Matala caves. Matala village

Greek Crete is famous for its beach resorts and tourist infrastructure. On the island you can spend a comfortable holiday and get vivid impressions not only in large cities. Thus, Matala, a small town hidden on the southern coast and sheltered from the sea winds by two powerful rocks, gives Crete a special tourist charm. Tourists are attracted to Matala by its rich historical past, unique natural views, the azure surface of the sea bay and cozy sandy beaches.

Holidays in Matale on Crete

Due to the climatic conditions of the country, almost all tourists go to Greece to sunbathe under the scorching sun and swim in the warm Mediterranean waters. It seems like nothing special, but the island of Crete makes this vacation simply unforgettable.

The fact is that here every corner of the area is rich in picturesque landscapes and unique historical heritage. So, Matala is the place where the first ancient cities appeared, which were caves and catacombs carved into the rocks. They were formed back in the Neolithic era, i.e. 10 thousand years ago! Later, exiled Christians hid in these catacombs, and in our time, hippies have chosen the caves. The cult of “Peace and Love” still hovers over the town.

Ancient caves line the coast of Matala. So at any time you can turn your vacation at sea into an exciting journey through the history of ancient Greece. The main thing is to stock up on comfortable clothes in advance so that rock climbing is as safe as possible.

Crete Matala – location and attractions

Matala is a very modest town in size, almost a village. Nevertheless, it is one of the most popular tourist destinations and attractions in Crete. From Heraklion, the capital of the island, to Matala is about 83 km to the southwest.

The settlement is located on the southern coast in the picturesque Messara Bay. Thanks to the gently sloping shore and the protection of the rocks surrounding the beach on both sides, a seaport was built here in ancient times. It has not survived to this day: as a result of natural processes, the remains of the port part of Matala sank. But now it is a great attraction for diving enthusiasts.

The undoubted highlight of the town are the rocks with ancient caves. Tourists love to climb the catacombs, exploring the homes of ancient people and the first Christians. If you climb to the top of the mountain, you can admire a unique view from above, covering the village, the coast, and the azure expanse of the endless sea. And extreme sports enthusiasts are invited to dive into the Libyan Sea from the conquered heights.

The city limits of Malta also have their own tourist symbols. Upon entering, you will see an olive tree decorated with stones and carved images. Its design symbolizes the many faces of love. And not far from the tree you will find a legend of the 70s: a painted Volkswagen minibus, which became the hallmark of the hippie movement.

What to see in the vicinity of Matala

Many attractions are located in the vicinity of the village. Those interested can visit temples and monasteries, ruins of ancient cities and palaces, Roman baths and semi-wild beaches. You can get to other cities by taxi or on your own in a rented car.

In Minoan times, Festus was second in importance after Knossos. In general, the palace completely repeats the layout of the Knossos Palace. The building is located on a hill, so that you will see not only a monument of ancient culture, but also a beautiful panoramic view of the surrounding landscapes.

A little further from Matala is Gortyna, the oldest city in Crete. In ancient times, Gortyn was a cultural center with a highly developed civilization. Many monuments of ancient architecture from different years have been preserved here. Among other things, tourists will be able to see the Basilica of St. Titus, the Odeon, the Temple of Apollo, the Sanctuary of Isis and Serapis, etc.

Of the natural attractions, it is worth visiting Lake Zaros and the Agiofarango Gorge. The lake, artificially formed on the site of an olive grove, attracts tourists with its beauty and clear water. There are walking paths with benches around the reservoir where you can relax and enjoy the pleasant coolness.

As for the gorge, it has the glory of a “prayed” place. According to legend, hermits used to live here, and even Saint Athanasius himself (the founder of the Great Lavra on Athos) came to these places to communicate with God. And today tourists note the special tranquility and detachment of this place.

A short car journey along the coast of Malata to the east will take you to Agia Galini. This town, immersed in greenery and flowers, captivates tourists with its “Venetian architecture”. Quiet and cozy streets with souvenir shops and cafes are closed to car traffic, so nothing interferes with enjoying the beauty of the city and Greek nature.

Agia Galini is famous for its sandy beaches and many coves that can only be reached by sea. So it won’t be difficult for vacationers to choose a secluded beach and take a boat to the desired location. Local residents are actively developing tourism in their town, so it’s easy to find hotels near the beach and stay in the town for a couple of days.

Weather in Matale (Crete)

Due to the isolation of the bay by two rocks, the weather in Matala is not sultry, but the sea always warms up to comfortable temperatures. The city itself is surrounded by greenery and flowers, which is also facilitated by a favorable climate.

Another feature of Matala is the most beautiful sunsets, which have no equal in all of Greece. The town is lucky with its geographical location, and local residents actively use this advantage. All cafes and taverns are designed so that in the evenings tourists can enjoy the beautiful spectacle of the setting sun.

Matala beach on the island of Crete

Located in the bosom of the bay, Matala Beach is reliably protected from western and eastern winds. The approach to the sandy coast is a gentle slope. There are two parking lots for cars: free and for 5 euros per day, located a little closer to the beach.

A wide strip of sand allows everyone to comfortably accommodate: divers, swimmers, sunbathing connoisseurs, and beach volleyball fans. On the shore there are several cafes and taverns, as well as equipped areas with sun loungers and umbrellas. Renting beach amenities will cost 4 euros.

Updated: July 23, 2019

The famous village of Matala (Μάταλα) and the beach of the same name are located in the Heraklion region on the western shore of the Mesara Plain. A magnificent beach, clear sea, small cozy hotels, and original landscape have made Matala one of the most popular places on Crete in recent decades. Matala has always had attractiveness and strategic importance. The artificial caves in the rock alone indicate that people lived here already in prehistoric times, and some caves had several rooms, and the niches were decorated with carved ornaments.

In the Minoan era, according to scientists, Matala was the port of the city of Festus, one of the main centers of the Minoan civilization.

Later, as research shows, in I-II centuries AD. The Matala caves were used as tombs. At this time, Matala was already the port of Gortyn. In the 70s of the 20th century, this paradise was chosen by hippies from all over the world, after which a common misconception appeared that “Matala is the center of hippies.”

Indeed, in the 70s Matala gained such fame. You can still find interesting and pleasant “echoes” of those times here:

The Greek film about hippies "My Aunt the Hippie" was filmed here. The Rolling Stones even came here, making it even more popular. But according to one version, after the collapse of one of the caves and the death of a person, the hippies were expelled from here, and the caves were fenced off and taken under protection. According to another version, the inhabitants of Crete, shocked by such a neighborhood, gradually ousted the hippies from the caves. Currently, the caves are protected by the Archaeological Service, but in the morning hours anyone can get into them.

Matala is located in a fairly favorable location, thanks to which the local climate is considered one of the most favorable on the island, and in the Mediterranean basin as a whole. Located between two low mountains, Matala has its own microclimate with mild winters and not hot summers. And its orientation to the west allows you to admire uniquely beautiful sunsets.

Almost all local cafes and taverns are located in such a way that their visitors can not only eat deliciously, but also enjoy a spectacular end to the day.

Sunset at Matala Beach in November

The local beach is awarded the European Blue Flag every year for its exceptional cleanliness and suitability. And the cleanest water in the sea and the gentle sun do not leave either adults or children indifferent. The beach is well equipped. There are sun loungers and umbrellas, a shower, a rescue center, and a cafe to quench your hunger or thirst.

On the embankment of the village you can buy souvenirs with the symbols of Matala and many other memorable souvenirs that will remind you of a carefree holiday on the island of Crete.

But people come to Matala not only to swim and sunbathe. Matala is also interesting for those who decide to take a closer look at the excavations in Festus and Gortyn. After all, these ancient cities are located in close proximity to here.

To the south of Matala Beach there is a fairly famous Red Beach, which is popular with nudists. And the name of the beach comes from the color of the sand, which has a reddish tint. But you can only get to this beach on foot along a rather dangerous path, and the complete lack of infrastructure will hardly allow you to fully enjoy these places. North of Matala there is another beach, stretching from Kommos to Kokkinos Pyrgos and passing by the settlement of Kalamaki. On the beach near Kalamaki, as well as on Red Beach, there are almost no sun loungers with umbrellas, except perhaps those belonging to a few hotels in the village of Kalamaki. There is practically nowhere to hide from the hot midday sun, and the beach is constantly blown by winds, which makes staying on it uncomfortable. Entering the sea here is quite difficult and unsafe, since there are natural slabs near the shore, which are usually slippery. The village of Kalamaki is famous primarily for the fact that the Mediterranean turtles Caretta Caretta lay their eggs on the local beach. The egg-laying areas are fenced off, and at sea in these places any type of water entertainment except catamaran riding is prohibited. North of the village of Matala, in the area of ​​​​the village of Kommos, the southern end of this beach is located. Kommos is interesting because as a result of excavations, ruins of ancient temples, dry docks and warehouses were found here. Archaeologists suggest that Kommos used to be the harbor of ancient Phaistos and was of great economic importance for Crete. True, all the discoveries can only be admired from behind the fence, since access to the territory is prohibited.

Church in the rock

It is worth noting that Matala is not the quietest and least visited village in southern Crete. This is a full-fledged tourist place, where buses go from bus stations; there are streets with souvenir shops.

There are hotels in the village where you can always stay to enjoy this unique place. In addition to traditional Cretan cuisine, local taverns serve fresh fish from the Libyan Sea, local wines and tsikoudia (grape vodka).

But, despite all of the above, Matala remains a place where you can always retire and enjoy the romantic atmosphere, admire the nature of Crete, walk in the shade of orange groves and take a break from the bustle of the city.

Background information:

1. Where is it located? Matala is located in the south of Crete, 70 km south of the city. Heraklion, 78 km southeast of the city. Rethymnon and 27 km from the village. Agia Galini.
2. Coordinates of the village of Matala (Matala, Μάταλα): DD 34.996373, 24.755096. DMS 34°59"46.9"N 24°45"18.4"E .
3. How to get there? You can get to Matala by bus, rented car and taxi.
4. What to see in the area? One of the Minoan palaces of Crete is located 12 km from Matala - Phaistos Palace(DD 35.051358, 24.814330. DMS 35°03"04.9"N 24°48"51.6"E). There is a gorge 20 km to the southeast Agiofarango. 14 km east of Matala is Monastery of the Virgin Hodegetria.
5. Where to stay? Hotels and apartments in Matale can be found in the largest search engines and hotel booking systems:

Matala beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Crete. Sometimes it is also called “Hippie Beach” due to the fact that in the 60s it was chosen by young people of this subculture. Hippies flew to the island from all over the world and settled right in the ancient caves on the beach. After some time, local residents led by Bishop Gortinis drove away most of the visitors, but the name remained. At that time, Matala was visited by such celebrities as Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Janis Joplin.

The beach is 250 meters long and 45 meters wide.

There are many mysteries and legends associated with Matala Beach. According to one of them, Zeus, madly in love with the Phoenician princess Europa, stole her from her home and brought her here. The fugitives then went to Gortyn.

Hotels near Matala Beach

Should you wish to stay in this quiet location for more long term, then hotels with sea and mountain views are available for you.


Many tourists come to Matala Beach to see the ancient Caves Matala. They have become a kind of calling card of the place. It is still not known for certain when they began to form. There is a hypothesis that primitive people punched them in soft sandy rock. During the Roman era, the caves were used for burials. Archaeological finds confirm this. Inside there is a small Christian temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was used as a catacomb during Christian persecution. The Brutospeliana cave was visited by Emperor Brutus, which is why it bears his name. Now the caves are open to tourists, but it is forbidden to stay in them. You can visit the caves for 2 euros. From the northern peak, the bravest ones jump into the water.

Separately, we can highlight the sunsets on Matala Beach. The bay is one of the best places in Crete to admire the setting sun. From here it seems that it is rolling straight into the sea.

The largest influx of tourists is in the second half of June. At this time, the musical Matala Beach Festival begins. A huge stage is set up on the seashore. Contemporary live music plays against the backdrop of ancient caves. The festival lasts three days. During these days, the stage hosts performances with the participation of famous Greek and foreign performers, theatrical shows, games and mass yoga classes.

In ancient times, Matala was the port of Gortyna and Festos. Therefore, people come here not only for a beach holiday, but also to see the excavations of ancient cities.


“Matala” is a sandy beach with a gentle entrance into the water. Perfect for a holiday with small children. Umbrellas and sun loungers are paid, about €2 each. In the village around the beach there are many taverns serving national dishes.

Matala Beach has been awarded the Blue Flag. It is the cleanest beach in Greece.

Here you must try the charcoal fish and moussaka. Small shops are a great place to buy souvenirs for the whole family. For the convenience of visitors, Matala beach is equipped with:

  • umbrellas,
  • sun loungers,
  • first aid point,
  • rescue service,
  • showers, toilets,
  • volleyball court.

Where is Matala Beach in Crete?

Matala Beach is located in a natural bay of the island on the southern coast. It is surrounded by rocks on three sides. From here you can see the islands of Paximadia or “Elephandakya” (Elephants). A quiet fishing village has been built around the beach. Its distance from the airport and the city of Heraklion has become a definite advantage. Due to the long road, there are significantly fewer people on the beach. The village of Matala has managed to maintain its charm and authenticity.

How to get to Matala Beach

The beach can be reached by public transport or rented car.


Regular buses from KTEL run to the beach. The journey will take about 2 hours. One way ticket – € 8.5. Detailed schedule on the official website. Departure from Heraklion from the Central Bus Station.


From Heraklion: 70 km, travel time about 1 hour 20 minutes. Matala Beach is located on the border between the Asterousia and Messara mountains. In order to get to the beach, you need to take the E75 federal highway, turn south and take the built-in road that leads to Timbaki. Further, straight to the village of Mires. Having reached it, turn onto the road that leads to Matala. The route runs through the most beautiful places in Crete - through mountains, valleys, the villages of Sivas, Agia Varvara, Agio Deka and the town of Mori.


From Nikos Kazantzakis Airport in the city of Herakliron you can take an economical Kiwitaxi taxi (for a family or group of up to four people) or a private minibus (for a group of seven to nineteen people).

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The village of Matala in Greece left its mark not only in the history of the island, but also in mythology: according to legend, Zeus the Thunderer, in a fit of love, abducted the Phoenician princess Europa, moved her first to Matala, and then further to Gortyna.

Matala is located on the southern coast of Crete, and in ancient times there was a port here: first Festa, and later, under the Romans, Gortyny.

It was here, not far from Matala, that the Arab conquerors under the leadership of Abu Hafs Omar landed in 824.

How to get there

Many tourists appreciated how convenient it is to move around.

This is how you can get there from Heraklion to Matala. Car rental is relatively inexpensive: at the local company ANNACARS, a Toyota Aygo 1.2 can be rented for only 335 euros. Moreover, it is quite possible to reserve a car in advance, via the Internet, using the company’s website.

You don’t even need an advance payment for this: just tell the company employee your number mobile phone, as well as the flight number, date and time of arrival, the prudent tourist already at the airport receives his car, in which he will travel around the island.

For those who do not intend to rent a car, there is a regular bus service.

However, there is no direct bus route from Heraklion airport to Matala.

Therefore, you will first have to take city bus No. 78 at a stop located near the airport and go to bus station No. 2. If you buy a ticket at a kiosk, it will cost 1.5 euros; The ticket from the conductor costs 2 euros.

A bus ticket from the second bus station of Heraklion to Matala costs 7.80 euros. On weekdays there are two flights (9:00, 12:30), on Saturdays – three flights (7:30, 11:30, 12:45), on Sundays – one flight (15:30).

Tourists who do not want to wait for a regular bus order a taxi. This can be done in advance, via the Internet, and then the driver will meet the client directly at the airport.
The approximate cost of a taxi ride to Matala is 80 euros.

What's in the area

Lies in ruins ancient Fest, curious tourists inspect ruins of ancient Gortyna, and Matala, having survived all historical vicissitudes, is not only alive, but also looks to the future with optimism.

Calling Matala a town or village is a matter of taste, although, thanks to its semi-rural, semi-urban architecture, Matala can easily pass for a very tiny, but nevertheless well-maintained town.

It is only 83 km from Matala (to the northeast) to Heraklion, the capital of Crete, to the picturesque archaeological site of Phaistos, where a palace complex is located, comparable in importance to Knossos, and well preserved Temple of Rhea Cybele, – only 11 km.

You can also go to Gortyna, where the very first residential building in Crete is located, built in the fifth millennium BC.

Tourists will be offered to see here temples of Isis And Serapis, Odeon– sanctuary of Pythian Apollo, Roman baths and built in the fifth century AD Basilica of Saint Titus.

Considering the fact that in Crete, renting a car is the simplest and most common thing, many of the most interesting places on the island are located, as they say, within walking distance from Matala.

But even if the tourist is not a driver and is not by nature inclined to frequent trips, Matala itself also has something to please the vacationer’s eye.

Just a little history

The favorable climate and convenient location of Matala contributed to the fact that people settled here in the Neolithic era, about 10,000 years ago.

It was at that time that primitive hunters and hollowed out many caves in the soft rock of the cliffs surrounding the local beach.

The first Christians, hiding in these rocks from persecution by the authorities, appreciated the convenience of the caves. Today, in the caves around Matala you can find the remains of catacomb temples and the burials of the first believers.

In the seventies of the last century, the era of hippies and American aggression in Vietnam, the present began in the Matala caves hippie pilgrimage.

Evil tongues claim that not all “flower children” were such staunch supporters of hippie ideology: it was simply possible to “sit out” the mobilization in the Matala caves safely, quite cheaply and with relative comfort.

In any case, the local “commune” was honored by the presence of Johnny Mitchell and Bob Dylan, which made Matala caves"widely known in narrow circles."

True, after the ceiling collapsed in one of the caves, killing a person, the village authorities stopped the idyll, kicked out the hippies and forbade entry into the caves to everyone except organized excursions, and only in the morning hours.

Despite the fact that local residents breathed a sigh of relief when the perpetually drunken brawlers who periodically staged obscene orgies left their area, the tourism business adopted the legend of the “hippie city.”

Today in the city of Matale you can find many cars painted with colorful flowers and other symbols of the legendary rebels.

The hippie style in Matala is mercilessly exploited by several Matala cafes.

Sandy beaches

Matala Beach– it’s just a little paradise for sunbathing and swimming lovers. A piece of gently sloping sandy shore is fenced off by rocks, as a result of which waves occur here only when the southern winds blow.

The beach is literally next to the village, and it is a very popular holiday destination, so there are always a lot of people here.

The area is well landscaped. Renting an umbrella here costs two euros, and renting a sunbed costs two euros.
You can also use the parking lot for two euros.

There are several supermarkets open near the beach, so vacationers can have a decent meal: for example, a serving of moussaka and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice will cost about eight euros.

Those who are not looking for easy ways in life can visit another beach - the so-called Red Beach (Red Beach), which is located 500 m south of Matala.

True, 500 m is if you go in a straight line, and there is simply no direct road to Red Beach.

In order to get there, an inquisitive tourist will have to follow a mountainous, almost “goat” path, which is strongly not recommended for those who are afraid of heights. But from the pass above the beach there is a stunning view of the sea and surrounding mountains.

There is another road, longer but also more convenient, but not everyone knows about it.
It begins in Matale itself, and it is better to ask the “aboriginals” about where to find this path.

Those who are not afraid of the difficult road will be rewarded: Red Beach– one of the most beautiful places in Matala. The rocks and sand here are colored reddish-orange, and even the coastal sea water has a pinkish tint. Red Beach has long been favored by nudists, but there are also many ordinary vacationers here.

Prices on Red Beach are absolutely the same as on the main beach: 2 euros for a sunbed, 2 euros for an umbrella. In the small bar you can buy soft drinks, ice cream, and beer.

Cafes and restaurants

There are 23 restaurants, cafes and bars in Matale, and each establishment has its own unique flavor.

Not far from the main beach of Matala there is a tavern Hakuna Matata. The proximity to the beach causes the establishment’s somewhat inflated prices, but excellent service, very tasty Greek cuisine (fish and vegetable dishes are especially tasty), the unique hippie flavor and the majestic landscape opening from the terrace contribute to the fact that the establishment does not experience a shortage of customers.

An interesting detail is that even the menus here are made by hand and painted in hippie style. A plate of soup with croutons will cost a tourist about five euros; you can have a more or less normal meal for about fifteen to twenty euros.

You can have a quick snack, spending, depending on the order, 4 – 12 euros, in a nice cozy pancake shop “ G&G Corner", named after the owners - Gregory and Giorgiana.

Despite the name, the menu here contains many Greek and American fast food dishes: pancakes with various fillings, pizzas, pitas, hamburgers, delicious desserts with natural ingredients.

The family restaurant is famous for its huge assortment of fish and vegetable dishes. Lions Cafe, also located near the beach. There is a surprisingly varied menu here, and restaurant guests can get to know each other better by ordering the so-called “dish of the day.” The average bill at this restaurant ranges from five to twenty-five euros.

Hotels in Matala

Shivas Village Resort

Four-star Shivas Hotel, which combines modern comfort with original classic interiors. Room price – from 50 euros per night.

Address: 70200, Greece, Heraklion Region, Matala, Odigitrias Street (Sivas).

The beach from here is about five kilometers away, which can be covered by car or bicycle. A morning walk under the shade of trees to the sea will take about an hour.

The hotel is located in a very picturesque place, among the mountains, and is literally surrounded by flowers. From the roof of the hotel, where there is a restaurant, you can see view of the ancient Heraklion fortress, built by the Venetians.

Guests can use the swimming pool, tennis courts, free Internet access (Wi-Fi), book excursions directly at the hotel, rent a car or bicycle.
You can relax and have fun on foot and horseback riding, in the scuba diving center.

Armonia Hotel

This is a three star hotel. The daily cost for a double room is from 36 euros, for a triple room – from 60 euros.
Located at: 70400, Greece, Heraklion Region, Matala, Matala.

The main beach from here is approximately 800 m (10 minutes walk), and the Red Beach is 1.6 km (20 minutes walk).

There is a swimming pool on site, surrounded by sun loungers and umbrellas, and a bar with refreshments is open from 7am to 11pm.

You can rent a car, bicycle or order a transfer directly at the hotel, and a tour desk also offers its services.

There is a special playground for children.

The hotel's specialty is organic products grown on its own plantations.

Hotel Coral Matala

A very cozy two-star family hotel. The hotel is located so well that it is 500 m from the center of Matala, and 600 m from the main beach.
Address: 70200, Greece, Heraklion Region, Matala, MainStreet.

The cost of a double room is from 37 euros, a triple room is from 55 euros per day.

It is especially convenient for married couples that the hotel allows pets.
Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the property.
A bar and restaurant are available. A buffet is offered in the mornings.

Guests can use the outdoor swimming pool and massage room.
Use of the parking lot is free.
