Download media beng to your computer. MediBang Paint - drawing

MediBang Paint Pro is a free, compact and easy-to-use digital painting program. The program supports Russian language. Can be installed on computers with Windows (versions seven and higher).

To install the program, 100 MB of hard disk space is required. For correct operation 32-bit Windows requires 4 GB of memory, 64-bit Windows requires 8 GB. As a peripheral device, developers recommend the popular graphics tablet– Wacom.

The program works with the most common file formats (.png, .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .psd, .tif, .webp) and its own - .mdp (MediBang Paint Pro format).

Program features

For beginners and experienced artists Medi Bang Paint Pro offers:

  • a set of 50 types of brushes - for example, those simulating painting with ink or watercolor, as well as creating your own brushes and individual custom settings for existing ones;
  • working with layers - this makes it easier and more convenient to edit drawings;
  • the ability to “snap” to a specific point on the canvas is an indispensable tool for working with perspective or creating characteristic elements (speed lines) in scenes where you want to emphasize the character’s actions;
  • Free library of tones and backgrounds with over 800 samples. To access the library you need free registration on the official website of the program, but the ability to choose a suitable “backdrop” for an art or sketch compensates for this inconvenience.

For comic book writers and designers, Medi Bang Paint Pro helps:

  • without much difficulty - by simply cutting the digital canvas within the boundaries - create comic panels;
  • combine all the pages of the comic into one project with convenient editing of each page;
  • create and preserve the atmosphere of a fictional story, highlight the characters and their actions using various font options from the free library.

To gain access to the library, you need to register on the official website of the program.

Remote Access and Community

Usage cloud technologies allows the author to synchronize personal program settings on any devices with Internet access and work with files from anywhere. In addition, using the Team Project option, you can gather a team interested in your plot, your art, or your imagination, and create captivating stories together.

Media buying

There are several approaches to purchasing advertising space - media buying. They are largely determined by the specifics of selling space in specific advertising media: on television, radio, print and electronic media, on billboards, screens and others. Thus, the sale of advertising opportunities can be carried out both by in-house advertising services (internal media sellers) of information distribution channels, and by specialized advertising agencies (external media sellers). There may also be a combined scheme of internal and external media selling.

Media sellers can own: full exclusive rights; only for advertising without sponsorship; only for sponsorship; limited advertising rights in certain types of programs.

Media sellers can receive payment for their services on a fixed, commission or combined basis. With a fixed payment, the seller pays a certain amount to the advertising carrier and keeps everything that he receives from above. In unstable markets, this scheme is usually disadvantageous for one of the parties. If the advertising market grows, then the carrier receives less; if it falls, then the seller suffers losses.

With a commission payment, the seller receives a certain percentage of each sale of advertising space.

With a combined scheme, the seller assumes obligations to sell a certain minimum of space, and can receive not only a percentage, but also bonus amounts when sales volume increases.

When selling through an external media seller, the medium, as a rule, uses a more qualified workforce, reduces sales costs, and has the opportunity to be sold in a package with other channels (or publications, etc.), which benefits advertisers.

However, none of the external sellers knows the capabilities of the advertising medium as well as internal sellers. When selling through an external seller, a certain efficiency and flexibility, including organizational and technological, are lost.

In order to conduct media planning and media placement most effectively, many advertising companies hire special workers to purchase advertising space - media buyers. These people know all the nuances of working with advertising sellers and can do a lot quickly, thanks to personal acquaintances with representatives of advertising carriers. Companies with internal specialists save money cash, receive more up-to-date information, show some flexibility in decisions, and reduce the time it takes for financial flows to pass through.

The use of external media buyers can be profitable due to the very large discounts that a specialized agency receives from the media it represents. Also, external media buyers may have more information about new media. As a rule, the best professional staff work in companies specializing in external media buying.

You can reduce the price by purchasing space in new media, which, due to lack of accurate data, are usually undervalued. You can advertise on new programs or untested media that may get good ratings.

You can reduce the cost by purchasing a large volume of advertising and receiving discounts.

You can use barter schemes, sponsorship, exchange (after purchasing a large amount of time/space for advertising, part of the purchased time/space can be exchanged for the required amount of advertising on another medium purchased by another advertiser).

The media buying process itself is quite complex and lengthy. Often, though, “a lot of people think it’s all about going to fancy restaurants to negotiate multimillion-dollar deals,” Claggett complains. “In fact, buying requires detailed study and planning.” At Ralston Purina, the media buying process begins in January with an analysis of market conditions and, according to Claggett, includes the following steps:

Preparatory phase

6. Analyze market conditions and predict prices.

7. Notify brand teams and agencies of deadlines for brand needs.

8. Formulate performance goals and objectives.

9. Systematize brand requirements.

10. Evaluate overall corporate TV budgets by day.

11. Systematize the total requirements for the desired package.

12. Upload estimated data on the target audience into the computer.

13. Establish criteria for quality assessments.

Research phase

14. Discuss new pilot scripts with major Hollywood producers and network programming directors from the West Coast.

15. Discuss available research and feedback on new shows.

16. Check possible schedules.

17. Mark the shares of past impressions by time period, by week.

18. Communicate general requirements to each network.

19. Set a time schedule for negotiations.

Programming Evaluation Phase

20. Attend the meetings that each TV network holds to announce its programming.

21. View all footage of new pilot projects.

22. Discuss future storylines with employees of software editorial offices of networks.

23. Discuss possible changes to the schedule.

24. Meet with Ralston's major network agencies to develop corporate share estimates for each quarter.

25. Load estimated time shares and viewer data into the computer.

26. Determine the best transmission combinations by analyzing all possible or available packages based on expected cost.

Offer and bargaining phase

27. Inform networks about desired software and pricing packages.

28. Get price quotes from networks.

29. Clarify and enter latest changes graphics.

30. Conduct a computer analysis of the quantitative and qualitative aspects of each plan.

31. Evaluate packages against original goals.

Negotiation completion phase

32. Communicate plan weaknesses to networks.

33. Evaluate proposals revised by networks.

34. Amend the time period and placement schedule in its final desired version.

35. Receive final price offers from networks.

36. Discuss the different budget plans in each network.

37. Conduct a final assessment and make a final decision on the overall corporate package.

38. Determine contract terms with each network.

39. Sign the finally agreed packages in each network.”

Based on the results of 2017, 98 companies engaged in the purchase of advertising in at least one of the five media where there is independent monitoring were ranked: on TV, radio, in the press, outdoor advertising and the Internet, carried out by the companies Mediascope (formerly the media research division of the TNS Russia group) and " ESPAR-Analyst."

History of changes in budget assessment methodology

· 2008-2010: Budgets are assessed in national and regional TV, press, national radio, and outdoor advertising.

· 2011: Non-terrestrial channels are included in the TV rating.

· 2012: Electronic sponsorship (intros) included in TV ratings.

· 2013: For the first time an attempt was made to estimate budgets for banner advertising on the Internet.

· 2014: For the first time, contextual advertising, lead generation and programmatic purchasing budgets were assessed.

· 2015: The assessment of Internet budgets was clarified, in particular, data on video and mobile advertising was included.

· 2016: Sponsorship integrations included in TV ratings. The assessment of Internet budgets has been clarified, which is now based on monitoring the facts of banner displays on 148 sites. Budgets for procurement planning were assessed.

· 2017: The assessment of Internet budgets has been clarified, which is now based on monitoring the facts of displaying banners and videos on 176 sites.

What was done in 2018

1. Reliability of the assessment

The experience accumulated over a decade has led to the identification and elaboration of problems arising with the calculation process. With the increase in the number of ranking participants, the scale of these problems has reached critical proportions: obtaining a reliable assessment has been seriously complicated by the dishonest actions of individual players. It has been noted that in pursuit of position, some, although not all, companies use two scenarios for “pumping up” their volumes:

I. Inclusion in your client list of advertisers who are not actually served, in the expectation that in the absence of complaints from other players, this budget will be counted and the rating will increase. It must be admitted that until recently this scenario worked quite well: finding out which of the clients buys advertising directly is not difficult, and then all that remained was to declare these clients as subscribers. Or give up claims under a plausible pretext if other contenders appear.

II. Inclusion in your client list of advertisers who are transferred for service from other (partner) agencies not included in the rating. This scenario too for a long time was quite common, identifying such cases was difficult due to the lack of fact-checking.

AdIndex first introduced the practice of checking incoming information, regardless of the presence of disputes over budgets (when more than two agencies apply for one advertiser), in a 2016 study. This was a pilot to make players aware of the scorers' intentions to improve the accuracy of their scores. It was hoped that in the new study, companies would take a more responsible approach to the information they provide and abandon the policy of “cheating.” Unfortunately, expectations were not met: selective fact-checking again revealed a large number of violations, so the compilers were forced to postpone the publication, keeping the accuracy of the estimates as a priority.

Starting this year, an extended audit was applied to agencies that, as part of the first fact-check, did not confirm data on 5% of randomly selected contracts - it was necessary to confirm another 20% of the declared clients. If less than half were confirmed, the agency was excluded from the rating. In future releases, AdIndex plans to expand the initial audit to 10% and subsequent audits to 50%.

2. Evaluation transparency

Since this year, agencies that subscribe to Mediascope data have been provided upon request with calculations from which their performance was derived. Thus, the participants in the rating had the opportunity to verify the fairness of the ratings received and, if necessary, adjust the figures, paying attention to previously missed points (clarify the names in the Mediascope catalog, add missed brands or media, etc.).

3. Completeness of assessment

Today, agencies' turnover includes purchases in all media where there is independent monitoring:

TV: federal, regional, non-terrestrial, sponsored.

Radio: network, regional.

Press: central, Moscow, St. Petersburg.


1. The calculation methodology has been agreed upon with all major participants in the advertising market. Agencies provide their expert opinions on what conditions a particular advertiser can receive in a particular media, after which AdIndex displays average market indicators. AdIndex verifies the resulting budgets with advertisers.

2. In the AdIndex study, agencies serve budgets that in total do not exceed the market.





Share of agency purchases from the total market

3. Incoming information (submitted by agencies) is subject to verification.

4. Combining the indicators of several companies in an agent rating is not allowed. As part of the fact-checking, the reliability of the stated data is checked to exclude attempts to “pump up” the indicators of an individual agency of the group in order to increase its position in the rating.

5. Inclusion in the rating of companies that are artificially entered into the rating of groups is not allowed. The turnover of such fictitious agency brands is usually minimal, and the intentions of the applicants are absolutely transparent: in the agency rating, a company with a small turnover may be in the top 60, but in the group classification, where there are significantly fewer participants, it ends up in the top line, which unreasonably strengthens its position in the tender competition.

6. On the Internet, AdIndex counts direct and performance-based purchases, including search. The assessment is based on monitoring and an expert survey of marketers. The obtained figures are verified by the agencies. Differences with actual budgets are due to the complexity of assessing non-monitored services (special projects, PR, SMM) and sites.

MediBang Paint Pro – software product for drawing in digital format and the formation of comics. You can download the program in Russian on your computer and Mac, the program is also available in Google Play and AppStore.

Although the app is free, it has many of the features needed for creating comics or graphic arts. The application contains:

  • wide range of brushes;
  • a large number of different fonts;
  • color palette and many other tools for productive work.

Password for all archives: 1progs

Video on installing and activating the program

You can also create brushes yourself by setting the necessary parameters.

Users working with the editor can change the location of scenes and pages when creating comics, and they can also simply change the frame limits of comic panels.

All the tools and files available in the library are organized and easy to download with one click. This application also allows you to work with layers.

IN graphic editor MediBang Paint Pro can organize group work. Through cloud storage any edits are synchronized, and access can be granted a huge number users. And through the cloud, projects can be exported from a computer to portable devices.

Analogs of the program

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