E-autopay is an affiliate program service. E-autopay – affiliate program service E autopay login

Good day, my site readers, did you know that September is the hottest time for an Internet businessman? It really is like this: it begins new season sales information!

Your potential clients are returning from vacation and are ready to pay you money. But... are you all ready to start receiving them?!

I'm talking about 2 things that EVERY internet businessman should do:

Set up payment acceptance on your website
- set up an affiliate program

It would seem that everything is simple? But no.

Firstly, not all newcomers to the information business know how to accept payments at all. Some people write just like that: “Transfer money to my wallet.”

But for some reason no one translates.

And secondly, not everyone can cope with this adjustment.
And they don’t know how to organize an affiliate program.

Click here to solve these problems at once and quickly.

Personally, my choice is the E-Autopay service.

Most other information businessmen also use it.

This service:

- functional
- combines payment acceptance with an affiliate program

There’s just one problem: it’s easy for a beginner to get confused in a service that doesn’t even have a clear manual. What could result in the loss of tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles in profit!

To prevent this from happening to you, take advantage of the one-of-a-kind, complete and step by step guide via E-Autopay: =>here

How to work and earn money with the E-AUTOPAY service - a course for those who want to really make money on the Internet!

Here is one of the reviews from a successful Internet businessman:

Dima did a tremendous job! And did it on the highest level like a true professional. Respect!

It turned out really great. Without a bit of guile I say: it's vital required material for those who came to the information business with a clear goal - to start earning money. And not study for months and years...

From my many years of experience in the information business, I know that the main stumbling block for all beginners is not even the availability of a product (it would seem). I have a project myself where we create products with resale rights. It seems like there is nothing simpler - buy it, put it on your website, sell it, put 100% of the profit in your pocket. Without creating anything!

But it is precisely this intermediate moment (“put it on your website”) that stops most people and does not allow them to finally move.

The undisputed leader in organizing an online store and affiliate program is the E-Autopay.com service. All my projects are serviced by these guys, and in general, Russian information businessmen prefer E-Autopay.com. The founder of the service, Vyacheslav Sivak, has been in this topic for more than 4 years - more than enough period to gain trust in our niche.

The service is great, but there really was a lack of a full-fledged video course, which would cover everything FROM and TO - from setting up payment acceptance and placing goods, to various tricks for advanced sellers.

Eeeee! Dima did it! Everything is presented so well, analyzed in detail, well structured, amazing! After 8 years in the information business, there is little that can surprise me. But it really caught my attention, I say sincerely.

Without a doubt, I recommend buying this course to everyone, without exception, who is starting their own business on the Internet. This is the real ABC of an information businessman in terms of setting up your sales system and affiliate program, and this knowledge is even more important than how to create your own product.

What to sell is already on the Russian-speaking market. It is not necessary to start with your product, going into the wilds (there are a lot of its own features) and pushing away moment of first profit . Dima and I are working on this, providing excellent products with resale rights - come and see everything ready.

Well, now, after the release of the “E-AUTOPAY.COM SERVICE” course, EVERYONE has a chance to earn their first money via the Internet. No one else has the excuse of “I don’t know how to start selling through my website”

Take it without hesitation. This is not an investment that should be speculated or feared. you invest in real practical knowledge. Armed with them and some product with resale rights, for example, you will own, albeit a small, but already your own Internet business. -Artem Belyaykin from St. Petersburg-

So start the new season right by getting your future profits flowing!

A course with a HUGE perspective!

They find us by phrase

You will do:

  • own affiliate program
  • automate sales - receiving, processing and selling incoming orders

Who will benefit from the service?

  • for those who need to automate sales information products or other goods of various kinds - entrepreneurs in the information business, sellers of books, coupons, courses, etc.
  • for those who need to create their own affiliate program based on the service.

I saw that Dmitry Kot, Azamat Ushanov, and the wppage landing page plugin have affiliate programs in the service.

What does the service have that others most likely don’t have or don’t implement as competently?

I will take the liberty to highlight the following points:

  • the ability to create your own MULTI-LEVEL affiliate program (most services offer 2-level programs, and frankly, this is enough);
  • affiliate links in the form of separate domains, without any affiliate “tails” (which some “amateurs” like to cut off), and therefore there is no need to use any means and services to mask your affiliate link.

A story from life.

The e-autopay service has been operating since 2009 and for a long time kept the prices for his services very low. What gained great popularity. And despite low prices coped well with the assigned tasks. Since 2014, the service has raised prices to the standard level, which caused a storm of indignation on the Internet among its customers. The reason for raising prices is the decision to acquire support and significantly improve customer service. Well, good luck.

A short video review of the service from Alexander Prilipko, WebCoachRu:

Main features of the service:

  • unlimited number of products, unlimited number of partners for your affiliate program;
  • digital and physical types of goods are supported;
  • prem in automatic mode payments through the main payment systems of Runet: WebMoney, RBK Money, Z-Payment, ROBOKASSA, INTERKASSA, LiqPay, as well as through foreign service 2checkout.com (for accepting credit card payments);
  • receiving and processing orders with cash on delivery;
  • The service can be used even by those sellers who do not have certified accounts in payment systems or are not registered as entrepreneurs, and as a result do not have the ability to accept payments in a fully automatic mode; For this category of people, there are ways to accept cash payments through fast payment systems. money transfers, as well as by direct transfer to accounts in any desired payment systems, and such orders are fully taken into account by the affiliate program and partners are credited with their due commissions;
  • the ability to keep track of prices and partner rewards in ANY currency;
  • MULTI-LEVEL affiliate program; You yourself determine the number of levels in your affiliate program;
  • the ability to set an individual commission amount for each product at each level;
  • the ability to set an individual commission amount for a specific partner, both for all products and for each product separately;
  • Your partners receive affiliate links in the form of separate domains, without any affiliate “tails” (which some “amateurs” like to cut off), and therefore they do not need to use any means and services to mask their affiliate link.

Here is the admin screen.

What can be considered as disadvantages of the service:

  • you have to pay in advance (to authors, sellers);
  • the test period is 10 days - this is not enough for non-professionals.
  • You need to advertise your affiliate program yourself. In Justclick and Glopart (if you have a quality course) it is not difficult to recruit a good number of partners without any investment. They will find you in the catalog themselves.

Test drive.

It would take a long time to describe the service. I think it’s effective to open an account and see everything for yourself. Open an account in the e-autopay service.

E-AutoPay, a service for automating payments on selling websites, began operating in 2009. Provides quick setup and connecting payment forms for digital and physical goods. Provides a convenient system for tracking order status, as well as the ability to create your own affiliate program.

Service capabilities

Service clients get access to the following functions:

Accepting payments through many payment systems ( full list in the picture) You will be able to accept payments in any currency and all over the world. Including through credit cards. Recurrent (periodic) payments are also available;

Manage order statuses and automatically track status based on the shipment number;

Organization of E-mail and SMS mailings to the client base;
- creating your own affiliate program. Both with one level and with several;

Independently create forms for accepting orders and payments;
- generate unique links for digital products.
- organizing promotions and discounts for clients

Full list functionality, which includes more than 30 items, is given in the “Tariffs” section.

Pay attention to the opportunity to create an affiliate program on the site in a few clicks, which can increase its effectiveness significantly.
It is noteworthy that the service can also be used by those sellers who are not certified in payment systems.


The service is provided according to six tariff plans:

- "Minimum" - $19.9 per month;
- "Affiliate" - $39.9 per month;
- "Advanced" - $59.9 per month;
- "Full" - $89.9 per month.
- “Individual” - from $14.9 per month. A tariff constructor in which you include only those functions that you need.

There is a separate offer for beginners - the “Starter” tariff. When you pay $76.90, you are provided with all available functionality. That is, as when working at the “Full” tariff, but with a limit on the total amount of orders - up to 150,000 rubles. The second tariff limitation is 6 months from the connection date.

Please note that creating an affiliate program is available at all tariffs except “Minimum” and “Individual”.

How to get started with the E-AutoPay service

Let's look at using the service using a simple example - creating a payment button on a one-page website.

To solve this problem you need to do the following:

Set the currency with which the selling site will work and select a payment system;
- enter information about the product into the system database and set up an order acceptance form;
- connect a link to the order (or payment) acceptance form to the landing page template.

First, we determine the type of currency in which payments will be accepted (section “Finance” - “Setting up currencies”).

With the help of which you can fulfill your most cherished dream, namely, learn how to sell on the Internet.

But first, let's figure this out. Nowadays there are so many things on the Internet various information, that you are simply amazed, something is sold, something is simply given away, and what is most surprising is that both methods give you simply limitless possibilities.

We are all people, we feel that we are smart (to some extent and in some area). There is no such person who knows nothing at all. For example, a doctor knows medicine and all kinds of diseases well, a programmer knows code well, a pianist knows sheet music very well, etc. Well, if a person is not strong at all in a particular area, but really wants to, then he will study this topic and also become an expert in it.

There is only one conclusion: there is no such person who does not understand anything at all!

That is why the knowledge that he has can be sold on the Internet. But many simply “destroy” this opportunity, either out of ignorance or simply laziness. This is so much work that needs to be done: Create your own information product, make a selling website, set up a button (script) for accepting payments, etc., etc., in short, it’s a complete fuck-up...

Guys, I’ll tell you one thing, everything is much simpler, as it seems to you. Only one thing “LAZINESS” plays a huge role in all this, and the ignorance that many people say: “No, it’s so complicated and difficult” is just an excuse to avoid admitting that you are lazy.

Nowadays there are so many possibilities on the Internet that all the settings that used to take weeks can be reduced to just one mouse movement. The main difficulty is only the creation of the information product itself; everything else comes as an appendage.

I want to provide you with several stages of creating and starting sales of the information product itself, or rather the stage of implementing your creation:

1. Creation of the information product itself.
2. Creation and configuration of a one-page website.
3. Setting up a sales script (or setting up a buy button).
4. Setting up delivery of your product to the client.

Now about each point in more detail:

First point: The most difficult of the points. I’m just mastering this topic, namely creating my own information product, so expect an AWESOME course soon. By the way, the fact that you create products and sell them is already 90% of success, if it is of high quality and in demand by the public. I’ll say right away that it’s incredibly difficult, but it’s worth it. Moreover, having done this work once, you will receive income constantly, I assure you of this.

Second point: After you have created your product, you need to sell it accordingly. And for this you need everything: a) A selling website (one-page), b) a script for accepting payments...

Creating a website is not difficult. If you really want to, it can be done in literally 30-40 minutes, but many manage to do it in 15 minutes.

But what about the “buy”, “order”, “pay” button, by clicking on which the client will be able to purchase your product, paying using webmoney, Yandex money, bank cards etc.

This is why there is such a service as E-autopay, which allows you to carry out all payment methods on your website in almost a few movements. I won’t spend a long time reading notations and all sorts of nonsense, I’ll immediately start telling everything in order about this service.

By the way, many will ask, why use this service at all, if there are many other services that do not use the “sales person” script.

This is what the script is for:

a) Using the script, you will be able to use all payment methods on your website.
b) Using the script, you can create your own affiliate program and increase the promotion of your product by a “million” times.
c) Using a script, you can completely automate the entire sales process on your website, which is 90% more effective than constantly tracking all sales manually.

And so we go directly to the site itself to register. After you go through the registration process on the site, you will receive two links in your email (the strangest thing is that they will be sent to your spam folder). Using one of them, you can pay for the use of the script for a year at once... The second link gives you access to your account.

The price for a year today costs 2,500 rubles (Start Tariff). I think this is a pittance compared to the fact that it provides such GREAT features.

Don’t worry, as this service provides 10 days of test mode. If you don’t like something, you can simply not pay, and then the access and the script itself will not work. Personally, I think that if you are just mastering such services, then even those 10 days, you should definitely try it, then decide for yourself whether it’s worth going further or not.

Once you've registered and done all the other steps, it's time to add a product. Go to “settings - products for single sale”, if there are a lot of products, then select “products for a store with a basket”. Once you add an item, you will be given a link to the order page.

Next, we move on to setting up payment systems. Select the necessary methods by which you want to receive payment. By the way, all the cash receipts that will go through e-autopay are not accumulated by the script itself, but it is transferred to the systems that you connect. Those. It is not difficult to understand that the e-autopay service is only an intermediary of these payment systems.

By the way, if you don’t know what and how to connect, then when you connect a certain payment method, there is detailed instructions then and how to connect, I think you’ll figure it out.

I would also like to say about setting up an affiliate program. There is nothing complicated either. It is configured in the “setting up an affiliate program” section, specify the number of levels, methods of payment to partners and the number of commissions, etc.

The money you earn will accumulate in those systems that you specify in the settings of payment systems (which you select and which you have), after which you can withdraw them from there. I recommend that you first study the methods of withdrawing funds from the payment systems that you want to create, since different payment systems allow you to withdraw your money in different ways.

Well, that's probably all for today. The article turned out to be long, but it's worth it. This service I really liked it for its simplicity and low cost. Of course, there is another cooler script for accepting payments, which allows you not to pay for a year, but to buy everything, and it’s yours forever.
