What can you do with a touch phone? What can be done from old phones

Anything is possible nowadays! It is quite likely that the usual push-button telephone with the help of skillful hands and “extraordinary” knowledge it becomes sensory. But is the game worth the candle?

The human genius wondered: how to make a phone touchscreen?

The invention of the touch screen was a breakthrough in improving the input method, interacting with the information displayed on the display, as well as practical application technologies in all spheres of human activity. Agree, it’s convenient: instant response to commands, speed of action, ease of use and much more if you have a touchscreen phone in your service. All this became possible thanks to the use of resistor displays, which are only visually similar to “regular” displays. Otherwise, there are only differences as in technical points, and in the functionality of parts.

Touch from push-button: is it feasible?

Have you thought about how to make your phone touchscreen by redesigning a regular one? mobile phone? It is unlikely that your idea will come true, because it is practically a waste of time and effort, since a “regular” screen cannot be given touch functionality. The design features of the touchscreen interact with the entire hardware of the phone, and “attaching” such a screen to the Nokia-6131 or other push-button phone is almost impossible! The various ways to make a phone touchscreen, which the Internet is replete with, are nothing more than deception and a ruthless attempt to ridicule the “gullible” of this world. The easiest way is to purchase such a unit, so to speak, ideally, from the manufacturer, than to experiment and damage a working phone with a slightly different operating principle for navigation and control.

How to choose a mobile phone with touchscreen
screen, or Best choice

Which company should you prefer? What to look for when purchasing
“sensitive” device? Of course, on the practicality and reliability of the device. Important factors in the selection process are the cost-effectiveness of the device and its functionality. Touchscreen phones are not a luxury these days, and almost everyone can afford to buy the model they want. The best option When choosing a touch device, you should, first of all, consider the moderate price and pleasant design quality of the device with a touchscreen display. Budget models from brands such as Nokia and Samsung will be ideal options, which, perhaps, correspond to the above-mentioned parameters. Again, the user must be guided by his preferences, therefore, when choosing a mobile phone, ask the sales consultant of the salon how justified your choice is regarding the device you like.

Summing up

The obvious answer to the question of how to make a phone touchscreen can only be seen on the assembly line of the manufacturer. Because making such a phone is a high-tech process that has nothing to do with a video from the Internet that shows how to turn a push-button phone into a touch phone using hairspray. Be healthy and don’t expose yourself to the unpleasant moment of being ridiculed!

Touch phones are undoubtedly pleasant devices that please the eyes and fingers. Is it true that an ordinary push-button telephone, even a black and white one, can be made touch-sensitive? This sometimes seems like a myth, but strangely enough it is true. What methods have people come up with just to be like those who have a fancy phone, and one of these methods turned out to be effective. Oddly enough, you don’t need a lot of money and time to create a touch phone. Let's not stand on ceremony for long and find out how to do it regular phone sensory? If someone thinks that only some models can be turned into a touchscreen phone, then I will say right away that this is not so.

In fact, you can turn absolutely any old or new phone model into a touchscreen device. And so, as many have guessed, the phone itself cannot be turned into a touchscreen device, this can only be done with a screen, but we’ll now talk about how to do this without breaking it. First you need to choose one or another phone that you would like to make touchscreen; for the first time it is better to take old phone, because if something happens it won’t be so bad. In order to learn how to make your phone screen touchscreen, you will need three things: the phone itself, hairspray, and a clean cloth.

It is better to take each of the ingredients with caution. For example, as mentioned above, you need to take an older phone or at least not an expensive one. You can take “Sensitive” hairspray, you can use others, but this one is proven, so if possible, it’s better to take it. You also need to take a clean cloth, or even better, use a cotton swab, it will be more reliable. These ingredients have been tested on the phone, so if you decide to learn how to make a laptop touch-sensitive, then it’s better to read something else. Apply hairspray to a cotton swab or cloth, then apply it with gentle but even movements on the glass panel of your phone.

Apply until the varnish dissolves. Then, after a couple of seconds, a thin film should form on the phone, which will turn an ordinary phone into a touchscreen one. This method is really simple and effective, but there are comments on the Internet that refute this method. This may be due to the fact that people are using low-quality varnish. After such experience, the question of how to choose a touchscreen phone will disappear by itself. You can make a touch phone out of any phone, you just need to follow the instructions and choose the right product.

Touchscreen phones are popular not because they are multifunctional, but because they completely eliminate the ability to work with buttons. Now this opportunity can be provided on a regular phone. It is not recommended to try this method on a computer or laptop, since the devices are very expensive and if something happens, no one except you will be responsible for them. You can learn how to make and enable a touchpad on a computer from video clips posted on the Internet.

This is also a pretty good invention that helps simplify the user's work. In conclusion, we can say that a simple phone will cost much less than a touchscreen one, and if the problem is only switching functions with your finger, then this problem can be easily corrected with varnish, but if preferences lie on design and functionality, then in this case even varnish hair is powerless.

Mobile phone models are constantly updated. And new models appear almost every two weeks. Are improving different functions and opportunities expand. Mobile usability is also very important for modern users. This is why touch screen phones are very popular.

The advantage of a touch screen on a phone is that the screen size is larger than a regular one, which means its menu is more accessible. In addition, various multimedia applications are more convenient to use on an extended screen. Controlling your phone and its functions using your fingers is also attractive to many people.

However, not all people have mobile phones with touch screens. After all, we cannot change our phone every month as new models are updated. And if you have a regular mobile phone, then the question may arise of how to make the phone touch-sensitive.

I tried to answer this difficult question Nokia company. In December 2007, a pen with a Bluetooth module was released, which appeared on sale in the CIS countries. Using a pen, it became possible to write on a regular phone that supports the Bluetooth function telephone numbers, addresses, any notes, without using a regular keyboard. This pen can also write on regular paper. However, due to the high cost of $240-280, the pen was not widely used. Indeed, in our time, for such a price it is easier to buy a phone with a touch screen rather than treat yourself to such an accessory device.

How to make the phone touchscreen differently - perhaps this question will be answered by some brilliant inventor who will figure out how to simply and, most importantly, inexpensively upgrade the phone to a touchscreen one. However, to date no such invention has been made. Manufacturers of new mobile phones are working on technologies for manufacturing new models with touch screens. But there is practically no development on how to make a regular phone a touchscreen one. And if you are interested in such an invention, then you can try to come up with, and possibly patent your invention.

Grandma's phone is a cell phone with large, large buttons, big screen And increased volume bell for people with low vision.

The name “granny phones,” which aptly dubbed phones for the elderly, has firmly entered the modern lexicon. And if previously elderly parents and grandparents received mobile phones mainly “inherited” from advanced offspring who decided to change their phone model to a more modern one, in recent years mobile phone manufacturers have been actively developing and producing grandmother phones - models specifically for this target audience.

A mobile phone is no longer a luxury item, but an absolute necessity.

And for an older person, the presence/absence cell phone can become literally vital: for example, it became bad, but the landline number does not work, or even this happened in a summer cottage, where the nearest doctor is 40 kilometers away! You never know the possible situations, not to mention the fact that the very opportunity to freely communicate with your children at any time will have a calming, almost therapeutic effect on an older person.

But for you to do right choice and your gift does not become uselessly inconvenient for a grandmother who has poor vision or for a grandfather who is angry because he cannot figure out “how to use this thing”, it is important to understand exactly what requirements a mobile phone should have for an elderly person. In principle, it won’t take long to list all the main necessary features and features of the “granny phone”:

  • the largest and most comfortable keyboard buttons;
  • accessible, understandable, one-level menu;
  • minimally required set functions;
  • loud call ringer;
  • ability to connect a headset compatible with a hearing aid;
  • presence of an “SOS” button, which provides emergency call a predefined number or several numbers;
  • Keyboard lock required separate key or lever;
  • monochrome display with clear, large, readable font, which will be convenient for people with low vision;
  • the ability to listen to the radio without headphones;
  • low, “budget” price (to convince a relative to use the phone and not put it in the sideboard as too valuable a thing).

Which granny phone you choose for your elderly relatives is a matter of taste and your financial capabilities. But when making your choice, do not forget that our grandparents need more than just a dialer.

Feature phones based on Android 2018

And although they don’t need extra functionality, it would be very nice to put your favorite melody on your phone. By the way, some quite “advanced” grandparents successfully master the cameras built into their phones and use them “to the fullest” to photograph their beloved grandchildren or their pets, the fish they caught, or their dacha achievements. It’s nice to save such information “for memory”, and you can show it off to your neighbors very clearly.

Choosing a phone is a responsible process that requires a certain approach. You need to be very careful when choosing a phone, because it is unlikely that you can change it every week.


Today you can see on the store counter various models phones that differ from each other not only in color and functions, but also in the presence or absence of buttons. On the market in at the moment Most of all there are touchscreen models of phones, but push-button ones are quite enough. In this regard, you can often hear the dilemma - which phone to choose, touch or push-button?

Phone selection

The final choice must be made based on many different nuances. First of all, you need to understand whether you can live with the new screen and also work well with it. Of course, almost every person has a fear of the new and, first of all, this is due to natural instincts. For the older generation, it is better to choose push-button phones, since working with them is much easier (calls and SMS can be sent by simply pressing buttons), while a touchscreen phone still needs to be sorted out.

The second reason is directly related to the sensor itself, because it does not always work well, while the buttons always work as they should. Today there are two types of sensor: resistive and capacitive screen. Resistive sensors respond to any pressure. The first touchscreen phones had just such a screen. It is worth noting that such a screen had two films. When you clicked on the top one, a certain signal was sent, which was eventually read by the program. This kind of film was often scratched and dirty, because sometimes you had to press very hard on the screen. As a result, the phone lost its original appearance. The new generation of phones has a capacitive screen that reacts exclusively to current conductors (fingers, styluses, etc.). Such touch screen It's fairly easy to use (you don't need to press hard with your fingers to get the phone to respond), but you need to understand that these screens have thin glass that can break.

The following reason for choice follows from the latter.

A person may drop a touchscreen phone.

How to turn a push-button phone into a touch phone

If its screen breaks, the phone will be impossible to use, which means that such phones must be treated very carefully. Push-button phones, for the most part, retain their own functions when the screen breaks, and if you need to call such a phone with a broken screen, this can be done simply by pressing the buttons.

The last thing is the inconvenience of using touch phones for people with large fingers. Most often, the touch screen is pre-programmed for a certain size of icons that cannot be changed (unless you reflash or use other special software), and if these icons are small, then you can click on other icons at the same time, which causes additional inconvenience.

Attention, TODAY only!

IT Blog Touch Monitor

This article is about how to make a real touch screen monitor from a regular monitor.
I made a touchscreen monitor from a regular LCD 15 and the touchscreen itself.
Carefully! Lots of photos :)

So we have:

  • 15″ monitor (I had Proview)
  • crazy desire to get a touch screen

Let's get started.

First you need to take everything apart and see what's inside. To do this, unscrew the bolts. In my case there are only two, if the monitor is different, then there may be fewer or more bolts, but it’s easy to unscrew them.

After unscrewing, very often the front panel of the monitor still does not want to come off. This means you need to unlatch the latches. I can do this well with a screwdriver:

All. The cover was removed. We looked at the latches :)

Now we have a bare screen:

We pick it out of the case (don’t ask why, you’ll see for yourself right now)

They picked it out. We look, looking for empty spaces.

But now I’ll tell you why. At the very beginning of the article I said that we would install a touch screen. So, the touchscreen that I installed consists of the touchscreen itself (glass with a film glued to it) and a USB controller, which I also decided to stuff inside.

Here is the controller itself:

Quite small. A little more than 10cm in length, about 4-5mm in height.

The controller does not heat up, so I wrapped it with electrical tape just in case.

I glued it to the back with 2-sided tape. This tape will glue the controller to the case. Such fastening will be sufficient, since no force will be created on the touch-screen controller, so there is no need to fence anything extra.

Glue it to the body. It is advisable to glue it so that it does not stick out from behind the metal cover, but is level with it, since we still have to put the screen back :)

We remove the extra “ventilation grill ribs” from the bottom of the monitor in order to bring the controller’s USB cable out. I did this with a regular soldering iron and scalpel.

We pass the cable.

how to turn a push-button phone into a touch phone

Since the kit includes a cable with filters (barrels), I had to cut off a few more plastic stiffeners.

To ensure that all this does not dangle during the installation process and to ensure that the cable is not accidentally pulled out of the connector during operation of our future touchpad, secure the cable with plastic ties.

Now we proceed to installing the glass itself with the touchscreen. First, wash the monitor screen (which shows the picture) very carefully, because if you don’t wash it, it will be difficult to get to it, and we don’t really need stains “inside” the monitor! 🙂

After this, we glue double-sided tape (thin automotive tape) onto the steel frame of the monitor screen.

We glue the glass with the touch screen onto this tape. At first I had a desire to glue the glass over the entire surface, but after thinking about it, I abandoned this desire - it won’t fall out anyway (and there’s also a frame on top), but if you have to disassemble this structure, it will be very difficult to tear it off from the car tape.

All that remains now is to connect the touch screen and the USB controller. A cable with a connector is used for connection. The cable is thin, so it can be “wrapped” around the screen and the base of the screen. So that it would not dangle, I also glued it.

It was very lucky that there was a mounting recess in the place where the touch screen cable goes. Now you don’t have to worry about the cable being pinched or anything else happening to it.

First test drive:

After I tried to put the front panel of the monitor back, it turned out that this panel presses on the touchscreen, thereby interfering with calibration.
I had to come up with this hack:

Well, I think the idea is clear - we make small protrusions so that the touch screen does not touch the front muzzle.

That's all. Finally, a video with the result of my work today:

As you can see in the video, I don’t have any problems with positioning at all and I don’t press the screen too hard either. Overall it works great.

P.S. Xeon will come soon and tell you exactly what kind of screen it is, where he got it and how much money it cost :) I really don’t know.

Monitor settings


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Xomep · Jan 24, 2013 · Comments on How to make a touch screen yourself, at home, are disabled

Many people know that touch monitors There are: Matrix, Capacitive touch, Projected-capacitive, Resistive, etc. Such touch screens cannot be assembled at home, but anyone can assemble an optical touch screen! So what do you need to collect with my own hands touch screen:

White, blank slate A4 paper (white matte acrylic)


Webcam (the simplest 0.5)

Photo frame with glass, preferably the size of an A4 sheet of paper

An empty box, also preferably suitable in A4 size

With these tools we can create multi-touch.

Let's start assembling. We take an empty box (A4), draw diagonals from the inside at the bottom of the box, put a dot with a pencil at the intersection point, and punch a hole for the webcam. We strengthen the webcam. Next, insert a blank A4 sheet into the photo frame. We strengthen the sheet with clamps. We turn the photo frame with a sheet of paper upside down (the glass is facing the bottom of the box) and place it on top of the box, making sure that the webcam looks at the blank sheet of paper that we will place on top. The result is a “clean” box with a lid. Connect the webcam to the computer. Before connecting, make sure that the webcam drivers are installed on your PC!

To operate your touch screen, we also need special software.

1. So, go to the website CCV.NUIGROUP.COM, download (Community Core Vision) the program for your operating system.

3. Let's launch the program that controls the webcam. In the property tab, select black and white mode. Using brightness/contrast adjustments, we will ensure that only the tip of your finger is visible (not the entire part of your hand that the webcam sees) 4. Launch the mouse driver. For now it is deactivated. Let us remind you that the webcam must be running during operation!

How to make a push-button phone touchscreen?

Launching Community Core Vision. For proper operation systems must be enabled: Use camera, Track Dark, Send Tuio Oso. Next, we mark the working surface, and then it should be calibrated. Check the Flip Horizontal box and press the English letter “C”.

4 dots will appear on the monitor to assist you in calibration; press them on the surface of your touch screen. 6. Activate the mouse driver window, press the spacebar. That's it, the job is finished! Now you can safely boast among your friends that you have assembled your optical touch screen. Also, using the touch surface it is very convenient to draw in Photoshop, Paint, Gimp!
