Software licensing 1s. 1C:Enterprise licenses

To allow multiple users to work simultaneously via 1C:Link, the user must have a hardware or software client license "1C: Enterprise 8" for the appropriate number of users.

When calculating the number of client licenses, consider:

  • The 1C thin client first tries to use the "1C: Enterprise 8" client license on the local machine, and only then, if it is not found, uses client licenses remote computer(where the information base is located).
    If, when working with a database published via 1C: Link,The thin client uses a local license, then on one computer it is possible to run an arbitrary number of system instances in 1C:Enterprise mode.
  • Browsers do not work with 1C: Enterprise 8 client licenses - web clients use client licenses placed on a PC with 1C:Link Agent. At the same time, in the web client, 1 1C: Enterprise client license is consumed for each session of working with information security.
  • The 1C: Link service does not support working with basic versions of the 1C: Enterprise software. The user can make the transition from the Basic to the PRO version, with the amount paid for it offset. The reverse procedure is not possible.
  • If the client application terminates abnormally (connection is lost or the browser window is closed), 1C: Enterprise 8 client licenses may be blocked. You can complete the work normally using the command “File” - “Exit”. You can release locked client licenses by rebooting the PC on which the 1C: Link Agent is installed.

Based on information letter No. 3895 dated March 31, 2005, it is not necessary to purchase basic supplies for remote offices where information databases are not created. In accordance with the License Agreement, such access to the information base is permissible if remote workplace provided with a 1C:Enterprise 8 client license.

Please note that an additional tunnel is not required for multiple users! The number of working users is limited only by the number of 1C: Enterprise client licenses.

Differences between software and hardware licenses "1C: Enterprise"

If you use a 1C: Enterprise 8 server, all available 1C: Enterprise 8 client licenses (both software and hardware) are usually placed on it. Confusion arises if there is no 1C server and web publishing is carried out using the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform. It arises because the platform behaves differently when working with software and hardware client licenses:

  • The platform does not know how to distribute or receive 1C: Enterprise 8 software client licenses over the network and, therefore, uses only those client licenses that are installed on the PC. At the same time, on a PC it is permissible to combine any number of software single-user and multi-user client licenses "1C: Enterprise 8".
  • The platform can receive hardware client licenses "1C: Enterprise 8" over the network via HASP License Manager or use locally connected to a PC. At the same time, combining hardware client licenses of the same type (ORGL8, ORGL8A and ORGL8B) on a PC is prohibited. Only one key from the same pair, chosen randomly, will be available to the platform. It is possible to combine different types of hardware client licenses.

Also important is the fact that, unlike the 1C Thin Client, the web client cannot use local (software or app) or available on the network (app) client licenses "1C: Enterprise 8" when connecting to the database.

Let's look at the behavior of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform for various licensing options using the following examples.

Software client licenses "1C: Enterprise 8"

When using software client licenses, you should remember that the 1C: Enterprise 8 server can distribute them over the network, but the platform cannot, therefore, in the case of web publishing of information security using the platform, the best option All available software client licenses "1C: Enterprise 8" will be placed on a PC with the agent "1C: Link". This will allow the maximum number of users to work through the web client.

You can work with information security web publishing remotely using a local client license, if connected via a thin client.

With this placement of licenses, users located in local network organizations will have to work with information security either through Link, or have additional local client licenses on their PCs.

Hardware client licenses "1C: Enterprise 8" (USB)

When using 1C: Enterprise 8 hardware client licenses distributed over a local network using the HASP License Manager, the best option would be to place all hardware client licenses on a PC with the 1C: Link agent. This will allow you to keep only this PC constantly on.

With this placement of licenses, users located on the organization’s local network will be able to work with information security both through Link and over the network, using licenses placed on a PC with a link agent.

Please note that there are restrictions when using 1C: Enterprise 8 hardware client licenses. They are related to the technical limitations of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform: one key of the ORGL8, ORGL8A and ORGL8B series can work simultaneously on one computer. The search for client licenses is performed in the following order:

  • in ORGL8 key,
  • in the ORG8A key,
  • in the ORG8B key.

Software + hardware (USB) client licenses "1C: Enterprise 8"

When using software and hardware client licenses "1C: Enterprise 8", you should follow the recommendations for software and hardware licensing options.

What is the best way to activate software client licenses "1C: Enterprise 8": several single-user or one multi-user?

If users will work with databases through a browser, the most reasonable option would be to activate the 1C: Enterprise 8 multi-user server license on a PC with a 1C: Enterprise server. Users will be able to launch clients from arbitrary computers, but the number of simultaneously running sessions will be limited.

If you activate a multi-user client license "1C: Enterprise 8" on a computer with a "1C:Link" Agent without using the "1C:Enterprise" server, then you can work with these client licenses only through the "1C:Link" service, because The 1C:Enterprise platform does not know how to distribute 1C:Enterprise 8 client licenses over a local network.

You can also install one single-user client license "1C: Enterprise 8" on certain computers and launch an arbitrary number of sessions with "1C: Enterprise" from them. In this case, please note that connecting via 1C:Link will take away the client license. Thus, only one person can work with the application at a time (or several if >1 client license is activated on the PC).

The 1C:Link service operates via a web connection and, when connecting through a browser, clients use 1C: Enterprise 8 client licenses available to the computer with the link agent. Customers can use local client licenses on their PCs only when running through a thin client.

It is important to note that each software client license "1C: Enterprise 8" is unique and is formed based on the registration number of the software product, PIN code, user information, and computer characteristics. If you change the computer configuration, you will be able to obtain a new client license using the backup PIN code from the included kit. If the backup PIN codes are also used up, users can contact the Licensing Center for additional PIN codes.

More information about the types of software licensing and mechanisms for working with software client licenses "1C: Enterprise 8" can be found in the information letter

  • "On the release of 1C:Enterprise 8 software products with software protection"

and article:

  • "Protection against unauthorized use: features and configuration"

on the ITS website.

Setting up sleeping sessions

If the client application terminates abnormally (connection is lost or the browser window is closed), 1C: Enterprise 8 client licenses may be blocked.

Software licenses 1C:Enterprise is the main licensing option today, providing administrators with new capabilities and removing some restrictions on hardware keys. At the same time, the use of software licenses has its own characteristics, which can cause a lot of difficulties, despite the fact that they are described in some detail in the administrator's manual, which “traditionally” no one reads. Therefore, we decided to prepare this material, including both official information and our own explanations and examples.

Understanding Software Licenses

A software license is a special file that, in encrypted form, contains the parameters of the license and the computer for which this license was activated. Duplication this file is not allowed, in this case the license is canceled and blacklisted on the 1C activation server.

Activation of the license is carried out using a PIN code; active and reserve PIN codes are supplied with the license, which are required for reactivation licenses when changing key computer parameters.

Here we come to the extreme important point: Linking software licenses to a specific PC. For this purpose the concept is used key parameters, which include:

  • computer network name;
  • motherboard model;
  • volume RAM;
  • BIOS type and version;
  • list of processors and their parameters;
  • list network adapters and their MAC addresses;
  • list hard drives and their parameters.

On the Windows platform, key parameters also include:

  • Name operating system;
  • operating system version (only the first two digits of the version number);
  • serial number operating system;
  • operating system installation date;

Moreover, from the list of key parameters excluded:

  • Bluetooth network adapters;
  • network adapters connected via IEEE 1394 or USB;
  • WAN and RAS software adapters;
  • adapters that do not have a MAC address and VEN_ and DEV_ data from the PNP identifier;
  • external drives connected via IEEE 1394 and USB.

Subsequently, the list of key parameters, which is stored in encrypted form in the license file, is compared with the current computer parameters, and only deletion, and not adding devices, the same applies to the amount of RAM.

Simply put, you can add another network adapter to the system or hard drive, but you cannot replace the current ones, and you cannot reduce the amount of RAM to a value less than it was at the time of license activation.

This leads to a simple rule: when activating a software license, temporarily disable all hard drives, except the system one, as well as all additional network adapters (if installed).

Separately, we should touch upon activation in virtual environments, while similar values ​​are taken as key license parameters virtual machine. If you use dynamic memory allocation, then at the time of obtaining a license you must disable this feature and boot the system with the minimum possible amount of allocated memory.

The greatest difficulties arise when using virtual machines as part of a cluster; in this case, when moving machines between nodes, several key parameters may change at once, in particular processor parameters and network card. If the last issue is easily solved by assigning a static MAC address, then changing the processor type under the current licensing model is a serious problem.

From our experience we can say the following: successful migration of a virtual machine while maintaining the activation of the 1C license is possible only when using the same type of hardware on all nodes available for migration, i.e. identical motherboard models (up to BIOS version) and identical processors (with the same stepping).

Also note the license holder information that you must fill out upon initial activation, you will need to repeat it when you receive a license again up to the symbol! Which, by the way, they warn you about, requiring you to check the appropriate box.

Therefore, so that there is no unpleasant surprises, save your entered information in a safe place.

In general, it seems that 1C has greatly overcomplicated the software license protection system, which leads to significant inconvenience and in some cases forces license holders to resort to methods of bypassing the protection (which is secretly recommended even by 1C partners), for example, when using a cluster with different hardware on nodes It would be more logical to follow Microsoft's path and revoke activation when only a few key parameters are changed.

Types of software licenses

All software licenses are divided into client and server. There are three types of client licenses:

  • Single-user- allow you to run an unlimited number of applications in thin and thick client mode, as well as the Configurator on one PC.
  • Multiplayer- allow you to run the number of applications specified in the license rating in thick, thin and web client mode, as well as the configurator on an arbitrary number of PCs. The 1C:Enterprise server or web server extension module is responsible for issuing multi-user licenses to clients.
  • Combined- contains licenses of both types, but only one can be activated; if a single-user pin code was activated first from such a set, then in the future it will no longer be possible to use this license as a multi-user one.

A server license allows you to run an unlimited number of 1C:Enterprise server worker processes (rphost) on one server, divided into 32-bit and 64-bit, while a 64-bit license allows you to run a 32-bit version of the server.

A single-user license is supplied with the main distribution or as a license for one seat. Can be installed on a computer, 1C:Enterprise server, web server extension module or terminal server. If installed on a server, it is combined with other licenses activated on the server and is used, in addition to the terminal server, as a multi-user license.

Multi-user licenses are supplied in sets of 50, 100, 300 and 500 licenses and can only be installed on a 1C:Enterprise server, a web server extension module or a terminal server; in the latter case, they are used as single-user licenses.

Sets for 5, 10 and 20 users are combined; the license type is selected at the time of activation of the first PIN code.

Using single-user licenses

In most cases, especially for small businesses, the use of single-user licenses is preferable, because the limitation of this type of license is the licensed PCs, and not 1C sessions. IN file mode This is the only type of license available (except for terminal server mode). Consider the following diagram:

Having at your disposal a PC with an activated single-user license, you can run any number of databases in file mode, located both locally and on the network, without restrictions, as well as databases located on a 1C:Enterprise server or a web server; in the latter case, work is only possible in thin client mode. Launching a database via a web client with a single-user license impossible because the web client must obtain a CAL from the web server extension.

Client - server mode

In this mode, as we have already said, two options are possible: using a single-user license on each workstation or obtaining a multi-user license from the 1C:Enterprise server. Also, do not forget that the server itself requires separate licensing.

When starting any 1C:Enterprise client application (thick and thin clients, configurator) first a local license is searched, if it is found, the application is launched. Thus, a PC with a single-user license installed allows you to open an unlimited number of client applications for working in a client-server version.

If a local license is not found, the application contacts the server, which issues it a multi-user license for each running application. In our diagram, the server has a license for 5 connections, and if two client applications are opened on two PCs, the laptop user will be able to open only one, since there are not enough client licenses.

Web server mode

The 1C:Enterprise web server extension module can work with both file and client-server databases. In the first case, licenses must be activated on the computer with the expansion module; in the second, if the expansion module does not have a license, it will request it from the 1C:Enterprise server. It is important to understand this point, since for a file database the extension module never requests a license from the server, while for client-server databases its own licenses are first issued and only then licenses are requested from the server. This can lead to a situation where the total number of licenses is sufficient, but you cannot launch the file database due to the lack of a free license on the web server.

In our diagram, a multi-user license for 5 users is installed on the 1C:Enterprise server, and a single-user license is installed on the web server. This allows you to run one session in file mode or up to six sessions in client-server mode through the web client.

Let's say on the first (from left to right) PC two sessions were opened to the client-server database, one through the application, the second through the web client. In this case, the application will receive a license from the server, and the web client from the web server extension module, with the module first issuing its own license. By opening two more applications on the second PC, we will receive two licenses from the server, spending a total of 4 licenses.

If after this, on the third PC we launch a client-server database through the web client, then the expansion module will receive a license for it on the server, but it will no longer be possible to launch the file database through the web client, since the expansion module does not have free local licenses. at the same time remaining free license on the server will allow you to launch another server database through the web client.

To avoid this situation, you should not publish file and client-server databases on the same web server at the same time.

Another subtlety is related to the web server extension module and the local single-user license.

When connecting a web client locally on a computer with a web server, it will be possible to launch only the configurator; launching in client application mode for any database will be impossible. This should be taken into account in small organizations where one of the workstations can be used as a web server. On the other hand, this behavior will make life easier for developers, since it allows the use of a single license both locally and for client connections.

Terminal server mode

The terminal server allows installation of any type of license; all licenses must be installed locally and be available to all users. In this case, all licenses, regardless of type, are added as single-user licenses and limit the total number of terminal sessions (not to be confused with 1C application sessions).

As can be seen from the diagram above, by installing one multi-user license for five users and two single-user licenses on the terminal server, we will be able to run unlimited 1C:Enterprise client applications in seven terminal sessions, and it does not matter how exactly the applications will be launched, in desktop mode or how remote applications RemoteApp. In this case, work can be done with both file and client-server databases, as well as with databases on a web server using a thin client.

At incorrect setting terminal server, a situation may arise when for each new user connection a new terminal session is created, especially in the RemoteApp mode, so be sure to specify the option in the terminal server settings Limit a user to a single session.

Combination of software and hardware protection

Another important issue that cannot be ignored. 1C:Enterprise allows you to combine both types of licenses by adding up their number, and to use them effectively you should know some points. Namely, the process of searching for a license. We will present a simplified diagram, which, however, should be quite sufficient to understand the processes taking place. When the client application starts, the search for licenses occurs in the following order:

  1. Local software license
  2. Local hardware key
  3. Network hardware key
  4. Software license on the 1C:Enterprise server
  5. Local hardware key on the 1C:Enterprise server
  6. Network hardware key available on the 1C:Enterprise server

When using a local or network-accessible HASP key to the client, the resulting license is considered as a single-user license, i.e. allows you to run an unlimited number of client applications on your PC. When obtaining a license from HASP keys available to the server, licenses are issued as multi-user licenses, i.e. for each session to the information base.

  • Tags:

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What are 1C:Enterprise licenses?

The purchase of a standard 1C configuration is called the “main supply”. It contains: platform, configuration ( application solution) and a license to use the program on 1 workplace. If you need to increase the number of users, you can buy 1C client licenses for the required number of workstations separately from the main delivery. One client license is one additional workplace in the organization’s local network.

1C:Enterprise licenses are divided into:

  • Single-user licenses "1C". They are installed on the user’s computer and allow the launch of an arbitrary number of sessions with the 1C:Enterprise platform from this computer.
  • Multi-user licenses "1C". Provide for the launch of the number of sessions specified in the license agreement. They are not “tied” to a specific user’s computer; the number of sessions is counted on the server.

Program protection

To prevent possible copying 1C solutions use 2 types of protection: hardware and software.

  • Hardware licenses "1C". They have a physical medium in the form of a flash drive, which is why they are otherwise called “1C keys”. Connect to a computer via a USB port.
  • 1C software licenses. They work by “tying” to the computer on which the program is installed. They do not have a tangible medium; they require the introduction of a registration PIN code.

Let's look at the main pros and cons of using each type of license in the table:

License type Pros Cons
Hardware license You can work on any computer with installed platform"1C:Enterprise" without restrictions and additional activations. A USB flash drive with a license is a physical medium that can be lost, broken, stolen, etc.
Software license It is installed on your computer and allows you to work with 1C without additional devices.

1C software protection is less demanding on system performance than hardware protection.

The software license is “tied” to the computer on which it is installed. Therefore, when you change computer or server, you will need to activate the license using the new registration code.

There are some restrictions in terms of the architecture of using 1C protection keys. We strongly recommend that you discuss these issues with our specialists.

What are 1C:Enterprise server licenses and what are they for?

1C:Enterprise server licenses allow you to work in programs in Client-Server (SQL) mode. They significantly increase the performance and stability of the system.

When might you need 1C:Enterprise server licenses?

We recommend using 1C:Enterprise server licenses: if a large number of users (from 10) work in 1C programs or you have a large database. This does not mean that more than 10 users will not be able to access the database in other modes, but their work will be noticeably slower.

If system performance is a priority parameter for you, we recommend purchasing 1C:Enterprise server licenses. You can also purchase a 1C server license when the need arises (for example, when the speed of users’ work in the system decreases).

Please note: SQL licenses are required for a 1C server license. These are special licenses from Microsoft for operating 1C programs in a client-server version. This type of license is intended for use only with 1C:Enterprise programs. They also have a server license and client licenses for the number of seats on the local network.

Prices for 1C:Enterprise licenses

1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 1 workstation
Product code: 4601546080875
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 5 workstations
Product code: 4601546080882
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 10 workstations
Product code: 4601546080899
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 20 workstations
Product code: 4601546080905
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 50 workstations
Product code: 4601546080912
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 100 workstations
Product code: 4601546080929
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 300 workstations
Product code: 4601546080936
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 500 workstations
Product code: 4601546080943
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 10 workstations. Electronic delivery
Product code: 4601546117595
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 5 workstations. Electronic delivery
Product code: 4601546117588

Description of the option for installing multi-user 1C licenses on a terminal server

To run 1C when users are working on a terminal server, there is no need to install the 1C server.

It is enough to obtain a multi-user license for the terminal server (“this computer”) and make it visible to 1C in each session.

1. Launch 1C in Configurator mode on a terminal server with Administrator rights (specify any database, you can create an empty one) and see an offer to obtain a license:

Click "Yes".

2. Select the computer to which the license will be linked.
Since all 1C thick clients will run on this computer, select “On this computer”

3. Select an operation with a license.
In my case - primary receipt.

4. Select whether the license is available to users.
We need it for everyone.

5. Choose a method for obtaining a license.
In my case - Automatically (via the Internet)

6. Enter the registration number of the client license and PIN code for the multi-user license.

7. Fill in other registration information about the license holder.

Attention!!! Be sure to save and print the registration information you entered.
They may be required during a license restoration operation.

8. We obtain a license.

The license file can be found in the directory "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\1C\1Cv82\conf\"
or find by mask *.lic

In conclusion, I provide a description of the technology and software licensing options from 1C.

1. What is a software license?

Software licenses are a file that, in encrypted form, contains the license parameters and characteristics of the computer for which this license was obtained. Access to this file is determined by access rights file system. If the license file is located in a directory that is not accessible by the user on whose behalf the 1C:Enterprise instance is running and trying to obtain a license, then the license will not be received!

2. How does a software license work?

The 1C:Enterprise application (client or server), if it is necessary to obtain a license, searches for files in all available paths. Next, from the files, the parameters of the license itself and the characteristics of the computer for which the license was obtained are obtained. If the parameters of the current computer do not match the received ones, the license file is rejected. Otherwise, checks are performed related to the number of users and license type (client or server).

3. What is what in the license obtaining dialog.

There are two points in the dialogue for obtaining a license that cause the greatest difficulties - this is the feeling one gets from this forum.

These are the assistant pages with the selection of the computer for which the license should be installed and the choice of license availability (for the current user or all users).

When obtaining software licenses, you must select which computer characteristics will be used when linking the license. The type of license and the computer on which the Configurator is running determine which item should be selected when obtaining a license.

It makes sense to select “On the 1C:Enterprise server computer” in case of obtaining any software licenses, if the received license is intended to be used on the computer where the 1C:Enterprise server is located and this is not the same computer on which the software license is obtained. In this case, the file with the received software license will always be placed in the profile directory of the user on whose behalf the 1C:Enterprise server is running (USR1CV82 by default) on the computer on which the 1C:Enterprise server is running.

“On this computer” makes sense to select in all other cases. The exception is a multi-user software license, for which selecting the “On this computer” option only makes sense when launching the Configurator on a terminal server or in a terminal session. Also in this case, you can choose where the file with the activated license will be placed - in the current user’s profile directory or in a directory accessible to all users of the system. This will be the directory of the computer on which the software license is activated. Which set of licenses will be available for use depends on where the activated license files will be located. If they are located in the profile directory of the user on whose behalf the license is activated, then other users on the same computer will not have access to these licenses. For example, if a single-user software license is activated on the terminal server and is located in the current user's profile directory (for example, User1), then another user (for example, User2) will not be able to work while User1 is not working. In order for the activated license to be available to all users of the computer, it must be placed in a directory intended for all users of the system. Then the single-user license from the example above will be available to any user of the terminal server, provided that other users do not use this license (since it is single-user).

4. How to activate an additional software license?

If you need to activate an additional client software license on a computer on which a software license is already activated, you must do this in exactly the same way as when you first activated a software license on the selected computer.

If you are obtaining a server and multi-user software license and it is possible to run the Configurator on a computer with installed server"1C:Enterprise", then it is recommended to obtain both licenses on the server computer; in this case, you should obtain a license "For this computer" and "For all users of this computer".
ATTENTION! It is not recommended to place one software license file simultaneously in several different directories accessible to 1C:Enterprise applications. This may result in the license file becoming unusable, as this is one of the options for violating the license agreement.

5.1. File option information base

5.1.1. The license is obtained on the client computer

5.1.2. The license is obtained on the terminal server

5.2. File version of the infobase via a web server

5.2.1. On the computer where the license is obtained, it is possible to run the Configurator
It is recommended to install a thick client on a computer with a web server and, using the Configurator, obtain a license (any) “For this computer” and “For all users of this computer.” This can be done if the web server is deployed on Windows OS.

5.2.2. It is impossible to run the Configurator on the computer where the license is obtained
Install a server of the required capacity on this computer and obtain a license for the server computer from any computer on the network on which the thick client is installed. The server application will allow you to obtain a software license even if you do not have a server license. It is recommended to obtain a license (any) “For a 1C:Enterprise server computer.” Using this method you can obtain, for example, a multi-user software license for working with file information base via a web server deployed on Linux OS.

5.3. Client-server version of the information base

5.3.1. The license is obtained on the client computer

It doesn't make sense to get a multi-user "For this computer" license.

5.3.2. The license is obtained on the terminal server

5.3.3. The license is obtained on the 1C:Enterprise server computer

5.4. Server license

5.4.1. The license is obtained on the client computer

5.4.2. The license is obtained on the 1C:Enterprise server computer

Just five years ago, there were only 1C hardware licenses in single-user or multi-user versions. The licenses were special USB flash drives. Now such flash drives are issued only in orders. Moreover, all 1C products come with software keys licenses.

Software licensing has its supporters and opponents. Competent analysis and a thoughtful approach to ensuring user experience will allow you to save on licenses. Single-user software licenses play a key role in schemes for providing access to 1C software.

What are software licenses

If you purchased software from 1C with a software version of the license, then the license file will be included. It has the extension “*.lic”, and it contains information about the number of licenses in encrypted form. It also contains data about the computer to which the licenses are linked after activation. Really, this type licenses are assigned to a PC according to a specific set of parameters:

  • Online name;
  • Motherboard, list of processors, hard drives and their parameters;
  • Amount of RAM;
  • BIOS;
  • Availability and parameters of network adapters, their MAC addresses;
  • The name and first two digits of the OS version, its serial number and installation date.

Software licenses are fully subject to existing 1C:Enterprise licensing rules.

Activation of a single-user or other license occurs by entering the PIN code located in the “Software license PIN codes” envelope when starting 1C.

When activated, licenses are “attached” to the PC settings. This means that if you replace components from the list of parameters, you will have to re-register the licenses using backup PIN codes. They can be found in the same envelope as the main license code.

Benefits of Software Licenses

Any specialist understands the list of advantages of this type of license:

  • Not needed USB port. Enterprises disable ports for security reasons, and software licenses would be the best option;
  • Intangibility of licenses. Hardware licenses are flash drives, with which a lot can happen: loss, damage, theft and other troubles. The guarantee that software licenses do not have such situations will be convenient for any administrator who has already had to deal with similar situations on licensing;
  • Software licenses work much faster and reduce the requirements for network and computer characteristics;
  • Easily add licenses. This is especially important for administrators who work with more than a hundred licenses in use, and their workstations are located in different buildings. Installing fifty USB keys for 1C on a PC can take several days. Adding a new hundred software licenses will require no more than 10 minutes and concentration;
  • You don't have to think about how to distribute licenses to departments or divisions. All clients connect on equal terms.

But the software licensing option also has its drawbacks.

Disadvantages of Software Licensing

Popularity of licenses software type does not mean that these licenses are perfect. Software licenses are a tool that can make the work of administrators easier and simplify license accounting, but it also has disadvantages:

  • Linking licenses to a PC. As soon as you activate a license set on a server, it becomes “linked”. With any replacement, you will need to re-link the purchased licenses using backup PIN codes, the number of which is limited. It is possible to increase power due to new bars and disks, but changing the original components for which licenses were installed is only worthwhile in the event of force majeure;
  • Strict license control. If the license file accidentally falls into the hands of strangers and they use the licenses anywhere, the licenses will be blocked;
  • Several 1C applications launched accidentally will consume several licenses. There are often situations where, due to stuck keys or forgetfulness, administrators had to monitor user activity and release “idle” licenses. This happens if your number of users is limited to 1-2 dozen licenses.

Classification of 1C licenses

If you are thinking about purchasing 1C software, you need to decide on the number and types of licenses. If you have it implemented client-server base, you need to buy a server license. As for client licenses, they are as follows:

Sometimes it is difficult for clients to figure out which licensing is optimal for an enterprise: single-user or multi-user.

Selecting a license type

  • The client-server version of working with the database is used, not the file version;
  • The scheme of work via a terminal server is used.

Fulfilling these conditions makes the choice simple: multi-user licenses are suitable in this situation.

Single-user licenses require individual installation on client PCs and are “tied” to the hardware. Such licenses impose serious restrictions when arranging a large park of workplaces. But if you need to have several clients with a large number sessions of 1C, then the single-user license mechanism is suitable, allowing you to significantly save on licenses.

There is no universal answer to what type of licenses to buy without research and analysis of the situation. If you still cannot answer yourself what type of licenses will be optimal, then you can always consult with a 1C employee about licenses. They will advise you specific type licenses program type and will help you decide on the number of single-user and other licenses.

Combination of software and hardware licenses

There are companies where enough single-user USB licenses have been purchased, but the number of employees is growing. And administrators have a question: “if you purchase modern 1C licenses, how will the software react to the combination of licenses?” 1C company specialists assure that all licenses will function as a whole, and the system will find licenses in the following order:

  1. Local software;
  2. Local hardware licenses;
  3. Network hardware;
  4. Single-user and multi-user licenses on the server;
  5. Local and network hardware licenses on the server.

To effectively use all single-user licenses, you need to consider which user experience will be optimal. By using the above licensing process, administrators can save money and speed up performance and license issuance. For this purpose, many companies are switching to single-user software licenses, making life easier for employees and reducing the cost of licenses. Choose the right licensing options, and access to 1C will no longer be a headache for your colleagues.
