Why does the computer turn off when starting an online game? Why does the computer turn off on its own?

The point is that this question cannot be eliminated very quickly. After all, there are many reasons for this behavior. And we will try to sort them all out, and also find out how to avoid a repetition of the situation. Let's quickly get started with the analysis.


Well, the first option that can only arise when asking the question: “Why does the computer turn off during games?” - this is nothing more than overheating of equipment. It can happen due to a heavy load on the processor, a closed space in which the system unit is located, due to a large amount of dust inside your “machine”, and so on.

The main thing is the result. Users have to wonder why the computer turns off while playing Euro Track Simulator 2 (or any other game). And the first thing you need to do is clean your “machine” from dust, and then provide it with ventilation. For example, install a new cooler or remove sidebar system unit.

In the case of laptops, you will have to try a little. It is not recommended to clean it from dust yourself. Instead, take it to service center. For greater access for air, buy a special stand with cooling. After this, you won’t have to think about why your computer turns off during the installation of the game or when starting it. But these are not all the reasons for this behavior. Let's find out what else is going on.


Another rather interesting development is the drivers used to connect equipment to the computer. The thing is that they have to be updated from time to time. If you don’t do this, then you’ll have to think about why the computer turns off during games, how to fix it and prevent the situation from happening again.

You just need to look at the video card manufacturer, sound card, equipment (keyboard, mouse, etc.), then visit the official website and download the necessary driver software package from there. After that, install them and restart your computer.

In addition, you can use special utilities, which automatically check for driver updates and download them. The installation is up to you. After all the manipulations, you can try to start again. Are you still the same as before? Then let's look further at why the computer turns off during the game "SkyForge" or any other. After all, there are still a lot of reasons.


Now let's move on to more common sources of our current situation. After all, if the computer turns off while working, this is not very good. So let's figure out what's the matter.

For example, the problem may lie in the processor load. This is especially true for users who prefer to do several things at the same time on the computer. For example, play, edit photos in Photoshop and edit videos in Sony Vegas.

Heavy CPU load usually causes a shutdown operating system. Moreover, the more such incidents there are, the worse it becomes for your computer. The system simply “cannot stand it” and decides to stop everything critically.

If you are faced with the question of why the computer turns off during games, then try closing all unnecessary applications, and then resume trying to start the game. Maybe it's just the load? No? Then let's move on. We still have many reasons for this behavior that have not yet been studied.

High demands

Of course, each game has its own so-called minimum system requirements. They are necessary for the application to run correctly. If your “machine” does not fit this list in at least one of the points, then most likely you will have to think about the question “Why does the computer turn off during games?”

In this case, as a rule, the unsuitable hardware is replaced, as well as the game is reinstalled. Once you've done this, try using the application again. Usually all problems disappear. But not always. This does not happen when there are other reasons for this behavior in the operating system. So let's try to figure out what else could cause your “iron friend” to turn off.


For example, the problem may lie in the operating system itself. There are two rather interesting sources here that, as a rule, remain in the shadows when trying to answer why the computer turns off on its own.

The first scenario is the occurrence of system failures or malfunctions. As a rule, they are the ones that can disable many toys and applications, and also lead to the loss of some personal data and settings. Not particularly dangerous, but unpleasant. Proper handling of the computer, as well as a system rollback, can help.

The second “root of evil” is less pleasant. This is the presence of a pirated copy. Such content, as a rule, loves to play pranks and cause problems on the computer. However, most users quickly resolve the current situation by simply reinstalling Windows. And that's right. Especially if you buy a licensed copy of the operating system for this. But now it’s worth talking about other reasons that can cause your computer to shut down while installing applications or games.


For example, there is also a source that is a little similar to the previous problem. The point is that pirate games and the apps generally don't perform very well. This is the fault of the so-called “collectors” - creators who give “freebies” to users.

If you are wondering why your computer turns off during games, then it makes sense to check the licensing of the applications you are running. If you encounter pirated copies, you can simply reinstall them or even download a different version. As a last resort, simply buy a licensed disc.

Remember that pirates also have poor communication with a licensed operating system. It is for this reason that owners of “paid” Windows, as a rule, prefer not to download from the Internet, but to buy games in stores. This is what will help you in this situation.


The last scenario is the most common for us. It most often occurs for most users and brings a lot of different problems. Including turning off the computer in a “random order”.

Of course we're talking about about infection of the operating system with viruses. Quite often, various types of Trojans and worms penetrate a computer, “settle” in it, and then begin to cause crashes, malfunctions and show us “surprises” that we do not expect at all. Loss of data, inability to install new applications, as well as spontaneous shutdown of the computer - all this is the work of viruses.

Here, as a rule, the situation is corrected relatively quickly. You check your computer for viruses, then disinfect all potentially dangerous objects. Anything that cannot be treated is removed. After such a complex, as a rule, a computer restart is required. Reinstall the game, and then try to launch it. Everything should work out.


So, here we have figured out why the computer turns off during the game. As you can see, there are many, many reasons for this behavior. All of them, fortunately, are eliminated very quickly. Especially if you know where to start.

As a rule, in this case, the help of professionals is not required. Only in extreme cases, when everything has already been tried, can you contact the service center and explain the current situation. Don't be afraid, but it's better to try to do everything yourself first.

If you are the owner of a relatively “ancient” computer, then you may have observed such a mysterious phenomenon: after launching the game. This situation is common on older PCs, since the system requirements of modern games are incredibly high. There are several reasons for starting any game. Although, perhaps, system requirements have nothing to do with it. But first things first.

power unit

Let's say that you recently updated some component of the system unit. All the rest of the “stuffing” remained the same. This is where problems arise when launching games. This is especially true. In this situation, if the computer turns off when starting games, there is nothing surprising in this.

The fact is that new components (especially video cards) consume much more energy than old ones. But the power supply remained the same, low-power. The computer simply does not have enough energy to run all the components. So he turns off the most energy-intensive one - the video card. What is work without an image? Accordingly, the entire “system unit” is turned off.

There is only one solution to this problem - purchasing a new power supply. And preferably - as powerful as possible, in case of a future component upgrade. It would also be a good idea to pay attention to the block category. It is better to purchase a power supply with best optimization energy consumption. Electricity will be consumed much less with the same power. This is an economic consideration.

Cooling system

The most common problem when running resource-intensive games and applications is overheating of computer components. Most often the processor and video card are affected. If the cooling system of one of these components is insufficient, launching a demanding game may well crash your PC. This is another answer to the question why the computer turns off when starting the game.

The problem may also occur if the cooling system is faulty. However, this can be easily verified. If you have a regular PC, then just open the lid and look at the coolers of the video card and processor. If one of them does not work, then this is the problem. There is only one thing you can do here - replace the cooler. But if you have no money, or the stores are closed, and you desperately want to play, you can try to turn on a regular household fan and direct it directly to the system unit (naturally, with open lid). In some cases this helps.

To prevent such situations, you can install liquid cooling. Of course, it costs a lot, but there is a guarantee that the video card and processor will not overheat due to a non-working fan. And the system unit will make less noise.

Lots of dust

As strange as it may sound, dust and dirt can also be the reason why your computer turns off when starting games. “System systems” cause quiet horror and trembling in the knees of most users. It has long been known that a computer is an excellent dust collector. But for some users the amount of dust and dirt is simply off scale. The question is, how can a PC work normally in such conditions?

Most often, processor and video card coolers suffer from dust and dirt. The ventilation grilles in the system unit case also become clogged. If anyone thought that these holes are purely for beauty, then this is not at all true. If the ventilation grilles are clogged, there is no air circulation. As a result, the PC heats itself. How can you not overheat here? When starting the game it is highlighted huge amount heat that doesn't go anywhere. That's the reason for the shutdown. Simply clean the system unit and your PC will work like new.

Swollen motherboard capacitors

And this is already serious. If so, write it’s gone. Not one worth playing you won't be able to "get chopped up". “Mother” simply can’t stand it. Capacitors can swell for various reasons. But the most common is overheating due to dust and dirt. So, if anyone thought that overheating only leads to problems with coolers, know that in this way you can “kill” motherboard. With swollen capacitors, the symptoms of the “disease” are exactly this: switching off at the slightest load. This is why the computer turns off when starting the game. What to do in this case? Just change the motherboard, because repairs will be expensive and pointless.

Also, capacitors may swell on the power supply itself. But there is only one point here - to replace a failed computer component.

Video card driver problem

It is rare, but it happens that the computer turns off when starting games due to a malfunctioning video card driver. If the driver was initially “broken,” then it may incorrectly regulate the temperature of the adapter, which leads to it overheating and shutting down the computer.

Here you can do the following. First, try to roll back the driver if it was previously updated. To do this, go to the "Task Manager", click right click mouse on the name graphics adapter and select "Properties". Here you need to click the "Roll Back" button and restart the computer. Secondly, you can completely remove the driver, after which the OS will automatically install the device with a different driver.

If after all this the computer turns off when starting any game, then the problem is not in the driver at all.

Thermal paste

Strictly speaking, thermal paste is part of the cooling system. It exists to effectively remove heat from the processor. If it is dry or damaged, the PC may overheat. Accordingly, under load it completely turns off the PC. This is why the computer turns off when starting games.

There is only one way out here - clean off the old dried thermal paste and apply new one. Just without fanaticism. The paste should be applied in a thin layer to the top of the processor case. Then the radiator and cooler are attached to it.


The reasons why a PC may turn off under load are varied. But they all have their own decision, no matter how difficult it may be. You may have to spend a pretty penny to fix your iron friend. But this is because this happens to all computers sooner or later. And the point here is not at all in low-quality components, but in the obsolescence of the hardware.

If you are faced with a problem such as an involuntary computer shutdown, then you need to know the reasons for what is happening, which will tell you what to do next in order to get rid of such sudden PC shutdowns. We would like to immediately note that both a computer and a laptop can turn off on their own, and most importantly, this does not always mean some serious problems with the hardware; perhaps it is simply the effect of a virus. But let's talk about everything in order.

6 reasons why your computer turns off on its own

  1. Virus. One of the most common causes is a virus that causes the computer to shut down on its own without your instructions. To do this, you should scan your entire PC for viruses.

  2. Overheating of computer components. Carry this out, as a layer of dust can cause overheating, and also pay attention to the coolers, they should all spin quickly.

  3. There is a fault in the power supply. One more common cause If the power supply is damaged, it can burn out due to voltage surges and excessive load from the components.

  4. Malfunction in RAM. Characterized by this type The problem is that before turning off the computer starts to freeze and all functions slow down. To exclude RAM from the list of reasons for turning off the computer, we recommend inserting another one in its place, and also contacting specialists at the service center.

  5. Motherboard failure. Spontaneous shutdown of the PC will be caused either by a crack or chip on the motherboard, or by a burnt-out capacitor. In general, this happens due to impacts on the system unit or its fall, or because the motherboard has already “outlived its useful life.” Of course, we cannot rule out marriage, but it is quite rare. Again, you won’t be able to independently determine whether the motherboard is to blame for this without using special equipment.

  6. Poor contact. It is quite simple to identify and fix this breakdown - check the tightness of all cords, starting with the outlet, because there may be a problem with the power supply filter. All plugs must be tightly inserted, both outside the system unit and inside it.

If your computer turned off or rebooted while you were playing some modern demanding game, then most often the problem is with the video card, power supply, or processor.

We don’t think that you are dabbling in overclocking your video card and processor, otherwise you wouldn’t be asking this question.
Let's try to figure out what exactly is going on and what steps to take.

  • 1. The first reason is a lack of power from the power supply for your video card.

You can say that before everything was fine and there was enough power. And then keyword"earlier". Firstly, you used to have a newer power supply. And secondly, games have become more demanding and place more load on the video card, which in turn consumes more power.

Of course, it cannot exceed the power consumption higher than indicated in its characteristics, but perhaps the power supply is not able to provide the maximum that the video card requires and it causes the problem of the computer turning off during the game.

Our recommendation: do not rush to change the power supply. Try to disassemble it and clean the fan and the unit itself from dust. Perhaps it's due to overheating. And even if the problem remains, do not rush to throw it away, read this article further.

  • 2. The second reason is processor overheating.

Install the AIDA64 program. In addition to a lot of information about the components of your computer, it can also show the temperature of the processor. If the temperature is more than 90 degrees, then this is already bad. Some processors can run at higher temperatures, but not all.

Often, due to overheating, the corresponding protection is triggered and the computer may turn off, or “ blue screen death."

  • 3. Well, the third banal reason is overheating of the video card itself. Everything is simple here - clean all the dust from the cooler.

If none of the above helped, then you will not be able to solve the problem on your own. Here you need to contact a “computer repair” to find out the reason. There they will conduct a stress test and find out exactly which of the components “cannot withstand”. Perhaps something with motherboard, for example, you need to replace some of the capacitors, etc.

Of course, if you have a friend who has a computer with suitable components, then you can “at random”, replacing parts one by one, to identify the “weak link”. But that's not very good either good option, because Not everyone I know will agree to such experiments with his hardware. An easier option is to bring it into the workshop.

Any user who likes to play on a computer may encounter a problem automatic shutdown screen while playing. Why does this happen, how to find and fix the problem? We will talk about this in this article.

Insufficient video card power

If the monitor turns off only during the game, but when watching videos, surfing the Internet and other simpler tasks it works, then in this case everything points to a weak video card.

Toys create a heavy load on the video card, which in turn sends signals to the monitor, and it processes them and gives us the finished image. If the video card cannot cope with the load, the sensor turns it off, after which the monitor turns off.

What to do:

Video card malfunction

Usually, if the monitor automatically turns off when you turn it on or during a game, then most likely the problem is. Like this:

Cable damage

If the screen goes blank with the message “no signal”, but the computer continues to work, the cause may be simple cable damage.

Upon visual inspection, it may appear completely intact and unharmed. Checking this is quite simple: find and connect a new cable. If performance is restored, you know what the reason was.

Problems with random access memory (RAM)

A rare situation, but it still happens. If your monitor cuts out while gaming, your RAM may have failed, or you may have installed new RAM that is simply not compatible with your motherboard or processor.

Motherboard or processor malfunction

A fairly common reason why the screen turns off when starting a game, but the system unit works, it means the motherboard or processor has failed.

It happens:

  1. Due to frequent blackouts and power surges. To protect against power failures, it is recommended to use a UPS.
  2. After regularly cleaning the hardware, you could accidentally damage the processor socket or scratch the motherboard. Even minor damage can render the board inoperable. In this case, the components must be repaired or completely replaced.

Now you know what to do if the monitor turns off during the game and at any time, you can fix this problem yourself.

Video instructions
