Compass is another name. Compass selection

The compass is one of the greatest inventions that the Chinese came up with in ancient times. In most cases, this is a small thing that resembles a clock with an arrow. When this device is rotated, the arrow persistently points in one direction, which allows you to determine the cardinal directions. This device It is rarely used in everyday life, but it is almost impossible for tourists, travelers, sailors or pilots to do without it. With the help of a compass, you can find the right direction without fear of getting lost in an unfamiliar forest, steppe, sea or other area.

The name of this device comes from the ancient British “compass”, which meant circle. Most modern historians suggest that this device first appeared in China in the first century BC. However, there is evidence that this device existed as early as the second millennium BC. At that time it was a small piece of magnetized metal mounted on a wooden strip and placed in a vessel with water. It was used for traveling in the desert. In addition, it was used by astrologers in the Arab world. This device began to be used by the Arabs in the eighth century; it appeared in Europe only in the twelfth century. The first improvement of this device occurred only in the fourteenth century.


The compass has several varieties, with the help of which you can not only find the cardinal directions, but also perform other calculations, for example, determine the angle and so on.

Devices can be divided into two large groups:
  • Mechanical, that is, to have a magnetized arrow made of metal that points in the north direction.
  • Electronic, made of display, processor and other electronic components. The display can show not only the required direction, but also other necessary information.
You can also distinguish devices by type of application:
  • Tourist. They are made in the form of a round box, in its center there is a rotating magnetized arrow pointing to the north. On the edge of the device there is a rotation scale, on which degrees of azimuth are indicated by numbers. The device can be liquid filled, completely sealed or not sealed. Such tourist devices come in a variety of sizes, color combinations, and also different in additional equipment. For example, the device’s strap may contain a thermometer or some other sensor.

  • Militarycompass looks like a tourist one. However, it additionally contains a ruler, a sighting device, and a lens for magnifying the image. The device is made in a metal version. This device is much more accurate than a tourist device.

  • Geological. In this case, the scale division goes counterclockwise. The device has a half-limb and a clinometer; these devices help to calculate the angles of the layers.

  • Astronomical. Using it, you can find the cardinal directions thanks to the stars and luminaries. The device is very accurate, but requires the presence of stars, which are mainly visible only at night. It turns out that it will be practically impossible to use it during the daytime.

  • Gyroscopic. It has a gyroscope at the base, which allows it to point the needle at the real pole rather than the magnetic one. This is a more accurate instrument that is often used on aircraft as well as ships.

  • Device named compass. It is an integral device for a surveyor; it can be used to find angles of incidence during surveys on the ground. It is also often used to guide artillery pieces for firing.
Electronic compass has varieties:
  • Radio device. The difference between such a device is that it points to an object that emits radio waves, such as a radio beacon. Such devices are widely used in aviation for the purpose of spatial orientation during flight. However, with the advent of GPS, such devices are used less and less.
  • In tourism electronic device Unlike the standard classic device, there is no magnetic needle. This device operates entirely electronically. The cardinal directions are located here with the help of magnetic attraction created by electronic circuit. Among other things, these devices often contain different programs, which allow you to view the time and even movies.
  • Devices with GPS and GLONASS systems. Thanks to electronic filling and satellite navigation Such devices are capable of most accurately finding the place where a person is in at the moment located. However, it must be taken into account that this will require signals received from three satellites.

A classic magnetic compass contains the following elements:
  • Metal or plastic case.
  • Transparent top cover that protects from weather conditions and external interference.
  • Under the cover there is a dial on which angular degrees are marked. The number of divisions depends on specific model, however, they are always placed around the entire circumference.
  • Opposite 0 is north, which is marked with the letter C or N.
  • In the center of the needle there is a magnetic double-sided arrow, which can be colored red or blue so that the user can understand where north is.
  • When moving, the arrow is held in place by a lock; this is a lever that acts as a stopper. The moment it is released, the arrow begins to turn north.
  • Some models provide additional arrow, it rotates manually. It is necessary to visually plot the course of movement, including for ease of interaction with the map. There are also models with a rotating dial.

If we consider the device of a gyrocompass, we can distinguish a gyroscope, which is located inside a hollow ball floating in a liquid. The ball and gyroscope are designed so that their center of gravity is always located below the ball axis when the axis is horizontal.

Operating principle
  • To determine the cardinal directions, the compass must be held horizontally.
  • Raise the lock to release the arrow. As a result, the arrow begins to rotate, after which they wait until it stops.
  • Next, by turning the device, you need to orient it in such a way as to bring the 0 degree division of the dial under the north, that is, the end of the colored arrow. The result is to determine the direction of north, south, east and west.

To determine the azimuth of a certain object, you need to stand facing the object and position the device horizontally. The cover must be rotated so that the line of sight is projected onto a specific object. As a result, the azimuth on the limb will be visible from the pointer.


  • The magnetic compass cannot be used near metal objects, magnets, power lines, or other sources. electromagnetic radiation. If you don't comply of this rule, you can easily get lost, because north will be in the wrong direction.
  • It is also necessary to take into account that mineral deposits will also contribute to the deviation of the arrow.
  • There are days when magnetic storms manifest themselves, which can somewhat distort the Earth's magnetic field.
  • The user should not spin while the device is rotating. Also, do not artificially rotate the arrow by tilting the device or jamming the arrow.

This is the most important device used for navigation. It is used by travelers, tourists, ordinary people who are going on a hike. It is used in aviation, navy, and army. Devices in each individual case can be used differently, because everything depends on the specifics. For example, when moving on foot, some models are used, when traveling by car, sailing on a ship or flying by air, completely different ones are used.

How to choose a compass
  • First of all, you should select a compass taking into account how you will travel.
  • For hiking trips, classic models that have a ruler and degree division are best suited. This will allow you to perform degree calculations as well as calculate azimuth.
  • Best choice for cyclists GPS navigator. However, keep in mind that the battery may drain quickly. Therefore, you should grab the classic model of the device in reserve.
  • If you are going to fly by helicopter or plane, it is best to use an electronic navigator. Such devices are multifunctional; they will also allow you to determine pressure and height.
  • When purchasing a mechanical device, you should check the device for accuracy. To do this, you need to place the device on a flat surface and then wait for the arrow to stop. Next, you need to bring a metal object to the device. You should wait until the arrow deflects in the required direction and remove the object. After you have removed the object, the arrow should return to its previous position, there should be no errors. This procedure should be repeated several times to ensure the device is working. The metal object should be approached from different sides.
  • When choosing other types, consult with knowledgeable people and consultants.

The “Compass” report for children will briefly tell you the history of the discovery of this object. The compass report can also be used during preparation for the lesson.

Compass message

Compass is a device for searching the sides of the horizon using a magnetic needle, which indicates the direction to the south and north. It was invented many centuries ago, and it immediately began to be used by travelers. The compass was the first navigational device that allowed sailors to go out to sea.

Where and when did the first compass appear?

In the 3rd century BC. e. In China, a device was invented that pointed to the cardinal directions. Outwardly, it resembled a spoon with a thin handle and a convex spherical part. It was made from magnetite. The polished convex part of the spoon was placed on a wooden or copper plate, also polished. The handle hung freely above the plate, but the spoon rotated around the axis of the convex base. The countries of the world were indicated on the plate. The compass needle, at rest, always pointed exactly south. This ancient compass was called sonan, that is, “in charge of the south.”

In the 11th century, the Chinese invented a floating compass needle made from an artificial magnet. The iron compass then had the shape of a fish. First, it was heated until red, and then lowered into a vessel with water. The “fish” began to swim, and its head pointed towards south side. Shen Gua, a scientist from the same China, proposed a couple of varieties of compass: with a magnetized needle and silk thread, with a magnetized needle and hairpin. In the 12th century, a compass with a magnetic needle was used by the Arabs, and a century later by the Italians, French, Spaniards and Portuguese.

In the 14th century, they began to place a magnetic needle on a point in the middle of a circle made of paper - a card. The next person to improve the compass was the Italian Flavio Giulio. He divided the paper circle into 16 parts. In the 17th century, it was improved with a rotating ruler with sights, which made it possible to more accurately calculate the direction.

What does a compass consist of?

The design of the device depends on the type of compass. The following types are distinguished: gyrocompass, magnetic compass, electronic compass. The main part of a regular magnetic compass is a compass with a pin in the center. There is a magnetic needle at the end of the spire, and the body itself is covered with glass on top.

Compass: interesting facts

  • Before the invention and spread of the compass, sailors on their ships did not go out to the open sea, so as not to get lost.
  • The compass was brought to Europe by Venetian merchants.
  • Before the Chinese, the Indians used something like a compass. In San Lorenzo Tenochtilan, scientists found a hematite artifact dating back to 1000 BC. But magnetic iron ore was still discovered by the Chinese.
  • You can make your own compass from a saucer of water and a magnetized needle.

We hope that the report about the compass helped you learn a lot useful information about him. You can leave a short story about the compass using the comment form below.

Magnetic compasses, gyrocompasses, satellite and electronic compasses - history, development and modernity

Review of ship's compasses

Since ancient times it has been an essential element of navigation. The prototype of modern compasses is believed to have originated in Europe at the turn of the 12th-13th centuries, when a magnetic needle was placed in water on a cork base and spontaneously oriented along the lines magnetic field Earth. Then, structurally, the arrow moved to a vertically located needle, the so-called card appeared, that is, a circle divided into points, and even a suspension, thanks to which the ship's pitching ceased to affect the accuracy of the compass.

Ancient civilizations most likely also used compasses in one form or another in those rare cases when people managed to discover magnetic iron ore, which was rare for that time, and take advantage of its properties. - the simplest and most ancient design, based on the interaction of a magnetic needle with the Earth’s magnetic field, as a result of which the needle takes a position pointing to the north and south magnetic poles. The accuracy of magnetic compasses is highly dependent on the presence of nearby metal objects or even other compasses, near which the needle may deviate from the true direction.

Development of the idea magnetic compass was realized after the invention of electromagnets containing two windings - a stator and a rotor. In this design, the Earth's magnetic field is used as a stator, and a frame with a winding inside the compass is used as a rotor. When moving in the Earth's magnetic field, the frame deflects properly, maintaining its relative orientation in space. This type of compass has a significant advantage over a magnetic one, since it does not have interference from external metal elements (for example, casing vehicle), moving in the same direction. However, such a compass requires high speed to operate, so its main application was in aviation.

They indicate the direction using gyroscopes, the operating principle of which is based on the relationship between the rotation of the Earth and the rotating disk of the structure. The so-called precession of the gyroscope, which occurs as a result of the earth's rotation, allows you to select the desired direction. This type of compass has a significant advantage over all magnetic ones, since it points not to the magnetic poles, but to the true north and south, through which the Earth’s conventional axis of rotation is drawn. This property is more useful for proper navigation. The plus is also that gyroscopic compasses like electromagnetic ones, they do not depend on the presence of metal objects nearby.

With the development of satellite technologies, models of compasses have appeared whose operation does not depend on either the Earth’s magnetic field or its rotation, since they are guided by satellite signals. are highly reliable, can be integrated into ship systems, are resistant to interference and are widely used in modern world. The so-called is the communication of all devices of this kind, compatible with the ship’s and incorporating all the technical achievements of recent times.

The company "" - a large supplier - offers all types of ship's compasses from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Wide selection ship's compasses, and also additional service which "" specialists provide during the sale, namely, further support, will help you choose the most suitable option and install it on any type of vessel in a short time.

Modern ones have certainly become significantly more complex since they were invented. Now this is, as a rule, a complex device that combines the use of various physical effects. Magnetic compass, created by Russian designers, serves to continuously indicate the ship's course, has RMRS and RRR certificates, is reliably protected from electromagnetic interference, simple and easy to use. Some magnetic compasses can also combine a gyroscope, being also gyrocompass. For example, a model from a Japanese manufacturer, which also has a RMRS certificate. This compass can be integrated into the on-board network via the NMEA2000 interface.

In the online store " Marinek"In addition to magnetic ones, there is a wide selection, in particular from the Perm Scientific and Production Instrument-Making Company. Gyro-compass with RMRS certificate, it has high accuracy and can be used in latitudes up to the 85th parallel, is insensitive to ship’s pitching, and high speeds. Made in the form of a monoblock in a durable case gyro-compass PGM-C-010 complies with the requirements of the International Maritime Organization, is reliable and easy to use, provides quick start-up and self-test.

The most widely represented on world markets, they are supplied by all well-known suppliers ship equipment, offering various implementations of this device of varying degrees of complexity. For example, the RMRS-certified Korean model is made with a high-contrast 5.6-inch color display and two antennas included, allows you to display data in several modes and provides high-speed data exchange. Satellite compass ensures reliable synchronization with such ship systems as chart plotters and echo sounders, and other navigation devices. Positioning accuracy is also achieved using two antennas. In addition to satellite signals, this satellite compass can use DGPS beacon signals, providing the end user with even greater data accuracy.

Electronic compass has RS232/422, NMEA0183 interfaces and does not contain a display, implying the connection of a compatible external one. Along with this, the electronic compass is compatible with a wide range of external equipment, to which it is capable of transmitting accurate location data. Equipment and ARPA radars can serve as data recipients.

The development of technology and the regulatory framework allows manufacturers to supply markets with a large number of devices capable of working in conjunction with navigation systems of any type. offered by the company Marinek”, represent models selected by the company’s specialists over time and through participation in various projects. In the catalog " Marinek» you can choose ship's compass for any type of vessel, compatible with virtually any ship network. Specialists " Marinek» will be able to select the required compass model based on your initial conditions, creating a unique solution, the implementation of which will be optimal in terms of price and quality ratio. By contacting " Marinek» looking for ship's compass, you can have no doubt about the successful outcome of our partnership, supported by the significant practical experience of specialists "" and high quality the equipment they offer.

A compass is a device for navigating the terrain. Its magnetic needle rotates around a central axis. The Earth's magnetic field acts on the needle in such a way that one end is turned to the North Pole and the other to the South Pole. Hence, it follows that the compass needle shows the exact direction of north and south. A compass provides invaluable assistance to a person in navigating the terrain. And for a tourist, a compass is perhaps one of the main things in equipment. Therefore, it is so important to choose this device correctly depending on the conditions of the trip, be it orienteering or a regular hike, multi-event tours or cycling.

The compass for tourism is a round transparent box with a magnetized rotating arrow in the center. The box around the edge has a special scale from zero to 360 degrees. It is used to determine azimuth.

Hiking compasses can be seen with different housings. Based on this, we can differentiate compasses into the following types:

The body of this compass is very voluminous and there is a bulb with an arrow on the lid. Sometimes on the cover you can see a sight, which is a window with the help of which the azimuth is determined. This type of compass is heavier than a sports compass.

On a rectangular tablet platform there is a round cone with a magnetized arrow. The flask tends to rotate. In addition, on the tablet platform there may be a ruler to measure distances based on the map, as well as a magnifying glass so that you can examine small details. With such a tablet compass it is much more convenient and easier to follow the azimuth than with other types of compasses.

This compass is a small ruler with a hole and an elastic band for your finger. It is mainly intended for running orienteering. It is convenient to use it, placed on one hand with a map, so as not to stray from the course and maintain direction. This type of compass exists for both right and left hands, as well as with a small and large ruler.

This compass looks like a watch on your wrist. It is attached to the wrist with an elastic band. It is used mainly by cycling tourists. The compass on the wrist serves only to trivially determine the cardinal directions. It is completely impossible to see the exact direction from it. It is convenient for cyclists because it does not need to be held in your hand and the compass is always in front of your eyes.

All presented types, except the first, are mainly used in sports. Tablet compass, finger compass and wrist compass are used for orienteering and multisport. And for tourism, any of the above compasses is quite suitable.

In addition, compasses are distinguished by the magnetization of the needle, its speed of installation and stability during rapid movement.

How to use it correctly

To check the stability of the needle, you need to put the compass on your hand in the working position and move it in a circle parallel to the ground. If the compass needle has poor stability, the readings will be noticeably different from the previous ones. And in some cases, the arrow will even begin to make circular movements. If the needle on the compass is stable, then no rotation or oscillation of the needle will occur. A major role in the stability of the magnetic needle and the speed of its installation is played by the viscosity of the substance that is in the flask with the needle. With noticeable temperature fluctuations, for example, with a sharp change from heat to cold or vice versa, bubbles appear in this viscous liquid. The bubbles also slow down the speed of rotation of the arrow, and this creates an obstacle during orientation. Therefore, when choosing a compass, you need to consult with knowledgeable people who will suggest a compass without this drawback.

Over time, the needle may become remagnetized and, accordingly, produce incorrect results with an error. Therefore, the compass must be checked before use. This needs to be done once every couple of months. You can even check it with ordinary scissors, holding them close to the magnetic arrow. If the fixed position corresponds to the position after touching the compass with scissors or any other metal object, then the compass can be used further. And if the arrow changes its route during a long oscillation, then the compass, unfortunately, is no longer suitable for further use.

Thinking that your sense of direction will save you in any situation is a great way to get lost somewhere in the forest or desert. You can, of course, rely on GPS, but where is the guarantee that the device will not break or fail at the most inopportune moment? A great way to avoid getting into such a situation would be a compass and a map, but you still need to know how to use them.

Fortunately, modern compasses can do a lot. In fact, these complex devices take on most of the work, and all that remains is to carefully read the instructions. Our article contains the best compasses of recent times, each of which can certainly lead you out of the dark.

Silva Lensatic 360

Quite average, but reliable and relatively durable machine. The dial is easy to read and the aiming lines are engraved directly on the glass. This is the most inexpensive model on our list, which, despite its low price, is accurate.

Cammenga Model 27CS Olive Drab Lensatic

Military-style, clear, powerful and reliable. The compass has been approved for use by the US Department of Defense, meaning it is ultra-highly accurate and suitable for tactical missions. Works at any temperature, copes with any extreme conditions. The titanium case is coated with phosphor paint: shine a flashlight on it for half a minute and use it.

Suunto M-3G Global

The choice of a professional. The M-3G can be used as a global compass: add a topographic map to it and you can find your way out of the darkest forest. For the convenience of the survivalist, the tool is equipped with several types of fastenings and luminous marks on the rim.

Suunto M-9

Wearing a compass on your wrist allows you to avoid wasting extra time - a simple glance at your wrist will let you know where to go. Light weight, compactness, sighting window and serrated rim perfectly complete the picture. the best tool in class. The Suunto M-9 has only one drawback: it can only be used in the Northern Hemisphere.

Pocket Transit 0-360 Degree

The cast aluminum body of this monster resists almost any external influence. The waterproof silicon lock allows the traveler to cross any river without fear of damaging the instrument. The needle moves very smoothly and aligns with magnetic north as quickly as possible.
