Why does my laptop keep freezing? Laptop freezes

A common problem in computer operation is a disruption in its normal functioning, as a result of which the computer freezes. This problem does not go away either portable devices- laptops. There are many reasons why a laptop freezes, but they can all be solved.

Like any other, in order to fix the problem, it is necessary to establish what exactly is causing this very problem, namely, why the laptop freezes after 5 minutes of operation.

The cause of a laptop freezing is the incorrect operation or failure of one or more physical devices installed in the laptop. It could also be modules RAM, And hard drive laptop, as well as such a seemingly trifle as a laptop battery. Namely, in many cases, the reason why a laptop freezes is a regular battery, which for one reason or another has failed or is failing.

Laptop battery problem

In the best case, in order for the laptop to stop freezing, you first need to disconnect the battery. And look for the problem in this. Just take it out and use power directly from the power cord.

If the laptop often has to be used in places where there is no 220V power supply, then the presence of a battery is simply necessary, in which case it will have to be replaced. Again, the battery should be tested before finally coming to this conclusion. Performance can be tested on another laptop of a similar model.

If the problem still persists, the chances that the battery is actually faulty increase. And in order to finally make sure of this, if possible, check it at a service center.

Software problems

In general, software problems themselves are the most secure, and they are much easier and faster to solve than in cases with hardware errors. Under the word "safer" You should understand that there is no need to change any individual components of the laptop or throw it away and buy a new one.

Everything is simpler here, and "being treated" The problem is only at the operating system level. Well, except for one thing - software problems can arise due to physical inoperability hard drive Laptop HDD, which apparently will still have to be replaced.

Also, due to battery failure, other problems often occur, for example, not only that the laptop freezes after 5-10 minutes of operation. The laptop may not turn on at all, freeze at the boot stage, etc.

Check everything before changing anything. Check your computer for viruses - this is the first thing. Viruses in the system, due to their activity, expose the laptop not only to technical problems, but also increase the risk of leakage of personal or other important information.

If your laptop freezes, it may be time to replace it, or at least the hard drive.

Sometimes we are faced with an unknown reason for the low speed of the PC and even, worse, constant freezes of the operating system. This usually happens with computers and laptops that have served us for quite a long time.

Even advanced users cannot always understand the reasons for this computer behavior, let alone poorly trained beginners. This article will help diagnose the causes of freezing and braking. computers and independently eliminate a number of problems that have arisen.

1. Software problem

Since you are reading this article, you have begun to notice that the computer cannot cope with some computing tasks, it takes more time to open familiar sites, it slows down even when using simple toys, when watching videos, pictures, and so on. The first thing that comes to mind is to contact a specialized computer repair center, but do not rush to do this, try to cope with this problem yourself.

The system itself has such utilities in its set, but they are basic and, as a rule, do not always cope properly with such problems, especially during long-term use of the computer. After thoroughly cleaning and configuring the system special programs, the computer will definitely work faster.

2. Component overheating problem

If it's a computer, then programs won't help here. When the permissible temperature of one or more components of a computer/laptop exceeds the permissible temperature, it begins to slow down greatly and may even freeze. This is a protective measure designed to reduce the load and, accordingly, the temperature.

Make sure that all cooling system vents have unobstructed air flow and are not blocked by foreign objects. Pay attention to the sufficient space between the wall computer desk and cooling air intake openings system unit.

The same goes for laptops. It is not recommended to place the laptop on soft surfaces, such as a blanket, that prevent the free flow of cooling air. Today there are many different stands that provide additional cooling, allowing you to reduce the heating of the laptop during prolonged use and workload. If the problem has already occurred, then read my article on how to deal with it.

The next reason for unstable operation may be overheating of processors and computer hardware components due to clogging of the cooling system with common dust and suspended particles that are drawn in by the fan along with the cooling air. Over time, dust accumulates on radiators, fans, and other cooling system components, preventing sufficient air from flowing through for effective airflow. electronic components system unit.

Install a utility that will help you measure the processor temperature, for example AIDA64. It should be without load within 42 - 47 C. If the temperature is above 70, then it is necessary to clear the cooling system of clogging or replace the fan, which may not be working. Carry out a visual inspection: if the fan does not spin or operates intermittently, or you hear extraneous noise during its operation, then clean it and lubricate it with oil, but it is better to replace it. It may have been damaged in the process long work, the grease has hardened, and so on.

Damage to the radiator can also cause freezing or stuttering. In this case, some tubes will feel hotter than others. If this is the case, then replace the cooling radiator or the entire system assembly. Replacing the thermal paste with a new one often helps. This is more difficult to do with a laptop; without disassembling it is almost impossible. Disassembling the laptop must be done very carefully, having first downloaded and studied the step-by-step instructions.

Assess your capabilities and if you are not confident in your disassembly abilities, then it is better to contact service center. You can use a can of compressed air for these purposes, but when using a laptop for a long time, this method is not very effective. This method is preferable for preventive computer maintenance work, once or twice a year.

Unstable operation of the system may depend on more complex problems associated with a malfunction of the power supply or other components that require specialist intervention. Adequately assess your capabilities so as not to harm your computer self-repair. In a complex situation of equipment damage, when it is impossible to figure it out on your own, it is preferable to trust a specialist.

Is the user's laptop frozen? What to do? We will have to answer this question further. After all, every user may experience a freezing operating system. Often, in the case of laptops, rebooting a PC can be done using a more extensive list of techniques. They will be discussed further below. Unfortunately, restarting the OS in the event of glitches is not always safe. And this must be taken into account first of all. Therefore, we will try to learn safer reboot techniques first.

Sources of problems

Problems with your laptop can happen at any time. Typically this leads to slow work OS, and then the computer completely freezes.

The most common causes of glitches are the following factors:

  • software incompatibility;
  • lack of RAM;
  • CPU load;
  • system failures;
  • viruses;
  • incorrectly installed operating system;
  • broken OS settings.

Often, a system rollback or increasing RAM can help correct the situation. But first you will have to turn off your PC. Laptop frozen? What to do? How to reboot or turn off a laptop? About everyone possible options The development of events will be described below.

Normal reboot

Let's start by learning how to simply restart your computer. It helps only when the OS responds to user actions, but very slowly.

You need to do the following (using Windows 7 as an example):

  1. In the lower left corner, click on the Windows image.
  2. Click on the arrow next to the “Quit” line.

All that remains to be done now is to wait. The computer will shut down all processes and then restart the operating system. Laptop frozen? What to do in this case?

Force reboot

If the computer has crashed and does not reboot in the usual way, you must force a restart of the OS. This is a normal phenomenon and is used quite often in practice.

You need to do this:

  1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del on your keyboard.
  2. In the lower right corner, click on the arrow button. Next to it there will be an image of the PC turning off.
  3. Select the "Reboot" function in the menu that appears.

It's done. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. And now it’s clear what to do if the laptop has a black screen or a simple freeze. But this is just the beginning. In fact, there are several more ways to deal with laptop glitches.

Reboot without shutting down

Laptop frozen? What to do? If the operating system is still responding to user input, you can try to restart without turning off the computer. This practice exists, but it is not used very often.

So, it is suggested to act like this:

  1. Open the functional menu in any way (via Start or Ctrl + Alt + Del).
  2. Select the "Log out" option.
  3. Wait a while.

This way the user will be able to restart the operating system without turning off the computer. Although, as practice shows, logging out of the OS is used extremely rarely in practice.

Power buttons

How to restart a laptop if it freezes? Sometimes it happens that the operating system stops responding to any user actions. In this case, as a rule, rebooting does not help. I have to turn off the laptop urgently.

This can also be done in several ways. We found out why the laptop freezes. Regardless of the cause of the "glitches", in some cases the user must urgently shut down the OS. To do this, just press the power button on the laptop and hold it in this position for several seconds (5-10).

What will happen? The computer will be shut down immediately. After turning it on, the user will be offered several options for loading the operating system - for example, in safe mode and in normal.

Battery to the rescue

What to do if your laptop has a black screen? The previously listed techniques will help correct the situation. What if they didn't work?

Under certain circumstances, the user can try to turn off the laptop like this:

  1. Disconnect the power cord.
  2. Turn the laptop over.
  3. Disconnect the battery from the main body.
  4. Put it back.

It's done! After the above steps, the user can turn on the computer again. This technique is not relevant for all laptops. It is not suitable for devices whose batteries cannot be removed. Therefore, removing the battery does not always help get rid of glitches and freezing.

Power off

Is your laptop frozen and won't turn off? The following advice may be suitable for users who work with laptops without batteries, that is, with the battery disconnected.

If you are unable to restart your computer, you must turn it off. Not the best, but quite effective method is to disconnect the laptop from the power source.

Speaking in simple words, the user will simply have to unplug the power cord from the laptop. If the laptop was not initially connected to the battery, an emergency shutdown of the OS will occur.

Attention: this technique is used in extreme cases. It can cause quite serious damage to the computer and the operating system as a whole.

This does not mean that turning off the laptop’s power is contraindicated. Sometimes this approach is the only method to solve the problem. Therefore, every modern user should know about it.

Food and waiting

How to restart a laptop if it freezes and does not respond to user actions? It all depends on the circumstances. After all, sometimes it is possible to reboot by simply disconnecting the laptop from the network.

What to do if the laptop has non-removable battery and runs directly from power? Such circumstances, if you exclude turning off using the Power button, provide only one option for the development of events - waiting.

What does it mean? You need to follow these instructions:

  1. Disconnect the laptop from the power cord.
  2. Try to restart the computer using the previously listed methods (using the keyboard).
  3. Wait a few hours.

You can do without step 2. That is, just unplug the laptop from the power supply and wait. True, you need to be patient - the wait will be long. Until the device's battery is completely discharged. Even when frozen, the OS consumes energy.

What will happen? The computer will simply discharge and turn off. After this, all you have to do is connect the laptop to power via the wire, wait a few minutes (not necessary, but desirable), and then turn it on using the Power button.

Old OS and reboot

We managed to find out why the laptop freezes. And we also had to familiarize ourselves with the main methods of rebooting the OS. How exactly to proceed? Each user decides this independently, taking into account the situation that has arisen.

Laptop frozen? What to do? If we're talking about about old ones operating systems, you can restart the computer only through the keyboard. Not always, but very often.

The user just needs to press Ctrl + Alt + Del several times (with short pauses). After this, an emergency reboot of the PC will be performed.

For desktop computers

We found out what to do if your laptop freezes. And why such situations arise, too. A few words about what additional trick can only be used on desktop computers.

There is a special toggle switch on the rear panel of the system unit (near the power supply). You just need to turn it off and then turn it back on. The computer will be turned off. Then you can turn it on and continue working with the operating system.

I don’t think it will be possible to answer everyone 100% why the laptop freezes (yours is the one that freezes) - there are too many diagnoses. Still, the majority will find the answer.

Very often the laptop freezes tightly only when you turn on games, but there are also cases when watching videos on the Internet or the cursor just freezes and this does not depend on the model, be it Acer, ASUS, HP, Dell, Samsung, Lenovo, Sony, MSI and others .

Let’s not get distracted and move on to the most common reasons why mini computers freeze and what needs to be done to eliminate the reasons.

The first applies to everyone, especially if the laptop began to freeze constantly immediately after purchase. Update Windows 7 or Windows 8 (I don’t know which one you have). There is an option: “center windows updates"(As for security, you can skip it).

The most common reason for a laptop to freeze

Your laptop is bound to freeze if it doesn't have enough RAM.

Even if you (according to parameters) have more than enough of it, a virus can contribute to this.

Therefore, install a special gadget and a program to see what happens to it (you can find them on this site).

Many viruses masquerade as system files and they load the system so much that after 3-5 minutes. The laptop begins to freeze tightly and this will happen constantly.

Other reasons why laptops freeze

Look at how many processes are happening - up to 50 is normal.

Also pay attention to the hard drive - how much free space is left. Look, maybe a lot needs to be turned off (they are unnecessary).

If freezes occur only on the Internet, clear temporary files, cache and other garbage from your browsers.

The worst thing is if the RAM bar is covered. In computers this can easily be fixed on your own; in laptops you cannot do without a specialist.

It is also extremely bad if the hard drive is on its last legs (the laptop will freeze) - it is difficult to change it yourself, especially in older models.

It's a good idea to do file fragmentation, although by default it should run on its own from time to time.

The laptop will also freeze when the processor overheats, although it usually turns off or goes to bed.

To monitor its temperature, also use the gadget. The same applies to the video card - for it overheating is above 90, for the processor - 55.

Through incorrect work software The laptop will also freeze. Try reinstalling the operating system itself.

As I wrote, these are not all the reasons why laptops freeze, but only the most common ones.

Perhaps you have an individual case, then write in the comments - you won’t wait long for an answer. Good luck.
