How to remove an unread VKontakte message from your phone. How to delete all messages in VK

As with any communication, embarrassment happens on social networks. For example, you can accidentally send information to the wrong user or write something and then regret it. Luckily, there is a feature that allows delete a message in VK so that it is also deleted from the interlocutor.

Ways to remove sent messages from correspondence


Submitted information can only be successfully edited and deleted in the first 24 hours. It is during this period that the edits will be visible to the addressee, and he will not see the deleted letter at all.

Delete the message in the standard way

In order to cover unwanted traces, you need to follow these steps:

  • enter the dialogue;
  • highlight the desired message by pressing;
  • A trash can icon will appear at the top, it is on it that you need to click.

If more than a day has passed since sending, the message will be deleted immediately. But you should not delude yourself, the interlocutor can still read it.

If less than a day has passed, a window will appear in which you need to check the “Delete for all” item and confirm the action. Done, the interlocutor will not be able to see the oversight.

Edit the unwanted message

You can change the content of the message if it still got to the right person, but needs to be edited. In this case, the 24-hour rule also applies. Editing after a day has passed will not have the desired effect.

Action algorithm:

  1. Go to dialogue.
  2. Select the required message.
  3. Click on the pencil icon that appears in the upper right corner.
  4. The point is small, it remains only to rewrite the text and press “Enter”.

On a note!

By the color of the message, you can determine whether it was read by the interlocutor or not. Unopened messages are darker than the rest of the dialogue, and are marked with a circle in the mobile version.

Delete unwanted image, video and music

You can remove unwanted multimedia information from the message even after 24 hours have passed. But only if it is sent from the personal page files.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • find a photo, video or music on the page that should not be visible to the addressee;
  • in the media file settings, click "Delete";
  • reload the page.

At this method there is a significant drawback. The media file is completely removed from the page. But you can download it again. When this operation is performed, the file ID will change and the message cannot reappear.

Be a spammer

There are two options for removing dialogs in this way, and both of them do not give a 100% guarantee of a positive result.

The first option involves sending a lot of dubious links to the addressee. Automated system the social network may regard them as spam and delete the entire dialogue. But this may not happen. In addition, if this operation is successful, the user's page may be blocked by the administration.

The second option provides for the independent introduction of the dialogue into spam. You can do this in the following way:

  • enter into a dialogue;
  • highlight the desired message;
  • find the crossed-out circle icon at the top and click on it.

This method does not give any guarantee of removal. The chances are minimal, provided that the addressee has been on the list of friends for a long time.

How to delete a message in VK on mobile devices

In order to delete a message from your phone, you must definitely use the browser version of the site. Mobile app does not include these features. That is, you can delete text and multimedia with mobile phone, but you will have to access the site through a browser.

The algorithm of actions does not differ from that described above. There is only one difference. In order to get to the delete button after the text is selected, you need to click on the ellipsis.

How to delete all messages at once

There are two options for deleting the entire dialog:

  • directly from the conversation;
  • using a special plugin.

In order to apply the first method, just go to the required dialog and click on the three dots in the upper right corner. In the menu that appears, select the item “Clear message history”. This method will allow you to get rid of all messages in one fell swoop, but the recipient will retain the dialogue. The only exceptions are messages that are less than 24 hours old.

The second method involves the use specialized programs, which allow you to delete both dialogs and individual messages, as well as clean the wall and page from unnecessary entries. An example is the Toolkit application. It is installed as a plugin for Google Chrome. To install, you will need to find the program in browser extensions. This is easy to do by typing the name in Latin letters in the search bar.

After installing the plugin, you need to log in to VK. In the window that appears, you need to insert a link to the dialog, and then click the “Clear” button. It remains only to wait a bit and refresh the page.

You can delete individual messages in a conversation, and even the whole of it, until they are read. You just need to meet 24 hours. If more than a day has passed since sending, the addressee will see the message, despite any actions. There are several ways to cover up traces, each of which is quite convenient. Moreover, in order for the letters to be successfully deleted, you can use both the browser version of the site and the mobile application.

A sent but thoughtless message is not at all uncommon for modern social networks. The conceived double meaning of what has been said becomes clear only at the moment when it is no longer possible to cancel the sending. Therefore, many users regularly think about how to quickly delete messages on VK so that their interlocutors do not read them. Such an action can be a real salvation from possible problems, because sometimes an accidentally thrown phrase leads to a terrible quarrel between close friends and even a break in relations. But is it possible to admit that just a few words led to such sad and unpleasant consequences?

Is it possible to delete a message in VK so that it is deleted from the interlocutor?

Those who are wondering how to destroy a sent letter so that the recipient does not see it should immediately part with illusions and abandon this idea. There is no active real way get rid of the message so that it disappears from the interlocutor, even if it has not yet been read.

You can not trust and persons promising to help in this matter.

They are scammers who deceive gullible people. Their sole purpose is to receive money for which they will not render the promised services. In this case, it will not be possible to return the spent amount.

Do not think about hacking someone else's account. This is illegal and can bring big trouble.

How to delete a conversation?

Despite the fact that it is impossible to completely destroy the message so that it is deleted from the interlocutor, users are able to clean up the communication history in their personal account. For this you will have to:

  1. log in to a social network;
  2. go to the "messages" subsection
  3. select the required dialogue;
  4. select an unnecessary letter by clicking it;
  5. Click the "delete selection" button.

Having destroyed the message, you should not wonder whether the interlocutor will see it. The selected phrase will disappear only from the owner of the account, who decides to get rid of it, but will remain with the interlocutor. But, if it is required that strangers do not see it, the proposed option is almost perfect. Having got rid of the letter in your dialogues, it remains to turn to a friend with a request to remove his copy of the phrase.

How to delete a voice message in VK?

Having figured out whether it is possible to delete a message in VK until it has been read, you should pay attention and voicemail. Describing the features of erasing such a message, it is necessary to indicate that it is a complete integral part standard dialogue, not much different from text messages. Therefore, there are no differences when it is removed.

The user will have to enter the dialog, select the audio recording and click on the inscription mentioning the deletion.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to recover a deleted entry. You should not destroy the dialogue if it contains important information that may be useful in the future.

How to delete a message from an interlocutor?

The developers of Vkontakte protected user accounts as much as possible from the intervention of unauthorized persons, so there is not a single honest way to destroy the record from the interlocutor.

Do not trust dubious people who offer their help for money, paid SMS or for free. They will not hack the specified account, but they will definitely try to get rich on gullible people.

It is easier and more reasonable to talk to the person who received the wrongly sent or thoughtless message, and explain to him the resulting situation. This approach is able to correct an unpleasantly developing situation and help to avoid big troubles when trying to deal with an error illegally.

Is it possible to delete a VKontakte message until it has been read, tips.

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What to do if you sent the wrong thing. Accidentally, in the park, I wrote a message to the wrong person. Hastily wrote something that should not have been sent. Agree, this can happen to each of us.

And now the message is gone. Naturally, the question immediately arises - is it possible to delete a VKontakte message until it has been read? That's what we'll talk about today in our article.

You can delete sent messages within one day. After that, the tool for deleting the message will disappear. If someone promises you that they can delete old messages using a program, don't believe it, it's a scam.

Most likely you will get money, or your account login details will be stolen. In this connection, I warn you - do not enter your personal data for authorization on third-party services, programs.

Most often, personal information is stolen in this way to use it for personal gain. Well, within twenty-four hours, you can delete your message, regardless of whether you read it or not.



I can't say how effective it is to delete sent messages in the hope that no one will read them. For example, all messages sent to me in VK are automatically sent to my mail.

And this means that if the interlocutor deletes his message in VK, I will still read it in the mail. That is, I will know what was sent to me and then deleted.

In addition, if I managed to read the message before you delete it, then I can forward it to another person. And now you can't delete it.

So, before sending anything to the interlocutor, do not rush, check everything and think it over, and only after that start a dialogue.

Even if you made a mistake and sent not what you wanted. Or to the wrong addressee at all, then maybe you can just apologize and explain the situation. It will be more honest and better than frantically trying to fix everything.

Black list

For example, you sent a message and the interlocutor read it. After reading it, he immediately blacklisted you - because not FIG. After this action, you will no longer be able to delete your message from him.

It will only be removed from your page. And it will remain on it and will remind the interlocutor why he blacklisted you.

Deleting a page

Many people think that by deleting the page it will be possible to get rid of all messages. This is fundamentally not true. If you delete your account, then the messages will not be lost, they will remain with those with whom you communicated, only with a note that the page has been deleted.

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The question of how to delete a sent message in VK has not lost its relevance almost since the creation of the social network. People make the same mistakes with amazing regularity, sending an email to the wrong user or sending rash, ambiguous messages.

The desire to undo the action in such a situation is quite natural and reasonable. But figuring out how to do this can be quite difficult, because in the Vkontate interface there is no special button for clearing the interlocutor's correspondence history. This raises a reasonable question: is it possible to return a departed letter before a friend reads the wrong message?

To the great regret of those who are looking for a way to destroy a rash letter that was sent to the wrong interlocutor, it is impossible to undo what has been done. The developers of the social network did not provide for such an option, considering it insignificant.

As a result, the only way to correct the oversight was to visit someone else's page and delete the entry there.

It should be remembered that hacking and using someone else's account without the permission of its owner is illegal. Therefore, you should immediately come to terms with the mistake and try to explain yourself to the person who received the letter. This will be the best solution to the problem that has arisen.

Possible options

Those who continue to doubt whether it is possible to delete the sent message in VKontakte, and are ready to use the help of third parties, should abandon this undertaking. Any such help, even free and not requiring the sending of special SMS, will end in trouble. People who promised to deal with the difficulty will receive money and access to the account of the person who applied, but will not help get rid of the sent message.

The result of their "help" will be a headache and a long struggle with the difficulties caused by their dishonest actions.

The only outsiders who can destroy the letter are VK support agents. But the likelihood that they will agree to help is minimal.

In extreme cases, if you need to at least somehow correct the situation, you should use the following option:

  1. first, it is worth sending 20-30 messages to the interlocutor with exactly the same text;
  2. then you need to inform him that a glitch has occurred in the system;
  3. after which it remains to be hoped that he will not delve into the correspondence and will not read all the letters received.

There is no other way to save the situation.

The other day in the official community An opportunity was announced to delete a message in VK so that it is also deleted from your interlocutor. It does not matter whether the message has already been read or not, in any case, it will be deleted.

Who communicated with their customers through this social network can no longer refer to the vk dialogue as the last resort in case of disputes. It is better to conduct important communication related to work through e-mail.

How to delete a sent Vkontakte message from the recipient

At the time of this writing, there is no possibility to delete messages in the official Vkontakte application. The option is being tested, and there is no doubt that it will soon be available from all devices and applications. In the meantime, to delete a message, you need to go to either mobile version, or in full version from a computer.

You can delete sent messages from the recipient only within 24 hours after sending.

We go to the desired dialog and click on the messages that need to be deleted. After that, a trash can icon will appear at the top of the dialog box, which you need to click on:

In order for messages to be deleted from the dialogue, both you and the interlocutor need to check the “Delete for everyone” checkbox. The system will remember your choice and the next time you delete this checkbox will be the default.

By the way, also quite recently in VK it became possible to edit a sent message. Therefore, you have a choice - maybe you should not completely delete the message, but simply take and edit it. In this case, a note with a date latest edition visible only to you.
