The search results page is called. Search and organic results of Yandex and Google systems and how they are formed

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. People working in any industry use terms in their communication that help quickly explain the essence of the matter without being distracted by details.

Because of this, the conversation of professionals often seems incomprehensible to an unprepared listener, for whom these details are oh so important for understanding. The same thing happens in the SEO industry, where communication occurs using established terminology.

We are all, of course, quick-witted people who don’t understand words, but it would still be better to familiarize yourself with them all at once, so as not to rack your brains over it later. Actually, in this article I have collected those phrases that abound in the speech of SEOs or those who want to appear to be one. If you missed something or made a mistake in interpretation, please point it out in the comments.

Sickle, Top, snippet and title

  1. SERP (issue)— the search engine page that the user sees in response to the query he entered. It consists of two parts - organic search(ten results on one page) and contextual advertising (several blocks above, below or to the side of the main search results). It is precisely to get into the Top 10 organics that SEO specialists are fighting.

    Organic results consist of web pages that are recognized by the search engine as relevant to the query. Most often, one site is presented in the search results only once, but there are exceptions. For example, in the sickle for brand queries.

    The ad itself for each such web page in the search results (sickle) is formatted according to certain rules. In Yandex and Google they appearance slightly different (for example, Yandex has, but Google may have photos of article authors).

    The title of this advertisement is usually taken from the page title (taken from the source Html code) of the presented site, but there may be options for using intermediate titles available on this page as this.

  2. Snippet— is located in the search results just below the title and URL of any ad. It is a fragment of text taken from a web page that fell into the sickle. Sometimes search engines form it based on the contents of the description meta tag (page description), but this text can also be taken from the body of the article itself. Also, a snippet can occasionally appear as the inscription “Links to the page contain,” when the searched query is not found on the page, but is present only in the texts of the links leading to it. See an example below when explaining the term NPC. Essentially, this is a summary of the web page, which is taken from its text or the contents of the description megatag. Using it, a search engine user can form an opinion about the page without going to it. SEO specialists are trying to influence snippets, because this will attract more visitors. How to do this? I think we will talk about this in more detail.
  3. Top- as a rule, this means the first page of a search engine. By default, it displays the ten most relevant web pages from various sites. This can be called the Top 10. However, SEOs have different tasks, so there are things like Top 1, 3, 5, which show the ceiling they want to achieve as a result of promotion (getting to the first place of the crescent, top three or top five). The percentage of transitions from different places on the first page of search results varies so much that the fight for the Top is life or death.
  4. Title(title) - in SEO terminology, this means the title of the web page. Physically, this is text that is HTML code surrounded title tags and is located in the head part (between the head tags).

    You can view it in the browser by moving the mouse cursor to one of the open tabs.

    The keywords enclosed within it will carry more weight to search engines, and its content is often used as the title of the ad in the search results (see screenshot above).

Index, ranking, filters and dance

  1. Index- a database of search engines, where they store all the Internet content that they managed to index, broken down into words. The search is carried out not by “live” texts on sites, but by words in this index, which speeds up the process hundreds of times. In order to start promoting a site page, you must first wait until it gets into the index and begins to participate in ranking for queries relevant to its keywords (these terms are described below).
  2. Ranging— sorting sites in search results. Search engines have many factors (hundreds) for ranking. Typically, among them there are such groups as internal (website optimization, internal linking), external (static and dynamic weight of external links), behavioral factors (user behavior in search results and on the site itself), as well as social (sharing pages on social networks, likes, comments, etc.).
  3. Keywords— they characterize the content of a web page in order to search engine it was easier to understand what was going on we're talking about and what queries is it relevant to? this page. In SEO, this is an extremely important term, because the success of promotion depends on the correct and further use of them on site pages, as well as in link anchors.
  4. Search queries- what users enter into search bar Yandex, Google and other systems. Where can I look so that I can choose my keywords based on them? That's right, in the search engines themselves. They have tools to help users contextual advertising access this information. Read about it in the article at the link provided.
  5. Relevance— correspondence of the search query to the content of the web page. All documents relevant to the query go to the ranking stage to determine their position in the final search results. Want more information? Read.
  6. Pessimization— lowering of site pages in search results for some individual or even all search queries (keywords). Essentially, this is an artificial decrease in relevance. Usually it is a consequence of any identified violations in optimization or promotion. As a result, traffic to the site decreases and the SEO specialist begins to look for and correct the reasons for applying the filter and the pessimism of the site.
  7. Filters— ways to automatically combat search engines with sites that, through cheating, are trying to take a place higher than they deserve. With the help of filters, search engines try to neutralize the actions of cheaters. To get out of the filter, you will need to eliminate the reason for its application (for example, over-optimization of the text, as was the case in my case).
  8. Ban— complete exclusion of website pages from the search engine index database. Imposed for a very gross violation of the license for using search engines (for example, invisible text, cloaking, etc.). You can read more about Yandex using the link provided.
  9. Update(ap) - in the general sense of the word, this is an update. In relation to SEO and search engines, this may be an update of the ranking algorithm and the resulting update of the database (calculated on the basis of these algorithms), which does not occur immediately, but from app to app. This leads to a change in the sickle (issue), i.e. The positions of sites change for certain requests. This is it issue update, which is most often understood as the general term update in relation to SEO. You can read about .
  10. Dance— the process of changing the search results, which we observe when monitoring the positions of our site (they can jump tens or even hundreds of places up or down). The fact is that search results cannot be updated at once after updating or tweaking the algorithm ( software search engines). This is due to the limitations technical capabilities. In addition, they have feedback and can constantly adjust, so the dance can last for days or months until everything more or less settles down.
  11. Cache (saved copy)— html version of the web page from the search results, which is stored in the search engine database. You can view it, for example, in Yandex, using the “Saved copy” link, which will appear when you click on the spoiler in the form of a small arrow at the end of the page URL:

    Sometimes, this link helps to see a page on a site that is currently temporarily unavailable (there is also one, but that’s a lot of fiddling around). Search engines need a cache in order to be able to generate snippets for their results, because it is extremely difficult to pull it out of the reverse index, and constantly climbing to the source page is very expensive.

Affiliate, assessor, draft and safe words

  1. Affiliate— in the search results for any query, different sites are most often presented. However, many people have a desire to occupy the entire Top10. But how to do this? That's right, you need to create ten different sites that will belong to you and promote them all to the Top. This will be the affiliate. Yandex and Google are fighting this by identifying online stores and other commercial sites that belong to the same owner, and leaving only one of them in the index. By the way, scammers also take advantage of this, thus throwing competitors’ sites out of the index.
  2. Traffic- a rather general term (, but in SEO this usually means traffic to a page or website (the number of visitors who came in a certain period of time, for example, per day). Traffic can be search traffic (from the results of Yandex, Google and other search engines), from bookmarks (meaning bookmarks in the browser), purchased, etc.
  3. Content— I have already written in some detail about how important it is for website promotion. This concept is somewhat broader than just text, but when talking about SEO, we mean its textual component. Very often there is a conversation about unique content, etc. things, because search engines remove duplicates from their servers and they do not participate in the search. There are special ones where, if you wish, you can order or buy a ready-made article.
  4. - tritely copied content. I won’t say that using copy-paste on your website will guarantee that you will fall under the filter, but it will definitely not lead to anything good. However, this is one of the main components modern Internet.
  5. - unique texts written from scratch. The preferred type of content for SDL (the term is described below), because with the proper approach it has every chance of occupying high positions in the search results.
  6. Rewrite- something in between the two terms described above. Some text is taken and rewritten in other words while preserving the meaning. In general, this is better than copy-paste, but search engines are “scorching at once,” so, or better yet, switch to copywriting.
  7. — a full-time employee of Yandex or Google, whose task is to evaluate search results according to certain criteria (and for certain queries), which was obtained as a result of the algorithm. These estimates serve feedback, which allows you to make changes to this very algorithm so that search engine users remain satisfied with it, and the results are relevant (see the term just below) to the request.
  8. Donor(gives) - in SEO, this term refers to a web page (or site) from which a link is placed to the page you are promoting. It is understood that the donor transfers part of his weight (blood) through this link (while not losing his own weight, no matter how paradoxical it may sound). If I put a link to your article from this article, I will become a donor, and you will become an acceptor.
  9. Acceptor(accepts) - the web page to which the link from the donor leads. In fact, the entire network is permeated with donor-acceptor connections, because this was originally laid down by Tim Berners-Lee (with hyperlinks as connecting elements).
  10. Backlinks(backlinks) - links to your site from other resources (donors).
  11. Anchor— link text (what is located between the opening and closing ). There is no adding or subtracting here. Links can be anchor or non-anchor. A very important SEO term that is taken into account when ranking by search engines, and you can find a lot of advice online about the percentage of keywords used in backlink anchors (see this term just below). There are such concepts as direct occurrences of a key in an anchor, diluted or without anchors. Read more about anchors.
  12. Static link weight— when ranking, search engines take into account not only the dynamic weight of links (anchors), but also the static one, which is determined by the initial weight of the donor page and the number of web pages to which it links. Read the article mentioned just above for details.
  13. Bold link- this is the name given to a backlink received from a very trusted resource (with a high TIC, for example). It’s even better if this link is included with home page, for example, as in the case of Lebedev’s studio, to which there is a backlink from the main Yandex itself. Everyone strives to get bold links, because this increases the trust of the entire resource as a whole and can lead to an increase in traffic.
  14. NPC- found via the link (now in Yandex results it is indicated slightly differently: "Page contains links"). The fact is that when ranking web pages, the anchors (texts) of links that lead to this page are also taken into account. Therefore, when responding to your query, the search engine may offer documents in which the query you entered does not appear, but there are links leading to it containing these words.

    In continuation of this material, I advise you to read the article:.

The tool is designed to quickly and freely determine the current position of a site in the search engines Yandex and Google for a number of semantic core search queries. The functionality allows you to check each request with a depth of up to 100 positions, and also displays the URL of the page relevant to the request.

Attention! Positions are cached for a day. This means that until 00:00 the tool will not change the value for already verified requests of the specified domain.

Why check site positions?

To promote a website, it is necessary to optimize each of its pages for relevant effective search queries that users enter into the search bar of search engines. The list of queries for which the site will be optimized and for which it will be promoted is called semantic core site. You can select it using.

When optimizing the pages of a promoted site, it is necessary to track the positions for queries that it occupies in the search results. This will give an assessment of the visibility and success of the resource in the niche, since the effectiveness of the site as a whole depends on the positions occupied, affecting:

  • site traffic;
  • number of conversions (orders);
  • brand awareness.

Advantages of our position checking service

The main idea of ​​the tool is to quickly and freely take positions at the moment when you need it. You don’t need to use complex abstruse systems, you don’t need to pay a lot of money for the fact that these systems remove positions more often than you watch them, everything is extremely simple and convenient:

  • Completely free.
  • You can check up to 100 requests at a time.
  • Checking right up to position 100 in the search results.
  • Possibility to check positions by region.
  • Determining the page that is relevant to the request.
  • Checking the position of competitors.
  • Ability to take into account site subdomains.
  • Summary of TOP 1, 5, 10, 50, 100.

Search results (syn. Sickle, or SERP, abbreviated from English. Search Engine s Result Page)This is the search results page.


When making a request to a search engine, the user is shown a page with structurally located links to website pages with the necessary information. Under the links there are a couple of lines with a description of the site, the so-called snippet, on the basis of which the user decides whether to go to this site or not. Links are built according to a specific hierarchy compiled by the search engine.

In addition to links on the sickle, you can find blocks of contextual and graphic advertising, and subsequent search pages with links. On the sickle you can also find shortcuts, or quick informative answers to the user’s request, which are issued by the search engine. Various systems Different shortcuts are shown for the same request. For the query “weather in Moscow,” Yandex, for example, will show the current situation with Moscow weather.

How are requests selected?

Each search engine has its own results. If a site is in the TOP of Google, this does not mean that it is in the TOP of Yandex, and vice versa. This is especially evident in the commercial sphere. Just type “buy phone” in Yandex and Google, and you’ll immediately see a little different pages issuance. The fact is that each search engine has its own criteria for determining relevance. They are updated frequently and are known to few, but each system insists on unique and accurate selection systems that protect the sickle space from low-quality sites and their content.

If there are several pages on the site that contain the answer to a query, then Google will place these pages side by side as the main and secondary pages. This top response, consisting of only relevant links, is called an organic result.


The search results page in modern search engines can be divided into several areas:

  • organic search results- the main part of the issue;
  • contextual ads (paid links) - small fragments of text placed in search results for a fee. This is one of the main monetization methods for a search engine;
  • shortcuts(one-boxes, sorcerers, etc.) - the area before the main search results where a ready-made answer to a query can be placed, useful information or links, or suggested correction of typos in the request;
  • related queries- reformulation and clarification of the entered query, similar queries;
  • controls:
    • search query input field, the possibility of automatic suggestions (autocompletion);
    • links to go to the next, previous and several adjacent search pages.

Natural search results

The main part of search results is made up of natural results. This is a list of documents found and indexed by a search engine, the ranking and display of which is not affected by advertising sold by the search engine. It is usually ordered in descending order of document relevance. search query according to the ranking algorithms used in the search system, but many systems also provide other types of sorting, for example, by date of documents.

The documents are usually web pages, but many systems are also capable of indexing and providing links to files in formats such as .pdf, .doc, .ppt, etc., pages with Flash animation (.swf). Some systems have implemented the so-called universal search(English) universal search) - along with regular documents, search results can include, for example, search results based on pictures, videos, news, maps.

For each document, it is typically shown at least its title, address, and a snippet showing the query words in the context of the document. Often next to the address there is also a link to a saved copy of the document in the search engine cache and a search function for similar documents. Google is able to show a sitemap for some documents, and additional relevant pages from the same site.


In many search engines, for certain types of queries, specially composed results appear in the search results, immediately answering the user's query when possible, or providing a useful link or information. There is no generally accepted name for these results. Yahoo and some independent researchers call them "shortcuts." shortcuts), Google - “one-boxes”, Yandex - “sorcerers”, Bing - “quick answers” ​​(eng. instant answers). They usually appear above organic results. Shortcuts can be considered as part of the universal search technology.

As examples, some of the one-boxes implemented by Google are listed below:

  • Calculator. In response to a query containing an arithmetic expression, its value is calculated. Google also supports the ability to transfer money between different currencies as part of the calculator.
  • Search for definitions. For example, the query “what is astrophysics” will bring up the definition of the term found on a page from Wikipedia.
  • Search for facts. Google is able to recognize and respond to queries such as, for example, “the height of Elbrus.”
  • The query "MSFT" (Microsoft Corporation's ticker symbol on stock exchanges) provides information about the quotes of its shares.
  • The query “time in Moscow” will show what time it is in this city.



  • Official description of the Yandex search results page

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what a “Search Results Page” is in other dictionaries:

    search results- A search results page produced by a search engine at the user's request. Topics information Technology in general EN Search Engine Result PageSERP ... Technical Translator's Guide

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Hello, dear readers of my blog. I continue to talk about basic terms, which will definitely come in handy in your work as a webmaster and in life. simple user Internet.

Today we will discuss what worries all website creators, what the work revolves around, where the thoughts and feelings of a person who owns his own project are directed. This phrase is often found in ordinary conversations, so don’t rush to conclusions.

So, from this publication you can find out what search results are in simple words what factors influence positions electronic resource, what the project creator should remember and much more.

Even if you don’t have your own website, the information will still be useful, and who knows, maybe my publication will make you think about creating something of your own? After all, the job can be simple if you don't overcomplicate things.


To begin with, I would like to introduce you to the term. What does the word "search engine results" mean? Everything is as simple as possible.

Everyone is familiar with search engines such as Yandex or Google. You go to these sites, see a search line and enter there something that you want to find on electronic projects present on the Internet. For example, “inventor of antibiotics.” Your word will be called “search term”.

Yandex and Google analyze electronic projects and show you lists of sites where this phrase appears (indicated by the number “1” in the picture), a selection of videos (“2”) and an article from Wikipedia (“3”).

When a webmaster says “search results,” most often he means just a selection of sites (“1”), but in fact it refers to all the information that appeared after you entered your query, pressed the Enter button and loaded the next page.

Search engines work primarily for people. Their main task is to reduce the visitor’s time searching necessary information, so more recently they began to publish a direct response to a request (an article from Wikipedia), offer a selection of videos from YouTube, although sometimes this block is replaced with photographs (it all depends on the preferred format), as well as texts directly if you want to learn about the topic, which was looked for a little more.

Since the webmasters themselves, as a rule, are not interested in “pure information” from Wiki, they are not concerned about the position of videos and pictures, but are completely absorbed in winning leading positions in Yandex and Google, they cut off everything unnecessary and when they say the word “search results” they mean exclusively a list of electronic resources.

On what basis are seats allocated?

You may have noticed that publications in the search results are not distributed in chronological order, alphabetically, by author, or in any other way familiar to the human mind. How, then, does the assignment of place take place?

Google and Yandex developers are concerned with user convenience first and foremost. They work hard for us to ensure that the output is as useful as possible, and that the reader receives necessary information fast. That’s why, for example, when you enter the word “red” into Yandex, you get a palette with color designations and shade names.

If you are looking for a translation of a word into English, then before you have time to finish writing, the result (the answer to your search) will appear before your eyes.

What do search engines do when it comes to more important information? I mean texts on websites. Does anyone really re-read them, check them and analyze their benefits? Naturally not.

Programmers have developed numerous algorithms that help machines rank a site. You can read the article if you want to know the details of this topic. I will only briefly cover this topic.

Your request to a search engine in professional circles of webmasters is called “ keyword" and I already told you too. So here it is. The most important thing is to use them in the text. Then the search robot will understand what the article is written about and which users should show it.

Many people request approximately the same words: “movies online”, “100 dollars in rubles” and so on. Sometimes the same requests can look different. For example, “this is search results” or “what is search results.” Fortunately, there are dozens of sites, and each master chooses his own key queries for which he writes text.

Information tends to become outdated, so updates occur quite often and higher are those articles that were “released” not so long ago. It’s a rare case when on the first page of Google or Yandex you come across a text written 5-10 years ago. Although this also happens.

User behavior is also important. Yes, you are being followed here too. Google and Yandex “watch” how much time readers spend on a certain resource, whether they follow links and share publications on social networks with friends.

For beginner and planning webmasters

In fact, everything you just read just sounds “scary.” Anyone who tries to bring benefits to the visitor of their website can be in first place in the search results: provide high-quality, complete and reliable information, please their readers, so to speak, work for the good of society.

And creating your own Internet project is now easier than ever. There are many ways. For example, I can recommend you the course “ WordPress 4: Blog Creation Example " From it you will learn a little more about code and programming, but you won’t get bogged down in terms and your head won’t start to hurt. Well, as a result, you will have your own website on which you can publish your interesting thoughts and earn money.

Give it a try. You have nothing to lose. That's all for me. See you again and don't forget to subscribe to group Start-Luck VKontakte .
