Mail rambler entrance to my mailbox. Rambler Mail: instructions for creating and configuring an email account

Media Portal is very popular both in Russia and in other CIS countries. Due to the fact that all kinds of sections and services are combined here on one page, using Rambler is absolutely easy and quite accessible even to people who are not versed in the world of computer technology and the IT industry. Today we will talk about such a simple procedure as Rambler mail setup, namely, how to create on the service mailbox how to work with it, how to compose and reply to e-mails, etc.

The Rambler portal is located at Here you can find news and recent events in finance, real estate or travel. In addition, on Rambler you can watch thematic videos in streaming service, horoscope, weather forecast, online radio, TV program, TOP-100 web resource catalog, where you can get acquainted with the best sites on any subject, and a lot of other stuff. All this is available directly on the portal's home page. But we will only touch on work with mail, since each section of the portal requires special attention and time.

To enter the mail service, go to home page Rambler and click the Mail menu button, or navigate to this link.

Before us appears the login form for the Rambler mail service. Right here, by entering the appropriate values ​​for the mailbox name and password, you can enter the mail and start working with it right there. If you do not have a mailbox, we suggest registering first.

Registration on Rambler

On the login form, click the "Register" button below. This will start the process of creating a new rambler mailbox on the service.

You can get access to any of the Rambler services either through any account social network(VK, Facebook, Odnoklassniki,, Google, Twitter, etc.), or through the account of Rambler itself. When you enter the service through a social network account, you thereby link the social network login to the Rambler&Co service. The login procedure is a little faster, but there are doubts about the security of this procedure. After all, the Rambler login data will be stored on the social network server, and if the authentication means fall into third-party hands, the security of the Rambler login data will also be a big question. Therefore, in the old fashioned way, we will resort to the method of creating the usual account Rambler&Co, specifying the login and password to enter the mail. By the way, after completing the registration procedure, using the same credentials, you can easily access any other Rambler service, which is very convenient, as it will save you from having to register multiple times. So let's register. To do this, you need to enter the required data in the appropriate fields, namely: first name, last name, login, preferred domain, password, date of birth, gender and mobile phone. You will have to enter the correct phone number, because when registering for specified number You receive an SMS message confirming your registration.

When a valid phone number is entered, click the "Send code" button on the right and wait for an SMS with a password.

The message will include a confirmation number.

Enter it in the "Confirmation code from SMS" field and click the "Register" button.

If everything is done correctly, a small green text field appears on the screen with the inscription: “User registered”, after which you will immediately be taken to your personal profile page.

Now you can go to the mailbox and work with e-mail. By the way, after registration, your first e-mail with confirmation of registration should come to your e-mail. You can read it directly on the server. Open the mailbox by clicking on the "Mail" button in the top menu, or by selecting the "Mail" button on the left side of the workspace.

We get to the Rambler Mail server. By default, the Inbox opens. As you can see, there is one unread letter in it. Open it by selecting a message from the list.

The message opens literally instantly. Let's get acquainted with its content. Initial setup Rambler mail is complete.

How to write a new letter in Rambler mail?

So, let's start working with the service itself. The first question that the vast majority of users have is how to create a new letter? The answer is simple - the "Write" button in the upper left corner of the main form of the Rambler mail service is used for this. We click on it.

Before us appears a standard form for creating a new email message. In the "To" field, enter the name of the email address of the recipient of the letter. In the "Subject" field, set the context of the message, i.e. subject to which our letter is devoted. Finally, in the central text block we enter the body of the letter, we write the very essence of our message.

How to add an attachment to a letter?

As we all know, attachments can be added to emails: pictures, videos, music, and any other interactive content. To make an attachment, click the "Attach File" button below the "Subject" field.

After that, you just need to specify the path to the attached file and click the "Open" button, which will serve as confirmation of your choice.

After completing all the specified steps to set up Rambler mail, the attachment will be added.

To delete an attachment, click the Delete button to the right of the attachment's name.

How to write a letter in Rambler mail?

For formatting messages in Rambler, there is a whole panel with which you can change the font, set its size, highlight a fragment in italics or bold, make alignment or add a numbered / unnumbered list or smiley. It is worth saying that such panels are present in all mail services without exception, but in Rambler it is especially convenient and practical.

All actions performed using the design panel are intuitive and incredibly simple. With it, you can add elegance and creativity to your writing.

How to reply to a letter?

If you receive an e-mail, there is a logical desire to write a response (unless the letter was sent by one of the robots, and such a letter does not require a response). Replying to a message is easy. We scroll with the mouse to the very bottom of the message, and find the "Reply" button under the body of the letter. If you have received an email from a group of respondents, you can reply to them all at once by selecting the "Reply to all" option.

Click on one of these buttons.

A subform appears asking you to enter the content of your response. When the response letter is written, click the graphic button "Send" with an arrow located at the top.

Nearby is the "Send to all" button. If there is only one recipient, it is inactive. If you previously selected the Reply All option, you can use that as an alternative.

How to forward a letter to another recipient (forward)?

How to change the password on the Rambler mailbox?

Sometimes it becomes necessary to change the account password to a more suitable one. This may be your own decision if you become concerned about the security of your work information, or you find out that your account has been hacked and correspondence has fallen into third-party hands. The developers themselves strongly recommend making passwords strong, including service characters in them, and their length must be 12-16 characters, at least. We subscribe to these recommendations. But let's say the mailbox isn't hacked and you just want to change your password ahead of time to prevent potential hacks in the future. How to do it?

We enter our account, as usual by entering the name of the Rambler account and the password to it.

If the login was successful, go to the settings of your account, and select the "Password" item.

To the right of it is the "Change" button - we will use it.

A standard form for changing the password opens. Here we are prompted to enter a valid password, come up with a new one and confirm it, as well as enter characters from the graphic key (captcha). Let's heed this advice. When everything is ready, click the "Save" button.

This completes the Rambler mail setup, and you can again work with the mail service in normal mode.

How to change your password if you cannot access your Rambler mailbox?

Sometimes, as a result of a hacked mail account, it is not possible to access your mailbox. This can also happen if you simply forgot your password and cannot remember it. How then to be? Let's use the password recovery procedure.

We go to the mailbox login form, write its name in the appropriate field, select the desired domain, and click the "Remember password" button below.

We get to the recovery form. As a first step, we will enter the exact name of the mailbox and the security graphic key. Click "Next".

On the next form, enter your current phone number and a new invented password. When everything is ready, click the "Send Code" button.

After a few seconds, a confirmation code for the operation you have chosen should come to your phone. Paste it from SMS into the appropriate field and click the "Save" button.

Now everything is ready - the password has been changed.

Now a few words about the client settings (where without them). Although the number of Rambler mail settings is not striking in its variety and range, at worst the parameters should be enough to make working with the client more pleasant and relaxed. All settings are hidden behind the gear button in the lower right corner of the folder selection panel.

On the main tab, you can set a personalized name for correspondence sent from Rambler. If you use an alias, you can enter it here and the recipient will see your alias in the "From" field. You can also specify another mailbox to which you want to receive replies to outgoing messages. This can be not only a mailbox on Rambler, but also on Gmail, Yandex Mail, Outlook, or any other mail server. Read below to learn how to attach mailboxes of other services to Rambler.

You can also specify a message in the signature field, which will be automatically displayed at the end of each letter if you want to finish the text concisely and respectfully.

A little lower you can activate or deactivate hotkeys (you can find a set of prepared hotkeys here). A proven fact: if you get used to working with the keyboard, then all operations will be performed much faster and more accurately. Therefore, if you work with mail a lot, hotkeys will come in handy.

In the right part of the first tab, you can change the color canvas of the client to a more preferable one. There are about a dozen different coloring pages to choose from for every taste: from pastel colors to azure and marble.

Here you can also see how much mailbox space is being used and how much space is still free. By the way, the maximum size of the Rambler box is 2 GB. Before the change in the client interface in 2012, the size of the box could be increased manually, but with the rebranding, this option disappeared, and the maximum size of the box began to strictly correspond to 2 gigs. Now, if the volume of your correspondence is approaching the maximum, you should worry about the timely cleaning of the mailbox in advance, otherwise the mail will simply stop coming.

On the next tab "Folders" you can manage directories, both present in the client by default, and new ones added manually. If the folders already present in the system are not enough for you, it is quite possible to add a few more just on this tab.

The next tab is responsible for adding other mailboxes to the service. In fact. you can connect a mailbox of any other service to Rambler. All you need to know is the IMAP/POP3 address of the server to receive mail, as well as the port number for it (in other words, the gateway). You can get this information on the support page of the service you want to use, you will have to dig a little in the reference manual.

The next section of settings is filter tuning. Thanks to its flexibility and ease of use, you can easily mark selected categories of emails as spam, mark them as read, or delete them altogether. So that the box does not turn out to be crowded, it is worth playing around with the filter settings a little, and you will save yourself a headache later. Very user-friendly interface and the filtering mechanism itself.

Another section is associated with setting up an autoresponder. If you're going on vacation or want to take a day off from work, compose an auto-sent email with a given subject and content. This will not mislead your manager about your absence and will help maintain working relationships and good relationships with colleagues.

The next option, located in the category " Email programs”, gives you access to the Rambler service for other mail applications (The Bat!, Thunderbird, Outlook, etc.). Here are all the necessary settings that you need to specify in a third-party mail client to access mail on Rambler. If you would like to use one of third party applications to access emails, check the "I want to access" box at the top.

The last section of settings will allow you to enable sound notifications for the most common actions in the application, namely receiving a new email, sending it, and crashing. The sounds are all standard, you can not change them. You can only disable or enable each individual alert on an individual basis, which essentially makes our already meager choices quite minimalistic.

The address book

It's time to talk a little about the "Contacts" feature. Rambler has an address book where you can add your recipients so that you always have at hand a database of addresses that you often contact. To access contacts, click on the icon with a little man to the right of the button for writing a new letter.

All are collected here email addresses with whom you corresponded in Rambler. Contacts that took place, but which you did not enter into address book manually, fall into the "Automatic" section. The rest of the recipients are listed in the "Your contacts" category. To add a contact to the list, click the New Contact button.

You can also import addresses from several postal services into the Rambler address book: Yandex, and This minimizes the time spent manually adding addresses.

Spam filtering

The Rambler client has a built-in anti-spam function. Although it does not work very efficiently, nevertheless, the developers periodically pull up new addresses to the blacklist database, which helps the service to filter. Also, if you yourself want to mark one of the letters as spam, you can easily move it to the appropriate folder using the top menu.

In addition, you can mark a message as unclaimed and not moved, as a result of which the sender's address will be added to the list of spammers after verification.

To sort messages according to a given criterion, you need to click on the column heading and select the sort order: ascending or descending. The sorting mechanism is quite flexible, and allows you to easily handle a large amount of correspondence without any difficulties.

Rambler-mail - mobile version

Official app page in the store Google Playlink.

Official app page in the store app storelink.

In fact, mobile program completely repeats the capabilities and functions of its PC counterpart. Registration is available here, and entry through any of the social networks presented, and many other bright and necessary features. True, the interface is a bit poor. It would be possible to give it more liveliness and bright colors, but this is already up to your taste. Perhaps conservatism and a strictly business approach are valued by developers more than style and a sense of novelty.

Install the program like any other mobile app(it is practically called “Mail”)

Entering the mail is simple and fast, by entering your login and password in the fields specially designed for this, and pressing the "Login" button.

As a result of the manipulations done, we get into the Inbox folder. All messages we have received are displayed here. In the upper right corner there is a search button, which will certainly come in handy if you need to find something by contextual query.

To switch to another folder, click on the button with three horizontal lines in the top left row of the header.

Folder navigation is easy and completely intuitive.

To write a new letter to mobile version Rambler mail, click on the round blue pencil icon at the bottom right of the display.

Then everything is as usual: enter the recipient's address, indicate in the "Copy" field the possible addressee you want to add to the list of recipients, come up with a subject and compose the text of the letter itself. By the way, in the "To" field, you can pull up the addressee from the contact list of your phone using the "plus" button - a very convenient and relevant feature. Then we can attach attachments or send a letter in finished form by pressing a button specially designed for this.

It is not difficult to understand all the abilities of the mobile version of Rambler-mail - they are all visible at a glance. The interface in the program is very simple and unpretentious.

That's all we wanted to tell you about such an interesting topic as setting up Rambler mail. A little later we will publish detailed instructions how to work with Yandex mail. The possibilities there are very similar, but there are also some nuances. ( is an Internet portal that includes a variety of services (Mail, Dating, Real Estate, Video, News, etc.). The project was officially launched in August 2000. During its existence, the site has changed four design options. According to statistics, more than 90 million letters pass through Rambler's mail.

This article will instruct you in detail how to work with Rambler email: how to change your password, how to restore access to your profile and log in.


Method number 1: standard account creation in the mail

1. Open in the browser -

2. Click the "Mail" or "Login" link to open the login panel.

3. On the page that opens, click "Registration".

Attention! E-mail at the Rambler mail is provided free of charge.

4. To create an account, fill out the registration form. Enter your first and last name.

5. Think of a login or select one of the proposed free addresses in the list below the line.

6. Make up a password from Latin letters, special characters(@#$&*^%) and digits from 6 to 32 characters long (optimally 10-20) and type it twice in the appropriate form fields.

Advice! Come up with a complex password, so you reduce the risk of hacking e-mail on Rambler.

7. Enter personal data: date of birth, gender, place of residence.

8. Enter the mobile number (in the first block of the field, set the international country code).

9. To verify the phone, click "Send code".

10. Dial the code from the received SMS message.

11. Click "Register".

When you first log into your account, increase its security level - create control qestion(through it you can confirm the rights to e-mail):

  • in the "Security question" block, click "Specify";
  • select the appropriate question from the list;
  • enter the answer to it (come up with an original, complex phrase so that crackers cannot pick it up);
  • enter the current profile password;
  • retype the letters from the picture (captcha);
  • click Save.

To go to the e-mail profile, click on the "Mail" in the top bar.

To manage correspondence, use the menu on the left side of the page and the button bar under the service logo.

Method number 2: integration with a social network

1. On the page with the registration form, click the icon of the social network that you want to connect to your account.

3. Verify the connected account:

  • in the column "Mailboxes" near the address, click "Confirm";
  • go to the social network profile and a message from Rambler click on the activation link.

4. Complete the rest of the fields and submit the form.

Everything! Now you can send out to colleagues and friends the message “Here is my email on Rambler …”.

How to change the password from e-mail?

1. Click on your name at the top right.

2. In the panel that appears, click the "My Profile" section.

3. In the "Password" column, click "Change".

4. Enter the current password and 2 times a new one.

5. Retype the captcha from the image.

How to delete an e-mail?

Open the settings panel (My profile) and at the bottom of the page, click the "Delete mailbox" link. Then follow the hints of Rambler.

How to log in?

Click on the "Login" button on the main page of the service. Enter login and password. Click "Login" again.

Enjoy your use of Rambler mail!

Rambler Mail - reliable and fast email

with a simple design user-friendly interface and protection against spam and viruses.


Registering an account on Rambler mail

Account, ID, account, user profile are practically synonyms.

To authorize and access all services and applications, you need to create an account on Rambler. Authorized users will have access to all personal services. Including - Rambler mail. If you already have an account on a computer, tablet or phone to access Rambler projects, then you can use the appropriate email address to log in. You can log in using email addresses from social network accounts.

Otherwise, create a new address by clicking on the link - Registration .

How to create an account on rambler mail?

If you have registered on RAMBLER&Co projects - log in with your name. Connect your social network account to prefill the form and access RAMBLER&Co projects in one click.

Register email on rambler.

Or page - Registration - site

To register on Rambler, you must fill out a form.

In which you specify your first name, last name, date of birth and gender, choose a login from the options offered or enter your own, and also come up with a password. The selected login and password will be the key to your account on Rambler / mail and other services.

Rambler account confirmation via sms

Enter number mobile phone(Some services require a phone number.) You will also need it if you forget your password. And press the button - Get the code

Enter the confirmation code received in the SMS message
and click - Register

If you cannot provide a mobile phone number, please enter your security question and answer to reset your password.

On the page - Profile, you can add email addresses, mobile phone numbers and specify a security question and answer to it.
This may be required to restore access to your account.
To enter your mailbox, press - Mail

And go to the page - inbox your mailbox - [email protected] to rambler_mail

Rambler mail entrance. Checking the mailbox on Rambler.

On any page of the Rambler media portal, click on the item - Login.

Enter your email address, password and click - Login

From folder - inbox, Pressing - Write

Write and send a letter to your mail address

In folder inbox, click on the line - First post.

And read the letter you sent to yourself.
Your email address on works.

Username is the name of the mailbox(before the @ symbol) .
As username, for a Rambler account , you can use any email address. For example Yandex, Hotmail or Gmail.

Other mailboxes- you can collect mail from all your mailboxes in one place.

Rambler media portal-

one account for all Rambler services

Rambler mail automatically connects to various applications and services Rambler

Do you use devices Windows control, iOS or Android, or switch between all three - your account stores everything you need on the device you use.

All of these services are compatible with your Rambler account

It doesn't matter if you use all Rambler services at once or only some of them, thanks to your account you will have access to your settings, photos, files and other important materials on any device.

rambler news- a complete picture of the most important events in Russia and the world

Rambler mail- easy access to any of your mailboxes.

Rambler finance- exchange rates, news of finance and economy.

Rambler - famous mail client, which continues to hold high positions in terms of the number of active users. The client has a beautiful redesigned design, improved security options and free registration. Read this article to learn how to set up an email account and troubleshoot login problems.

It's hard to believe, but Rambler appeared in 1996. Then it was a simple search engine, which, as it developed, began to acquire new services, including mail. Today, Rambler is one of the most popular services that has received a completely new design.

Registration on Rambler.

Signing up for Rambler is very simple. To get started, by running, you need to go to the Rambler main page and select the button in the upper right corner "To come in" .

The service will prompt you to enter the existing login and password, but since we don't have them yet, select the button "Register" .

Now you need to come up with and enter a password twice. A password is considered strong if it consists of at least eight characters, and also contains upper and lower case Latin letters, numbers and symbols.

All you have to do is provide personal data such as date of birth, gender, mobile phone number and a confirmation code that will come in the form of an SMS message. The entered number will ensure the reliable security of the computer, because. will notify you of major changes to your profile.

If you do not wish to enter a phone number, select "I don't have a mobile phone number" and then you need to specify the security question and the answer to it.

After filling in all the fields, complete the account creation by clicking the button "Register" .

Login to Rambler mail.

Go to the Rambler home page and select the button in the upper right corner "To come in" . Enter the username and password you created. As a rule, your browser will offer to save this data so that next time you do not waste time entering the same data.

In addition, in order to quickly go to the mail, we recommend adding the site to your browser bookmarks.

The mail interface is quite simple. On the left side there are folders with letters: "Inbox", "Sent", "Drafts", etc. Slightly to the right, letters of the selected folder are displayed, and an open letter is displayed to the right.

Pay attention to the very last item on the left side of the page, which is called "Add more boxes" . By selecting this item, you can connect additional email addresses from other mail services:, Yandex, etc. Thus, from one site you can send and receive emails from all available email addresses.

Problem logging in to Rambler mail.

In some cases, users to check emails. Most often, this problem occurs for the following reasons:

1. Wrong login and password. When entering your email address and password, make sure that the desired layout keyboard, and the Caps Lock key is disabled. In addition, enter your login and password manually without pasting data from the clipboard.

2. You don't remember your password. A common situation for users is when a difficult password is created and safely forgotten the next time they try to enter the mail. To create a new password, use the access recovery service at this link.

3. The mail account has been blocked. If you have not logged into Rambler-mail for a long period of time, then the system could block it. To resume access to mail, contact support, where you need to explain the essence of the problem. As a rule, the support service works quickly, so your mailbox will become active again soon.

4. The drawer has been removed. If you see a message when you try to log in to your mail "The box does not exist" then it may have been deleted. Deleted mailboxes are not restored, so you will have to go through the registration process again.

5. Installed on the computer old version browser. Older versions of web browsers may not meet the requirements of Rambler Mail, so update your browser to the latest version.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. At one time, I wrote a number of reviews with my personal experience and impressions of working with popular mail services, or rather with their web interfaces:

  1. - I use it for the main mailboxes, because when connecting double verification, this service is a priori the most reliable.
  2. - everything is great, and in particular I was pleased with the free and functional mail for the domain.
  3. - well, nothing outstanding compared to previous monsters, but nevertheless, in the new interface of this mail service, everything is quite well thought out and there is nothing to complain about.
  4. - free mail with the largest mailbox size of 1 TB. Otherwise, the service does not stand out in any way from its competitors.

All three of the above services are highly stable and, importantly, there are spam cutters. Somewhere they work better, somewhere worse, but in general they do their job.

Our today's hero rambler mail. It appeared at the very beginning of this millennium and at one time enjoyed great popularity, on which, most likely, the service still travels. As you remember, it was replaced not so long ago with an engine from Yandex, and Rambler, by and large, has become a large portal with a number of popular services (including mail, rating, and much more). However, their approach to this matter has clearly begun to change, and not for the better. But first things first...

Login, registration and creation of a box in the Rambler mail

Personally, I haven’t used the web interface of Rambler-mail for a long time, because I was configured to collect mail from the mailboxes available there to the main one, the correspondence from which I, in turn, read in the client from the composition. However, upon encountering a number negative reviews about the operation of this service, I decided to try out their new (for me) interface, which appeared in 2012. Actually, this article owes its appearance to the impressions that were received.

If you want not to enter, but to start a new mailbox, then on the same page you will find a green button "Get Mail", which will help you in this unnatural desire. As you could see from the previous screenshot, there are several options for ending your future mailbox (besides the standard This, by the way, can help if the name you have chosen is already taken:

At the next step, you will be asked to come up with a password, select a security question and give an answer to it (you may need this information when regaining access to your mailbox in case of a hack or a simple password loss). Actually, everything. You will be congratulated on a valuable acquisition and offered to inspect your possessions.

By analogy with or , your login and password for the mailbox and for other services owned by the Rambler corporation. Here you can set your photo or avatar, which will be visible to the recipients of your letters.

It should be noted that, unlike the competitors mentioned above, Rambler-mail does not bind to a mobile phone number, which reduces the safety of working with the box, as it seems to me. As you understand, the argument that you don’t have anything valuable in your box doesn’t really roll, because they practically break it on the stream, and not by order. They hunt not only for money, but also for social media accounts and other things that can then be sold in bulk to spammers or some other “radishes”.

The appearance of the web interface is similar to some very simple mail client (a program installed on your computer that collects correspondence from all your mailboxes). By the way, the developers suggest that you implement this by clicking on the link “Add other boxes” located in the left column. Those. you are offered to set up the collection of mail from all other mailboxes you have (including from other services) in order to view correspondence in the brainchild of the rambler.

Quite a bold suggestion in light of the fact that most of the criticism of Rambler mail is related to bad job spam cutters, and this, in my opinion, along with the convenience of the interface and functionality (filters, settings, etc.) is a fundamental thing when choosing the main mailbox where all correspondence will be collected. Personally, I still like the Gmail spam cutter, and its functionality is at a higher level. But it's still a matter of taste.

In favor this interface its simplicity and obviousness can speak. In the lower left corner you will find a couple of buttons with horizontal and vertical stripes that allow you to switch from a two-column mail view to a three-column view, when the mail list remains open, and the contents of the mail you are interested in open to the right in a separate area.

In the same place, but a little to the right, you will find a button to go to the settings of your mailbox in Rambler-mail (we will go over them a little later).

How can I check inbox in Rambler-mail

There are traditionally several options.

Web interface (your page) in Rambler Mail

At the top are the most necessary buttons for managing and sorting incoming mail:

Also important is the ability to mark individual letters. In Rambler-mail, this is implemented, although quite simply (for small volumes of correspondence, it will do). You can mark important letters with asterisks, the outline of which will be drawn opposite each letter on the right, and you can remove the "Unread" label using the outline of the circle located on the left. For group tagging, you can check the boxes next to the desired ones and use the drop-down menu of the “More” button located above.

Well, in order to later set up background highlighting of only important or unread letters, you will need to select suitable option from the drop down list shown in the screenshot. To search through all letters, you can use the one at the top. search string. In my opinion, it would be possible to slightly increase the functionality of working with correspondence, but this option is certainly from the category of “nowhere easier”.

Rambler email settings

Let's now run through mail settings from Rambler, which are hidden behind the gear button located at the bottom of the left column.

Actually, there are not so many of them. On the one hand, this will not scare away an inexperienced user, but for a user who is more or less accustomed to comfort and convenience, they can be somewhat disappointing. However, what is, is.

On the first settings tab, you can set the sender's name (and, if you wish, specify a different Email to which replies will be sent), add a signature that will be added at the bottom of all letters you send, and you can also change the cover of pages with your mail (blue is used by default). texture, but you can replace it with one of a dozen background options). Well, you can also see how many free space left in your free mailbox, which is initially given not so much compared to competitors (only 2 Giga).

On the next tab of the Rambler Mail settings page, you can add new folders if necessary. On the tab "Other boxes" you can optionally set up the collection of mail from all your mailboxes in this or any other services. It will be enough just to specify the login and password from these same boxes. If the service from where the correspondence should be collected is not standard (the addresses and ports of the POP3 server are already known for them), then this data will also have to be specified.

AT this service e-mail, of course, there are filters. They live on the corresponding settings tab. They allow you to configure the processing of incoming correspondence by checking all letters for compliance with the specified conditions, and if they are satisfied, perform one of the following actions on them:

  1. mark messages as read;
  2. mark important;
  3. delete letters;
  4. move to specified folder

There are several options for specifying conditions and actions performed when they are satisfied (selected from the drop-down lists shown in the screenshot). By the way, you can set several conditions using the plus button. In general, everything is usual and quite simple, if not primitive. But on the other hand, there is nothing complicated and accessible to a completely unprepared user (unlike, for example, the same Gmail filters and shortcuts).

The auto-responder tab, in my opinion, is of little use, except for setting up auto-replies and the deadlines when you can answer incoming correspondence only during the holidays. And here is the tab "Forwarding Letters" may well come in handy. As I already mentioned, many people complain about Rambler's spam cutter, and if it really doesn't work well, then it makes sense to set up forwarding all incoming emails to another service where spam is filtered out once or twice (the same Gmail or Yandex).

To set up forwarding, it will be enough just to rearrange the checkbox in the “Enabled” area, indicate the recipient's mailbox in the “To” field and decide whether you will save copies of forwarded letters on the Rambler service.

Well, on the tab "Mail programs" you can find out the data for setting up receiving and sending mail through this mailbox using the client program installed on your computer (you can use both SMTP and IMAP).

Yes, there is also the “sounds” tab, where you can activate the sounds that are disabled by default, which will be played when a new letter arrives in the Inbox folder, as well as when sending correspondence or when a failure occurs.

Rambler compared to competitors

If everything described above (including spam cutter) works perfectly in this mail service, then it can be recommended to undemanding network users who want to get the simplest and, not least, .

However, this service cannot provide serious competition to Gmail, Yandex Mail and even The functionality is insufficient, the security issue has not been worked out, and the settings for serious work with a large amount of correspondence are clearly not enough.

If we also take into account the mass of negative user reviews on the network (here again, you need to be selective, because when everything suits you, then reviews are usually simply not written), then the prospects for Rambler mail in the fight against competitors for the market are rather illusory. Their main task now, it seems to me, will be to retain existing customers. IMHO.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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