Data flow error 1s 8.3 how to fix.

Attention! Before you start trying to fix this error, make backup information base. How to do this can be found in the article.

Or you can watch our video:

For example, let's take the file version of the infobase.

  • We restore the information base from a working backup copy.

Haven't you backed up your database? Is your backup not up to date? Let's move on.

  • Clear cache. You can learn more about clearing the cache in the article.
  • Transfer the file *.1CD to another computer, using external media, connect and run this infobase:
  • If the error occurs in user mode during a certain action, for example, when generating a report. Try running the infobase under a different user. If there is only one user in the database, then create a new one. And generate the same report. If the report is generated under a new user without errors, then for given user, under which the error appears - try clearing the settings of this report.

Chapter Administration – Program settings – User and rights settings:

For example, user Ivanova gets a stream format error when generating OSV. Under other users there are no errors.

Then in the user settings in the field "User" select Ivanova, on the tab "Report Settings" find the required report and delete it:

We try to log into the information database under this user and create an OSV.

  • We launch the information security through the configurator. And we upload the information base to *. dt file.

Main menu Administration – Upload infobase:

And then we re-download the previously unloaded *.dt file.

Main menu Administration – Load infobase:

  • Run testing and repairing the database. This operation executed with exclusive access to the database.

Main menu Administration - Testing and Correction:

Testing and correcting the information base allows you to restore broken links and correct minor errors in the database structure.

It is advisable to perform testing only. To do this, set the switch to position "Testing only".

Pay attention to the window "Service messages". There you can see the errors found. If desired, these messages can be saved in any text editor, for further consideration:

Next we decide on the need for correction; to do this, set the switch to the position "Testing and Fixing" and select the necessary actions to correct: "Create object", "Clear links" ("Delete object") or "Don't change".

This operation is irreversible and cannot be “rolled back”. Make sure you have an up-to-date backup.

After correcting the errors, it is advisable to run the utility again “Testing and correcting the information base” and make sure there are no more errors. If necessary, repeat the operation.

  • Check the physical integrity of the database file that is located in the directory bin installed platform. Path: C:\Program Files\1cv8\\bin, where is the platform version. Launch the application chdbfl.exe:

Specify location 1Cv8.1CD file:

This infobase should not be opened either in user mode or in the configurator.

First you need to do only testing, that is, without checking the box “Correct detected errors”. Please pay attention to messages after testing. If desired, the text with an error can be saved in a text editor for further investigation.

Then we start processing with the flag checked “Correct detected errors”:

Attention! These actions are not reversible. You must have.

At the end of the article, I will repeat once again - do not forget to make up-to-date backup copies. After all, it is much easier to restore a database from a backup than to look for the cause of an error and troubleshoot problems. Errors usually appear when we either forget, are lazy, or don't make backups at all.

If you have any questions, you can write them in the comments to this article, or. You can also watch our other free articles and video lessons on working in.

Recently I came across a terribly changed USP for Ukraine, version 1.2.2. I, as not a fan of consistent updates (to 1.2.6), quickly began to compare the configuration with the delivery file 1.2.6. But - bummer. I received a FLOW ERROR and crashed 1C. And this despite the fact that I spent 5 hours carefully comparing the configuration with the supplier’s 1.2.2 file and recording in detail in *.txt what people changed there. Those. if you update such a miracle from one number to another, it’s no less than a day.
I went online. Very respected people described all sorts of dances with tambourines... After reading, I applied something. I protested. I removed the delivery file from the database and uploaded it to an empty database so that everything would go faster. And lo and behold, I CONSISTENTLY crawled up to version 1.2.4 And after that a mess arose. When compared sequentially with 1.2.5: it’s already a nightmare - “ “ and crash. I hit the wall. All deadlines are running out.

Then I started thinking - what happens when comparing configurations? And there is a sequential OPENING of database objects and comparison with another conf. Moreover, here by objects we mean the same thing as in any other ordinary object-oriented programming language (such as C++). That is, for example, a directory is an object that contains objects - details, forms, layouts. The forms themselves contain objects - buttons, fields, etc. And if we have a built-in html object, for example in a help document, it can contain objects - pictures, etc.
It’s interesting that if you find such an object in the configuration tree, you can get a stream format error without crashing 1C. Although, if it is html, it can open, but when comparing, when opening its objects, 1C will still crash.
Those. By sufficiently sequentially opening all database objects, you can find such an object, remove it from support and delete it. But you have to love 1C so much that you just sit stupidly and open every object by clicking the mouse. Alas, I am not so sensitive to 1C. I went into the configurator menu and tried to find something there that would open objects, like when updating or comparing configurations. And I found it!!! This menu is Configuration -> Upload configuration files. Moreover, there is a form in which you can mark not all but those objects and sections that you need to unload.
That. While unloading the conf, getting an error and narrowing the range of what was marked, I found these unfortunate damaged objects and deleted them. After that everything went like clockwork. Everything was compared and united. Now about the dances with tambourines described on the forums. One thing follows from these descriptions: A stream format error is when a database object (object, here is a broader concept than in 1C) is damaged for various reasons. And if 1C in operating or configuration mode tries to open it, we get this error. Moreover, it happens that the configurator cannot be opened (i.e., the objects required at startup do not open).
Then the external file for testing and correcting the database, located in the bin folder, saves. Sometimes 1C user settings files in Doc.endSett get damaged. Then you just need to delete them from the disk. If the objects of the conf itself are damaged, sometimes the configurator helps. But these two testing methods do not open all database objects for testing! It's important to remember this. So, dear chdbfl.exe file, as I understand it, basically allows you to fix the database, i.e. to then launch it first.
I had the most difficult case. But he allowed me to get to the bottom of the truth. Stream format error - corrupted database objects (including external files, which are addressed by 1C) They must be found and deleted. That's all.

One of the most unpleasant errors encountered when working with 1C 8.3 or 8.2 is the “Stream format error”. There can be many reasons for its appearance and they are not always easy to establish. At the same time, the error notification window is far from being the standard of information content.

First of all, try to think about what could have led to this problem.

Most common reasons

The most common cause of a stream format error is incorrect processing of the cache by the 1C 8 program. Remember, were there any power outages before this occurred or the configuration was updated? Was the user's session terminated correctly? Often in this case, the stream format error will not occur on all computers. It is better to prevent problems than to fix them later, so it is recommended to use sources uninterruptible power supply on computers.

The error can appear on all computers, but only when reading any data, for example: when generating a certain report, when loading a database, when starting the configurator. In this case, it is most likely that this data has been damaged and the program cannot process the “broken” information.

How to fix stream format error

  1. First of all, try it. If the program works fine on one computer, but a stream format error appears on another, then most likely this method is right for you.
  2. If clearing the cache did not help, try opening the infobase in configurator mode and run .
  3. If you were unable to enter the configurator, but the database is file-based, use ChDBFl.exe. This utility is similar to testing and fixing errors in the configurator, but simpler.
  4. Make sure that all current users of this infobase are using the same version of the platform. If the versions differ, then install the latest ones for everyone.
  5. If 1C is launched in “Enterprise” mode, then upload all data using universal upload/download to a new database.
  6. Disable and, if necessary, remove all firewalls and antiviruses.
  7. If this infobase is client-server, then check whether there is enough disk space on the server in a folder for storing temporary data.
  8. Uninstall the 1C platform (via the control panel) and install it again.
  9. If the infobase opens in the configurator, try uploading it to a *.dt file and loading it into an empty one.
  10. Use a HEX editor, replacing the contents of a clean database with the contents of the one in which the error occurred.

If all these methods do not help you, which is unlikely, then only a tambourine or a qualified specialist can help.

Dear friends, today we will solve such a problem as a stream format error in 1C. Let us immediately warn you that several solutions will be presented, since it all depends on why this situation arose. As they say: a correctly posed question already has half the answer. It’s the same here - if you know the cause of such a problem, then you will find a solution faster. Therefore, to begin with, it is recommended to analyze all the actions that preceded the main unpleasant event in the program. Perhaps you yourself will then understand what needs to be done.

If you don’t understand what happened, you can use the list of recommendations. If you are unsure of your strengths and capabilities, it is better to leave the matter to a master who can help you. For example, you can contact the official support service. But if you are ready to solve problems on your own, then move on.

Error during startup or operation

So, now we will look at tips for correcting stream format errors in 1C:Enterprise. Before performing the following steps, which you do at your own risk, we strongly recommend that you back up your database. If you're ready, let's get started:

  • First, you should check the versions of the programs you are using. The error may occur if users use platforms with different versions. For example, if one of them works in an updated program, and the other tries to connect with an older one, then, naturally, errors will occur. Always make sure that the latest version of 1C:Enterprise is installed on the system.
  • Try clearing the cache (storage of temporary program files). To do this, click the “Settings...” button to the right of the infobase list block. In the window that appears, you will see the item “Catalogs of configuration templates and updates”. The field will indicate the location of the cache files. Copy and paste this path into the box Windows Explorer(at the top where it says “Explorer”). Remove the end of the address up to “1Cv82” from this thread. Please note that the numbers may vary depending on the version of one es. Now press the Enter key: a folder will open where other strange folders with interesting names are located. Select and delete them (just do not accidentally delete the ExtCompT, tmplts folders, or files with the pfl extension). Before deleting, be sure to close infobases.

  • You can always use the built-in testing and correction mode in the configurator (if the system allows you to access it). To do this, click on “Administration”, then open the “Testing and Correction” item. Select the required one from the available modes and run the scan. You can use them all for deeper analysis.
  • If the previous method does not suit you, since there is no access to the configurator, then you can use special utility ChDBFl.exe. There is no need to download it from anywhere, because it is located in the bin folder of the installed one es. For convenience, you can use Windows search. In the program window, you need to specify the path to the database file, then click on the “Run” button. If necessary, you can check the box next to “Correct detected errors.” Otherwise, the system will only show you existing errors, and you will have to correct them yourself.
  • If none of the above methods helped you, then you can upload the data to a new database if enterprise mode is launched. The “Universal unloading/loading” processing will help with this. XML data", which may result in the loss of some data. You won't be able to restore them.

Disable IPv6

After the implementation of IPv6 protocol support in software 1C, some errors began to appear during operation. So, you could also get a stream format error after rebooting the server. This may be due to the fact that the services in the operating room Windows system, responsible for the specified Internet connection protocol, are launched later than one of the ES ones. So let's look at the solution when your network uses IPv6:

  1. Run the regedit utility. You can find it in the search field of the menu Windows Start. Just enter the name of the program and run it as administrator.
  2. Open the registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\1C:Enterprise 8.2 ServerAgent

  1. Now run the DependOnService key value and add Tcpip in a separate line. This will help establish the dependence of 1C server agents on Windows. That is, they will not be able to launch earlier than the operating system.

If you do not use IPv6, it is recommended to disable it completely on your computer. This will help minimize all the causes of your error. What needs to be done for this?

  1. Similar to the previous instructions, run regedit.
  2. Now go to the branch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters\
  3. Double-click DisabledComponents. Please note that if you do not have such an element, you will need to create it. To do this, click on the “Edit” tab, then on “Create”, and then on the item “DWORD Value (32 bits)”. Enter the name of the item as indicated above and click on the Enter key.
  4. Now type the following value using the keyboard: 0xffffffff. Press the Enter key. After this, you can close the program and try using 1C again.

Let's sum it up

Friends, now you know how to fix the stream format error. To summarize, the following solutions can be identified:

  • Updating the platform version on all computers
  • Clearing temporary files and folders, i.e. database cache
  • Using test and repair mode in the configurator
  • ChDBFl utility
  • Uploading a database to a new one
  • Disabling IPv6

We hope everything worked out for you and there are no more questions left. We remind you once again to contact 1C support if you are not confident in your abilities and are afraid of losing important information. Don't forget to tell us your opinion, personal experience and your impressions in the comments!

Stream format error Without exaggeration, it can be called a 1C specialist’s nightmare. And given the extremely scarce information displayed when this error occurs, identifying and eliminating the causes becomes an extremely difficult task. Today we will look at one of the possible cases of a stream format error and methods to deal with it.

As is usually the case, the error appeared at the most unexpected moment, during a routine update of the information base for the next release. Reaching a certain point, the platform simply crashed with an absolutely uninformative error.

Updating the platform, trying to update from another PC, unloading and loading the database did not give a positive result, indicating that the problem lies in this information base. At the same time, checking the database using standard tools and using the utility сhdbfl.exe I didn't find any errors.

All this suggested that the source of the error was the configuration. However, the accountants unanimously stated that no one had done anything with the configuration and that in general the database was working normally. Therefore, we decided to compare and combine the configurations as good way quickly see all changes made. IN certain moment The configuration reported an error again, this time there was a little more information: stream format error.

However, this did not add clarity; we did not know either the reasons for the error or what we should do with this database. The only thing that became clear was the source of the error - the configuration. Therefore, the next step was to check the configuration and again received the same error.

Several repeated checks revealed that the error occurs in the same place, and given that the name of the element being checked is displayed in the status bar, you can try to install the damaged configuration element. To do this, you need to try to remember the last element checked before the error; video recording programs from the PC screen, for example CamStudio, can help with this.

In our case, it turned out to be quite easy to notice that the last object to be checked turned out to be RegulatedMET Report, and since the enterprise’s activities are in no way connected with mining, it is not surprising that in everyday work this error didn’t show herself at all.

To make sure that the definition is correct, let's try to copy or unload this configuration object, as a result we should again get stream format error.

The damaged object has been found, but what to do with it next? It would be a logical decision to delete it and then replace it with a working object from the standard configuration; if you made changes to this configuration object, they will be lost.

To implement our plan, we will need a configuration file of the same release or an older one, immediately performing the update. Before removing a damaged object, it must be removed from its support.

Then you can begin comparing and merging the configuration or updating, ensuring that the damaged object is replaced with a good one from the supplier’s configuration.
