Samsung laptop won't turn on. Why doesn't my laptop start, what should I do? List of possible faults

What should you do if your favorite laptop, which has never shown any signs of malfunction before, suddenly stops starting? Most people immediately panic, having no idea what to do.

If the device is not old, and it has a valid warranty card, then after checking the power supply, you can safely go to the service center. And the rest should try to correct the situation on their own, and there are several ways to do this.

To figure out what the cause of problems with a laptop is, you need to know that it, like any computer, goes through certain boot stages:

  1. Turn on moment.
  2. The appearance of an image on the display, which corresponds to the beginning of initialization.
  3. Starting the operating system.

Breakdown can happen at every stage. Her search should begin with the first and continue until the last, until an accurate diagnosis is established.

So, when you press the power button, the laptop does not turn on, the indicators do not light up, there is no noise.

Maximum – the power indicator is visible. There may be several reasons for this:
  1. Power supply failure. At the same time, the device continued to operate on battery power, or simply stood there, while it gradually ran out. You can confirm the diagnosis by replacing the power supply with the same one. If everything is eliminated, then the cause has been identified correctly.
  2. Not working battery. The laptop does not turn on - the indicators do not light up. A failed battery due to a short circuit can sometimes block the device from starting. To check this version, you need to remove the battery and turn on the laptop without it. If everything works, then the battery just needs to be replaced.
  3. No electricity in the network. The laptop turns on and immediately turns off. This is not a problem with the device, but it can cause it to refuse to turn on if the user did not notice the lack of recharging, and the battery has exhausted all its charge and is not enough to start successfully. To solve the problem, just plug the charger into a working outlet.
  4. Failure associated with motherboard . This malfunction is the most difficult, and its elimination is the most expensive, and without special experience, or service center there's no way around it. There can be many reasons - from a simple short circuit in the area of ​​the power microcircuit, to breakdown of the main microcircuits, which can be caused by overheating, liquids getting inside the case, mechanical damage, etc.
  5. Squeaks (blinks)CapsLock) and does not turn on. If the laptop makes sounds when you turn it on, then everything is not so bad. The signal indicates that the motherboard is ok, and the problem is in some part, the replacement of which is not so expensive. Based on the BIOS signal, you can simply diagnose the breakdown by looking at the transcript on the manufacturer’s official website.

If the laptop does turn on, the indicators work, an image appears on the screen, but Windows does not load, then everything happened during initialization.

The most common causes of malfunctions during this boot phase:
  1. All indicators are on, the device turns on, but does not boot. The HDD just lights up, which indicates damage RAM or processor, incorrect or damaged BIOS firmware, about damage or defect of the north bridge.
  2. Shutting down or rebooting before starting the operating system. Occurs due to problems with the south bridge or mat. fees.
  3. When you turn it on, after a few moments a blue screen appears with some information. Occurs due to memory problems, file system on the hard drive, or physical damage to it boot sectors. In the information displayed you can find the code BSOD errors(0X-000000), and using it, depending on the BIOS version, determine the fault.

The system started to boot, but at a certain stage it crashed. This phase is characterized by the fact that the system can boot while the monitor is not working.

The most typical faults when loading OS:
  1. The screen is working, loading is in progress, but at some point a reboot occurs. Unless the power is artificially turned off, this continues indefinitely. Called a cyclic reboot, it occurs due to problems with the north bridge or video card (see).
  2. The operating system freezes when loading, turning off the power and restarting leads to the same result. The reason is usually software. The download files could be damaged by a virus or careless user handling.
  3. The monitor does not turn on - black screen, coolers are working, indicators are normal.

Damages may be the following:

Video card malfunction. This is checked by connecting a separate monitor to the VGA output of the device. If there is an image, then everything is fine and the problem is with the monitor.

The screen is dark, but from a certain angle the image of the loaded OS is faintly visible. Signs indicate a failed display backlight.

The screen is black, showing no signs of life. The reason may be damage to the cable transmitting the signal to the monitor, poor contact with the cable, or a breakdown of the monitor controller.

Laptop repair

All laptop malfunctions can be divided into two groups: those that are relatively easy to fix without special knowledge and equipment, and those that require a well-qualified specialist.

Complex breakdowns include all soldering operations, as well as those associated with complete disassembly of the laptop case.

These include:
  1. Replacement of burnt out and damaged connectors.
  2. Replacing parts and chips on the motherboard.
  3. Replacing the screen matrix, cables, thermal paste under the chips or processor (see).
  4. Work related to hull repairs.
  1. Replacing the hard drive, memory module, Wi-Fi controller and, of course, the power supply. There are plugs in the laptop case, by opening which you can get to the above parts, pull them out, and replace them with new ones.

But before that, it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with step by step instructions, which indicates the sequence of actions when replacing any part.

It should be taken into account that all electronic boards, and especially RAM, are afraid of static electricity, so when replacing they should only come into contact with antistatic materials.

  1. Cleaning the cooling system when overheating. High-quality cleaning of the system can be carried out by disassembling the case and gaining access to its elements. Some models have the opportunity to remove the cover from the bottom of the case and do this yourself. It often brings results if the fan and radiator are not thoroughly clogged with debris, and then blow it out with compressed air, alternately directing the stream into the holes of the cooling system.
  2. Software problems that can be resolved without replacing or repairing parts.

Reinstalling the operating system. Used when with hardware complete order, but the system cannot be restored in any other way.

This is considered a last resort, but the most reliable, in which from the disk WITH:\ All errors, viruses, as well as all information are removed, so important data should not be stored on the system disk.

Problems that arise in the system can be corrected by rolling back to the last working configuration.

So, when you boot the laptop, pressing F8 brings up a menu in which the “last working configuration” item is launched. In most cases everything goes well.

Flashing BIOS. The operation is very important, since if there is a failure or the wrong version, the laptop will not be able to start, and it will be possible to flash a new BIOS into the chip only by unsoldering it and using the programmer.

VAD sectors on the hard drive. This is one of the reasons why operating systems refuse to load when they end up on boot files.

Faulty clusters can be software, in which case they can be fixed, or physical, if the magnetic platters of the hard drive are damaged.

In this case hard drive It’s better to replace it, although there are programs with which the OS ignores such places, for example, Victoria. The same program will check for their presence. Software bads will remove formatting.

To avoid situations related to laptop repair, you need to follow several rules: protect it from mechanical stress, extreme temperatures and liquids, regularly clean the cooling system, and also use a reliable software, and have a good antivirus program.

But good news The fact is that most of the problems that arise in the operation of this device can be solved. You just need to determine the cause of the breakdown and its nature, and then act according to the situation. All problems with a laptop are either software or hardware. It is necessary to accurately diagnose the malfunction, and then you will already know exactly what steps to take to eliminate it.

So, why doesn’t the laptop turn on and what to do?

The worst thing that an ordinary user of this device can imagine is. What to do in this case?

  • Often, if a laptop does not start, the problem lies in its power supply. Therefore, first of all, check whether there is light in the house and voltage in the outlet.
  • If there are no problems with electricity, you should proceed to inspect the power supply. Perhaps it began to work intermittently or broke down completely. The surest way to make sure of this is to get exactly the same power supply, only in working condition. Connect it to your laptop and see if your device turns on.
  • Often the breakdown of the power supply is of a very trivial nature - broken wires or broken contacts in the connectors. By the way, one simple rule will help you avoid problems with the charger in the future. When charging a laptop, first plug the plug into the device, and only then plug the adapter cord into an electrical outlet. The fact is that if the connection order is different, a spark appears, which damages the contacts.
  • If a similar power unit does not save the situation, then it’s time to move on to more decisive action. Remove the battery from your device, wait 10-15 minutes, and then turn on the device. If it turns on without problems, then ensure it and put the battery in its original place.
  • Another reason why the laptop does not turn on is sometimes due to the . Disable them all, including even . Try starting the device again. If the laptop turns on, return it external devices one at a time to understand which one caused the problem.

These are the steps you can take on your own when your laptop won't boot. If none of them led to the desired results, then the problem should be sought in non-working, broken internal contacts and more. And only an experienced master will help with this.

You can hear the coolers operating, but the laptop screen does not work

So, you know what to do if your laptop won't turn on. But there are also cases when it starts, but its screen remains dark. What to do in this case?

1. Look closely at the monitor. Perhaps something can still be seen? If so, then the screen is most likely fine, but the backlight does not work. You can enable it using hot keys on your keyboard. Each model has its own and is well known to most users.
2. Another way to check the screen’s functionality is to connect an external one to the laptop. If a picture appears on it, then there is no doubt and the cause of the malfunction is determined.
3. Often the problem is hidden in the discrete video card. This element sometimes overheats and breaks. By the way, some video cards are prone to breakdowns more often than others. For example, nVidia video cards have a short service life.

To prevent such damage, do not hold the laptop on your lap or in other positions where its ventilation openings are blocked. In such cases, it is advisable to use special stands that do not interfere with air circulation.

If your laptop is not a gaming laptop, then do not devote too much time to playing games on it. And one more thing - do not forget to monitor the temperature of the video card. If this is the reason, then remove it or simply turn it off - some laptop models have switches specifically for this. With the missing discrete video card your device will continue to work, you’ll just have to say goodbye to some games temporarily.

Of course, the reason why the laptop boots and does not turn on may be more serious. For example, in some cases the problem lies in the processor or firmware, motherboard or. But you are unlikely to cope with such difficulties on your own.

Turns on and freezes after splash screen

Sometimes, for some reason, the laptop won’t start. And sometimes it does start, you can see the initial splash screen and basic information about the device on the screen, and then the device freezes. Either absolutely nothing happens, or information appears about errors that interfere with the full operation of the machine.

  • Don't be afraid. Most often, the reason for this is the BIOS settings. You just need to enter the BIOS and reset all parameters - “Load BIOS Defaults”. After that, save and exit.
  • Sometimes it happens that the laptop freezes, reports an error and asks you to press a certain button. For example, “Press F1 to continue.” As a rule, after pressing it, it continues to turn on and continues to work in normal mode. And although this solution to the problem is the simplest, you should not ignore the very fact of reporting an error. Most often this happens if the battery on the laptop motherboard starts to run low or the BIOS settings. Please note that to replace the battery you must contact a service center.
  • Of course, problems with a laptop can be more serious. For example, work-related malfunctions manifest themselves in a similar way. In this case, there is a chance to determine the presence of hearing problems. If the hard drive is faulty, you will hear the engine trying unsuccessfully to start with a slight crackling sound from the heads.
  • Another reason why the laptop does not turn on is the RAM. Some device models provide access to its strips. You can try removing them and carefully cleaning the contacts. If this does not help, then start the machine, leaving only one memory module at a time. If your device only has one stick, then put it in another slot and start the device again. There is a good chance that these actions will help solve the problem.

A message is displayed indicating that the boot device cannot start

As a rule, we're talking about about various messages in English. If you encounter this, then remove everything from the device and remove the disk from the drive. Restart your laptop. If your actions have not brought any positive results, then the problem most likely lies in work hard disk. Such a malfunction can be either software or hardware in nature.

In the first case, reinstall Windows. If after this your laptop began to work as before, then this means that the problem was software and has now been resolved. If reinstallation does not save the situation, then it’s time to contact the service department, whose employees will solve this malfunction at the hardware level.

The laptop keeps rebooting or shutting down

If your device keeps shutting down and rebooting, then there is most likely a serious hardware problem. Perhaps the fault is due to a short circuit in the south bridge, which caused it to overheat. Or dust has clogged up, causing excessive heating inside. If so, the fan will operate at high speeds, but still will not cope with the problem. As a result, your laptop will periodically shut down and reboot. This will happen at very different moments, regardless of external reasons. This time you are unlikely to be able to solve the problem yourself, so contact the service center immediately.

But before that, make sure it's not a matter of poor nutrition. If the laptop battery is low, the device may turn on and then immediately shut down.

After booting, Windows shows the screen of death, errors on a black screen and reboots

Another fairly common problem is when Windows starts loading when you turn on the laptop, but then the loading is interrupted and the device is rebooted. The screen turns blue or black and displays numerous error messages.

As in the previous case, the problem can be either software or hardware in nature. And restarting Windows will again help you understand what exactly happened to your device. You can start reinstalling the operating system from bootable flash drive. If this was successful, then the problem can be considered solved. If not, then you won’t be able to figure it out without the help of specialists from the service center.

To begin with, you need to clearly define the concepts. We can say that the laptop does not turn on if, in response to pressing the power button, no hardware processes start. That is, the car, as they say, shows no signs of life.

The light indicators (with the possible exception of the battery indicator) do not light up, the cooler does not spin, you cannot hear standard system signals When turned on, the screen does not respond. In this case we can say that technical device doesn't work.

So, why won't my laptop turn on?

The most common reason is a power failure

For example, the lack of contact in the power button or in the power supply, including in the area of ​​the connectors, or due to a broken cord, makes it impossible to turn on. What to do if the laptop does not turn on? First of all, check the reliability of the connection and the functionality of the power supply.

The problem may also be caused by:

  • BIOS firmware defects;
  • failure of the power supply on the motherboard
  • short circuit in the north or south bridges.

Almost all of these hardware failures can be fixed as soon as possible by the Notebook Center service center specialists. As our experience shows, attempts self-repair usually do not bring the desired result and can completely destroy the car.

Sometimes the laptop does not turn on on battery power, and the battery may be the source of the problem.

Variants of this problem:

  • the laptop does not work on the inserted battery;
  • The battery caused a failure on the motherboard and the laptop does not work with or without the battery.

To diagnose and identify the problem in the second case, special equipment will be required.

Laptop won't turn on - black screen

Or rather, the machine tries to start, as the user sees and hears the operation of the hardware.

The indicators light up, the cooler turns on, the CaspLock and NumLock buttons light up and do not go out. But the screen remains black, and the indicator indicating that the hard drive is working does not start.

What could be the reasons?

  • problems with the processor or memory;
  • BIOS firmware defects;
  • The north bridge of the laptop is broken.

If the main symptom is a black screen, then the reason most often lies in the laptop matrix inverter or a broken backlight.

In this case, as doctors would say, anamnesis is important. As a rule, these disturbances in the operation of the computer manifest themselves long before the “end of the world” occurs - this is flickering and uneven operation of the screen, noise, etc.

It happens that the machine starts to turn on, but attempts are interrupted at an early stage. It is likely that there is a problem with the BIOS initialization.

In the most extreme case, you may need to completely replace the laptop matrix.

BIOS problems

The BIOS initialization problem can be caused by various reasons:

  • heating of the south bridge, which causes reboots
  • If the processor is overheating, an important sign is that it turns off after various periods of time.
  • a problem with power supply and a dead battery.
  • And finally, the actual problem with the BIOS.

The fact is that the computer turns on because when power is supplied to the motherboard, a certain process of interaction between the hardware elements of the machine begins, the result of which is the loading of the operating system. After a full launch, the laptop comes under the control of the OS, however, in order for the operating system to start, it is necessary to trigger a set of program instructions that are stored directly on the chips motherboard.

Accordingly, problems with the BIOS lead to the fact that the dell laptop, toshiba, acer, any other brand, personal computer or tablet, since they all use a similar launch principle.

Laptop freezes when turned on

What does it look like? The laptop does not turn on, but there are signs of some software starting up.

For example, dark screen with a blinking cursor, or stuck on the splash screen when loading.

In this case, problems are likely:

  • south bridge breakdown

In turn, the cause of problems with hard drive There may be a lack of formatting, broken blocks, lack of connection, etc.

It is not so easy to identify the causes yourself and eliminate them. It is best to have your laptop diagnosed at a service center. Based on established reasons technical problem, the specialist will offer an adequate solution.

Laptop won't turn on?

The hard drive may need to be replaced

Leave a request, we will conduct a free diagnosis and tell you for sure


Laptop won't turn on - problems with operating system

When a laptop won't start due to a software glitch, this is one of the most simple problems that may arise. Often the cause is the work of viruses, sometimes - accumulated failures of the operating system.

You can try to “treat” the computer, tinker with solving this problem on the existing OS.

The zero option in this case is to reinstall the system, which solves the accumulated problems in one fell swoop and radically.

Let's summarize briefly

If the laptop does not turn on and you can hear sound signals(including uncharacteristic ones), unusual sounds and there is no image on the screen, then the problem lies in the hardware plane and BIOS. Experts will help you determine the cause and correctly solve the problem.

If some signs of life are observed, that is, the download is interrupted at some stage, then the cause of the failure most likely lies in the state of the operating system or the failure of the hard drive. In this case, there may be problems with the screen backlight caused by a failure of the backlight or the laptop matrix inverter. In this case, replacement of elements and reinstallation of the operating system will be required.

We have not presented full list possible reasons, for which the laptop does not turn on or start.

Meanwhile, making an accurate diagnosis is the key to successfully eliminating a hardware or software malfunction.

If your laptop does not turn on, contact NotebookCenter. We will quickly determine the nature of the breakdown and qualitatively repair the gadget. You won’t even have time to get bored :)

The 21st century is considered the century of new technologies, and almost every person has a computer at home. Moreover, recently most users prefer to use laptops. The popularity of laptops is very clear - they take up little space, are mobile and are not much inferior to ordinary personal computers.

Many mobile PC users have at least once in their lives encountered a problem when the laptop is without obvious reason stops turning on; this makes most people panic. In this article I would like to highlight this problem and try to solve it at home, without the help of a specialist.

So your laptop won't turn on, what should you do? The very first thing we must determine is at what stage of switching on the problem occurs, the degree of damage to the laptop depends on this. The most difficult laptop breakdowns to fix at home are related to its internal parts, the so-called hardware. You can determine that the fault is so deep if when you turn on your device, no action occurs - the screen does not turn on, the laptop does not make noise and does not light up LED indicators, showing the operation of the device. These factors indicate a malfunction in the motherboard power supply. In most cases, problems with the motherboard cannot be fixed at home by a non-professional, but before you take your computer to a service center, you can check for several minor failures that cause the laptop to exhibit the same symptoms.

The laptop won't turn on, what should I do?

  • Check the laptop charger - it often happens that the failure is in just such a small thing: a loose cable connected to the network, lack of voltage in electrical network or failure charger. If your laptop suddenly turns off and restart does not give anything, pay attention to the charging indicator. If there is no charging, but the laptop continues to function, the charge indicator should blink when you try to turn on the device - this is the most reliable indicator of a failure of the charger. But be careful, if the laptop sits for more than a day without charging, the indicator may not light up due to the battery being completely discharged.

  • Check the laptop battery - just like the charger, the battery tends to fail and prevent your device from turning on normally. In order to check the performance of the battery, you need to disconnect it from your laptop and turn on the charger directly. If your laptop starts, then the problem is in the battery and it needs to be replaced, but until you replace it, you can use the computer by charging from the mains.

  • Eliminate the possibility of a failure of the internal software (Bios) of the laptop - problems loading your device may be caused by a failure of the internal software that is used to control the laptop devices; Bios failure may occur due to a voltage drop or improper shutdown of the device. In order to de-energize the motherboard capacitors and do a hard reset, you need to disconnect the laptop battery, turn off the charger, i.e. disconnect the laptop. After you turn off all power devices, press the power button several times and hold for an average of 10 seconds. This procedure will remove all static from the computer motherboard and de-energize the BIOS. The next step is to connect the laptop charger, but do not connect the battery. If your device turns on, the problem is resolved and you can connect the battery.

If all else fails...

If the methods described above do not help to start your laptop, then it is highly recommended to visit a laptop repair center. This suggests that most likely the problem is in its hardware, and it is better not to repair the internal equipment of the laptop yourself.

If your laptop turns on - the screen lights up, the laptop makes noise and the LED indicators are on, it means it’s vital important devices laptop is ok. We move on to the next stage of turning on the laptop - this is loading. The download can be divided into 2 parts. The first part includes the initial boot of the laptop, it occurs immediately after turning on the device and configures internal devices laptop. Booting is controlled by the device's internal software, the BIOS. The second part includes loading Windows directly.

Problems with hardware configuration are quite common. You can understand this if, when you turn on your device, the initial screensaver appears (a black screen with white letters) and nothing further happens, i.e. laptop won't boot.

Reasons why such a malfunction may occur:

  1. Strong voltage drop;
  2. Incorrect shutdown of the device;
  3. BIOS malfunction;
  4. Failure or failure of laptop hardware.

To eliminate this problem You need to carefully read the inscriptions on the screen. If the failure occurs due to an improper shutdown or due to a voltage drop, the BIOS reboots and resets to initial settings. Most often, to continue loading, you need to press the “F1” key, this is indicated by a message in the lower left corner of the screen - something like “PressF1 to continue” or “Press F1 to load default settings”. For each BIOS version, these messages are different, so you just need to pay attention to the presence of the inscription and press the suggested key to continue.

It happens that internal program The laptop crashes and prevents the computer from booting normally, but does not display any error messages. In order to fix this error, you need to set all BIOS settings to default. To do this, you need to enter the BIOS using the “F2” key (for most modern laptops) or the del key (found in laptops from 2000 to 2008) and find the line “Load BIOS default”, in different BIOS versions This line can be located in different places. Then exit and save the parameters “Save Settings and Exit” or press F10.

If the methods described above did not help, then there is a very high probability that your equipment is malfunctioning, in particular in 90% of cases the hard drive is to blame.

After several initial boot screens, the computer displays the Windows boot screen, after which the desktop loads and the user is able to use his device. Many problems also occur when loading the operating system, but this is the most minor and easily solvable problem with your laptop, which can be solved by reinstalling the operating system. We will consider the most common problems problems in Windows boot that can be resolved without reinstalling the system. If the screen appears Windows screensavers and nothing happens or the computer reboots - this problem can be fixed with varying degrees of success, the most best option- this is to reinstall Windows, but you can try to boot using the built-in debugger.

To do this, after the initial boot of the laptop, before the splash screen should appear, we press the F8 key, in the menu that appears, select the line “Last good configuration" In recent Windows versions(Vista, 7, 8, 8.1) it is possible to resurrect your operating system using restore points - through the system restore interface. After several unsuccessful Windows downloads itself will offer to use system rollback, which can also be called through the additional system boot menu using the F8 key.

P.S. The laptop does not turn on, what to do and who is to blame?

After carefully reading this note, you understand and understand the reasons for the breakdown of the laptop. Even if you don’t have any problems, it’s better to be aware of the most popular problems in order to prevent them during operation.

Samsung laptop does not turn on, does not respond to pressing the power button

When faced with a problem such as your Samsung laptop not turning on, you need to identify the cause. You can fix it yourself if you have the necessary skills and a minimum set of tools. But by contacting the service center, you get professional repair and a guarantee for the work performed. Our article provides a list of possible defects. Some you can handle with your own hands, while others are better left to specialists.

Check your charger

If the Samsung r525, r540, r60s and other models do not turn on, then the first thing you need to do is check the charger's power supply. Carry out an external inspection - any mechanical damage to the plugs, connectors and cords should alert you. Check the voltage with a multimeter.

The unit itself must indicate the value of the rated voltage, which the unit should produce when tested. If possible, check on another device or connect a similar charger.

Cooling system problem

How long ago did you perform mechanical cleaning of dust and replacement of thermal paste? If your Samsung laptop now does not turn on, and previously it was constantly rebooting, then the device has probably already suffered significant damage due to overheating. Contact a specialist or clean it yourself and try to start the laptop again.

Hard drive is faulty

If there is a malfunction hard drive and the BIOS system cannot initialize it, then the laptop will also not turn on. Perhaps it just needs to be returned to its place and connected again, since the HDD came off due to intense shaking or a slight fall.

This is the best case scenario. In the worst case, due to an impact or other mechanical impact, sectors are damaged that cannot be restored and need to be replaced with a new one.

Video card is faulty

If your Samsung laptop won't turn on, black screen - probable cause in the video card. If only the indicators are on, the laptop reacts to the connection of the charger, that is, the device itself shows signs of life when turned on, but the cooling system does not start. These are the most obvious signs of a burned out video card.

Screen is faulty

Look at the laptop from different angles and listen to the sounds it makes. You may hear Windows start up and see a non-backlit screen. A malfunction of the matrix or its cables requires their replacement. Again, if there was intense shaking or a fall, an impact, you need to disassemble the laptop and fix the display cable, which could come out of the connector.

Motherboard is faulty

The Samsung laptop does not turn on due to the failure of the motherboard. At the same time, the indicators light up and the cooling system makes noise. The reason is moisture ingress and short circuit, as well as any mechanical damage. The north and south bridges are often damaged due to overheating from accumulated dust. The specialists of our Samsung service center will carry out diagnostics and identify the causes, offering optimal solution problems.
