What are mid and low frequency requests? What are LF MF HF requests? Their types and interpretation

Queries for website promotion are keywords or phrases by which Internet users search for information about specific products, services, etc. All search queries are divided into three types: low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency. In addition, there is an additional category “long tail”.

Low frequency queries

These are the keywords for which Internet users search for information no more than 1,000 times a month. The search takes place using special search engines, the most famous of which are Yandex and Google.
Examples of low-frequency queries are “buy spare parts in Moscow inexpensively” and “Lenta Style dress model 1068.”

By creating a page for low-frequency keywords, you will attract your first audience to the site. And in two months (or maybe less) your site will be in the TOP 10 search engines for the queries you promote.

Mid-frequency requests

Queries that are more popular. They are entered into search engines from 1,000 to 10,000 times a month.
An example of mid-frequency queries is “asus monitors”.

Promotion using keywords in this category should begin when you have already taken at least some positions in the search for low-frequency words.

To promote middle-of-the-road queries, it is necessary to carry out internal linking between the pages of the site, as well as purchase external links from third-party Internet resources. At the same time, it is important that third-party sites have a good reputation and trust, and that the links do not look like outright spam.

High frequency queries

Keywords in this category are the most popular among Internet users. This group includes queries that appear on search pages more than 10,000 times a month.
An example of an RF request is “Apple”.

To be in the top for this type of words, you will need patience, attention and hard work. It can take six months or more to get into the top ten sites for high-frequency queries.

Before you start promoting high-frequency queries, you must have a strong foothold in mid- and low-frequency words. Internal linking should be brought into perfect condition, and the external link mass on trusted sites should increase steadily. In addition, you will have to become familiar with concepts such as “behavioral factors” and “article promotion”.

Long tail

Queries for which users search for information even less often than for low-frequency ones.
Long tail example - Alcatel phone one touch reviews.
Promotion of such keywords often happens by itself. And if not, then they should pay attention. After all, if a user goes to the site based on such a request, the probability of purchasing a product or service is 99%.

(4 ratings, average: 4,25 from 5 )

Frequency of requests and competition for key phrases - in detail

On my blog, I write everywhere about the importance of low-competition queries. In general, the core of my technique is namely working with NK keys. Not everyone has reached this point yet, but time will put everything in its place, believe me. So - today I would like to talk in more detail about the frequency and competitiveness of requests, about the immediate importance of choosing NK requests, about their advantages and make a detailed classification.

It is noteworthy that in the minds of many people there are axioms of the form - an HF request must have a frequency of more than 10,000. Damn, this is nonsense! HF can have a frequency of 1000, and sometimes less... These are the cockroaches I will try to eradicate today. Read on.

Such different key phrases or classification of search frequency

Each of you has heard that there are requests with different frequencies:

  • high frequency or HF
  • midrange or midrange
  • low frequency or midrange

Let's look very briefly at each of them.

High frequency (HF)

For the most part, these are one-word queries, sometimes two-word queries, and in very rare cases three-word queries. What does it depend on? - only on the topic. If your topic is installing air conditioners, then HF requirements will be air conditioners. If your topic is the destruction of insects (service), then your HF request will be the destruction of insects, and if your topic is sewing motorcycle seats, then the HF request in your case will be three words ( although in this example it is debatable, but not the point). But the point is that frequency is inextricably linked with your topic, if, of course, we are talking about targeted traffic. Indeed, in the last example we can take both the seat request and the motorcycle request. And in each case, a handful of traffic will be in the subject) Or a request for a motorcycle seat. I think you caught the train of my thoughts.

The frequency of a request should always be correlated with the topic, and a high-frequency driver for one topic may well be a low-frequency driver for another.

That is, the frequency is most directly connected to the theme of the site. It is impossible to say which bar the high-frequency speakers start from - each topic will have its own bar. And the owner of each site knows his tweeter. Therefore, the expression “ tweeter in my topic«.

The generally accepted rule is that an HF of 10,000 works in the vast majority of cases, but, as you can see above, not always!

Mid-frequency requests (MF)

Medium-frequency queries are those queries whose frequency is, as a rule, 10 times lower than the frequency of the main key phrases that we talked about above. Sometimes they have a construction like HF+word, and sometimes they have nothing in common with the main request (jargon, for example).

Low frequency (LF)

These are all other requests that did not fall into the HF and MF group.

When assessing the frequency of requests, it is worth considering that there is also a seasonality factor, which introduces a considerable amount of admixture and often takes you away from finding the most interesting key phrases for promotion.

There's more to come

In the SEO environment, it is also common to distinguish between microwave and low-frequency queries, that is, super high-frequency and super low-frequency. But this classification is rather slang and you will not find it in widely known manuals, except perhaps in communication on forums.

Separate and most interesting group requests, about which there is practically no information in free sources - random requests. Have you heard of these? Random queries are search questions that appear once and may never be requested again . As a rule, these are verbose queries in which the user most fully addressed the search engine. These queries have 3 characteristic features:

  1. these are the most obvious of all groups of requests (that is, the user’s thoughts are completely revealed and there is no doubt about what he wants. For example, guess what the person who entered the request wants is air conditioners)
  2. As a rule, search engine results for such queries are of the lowest quality and you simply cannot find the answer to the question asked.
  3. such queries account for more than 60% of the traffic generated by search engines

Particular attention should be paid to points 2 and 3. Yes, this is not a typo - most of the traffic of any search engine is just random requests that are initiated once and may never be repeated. It’s funny, but those requests for which everyone fights with each other and spend huge budgets make up a smaller part of the total SEO traffic. And I believe that it is the duty of every site owner to tame such requests, but we’ll talk about that later. Distinctive feature random requests is a complete lack of competition, but there is also a difficult barrier - you cannot prepare the page in advance (in terms of optimization) to receive such requests, because you simply cannot know what kind of requests these are, but these difficulties can be solved and I will tell you how later.

Another interesting type of request - empty requests , that is, queries with a frequency of 0. This group includes very interesting and useful flashing key phrases. Although all this sounds quite complicated, it is very easy to find blinking requests even with the basic Yandex Wordstat tools, and the collector allows you to fully automate this procedure.

I am sure that 90% of you, dear readers, simply chop off the “zeros”. But this is fundamentally wrong - among such zeros there may be a lot of blinking requests, which were not shown last month, but earlier (and later) can give a very good frequency, right up to the midrange. A distinctive feature of flashing queries is precisely the low competition, because, as I said above, most optimizers and website owners simply cut them off at the very early stage of the formation of the semantic core. But finding such queries is ridiculously easy - when analyzing the frequency in the key collector, you need to click on one button:

So, let’s summarize the first chapter by dividing requests into groups by frequency:

  1. Random
  2. Flashing

But the frequency of requests is only the very beginning, the tip of the iceberg... It's time to talk about the most important thing - keyword competition.

Competing on Demands - Introduction

What, in essence, is the competitiveness of a request - have you ever wondered? The number of competing sites that are promoted on it or their link budgets, or maybe Direct or the number of pages in the search engine index, as some believe? No, no and no again!

The basis of the basics is the quality of delivery. A low-competitive query is a query for which the search engine does not have enough high-quality sites in its database. A highly competitive request is a request where there are many more sites relevant to this request than there are vacancies in the TOP. And then the dance with tambourines begins - in order for a search engine to choose ours out of hundreds of sites, you need to pour a lot of dough into the development of the site, the link and social components, etc. Unfortunately, most promoters are accustomed to working in this vein... What's the output? Budgets for SEO go away, there are no positions for the necessary queries, and budgets go away again. A month passes, 2-3-4-5, a year, but the picture does not change! Is this familiar? And to the question - when to expect clients, you will hear something like - you need to wait a couple more months and then... Nothing will happen then!

But the keys are good, beautiful and sound. And if they are in the TOP, then those long-awaited clients will come to you. But not everything is so deplorable and sometimes TOP still happens, but I would highlight the word sometimes here. Here's a classic promotion for you.

Whatever the frequency of queries you use, whatever keywords you use to create content on the site, I recommend considering what it looks like. To find out how to promote your website to the TOP 10 of Yandex, I recommend reading the article, which is especially useful in the case of a so-called “young” site.

But everything could be completely different. What is a low competition query? This is a request for which there are vacancies in the TOP search results. Crap - Yandex itself will be happy to put your site in the TOP, if he is not sad shit (your site). And competition and frequency have no connection. Very often, a request with low competition has incredible frequency and vice versa. There is no longer a question of whether requests will reach the TOP or not. The site needs to be brought to good technical condition, set up the Yandex CF (there will be an article on this topic soon), prepare the right articles (there will be an article on this topic soon), purchase links and queries will reach the TOP, they will definitely come out, there’s nothing to talk about.

But that's not all...

There are also queries with ultra-low competition.

So, this is what we have - regardless of frequency, requests should be divided according to the level of competition into the following groups:

  • Low competitive - NC
  • Requests with average competition - SK
  • Highly competitive queries - VK
  • Requests without competition - sNK
  • Requests with ultra-high competition - sVK

Let's look at each group in a little more detail:

Ultra-high competition requests

As a rule, these are the most commercial requests that contain a clear call to action, for example, buy an iPhone. Sometimes these are leader requests, without action, for example, website promotion, and sometimes these are single-word requests like air conditioners.

A distinctive feature of ultra-highly competitive requests is huge rates for clicks in Direct, total presence in the TOP of search results (main pages of sites) and crazy budgets for promotion, but most importantly - a surplus of high-quality documents worthy of being in the TOP of the search engine. As a rule, all such requests are concentrated in the Moscow region. Yandex itself knows all SVK requests and tests new algorithms on them. These are the most commercially interesting queries and it is around them that the struggle is going on; new search algorithms are constantly being tested in order to minimize the impact SEO optimization and earn as much as possible from the context (Yandex earns money).

It doesn’t make the slightest sense for the owners of simple websites to fight for these requests, and everything seems to be logical, but not everyone understands this, pouring budgets down the drain and not getting any effect from such promotion.

Highly competitive requests

This group mainly includes classic high-frequency queries without an obvious commercial focus, for example, SEO. The situation is almost similar to the previous group, except that the rates in Direct are no longer so high, but these requests are primarily affected by changes in search algorithms. There is still a surplus of high-quality documents that fully respond to the request! Promotion for such requests is sometimes actually justified, but only if you already have a lot of traffic and orders, but this path still far from ideal, because the cost of 1 client here remains high, and the promotion itself is quite shaky and it is difficult to predict the future position of the site.

Average competition requests

Requests of average competition are not particularly remarkable. The TOP 10 results already contain internal pages of sites; clicks on Direct already have adequate value. The quality of the output is already noticeably weaker. This group of queries is not bad at all for promotion, but still I do not consider it advisable to promote via IC queries, because the difference in the quality of traffic between IC and IC requests is negligible, and the cost of a lead still remains high. But the basis of SEO is to bring clients and the cheaper each of them is, the more effective SEO is in the long run.

Low competition requests

This is my favorite group of requests, which allows you to receive high-quality targeted traffic quickly and inexpensively. Among NK requests, as a rule, there are medium and low frequency queries, with rare exceptions, you can even find high-frequency speakers here. Progress through this group of requests is always predictable and minimally dependent on changes search algorithms. The basis is precisely such queries, but that’s not all, because there is another one, the most interesting from the point of view search engine promotion request group.

Ultra-low competition queries

SNK queries are the holy grail of SEO. This is a special caste of requests that, to reach the TOP, do not need anything at all except a one-time mention on the page. Moreover, this does not have to be the correct article - just enter the key into it once and use it in the Title of the page. And I must say that such requests exist in any subject, in plastic windows and air conditioners - in general, everywhere. The main difficulty is finding these same SNK queries. If the technique has been worked out, then in any topic you can find hundreds and even thousands of them, and then based on them you can create a content plan, dividing them into groups.

As a result, we get a plan for posting hundreds of articles, which, once on your site in 3-4 months, will themselves be in the TOP and will bring a lot of traffic. It looks something like this:

In the screenshot above we see a 5-fold increase in search traffic over a period of 3 months!

In the screenshot above we see a 4-fold increase in search traffic over a period of 5 months!

I will not describe in detail the method of finding such keys now, but I can only give you directions for further thought. The basis here is the same frequency, or rather zeros, because zeros are not essentially zeros or were not previously. In addition to zeros, we can ask Yandex itself about such requests (but this will be a wild thing...). Who in the subject will understand me!

At the very beginning of this article, I wrote that most people ignore flashing requests, and many have never even heard of random requests. Working with this group allows you to increase high-quality website traffic with the minimum possible investment! This is exactly what effective SEO should be! And these are the types of requests that I help my clients find by preparing a content plan for SNK requests.

Order effective promotion, which will bring a lot of traffic to your site, just like dozens of other sites that I promoted you can use.

In today's article we will talk about search queries. And, as you may have guessed from the title ;-), there are 4 types - long tail, low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency.

You will also learn what the advantages and disadvantages of these queries are, and which keywords are best for promotion.

Types of search queries:

Long tail is a search query that is very rarely requested by the user (1-10 times a month). In another way, a long tail is also called a Long tail request. Here's an example of such queries:

  • buy a laptop in an online store inexpensively on credit;
  • how to create a website yourself for free step by step instructions video;
  • buy Chinese phones wholesale in Odessa;
  • buy a Samsung 22-inch TV in Moscow;
  • how to make money on the Internet without a website.

I checked each of these queries on wordstat.yandex.ru. It turns out that Yandex shows them to visitors no more than 10 times a month.

Despite such a low number of impressions, I believe that it is imperative to use them when selecting keywords.

Firstly, if a visitor comes to the site with a request, for example, “buy Chinese phones wholesale in Odessa,” then he will buy Chinese phones wholesale, and in Odessa:smile:. These keywords bring the most targeted visitors, who in most cases become buyers.

Secondly, there is practically no competition for long tail queries, and it is very easy to reach the TOP. To do this, it is enough to enter such a query into the article once and put several internal links with it.

Well, and thirdly, 60-90% of all visitors come to the site based on such requests. Yes, you may be surprised and disagree with me, these dummies, as many call them, provide more than half of the search traffic.

I'm not saying you need to create special page to be in the top. There is no need to do this. But such a tail can be added to the main request. For example, you are promoting by request, how to make money on the Internet. So why not write once in an article how to make money on the Internet without a website. This is very easy to do, and it will be of great use. I also advise you to read the article: “?” In this article you will learn where to look for such queries and how to correctly enter them into the text.

Low frequency queries (LF)– these are queries that have low competition and are rarely requested by users. For example, here are a few low-frequency queries:

  • buy a Chinese tablet online store;
  • plastic windows in Moscow are cheap;
  • buy oil for the Stihl chainsaw;
  • do-it-yourself apartment renovation, where to start.

Do not confuse low-frequency queries with long tail. Low frequencies differ from long tails in that they have more impressions per month. Getting to the top for such queries is in most cases very easy. To do this, you need to create a special page and write big article, tailored to this request. Then you can also add several links from other internal pages, or buy several links on other thematic sites.

But there are also situations when low-frequency queries are highly competitive. This sometimes happens in highly competitive commercial niches. Therefore, you should always analyze each request and look at the sites that are in the top for it.

The advantage of these requests is that visitors go to the target site and in most cases become buyers if we're talking about about commercial niches. The main disadvantage is that very few people come to them and it is very difficult to display a site only for low-frequency queries; it is very difficult to attract large traffic from search engines.

Mid-frequency requests (MF) are queries that are requested by visitors approximately 1,000 to 10,000 times per month. This number will be different for each niche. Here are some examples of mid-frequency queries:

  • how to make money on the Internet without investment;
  • kitchen knives;
  • buy plastic windows;
  • what is music;

Many people believe that medium-frequency requests are necessarily medium-competitive ones. In most cases this is true, but not always. For example, take two queries: “what is music” and “buy plastic windows.” Although these queries are mid-frequency, it is still much more difficult to move to the top for the second one than for the first one. This is due to the fact that the first request is informational, and the second is commercial. And since commercial requests bring money, there is a lot of competition for them. This once again suggests that competition must be taken into account first, and only then the number of impressions.

Mid-frequency queries are like the golden mean and it is imperative to advance through them. They will bring a lot of visitors, and getting to the top is also quite possible.

High Frequency Queries (HF)- these are the queries that are requested by users the greatest number of times. As usual, here is an example of such queries:

  • laptop
  • music
  • plastic windows
  • Yandex

The main advantage of these queries is that they are able to bring the largest number of visitors to the site with . But here is their drawback - they are very competitive, and in order to get to the top, you need to spend a lot of time and money.

Also, I don't like to target high-volume keywords because they have very low conversion rates. For example, a visitor enters the word “laptop” into a search engine. I don't understand what he's looking for. He wants to buy a laptop, or look at prices. Or he can read information or look at photos of laptops: smile:. Thus, the page may have one thing, but the visitor is looking for something completely different. Also, which is in the top for a high-frequency query will be larger than, for example, a page that is in the top for a low-frequency query.

What are the best keywords to promote?

In short, the best thing to do is to promote all requests at once, and it doesn’t matter whether the site is one day old or 10 years old. I will now explain why I think so. Look, for example, we have 4 requests.

  1. Long tail - how to create a website yourself for free without registration; (6 shows)
  2. Low-frequency request - how to create a website yourself for free; (370 views)
  3. Medium-frequency request - how to create a website yourself; (2,022 views)
  4. High-frequency request - website. (15,859 views)

There is no point in creating a long tail page because we will receive very few visitors. Our Yandex site will show only 6 times a month, believe me, this is very little: smile:.

It’s also not worth promoting on the request “website”. Firstly, there is a lot of competition there, and secondly, it’s not target request and we will get a high failure rate. All that remains is to choose a low-frequency or high-frequency request. Both of these options are good, but the best way is to promote all these requests at once.

To do this, we can simply combine all these requests into one phrase - “how to create a website yourself for free without registration,” and write this phrase in the headings, several times in the article and in the link url. For a complete set, you can also add some subheading to the ALT tag. You can add internal links with this anchor key phrase.

After a while, the long tail and low-frequency query will appear in the top if you write a good article. A mid-frequency request can be forgotten in the top external links. As for the tweeter, you need to look at what position it is in. If you reach at least the top 30, you can also promote it using external links. Only you will need a lot more such links: smile:.

If you use this keyword selection scheme, you will get a lot more visitors to your site from search engines. Many may ask: “What if combining all the requests doesn’t work?” If that doesn’t work, then you can combine at least mid-frequency and high-frequency or low-frequency and Long tail queries, etc. I sometimes manage to combine 6 queries into one phrase that can be easily entered into an article. The main thing is to spend more time on selecting keywords and it is better to select words for a separate article, and not for the whole site at once, because if you select for a site, you can get confused: smile:.

That's all for me. I thought about briefly describing the types of search queries - long tail, low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency, but it turned out, as always, much more ;-).

Do you want to receive more targeted traffic from , but promotion for high-frequency queries seems problematic? Try differently. Use promotion for low-frequency queries, and low frequency traffic will greatly surprise you: it will come faster, it will be higher, and the competition will be lower. But “how is this so?” and “what’s the catch?” - I’ll tell you more now.

High and low frequency queries

Imagine a huge apple tree, at the top of which there are overgrown apples (high-frequency queries), and at the bottom everything is strewn with fallen smaller apples (low-frequency queries). At the top, the apples are large, beautiful, not always tasty, but they are in great demand. Many people climb to the top of the tree for the biggest apple and fight for it. At the same time, not the largest, but ripe and tasty apples grow at the foot of the a huge number, and no one fights for them. Your task: to get as much apple mass (entire SEO traffic) as possible.

What will you choose?

  1. Collect a full bag of smaller apples.
  2. Fight for the biggest apple.

The most interesting thing is that choosing the first point does not mean that you have given up and are not going to fight for the top of the tree and the biggest apples. You simply take time to prepare for the battle with competitors, and the more low-frequency queries you collect, the easier it will be for you to get a place in the TOP.

What queries are considered low frequency?

Low-frequency queries most often describe a specific need. Here examples of low frequency queries:

  1. buy a toyota rav4 2011 car in moscow
  2. children's center Moscow VDNKh wool felting
  3. kate upton carls junior commercial

Therefore, unlike high-frequency queries, low-frequency ones may convert better, since a page tailored for a low-frequency query is more likely to give the visitor a useful result.

Promotion for low-frequency queries

Low-frequency queries are unpretentious: they do not need to be enriched with external links, you need to simply and informatively give an answer to an accurate low-frequency search query. If the answer is useful, the site page dedicated to this low-frequency query will quickly appear in other search engines, receive it, and it can be transferred to other pages of the site that are more difficult to promote, for example, for mid-frequency queries.

There are practically no problems with how to promote low-frequency queries. Low frequency queries promote themselves and help promote the entire site as a whole, forming a solid foundation and the basis of the site’s semantics. Low-frequency queries allow you to reach widely and thereby attract more traffic via more. Large keyword coverage- important, which can affect the promotion of all pages of the site in search by saturating the topic with keywords.

Selection of low-frequency queries

How to select low-frequency queries? Fully! All low frequency queries you can find, up to 1 impression per month. Why? Because the Internet is actively developing, and if now low-frequency queries are searched 10 times a month, then in six months they may start searching 100 times a month. Although the point is not even in impressions for low-frequency key queries, but in semantics, as I wrote above. And another thing is that every key request is a question, and if YOU don’t answer the question, YOUR COMPETITOR will answer.

How many low-frequency queries are there? How more requests collect it - so much the better. The more requests are reflected on the site, the more low-frequency traffic there will be and the faster the promotion of mid-range and high-frequency requests will go.

Advantages of website promotion for low frequency queries

Since the coverage of low frequency key queries occurs gradually, costs and results can be clearly assessed and planned. Moreover, the result of promotion for low frequency queries is the most stable among all promotion methods. Such sites are the hardest to compete with.

In order to promote a website for low-frequency queries, it is enough to regularly and methodically describe low-frequency queries on the website. How? Create, answer questions from the audience. In parallel with creating content, plan. Even a beginner can engage in website promotion with low frequency queries; this is the easiest way in “combat conditions” to understand how search engines work, without going broke or losing what has already been accumulated.

Promotion of low-frequency queries is the biggest advantage of such promotion - the absence of regression. YES! Content is not purchased links; it will not disappear after you stop paying. It will stay with you and continue to drive traffic. In fact, low frequency promotion is a win-win option if the specifics of your work and subject matter allow you to work with low frequency requests.

What's the result?

  1. Low competition for targeted queries.
  2. High conversion to .
  3. Ease of advancement even for a beginner.
  4. Wide coverage of key queries and target audience.
  5. Stable growth of positions and traffic.
  6. Accurate planning of promotion expenses.
  7. High frequency of site indexing due to development.

Do you promote your website using low frequency queries?

From the author: Promoting low-frequency queries provides a number of advantages. The most important thing is the opportunity not to spend a large budget on website promotion. We’ll talk in detail about promotion of low-frequency speakers today.


But before you start the conversation, you need to decide what a low-frequency request is. In general, search queries are divided into HF, MF and LF. Moreover, people determine in different ways which group a request belongs to. In any case, a low-frequency query is one that is entered into search bar less often than mid-frequency. Promotion under LF is considered the easiest because there is the least competition.

Typically, LF includes all queries that are entered into a search engine no more than 300-1000 times a month. If you read various articles on this topic, you will most likely see different numbers there.

But this is not so important. We can see the frequency of each specific request. The most important thing to understand about low-frequency keys is that there is usually less competition for them.

It's just an obvious fact. Agree that many more companies and webmasters will want to promote themselves under popular queries to get more traffic. And many beginners make the mistake of writing exclusively under HF. The competition for such requests is enormous.

Hundreds, and in some cases thousands and tens of thousands of sites will compete for space in search results, of which there are only 10. After all, practice shows that if a page is outside the TOP 10, then you shouldn’t expect much traffic to it.

For example, in Moscow alone there are hundreds of companies installing plastic windows. Accordingly, if you want to get to the top for the request “installation of plastic windows in Moscow,” then moderate your ambitions. You will have to compete with many other companies. Moreover, they will most likely be able to allocate a large budget for promotion and SEO specialists, what about you?

The essence of promotion for low-frequency queries

It’s worth paying attention to low-frequency requests, if only because they allow you to receive small traffic. Let's look at 2 sites that have chosen different strategies for promotion. Now there will be no specifics, just examples.

They decided to promote 1 young site by HF, the other by LF. Time passes, and the second project receives traffic from search. Most likely, it will be small, around 10-100 people, but it will be there. The first site may not even take a position in the top ten, let alone reach the first 3 places. Most likely, you will have to spend money to promote the site.

The key difference is that in the case of promotion under HF there is always a risk, even after spending good money, you will not promote the site and will not receive traffic at all, or it will be minimal, because few people click beyond the 5th position in the search.

If you optimize and sharpen your content for low frequencies, then you risk practically nothing. Over time, if there are no serious errors on the site, its pages will appear in the top. And although this will bring much less traffic, it will be stable.

What other advantages does promoting under LF have?

In general, you do not need to buy any links to the site. You can forget about it. It is possible and necessary to reach the top in low frequencies due to high-quality texts and good internal optimization. The only thing is that links can be obtained manually if you know how.

You don’t have to spend money on a website promotion specialist if you’re willing to learn a little yourself. Promotion is not such a complicated science. All you need is to gain at least a little knowledge in this area. Understand concepts such as key occurrence, relevance, uniqueness, nausea, duplicate pages, etc.

If you have a site on Wordpress, then it will be even easier for you, because today hundreds of webmasters in their free articles give a lot useful tips, how to promote a site, as well as how to set it up correctly technically. In this article I will not say anything about those. setting, because this is a separate topic. But you must clearly understand for yourself that there is nothing complicated in this and you can carry out basic optimization, even if you are still a complete dummie.

Promotion through HF is a completely different matter. There can be no guarantees here even if you hire a specialist.

How to identify and collect low frequency phrases

In general, this is done by the person who compiles semantic core. Simply put, this is a list of key phrases under which the site will be promoted. It is he who is familiar with all the necessary tools for this. But still, I will tell you about some basic tools that are useful to use.

For example, I promote my websites myself. And just 2 years ago I knew nothing about this. Absolutely nothing. And the promotion is going well. And this happens because I mainly choose only midrange and bass.

Okay, let's move on to how to find such keys. First, you should know about a service like WordStat. This is an already legendary keyword selection service.

For example, I entered here the phrase “how to build a computer yourself.”

As you can see, Wordstat showed the number of impressions for this request per month - 996 times. But here you need to understand that it shows the so-called wide frequency. A simple example: if you enter in wordstat word“kitchen”, then it will show a huge number - it seems several million impressions per month.

But let's think, is this really possible? Much more often people are looking for something more specific. Some are interested in kitchen renovations, while others are simply looking for the TV series of the same name. In general, these millions of impressions include all queries in which the word “kitchen” is used, and in different cases.

So, in order to find out the exact frequency of a word or phrase, you need to write the entire text in quotation marks, and put before each word exclamation mark. Like this: “!how!to!assemble!a computer!on your own”

As you can see, WordStat now shows reliable information. This phrase is accurately entered into a search engine 216 times a month. Of course, these statistics change every month, but these are approximate figures that you can use as a guide.

So, can this query be considered low-frequency? Of course, because there are less than 300 searches for it. It would seem that everything is fine - the request is low-frequency, all that remains is to write an article for it and over time the traffic will flow. But we do not take into account another important detail - competition. The fact is that it can be high even for LF.

How to check the competition

Here I suggest using 2 services. Both allow you to clearly see the level of competition.


The first is free, the second is paid if you plan to check more than 10 phrases per day. Let's deal with the free stuff first. This service allows you to check the competition in Google and Yandex. In particular, we are more interested in Yandex.

Enter the key in the field. If it consists of several words, then the phrase needs to be put in quotation marks; the service itself tells us this. Next, check the InTitle checkbox and click the check button. InTitle means that Yandex will give you pages that have the specified keyword in the title.

Let's enter our phrase and see the result:

There are already 1000 pages whose title is optimized for this phrase. This suggests that it will be difficult to get to the top for this request. And from this we conclude: Not all low-frequency keys are low-competitive!

You can do and optimize better than others

If in doubt, see point 1)

You must understand that nothing is impossible. Getting to the top with a lot of competition is difficult, but possible. And even without a budget. Much depends on you and your desire to learn, as well as on the quality of your writing.

For example, it is obvious that for this query a person is looking for the most detailed and clear instructions for assembling a computer. If you provide it to him in full detail and with photographs, you will have a great chance of reaching the top.

But still, in this case, our phrase for promotion is not optimal. Here I can advise you the following: it is better to spend several hours searching for an excellent keyword phrase than several hours writing an article for unpromising keywords. That's how things are.

Okay, let's find it, this optimal phrase, and at the same time let's try the second service - Mutagen. In general, you need to register with it before you start using it for free, but I’ve already done that, so I’m just inserting the phrase that interests me:

Mutagen shows exact frequency. As you can see, it is equal to 215, which is about the same as the previous phrase. In addition, the service immediately shows the level of competition.

This value is calculated according to the classification of the service itself, where 1 is the least competition, and 25 is the most. Thus, we need to try to find keys with less than 10-15 competition. It is precisely such phrases that have a chance to advance without additional costs.

Our key has only 5 competition! This is very good, let's check it again free way:

As you can see, only 1 result! What does this mean? The fact that competition for the request is very low, there is practically none. This means that even minimal optimization on your part for this request will lead to the fact that you can move to the top for it. Naturally, if you have a website on a relevant topic.

So, we have found our optimal phrase. To be honest, I found it at random. They may also help you:

Hints search engine when entering queries

wordstat tips

Well, they are also in mutagen (hints)

In general, this way you can quickly find phrases for which there is little competition. I will also say that the longer the phrase, the fewer competitors there are likely to be. Because low frequency queries mostly consist of 3-7 words.

How to optimize a website and a separate page for low-frequency queries

Okay, with the search for low frequency keys everything is more or less clear. What to do next? Take and write text for them. On each promoted page you should use 1-3 low-frequency keys, and you should highlight one as the main one (for which there are more searches). It should be included in the title, if possible in the description, and also mentioned in the text. Preferably as close to the beginning as possible - somewhere in the first paragraph.

Also, if possible, you should find additional low-frequency keywords for which there are fewer searches and there is no point in writing an article for them. You can include them in the text. For example, how about this key:

In general, you can find many similar keys. Your main friend in selecting such requests is your head. Think about the main topic of the article and try to imagine what else people are interested in about this topic. For example, if they are interested in learning how to assemble a computer from components, then they will probably be interested in replacing individual parts of the computer.

You shouldn't use too many keywords in one article. There is a rule here - the larger the text, the more keywords you can insert into it. You don’t need more than 1-3 for a small article; you can try more than three for a large one.

The written text needs to be checked for nausea in order to accurately determine whether you have overdone it with optimization. Also, for each article you need to write a unique title and description, where to enter the main key. In general, there are people who manage to insert several keys organically. But here it is important not to overspam; it is better to write for people than for search robots. Moreover, robots can detect deception.


Okay, I was thinking that I can write in this spirit for a long time, but the main thing is to understand the main essence, and you will consolidate the rest in practice when you select keys and write texts for them (or order articles from copywriters).

In this article, I tried to convey to you what the promotion of low frequency queries looks like. If you repeat general principles, then you get something like this:

LF key is dialed 0-300 times a month

We are primarily interested in the exact frequency of each phrase, and not the wide

The fact that the key is low frequency does not mean that it will be easy to move under it

To search for optimal keys and determine competition, use the services specified in the article

Optimize every article on your website for one or more low frequency keywords.

All you have to do is try and observe the result. Promoting a resource using low-frequency phrases is not so difficult; today thousands of webmasters are already doing this. Apply the tips and you will succeed! And to be guaranteed to become a guru in matters of promotion, you can look at ours. If you have such a blog, then you can eventually bring it to an income of 20 thousand rubles if you use the tricks that are described there.
