Secrets of Nokia phones. Hidden capabilities of cell phones MMS - a new technology in the world of mobile communications

Which we successfully use as mobile payment mini-terminals in the system.

Let's consider here various useful hidden features of Nokia phones, incorporated into them by manufacturers and some ways to improve the operation of our mini-terminal.

We format the smartphone
For some reason, the terminal may glitch, periodically freeze or turn off. In such cases, a smartphone based on Symbian OS 8.x can be formatted, for which:
1. If possible, make a copy of all important data to a memory card or computer using PC Suite.
1.1 Remove all unwanted and suspicious programs.
1.2 Remove the memory card and turn off the phone.
1.3 Turn on the device by simultaneously pressing the power button, the green call button, * and 3. “formating” should appear on the screen.
2. In smartphones running Symbian 9.x, typing the code *#7370# causes a reset to factory settings. First, a dialog box will pop up asking you to confirm the application of the initial settings, in which the user can confirm or deny the update.
Be careful, this will erase all user data.

We save user settings when formatting a smartphone
There is a way to save user settings, they are saved on disk C, namely:
Phone book - c:/system/data/contacts.cdb
Calendar/to-dos - c:/system/data/calendar
SMS, MMS, Email - c (or e):/system/mail
Notes - c:/system/data/notepad.dat
Standard browser bookmarks - c:/system/data/bookmarks1.db
Access point settings - c:/system/data/cdbv3.dat
MMS settings - c:/system/data/mms_settings.dat
Location of programs and folders in the menu: c:/system/data/applications.dat
Background image: c:/system/data/backgroundimage.mbm
By using file manager need to copy specified files, for example, on a memory card in a separate directory, and after formatting, return it to its place and reboot the smartphone.

Keyboard shortcuts:
- Pressing the button with the image of a pencil when loading the smartphone will turn on the device in safe mode.
Let us remind you that during startup, a number of applications are launched along with the system startup and wait for background. In a smartphone, this can be a voice recorder for automatic recording conversations, traffic counter, etc. Sometimes these programs are buggy, and given that their loading before the system starts cannot be canceled, the entire system begins to hang. For this you need safe mode, which allows you to cancel all startup, allowing you to calmly start the system, and then figure out which application was causing the crashes and remove it.
- A long press on the “Menu” menu access button brings up a list of applications running and running in the background.
- In some smartphones, when watching a video, pressing the navigation key up or down will rewind the video forward and backward.
When turned on offline mode Activated Bluetooth turns off and turns on automatically again only after changing the profile.
- Long press the call fail key closes everything network connections- EDGE, GPRS, Wi-Fi.
- You can delete the operator logo displayed on the screen by going to the C:\System\Apps\Phone\OpLogo drive using any file manager and deleting the image file from there;
- In order to copy the text of the message, e-book or text document, you need to position the cursor, then, holding the “pencil” and tilting the navigation key, select the desired piece of text. You can copy the selected text using the left function key"Copy."
- The “#” button activates and deactivates the “Silent” mode.
- If you turn on the music player during a conversation, the songs will be heard by both interlocutors; as soon as the conversation ends, the music will begin to play through external speakers.
- The total talk time of your smartphone can be checked by dialing *#92702689#. This method is very appropriate when buying a used device, when the seller assures that it is completely new.
- Installing some programs that add their own fonts may cause difficulties with displaying the preinstalled font. You can fix this problem using a file manager by opening the folder E:/System/Fonts on drive C or E. It needs to be renamed and deleted, and then reboot the smartphone.
- When viewing photos, pressing the green call button will open a menu for sending a file in the form of MMS, Bluetooth, via infrared or uploading to the Internet.
After viewing pictures in the smartphone gallery, the amount of memory occupied by pictures increases by an average of 40%. You can fix this problem by doing this in the file manager using the Nokia PC Suite program hidden files, visible. Then folders storing temporary image files in the resolution used for viewing can be deleted. After the next viewing they will appear again, but with this method the amount of free memory can be increased at least temporarily.
= Download large files from the Internet
Those who used the GPRS Internet service to download any files (games, melodies, videos, etc.) probably encountered the problem of GPRS connection being lost. To avoid such troubles, you can use the FlashGet application, which will automatically resume downloading the file when the connection is restored.
To download the program to your smartphone, it must have the “GPRS Internet” profile configured. To download a file using FlashGet, you need to completely copy the link of the game or other file, enter it, select the folder where the application will be saved, then click “OK”.
- Transmit via Bluetooth and infrared
For smartphones running Symbian OS 7.0 and 8.0, it is impossible to receive large files via Bluetooth, since all incoming information first goes into the built-in memory, and only then can they be saved to a memory card. However, this limitation can be circumvented using the Msv DriveE application for Symbian 7.0 and 8.0, which changes the path for saving incoming information from c:/system/mail (built-in memory) to e:/system/mail (memory card), allowing you to receive it via IR port or Bluetooth, files of any size not exceeding the capacity of the memory card. In order to return the save path to its original location, simply remove Msv DriveE.
- Signing SIS applications on Symbian OS 9.1
Surely many users of smartphones running Symbian OS 9.1, when installing new programs, often encountered a problem when the application displays an error message - “Application installation is not supported” or “The certificate has expired”, or “The file is damaged”.
The reason may be that the program is simply not compatible with version 9.1 of Symbian. Otherwise, there are several options to solve this problem.
In the “Application Manager” you need to make the following settings: “Application Manager” - “Functions” - “Settings” - “ Software settings" - "All" - "Checking certificates" - "Disable".
There are 4 types of certificates:
- Self Signed - you can sign and download freely, about 60% of the API is available.
- Symbian Signed - this certificate is used to sign programs that require more than 60% of the API. To obtain this certificate, you need to send a SIS file and, if the verification results are successful, receive a signed application. For paid products, obtaining a certificate is paid, for free products it is free.
- Basic Devcert allows access to approximately 80% of the API and can install utilities with a protected UID.
- Phone Manufactured Devcert has access to 100% API, including private folders, so it is available to a very limited circle.
To receive certificates you need to register on the website
Then we perform the following steps:
1. Download the DevCertRequest 2.0 program
2. Launch DevCertRequest, write the name of the new file with the .csr extension, for example, new.csr.
3. Fill in the fields as follows:
Acs pub id - set no.
For the Private key file, download the signsis archive and take the key from it.
In password we write 12345678, while making sure that there is no checkmark next to No password.
4. Fill in the remaining fields.
5. Enter the IMEI of your phone and add all application capabilities.
6. Go to, enter authorization and download the file you just created (csr.).
Its path is C:Program Files/SymbianOS Tools/Developer Certificate Request/ - new.csr is there.
7. Download the created certificate and rename it to mycert.cer.
8. Unpack the archive (downloaded in step 3) to disk From the computer to the singsis directory.
9. Copy the mycert.cer file to the cert folder.
10. Rename the program or game file to Moj.SIS and put it in the signsis directory
11. Run Sissigner.exe (located in C:/SISSigner/SISSigner.exe)
12. Next, follow the instructions written in the program.
13. Load it into your phone and you’re done - the program is certified.

*#06# shows IMEI code
*#0000# shows the phone software version
*#6110# try this code if the previous one doesn't work
*#746025625# stop Sim-Clock (mode to save battery power)
This code will only work on phones with software version 5.24.
*#92702689# access to special menu:
1: Shows serial number
2: Shows month and year of production
3: Shows (if entered) information where the phone was purchased
here you can also write down the phone sale information (one time only)
4: Shows date last change in the program - if entered
6: Transfers all phones, pictures, sounds from one phone to another (if supported)
Software type: NSE-3
V. 5.47 (xx-xx-99) latest version
V. 5.31 (18-02-99)
V. 5.40 (25-05-99)
V. 5.31 (18-02-99)
V. 5.24 (19-09-98)
V. 4.73 (22-04-98)
V. 4.59 (01-06-98)
V. 4.51 (26-03-98)
V. 4.33 (11-03-98)
When typing the code to view the software version
Something like this should appear on the screen:
1 line:
Software version
2nd line:
Software release date
3rd line:
Shows the phone type. If it is GSM 900 (standard), GSM 1800 (DCS 1800) or GSM 1900 (PCS1900). But Nokia 2110, 3110, 8100(i) are all NHE types, and 5110 and 6110 are NSE-1 and NSE-3 types
EFR Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR):
Enable: Dial *3370# and EFR is activated after the phone is overloaded (consumes more power)
Shutdown: Dial #3370# and EFR will turn off after the phone reboots.

Half Rate Codec:

Enable: Dial *4720# and Half Rate will be activated after the phone is overloaded (power consumption is reduced)
Shutdown: Dial #4720# and Half Rate will be turned off after the phone reboots
Enhanced Full Rate mode allows you to get much more best quality sound with the same number of bits of transmitted information, but loads your provider’s network more, the duration of the call time is reduced by about 5%

Half Rate mode degrades sound quality, but unloads the network and allows the provider to pass more calls through it, the duration of the call time increases by about 30%
Tricks and Glitches
Power button:
If you briefly press the Power button, the profile menu will appear on the screen.
If you press it again the phone will turn off. Use the up and down keys to scroll and change various settings.

54# :
Dial 1#, 2#........54# on the keyboard (when you are not in the menu) and you will receive the phone number that is assigned to this key when speed dial

Call Menu

(during a call) if you press and hold the menu key for 3 seconds, Call Menu will appear on the display (transfer, mute, etc.)

Quickly dial messages

When you type a message, you must wait a few seconds if you want to type two identical letters in a row. For example, when typing the word "letter", you must wait before entering the second letter "t"..
It will be much faster if you press the # key twice and then "t".

Free call You must have Net Monitor mode on your phone.
This mode was removed in some versions, such as v4.73 and v5.04.

1 Enable NetMonitor in Nokia 51xx/61xx
2 Use test number 497
3 You now have the opportunity to chat for about 90 seconds.

There is no confirmation that this trick still works. Service Provider Lock The Service provider (SP) lock mode is used to bind the phone to a specific SiM card. Moreover, if you insert a SIM card from another operator, the phone will refuse to work, but another card from the same operator will work.
All Nokia phones (2110 and above) have four various modes bindings, which can be used to bind cards with four various operators. But most
Only one phone is activated. (lock 1)
The main code used in Nokia phones:
#pw+(master code)+Y#ї
This code is used to verify, activate and unbind Sim card(SP-lock).
Use the * key to type p, + and w characters.
"Y" can be 1,2,3 or 4 - depending on what type of binding you choose.

#pw+1234567890+1# for Provider-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+2# for Network-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+3# for Provider(???)-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+4# for SimCard-Lock status
(master code) a ten-digit number based on the IMEI number of the phone.

To unbind by type 1, enter the following code:
#pw+(master code)+1#ї
If you just want to check your phone, use any ten-digit number instead of the master code, for example 1234567890
Note: Be careful with this code, as the code can only be entered 3 times, then something may happen to your phone
Security code Information in IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) contains:


TAC = Type Approval Code (first 2 digits = country code).
FAC = Final Assembly Code (For Nokia FAC=10).
SNR = Serial Number.
SP = Spare (always SP=0).

Often there is no need for many of them, and there is no time to deal with them. Is it possible that some children and teenagers, due to their less workload and greater curiosity, manage to figure out and use all these photo and video cameras, thirty-two gigabyte flash memory, an MP3 player with an equalizer, a radio receiver with the ability to change modulation types, the Wi protocol -Fi and a great many other functions.

Therefore, apparently wanting to save our and their time, and also not wanting to waste tons of paper on unnecessary writings, mobile phone development companies simply do not indicate in the technical documentation some functions of the devices that seem not so significant to them.

However, our meticulous Russian, using the method of, so to speak, “scientific poking” with his finger on the keyboard of his mobile phone, regularly discovers mysterious capabilities in this device that are not described in the operating instructions. What most of them happily strive to post information about on the Internet - these spaces are simply inundated with such messages. Just as phone models quickly become obsolete and are replaced, these messages become outdated just as quickly, and thousands of new ones appear.

Such curiosity of our citizens is due to the peculiarities of their life and way of life. Due to the significant lag of the Russian standard of living from the standard of living of developed countries, used cell phones are in significant demand.

When purchasing such a phone, it is important to know something about its past. So, it was discovered that such information in Nokia phones is provided by the key combination *#92702689#. By typing a combination of these characters, you can find out the total talk time on this device, the date of last repair, and the date of manufacture.

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Posted by: vladimir
Is there more for Samsung?

Posted by: miss.moll
Please tell me, I have an Alcatel OT2005X, how can I delete outgoing messages in it? The screen flashes that the message memory is full. There are only 3 incoming SMS left. But I can’t find outgoing messages.

Posted by: someone
For Samsung touch phones there is such a trick: press *#0*# on the keyboard, verified!

Posted by: 45
Is there anything on the rover?

Posted by: Katya
Hello! Tell me please secret codes for mts phone Qwerty white 635? Please help, I really need it. Thanks in advance.

Posted by: Yuri
Please help Samsung D 900 turns off by itself, what can I do? Maybe there is some kind of reboot command? Thank you very much in advance!

Posted by: SatanaClaus
There is another not tricky code for PHILIPS phone 9@9W, but I recommend “think twice, press once.” Actually, here it is *#3646633#

Posted by: Stalker 23 years ™
there are a couple of service codes, that's all? Well, thank you for that (we need to appreciate people’s work!!!)

Posted by: silver surfer

Posted by: silver surfer
Well, the “tricks” given in this article are more likely not to “increase the power” of the device, but to various (convenient and useful in many cases, of course) its service functions. I think there is no such “cheat code” to increase the “megapixel” of the camera)) - and in general “turn on” something that was not originally included in the phone itself. On the other hand, these “cheat codes”, of course, are intended primarily for testers of the manufacturer, and possibly also for employees of service centers; therefore, in some cases they can actually “screw up” something on the phone. But different codes for displaying information about many technical parameters of the phone and launching “self-test” functions are, of course, always useful.

Nokia 6 is the first Finnish Android smartphone. Yes, maybe the device itself is technically not so attractive, but the very fact that this is kind of the first sign of the new Nokia makes us pay more attention to it. Today we will look at 6 features of Nokia 6.

Nokia 6 is equipped with a considerable number of RAM. There are 4 gigabytes of RAM installed here, which is a rather pleasant fact, given the relatively low cost of the device. By the way, the same 4 gigabytes are installed in the Galaxy S7 and LG V20, the cost of which exceeds $600.

Lots of ROMs

64 gigabytes of internal memory is another nice bonus. For most, this will be enough - the size of a movie, music, photo, game, or application will not be a significant problem. But if problems do arise, a microSD card up to 256 gigabytes will come to the rescue.


Nokia 6 is equipped with a 16-megapixel main camera with dual LED flash, 8-megapixel front camera. Of course, it is still difficult to talk about the quality of photographs, but it is worth understanding that resolution does not always play such a big role.

However, the difference is still noticeable, and Nokia 6 is ahead of some modern flagships in this parameter, including the iPhone 7, Galaxy S7 and Google Pixel, which are equipped with 12-megapixel modules.

Stereo speakers

One of the main features of the device is the presence of Dolby Atmos stereo speakers, while the presence of a 3.5 mm headphone jack can also be considered a plus.

Android Nougat out of the box

Nokia 6 runs under Android control 7.0 Nougat. There is no doubt that in the near future the gadget will be updated to the latest Android versions 7.1.1.

Relatively low cost

Yes, of course, pay $245 for a smartphone on Snapdragon processor 430 is not the best idea, however, if you look at non-Chinese competitors, the price tag is not so “scary”. In addition, the device looks quite interesting from the outside.

Sales of Nokia 6 will start on January 19. It will be possible to buy a smartphone only through an online retailer

Based on materials from phonearena

Skhidden capabilities of Nokia mobile phone

There are several hidden features in your cell phone that you might not know about! Here are a few features...

1 case

...especially for emergencies...

112 is a number that can be dialed from mobile phone in case emergency. Valid worldwide. If you are outside the coverage area of ​​your network, in the event of an emergency, you can dial 112, and the phone will search for an emergency number within the networks available in your region.

Another interesting point: this number You can dial even when your phone's keypad is locked. Try it (just don't connect).

Case 2

Are your keys left inside a locked car? Does the car have a remote key? The following advice may prove very useful someday.

Another argument in favor of purchasing a cell phone: if the keys are inside a locked car, and you have spare keys at home, call someone at home from your cell phone. Hold your cell phone about 30 cm away from the car door while the person at home presses the unlock button on the spare key after holding it close to their cell phone. Your car will open.

A great opportunity to save time, because the person will not have to bring you spare keys. Distance in this case does not matter. Even if you are hundreds of kilometers away, if you can reach a person with spare keys, you will be able to open the car (or the trunk).

Editor's note: It really works! We were able to open car doors by transmitting a signal via a mobile phone!

Case 3

Hidden battery reserve. Imagine that the battery is almost completely discharged, you are expecting an important call, but there is no way to recharge your phone. Nokia phones have a backup battery, to activate which you need to dial *3370# - the phone will reboot using the backup battery and show a 50% increase in the current battery charge.

The backup battery will be recharged the next time you charge the phone.

Case 4

How to block a STOLEN phone? In order to find out the serial number of your cell phone, dial the following combination: *#06#

A 15-digit code will be displayed on the screen. This code is unique for each phone. Write it down and keep it in a safe place. If your phone is stolen, call your mobile operator and provide this code. The operator will be able to block your phone. Now, even if you change the SIM card, it will be impossible to use the phone. You probably won't be able to get your phone back, but at least you'll know that the person who stole your phone won't be able to use it. If everyone follows this recommendation, then stealing cell phones will lose all meaning!
