Location of towers and base stations of cellular operators. How to determine location using cellular networks (Cell ID)

Detecting communication towers is not a criminal activity, but a fairly common task in remote regions and villages where the quality of coverage leaves much to be desired. How can you understand why this post gives better results than that wicket? The following tools and websites can help you navigate.

Of the English-language services, perhaps the best is opensignal.com, where you can select the operator and the required location. The map does not show towers, but does show coverage areas. Among the Russians, I can recommend netmonitor.ru - its database contains a lot of information about operator towers.

To find out where you can live and get out of it all, take the phone book and move RIGHT to the center where all the synagogues are, that is, if you can get there. If you are not one of them, rely on a payout 4 times higher than the community average. Their communities are insanely expensive for outsiders, but even in the poorest of them you can not only live there, but make progress while doing so. During the Iraq War, America took control of all Iraqi transmitters and began broadcasting propaganda.

Generally, people will definitely refuse this. But America knew this, so with each emission they added a layer of noise. They did nothing, only people listened to the sound, but with a predominance of modulated background noise in the radio signal, and if the Iraqis were caused by this, they accepted what was emitted, although often this is an obvious lie, the injected noise in the radio signal is modulated with the waveform that was placed in people's brains in reception mode, and it worked effectively. Soldiers were usually brought in to hold them.

Some Android applications are also interesting. For example, OpenSignal displays a map of cell towers and Wi-Fi points (locations with poor connections are also marked on the map), has a built-in compass and a speed checker.

Another interesting utility is Netmonitor. It can monitor GSM and CDMA networks, shows information about signal strength, contains a database of cell towers, supports devices with multiple SIM cards, and can also keep a log in CLF or KLM format.

If Poppers are found, anyone attempting to disable them will be shot. This works even better than the modulated radio noise of the Iraqis, who have never been manipulated in this way before. They realized that Poppers was controlling the mind through the beam. The first is to manipulate the video signal. The second is audio signal manipulation, and the third and worst is a beam in your head plus a recording of your brain waves. Let me ask you WHY? “Imagining the thoughts in your head” and then calling you “crazy.”

Let me ask you why? While people who know the truth are successfully identified as hit jobs, the truth will remain in an isolated reality, then anyone considered "normal" will be crumpled. Of course, some people will respond by saying that cell tower frequencies are limited. This is a fake - it is common for microwave frequencies to indicate distances greater than 50 miles. This is much more than what is needed for mind control when the nearest tower is usually less than 2 miles away.

Please note that Netmonitor has limitations when running on devices from some manufacturers. On Motorola, LG, Samsung, Acer and Huawei smartphones, the list of neighbors may be empty, and on Samsung devices, the signal strength may also not be displayed.

The antennas of these cell towers are not limited to high frequencies. For reference, the longest antenna required for any cellular activity in the US is about 20 inches for the lowest cellular frequencies. Most likely these are 9-inch antennas. Why then the antennas that adorn cell towers that are up to eight feet long? Maybe you should ask the Corps of Engineers why the size of the arrays doesn't match the function, because the Corps of Engineers has no legal right over the civilian tower. We must understand that we will do what Satan appoints, with demons on our shoulders and screams in our ears!

I also recommend the GSM Signal Monitoring application, which allows you to work with GSM, UMTS and LTE networks. It displays the change in signal level on a graph and shows neighboring cells (only in GSM networks). There is a data transfer rate monitor and the ability to track connection status, connection standard, cell and current zone identifiers (LAC/RNC/TAC) and received signal strength level (RSSI, as well as RSRP for LTE).

It looks like a cartoon, but it's realism! The credentials and principles are real! Once upon a time, when we only had three mobile operators in the market, people would often choose the one whose network was in their home or workplace. We don't think about it now because the coverage issue is virtually non-existent.

Super-fast operators do not always reach every citizen. However, it is always better to choose an operator to which we have a base station, or at least line of sight. By nature, we aim blindly, and this gives us less than satisfactory results. We don't make it special, we make it out of ignorance or haste.

Knowing the data of the base station, you can access it through the website xinit.ru and obtain information about its location. In large cities, it doesn’t hurt to try to find the location of the towers, but you should understand that the towers belong to different operators. Plus, base stations are placed not only on poles, but also on the roofs of houses.

Where can we find such information? We must admit that when we came to the last hand, we were delighted and we immediately thought of sharing information with you. On the page, it is very useful to be able to filter the view of the selected technology.

How many times have you been in the city and your mobile Internet was as fast as a turtle walking through the park on a sunny day? It's possible that if you knew where your carrier's transmitter was, you'd be just a few yards away from enjoying fast download sites.

The mobile version of this application will definitely help you and will search for nearby base stations. In a word, it is very good that such a tool was created. It may not be high-flying, but it is certainly extremely useful, especially for those who have trouble tuning their antennas. We even recommend it for enjoyment, especially for those chilly fall evenings.

If the coverage is unsatisfactory and there are areas that are not covered ("white spots"), then the connection is unstable and may fail. Our resource was created to solve these problems.

Here you can see the layout diagram base stations on interactive

According to the director, the cellular antenna has been on the roof of the school for nine years. Also, residents of the surrounding neighborhoods are not afraid to live in the shadow of the station. “I don’t mind, and by the way, the range on the phone is very good,” emphasizes Zbigniew. This attitude is completely incomprehensible, Bolena Leszkowicz, who fled from Warsaw from Wilanow to Krakow due to the harmfulness of the cellular antenna.

He means in particular. Insomnia or high-pressure jumping. Now the court is demanding compensation from the cooperative and the operator. I had to pay an expert out of my own pocket. However, having moved to Krakowska Polana Zywiecka real estate, she did not avoid old problems.


One of the first questions that arises when you are connecting to the mobile Internet is the question of where to locate the base station of your chosen operator so that you can point your antenna towards it. It is advisable to find out the exact coordinates of the tower and the terrain before it in order to understand whether it makes sense to use the tower to receive the signal. Services and various Android applications do not provide exact coordinates of the BS, because based on measurements and their mathematical processing. The error can reach several kilometers.

Often, tower coordinates can be determined by studying operator coverage maps, terrain, Google and Yandex maps, as well as the opportunities they provide to view photographs and panoramas of the area being studied. It must be said that the BS cannot always be found on the map. There can be many reasons for this - the maps are outdated, the BS is located on the roof of the building and is simply not visible on the map, the tower is small, etc.

BS parameters are unknown. Kostroma region

Given: coordinates 57.564243, 41.08345, Kuzminka village in the Kostroma region. The task is to determine the exact coordinates of the BS to which you can connect to receive 3 G-signal.

We will consider the search for BS step by step.

Step 1. Analysis of coverage maps.

Let's use a well-known servicehttps://yota-faq.ru/yota-zone-map/ , which presents the coverage areas of four operators, except Beeline. I will note here that the Beeline coverage presented on their website is almost impossible to use - as a rule, it shows continuous coverage that does not take into account the terrain.

The coverage areas of Megafon and MTS look the most interesting from a connection point of view. You can see this for yourself by opening the service, inserting the coordinates into the search bar and switching operators.

Megafon coverage area:

MTS coverage area:

From the analysis of Megafon's coverage area, we see that 3G BS are most likely located in the directions Krasnoye, Sukhonogovo, Lapino (at this scale the Lapino map is not visible, this is the southwest, approximately where the P-600 mark is).

The MTS coverage area is more interesting. Here we also consider the direction to Sukhonogovo and Krasnoye. But Red is a more interesting option, because... there is 4G coverage there. The distance to Krasny is about 10 km, if MTS distributes 4G at a frequency of 1800 MHz, then there is every chance of establishing communication with one of the MTS BSs located in this locality.

Step 2: Study the terrain.

The terrain up to Krasny is difficult, but quite passable. To assess the terrain, we will use the service https://airlink.ubnt.com. If this is your first time on this site, you will first need to go through a free registration procedure. Having opened the service, scroll the slider down to the end and enter the initial data in the lower right corner, as shown in the following figure.

I usually first enter the same coordinates in both windows, and then start moving the purple mark to the points of interest to me, where the BS could presumably be located. At the same time, the relief, line of sight and the approximate size of the Fresnel zone are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.

For our coordinates we have:

Checking the terrain in other “suspicious” directions showed that the terrain there is much worse. Thus, we decided on the direction and at the same time chose the operator - MTS.

Step 3. Clarifying our choice using the “Communication Quality” service

The service opens at the following address https://geo.minsvyaz.ru. IN search bar set the name of the village Kuzminka, switch the view from 4 windows to single-window mode, scale the map to a convenient size and get for the MTS operator:

We see that our choice is correct, because according to the measurement database of users of this service, Krasnoye actually has good coverage 4G from MTS.

Let's zoom in on this map and see that the most likely location of the tower (or towers) is Sovetskaya and Okruzhnaya streets.

Step 4. Study the area using Google and Yandex maps.

These cards have useful tool to study the area - panoramas and photographs of the area. Google maps have much more panoramas of various areas than Yandex, so you have to use Google more often when looking at panoramas. On the other hand, Yandex has more photos taken in different places, in addition, Yandex maps for Russia are usually more relevant. In this regard, you have to use both services. Google maps and services are used here.

So, we found out that we need to consider two streets in Krasnoye in search of BS. Launch Google maps, enter the approximate coordinates of the street. Sovetskaya (or street name) and we get:

Here the street view mode is turned on, the street we need is highlighted in blue on the map. You can get a panorama of the street by clicking the mouse anywhere on the blue line. Moving in this way along the street to the north, at the post office building we find the first BS:

And finally, not far from the intersection of Sovetskaya and Okruzhnaya streets, a third tower is discovered, the highest of those found:

We return to the map and find the shadow of this tower in the place where the photo points:

We mark this place on the map with the mouse and get the exact coordinates of the BS:

Let us summarize some of the results of our research. Using information obtained from coverage area analysis, user measurements of signal strength in the area of ​​interest, and study of the area through photographs and panoramas, we were able to find three base stations and their exact coordinates in a city we had never been to. The question of which operator owns the found BS remains open, because the answer to this requires additional research. The easiest way is to drive along the route and measure the BS parameters using some Android application that displays MNC, MCC and signal strength. Some of these applications are presented.

The BS parameters are known. Suburb of Penza

As is known, a number of Android applications, as well as a HiLink modem interface and an MDMA program, can provide BS parameters, with the help of which well-known services and applications can provide approximate BS coordinates, which makes it easier to find specific BS coordinates on maps. Reviews of some of these tools are given in the "" section on the Antex website.

Let's consider concrete example from the forum, example based on the topic. User coordinates

Despite rapid development modern technologies, high-quality mobile communications are not available everywhere. That is why subscribers need to know the MTS coverage area.

This concept indicates the territory where SIM card owners are able to receive a high-quality signal and use cellular communications. This area depends on the location of towers and base stations. But users should take into account that the quality of reception is affected by:

  • relief of the surrounding area;
  • weather (in thunderstorms and squally winds the quality decreases);
  • technical condition of the phone and the ability of the phone to support modern technologies, including 4g.

Users should take each of these factors into account, but remember that it is the radio towers that have the main influence on network connectivity.

As such, a map of radio towers and stations is not of great importance to subscribers. This is due to the fact that the coverage radius of each tower depends on the frequencies used by the operator and its location:

  1. points using the 450 MHz frequency are capable of covering up to 20 km;
  2. coverage of 800 MHz points – up to 13.5 km;
  3. 1800 MHz – up to 7 km;
  4. 2600 – 3,2.

It is important to emphasize that most Russian operators, including MTS, use universal radio towers that operate in several bands at once. This allows you to avoid difficulties with connecting to 3g and 4g and provide clients with reliable, stable communications.

Another factor influencing the location of towers is the number of subscribers in locality. The larger the city and larger number connected users, the more often the radio towers are located. In this case, their number directly affects the operator’s ability to maintain the network.

MTS 3g and 4g network coverage map

Currently, the MTS coverage map covers almost the entire territory of Russia. Cellular operator is available in every locality. However, it has not yet been possible to get rid of the white spots. And the higher the quality of communication, the more places where users cannot use it.

The best situation with coverage is in Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Krasnodar Territory. There will be no difficulties for residents of regional, regional, republican centers and large cities.

To get more detailed information, you should visit the company’s official website and open the appropriate section. The link to it is at home page. At the same time, the operator offers a separate card for each region of the country.

Published 04/22/2015 by John

Cellidfinder is a simple and convenient service to find the location of GSM mobile communication base stations and plot them on a map. The article provides detailed instructions to find the location of GSM base stations using this service.

What data is needed to localize the BS?

In order to find the coordinates of the base station sector, you need to know 4 parameters:

  • MCC (Mobile Country Code) is a code that determines the country in which the mobile operator is located. For example, for Russia it is 250, the USA - 310, Hungary - 216, China - 460, Ukraine - 255, Belarus - 257.
  • MNC (Mobile Network Code) is a code assigned to a mobile operator. Unique for each operator in a particular country. A detailed table of MCC and MNC codes for operators worldwide is available.
  • LAC (Location Area Code) - local area code. In a nutshell, LAC is an association of a number of base stations that are served by one base station controller (BSC). This parameter can be presented in either decimal or hexadecimal format.
  • CellID (CID) - “cell identifier”. The same sector of the base station. This parameter can also be presented in decimal and hexadecimal format.

Where can I get this data?

The data is taken from the netmonitor. Netmonitor is special application For mobile phones or other devices that allow you to find out engineering parameters mobile network. There is a network huge amount no monitors for various devices. Finding the right one is not a problem. In addition, many modern GPS trackers, in conditions of poor satellite reception, can send to the owner not coordinates, but parameters of the base station (MCS, MNC, LAC, Cellid) to which they cling. Cellidfinder will help you quickly translate these parameters into the approximate location of the BS.

Where do the coordinates of the base station come from?

The search for coordinates of base stations is carried out in the Google and Yandex databases, which provide such an opportunity. It should be noted that as a result of the search we do not get the exact location of the tower, but an approximate one. This is the location in which the largest number of subscribers were registered and transmitted information about their location to Google and Yandex servers. The most accurate location by LAC and CID is determined by using the averaging function, which calculates the coordinates of all sectors (CellID) of one base station, and then calculates the average value.

How to work with CellIDfinder?

In order to start working with the CellIdfinder base station location search service, you need to install any netmonitor on your smartphone. Here is one of the good options. We turn on the downloaded application and look at the necessary parameters.

In this case, in the netmonitor window we saw:
MCC = 257 (Belarus)
MNC = 02 (MTS)
LAC = 16
CID = 2224

We enter these parameters into the search form on. Because LAC and CID can be issued by the netmonitor in both decimal and hexadecimal form; the search form has auto-completion for LAC and CID in the second form. Select “Google Data”, “Yandex Data” and, if high accuracy is needed, “Averaging”. Click the "Find BS" button.

As a result, we obtained the coordinates for this sector of the base station. Moreover, the coordinates in the Google and Yandex databases practically coincided, which means we can assume that the BS are built on the map quite accurately.

The coverage map is intended to help you select best operator. MTS, Megafon, Yota, Tele2, Beeline, Rostelecom, Sberbank, Tinkoff, SkyLink LTE are displayed. Zones mobile internet And cellular communication easy to compare at our location.

A big problem is finding a mobile Internet zone for more better access With wireless network.
For this purpose, a unique map of 4G network coverage in Russia was created. Bad signal wireless communication often leaves much to be desired. Many cellular subscribers experience a lot of trouble due to constant loss of connection.

Yota 2G, 3G and 4G coverage

The new provider, with the first 4G frequencies in Russia, was founded in 2006. In 2008, Russia's first Wimax 4G network was launched. Through trial and error, the decision was gradually made to switch to the more promising LTE technology. Now Yota is one of Megafon's divisions. He is the leader of the "Big Three" cellular monopolists in the country. This company is interesting because it provides large volumes of traffic.

Tele2 2G, 3G and 4G coverage area

When we talk about Tele2, we remember low tariffs and decent communication services.
In each place in different regions, territories and republics, coverage LTE networks are different from each other. Tele2's large infrastructure will help this operator make its 3g coverage area the fastest possible Internet.

Coverage areas and true Unlimited

Beeline 2G, 3G and 4G coverage map

Beeline has a very large subscriber base. Cellular communications have been modernized and now LTE Internet has become a reality for Beeline. 05/15/2018 We have added to the general coverage map the network zone of this provider. It is worth noting that this people's map was obtained from open sources of the site geo.minsvyaz.ru. The map is used to accurately determine the presence of a signal in the area of ​​the Beeline network. A visitor to our resource can evaluate the network zones of this cellular operator.

Tinkoff 2G, 3G and 4G coverage areas

The coverage of the Tinkoff Mobile network is very large. The new mobile operator operates under the MVNO scheme. It allows you to rent dedicated bandwidth in frequencies different operators. Don’t be surprised when you notice that Tinkoff Mobile subscribers are connected where another provider is unavailable. The company offers big bonuses and cashback on transactions. Entering your number automatically includes a cash prize in your account.

How to use a card from MTS, Megafon, Yota, Tele2, Beeline, Rostelecom, Sberbank, SkyLink

  • Yota:
    • Iota 2G
    • Iota 3G
    • Iota 4G
  • Megaphone:
    • Megafon 3G
    • Megafon 4G
    • Megafon 4G+
  • MTS:
    • MTS 2G
    • MTS 3G
    • MTS 4G
  • Tele2:
    • Tele2 2G
    • Tele2 3G
    • Tele2 4G
  • Crimea:
    • Crimea 2G
    • Crimea 3G
    • Crimea 4G
  • Rostelecom:
    • RTK 2G
    • RTK 3G
    • RTK 4G
  • Sberbank:
    • Sberbank 2G
    • Sberbank 3G
    • Sberbank 4G
  • Beeline:
    • Beeline 2G
    • Beeline 3G
    • Beeline 4G
  • TTK:
    • TTK 2G
    • TTK 3G
    • TTK 4G
  • SkyLink:
  • Volna:
    • Volna 2G
    • Volna 3G
    • Volna 4G
  • KTKRU:
    • KTKRU 2G
    • KTKRU 3G
  • Win mobile:
    • Win 2G
    • Win 3G
    • Win 4G
  • Tinkoff Mobile:
    • Tinkoff 2G
    • Tinkoff 3G
    • Tinkoff 4G
  • Danycom Mobile:
    • Danycom 2G
    • Danycom 3G
    • Danycom 4G


By default, operator zones are disabled by default. When you select 4G you will see Zones LTE coverage and approximate location of the towers. The location is automatically determined by geolocation tools.


At the top of the Map there are buttons for other mobile Internet operators. When clicked, the communication network location zone layer is loaded.

By determining the best coverage area, you can layer layers of different operators on top of each other. Easily determine which operator is right for you.

Coating Color MTS, Megafon, Yota, Tele2, Beeline, Rostelecom, Sberbank, SkyLink

At the bottom of the Coverage Map there are hint pictures with color background each operator. When simultaneously enabling Coverage of several layers of Communication Maps, be careful. By turning on and off the operator buttons, you can accurately determine the most convenient operator for you - MTS, Megafon, Yota, Tele2.

Megafon 2G, 3G and 4G coverage area

Cellular networks and mobile Internet have become widespread. Almost every resident of this region has smartphones and tablets. To compare information from official sources, we recommend looking at the Megafon coverage map on the website of this provider.
Tariffs, coverage, equipment

Tariffs, equipment

MTS 2G, 3G and 4G coverage area

MTS network coverage is updated regularly. Our visitors can see the most new map this mobile operator communications. Color scheme distributed in the following order:

Red LTE, pink 3G, pale pink 2G. When viewing the map, you see a list of available coverage from mobile and Internet operators.

The buttons have a separate selection of 2G, 3G, LTE networks. They have a characteristic sign next to the operator's name. By clicking on the button, a tab with available Internet standards to choose from will open.

The photograph shows all available communication standards. By pressing again, you can cancel the selected network, showing the one you need.

Accuracy Coverage Areas MTS, Megafon, Yota, Tele2, Rostelecom, Sberbank, SkyLink

Tele2 network coverage accuracy has been corrected; for comparison, we recommend going to the company’s official website
P.S. — 03/01/2018 mvno (virtual cellular operator) coverage was added Sberbank-Let's Talk (2G,3G,4G), from September 26, 2018 the official name is SBERMobile.
12/21/2016 - coverage maps of Rostelecom (2G,3G,4G) and SkyLink (LTE-450 MHz. Moscow, Krasnodar and adjacent regions have been added. Coverage is growing - you can always determine more precisely on our map)).
01/28/2018 — Coverage of the Republic of Crimea has been updated.
05/16/2018 — Added introductory coverage of 2G,3G,4G Beeline zone.
06/01/2018 — Network coverage of the new mobile virtual operator TTK appeared on our map.
08/19/2018 - Added detailed coverage of the Crimean operator zone: Volna mobile (Volna) - website, Krymtelecom (KTKRU) - website, WIn mobile (WIN) - website.
04/06/2019 — cellular MVNO coverage of the Tinkoff Mobile operator appeared.
Idea and development
