The image on the laptop monitor blurs. Fuzzy (cloudy, blurry) program window - how to fix it

Initially, the HDMI interface was developed on the basis of DVI, but, unlike the latter, it had support for audio signals and was tailored for household appliances - mainly televisions. Later, HDMI ports began to be added to monitors, and this is where confusion arose: the television signal is output in a limited color range, and televisions are calibrated so that the picture looks natural in this range. Monitors are designed for the full dynamic range, and accordingly, they display the correct colors only when the image is displayed in it.

First, let's figure out how the signal is output in general. In the vast majority of cases, the RGB model is used, that is, the picture is divided into three color components - red, green and blue. The intensity of each component is specified as an 8-bit number for each pixel, that is, it can vary from 0 (complete absence of a given color) to 255 (correspondingly, the maximum of a given color). In total, we get the opportunity to display 256 x 256 x 256 = 16777216 combinations (color gradations) - this range of colors is called Full RGB, that is, the full dynamic range. However, due to the limitations analog signal V household appliances I had to use a trick and use not Full RGB, but Limited RGB (limited dynamic range) - values ​​are used only in the range from 16 to 235, that is, black is 16,16,16, white - 235, 235, 235. And that’s all we get 219 x 219 x 219 = 10503459 colors, that is, one and a half times less.

What exactly is the problem? It lies in the fact that a video card with an HDMI connection cannot determine what is connected to it - a monitor or a TV, and therefore, in the case of Nvidia video cards, the signal is output by default in a limited range, in the case of AMD - in the full range. There are no problems with video cards from AMD - the monitor works with Full RGB, the video card also produces a signal in Full RGB:

But Nvidia video cards By default, all devices connected via HDMI are considered TVs and produce a signal in Limited RGB when the monitor expects Full RGB:

As a result, the dynamic range of the image is narrowed, colors become faded, black looks dark gray (because the monitor thinks that 16, 16, 16 is dark gray), white also lacks intensity (because 235, 235 , 235 is no longer white), the same with other colors. That is, the picture suffers quite a lot, and this is especially noticeable with IPS monitors. However, it is not difficult to fix this: you need to go to the Control Panel, find the Panel there Nvidia control, go to the “Change resolution” column and set “Full output dynamic range”, then apply the changes:

Also, if you wish, you can go to the “Adjusting color parameters for video” column and do the same thing there (however, if after this the films begin to look unnatural, it is better to return everything as it was, because some films are cropped to Limited RGB):

That's it, now the image on the monitor should become more saturated.

Of course, all this makes sense only if your monitor is connected via HDMI. If the connection is via DVI or DisplayPort, the video card “understands that a monitor is connected and immediately displays the image in Full RGB.

Quite often, when using LCD monitors on desktop computers, you can encounter a problem that the image on the monitor has become blurry. Why did this happen, because before certain point was everything okay? To answer this question, you need to understand what is causing this phenomenon, and only then take appropriate troubleshooting actions. Let's try to identify the most common causes.

Why does the image appear blurry?

Speaking specifically about the reasons for this phenomenon, almost all experts identify several of the most common ones, among which the main ones include the following:

  • damage to the VGA cable or loose contacts on the connectors;
  • incorrect settings of the monitor itself;
  • inconsistency between monitor parameters and settings operating system;
  • problems with drivers.

Note: sometimes included in this list incorrect installation Windows updates, which can most often be found for some reason in the seventh modification. This is due to the fact that some updates (and this is confirmed even by specialists from Microsoft) are simply unfinished, and they contain updates to various VGA drivers, which lead to unwanted effects.

In this case, as soon as you notice the appearance of a blurry image on the monitor, the last installed updates must be removed manually, using at least the item viewing installed updates in the programs and components section, which is called up from the standard “Control Panel”.

A more effective way is to use specialized uninstaller programs like iObit Uninstaller. True, in both cases it will be necessary to re-set the search for updates in manual mode and exclude from those found those that do not need to be reinstalled (as is already clear, updates are removed one by one with a reboot and check of the system). As more simple solution You can suggest the Show or Hide Updates utility, developed directly by Microsoft.

The simplest method for eliminating unwanted visual effects

But let’s assume that everything is in order with the updates or their installation is presumably disabled by the user himself. In most cases, it is believed that the appearance of a blurred image on the monitor can be caused by physical damage to the cable that connects the monitor to the stationary system unit. Try simply unplugging the plugs from the sockets and then connecting again. If this does not help, “ring” the cable or replace it with a new one. If possible, use an adapter to HDMI (the image will be stabilized immediately).

If everything is in order with the cable, try calling up the built-in menu of the monitor and try to adjust the clarity of the picture by changing the device’s own parameters, after reading the technical documentation.

How to get rid of a blurry image on the monitor in Windows 7 or another OS?

As for system settings, you can check them quite simply. On the empty space of the “Desktop”, right-click and select Screen Settings. In the settings, first of all, pay attention to the set resolution.

Almost all monitors are set to the system recommended value. If it is changed for some reason, install the one you need. Outdated monitors can work absolutely correctly in only one mode, but some support several possible modes. Also check your screen refresh rate settings. To start, set the indicator to 60 Hz. However, if the device supports the use of a higher frequency, it is better to use it (it is believed that the higher this indicator, the better the picture).

How to remove a blurry image on the monitor in Windows 10?

When you call the above-described setting item from the “Desktop” in the tenth version of the system, you will be redirected to the corresponding section located in the options menu.

If the zoom option is enabled with a value of 125%, and the panel and window size options have been changed, set the recommended parameters.

Note: if your computer or laptop has an integrated video card rather than a discrete one, you can adjust the necessary parameters to eliminate a blurry image on the monitor using, for example, the built-in “Intel Graphics and Media Control Panel.” If there are special control programs for discrete graphics adapters, it is recommended to change the settings not only in the operating system, but also directly in such applications (at the same time, by the way, you can test the chip together with the monitor).

Driver update issues

Finally, outdated video card drivers can also lead to a blurry image on the monitor. Update them using Windows completely inappropriate. To achieve the optimal effect, use the search for the latest updates of management software like Driver Booster. In the case of discrete graphics adapters better to apply specialized applications from the chip manufacturer.

As a last resort, you can find the necessary drivers either on the manufacturer’s website, or search using special hardware identifiers VEN and DEV, which can be determined in the “Device Manager” (through the properties on the details tab), as shown in the image above.

Here are the TOP 10 most frequent malfunctions LCD monitors, which I experienced firsthand. The rating of malfunctions is compiled according to the personal opinion of the author, based on experience in service center. You can take this as a universal repair manual for almost any LCD monitor from Samsung, LG, BENQ, HP, Acer and others. Well, let's go.

I divided the malfunctions of LCD monitors into 10 points, but this does not mean that there are only 10 of them - there are many more of them, including combined and floating ones. Many of the breakdowns of LCD monitors can be repaired with your own hands and at home.

1st place – monitor does not turn on

at all, although the power light may blink. In this case, the monitor lights up for a second and goes out, turns on and turns off immediately. Jerking the cable, dancing with a tambourine and other pranks do not help. The method of tapping the monitor with a nervous hand usually doesn’t help either, so don’t even try. The reason for this malfunction of LCD monitors is most often the failure of the power supply board, if it is built into the monitor.

Recently, monitors with an external power supply have become fashionable. This is good because the user can simply change the power source in case of breakdown. If there is no external power source, you will have to disassemble the monitor and look for a fault on the board. in most cases it is not difficult, but you need to remember about safety precautions.

Before fixing the poor guy, let him stand for 10 minutes, unplugged. During this time, the high-voltage capacitor will have time to discharge. ATTENTION! It is DANGEROUS TO LIFE if the PWM transistor also burns out! In this case, the high-voltage capacitor will not discharge in an acceptable time.

Therefore, EVERYONE check the voltage on it before repairing! If dangerous voltage remains, then you need to discharge the capacitor manually through an insulated one of about 10 kOhm for 10 seconds. If you suddenly decide to short-circuit the leads, then protect your eyes from sparks!

Next, we proceed to inspect the monitor’s power supply board and replace all burnt parts - these are usually swollen capacitors, blown fuses, transistors and other elements. It is also MANDATORY to solder the board or at least inspect the soldering under a microscope for microcracks.

From my own experience I will say that if the monitor is more than 2 years old, then 90% there will be microcracks in the soldering, especially for LG, BenQ, Acer and Samsung monitors. The cheaper the monitor, the worse it is made at the factory. To the extent that the active flux is not washed away - which leads to failure of the monitor after a year or two. Yes, yes, just when the warranty ends.

2nd place - the image blinks or goes out

when you turn on the monitor. This miracle directly indicates to us that the power supply is faulty.

Of course, the first thing you need to check is the power and signal cables - they must be securely fastened in the connectors. A flickering image on the monitor tells us that the monitor's backlight voltage source is constantly jumping out of operating mode.

3rd place - turns off spontaneously

after the time has elapsed or does not turn on immediately. In this case, again, there are three common malfunctions of LCD monitors in order of frequency of occurrence - swollen electrolytes, microcracks in the board, faulty microcircuit.

With this malfunction, a high-frequency squeak from the backlight transformer can also be heard. It typically operates at frequencies between 30 and 150 kHz. If its operating mode is disrupted, vibrations can occur in the audible frequency range.

4th place - no backlight,

but the image is visible under bright light. This immediately tells us that LCD monitors are faulty in terms of backlighting. In terms of frequency of occurrence, it could be placed in third place, but it is already taken.

There are two options - either the power supply and inverter board burned out, or the backlight lamps are faulty. The last reason is not common in modern monitors. If the LEDs in the backlight fail, then only in groups.

In this case, the image may darken in places at the edges of the monitor. It is better to start repairs by diagnosing the power supply and inverter. The inverter is that part of the board that is responsible for generating a high-voltage voltage of about 1000 Volts to power the lamps, so under no circumstances should you try to repair the monitor under voltage. You can read about it on my blog.

Most monitors are similar in design, so there shouldn't be any problems. At one time, monitors simply fell off due to poor contact near the tip of the backlight. This can be cured by carefully disassembling the matrix in order to get to the end of the lamp and solder the high-voltage wiring.

A simpler way out of this unpleasant situation can be found if your friend-brother-matchmaker has the same monitor lying around, but with faulty electronics. It won’t be difficult to make two monitors of similar series and the same diagonal.

Sometimes even the power supply from the monitor larger diagonal can be adapted for a monitor with a smaller diagonal, but such experiments are risky and I do not recommend starting a fire at home. But in someone else’s villa, that’s a different matter...

6th place - spots or horizontal stripes

Their presence means that the day before you or your relatives had a fight with the monitor over something outrageous.

Unfortunately, household LCD monitors are not equipped with shockproof coatings and anyone can offend the weak. Yes, any decent poke with a sharp or blunt object will make you regret it.

Even if there is a small trace or even one broken pixel left, the stain will still begin to grow over time under the influence of temperature and voltage applied to the liquid crystals. Restore dead pixels Unfortunately, a monitor won't work.

7th place - no image, but backlight is present

That is, a white or gray screen appears on your face. First, you should check the cables and try connecting the monitor to another video source. Also check whether the monitor menu is displayed on the screen.

If everything remains the same, look carefully at the power supply board. The power supply of an LCD monitor usually generates voltages of 24, 12, 5, 3.3 and 2.5 Volts. You need to use a voltmeter to check if everything is okay with them.

If everything is in order, then carefully look at the video signal processing board - it is usually smaller than the power supply board. It contains a microcontroller and auxiliary elements. You need to check if they are getting food. Touch the contact of the common wire with one (usually along the outline of the board), and with the other, walk along the pins of the microcircuits. Usually the food is somewhere in the corner.

If everything is in order regarding the power supply, but there is no oscilloscope, then we check all the monitor cables. On their contacts. If you find something, clean it with isopropyl alcohol. In extreme cases, you can clean it with a needle or scalpel. Also check the board with the monitor control buttons.

If all else fails, then perhaps you are faced with a case of broken firmware or microcontroller failure. This usually happens from surges in the 220 V network or simply from aging of the elements. Usually in such cases you have to study special forums, but it’s easier to use them for spare parts, especially if you know a familiar karateka who fights against unwanted LCD monitors.

8th place – does not respond to control buttons

This case can be easily treated - you need to remove the frame or back cover monitor and pull out the board. Most often there you will see a crack in the board or in the solder.

Sometimes there are faulty or . A crack in the board violates the integrity of the conductors, so they need to be cleaned and soldered, and the board must be glued to strengthen the structure.

9th place - reduced monitor brightness

This occurs due to aging of the backlight bulbs. LED backlight According to my data, it does not suffer from this. It is also possible that the parameters of the inverter may deteriorate, again due to the aging of the components.

10th place - noise, moire and image jitter

This often happens due to bad VGA cable without electromagnetic interference suppressor - . If replacing the cable does not help, then it is possible that power interference has penetrated into the imaging circuits.

Usually they are eliminated from the circuit design by using filter capacitors for power supply on the signal board. Try replacing them and write to me about the result.

This concludes my wonderful rating of the TOP 10 most common malfunctions of LCD monitors. The bulk of data on breakdowns was collected based on repairs of such popular monitors as Samsung, LG, BENQ, Acer, ViewSonic and Hewlett-Packard.

This rating, it seems to me, is also valid for and. What is your situation on the LCD monitor repair front? Write to and in the comments.

Sincerely, Master Pike.

P.S.: How to disassemble the monitor and TV (how to snap off the frame)

The most frequently asked questions when disassembling LCD monitors and TVs - how to remove the frame? How to release the latches? How to remove the plastic case? etc.

One of the craftsmen made a good animation explaining how to remove the latches from engagement with the body, so I’ll leave it here - it will come in handy.

To view animation— click on the image.


When working with certain programs, you might find that some programs have a clear interface, while others have a vague interface (fuzzy, blurry, interpolated). Particularly interesting is the fact that the same program with “problematic interface display” can look completely normal on another computer. Why does this happen, what are the reasons? In this article we will try to answer these questions.

Why do elements become unclear in some programs?

The reasons for this phenomenon are related to the high resolution that the display of your computer or laptop has.

It’s one thing if, for example, the display has a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels and a diagonal of 27 inches, and quite another thing if a 15-inch display has the same resolution. In the latter case, all elements Windows interface and the windows of programs and applications will be very miniature, the information in them will be difficult to perceive, causing excessive eye strain.

Developers at Microsoft who are developing the popular operating system Windows system, they understand this, but to this day they cannot completely solve this problem. A possibility was developed on their part. It is available in all modern versions operating system, and in Windows 10 it turns on automatically if, at the system installation stage, a display with small dimensions, but at the same time having a high resolution, is detected.

It is very easy to check whether scaling is enabled in the system. To do this, right-click on an area of ​​the desktop free of shortcuts. In the menu that appears, select Screen Options.

The display parameters window will open, in the block Scale and layout Pay attention to the option that displays the current size of text, applications and other elements as a percentage. If it differs from 100%, then this means only one thing - the scale has been changed, and you will probably encounter incorrect display of the interface of some programs you use.

The root cause of the incorrect display of some programs lies in the reluctance of third-party developers to optimize their applications and implement recommendations developed by Microsoft that allow them to avoid problems with incorrect display when the system scale is increased.

Advice: always use latest versions programs and applications, because it is quite possible that in new version the developer has made the appropriate improvements, problem solving with a blurry interface.

How to fix the problem of a cloudy interface display in a specific program

Of course, you can switch the system scale back to 100%, but then absolutely all interface elements will be “smaller.”

You can do it differently and simply disable the modified scale for the specific application you are using. After switching interface elements specific program will become smaller, but the fuzziness of its interface will disappear.

This is done like this:

This instruction details what to do if you see blurry fonts in Windows 10 or individual programs and applications, which can happen both after changing the scaling in the screen settings, and without these actions.

We will first talk about ways to fix screen resolution issues that are obvious to most users but may be overlooked by novice users, followed by other ways to fix blurry text in Windows 10.

This item is for those users who do not fully understand what the physical resolution of a monitor screen is and why the resolution set in the system should correspond to the physical one.

So, modern monitors have a parameter such as physical resolution, which is the number of horizontal and vertical pixels on the screen matrix, for example, 1920x1080. Moreover, if you have any resolution set on your system that is not much different from the physical one, you will see distortion and blurriness of the fonts.

Therefore: if you are not sure, make sure that the screen resolution set in Windows 10 matches the actual screen resolution (this may in some cases cause the font to appear too small, but this can be corrected by scaling options).

Note: if you use several monitors (or a monitor + TV) and the image is duplicated on them, then Windows, when duplicating, uses the same resolution on both screens, and for some of them it may not be “native”. There is only one solution here - change the operating mode of two monitors to “Expand screens” (by pressing the Win + P keys) and set the correct resolution for each monitor.

Removing text blur when zooming

If the problem with blurry fonts occurred after changing the sizes of elements in “Right click on the desktop” - “Display settings” - “Change the size of text, applications and other elements” by 125% or more, and restarting the computer or laptop did not fix the problem, try next option.

And the second option of the same method:

After applying the settings, you will be asked to log out, and after logging in you should see the changed sizes of fonts and elements, but without blurring (when using this option, a different scaling is applied than in the parameters Windows screen 10).

How to fix blurry fonts in programs

Not all Windows programs support correct scaling and, as a result, you may see blurry fonts in some applications, while the rest of the system does not experience such problems.

In this case, you can fix the problem as follows:

The next time you run the program, the problem with blurry fonts should not appear (however, they may appear small on high-resolution screens).


In some cases (for example, due to incorrect operation of video card drivers), the problem with blurry text may be caused by incorrect operation of the ClearType font smoothing function, which is enabled by default in Windows 10 for LCD screens.

Try disabling or configuring this feature and check if the problem is resolved. To do this, type ClearType into the taskbar search and run “Adjust ClearType Text.”

Additional information

Also available on the Internet Windows program 10 DPI Blurry Fix, designed to solve the problem with blurry fonts. The program, as far as I understand, uses the second method from this article, when instead of Windows 10 scaling, the “old” scaling is used.

To use it, just install “Use Windows 8.1 DPI scaling” in the program and configure the desired scaling level.

You can download the program from the developer’s website just don’t forget to check it on (currently it’s clean, but there are negative reviews, so be careful). Also keep in mind that the program must be launched every time you reboot (it will add itself to startup.

And finally, if all else fails, double-check that you have the original ones installed. latest drivers for the video card, not by clicking "update" in the device manager, but by manual loading from the corresponding official sites (or using NVIDIA and AMD utilities).
