VK does not allow you to change your name. How to change your name

Just a few years ago, changing a user’s personal data on the VKontakte social network was quite difficult. If you read the articles and reviews of site participants on this topic, you will see how this process was problematic. The fact is that previously applications to change a surname were reviewed manually. They were checked by ordinary people - moderators, on whom the final decision on changing the last name or first name depended. Therefore, this process dragged on for up to several months. In addition, the user needed to confirm his identity, for which moderators could ask for a scan of a passport, driver’s license or any other identification document. VKontakte participants also received complaints from the administration about changing their last name as a result of marriage or divorce. And quite often, user requests were rejected. And it was possible to change the surname only once a year and only if the application was considered justified. The indignant forum members were extremely dissatisfied with the work of the site and moderators, which they repeatedly made posts in VKontakte groups and other “negotiation platforms” on the Internet.

In 2009, the procedure for changing a surname on the site became “paid”; for it it was necessary to give the collected votes as a deposit, which, after successful registration, were returned to the user’s bonus account.

Nowadays everything has become much simpler. To change your last name or any other personal data - name, date of birth, place of residence, etc. - now there is special page, on which the user can make all the necessary settings and absolutely.

Change your last name - no problem

To begin changing the last name on VKontakte, the user needs to log into his account on the social network. It’s hardly worth explaining how to do this: if you have registered on VKontakte, then there should be no problems logging into your profile.

Once in your account, under your personal photo, find the “Edit Page” link, click on it and go to the settings section. The surname is in the “General” sub-item. Here you can also change your name, date of birth, gender, marital status, hometown, add grandparents, children, grandchildren, parents, brothers and sisters. The second line from the top is dedicated to the surname. With the help keyboard key Delete or arrow buttons will erase the original text and type a new last name. Below - in the line “Maiden name” - you can write another surname or leave this field empty.

According to the rules social network It is customary for VKontakte to indicate real data. They should be written in Russian - this will make it easier for other users to find you on the site. However, it’s up to you to decide whether to follow the recommendations or still show individuality. Therefore, in the “Last Name” column in the editing section of your page, you have the right to write what you consider necessary. You can change your personal data on the site an unlimited number of times. Only after changing your last name or editing other sections, do not forget to click the “Save” button to secure the final version.

In 2017, on the social network Vkontakte you can easily change your initials. This may be required for various reasons, one of which is: when registering, you indicated a shortened name, and you want to change it to your full name. There are also cases when users change their first and last names on a whim, for the sake of interest.

In general, read below detailed instructions on how to change your first and last name in VK. And remember one thing, in some cases you will have to wait for approval from the administration.

How to change your first and last name in VK

It doesn't matter what your reason is for changing your initials. The only important thing is how to do everything so that no troubles arise.

Instructions for computer:

  • Go to your profile;
  • Find the drop-down menu bar in the upper right corner of the window, next to your avatar.
  • Then click on the triangle and select “Edit” in the list that appears.
  • The master data editing panel will open. Here you have the opportunity to change your first name, last name, gender, date of birth...
  • Edit your initials and click “Save.”
  • If you chose a rare name or made a mistake when changing it, then it is quite possible that the check will take a long time. Therefore, be careful when entering letters on the keyboard. Well, and, of course, try not to be too clever.
  • If such a name does not exist, it may not be approved.
  • After approval, personal data will be automatically changed.

How to change your name in VK. Why does authentication take time?

The administration of the social network considers it correct if users indicate their real initials. It is preferable not to use abbreviations. If you are not vigilant in these aspects, many people will use individual accounts like advertising pages. For example, they will write down the name of the company. They exist for something like this.

Another reason why changes are controlled is that VK is a social network whose main task is to find people and communicate. If you have an inaccurate name, they will not be able to find you or contact you. Maybe this is what you want, however, VKontakte was created precisely for open communication. Based on the same considerations.

How to change personal data without checking the administration in VK

A girl can change her last name on VK, unlike her first name, without the intervention of the administration, and therefore without wasting time.

This is due to the fact that people get married and their last names may officially change. You can implement the idea as follows:

  • Open your page;
  • Click “Edit” in the upper right corner;
  • Now let's proceed carefully. Change your marital status to “In love” and don’t save the whole thing just yet;
  • Then copy your husband’s “id*******” and paste it into the appropriate box;
  • All that remains is to save the data. You now have strong arguments for the right to change your last name;
  • The status has changed to “In love” and it is possible to edit the last name (indicate it in the feminine gender).
  • Click “Save” and look at the result.

How to change your last name on VK quickly

VKontakte does not check some list of popular surnames:

Maksimov, Gusev, Gus, Semyonov, Kurochkin, Safarov, Martsinkevich, Vasiliev, Andreev, Filatov, Sokolov, Ivanov,
Cat, Kuzmin, Yusupov, Dove, Owl, Fox, Maltsev, Bykov, Tkachenko, Owl, Fox Maltsev, Bykov, Kolesnikov, Tikhonov, Kharchenko, Vinogradov, Kulikov, Korneev, Malikov, Markelov, Zubov, Nikitin, Golubev, Tsar, King and others.

Paste this name into the last name field and save the changes.

Many of us have our own VK account. The popular social network provides ample opportunities for communication, watching videos and listening to music, receiving latest news and interests in interactive games. At the same time, one of important conditions is to work in VK under your real name and surname, which reduces the space for social experiments. Many would like to remain incognito, change their first and last names to fictitious ones, or otherwise disguise their data for various reasons, which is hampered by the current functionality of VKontakte. What to do in such a situation? Below we will look at how you can change your name in VK without checking with the administrator in 2018, and what possibilities exist for this.

Even 10 years ago, VK was quite tolerant of changing the user’s first and last name. It was easy to create a fake account, register some “Peter the Happy” in them, and conveniently use all the capabilities of the network.

Now VK has significantly tightened the requirements for account registration. Only the user's real first and last name are required, which may need to be supported by a scan of your passport. Why is this happening? This is due to the following:

  • Social networks are a favorite tool of various social movements, including anti-government ones. Knowing the real names and surnames of users, it will be easier for the special services and VK administration to identify the instigators and participants of such actions;
  • Barrier to spammers. It's no secret that many accounts on Instagram are fake advertising, often running on the basis of bot programs. By requiring the entry of users' real first and last names, the VKontakte administration, if not completely blocking, then significantly limits the possibility of creating such fake accounts;
  • More communication. It's no secret that VK is positioned as a network for user communication. Because the more there will be real people with real accounts in VK, the higher the level of communication between users.

If you want to change your first and last name in VK (by clicking on your avatar in VK, selecting “Edit” and entering a new first and last name in the appropriate fields), then the new data you entered will be sent for confirmation to the VK administration. If the administrator (moderator) has doubts about the accuracy of your data, the changes will not be approved and you will remain with the same first and last name. The confirmation of new data is carried out throughout the day.

Moreover, if you change your first and last name for the first time, then VK can change them without the participation of the administrator. In other cases, the application to change the name (surname) is sent for approval by the VK administration.

But, as is usually the case, you can try to circumvent many rules. Let's figure out how to change the name in VK without verification 2018.

How to change name in VK without verification 2018 on PC

Let's look at ways to change your name on VKontakte without checking 2018 on your computer. For the first method, we will need the Opera browser version 12.17 (version or bit). Download and install this browser on your PC.

Then do the following:

  1. Launch your browser and go to your VK account;
  2. Click on your avatar at the top right of the page, select “Edit”;
  3. Place the cursor on the username;
  4. Right-click and select “View element code” in the menu that opens;

    Click on “View element code”

  5. In the field that opens below, find the line with your name and double-click on it;

    Find the line that mentions your name and click on it

  6. Change the name to a new one;

    Change the name to a new one

  7. Close the area with the code by clicking on the cross in the right corner;
  8. Now click on “Save” at the bottom of the page.

    Save your changes

This method may seem strange (we change the loaded HTML code of the page in our browser window, but on the VK server it remains original). But according to some users' reviews this method turned out to be absolutely working for them.

How to change your last name on VKontakte 2018 without administrator verification

The second method will be useful for users who want to change their last name in VK 2018. This method assumes a situation where in reality someone gets married and takes the last name of their partner.

Do the following:

  1. Create a fake one of the opposite sex, where your desired surname will be indicated;
  2. Add this page as a friend to your main page;
  3. Change the marital status of your page to married, and indicate the fake page as the page of your other half;
  4. Confirm your relationship status from the fake page;
  5. Now go to your main page, and change your last name to the last name of your other half (fake page);
  6. Your last name will change without confirmation from the administrator.

You may also be interested in our specialized material,.

How to replace first and last name on social media. networks in Latin

To change the first and last name of VK 2018 in Latin, we need to install a VPN extension on our browser that changes our location to the USA (UK). Such an extension could be “Unlimited Free VPN - Hola” for a number of browsers. Download and install this extension on your browser.

How to change your name in VK.COM from your phone

Let's also figure out how to change your name in VK from mobile device 2018. Do the following:


We discussed above various ways change your name in VK without checking with the administrator in 2018. All of the options listed have proven to work for many users, and can be recommended as effective tool to change your name in VK 2018. Please note that they do not have a 100% guarantee of results, and the VK administration can always request documentary evidence of your new first and last name. In this case, you will have to either confirm the new name with documents, or explain the reason for these changes. If the administration considers the latter to be respectful, they will help you change your name in VK 2018.

There are situations when you need to change your name in a contact, but the service stubbornly refuses to agree to your demands. Let’s find out in more detail how to change your name on VK.

The global social network “VKontakte” allows its users to change their first and last names, but only if the name is not fictitious, but real. If you registered out of habit and indicated, for example, your shortened name, and now want to indicate the name as written in your passport, then this is possible, you just have to wait a little.

How to change your name on VK

Do you have a non-standard name? Let's say your passport name is Nikanor. Only mom and dad and grandparents call you that. Everyone else: friends and neighbors are used to calling you Kolya. It's fast and convenient. But at some point you realize that there are a lot of guys with such a name, and with a name as rare as yours, there are literally only a few. And you decide to change your personal information in the contact.

To do this, you need:

  • Log in to your account (enter your password and login).
  • In the upper right corner next to the photo and your name, click on the triangle.
  • A pop-up window with information will appear, you need to select “Edit” and click on this tab.
  • An editing field will immediately appear in front of you, where you can change your first name, last name, date of birth, gender, marital status, city of residence and indicate the country.
  • We change the data. Click the “Save” button.
  • If the name is rare and non-standard, then verification will take some time. On your part, we recommend that you carefully check the spelling of your name again. Perhaps there was a typo and therefore the VK site does not want to immediately change the name.
  • If the name is very rare, then your application will be transferred to the administrator of the social network “VK” for detailed study.
  • Once the changes are accepted, the name will automatically change to the one you specified.

How to change a name in VK - why does authentication take a long time?

The fact is that the administration of the VK site strongly recommends that people indicate their real names and do not make abbreviations. Another reason is that people can provide false information, create pages on VK to promote their products, do advertising, or indicate the name of the company instead of their personal information.

The social project “In Contact” was created in order to give people the opportunity to communicate more, to find their friends, classmates and fellow students. Therefore, it is so important for VK management that the service is accessible and of high quality.

How to change personal data without checking the administration in VK

If you need to change your last name, this can be done without verification from the administration and without waiting. That is, without wasting time.

The reasons why you want to change your last name can be different. In most cases this is marriage. Or if before official registration relations have not yet reached a conclusion, but I really want to quickly announce to the whole world about my plans for the future.

How to do it:

  • go to your page;
  • select “Edit”;
  • and for now we are in no hurry to change our last name right away, because we need to change our status. Instead of "Free" or "In active search» you need to indicate the status “In love” and DO NOT save this information for now;
  • then we go in search of our soulmate, in a new tab we open the page of our loved one, copy his “id*******” to paste into the appropriate column;
  • Now you can save this data. It turns out that so far we have indicated a new status and confirmed it with weighty arguments;
  • then you can immediately save the entered information and then continue editing;
  • after saving, the status will change to “In love” and you can change your last name (don’t forget to indicate the last name of your lover in the feminine gender);
  • Save again and check the changes on your page.

How to change your first or last name in VK. Method 2

There is another method that also allows you to change your last name without verification. It can be used not only by girls, but also by boys if they want to change their data.

How to change your first or last name:

  • go to “subscribers” (there are usually a lot of subscribers there);
  • choose a subscriber with a beautiful last name (gender does not matter);
  • in this person’s “SP” it is necessary to indicate that he is “married” or “Married”;
  • Now you can change your last name, just indicate it in the required gender (change the ending);
  • if you only needed this person to change your last name, you can remove him from the “SP”.

When a person registers in the VKontakte system, he enters his first and last name. Often, for various reasons, false information is entered. But there may be a need to change them. For example, a person or company conducts business through a portal or there is a desire to change the degree of anonymity. In particular, this may be relevant for Ukrainian users due to recent laws and trends.

The standard procedure is quite simple. But, it provides for verification of changed information by a moderator. You will have to wait 24 hours for the result. The user needs to do the following:

  • click on your name in the upper right corner of the page;
  • select Edit;
  • make changes;
  • Click the Save button (screenshot 1).

A box will appear indicating that the application has been accepted. Next, the application is checked by a moderator. This is done for reasons of safety and ease of use. It should be noted that Russian names must be written in full and in Cyrillic. Requests to replace the Cyrillic spelling with the Latin text are rejected.

Names of foreign language visitors in an automatic way transliterated into the Latin alphabet. Usually the application is checked if less common words are indicated or changes are made repeatedly. Please note that an employee of the organization has the right to refuse them if the user does not justify the need for action.

That is, for example, if a woman got married, then it is advisable for her to indicate this. Just in case, it is better to scan or photograph the pages of your passport.

Your application to change your name on VK has been rejected, what should you do?

When thinking about how to change the first and last name on VKontakte, a person tries to foresee a lot. But it is impossible to foresee everything. Therefore, the application may be rejected. In such a situation, you can go in other ways:

  • just wait and send again;
  • contact the administration.

The fact is that, despite the rules, responsible employees sometimes make subjective decisions, and after a few hours the application may be reviewed by another person.

When contacting the administration, you need to do the following:

  • on the left side of the page, select More);
  • in the top field, enter text as, for example, shown in the second screenshot;
  • In a new window, the option Solve the problem with the name and the option This does not solve my problem will appear. If the name is real and written as in the documents, then click on the first one. See third screenshot.

Is it possible to change the name on VK without checking with the administrator?

It happens that, faced with a refusal, a fan of the network in question thinks about how to change his first and last name in VK without checking. There are some workarounds described online, but the vast majority of them do not work, and some are used by scammers.

The only thing that can really be done is to look for a person with the desired surname and ask him to indicate that he has entered into a marriage relationship with you. Then you need to make a similar entry in your data and try again. In addition, you can replace it with a common analogue of your name. For example, instead of the word Volodya, type Vladimir.

However, just recently we found 2 working ways to change your name on VK without checking with the administrator, and more on that below.

How to change your name on VK without verification

You will no longer have to contact the administrators, wait half a day until he deigns to answer you. And then it’s long and tedious to prove to him that it’s you, and not someone who hacked someone else’s page. When taking a photo with your passport, be sure to show your face, first and last name. And besides this, your face should also be visible in the photographs. And much more that in recent years I have begun to allow myself contact. If you consider this an abuse of authority and refuse to use the services of the administration. Then this article is definitely for you! Below we will describe in detail what you need to do.

What you need to do to change your name without checking with the administration

Method two

This method allows you to change your last name in VK without checking with the administration in VK, we need to find a user in VK with the same last name to which you want to change yours, then you need to strictly follow the instructions for changing your last name in VK without checking with the administrator in VKontakte:

  • you need to add as a friend this person
  • then in the settings, in the maiden name column, enter your current surname
  • Save
  • Next, you need to select the person’s marital status and confirm
  • Your colleague should also put the joint venture married to you
  • Now you can change your last name in VK to the one you need


Changing the first and last name in VK is quite simple, but the procedure requires verification by the administrator of the social network and this can be circumvented either with a similar method or with a message about a marriage relationship by agreement with another person.
