The GOST egais administrator pin code is incorrect. All standard pin codes for Rutoken, eToken, JaCarta tokens

The JaCarta token may be blocked if you enter the wrong PIN code several times in a row.

Pin code on the new JaCarta media:

  • User PIN code (without spaces): 0987654321
  • Administrator PIN (without spaces): 1234567890

In order to unblock JaCarta you must perform the following steps:

  1. Launch the JaCarta Single Client program
  2. Select the GOST tab
  3. Then select Unblock user PIN

4. A warning will appear stating that this unlock only resets the error counter. If you changed the standard PIN code and forgot it, then only generating a new qualified electronic signature (CES) at the Certification Center will help in your case.

5. In the window that opens, enter the administrator PIN code 1234567890 in the field. Click Run

6. If everything is done correctly, a window will appear with the message Unlocking completed successfully.

7. Close the program. Now you can try to enter your PIN code again. The standard user PIN code is 0987654321. If you have changed the standard PIN code and do not remember it, you will have to generate a new qualified electronic signature(KEP).

1. Download and install programs:

  • Single Client of JaCarta and JaCarta SecurLogon
  • JaCarta GOST
  • JaCarta PKI

All these programs can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website via the link

Restart your computer and insert your JaCarta key.

From there we download and install FSRAR - Crypto 2

Reboot the computer again.

3. Go to the page again and click the “Start testing” button

If you see the error: “Hardware key not found. Please insert the hardware key before the next test"

  • make sure that the JaCarta key is installed on your computer (you can check it in the JaCarta - manager program, which should appear in the tray);
  • remove other keys and USB flash drives;
  • make sure JaCarta Unified Client and JaCarta SecurLogon are installed.

If it was successful, then you should see a window like this where you enter the PIN code hardware key, most likely it will be “0987654321” - the PIN code should be provided to you by the company that sold the key.

Choose a certificate

Click the “Generate key” button for the desired point. Enter the PIN code to access the RSA memory, most likely it will be “11111111” and generate a key.

and again enter the PIN Code to access the RSA memory

Download the UTM distribution kit from the “Transport module” tab or from the link

We start the UTM installation by clicking the “Run” button

After installation, restart the computer or manually start the “Transport” and “Transport Updater” services

UTM uses port 8080, so you need to make sure that other programs are not using this port. If you access the UTM over the network, then you need to create allowing rules for port 8080 in the Firewall.

I hope this material was useful to you, leave comments and share your experience of installing UTM.

The JaCarta token may be blocked, the error may be CKR_PIN_LOCKED, if you enter the wrong PIN code several times in a row, this can happen even if you did not enter it, because the program in which you process documents remembers the entered PIN code and accesses the key every time.

The default pin code on the new Jakarta carrier is:

  • User PIN code (without spaces): 0987654321
  • Administrator PIN (without spaces): 1234567890
Unblocking JaCarta is done as follows:
  1. Open the management program: JaCarta Unified Client
  2. Open the GOST tab
  3. Then select Unblock user PIN

4. A warning will appear stating that this unlock only resets the error counter. If you changed the standard PIN code and forgot it, then only generating a new qualified electronic signature (CES) at the Certification Center will help in your case.

5. In the window that opens, enter the administrator PIN code 1234567890 in the field. Click Run

6.If everything is done correctly, a window will appear with the message Unlocking completed successfully.

7. Close the program. Now you can try to enter your PIN code again. The standard user PIN code is 0987654321. If you have changed the standard PIN code and do not remember it, then you will have to generate a new qualified electronic signature (CES).

We worked for a year. Alcohol was accepted, sales were sent out. And here is UTM stops send requests and receive documents. Speaks: time expired PKI-certificate.
Unlike the GOST certificate, which costs money, PKI is obtained for free and its duration smooth1 calendar year.

It's easy to get a new certificate! Just follow our instructions.

1. We are looking for the JaCarta single client icon for about an hour and double click open it.

2. Open the "PKI" tab. Select the certificate and open it for viewing. If there is no certificate, then we go straight to .

3. Look at the expiration date of the certificate. And, if it is close to the current one, then we move on to .

4. Launch the browser Internet Explorer. You can find it by clicking on the "Start" button.

6. Select the item “Read the conditions and check their compliance.” Next, go to “Start scanning”.

7. If the verification was successful, then enter the PIN code of the hardware key (GOST): 0987654321 and click "Show certificates".

8. Select the certificate that appears.

10. We are looking for our own separate unit (at the checkpoint). Click "Generate key".

11. Check the address: the "Show address" button.

12. If everything right, then enter the PIN (RSA): 11111111 and click "Generate key".

13. Repeat entering the PIN code: 11111111

14. If everything went well, then when viewing the certificate parameters....

15. ... we will see updated data.

Good luck.

Errors may occur.

Let's try to figure it out typical errors, which arise when generating EGAIS transport RSA keys.

Why does an error occur when generating a EGAIS key?

An error when generating a transport key for EGAIS sometimes occurs due to problems on the EGAIS website. But this happens extremely rarely.

Most errors during generation are associated with incorrect computer settings.

  • For correct operation V personal account EGAIS is recommended to disable all defenders and antivirus programs on the computer
  • operating system must be MS Windows and newer than XP (Vista/7/8/8/1/10 is suitable, server OSs are also supported starting from 2008). It is highly desirable to have the latest updates installed.
  • Internet Browser Explorer versions no lower than 9.
  • Installed current version crypto plugin FSRAR Crypto (version no lower than 2.00).
  • Installed and configured media drivers for EGAIS.
  • While working in your EGAIS personal account and when working with the EGAIS UTM, only one key for EGAIS should be inserted.

Error when generating an RSA key "Select a smart card reader..."

If, when generating the EGAIS key, instead of the PIN code request window, you saw the window “Select a smart card reader” or “ A smart card was detected but cannot be used for the current transaction..." or "The smart card cannot perform the requested operation or the operation requires another smart card," this means you need to adjust your computer settings.

This error occurs as a result of incorrect settings on the PC that prohibit the generation of a key.

If you use the Rutoken EDS 0 carrier, then you need to perform the following operations:

Select an item Rutoken control panel(can be launched via a shortcut on the desktop, menu Start - Programs (or All Programs) - Rutoken - Rutoken Control Panel).

Go to the "Settings" tab and select "Settings..."

Set the value opposite the Rutoken EDS line .

Try generating the EGAIS transport key again.

If it doesn't work, reconfigure again. Select another crypto provider, click OK, and select again Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider .

If it doesn’t work again, update the driver for Rutoken EDS. You can download the driver from the developer's website. After updating, check your crypto provider settings and try again.

In extremely rare cases, if key generation fails, the Rutoken recovery utility helps (allows you to correctly determine the media drivers in the system).

Error in createCertificateRequest method Error: CKR_PNI_INCORRECT

This error indicates that the PIN code was entered incorrectly.

Check that the PIN codes are entered correctly. If your storage device has a default pin code. We remind you of standard PIN codes:

  • for JaCrata RSA pin - 11111111, GOST pin - 0987654321
  • for Rutoken RSA pin - 12345678, GOST pin - 12345678

If the standard PIN code does not work, you may have replaced it with non-standard passwords, or most likely the drive has been blocked. In this situation, to unlock the media, contact the certification center where this key was produced.

Error in createCertificateRequest method Error: CKR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID

We recorded this error when using the JaCarta SE key.

To correct the error, you must initialize the PKI section on the media. To do this, open the JaCarta Unified Client, preferably enable the Administrator interface (bottom left button “Switch to administration mode”).

Go to the PKI tab at the top and click "Initialize". When prompted for a PIN code, enter the Administrator PIN code 00000000, the User PIN code 11111111. After successful initialization, try to generate the transport key again.
