Log in to the Personal Cabinet Gmail Com. Gmail - email with the ability to collect mail from other servers in the mailbox Gmail COM

Hello everyone. Today I will tell you what is gmail.com mail entrance. With unsuccessful authorization on Google Mail, it will not be an attempt to restore the password. For a start, go to the site - Accounts.google.com (do it preferably from that device from which you are the last successful in the account). The authorization pages offer their users the ability to change the language, select the most comfortable for you and start working!

Then you need to find a link: "Can't get access to your own account?", And, having passed on it, introduce exactly the one electronic addresswhich entailed problems with authorization. Here it will also be necessary to confirm that you are not a robot by entering the check code.

Very often, solving the problem is simple password recovery. How to do it, read in the next article.

The result page offers a list of various options to restore access. If you have another email address in the settings, or the phone number, the recovery procedure is greatly simplified.

Check whether cookies are enabled for this site

Cookies are files that help the Web browser to remember the client's client settings on a specific resource, while retaining its configuration, collect statistics. Now actually all sites require the availability of these files. For this reason, to check their availability for Google Mail, you need to open the browser settings and include them. We invite you to consider the process of including their inclusion in three popular browsers, such as: IE, Firefox, Google Chrome.

  • Enable cookies in Internet Explorer. First you need to go to the "Control Panel", to find the "Observer Properties". Click on the "Privacy" tab, after that - "Optional". In the resulting window, you will need to put a check mark on "override the Cookie File Recruitment", and install "Take" markers, both on the main and third-party files.
  • Enabling cookie in Mozilla Firefox. First of all, open the browser, go to the settings. Like the "Privacy" tab. Find a block with a history where it will be necessary to click on the last item from the drop-down list "will apply settings to save history". In addition to all, check the checkbox "Accept Cookie from Sites". Close the window with the settings by pressing the "OK" button.
  • Turn on cookies in Google Chrome. Open the browser, then follow the "Settings" (in the upper right corner there is an icon with three stripes, after clicking on it, a window appears in which you can find the very settings).

The bottom of this window is located subsection " Additional settings", We go to them and click on" Personal Data ", and after -" Content Setup ". In the resulting window, set the checkbox under the "Allow Saving Local Data" item. At the end, confirm the configuration by pressing the "OK" button.

Upon completion of cleaning Cookie files You can also clear the history and cache of the browser. As a rule, the history of visits acquires such dimensions that performance is significantly reduced, and certain functions are completely ceased to work. We offer you detail to consider the removal of history in popular browsers.

Clean the history of visits in IE.

First you need to go to the "service", after which it is to press the "ALT" button. As a result, the menu will appear, select "Delete the browser log" in the list of proposed items. In the resulting window, you will need to mention those items that you need to delete. It remains only to confirm your actions by pressing the corresponding button. Made!

Clean the history of visits to Mozilla Firefox.

With this browser will be somewhat simpler: you only need to hold the CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE keys, in the resulting window, select the items you want to delete. It is important to systematically clean the cache and the history of the browser. By the way, at the end of the removal procedure, you will need to go back to your profiles on sites.

Clean the history of visits to Google Chrome.

The removal process is similar as with other browsers, however there is one nuance: upon completion of this procedure on one of the devices, the history is removed absolutely on all devices from which authorization is made to the Chrome account. So, open the menu of the Web Browser, go to the Tools tab. On the resulting page, select "Clear Data Views". In the window that appears, select those items that you need to delete.

Along with this, it will not be superfluous to see which extensions are installed in the browser. If you found unfamiliar and unnecessary extensions, better remove them, because they (to some extent) reduce the productivity of the browser.

Following our advice, you can easily solve the problem with authorization on any site.

Gmail.com mail entrance to mail

If you have not been registered in Gmail - you can fix it on the site - mail.google.com. On the right side, click the "Create Account" button.

Your own profile in this system can be created for 3 actions.

The first stage involves filling the questionnaire.

  1. Write the name and surname. The electronic drawer is usually created on long term. Moreover, with the help of it are activated mobile devices governed by operating system Android. If you need an additional email address, it is better to use the services of Mail.ru.
  2. Choose a username. This stage is not the easiest, since the choice of name takes away from users a lot of time. For example, such names as Artem, Andrey, etc. already available in the database. It is good that the system is fully automated, which is why you only need to substitute your version, and it will say, you can use it or not.
  3. . Its length should not be less than eight characters. Try to be different from those that you installed on other portals.
  4. Confirm the password. Site need to make sure that you really remember set password. Important: The password must include Latin characters. Due to the incorrect keyboard layout, errors often occur, so be careful.
  5. Specify the date of birth.
  6. Select Paul.
  7. You can write your own telephone number For the purpose of protection account. If it is stored an important confidential message history on it, you can put two-stage authorization by entering an SMS message. Along with this, if you forget the password, then with mobile phone You can easily restore it.
  8. The reliability of the protection system will increase significantly if. Suppose your main mailbox They wake up and make their wicked affairs, and the appropriate notifications are sent to the auxiliary email address.
  9. You can install a tick under the item "Make Google My main pageye ", if you want, this search engine is displayed when opening a browser on the main page.
  10. After that, you need to check the check that distinguishes spam robots from real users. This is an absolutely simple task, and it goes quickly.
  11. Item "Country": Choose a place of stay.
  12. Install a tick as a sign of the agreement with the rules for using this system.
  13. If in the future you intend to actively use Google+, it will not be superfluous to put a tick under item "I want to see what is recommended ...". " Thanks to this, you can look at what you recommend friends.

This is all that is necessary for the survey. Click on the "Next" button and follow the subsequent registration stage.

At the second stage, if you wish, you can choose an avatar.

I have everything on this!

Probably, each of us once faced with the need to send emailAnd this requires an email box. It's very convenient and useful thing, so this article will tell about how to create a mailbox on one of the most popular and comfortable services, that is, on Google (Google).

A few words about the benefits of mail from Google:

We register the mailbox to Gmail

1) go to the site for registration

The first thing you need to do is open the browser and go to the site mail.google.com. or gmail.com., for this you need. These two different addresses will lead you to the same page, so I prefer the second option, it is shorter. On the page that opens, look for this image:

We are also interested in a large red button "Create an account". Click and move to the page where you need to complete the registration data

2) Creating an account in Google

To register, you have to fill out a rather big questionnaire, but do not worry, we will do everything together and carefully. If you need another language, then there is a switch on the right.
Name and surname - Here and point them. Optionally real, it can be done like this:

however, it is this way that letters will be automatically subscribed and you will contact you. Fill on

Username (login) is exactly what will be in front of the @ icon in the mail address, for example, if this is computer, then the address will be [Email Protected]
Requirements for the username:

  • length from 6 to 30 characters
  • from the characters, only the letters of the Latin alphabet (A-Z), numbers (0-9) and points (.) can be used, the spaces are not allowed. Latin letters can use both lowercase and uppercase - perceived equally
  • such a username should not exist, so it is still free to count that Computer, for example, is still free. But let's check and at the same time we'll see how Google will offer other names of the name if the introduced already occupied. For example, I will introduce Shabananton. Press the "Check if the name is not employed" and see the following

Of course, it is employed (it is easy to guess by whom) and Google offers to choose one of the options with the numbers. This, of course, is not very beautiful, so I advise you to experiment yet, use the point and take a great name as soon as possible! For example, so:

If available, then you can move on!

Specify the password - You need to come up with a password for mail. This is an important part of the registration on any site, so it is assumed to this procedure with all seriousness, especially if the box will be used for business correspondence or receipt of correspondence.

Password selection tips:

  • in this case, it must be at least 8 characters.
  • spaces are unacceptable
  • use only Latin letters, and desirable and lowercase and uppercase, here they differ, unlike the user
  • use numbers special symbols (at least an underscore _ or hyphen -)
  • do not use the same password on other sites, because if someone can find out (drawer something is easier than), then the consequences will be deplorable
  • do not use the date of birth, surname, phone or any other information that can be easily obtained (from your social network page, for example)
  • you can use the online password selection service www.genpas.ru.if with a fantasy of nonlade

  • the question should not be associated with password
  • the answer should easily come to your mind, but it is difficult to guess. In general, to be unclear

For example, like this:

next you need to specify the country, it must determine automatically as well as the date of birth. From the date of birth, be careful because if you are less 13 years (That is, if you specify so), then the registration will be denied. Why?

Google is registered in the United States. And in the US there is a law on protecting children. Which states that it is impossible to collect data on children less than 13 years. Including registration for accounts. Like that

After age, it follows the hateful of all the caps - the picture with which you need to enter symbols. This is such protection against automatic registrations.

The case of letters is not taken into account. Also in the middle there is a pictogram for people with limited abilities, by clicking on which information should be perceived not visually, but by ear. That is, noise will be heard, against the background of which voice (in the language of the page, that is, in this example - In Russian) will pronounce the numbers. They must be introduced. If you can not read what is written, click the left side pictogram - the text will be updated.

After that you need to press the button

The following greeting page will open on which it will be possible to enter the created mailbox.

There are many different mail services where you can start your own email box (e-mail). Gmail is one of the best postal services on the Internet, register and create a new box in it can be free. Login to gmail.com is available from both computers and phone numbers.

This mailbox has a large capacity, easy and convenient interface, good security and reliability of your letters and information stored on it. Also after registering the mailbox, you will have access to other services from Google: YouTube, Google documents, a remote disk and a lot more.

Registration in Gmail.com - Brief Instruction

To register postal gmail box In Russian, follow the link to the official website: http://mail.google.com. New window opens post serviceTo properly register, see the tips on our site, and there fill all the fields:

Consider briefly what to write in each field:

  • What is your name - here specify the real name and last name, because this box most likely you will have the main one.
  • Come up with the username - this is the name of your mailbox and login to enter the account. Pick up such a name that you can easily remember. Names like Ivan, Alex, Irina are already busy. The system will tell you the name or free. To create a name, you can use the letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and points.
  • Come up with the password - the password can contain both letters as well as the numbers, and must have a minimum of 8 characters. System will prompt you created a lightweight or complex password.
  • Confirm the password - in this row, repeat your password that you created.

  • Mobile phone number (optional).
  • Backup email address (optional).
  • Date of Birth.

To upload a profile photo, click on the beak in the upper right corner and the Change button, as indicated in the picture:

How to install the Russian language in gmail

Interface google accountcan be changed to any language. If you are installed english, I can easily change it into Russian. In your account, press the setup button (it is in the upper right corner)

Login to Gmail (Gmail)

If you have already registered, then to enter Gmail mail, click the link.

In the window that opens, enter the username and password and you will fall on your page in the mail service.

Access Google Services

By registering in the mail, you can enter any Google service with this login and password.

Click the button that is listed in the picture above, and the most popular services in Google will open:, YouTube, news, maps, etc.

post office gmail.com is reliable, comfortable and safe The postal service is very popular among users, so it appears more and more fans worldwide.

In addition to getting and sending letters, photos and documents, google Mail provides many additional Services which significantly simplify and enrich the life of the user.

Directly in your email browser you can quickly find the following google applications and services:

  1. Managing your account.
  2. Schedule services Google. You will not need to go to Google.com. Search is already there among applications.
  3. Google Maps.
  4. YouTube I. Google Play..
  5. Social network Google+.
  6. Access photos and documents.
  7. Translator, calendar and other useful services.

Before you get all of these benefits of Google's postal service, you need, of course, to enter it. Make it easier simple if you are registered user gmail mailcOM: Email input is carried out standard, using the login and password.

  1. Scroll B. address line gmail.com. (Ji-mail is read, if that) and the system transfers you to Google's postal service. There is a simpler way - in search google system In the upper right corner there is a button "Mail".
  2. Going to the postparticle, you enter your electronic address (This will be login) and your password.
  3. If you forget the password, Under the Icon to enter, click on the option "Need help". Select the problem "I do not remember the password" and click "Continue." The system will offer you to enter the password you remember. If you cannot enter a single password, the system will offer you to use the phone or the address of the second mail (if you have it). Password recovery through the phone provides that the SMS code will come to your number, which you will enter with a new password.
  4. When the email address and password were entered, entering Gmailcom mail through the login and password is considered successfully completed. Congratulations now you are in your post account, referred to as some circles "My Page".

What else attracts users to google mail?

  • Regular updating of letters (Number of unread), from whom the letter came, and what is the subject of the letter.
  • You can create mail with your domain, that is, you will not have an email address, but your own stylish name, for example [Email Protected]
  • Ability to archive lettersIf they are not relevant.
  • Celebrate important letters.
  • Ability to filter emails at, on the topic, etc. And create labels.
  • Using google mail on the phone and other gadgets.

Video: Log in Gmail

Hey! Today I would like to talk about post service gmail (email from "Google"). Surely, you are already familiar with him, personally I met relatively recently, about 4 months ago. Before that, I was "sat" on Mail.Ru, but after the transition to Gmail, I realized that the latter is really the best in the world. Why? I'll tell you about it just below.

What caused me to go to another postal service? It is beautiful, that is, now my mail has the following form: [Email Protected]website. Not bad, yes? Yes, of course, this can be done in Yandex, but for some reason I stopped at Gmail and I do not regret it. Sign up to Gmail.com will not be difficult, but still I recommend you instead of the usual registration immediately make a beautiful mail with your own domain name (how to do it, I told).

How I Use Gmail email

1. Clean the "Inbox" folder.

In the folder "Inbox" I have only current letters that require some actions: to answer, follow some actions, etc. When some letter becomes irrelevant, I'm just send him to the archive. What is the archive? These are letters that are not visible in the Inbox folder, but are available for search. Here is the "Archive" button:

Also, letters that are sent to the archive are available through the "All Mail" folder. Thus, in the folder "Inbox" I always have purity. If you are sure that some particular letter is definitely useful to you, then instead of "archiving" you can safely click on the "Delete" button.

2. Mark important letters.

Some letters require urgent response or extremely important to me. And at the time when I deal with the mail, first of all I go to the folder "marked":

Mark the letter is very simple: enough in the upper right corner to click on the "star":

If one is small for you, you can use a bunch of marks. To enable them, you need to go to Settings -\u003e General -\u003e Stars:

3. I use the "shortcuts".

For example, at the moment it passes and I am very convenient to collect letters from each participant in a separate folder. What did I do for this?

Thus, you can filter email box letters, on the topic, etc.

To each label, assign a certain color, thereby clarity will increase in times:

4. Mark as read automatic letters.

Frequently comes with letters from stock exchange, type, rotapost and others. I need them, but I do not like when they are "unread letters." For such letters from the stock exchange, I also create filters, just in step 4 of the previous item (see above), I put a tick on the contrary "Mark as read" (I do not create labels for letters):

You can also some letters "skip" by the "Inbox" folder or delete at all.

Tip: Before learn to use filtersThereby, you strongly simplify your life when parsing the mailbox.

5. In the "Inbox" folder first dismissed letters.

By default, Gmail all letters are sorted by date. It is much more convenient for me when unread letters are located at the very top. To do this, you just need to click on the arrow to the right of the "Inbox" folder and put a tick opposite "first unread":

6. Actively I use the search.

Need to collect all the correspondence with a specific addressee? Not a problem! Gmail make it very simple. Just drive the address of the mailbox you need and voila! All letters from him before your eyes:

Very much saves when the person with whom you correspond, does not use the post history in email. Then still be surprised why I do not answer their letters? And sometimes I do not even remember what I was talking about with this man. Honestly, the search is very useful. Also looking for any keywords And really find the letters you need.

Also in Gmail is very pleased that all letters that are answers are going to chains of letters (saving places in the list of letters and the convenience of surveillance in history).

7. It is very convenient to use Gmail email through a mobile phone.

You can easily find the app practically for any phone here http://gmail.com/app. Or you can use the browser version of the Gmail site, it is still very convenient (the mail "narrows" to the screen size). Also, a lot of applications produce third-party developers. For example, on my favorite iPhone I use the Sparrow app, which is really very convenient. I use mail in the browser on the iPad, everything works great.

8. All invested files open directly to Gmail.

We put on the letter Word Document? What I usually did: download the file to the computer, opened it, after the acquaintance most often deleted. In Gmail, everything is very simple: open the document directly in the browser, eliminating yourself from unnecessary campaigns:

9. I use ready-made answers.

It often happens that the same type of letters come and have to answer the same way. For such letters, "ready-made answers" are invented. That is, having received a letter, you just choose the desired answer from the templates:

This is an experimental feature to activate this feature. You need to go to mail settings -\u003e Laboratory -\u003e Response Templates -\u003e Include:

In general, in this "laboratory" you can include a lot of different functions. Browse them, you may find something suitable and interesting for yourself.

10. Hot keys.

Very convenient, as in any program, enjoy the hot keys. To enable them, go to mail settings -\u003e General -\u003e Fast keys -\u003e Turn on:

  • C is a new message.
  • O - Open message.
  • E - Archive.
  • R - Reply.
  • F - send.
  • Tab + Enter - send.
  • ? - Calling help on hot keys.

I think these 10 tips are enough to understand that gmail email is really the bestYes, and these advice, I hope, will make your life alleviate.


I would be very grateful for Retwork, all the best!
