How to boost cell signal. How to strengthen cellular communications outside the city in the country - we choose a cellular signal amplifier for the dacha

The mobile phone is an essential part of modern life. It allows you to communicate, quickly receive information and conduct business negotiations. Expand opportunities cellular communication possible through access to world wide web The that the operator provides. Internet access is also provided by a 3G modem that allows you to connect a laptop.

However, a weak signal makes the benefits of civilization inaccessible. In order to independently amplify the cellular signal, you will need to determine the cause of the deterioration in communication and choose the best way to improve reception quality.

Causes of network failures


The main reason for the weakening of the cellular signal is the problem of poor coverage due to the remoteness of the relay towers. Most often, residents of cottage settlements and villages located far from large settlements face it. Low population density reduces the cost-effectiveness of installing new repeaters, so areas are formed where reception is unstable or completely absent.

Among other reasons for the deterioration mobile communications allocate:

  • The presence of interference.They arise due to the terrain, high-voltage power lines, large forest plantations and similar obstacles. Causes of interference inside the house - microwaves and other equipment operating in the microwave range.
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  • The nuances of the design and location of buildings.Strengthening the cellular signal will be required in cases where the country house was built in a lowland, and the phone is below ground level. The penetration of the radio signal is also hindered by thick walls with a dense structure, and facade decoration with sheet metal materials.
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Sometimes difficulties with the phone appear due to the settings of the base station. In this case, you will need to contact the operator, who will reconfigure and eliminate the problems that have arisen.

Phone problems


Cause weak signal or lack thereof, there may be damage mobile phone. These include:

  • dysfunction software tools;
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  • deformation of the body and parts of the phone, resulting from the fall of products or the ingress of moisture;
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  • antenna defects, which often occur with low-cost smartphones.
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In addition, the reception is significantly degraded due to the metal housing or case. To amplify the signal on the phone, you need to troubleshoot with your own hands or with the help of specialists in this field of activity.

The simplest option is the absence of a radio signal with a loose fit of the antenna and motherboard smartphone. Troubleshooting will require:

  • disassemble the communication device using the instructions;
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  • check the tightness of the contacts to the cable located on the back of the structure;
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  • adjust the spring contacts with tweezers.
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However, with such manipulations, you can lose the warranty, so if you have problems with your smartphone, it is better to contact the service department.

Improving reception "folk ways"


For confident reception in the country or in a country cottage, you can try to make a cellular amplifier yourself. He will raise specifications antennas and improve relaying. Depending on the model and brand of the phone, the functions of the amplifier for the antenna are performed by:

  • a small piece of insulated wire, which is placed in the diagnostic port;
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  • a special sticker representing a sticker in the form of several metal tracks;
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  • a small piece of foil to be placed close to the antenna.
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A greater effect can be achieved in improving the modem signal. To do this, the case is removed from it, and then 4-5 turns of thin copper wire are wound around the standard antenna of the device. Its second end is connected to an impromptu antenna made of an aluminum can with a cut-off top, loosened in the form of a "chamomile".

Purpose of the repeater and its installation


However, homemade antennas and repeaters can only marginally improve reception. To ensure a reliable signal in a country house or in a private house in the village, it is necessary to install an antenna and a factory-made repeater.

How to install a cell phone booster yourself? First you need to purchase a set of equipment, which includes:

  • GSM repeater that amplifies the signal. Repeater models differ in gain and frequency ranges.
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  • External antenna. It is used to receive and transmit a radio signal to the repeater and vice versa.
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  • Internal GSM-antenna, which provides reception by subscriber devices.
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  • Cable connecting all elements;
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  • Power divider, which is required when connecting several internal antennas to the repeater with your own hands.
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To install a cellular amplifier yourself, you will need to find the optimal location for an outdoor GSM antenna. Suitable place for this maximum power reception and the absence of various barriers. You can achieve the greatest effect if you install an outdoor antenna on a mast or a special bracket. The higher its location above the house, the more confident the reception will be. In this case, the antenna must be below the lightning rod, since a set of equipment to improve radio signal reception usually does not have galvanic isolation.

Then you do the following step by step:

  • Install a device to amplify the radio signal. Do-it-yourself installation of the repeater does not require special skills: it is fixed on the wall using self-tapping screws.
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  • Install the indoor antenna in such a way that the distance to the GSM receiving antenna is at least 10 m. The gap can be reduced if it is possible to separate the GSM antennas with a concrete wall.
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  • Connect the cable connected to the outdoor antenna to the rest of the amplifying equipment.
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  • Check the correct installation and connection of the antennas with the GSM signal amplifier, and then turn on the power.
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Usually the repeater is ready for operation. However, some models are equipped with displays and switches for fine tuning receiving power and frequency. If you are going to install a cellular amplifier yourself, it is better to avoid such equipment. You can install it yourself, but further manipulations require special skills and knowledge.

In the villages, until now, there is no dedicated Internet line in most cases. It happens that the Internet can be connected via an ADSL line, who has a connected landline phone.

In most cases, all rural residents of Russia connect to the Internet using 3G modems. And the farther the village, the worse not only the 3G Internet, but also the usual cellular connection.

To improve the quality of communication, the following amplification principles are used:

  1. With an antenna.
  2. With antennas and amplifiers.
  3. With multiple antennas and multiple amplifiers.

There are ready-made kits, but before you buy them, you need to determine what to strengthen and how. Sometimes one antenna is enough, sometimes not.

You need to know exactly in which range the 3G signal of the selected telecom operator is transmitted, and where the boundaries of this signal are. To check the signal strength, a regular cell phone or a spectrum analyzer will do.

Checking the signal level

Before you strengthen anything, you need to catch something. Determine the operating frequency range voice communication and the Internet. The image above illustrates the entire range of frequencies involved: TV signal, wi-fi, DECT, GSM, LTE, etc. It is important to understand in what range the base station at the point being checked is transmitting the Internet. It can be transmitted in UMTS 900 and UMST 2100.

In Russia, the 3G signal has its own standard: UMTS 900 and UMST 2100.

All smartphones and 3G modems work using both of these standards. In cities, due to the small coverage radius, but more high speed signal transmission and stability with a large number of connections, use the UMTS 2100 standard.

Portable spectrum analyzer SPECTRAN HF-6060 V4, which determines the direction of the antenna

If you are not an installation organization specializing in installing 3G boosters for a one-time connection, you can use a 3G-enabled phone. We activate the built-in Netmonitor function in it.

How to do this on your phone, look on the Internet. Here are the most common codes.

Phone model Menu entry code Note
Apple iPhone *3001#12345#*, press "call" 2g, 3g, 3gs, 4g, 4gs, 5. For firmware versions from 5.0.1 and higher.
Android *#0011# or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#197328640#*#* The menu should appear automatically after entering the last character, if not, try another code
HTC (EVO, Incredible, Touch) ##33284#, press "call" Select a network from the menu and look at the signal level
HTC Wizard 8125, 2125 *#*#364#*#* The signal level is displayed in conditional values. The higher the value, the higher the signal level
HTC Touch ##33284#
Samsung C170, X820 *#9999*0#
LG C900 ##634# If it asks for the password 2277634#*# and press ENTER
Nokia 6215i, 6315 ##2773 further code 000000

When we enter engineering menu appears various information, for example, volume level, battery charge, IMEI, wi-fi, phone usage statistics. I do not recommend changing the values.

If you cannot find the settings you need, use another phone. As a result, you need to determine the Rx CH parameter. The first value surrounded by a red frame shows in which range the signal is received. If the value is within 10562-10838 - this is UMTS 2100, if within 2937-3088 - UMTS 900. Having determined the operating range, you can accurately select a 3G signal amplifier, for example, high-quality Picocell 900 or Picocell 2000.

The yellow frame shows the level of 3G signal reception. With constantly changing dynamic parameters signal level, we are looking for a point of better reception. Less is better. Ideally, it is better to put the antenna higher on the roof, but you can find points of reliable reception inside the house.

Equipment selection

If you are in a receiving area, it may be sufficient to install a good antenna with a high gain. For example, an AP-1900/2700-17 antenna with a gain of 17 dB but a narrow radiation pattern. Suitable if one base station is installed next to you and there are no other signal consumers nearby.

AP-1900/2700-17 Directional Antenna for Cellular Signal Amplification

A fantastic result is shown by the AO-2000-11 brand antenna - with a high gain = 11 dB and a circular radiation pattern. Works on the principle of set and forget. Its advantage lies in the principle of operation. It can catch a signal from several base stations at once, which significantly affects the speed of the Internet. No need to look for signal direction.

Omnidirectional antenna, model AO-2000-11 for amplifying 3G signal

In almost 80-95% of cases, when a 3G signal is at least somehow caught, it is enough to screw a 3G repeater amplifier TAU-2000 from Picocell to the antenna, and you will catch a stable 3G / 4G signal.

To prevent signal loss between the antenna and the amplifier, I recommend using a cable with a large cross-section, the lugs of which are crimped in an industrial way or with a special tool.

5D/FB PVC cable with N-type connector (male)

Ready kits

When you know exactly what type of amplifier you need to buy and whether you need it at all, you can start buying equipment. If there are no retail outlets in your city, buy from online stores or from the equipment manufacturer directly.

Kits can be of several types:

  • without amplifier;
  • with amplifier;

Wiring diagram for equipment for amplifying 3G signal throughout the house

Consider kits without amplifiers. The structure of such kits includes an antenna, wire. Conveniently, if you have a modem or router, then the cost of amplifying the 3G / 4G signal will be minimal. A set of wires and an antenna will cost you from 5,000 rubles.

Antennas are selected based on the location, number and distance to the base stations. You can always increase this kit with an amplifier, the final price of the equipment will increase, as well as the quality of the received signal.

Antenna kit connection diagram with TAU-2000 amplifier and wi-fi router

You can use any antenna, including those given when selecting equipment, but it’s better to buy a Huawei E392 modem, although its price starts at 3200 rubles.

Watch a short video of everything stated in the article, if anyone is interested in the subtleties, go to the site indicated in the video clip.

And finally, I will share an observation: buy an antenna and equipment in specialized stores, and not in mobile phone stores, what is sold there does not work.

The Connect antenna is made for the beauty of the interior. The usefulness of this device is questionable. Can only be used as an extension cable for a modem

Ask questions if anything is unclear. Good luck with your shopping.

Despite the widespread use of mobile communications, the question of how to strengthen the signal of the phone, or rather the cellular communication to which it is connected, is still relevant. It doesn't matter if you live in a small village or in a metropolis, the chance that your device will stop receiving a signal is everywhere.

Gradually, this problem is being solved by operators, new base stations, increases communication. But what if the problem lies in your phone, and not in the network? Today we decided to figure out what the bad signal level is connected with and whether it can be fixed by hand.

What is a cellular signal?

The principle of operation of cellular communication is quite simple: there is an operator’s base station and your phone, a radio frequency channel is organized between them, through which SMS messages are transmitted, calls are made, and Internet data is exchanged.

There are several cellular communication standards that differ in signal transmission method and frequency. As a rule, base stations are built on hills in order to provide maximum coverage. However, you can’t get away from the barriers that prevent the passage of the signal. It can be walls, trees, and other obstacles, upon contact with which the signal weakens.

It is clear that in open areas where high-rise buildings do not abound, the coverage area will be higher. For example, for stations operating according to the GSM-900 standard, in this case, the zone is no more than 30,000 kilometers. In urban areas, the figure is reduced to 7 kilometers. Stations with more advanced communication standards in the face of 3G and LTE cover an area half the diameter.

Why do we have a weak phone signal?

Due to the above mentioned barriers, so-called dead zones or holes in the coating can be formed. That is, places where the signal is weak, unstable or completely absent. Where do you most often encounter poor signal strength on your phone:

  • places located at a significant distance from the nearest station (there is simply no coverage);
  • basements, underground parking, lowlands (the signal is simply unable to penetrate here);
  • hills, skyscrapers (often "to rise higher" does not mean the obligatory presence of a signal - above the 12-14th floor there is often no signal at all);
  • buildings made of metal structures that do not transmit a signal.

However, obstacles and distance from the station are not always the reason for the lack of a signal. Often the user's phone becomes the cause. You have probably been in situations where a friend has a cellular signal, but you do not.

And at the same time, you use the services of one operator. There are common cases when on two identical phones there is different level signal. There can be many reasons:

  • a phone in a metal case or in a metal case can catch the network much worse than a plastic device;
  • quite often, no matter how surprising it may sound to you, the reason is the “clumsy” firmware of the phone;
  • damage to any components as a result of falls, immersion in water, and so on;
  • the phone may have a defective antenna from the factory, which is especially sinful for Chinese manufacturers of inexpensive models.

How to strengthen the phone signal with your own hands?

So, let's go over the theory, let's move on to practice. We will analyze several ways to boost a cellular signal, starting with the simplest, ending with quite complex and expensive ones.

Reason for the firmware

It is worth starting with checking the correct operation of the software before trying to get to the insides of the phone. With the deterioration of the communication signal that appears after flashing, hundreds of users are faced, so attention should be focused.

We have already written, so we will not repeat ourselves. Firmware is a fairly simple process, but with its own nuances. The main thing - do not forget to do backups important files.

If the flashing helped, then we congratulate you, but if the phone still does not catch the network well, then proceed to the next step.

Poor signal reception due to damage to the phone

As already noted, often the phone does not pick up a signal well after it accidentally fell on a tile or plunged into the sea. In this case, the average user has no choice but to go to service center.

Modern phones are quite complex devices, therefore it is not possible for most to identify the source of the problem on their own. It is likely that specialists will detect damage and perform the necessary work so that your phone can again cope with searching for a network without any problems.

How to boost your phone signal

In most cases, the cause of a weak cellular signal lies in the defect of the antenna, which, in fact, is responsible for this function. Often, owners of inexpensive smartphones from the Celestial Empire are faced with the fact that the manufacturer cheated a little by loosely connecting the antenna to motherboard devices. You can fix the mistake yourself, but you need to understand at least a little how the phone works. Otherwise, we contact the service center with a description of the problem.

  1. now smartphones are represented by a very different design, and therefore they are disassembled in different ways; it is easiest to get to the insides of a phone with a removable cover and battery, it is more difficult when the smartphone is not collapsible;

Take your time. Before starting disassembly, find a video or text material on the Internet that will show and tell how your particular device is disassembled, what you should pay attention to.

Please also note: after disassembling the smartphone, you lose the warranty.

  1. as a rule, the antenna is hidden in the lower or upper part of the case, represented by small copper strips (again, for the location of the antenna specifically in your model, see the relevant materials);
  2. after you get to the board, you will find several spring contacts, which should fit snugly against the cable located on the back of the structure;
  3. if the spring contacts of the motherboard do not adhere well to the cable, carefully correct them, armed, for example, with tweezers;
  4. assemble the phone and enjoy a good network signal.
We connect to the phone homemade antenna to amplify the signal

The methods discussed above only work if the problem lies in your phone. But, as we noted at the beginning of the material, the cause of a bad signal can be various kinds of obstacles or a significant distance from the station. In this case, you can try to strengthen the antenna of our device with just a piece of wire.

Just note that the method is not suitable for all phones. The fact is that for its implementation you will need a special diagnostic port, which is difficult to get to in a modern non-separable smartphone (in a number of models you can’t find it at all). It looks like a small round connector of golden color.

    take a small piece of thin insulated wire;

    insert into the connector;

    lay it so that it does not interfere with other components and closing the lid.

Everything, as practice shows, the signal of the phone network is amplified to a large extent. Isn't it surprising?!

Some users inserted a piece of wire into the 3.5 mm port (for headphones). Sometimes that works too.

Sticker sticker or foil to boost phone signal

In the vastness of foreign online stores, it will not be difficult to find a bunch of different devices for signal amplification. Among them, a small sticker-sticker is popular, which is a few metal tracks, which, according to the manufacturer, allow you to get rid of interference.

Similar stripes can be seen in some smartphones by default, so the "magic" properties of the sticker have the right to life.

However, to achieve a slight improvement in the signal, according to a considerable number of users, a piece of ordinary foil will help. It is located under the cover of the phone, closer to the antenna. The method is simple, so you can try.

Strengthening communication with a repeater

In some cases, when the signal cannot be amplified by any of the methods (too thick walls of the room, remoteness from the base station), they resort to the use of special antennas or repeaters. Such devices can greatly amplify the signal, but their cost often scares off a potential buyer.

Where to buy cheap?

You can build something similar with your own hands, but often it does not amplify the signal at all or does it very, very badly.

For example, some use the following method:

  1. we take a metal rod (50 cm is enough), a coaxial cable, a piece of foil (about 10x4 cm) and plywood or plastic;
  2. we bend the metal rod so that we get a diamond-shaped design;
  3. glue the foil to the plywood;
  4. metal rhombus and foil are connected by means of coaxial cable(solder);
  5. the end, on which the rhombus turned out, is raised higher, the other, with foil, is left below;
  6. We bring the phone to the foil to check the signal quality.

It will probably be necessary to find the most suitable place for the resulting structure to catch the signal.

It is clear that such an amplifier is unlikely to provide communication to a large company that was not lucky enough to have an office in an area without network coverage. Here you will have to seek help from specialists. Today, many companies provide such services, and not only will they offer modern equipment, but they will also install it.

By the way, you should not save on specialists - for installation, workers use special devices that help determine the most suitable place, select frequencies, and so on. Of course, it will be difficult for an ordinary user to cope with such a task.

Many people face the problem of a weak cellular signal, including residents of country houses, villages, apartments on the first floors of houses or offices located on minus ground floors, etc. In this article, we will describe in detail ways to strengthen the cellular signal.

Most effective method increase the quality of cellular communication - use . But everything is not so simple here and we should start with theory.
In Russia, GSM mobile operators operate on two frequencies, 900 and 1800 MHz. Why use two frequencies? Each frequency has its pros and cons. In particular, the 900 MHz frequency penetrates buildings quite well and has a greater range than 1800 MHz, but it supports a smaller number of subscribers (fewer channels), so this frequency has become widespread in villages and villages. It is there that it is necessary to spread over large areas. The frequency of 1800 MHz has a smaller radius, but is able to work with large quantity subscribers, which is relevant for cities. But this is in theory, in reality, the frequency of 900 MHz can be used as a backup channel in the city, and 1800 MHz can also be found in the countryside (in particular, the TELE2 operator operates at a frequency of 1800 MHz). But for the most part, in villages and villages, a frequency of 900 MHz is used (except for TELE2, they do not have a license to operate at a frequency of 900 MHz), and in cities 1800 MHz. You can contact those. support mobile operator and check at what frequency they operate in your area.
Now that you have figured out what frequency the operators in your area use, you can start strengthening cellular communications. For this you need , and . The GSM amplifier must be selected based on the frequency used by operators in your region, if 900 MHz, then the GSM repeater should operate at 900 MHz, if 1800, then 1800 MHz, respectively. There are repeaters that amplify two frequencies at once, but they are quite expensive. Outdoor antennas for amplifying cellular communications exist directional and omnidirectional. The most "strong" are considered directed, but in this case they require tuning, i.e. you need to know where the cell towers are and turn it in that direction. Indoor antennas can also be both omnidirectional and directional, their choice depends on the configuration of the interior and the place where you want to get a good signal. As for cables, both 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm cables can be used, there is no big difference in their use with a length of 10-20 meters, but there is a price.

The classic version looks like this:
An outdoor GSM antenna is placed on the street, if it is directional, then it is directed towards the operator's towers. The antenna should be placed as high as possible, away from other antennas (television, satellite, etc.). From it comes a cable and connects to a GSM repeater. The second antenna is located indoors in such a way as to cover the entire required area. At the same time, the relative position of the internal and external antennas should be such that there is no self-excitation of the amplifier, i.e. such a situation in which the signal from the indoor antenna is picked up by the outdoor antenna, amplified, fed to the indoor antenna, and so on. To do this, it is necessary to place the antennas at a maximum distance from each other and, preferably, to direct them in different directions.

Is repeater radiation harmful to health?

Rather the opposite. Repeater installed indoors with bad signal, reduces harmful radiation, because a mobile phone does not need to radiate at full power in order to "finish off" to the base station of the telecom operator.

The radiation power of the repeater is about 10 mW. The phone, having detected the repeater, switches to low radiation power, since it will need to connect to the repeater, which is located at a distance of several meters.
Thus, the use of a repeater reduces the harmful effects of the phone, and also increases the battery life of the phone.

With exotic plants and suffocating heat, others prefer a mild summer among their native birches and pines 🙂 To each his own, as they say. Rest in the country or in the village attracts many. First of all for the lack of fuss and minimal connection with outside world. But global network sits firmly in our brains, and social networks leave no chance to sit out in the wilderness.

This is where the problems begin. The quality of cellular communication is only in words perfect. We drive two or three dozen kilometers from a large city, and problems begin. The question arises: "How to improve the Internet in the country?". You can not bother and sit without likes, reposts and other nonsense. On the other hand, why not try to deal with the problem yourself?

INTERESTING. The first attempt to make a mobile telephone connection undertaken by the NYPD in 1921. A little over a decade later, police cars were equipped with two-way telephone radios. In the USSR, the first prototype of a mobile phone was made in 1957. It was called LK-1 and weighed three kilograms.

Before improving, you need to understand what kind of connection is possible in principle. As a rule, there are two options: Internet via satellite or via mobile operator. The trouble is in the price of equipment and satellite Internet tariffs. Few people want to pay about 20 thousand for equipment and 3-4 thousand for using the service. Moreover, the speed, although good, is not super - within 20 megabits.

Amplifying a cellular signal is technically feasible and cheaper in terms of money. We buy an antenna, install and enjoy the benefits of civilization 🙂 But! You need to choose the right amplifier. Yes, and setting up the equipment is not so simple. Before making a decision, let's try to understand not only the cost, but also the labor costs. Because it’s not a fact that we can do everything ourselves, but calling in specialists means paying money.

Internet amplifier. Dreams and reality

Let's start with the definition of needs. How much traffic is enough per month? What speed is needed? Watching videos, surfing of course, possibly downloading torrents, and network games. If you start counting from the friezes, then the speed is needed within 5-15 megabits. If more, even better. A channel at the level of 2-3 megabits is enough, but you can forget about downloads.

You can sit and count the traffic. On average, it turns out in the region of 15 gigs. On average, this is between needs. Someone watches movies more often, others download more, others play. So you need to choose a tariff with daily traffic more and night unlimited. And then we will deal with the "technique". Both satellite and cellular, this is not a cable for you. There are many more problems - interference, thunderstorms, narrow channels in rural areas.

Strengthening the cellular signal in the country

All subsequent material is of interest to those who decide to strengthen the reception of cellular communications. Yes, yes, let's not even talk about the satellite. Firstly, it's a little expensive, and secondly, you can't do a damn thing yourself. And we proceed ... and start by choosing an operator. It doesn't matter what you use in the city. A village is a village.

IMPORTANT! The main reason for using Satellite Internet, impossibility to provide the service in another way. Most often, the equipment is installed on the "last mile", that is, directly at the client. main feature such access is the division of traffic into input and output with subsequent combination. The technology is called asymmetric access. Reception via satellite, return via cellular.

First, let's look at coverage maps on the websites of operators. But, we don’t trust them much - they are for those who definitely won’t get a connection 🙂 Have you estimated your location? Now we open maps from Google or Yandex. Define the house accurately. It remains to compare the location with coverage areas. maybe locality will be overlapped by multiple operators. We choose the one whose territory is larger, the signal quality will be better. If this is not done, it may turn out that a 4g signal amplifier is not needed for giving.

How to strengthen the cellular signal in the country

There are entire threads on thematic forums where methods for finding the right cell are discussed. What for? “Air” differs from cable in that any uneven terrain affects both the signal level and the speed of the Internet. You can walk around the neighborhood with a beech or tablet, entering trace data on the map 🙂 But you can make it easier. We find a simple antenna, fix it on a pole and raise it above the ridge of the house.

Antenna to the modem, and that to the computer. We launch the MDMA program and turn the device on the roof. We do this slowly, constantly fixing the signal level. Out of habit, you will have to spend half an hour or more. As a result, we get several directions that give the best signal. We choose the most powerful. Here we will direct the antenna to it. If you are thinking about buying an amplifier, look at the performance characteristics. It may turn out that the increase will not justify the money spent.

INFORMATION. Repeaters are called repeaters and amplifiers of a cellular signal. Devices are used to expand coverage areas. In the general case, this is an actively operating radar equipment that operates in conjunction with an antenna and cables. . A cellular amplifier for a summer residence can be installed without agreement with the operators.

It remains to decide on the height to which the antenna will have to be raised. To simplify, you can use the services "Ubnt" or "Linktest". Let's say right away, do not take the learned data for granted. According to calculations, it turns out that a height of 20 meters is needed, but the really high-quality reception is at 7-8 meters. Another tip - do not try to get the speed, like in the city. The maximum for summer residents is 20-30, sometimes 40 megabits.

And the last one in this section. Doing the right thing 🙂 calculations, a long choice of antenna, actually hand soldering, a height of 15 meters, you will get a gain in the range of 95-98 percent. If you buy a ready-made, not the most sophisticated, antenna, install it above the ridge with an approximate orientation, you will get a signal amplification of 70-80 percent. The result is good, less money and effort.

Antennas to amplify the Internet signal

In a good way, amplifying equipment should be selected simultaneously with the search for a confident signal. It is better to immediately pick up a set of antenna, mast, bracket, cables and other bells and whistles. This is the only way to understand what effect the actions will give. And that's not all the problems. How do you like the situation when the antenna operates on one frequency, and the base station on another? You can’t find out the information from the operator, it’s easier to split partisans during interrogation 🙂

Now about the form. It is not necessary to order some special model from the other side of the planet. Do you sell panel antennas nearby? Here, take it. They are slightly weaker than the "beam" ones, but they do not need precise directionality. And the range is much wider, which is only a plus. It's a great help to switch between 3 and 4 G. Why? 🙂 It's better to surf on a four - the browser just flies, but downloading large volumes - 3 G is beyond competition.

Antenna calculation for amplifying a cellular signal

It is doubtful that there will be many willing to make calculations. But let's give a table that you should be guided by.

This is necessary in order to mount the antenna, not to remain with the same signal level. Roughly speaking, we were looking for a direction with a device with a gain of 12 dB. Found the direction in which the signal is -90 dB. Cable and connections eat about 3 dB. Accordingly, after all the "dancing with tambourines" we get a signal level of -99 dB. Mediocre, however. And you need to get at least "good". So it turns out that you need an antenna with a gain of 20 or higher.

DID YOU KNOW…how cell phone base stations are built? The first section is put up by a team of 5-8 people and a truck crane. The next day, four more sections are placed by helicopter. Then, from two to three days, they are engaged in “broaching” the support shaft. Then they improve the territory - they put up a fence, install a drainage system. Only after this, the installation of the BS begins - the installation of sector and radio relay antennas, and other devices. Then electricity is supplied, lightning protection, light protection and grounding are mounted.

We will not powder our brains with evidence and calculations that determine the choice of configuration. Disputes on this topic have ended even in specialized forums. It has been proven that with uncertain reception the best option– narrowly focused MIMO. Among the positive aspects is a good increase in the speed and quality of the connection. The only negative is that you need a modem with two antenna connectors.

How to strengthen the Internet signal in the country. Choosing a router and cable

Here, with which there should not be any particular problems, it is with a router. There is only one requirement - the device must be compatible with 3 and 4 G. And, of course, a larger list of supported modems. There is less chance that yours will not be included in this number 🙂 By the way, there may be problems with unlocked devices. So it's better to buy universal modem than trying to "flash" on all operators yourself.

We do not discuss independent crimping of the cable. Appropriate knowledge and skills are required. And for those in the know, advice is not required. But even with a ready-made kit, difficulties can arise. You can calculate losses and choose desired cable. That's just the price is unlikely to please. So that leaves just a couple of options. Losses can be avoided by using a short coaxial cable.

After all, it is enough to bring it to the second floor of the cottage or to the attic. And here we mount a router with a modem. Further, as your heart desires, at least wi-fi, at least twisted pair. This option is very good - usually a piece of 4-5 meters is enough. The maximum loss will be in the range of 2.5-3 dB, which is good. You can make a "knight's move" 🙂 Buy an antenna with a built-in modem. In the same office, we order a usb cable of the required length. And no troubles with losses.

We calculate the length and pull the cable to the router. Those who wish can suffer - make the cable themselves. Nothing at all. Yes, and you can get by with a piece of twisted pair and adapters. But why? Not such an expensive purchase, compared to the rest of the kit. We almost forgot about the minus of such antennas - we wanted to change the SIM card, we climb onto the roof. Although it is unlikely that you will do this very often.

How to mount a cellular signal booster for a summer residence

It is time to comprehend and sum up what was said above. So, we mount the antenna in a place that corresponds to the following parameters:

  • Max Height. You don't have to become an equilibrist. Height is tall, and safety comes first;
  • The less cable, the better;
  • Strength. The larger the area of ​​the antenna, the more likely it is to be blown away by a gust of wind.

IMPORTANT! For almost 20 years, scientists have been “breaking spears” in disputes about harm cell phones. Despite the fact that WHO has classified radio emissions from mobile phones into group 2B - a potential carcinogen - there is no 100 percent data on this. The number of studies is approaching 15 thousand, but it was not possible to identify a direct relationship between the occurrence of tumors and the use of cell phones.

Don't take advice literally. The maximum height does not mean installing a separate 30m mast 🙂 Same with the cable. Bringing into the house a loose concept, you can stretch it through the whole house. What a reduction in footage. And so in everything. We advise you to reasonably approach the selection and installation of any equipment. The result should please, and not cause additional problems.

Amplifier of a signal of the mobile Internet for giving. lightning protection

It seems that everything has been calculated, everything has been thought of. Time to mount. But no, they forgot about one problem. The higher we raise the antenna, the greater the chance of a lightning strike. You know, we are building such an excellent lightning rod 🙂 The situation only seems ridiculous. The reality is that you can quietly build the highest point in the district. Naturally, it’s not a fact that you won’t be so lucky. But why take the risk?

We made a 3g amplifier with our own hands, but got burnt electronics throughout the house. No, it's not for us. There are several solutions. You can get confused with full protection. In fact, this is VERY well worth it. Ten times less was spent on amplification. Another option is everyday ways:

  • Do not raise the antenna too high. Let the signal improve by 80% instead of 100, but the lightning will not shy away;
  • Planning trips longer than half a day? We pull out the cable from the modem, turn off the router;
  • If you are leaving for a long time, it is better to de-energize the building. Naturally, we leave an empty refrigerator 🙂 Those who set the house under protection will have problems;
  • A thunderstorm has begun - at least we pull out the antenna cable;
  • Do not try to build lightning protection yourself. The result may be the opposite.

Internet signal amplifier in the country. What is the result?

It remains to answer the main question: "Is it really possible to get a decent Internet in the country?". The answer is unequivocal - there will be high-quality Internet! The final cost will not hit your pocket so much if you think about it before the summer season. With rare exceptions, it is realistic to meet 10-13 thousand. If the router, modem and SIM card are available, the total is less. In addition, there are sales, promotions and other options to save money.

In this layout, we do not count the ladder, screws, screwdriver and pole 🙂 Real men always have a tool at hand. In extreme cases, there are good neighbors, good friends or relatives. So getting a signal improvement from -110 dB to -90 is quite simple. And money is not the most important thing - you need desire, patience and time. For sim good luck!
