Open a pick-up point. We get a good income from someone else’s online store: organizing pick-up points for orders in your city

The modern format of trade is a convenient and quick execution of any purchases via the Internet. The buyer and seller only have to decide how to deliver and receive the goods. One of the most popular options is order pick-up points. An incredibly profitable business idea can become the main source of stable profit, you just need to understand the nuances of its implementation. Do you want to know why you should open a pick-up point? All the answers are in our article.

Order pickup points are an excellent way to organize a small (usually limited to one city or region), but very stable business. Want to try it? Then, first of all, you should decide which online stores will become your main partners.

The choice is incredibly large, but you should focus not on the popularity of a particular Internet site on the Internet, but on the demand for the goods it offers in your locality.

Here are a few practically win-win options for product areas from which it makes sense to start developing your own business:

  • women's and children's clothing;
  • educational products and toys for children;
  • cosmetics from popular brands that prefer online distribution;
  • electronics and craft supplies.

Perfect for managing and automating an order pick-up point cloud service- Business.Ru Ecommerce. Convenient operation with orders and clients, full trade and warehouse accounting, all primary documents.

Step 1. Assessing the main risks

The main risks of this project include:

  • problems with regulatory authorities as a result of insufficiently competent financial and accounting records. How to avoid risk: outsource accounting and personnel records.
  • loss of reputation due to violation of customer service terms. How to avoid risk: set customer service standards and strictly follow them.
  • high competition with transport companies. How to avoid risk: organize a wide and convenient network of distribution points with the maximum range of bonuses.
  • financial losses due to improper organization of delivery, accounting and storage of goods. How to avoid risk: think in advance where the products will be stored, test the delivery mechanism in small batches.

Step 2. Paperwork

When registering as a business entity, it is best to choose the most popular and simplest option - individual entrepreneur. Its design requires a minimum of time and money. When choosing an OKPD, it is best to focus on paragraph 47.91; it most accurately reflects the specifics of your activity.

Depending on the set of additional documents required in your region, registration and payment of state fees may require up to 20 thousand rubles.

Activities are taxed according to the simplified taxation system. Additionally, you will need to open a bank account as a paying agent and purchase a cash register for accurate accounting and reporting.

Step 3. Selecting a location and premises

To save on office rent, you should focus on searching suitable option in areas of the city remote from the center, but with good transport accessibility. At the initial stage, 20-25 square meters are enough to organize a workplace and warehouse, because the parcels will not be stored with you for a long time.

Rich decoration is an unnecessary excess; it is enough that the room is clean and cozy, preferably located on the 1st floor, heated, equipped with a bathroom and high-quality ventilation.

Step 4. Technology and the Internet

As for the equipment of the premises, there will be no need for large expenses. All you need: racks for decorating the warehouse area and a stand for the operator handing out parcels to customers. In terms of equipment, you must purchase a computer or laptop, as well as a cash register that meets the minimum requirements.

Of course, since you work directly with online stores, stable access to Global Network you will need it too. It is most reliable to use a fiber-optic connection from an operator that provides a wide range of tariffs and 24-hour technical support.

If desired, you can install CCTV cameras at the point to ensure security and control over employees; the system can be connected to a private security console.

Step. 5 Recruitment

To eliminate the risk of downtime and disruptions in the operation of the point, it is worth providing two operator positions with a shift work schedule. If you intend to deliver large or heavy cargo, choose stronger men, otherwise you will also have to pay for the work of the loader.

Your employees should be friendly and decent. After all, by organizing a pick-up point for orders from a specific online store, in the eyes of customers you become part of a specific brand or company. Your reputation directly affects the attitude of customers towards the store itself. is one of the largest online stores operating in Russia and neighboring countries. 18 years of work on the market, more than 1.2 million visitors and more than 4 million products. To start cooperation with by opening an order pick-up point, you need to:

  • have a certificate of registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  • rent a comfortable room in an accessible area of ​​the city with a daily work schedule of at least 19 hours, including weekends;
  • purchase and register a cash register;
  • organize stable Internet access and conditions for calling clients;
  • provide for the possibility of returning unclaimed parcels and collecting profits.

You may be refused if your point of issue:

  • is not on the first line or far from public transport stops;
  • less than 10 square meters;
  • not equipped with a security alarm and access control system;
  • not well ventilated;
  • does not have the furnishings and necessary equipment, as well as a place for the customer to check the contents of the order.

The CRM system for an online store from Business.Ru has the ability to integrate with delivery services, which allows you to track the status of sent orders by track number. And the open API and our specialists will help you set up an exchange with the delivery services your online store works with.

Wildberries is another one of the largest players in the online trading market. A million visitors and 120 thousand orders daily, more than 15 million products available for order.

The store management did not formulate any special conditions for those wishing to organize a point for dispensing goods from Wildberries. However, the list of main requirements for partners includes mandatory registration as legal entity or IP.

Basically, the store focuses on the benefits of mutually beneficial cooperation, actively promoting the idea of ​​​​distributing a network of representative offices and expanding the customer base of wholesalers. At the Store Forum, those wishing to cooperate are invited to personally negotiate the terms with management.

Do you want to open a pick-up point for goods from this store? We advise you to contact directly a specialist from the Wildberries Customer Service Quality Control team and discuss individual terms of cooperation.

How to open a Lamoda order pick-up point

About 2 million products, a thousand brands, prompt delivery and unique service: “measure, choose, pay later.” The popularity of the Lamoda online store is due not only to the fact that foreign specialists founded and promoted the project, but also to the fact that the store is completely autonomous. How to open a point of delivery of goods from Lamoda? You will not find such information on the official website.

A large list of vacancies and a list of existing pick-up points along with courier delivery call into question the relevance of the idea of ​​cooperation. But, if you want to know for sure how possible this is, contact the management. Firstly, get first-hand information and discuss individual conditions, and secondly, you will be able to accurately verify the company’s customer focus and the effectiveness of the B2B format declared by it.

How to open an Aliexpress order pick-up point

The issue of organizing a pick-up point for goods ordered on one of the world's largest online platforms, Aliexpress, was discussed on the Aliexpress for Professionals portal. Considering the delivery system to the recipient, which is mostly used by Chinese online stores, the organization of delivery points looks, to put it mildly, impractical.

The portal’s specialists answer such questions as follows: “Aliexpress is a Chinese company and they are unlikely to be interested in this; a person on the website writes his address and post office code. You need to open yours post office, but you won’t succeed – this is the territory of the state.” And, nevertheless, it is worth noting that one similar point still exists in Russia. It is located in Moscow.

One of the most popular and largest online stores specializing in book products and stationery is “Labyrinth”. A huge assortment of books, the ability to pre-order or exchange, convenient affiliate program, designed for cooperation not only with legal entities, but also with individuals...

And not a word about the organization of delivery points. And all because the company has a wide affiliate network throughout the country and a well-organized courier delivery system. In addition, in almost every major city, Labyrinth has its own pick-up points, which sharply reduces the chances of obtaining individual terms of cooperation with the store.

The CRM system for an online store from Business.Ru provides extensive opportunities for working with your own couriers. In a few clicks you can create a list of orders for delivery to a specific area for a courier and print a route sheet.

Unlike most online companies that sell their own cosmetics brands, the Faberlic company does not focus only on private distributors. However, managing your own Faberlic goods distribution point is not something anyone can do. To do this you need to be “in the system”.

That is, you need to be an ordinary distributor of these cosmetics in the status of a private person. You will receive permission to organize an HTP only if:

  • your group’s catalog sales volume will be at least 600 points;
  • you will be registered as an individual entrepreneur or receive permission from a superior mentor;
  • rent an office in a place with good traffic (but not in a shopping center or in an apartment);
  • your office area will be more than 10 square meters.

How to open an order pick-up point for several stores

When planning cooperation with several stores at once in order to open a common point of delivery of goods for them, you should take into account that:

  1. Being direct competitors to each other, some companies may refuse to partner after seeing a list of supposed “neighbors”. You will have to select stores in such a way as not to create a conflict of interest.
  2. Having received consent to cooperate with the stated composition, you will need to carefully study all the requirements of each store. Be prepared that some of them will contradict each other.
  3. Trying to satisfy all requirements, it is worth taking the maximum indicators as a basis, otherwise. When expanding your business, you may encounter serious obstacles and refusals from further cooperation.
  4. It is best to resolve organizational issues in this case directly with store managers or senior specialists; only in individual negotiations can a compromise solution to the issues that arise be found.

Opening a franchise pick-up point

Franchising is a very common practice not only abroad, but also in Russia. It is equally beneficial for both those who work as a franchise and those who allow them to use their brand. The first gets the opportunity to quickly and successfully start, the second gets an influx of new customers and expansion of sales geography.

The advantages of using a franchise include:

  • the opportunity not only to see the product the client is interested in in the picture, but also to touch, try on, and evaluate it live, which reduces the percentage of returns;
  • simplicity and efficiency of processing replacement and return of goods that did not suit the client, which have a positive impact on the company’s reputation;
  • reducing the cost of delivering goods to the recipient.

As for the minuses, there are not so many of them. Perhaps only the need for additional costs for delivering goods to the point, which is easily covered by the high level of demand for goods. Such well-known brands as Boxberry, SDEK, PickPoint, and maxima-express are actively using the benefits of franchising.

Is it profitable to open a pick-up point?

You want to open an order pick-up point - what income will this business bring you and is it worth starting at all? The experience of many successful entrepreneurs who once bet on just such a project suggests: it’s worth it! The project can be considered successful if every day the point issues from 10 to 15 parcels costing from 1000 rubles each.

Taking into account the fact that the percentage for transferring goods to the buyer is small, only about 1.5-2%, the payback period can range from 3 months to a year and a half.

At present huge amount people in different parts of our planet prefer to make purchases in absentia. For example, using some online store. Find on pages World Wide Web the electronic store you are interested in and ordering the product you like from it is not difficult at all. You just need to have an electronic device: a computer, laptop, netbook, tablet or regular mobile phone with Internet access - and you don’t have to spend a lot of time searching and placing an order. People experienced in this matter claim that this method shopping significantly saves energy and, of course, time. Precisely due to the fact that the popularity of virtual stores is very wide, opening a point for issuing orders made will be a very profitable business.

By starting a business for delivering orders placed remotely, you get the opportunity to work with customers who have already placed an order, as well as with those who could potentially become clients of your location. After all, in it you will be able to offer customers those goods that you will order yourself, having previously assessed the situation on the market.

Conditions for opening a pick-up point

In order to open one or another point of delivery of goods, you need to decide on a list of stores whose clients will become your clients. To do this, it is important to familiarize yourself with the sales data of a particular online store in your locality. And choose those that have the most high levels sales The most popular, as you know, are the products of cosmetic companies, which the client can order on a special website or directly at your point using a product catalog. Good levels of profit are brought by those items that deliver to customers, for example, clothes from abroad from global manufacturers. In general, if you open a point of delivery of orders made mainly on women's sites, you will never go broke. Issuance of electronics ordered remotely and household appliances will also be very profitable.

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Choosing a suitable room

Next, in order for your business to operate and develop, you need to find an area on which your point will operate. If you work in a large regional city, then it is advisable to find premises closer to its center. Not only do you not want to go to the outskirts, but sometimes it is quite difficult, because the traffic flow in remote areas is not as busy as in the center. But, on the other hand, you will be able to attract a larger number of customers who may not have previously known about the existence of a pick-up point in your city. Otherwise, when the city is not so big, it is not necessary to look for a central building where you could organize a point of delivery of goods purchased from an online store.

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Recruitment problem

Numerous experienced entrepreneurs who have encountered similar problems more than once often warn that running such a business is not profitable. How is this reflected?

Firstly, you have to look for an employee who must be a very responsible and reliable person. And if in small populated areas It is still possible to find such people, but in cities with a population of over a million it is almost impossible. Therefore, before opening a pick-up point, think several times about whether you are ready to entrust a stranger with a product that costs several tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles.

But if we discard all the negative conditions, then the advice of experienced entrepreneurs boils down to the fact that such a business is profitable only if the turnover of your (or any other online store) exceeds the amount of several dozen products per day. If you haven’t given up on your idea, then rent a not very spacious room. 3-4 sq.m. will be enough. In such a small space, both an employee of the delivery point and several dozen parcels can be completely accommodated. To ensure that the goods do not remain stale, it is better to allocate another one on staff workplace- courier. Then there will be enough space for all newly arriving goods, and you will not have to rent a larger room (which, accordingly, will save your costs).

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Further steps to open a pick-up point

After you have selected a room that meets all your requirements, you need to renovate it (if required) and purchase the necessary furniture. Usually a table and a chair are enough for the employee who will be responsible for issuing orders. For all this you will need no more than 50,000 rubles. The employee’s salary will be 15,000 (plus a bonus from revenue), and the rent of such a small premises will also not be more than 15,000 rubles.

Next, we need to think about how to attract not only those customers who have never tried to deal with an online store, but also those who, for some reason, refused our services. This is only possible by reducing prices or improving quality. It should be said in advance that it is not recommended to skimp on the quality of delivered goods. Therefore, if you are counting on long-term and successful cooperation with potential clients, then be sure to ensure that the quality of the received product does not differ for the worse from the product on the “showcase” of the online store. That is why you must provide your customers with a lower cost of delivery of goods than would be organized by Russian Post.

Typically, when receiving goods at a pick-up point, customers pay 200-300 rubles less. This is not such a small amount to be neglected. Therefore, if you open a pick-up point in the city, you not only offer customers more comfortable, but also more favorable conditions for purchasing the goods they like. In order for your item to operate continuously and successfully, you need to take care of advertising. It should be not only external (near your establishment), but also internal - on the website of your online store.

So, if you open your own pick-up point for orders placed in your online store, you can attract a huge number of visitors to it. It's no secret that most visitors to online stores do not dare to purchase the product they like there. They simply walk through the pages of the site and consider the offer. As for purchases, they are not always sure that this or that model will suit them, that the size will match and in many other ways.

In an online store, a buyer can find any product, usually at a better price than in regular stores. All more people replace regular shopping with online shopping - saving time, low price, a wide range, without leaving home. But many are scared off by endless mail queues, expensive orders going missing, and sometimes the unfriendly attitude of operators, and therefore they are in no hurry to shop on online platforms.

Obviously, opening a pick-up point will be the optimal solution to the delivery problem for customers and a good business idea for entrepreneurs. So, how to open a pick-up point for orders from online stores?

Some entrepreneurs are actively implementing an online shopping system, while others sell only through the website, as distance selling is gaining popularity at breakneck speed. This method of purchasing allows you to purchase the necessary item at the most affordable price. favorable price almost anywhere in the world.

Such cooperation is equally beneficial for both buyers and entrepreneurs. However, difficulties may arise at the delivery stage.

For online stores, organizing your own courier service or opening your own pick-up point in each city is a costly business. Online store pick-up points help solve this problem.

The essence of the work of order pick-up points

  • pick up goods from suppliers;
  • distribute to orders and package;
  • issue to clients.

Online store pick-up point as a business: where to start?

You can start such a business in two directions:

  • new pick-up point;
  • cooperation with well-known companies (Boxberry, SDEK, etc.).

The terms of cooperation and the necessary investments in the second case depend on the specific company you choose. Of course, working on behalf of a well-known brand makes doing business much easier, but in this case you will need to pay royalties.

Below we will look at business development according to the first option.

Is registration required and what documents are required?

It will not be possible to not register an activity, so the most preferable and less expensive form is This type activity falls under OKPD 47.91. Will need to open

Preparing premises and purchasing equipment

When choosing a location, you should give preference to premises located close to stops, metro, even though Renting a site on the outskirts is much cheaper.

To open a pick-up point, a small room measuring 10–18 sq.m. is enough. And although it will practically be a warehouse, such footage will be enough for both parcels and for the operator, because they will not be stored there.

Depending on the terms of cooperation, you can additionally equip the room with a mirror, fitting room, etc. If the pick-up point is not located in a shopping center, it is important to install a toilet on the premises.

You will definitely need to purchase a cash register, a printer, a computer, an Internet connection, and furniture for the employee (a counter and a chair).

What to look for when recruiting employees?

One employee will be enough at the pick-up point, and at the initial stage you will be able to perform these functions yourself. When choosing a candidate for a job, pay attention to his work experience, lack of criminal record and reviews from previous jobs, because the cost of the package may exceed his salary.

Honesty and responsibility are the main characteristics of a pickup point employee. In addition, knowledge of the obligations and rights of the parties, as well as skills in operating a cash register, is desirable. If it is planned to provide courier services at the delivery point, another employee will be required to distribute parcels.

You can find out how to become a copywriter from scratch and get a stable income on the Internet

Making contacts

It is better to unpack incoming parcels immediately and notify customers using calls or messages that the order is at the pickup point, with the obligatory indication of the address, opening hours and telephone number.

Both clients and suppliers will appreciate this, and the premises will not be overcrowded with parcels.

How to open a pick-up point for online stores and draw up a business plan with calculations?

Costs of starting a business:

  1. – 15,000 rubles.
  2. Account maintenance – 1000 rubles.
  3. Cash register maintenance – from 800 rubles.
  4. Investments in renovation of premises and purchase of equipment (cash register, PC, furniture, etc.) – 100,000 rubles (if repairs are not needed, costs will be significantly reduced).
  5. Rent from 16,000 rubles depending on the region.
  6. Employee salary is 25,000 rubles.

What is an electronic payment system and how to choose the most convenient one payment system for your online store - read

Profitability and payback periods

At the initial stage, when issuing 45 orders per day, an entrepreneur will be able to earn an average of 30,000 rubles, depending on the region and tariffs. It will be possible to reach the break-even point in 7 months, provided that at least 900 orders per month are issued at the pickup point.

Ways to increase profitability:

  • It is recommended to bring orders to the pickup point using your own transport, this will reduce costs for transport companies;
  • deliver goods to customers at your own expense or give discounts to regular customers, so the number of orders will increase, and with them your profit.

Opening a franchise pick-up point for online stores

Today there are many successful delivery services that have managed to earn a reputation and trust from clients offering cooperation to entrepreneurs. As a rule, each company sets its own terms and cost for a franchise, but in general the requirements are almost the same.

For cooperation you need:

  • register ( or ;
  • select and renovate premises in a crowded place, near bus stops or in a large shopping center;
  • have a sufficient amount of working and investment funds;
  • be ready to work according to the standards of the chosen company.

To apply for cooperation, you will need to contact the company through a representative in your city or fill out a form on the official website.

Companies with which you can enter into a franchise agreement:

  • SDEK;
  • PickPoint;
  • maxima-express.

A pick-up point for orders from online stores as a business is an interesting idea for entrepreneurs, but this type of business is not without its drawbacks. High competition, decrease in average bill, refusal of goods by customers - these and other difficulties can hinder business development.

Therefore, before renovating the premises, study the supply and demand in your city, evaluate how profitable it will be to open another order pick-up point, or perhaps it would be better to join well-promoted companies.

You can get more information about the operation of the order pick-up point of the popular online store OZON in the following video:

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Every year, online trading offers more and more conveniences and guarantees. One of additional features In many virtual stores, you can receive your order at a special pickup point for free or at a better price. It is not difficult to open it, and registration of activities does not take much time. The successful implementation of this business idea requires a minimum of financial investments, but it is important to ensure the relevance of the service and find a reliable partner.

Pick-up point for orders from an online store as a business

Having opened his point of delivery of orders from the online store, the entrepreneur will find optimal solution logistical problem both for the client and for yourself. For many entrepreneurs who have created an online trading platform, renting a warehouse in a small town, equipping your own pick-up point, or hiring a courier is not financially profitable, and the price list for transport company services often does not suit the buyer and makes online shopping less profitable. Therefore, the services of a private pick-up point for orders from many online stores will be relevant for both parties and will bring good income to the business owner.

For a business to gain momentum and develop dynamically, it is important not only to choose reliable partners, but also a transport company with reasonable rates and a good reputation. It is advisable not to agree to the supply of goods that require special storage conditions, since they are not ordered very often, and the costs will be significant. What kind of store is profitable to open? It is easiest for owners of online trading platforms to work with such product categories as cosmetics, children's clothing and accessories, car parts, souvenirs, and jewelry. In order for the point for issuing orders from an online store to be profitable, it is important to establish business contacts with one or two large (if the city is small) or a large number partners. Parcels arrive quickly, and the cost of the service is usually lower or equal to the price list of private delivery services that take longer to deliver the goods or are located in an inconvenient location. Lower prices are achieved through consolidation of delivered cargo. If the cost of shipping its weight is divided by the number of recipients, then the final cost for each of them will be cheaper than in the case of individual registration of each parcel.

Advice: for the full and successful operation of the point for issuing orders from the online store, you will need to open a special payment agent account - account No. 40821. Tax must be paid on the amount of remuneration transferred by the partner.

The amount to be paid depends on pricing policy store and calculations indicated on the website, but the client sees this information even before ordering. For some positions it is paid (approximately 150-200 rubles), for others it is free. As a rule, once a week the owner of the order issuing point deposits money with the bank and provides payment orders. The remuneration is transferred to him once a month, but the conditions of different partners may differ. To increase the number of sales, the creators of virtual trading platforms often hold interesting promotions to attract customers to the store: discounts, providing a second product from the same line for free, sweepstakes.

One of the formats for organizing a point for issuing orders from online stores is a show-room. It has a small area and contains product samples from various online resources. The buyer can personally evaluate the product in all respects before purchasing. But the implementation of this business idea requires more significant financial investments (about 50% more). You can also open a pick-up point for orders from an online store in the form of parcel terminals. To do this, you will need to purchase special cabinets with cells that will be opened with a special code, and hire an operator. It is advisable to provide video surveillance and security. It is not necessary to look for a separate premises; you can rent space in a popular hypermarket or shopping center.

Advice: to increase profits, to basic function You can add a pick-up point for orders from an online store courier delivery, the ability to carry out small orders for a fee

On average, the owner of the item receives 1-2% of the cost of the goods. This is not a lot of money, but with significant turnover, an entrepreneur can make good money. This indicator is directly influenced by whether the owner works directly with online stores. If you use the services of an intermediary, the profit will be significantly less. Based on the experience of the owners of such pick-up points, it makes sense to open one only in large cities or where such a service will be in demand in order to achieve a large turnover of orders. The main thing is to immediately organize the work correctly, and then only control its quality. To receive higher income, you need to open several points or combine its work with your trading platform. You can create an online store on VKontakte quickly and absolutely free. How to sell things online? To achieve good sales, it is important to find reliable suppliers, create a wide range and ensure quality delivery.

Where to find partners for successful cooperation?

  1. Independently negotiate with the owners of online stores and trading platforms (cooperation in this format is already offered by Ozon, Wildberries, Aliexpress).
  2. Work with delivery services for business clients and individuals who offer to open a pick-up point under their brand (for example, Boxberry, Hermes, Express Courier).
  3. Collaborate with large companies, providing logistics services to online stores on a franchise basis, they will act as intermediaries, and the owner of the delivery point will act as a subagent.

How to open a pick-up point for orders from online stores?

The first step towards creating your own small business is registering your activity. When writing an application to the Federal Tax Service, you will need to correctly indicate the OKVED code (General Classifier of Types of Economic Activities). To indicate the type of employment of the point for issuing orders, use the value (OKPD 2) 47.91 - Retail trade services by mail or via the Internet information and communication network. The easiest way is to work as an individual entrepreneur. The opportunities of this status are quite sufficient for running a successful business. This will also simplify bookkeeping and save on the number of taxes and the amount of state duty.

Then you need to find a suitable room (the optimal size is 15-20 m², less is possible). Large area is not necessary, since the parcels are collected within 1-2 days, they do not have to be stored for a long time, and the arrangement and utility bills of a large room will not be cheap. It is advisable to open a point in the central part of the city or close to it. An additional advantage will be the creation of optimal conditions for self-pickup of goods, and, if funds are available, the arrangement of your own small parking lot. It is necessary to buy high-quality equipment for the work of the dispatcher, who processes orders and issues parcels: PC, printer, cash register, furniture. Its role can also be played by the owner. It is advisable to pay due attention to the facade of the building, the entrance or the design of the central counter (depending on where the point will be located), purchase a bright sign with a memorable name, make convenient steps and a ramp. Another advantage will be the opportunity to order courier delivery, albeit for an additional fee, to create your own website with partner product catalogs (over time, the online platform will become a source additional income, because after promoting the resource, the owner will be able to rent out space there for advertising). If you issue 40-45 orders per day, you will be able to return your investment within a few months. If you have financial investments, at least up to 300 thousand, you can, for example, try to open a travel agency from scratch or organize your own mini-production.

Creating a pick-up point for orders from an online store is not very difficult. The procedure for registering activities is standard and does not require much time. But for a business to be successful, it is very important to make sure that the service is relevant for the population; perhaps in this city it will be more profitable for the buyer to cooperate with transport companies. It is also necessary to thoroughly study the intricacies of independently opening such an item from scratch, by visiting specialized business forums, reading books, material from the Internet, or starting cooperation with a partner with a good reputation.
