google Play you need to press the appropriate button - it’s even easier on a computer!

However, again, you need the Google Chrome browser for this.

If you don't have the Google Chrome browser, you need to download it. You can do this for free on the page google.ru/chrome/browser/desktop/.

There is only one button you need to click on – “Download Chrome”. Click.

After this, you should open the downloaded file.

IN Opera browser, for example, the easiest way to do this is to click on the downloads icon (highlighted in the figure green), find the file associated with Chrome (highlighted in red) and do double click on it.

You can also do this by simply opening your downloads folder.

A small note: Once you click on the “Download Chrome” button, a window will appear as shown in the image below.

There you can check or uncheck the box highlighted in red.

The item “Set Google Chrome as the default browser” will mean that this browser will become the main browser, that is, all links will be opened through it and all accounts will be recorded there.

If you mainly use another program for Internet surfing, it is better to uncheck this box.

The second item “Allow automatic sending of statistics...” means that all your data (sometimes passwords) will be sent to Google specialists.

If you don't want your personal information to be shared with Google employees, it's best to leave this box unchecked.

This is interesting: VWindows10 uses technology that allows employeesMicrosoft know everything about a particular user - his passwords, personal data, notes, browser history and much more. This was one of the reasons for its low popularityWindows10 on the market. As we see, in almost all modern popular services, the user can give administrators the opportunity to freely use his personal data, sometimes without knowing it, as in the case ofWindows10. But during installationGoogle Chromethis can be avoided.

After this, the browser will be installed.

How to enable Okay Google

In the Google Chrome browser, voice search should be set by default, right on home page. It can be seen in the figure shown by arrows.

So, to use this service, you just need to click on this very icon.

But there are times when something goes wrong and there is no such icon. Then you need to enable voice search in the settings. The sequence of actions for this is as follows:

  • Step 1. Let's go to settings. To do this, click on the add-ons icon (highlighted in green in the figure) and select “Settings” (highlighted in red).

  • Step 2. In the search bar (in the figure it is highlighted with a red frame), you can enter the phrase “voice search” and press the Enter button on the keyboard, then the user is automatically redirected to the “Personal data” section.
    You can find this item yourself by scrolling down the settings page.

  • Step 3. You must check the box next to “Enable voice search by command...”.

After that, all you have to do is go to the page Google search engine, where you can see the inscription “Say “Ok Google”. You can safely speak any phrase that interests you into your microphone.


As for how to set up the “Okay Google” service, there is practically nothing to set up. To use the search, you need to click on the above icon and start talking.

Many people are looking on the Internet for information on how to make it so that they do not need to click on the corresponding icon, and the search begins immediately after the person says “Okay Google.”

To do this, you just need to go to the settings and in the “Personal data” section, check the box next to the “Enable voice search...” item. Everything is extremely simple.

To change the language you speak, you need to change the language of the entire Google, that is, go to the foreign language address of this search engine.

The easiest way to do this is by simple request in a search line like “Google in [desired language]”, for example, “Google in Chinese”.

In general, you can speak directly to Russian Google in a foreign language - this service will sort everything out and find what you need.

Below you can clearly see how to start using the Okay Google service. There you can see how to download Google Chrome and where to find voice search there.

Okay Google on a computer: Instructions for use

Most users mobile phones who work for operating system Android, they know about such an application from Google as OK Google. I won’t talk about the functionality and opportunities that it opens, because everyone already knows them very well. I’d rather tell you how to enable voice search in your Google browser Chrome. That is, you can search for information on your computer using a microphone - everything is the same with Android application only on PC.


First, you need to open the previously mentioned. Next, go to its menu and find the section “ Settings».

Will open new tab with a set of settings. We need a section " Search" To begin with, let's select search engine by default - naturally we choose Google, because neither Yandex nor @mail.ru has such functionality (OK Google function).

Then below you will see a checkbox and the inscription opposite it “ Enable voice search using the “OK Google” command" By checking the box you will automatically enable this feature.

The same options are now available to you voice search, just like in the app on phones. If for some reason “OK Google” does not work for you, update your Google browser Chrome or check your microphone settings.

Developers software for Android, over time they increasingly surprise users, offering new features that make working with their devices easier.

Android users now have voice control

Okay, Google is one of the latest developments, designed for Android devices version 4.1. Unfortunately, outdated gadgets may not allow you to install this feature. For this reason, if you want to upgrade something on your Android, you should first study it technical capabilities, and then get information on how to enable OK, Google on Android.

Okay, Google is a wonderful voice search service that recently became available to Russian-speaking users. It is gaining widespread popularity at an extremely fast pace because all actions can be performed only through voice commands. There is no need to turn on anything additional or use the on-screen keyboard. Even the launch of the function itself is carried out automatically - just say out loud “Okay, Google”.

Such a wonderful service will be available to those who are not lazy and initially install Okay, Google on Android, and then try to enable it themselves, relying on the recommendations of those who have already managed to successfully go this route.

How to install

The installation process for the voice function is similar to that which is carried out when connecting the service to other devices, although there are still small distinctive features, which the user must pay attention to.

Initially on Android you need to run Play Market, V search bar you should enter the treasured phrase “Google search”. Once completed, you can easily find a prompt to install the desired application.

By clicking on this line, the user will be redirected to the download page. Now all that remains is to follow all the suggestions that are on this page, as a result of which you will be able to successfully install the desired service.

After successful installation, everyone wants to quickly figure out how to use Okay, Google. However, in most cases, inexperienced users are disappointed at this stage.

Setting up OK Google

Frustration does not arise out of nowhere, but due to the fact that the user cannot figure out how Okay, Google works. Unfortunately, those who do not have natural patience very often refuse such an idea, deciding that their device simply does not support such a modern service. In fact, this is nothing more than an ordinary misconception. To take advantage of the capabilities of this wonderful service and get what delighted users talk about so much, you first need to familiarize yourself with the information on how to set up OK Google on Android.

How to configure

To activate a search based on user-voiced commands, you need to go to service menu, find “Settings”, click on it, go to Google, and then to accounts, where it will already appear context menu with the line "Search".

Clicking on it opens new page, where the service settings are listed OK, Google, among them you should find the line “Voice search”, after clicking you need to go to new line“Recognition Okay, Google.” Now a new page opens in front of the user, on which it is proposed to enable the “From Google application” item. By agreeing to this offer, the voice service function is activated and you can immediately start using it.

The capabilities of this voice service are increasingly impressive to those who are trying to deeply understand the essence of its operation. However, it is important to understand that voice search will be launched only when Google search is launched directly on Android.

In order to expand functionality, allowing the user to perform voice search directly from the home screen requires a few more steps. In particular, the developers suggest installing an additional launcher called “Google Start”.

Also, very often this feature can be activated in the settings by activating the “All included” or “From all applications” items.

Sometimes, after successfully installing the service, it still does not function, then you should explore all the options in the settings. Perhaps something was installed incorrectly, then you should either reinstall it again or make adjustments to manual mode. In some cases, you can simply re-record the voice sample - and then the problem will immediately be eliminated.

The “Okay, Google” function is not new to anyone today; program developers are bending over backwards to make the search faster/more accessible/more functional. But not everyone knows that voice search can also be used on a computer, be it a desktop computer or a laptop. All you need for this is presence of a microphone. On laptops it is a built-in device; for a desktop PC you will have to purchase it. Of course, your computer must have an Internet connection.

In addition to having a microphone, you need to make sure that the Google Chrome browser itself is installed on your PC. If you go to the Google search bar through, for example, the Opera program, the voice search function will not be available.

In previous versions of Google Chrome, you were required to connect voice control. On the Internet you will find a lot of information on how to manually set up “Hey Google” for PC. But this data is already outdated.

Google Chrome is constantly improving and now you don’t even need to configure anything. New version already has a search engine built-in voice control.

That is, all you need to set up “Okay, Google” is to make sure that your browser has latest updates. For January 2018 this is the version 63.0.3239.132.

Installing and configuring “Ok Google”

To check the update, click the icon in the top right (circled in red) and go down to the line “ Settings».

In the settings field, select the bottom line “ About the browserChrome"(arrow indicates).

By clicking on it, you will see the following:

It checks for updates and, if your version is out of date, the program immediately makes the necessary changes.

Then the line “ Latest versionGoogle Chromealready installed».

On the start page, you will see a microphone icon (indicated by an arrow) in the search bar on the right. This is the “Ok Google” function.

All that is required of you is click on the icon voice search, in which the browser requests access to the microphone. To use voice search, you must confirm permission.

Feel free to start testing the function. Left-clicking on the microphone icon will activate it. It looks like this:

Now say any request that interests you. There is no need to say the phrase “Okay, Google” anymore. The voice command must be spoken clearly, but it is not necessary to speak loudly.

The search engine processes your request and displays the result, the robot voices the answer found.

For the query “How to get to the library,” Google requested permission to determine my geolocation. Having determined the location, the program found the nearest library and plotted a route to it. All this took no more than one minute!

If Google Chrome doesn't find a specific answer to your question, it will return search results for your phrase with a list of links.

When you launch the browser, you will be prompted to register an account with Google Chrome. This will allow you to save the necessary settings: routes in maps, calendar reminders, mail configurations and much more.

For those people who are constantly moving, the creators of the mobile operating room Android systems came up with a special add-on that takes on the function of searching for the required information on the Internet. This function can also take over the execution of some commands on mobile device.

How to enable OK Google on a Xiaomi smartphone?

To launch the application, you need to click on the desktop icon, which is located under the “Voice Assistant” item. The second method, which is original, is the special voice command “Ok Google”.

The first option is more or less simple and understandable. The second option requires configuration for smooth operation.

To do this you need to open the system "Settings" gadget, go to item "Advanced settings" or "Additionally" and select a section there "Language and input".

A window will open in which you need to click on Google Voice Typing ("Speech synthesizer" in MIUI 9), and then click on “Recognize “Ok Google” or gear icon.

Now, when you press the central touch button on your smartphone, a window will appear Google search. At this moment, you need to say the very phrase “OK, Google” and ask any question or request an action.

Thanks to these settings, the smartphone will respond better to voice commands user.

Possible options for launching the voice assistant:

Of particular interest is the second item “From any smartphone screen”, which will allow you to launch the electronic assistant from anywhere and from any program.

You need to activate this item and repeat the phrase “Okay Google” three times. This will help the operating system to react correctly to the sound of your voice and not launch the assistant due to the phrases of strangers.”

If everything is ready, then we name the code phrase and begin to use the functions of this device.
The most popular queries is launching applications, dialing a number or searching for information on the Internet.

How to disable “Ok Google”

  1. Open Google app.
  2. In the top left corner, click on the menu icon and go to Settings > Voice Search > “OK Google” recognition.
  3. Clear the checkbox when you want your smartphone to respond to this voice command.

How to enable “Ok, Google” on your computer

This can be done if you are using the Chrome browser (valid for browser version 46 and lower). In order to enable the ok Google function in Google Chrome, go to your browser settings, click “Show” additional settings", and then check the box "Enable voice search using the command “OK, Google”.
