Call ordering service. Sign up for free call service

). We recently conducted a study in which we found out in which categories of sites there are more customer requests via chat, and where visitors prefer to order a call back. Below I will talk about which tool for converting a visitor into a client works better and under what conditions.

It's no secret that the past year has been difficult for many business sectors, the Internet sector is no exception. The spread of online consultation systems is approaching a state of dynamic equilibrium. Every day, several hundred new sites appear that start using an online consultant, but about the same number of sites with already installed chat disappear. Moreover, the main reason is not that business owners are disappointed in this method of communication with clients, but that companies no longer see themselves in the Internet market and cease to exist.

Growth chart of paid clients of online consultant RedHelper

Previously, we predicted that the rapid spread of online consultants would continue for 2.5 - 3 years, i.e. until approximately mid-2017. But already at the beginning of the year this area of ​​business reached a “plateau”. At the same time - about a year ago - during the growing crisis, systems became popular call back. It turned out that simple button with the inscription “We’ll call you back in 30 seconds” is really capable of adding new clients. And even large companies, despite their slowness and bureaucracy, were able to quickly navigate and turn on these systems.

Throughout this difficult year, call back systems are actively taking over the market at an ever increasing rate. Despite its modest size, this still small area of ​​business is growing rapidly even in difficult times.

And now not everyone understands which tool is better and under what conditions it should be used.

What will the client choose - chat or call?

Very frequently asked question from our clients - which is better? Chat or call?

Having broken down our clients' websites into categories and looked at the statistics, a very interesting pattern became apparent.

On sites where clients in most cases can accurately formulate their question (and it can be answered just as clearly and quickly), chat will be more popular. If the client has difficulty formulating a question, or does not even know what exactly to ask, then a call turns out to be more effective.

A few examples. Let's take the financial business - brokerage services, credit histories, trading. In these areas, the client is never completely sure that he has asked all the necessary questions - he needs extensive advice, which is very difficult to provide via chat. This means convincing a visitor to become a client in this area is much easier over the phone.

At the same time, if an entrepreneur deals with goods of regular demand (for example, a flower shop), chat will be more effective. Most likely, clients will be interested in two or three small details - delivery schedule, payment terms, bouquet size, etc. All these questions can be quickly answered in the chat, especially since the operator can use pre-prepared phrases (so-called “quick answers”).

In general, the likelihood of purchasing through an online consultant is slightly higher, because when contacting the chat, the client already knows exactly what he wants - and only clarifies some points. To compare with a real store, you can imagine as chat users those customers who immediately go up to the shelf, take the product and go to the checkout. And those who agree to dialogue after the phrase “Can I help you with something?” - most likely, they will prefer a call.

This is, of course, a very rough generalization, and exceptions to this rule are not uncommon. In the end, a lot depends on your Internet site and its specifics.

I can’t help but notice that in reality there are no sites where there is only one category of clients. The whole point is in their relationship. There will always be those who cannot formulate a question clearly, even if we're talking about about an ordinary shovel, and they will need advice over the phone. On the other hand, a client who is well versed in the product can always visit your website and only needs to find out the availability in the warehouse or, for example, the color of the product - it is more convenient to do this through chat.

Development of communication media in the near future

If we take the entire market of goods and services in general, then the number of users who have the opportunity to formulate their question and the number of clients who have difficulty understanding what they want are approximately the same. Therefore, we predict that the callback market will reach equivalent penetration to online consulting systems within a year. As for the chats themselves, it is now difficult to expect their growth; most likely, this market will stagnate over the next 18-24 months.

Tez Tour

Levon Spandunyants, system administrator companies

From MCN Telecom we use a multi-channel number in the office, which is located in the city of Voronezh. We have been working with the company recently, since June 2018. Before this, we used analog telephony from another telecom operator, and it could not solve our problem -
switch to digital telephony.
The choice in favor of MCN Telecom was not made right away: we tested telephony from different providers. However, only MCN Telecom was able to provide the service within the technical limitations that we had - we are talking about peer-2-peer (P2P) telephony.
IT specialists from MCN Telecom not only immediately took on this difficult task,
but they also gave us the opportunity to test the service for free for several days. The connection happened quite quickly, so we were able to quickly evaluate all the advantages of the service. After two months of use, the service has fully justified itself,
and there are no complaints from our side.

Customer Reviews

LLC "Lanes"

Inessa Sukhitskaya, General Director

It is no secret that the work of a call center is unthinkable without reliable telephony. We were as picky as possible when choosing a provider; the cost of services was important to us,
as well as the convenience of the service.
We began cooperation with MCN Telecom as a software developer: for a reasonable price, we were offered a product with a lot of capabilities. During the trial period, we were also advised to consider telephony services. The company’s specialists deployed all the processes in just a couple of hours, and we immediately began testing, at the end of which we were satisfied with how software products, and by telephone.
I would like to note that we are a very demanding client with “spontaneous requests”. Often, on Sunday late in the evening we urgently need a number, a package of minutes and the service working already on Monday by 7 am. MCN Telecom staff quickly implements our tasks, despite all the nuances. And since our customers sometimes want to keep their number, technical support quickly resolves the most complex issues.

Customer Reviews

LLC "Sleep Zone"

Alexey Goldin, General Director

The question of reliable communications and communication arose before us when we began to open online stores. Clients called from different cities, so we needed a federal 8-800 number. In addition, it was important for us to understand from which region customers call the most, in order to predict demand and conduct analysis.
Except federal number, we also use Virtual PBX from MCN Telecom.
I would like to note the excellent functionality cloud PBX from this operator: IVR,
recording telephone conversations for further analysis of work, call routing
by price and geography, voice menu, black and white lists of numbers, queue at PBX,
Chatphone and call-tracking.
In general, we evaluate the work of MCN Telecom specialists extremely positively: we have no complaints about either the quality of telephony or operational communication
With technical support companies. During our cooperation, there was only one failure, which was fixed within an hour, which did not affect business processes in any way
in the "Sleep Zone".

Your site will display a call back button with a handset icon. The button is constantly visible, attracts attention and encourages people to press it. By clicking on it, visitors will be able to order a call.

The widget analyzes visitor behavior on the site. When the user’s behavior most likely indicates that he needs a consultation - he lingered for a while or scrolls the page constantly up and down, the service displays a pop-up window and invites him to order a consultation call. According to our statistics, this increases conversion by several tenths of a percent.

After the client has ordered a call, the service will send letters about this to your email. The report will detailed information about the visitor. This allows you to quickly respond to your request.

You can configure the service to inform you that a call has been ordered or that the manager has not answered the phone. You can also configure it to send an SMS with the manager’s number even to the visitor after the conversation. The client will not lose the company’s contacts and will be able to contact you at any time.

You set your work schedule when it’s convenient for you to receive calls. If visitors come during non-working hours, the service offers to choose a time when it is convenient for them to order a call and the system will automatically call you and the client at the specified time. This way you won't forget a single call! The system thinks for you.

If you need to delegate account management to Envybox, but at the same time you need to allow different users only certain actions, then you can create multiple users in one account. You can configure your rights for each user. For example, an accountant will only have access to the function of replenishing an account, and a manager will have access to the function of processing applications.

We don't hide behind the walls of an LLC like other companies, we are people just like you. We are ready to answer your questions at any time, wherever it is convenient for you: VKontakte, Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, call back, by phone, by E-mail and in person! It doesn’t matter to us which communication channel you contacted, you can be sure that we will show real care, because we really care about our clients.

The widget analyzes the visitor's behavior on the site and, when he is about to leave the site, shows a pop-up window and invites him to order a call. According to our data, this increases conversion by several tenths of a percent.

After the visitor has entered a phone number in the form on the site, the service automatically calls your manager and, as soon as he picks up the phone, the automated announcer warns the manager that the client has ordered a call, says the client’s name, UTM tags, and then calls the client. After dialing the client, the service combines both calls into a single conversation between the manager and the client. After a conversation, the service securely saves a recording of the conversation and you can listen to it at any time.

We reliably and carefully store every conversation between a client and your manager for 10 years. You can contact him at any time and listen to the entire conversation from beginning to end.

After a conversation took place with a client or the manager did not answer the phone, the service will send a report about this to your email. The report will contain detailed information about the visitor, manager and conversation. The email will also contain a link to the recording of the conversation. The service sends a daily report on how many visitors were on the site, how many of them ordered a call, how many of them were answered, and how many were missed.

Customize the call button completely to match the style of your site. You can customize the color, shape, text on the button. The button will fit very organically into the design of your website and will not look alien.

If you already use IP telephony in your company, then you can connect it to Envybox and the cost of a minute of conversation will be halved, i.e. will become 2 RUB. instead of 4 RUB. Why is this happening? We don’t pay for calls to IP PBX, so we don’t charge you for it either!

You can set up as many branches as you like. Each branch has its own telephone numbers. When ordering a call, the client will be offered a choice of which branch to contact. Branches can be departments or even specific employees. This is convenient if your clients know who exactly they want to contact.

The service gives the client a choice: to call immediately after ordering a call or to choose another time convenient for him (within the framework of your work schedule). The service also provides this choice during non-working hours. For example, a client visited the site in the evening, but can order a call for the next morning. The system will connect you with the client automatically at the specified time.

You can show the Envybox call order window when you click on any button on your website. Many on their website already have a “Order a call” or “Get a consultation” button. You can configure the service so that when you click on it, our call order window opens. You do not need to resort to the help of programmers and you very quickly receive a full-fledged callback order form on the website, which automatically connects you with the client in seconds. To do this, you just need to add the href parameter to the link or button with the value #callbackwidget.

If you have forms on your website in which visitors enter phone numbers, for example a request, order or call back form, our service allows you to automatically call from these forms. This allows, for example, to completely hide the presence of the service on the site, but leave the wow effect of an instant call back.

It happens that hooligans or competitors order calls on the website to other people’s numbers. This takes up your time and money, and creates conflict situations. We have provided a function that allows you to block such people and they will no longer be able to harm you.

You received a request for a call back after hours and decided to call the client immediately, or decided to call the client again after the conversation, you can call back in one click from personal account. This is convenient because a recording of the conversation will be saved.

Customize the widget pop-up window completely to match the site design. You can customize the color, transparency, background and font colors.

Brand the widget window. Upload your company logo or manager's photo and your window will match yours perfectly. corporate style, will inspire more confidence.

Of course, we tried to select texts that attract maximum attention and force the visitor to leave their phone, but you can customize highly specialized texts for your business that will work specifically in your niche. For example, instead of offering to call back, you can offer to find out about a discount or a personal offer.

Set up integration with amoCRM and for each call we will create a contact and a deal. If the deal is already open, we will update the information about it. We will also transfer information about the visitor, UTM tags and a recording of the conversation to amoCRM. Inside the account there are detailed text and video instructions on how to set up integration.

Set up integration with Bitrix24 and we will create a lead and a task for each call. If the lead has already been created, we will update the information. We will also transfer information about the visitor, UTM tags and a recording of the conversation to Bitrix24. Inside the account there are detailed text and video instructions on how to set up integration.

We transmit information about ordered calls to the system end-to-end analytics Roistat, it allows you to see how much money each call back brought you. Inside the account there are detailed text and video instructions on how to set up integration.

We transmit information about ordered calls to Google Tag Manager. Where to send information next depends only on your imagination. For example, you can send further information to Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics. Inside the account there are detailed text and video instructions on how to set up integration.

Integration with Yagla is needed to track which headlines lead to callback orders and which do not and select the most effective one. Our widget, together with this service, can bring conversion almost to perfection!

You can notify third-party (yours or others) scripts about calls from our service by sending WebHooks notifications. To do this, simply specify the URL to which the WebHook will be sent to you.

This function allows you to show the widget only to visitors from certain regions and cities. This allows you to avoid spending money on calls from those visitors who may not be your clients purely geographically, but may come to the site and want to consult for free without the goal of ordering a product or service from you.

The “Surprise the Client” function allows you to increase sales due to the wow effect. The best way to explain how this works is with an example. The visitor ordered a call on the site and you talked with him about purchasing your product. Our service has remembered it and is beginning to closely monitor it. Two weeks passed and this visitor visited your site again. At this time, our service will immediately notice it and send you a letter with information about this visitor and a record last conversation with him. You listen to the conversation, remember what he wanted and immediately call him: “Hello! We spoke to you a couple of weeks ago. I want to know how you are doing?” The person thinks: “Wow, this is magic, how did they know what I think about their product, apparently we have with them space communications and decides to purchase a product from your company.”

If the client left a name when ordering a call (or previously entered it on another site using Envybox!), then it will be announced to the manager in a welcome message by our automatic announcer. The manager will be able to immediately greet the client by name! In addition, you can configure the pronunciation of UTM tags, for example, the search phrase that the client used. The manager will be able to immediately understand what topic the conversation will be about and what to offer the client in order to satisfy his specific needs.

In your company for those. customer support we use chat + help desk from kayako, but we are faced with the need to find separate service online chat for new projects. According to the old habit, we make a choice like this: make a list minimum requirements, then we find all the services suitable for them and test them, and from them we select the best option.

Initial requirements:

  • The interface is entirely in Russian
  • Ability to insert a photo of the operator
  • Active invitations - when an operator can invite a client to chat
  • Statistics on visitors - where they came from, what pages they looked at
  • Possibility of transferring a client between operators
  • Saving communication history
  • Windows client

Initially, about 30 people came to the starting line various services chats for consulting clients. We will consider some of them in detail, and some we will only briefly go over.

Since there are quite a lot of services, we decided to split the review into 2 parts, 15 pieces in each.


First impression: 4 out of 5
Price: from $16 per operator per month

One of the oldest chats, dating back to 2006.

This was one of the first chats we used for customer support and was later replaced by Kayako's chat. Over the few years that we have not used the service, it has changed significantly. In 2012, the design of the chat window was completely redesigned, so we included it in the list for re-testing.


  • Ability to work on highly loaded sites (1 million hits per day, 2000 chats simultaneously).
  • Web call button in chat and in a separate widget with the ability to receive a call through the program or SIP.
  • Integration API with CRM systems, as well as integration with Google Analytics.
  • Internet traffic conversion assessment system.


First impression: 5 out of 5
Price: from 30 USD per month for 2 operators

The service has been actively developing since 2009. There have already been several articles about it on Habré, so let’s briefly dwell on its competitive advantages.


  • Autoresponder - if the manager has left, the chat will greet the visitor, and after a while will ask you to leave your contact details for communication.
  • Video saver - allows you to play video from transparent background, to attract attention.
  • The ability to use your own server to conduct dialogues and store history.
  • Teleportator is an application with which managers can, while talking on the phone, demonstrate products to the buyer directly on his computer, in the browser. Available on tariffs starting from 100 cu per month.


First impression: 5/5
Price: from 13 USD per month
On the market online chats appeared relatively recently since 2011.

There is a free tariff with support for one operator. Paid tariffs start from 16 euros per operator per month, which in my opinion is a bit expensive.



First impression: 5 out of 5
Price: 20 USD per month per operator - not the cheapest chat.

We tested the free version of this chat on our website for some time. Worth noting easy installation, convenient and pleasant interface.
When we installed this chat on the site, the number of calls to the chat increased significantly, for two reasons. Firstly, due to greater visibility, and secondly, due to the active invitations option. In it, you can set up trigger rules, for example, if a person is on a page with a hosting service for more than 30 seconds, then you can configure the automatic appearance of a chat window with the question: “I see you are interested in the hosting service, perhaps you have questions?”

It is this simple option that allows you to “catch” much more potential buyers. By the way, now in everything more chats this option began to appear.


  • Active invitations - mentioned above. Particularly pleasing is the ability to not only manually invite a visitor to a chat, but also set up the rules for triggering such invitations.
  • Switch to break - allows you to switch the operator to break status if the computer has not been used for n minutes.
  • Calls from the site - this already looks like a “killer feature”, at least not everyone has such an option. Allows the client to make a call directly from the chat to the support service. To make a call you will need installed flash player and headset.
  • Client for Mac - this option can also be considered an advantage, since most chats have a client for Windows and Linux at most.


First impression: 5 out of 5
Price: from 56 USD per month per operator (42 if paid annually) - one of the most expensive chats.

The functionality is very similar to the previous Jivosite chat. There are also active invitations, calls from the site, a client for Windows, Mac and Linux. In general, everything in the chat is done pleasantly and tasty, but the price is not pleasing.
56 ue. per month for 1 operator - this is the most expensive chat in the first part of our review. This price is partly justified by the function of calls from the site, but competitors with similar functionality have cheaper solutions.


  • Calls and forwarding to SIP
  • Lead generator - this is what they call ordinary offline messages that can be left when operators are not online.
  • API - the presence of an API allows you to implement some non-standard options that are not available by default
  • Prechat fields - you can add custom fields that the visitor must fill out before starting the dialogue, for example, an order number.
  • Holding messages - if the operator does not answer for some time, you can configure the display of messages like “please wait for an available operator”, or configure automatic switching to a free operator.


First impression: 5 out of 5
Price: from 18 euros per month for 2 operators


  • Hidden mode - allows you to manually or under certain conditions hide the online chat button
  • Knowledge base - allows you to create a list of pre-prepared answers to frequently asked questions
  • Live forms - allows you to connect existing forms on the site. Those. Do you have a form on your website? feedback, or order in the store. You turn on “Live Forms” and all completions of these forms begin to come directly to Onikon in real time.
  • The history of dialogues is visible to the visitor upon a repeat visit.


Design and usability: 4 out of 5
Price: 1.99 USD for 1 operator per month

There is no client as such, but support for a large number of instant messengers is announced, among them
XMPP/Jabber clients. Google Talk, iChat, eBuddy, Exodus, etc.
ICQ clients. ICQ, QIP, AIM, Trillian, Miranda IM, etc.
YIM clients. Yahoo! Messenger (YIM), Pidgin (Gaim), Meebo, etc.


  • First of all, it supports a large number of different instant messengers, which eliminates the need to install a separate client, although it limits functionality.
  • Multilingual - this option is also worth noting separately, since the chat boasts translation into 21 languages, including even such exotic ones as Catalan or Galician.


First impression: 5 out of 5
Price: from 30 USD for 1 operator per month

Also somewhat of a newcomer among chat services, it appeared in 2011.
The very original design of the site immediately catches your eye, and the chat itself is also very nicely done.


  • The operator's application allows you to monitor the client and highlight website elements in his browser
  • The API allows for complete restyling of the chat to suit the site design and most necessary functions integration
  • Print monitoring - this feature allows you to see what a visitor is typing even before he sends a message.
  • The site through the eyes of the visitor - in the operator’s application you can observe how the visitor moves around the site.


First impression: 3 out of 5
Price: 0 - chat is free

Perhaps the price and support of Jabber are the main advantages of this chat. The design is very simple, without any special frills, there is also a function for inviting a visitor to chat and an auto-reply and detailed information about the visitor, in general the functionality is quite standard.
Only one question arises: how the system will be monetized and developed. It's not clear yet.


  • The chat is completely free - this is the main bonus.


First impression: 4 out of 5
Price: from 19 USD per operator per month


  • We'll call you back on your mobile - the function of ordering a call back with verification of the owner of the number via SMS.
  • Operator selection - the visitor can choose which operator he wants to talk to.
  • Skype button to call an operator with checking the status of the specified Skype logins
  • Integration with the Userrecho review system
  • Chat can be an application for VKontakte
  • It’s convenient that several services are integrated in one button. Chat, call back, feedback and suggestions form and Skype call.


First impression: 5 out of 5
Price: from 11 USD per operator per month

The functionality is standard for chats. The design is quite nice + you can customize it via visual editor. Operators can only work through the web client and Jabber; there is no application for Windows.


  • Pulse – monitoring managers in real time using a moving timeline with events
  • Distribution of clients between consultants - you can set up several levels of support. For example: by default, all clients fall into level one, and if all operators are offline at the first level, then they fall into the second level.


First impression: 4 out of 5
Price: 163 USD perpetual license

Perhaps one of the main features of this chat is that it is not distributed on the basis subscription fee, and is available for a one-time payment, for an amount of about 160 cu.

The next advantage is that the system is installed entirely on your server, and accordingly only you have access to all correspondence.

The client can also transfer a file, send a dialogue via email and evaluate the operator.

The design and interface of the chat is simple and clear, it is convenient to use. But unfortunately for us main drawback- this is the absence of any desktop application.


  • The chat is installed entirely on your server, and accordingly you get complete independence from third-party services.
  • We didn’t find any special features other than the ability to buy a lifetime license.


The buns included those functions that can be called a competitive advantage, that is, either those that competitors do not have, or those that are implemented especially well.
Most of the options are very similar, so we did not describe them separately, but put them in a comparative table.
We asked the data for the table to be provided directly from the product developers, so that they would correspond to reality as much as possible, for which we are especially grateful to them.

Table comparing chats Vebim, Krible, CloudIM, GoTalk, JivoSite, LiveTex

online chat
Webim Krieble CloudIM GoTalk JivoSite LiveTex
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
invitation with conditions
Yes In plans Yes Yes Yes Yes
client to another operator
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes No Yes Yes Yes In plans
correspondence by email
Yes In plans Yes Yes Yes Yes
via social networks
In plans No In plans Yes No No
Co-browsing In plans In plans No No No Yes
jabber client
No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
operator client
web client, Windows, iPhone Windows, Android, iPhone, Linux Windows, Android, iPhone,
Windows, Android, iPhone,
Windows, Android,
Windows, Linux
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
No Yes. No more than 100 dialogues per
Yes. Without analytics, 1
Yes. For non-commercial
Yes. Up to 5
operators without term limit, but with limited functions
$13 per operator per month. 20$ $13 for 1 operator per month. 16$ $20 for 1 operator per month. $56 per operator per month.
Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
mobile devices
Yes Yes In plans Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes No No No No No
7 days 14 days 14 days without restrictions 14 days without restrictions 14 days without restrictions,
up to 5 operators
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
history on the server
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
via chats
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Chat on the page
Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Multilingual Yes Yes In plans Yes Yes Yes

Table comparing chats Onicon, P3chat, RedHelper, SiteHelp, SPEXE, WebConsult, WebConsultant

online chat
Onicon P3chat RedHelper SiteHelp SPEXE WebConsult WebConsultant
Yes In plans Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
invitation with conditions
Yes Yes In plans Yes Yes In plans Yes
client to another operator
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
No No In plans In plans Yes Yes Yes
correspondence by email
Yes In plans In plans Yes Yes Yes Yes
via social networks
No No In plans No In plans In plans In plans
Co-browsing In plans In plans Yes In plans No No In plans
jabber client
No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
operator client
web client, Android Windows, Android, iPhone,
Windows Windows, Android,
Web client, Windows, Android, iPhone,
web client web client
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
free version(restrictions)
No For non-comm.
Yes. Limited functionality. Yes, without restrictions Yes. For non-comm.
1 consultant, limited functionality
minimum tariff plan in dollar equivalent
$18 for 2 operators per month. $1.99 for 1 operator per month. $30 per operator per month. 0 19.4$ per month. $33 for 1 operator per month. $163 perpetual license
Yes In plans Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
mobile devices
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes In plans
Yes In plans Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
No No No In plans No No Yes
14 days without restrictions.
(2 sites, 2 operators)
14 days 15 days, no restrictions without restrictions 7 days, no restrictions 14 days, no restrictions demo
No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
history on the server
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
and sound alerts about a new visitor
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
via chats
Yes Yes In plans Yes Yes Yes In plans
Chat on the page
(does not open a separate window)
Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Multilingual In plans Yes Yes Yes Yes In plans No

It is worth noting that out of 13 tested chats, only 2 chats (Spexe and GoTalk) open in a new window, the rest of the chats open in the same window, on top of the page. We specifically checked whether all chats that open on top of the page save the dialogue when moving to another page and should note that everyone coped with this task.

All chats except p3chat have active invitations. But not everyone has active invitations according to the conditions, only 10.
9 out of 13 chats have Jabber support.

Only two chats, Vebim and WebConsultant, have a boxed version; the rest of the services provide the service only as SaaS.

Personal result:

So, out of the 13 discussed in the first part of the article, we immediately excluded a number of chats as not suitable for us, and we will continue to test the rest.

Excluded: gotalk and spexe - because the chat opens in a new window, sitehelp - because it has no obvious advantages other than being free. WebConsultant, WebConsult and onicon due to the lack of a desktop windows client(although it's worth noting that WebConsult has Jabber support). p3chat - due to lack of active invitations.
Remaining: Cloudim, Jivosite, Krible, Livetex, Redhelper and Webim with which we continue testing, the results of which we will write about in the next article.

In the next part of the article, we will look at the remaining services and several English-language online chats for consulting and try to compare them with our “our” developments.

The site visitor enters his phone number in the call back window, then JivoSite calls simultaneously all employees who are enabled to receive calls. The first person to pick up the phone is connected to the client. Typically, this takes no more than 20 seconds. Once the operator is connected to the client, they can chat.

How to install on my website?

If you are already using JivoSite on your website, simply enable callbacks in the application. If JivoSite is not installed on your site, register and install the code according to the instructions.

How are the rules for the appearance of the call form configured?

JivoSite has flexible Callback settings. Specify under what conditions calls should be triggered, such as the number of pages viewed and time on the site. This way, you can configure different conditions for the appearance of the call window and increase its effectiveness.

How does the manager know that there is a call from the site?

After picking up the phone, before connecting with the client, the employee will hear a voice notification that he has received a call from the site. When you receive a call, the JivoSite app will automatically open on your computer and you will see detailed information about who is calling. For example, where the visitor came to the site from, what city he is from and what pages he is currently viewing.

How many managers can take calls at the same time?

You can select an arbitrary number of employees to receive incoming calls, but simultaneous calls will be made to no more than 9 numbers. If for some site you assign more than 9 employees to receive calls, then with each call, 9 numbers will be randomly selected from them, and they will be dialed.

In which regions does the service operate?

Callbacks work all over the world!

How are callbacks charged?

Calls are charged per minute. The number of calls does not count. To start using calls, you need to top up your balance by 500 rubles, if you individual, and 3000 rubles if legal. Forwarding to city and mobile phones is paid separately.

Are calls charged separately from chat?

Yes, the call back is paid separately from the license for the professional version of the chat. You can top up your call balance and purchase a professional chat license on the tariffs page.

What to do with telephone hooligans?

You can block bullies by phone number and IP address. To do this, open the “hooligan” call in the archive and click the “Block” button.

Where can I see the call log?

Section "Archive" in the application. You can filter calls in the general list by selecting “All calls” in the filter bar.

How to combine active chat invitations and callback offers?

Chat is better suited for guiding the client around the site and unobtrusively providing assistance in making a choice. Telephone conversation it is better suited for actively completing a deal. We recommend setting up chats and calls so that a chat invitation is displayed as you explore your site, and a callback prompt appears when you are getting close to a purchase (for example, moving an item to your cart or going to view your cart), or when there are signs of leaving the site ( for example, if the mouse pointer crosses the top of the screen after viewing several pages).
