Browser search window. How to find text on a page

When the need arises find the right word on the web page, many users face difficulties. It is not at all necessary to re-read the text carefully for this.

The developers of all browsers have created a special option for these purposes that allows you to quickly find the desired word or phrase.

To do this, click function key F3 or keyboard shortcut Ctrl and F.

After this operation, a window will appear at the top in which you should enter the word or words that you need to find.

It is not difficult to search for certain information on the Internet on web pages

On the page of any website, using any browser, the words found will be highlighted in a different color. Therefore, when searching for specific information on a particular site, you do not need to carefully re-read the text or copy it into Word, and then use the search function.

The developers took care of user comfort and, despite the many differences in browsers, were able to create a single solution that allows:

  • ​ quickly find certain words or phrases;
  • receive as soon as possible necessary information;
  • ​ save your own time when studying materials posted on web resources.

The browser finds and highlights the entered word in the text immediately. If you haven’t taken advantage of this feature yet, it’s time to arm yourself with it and increase your comfort level when searching for information of interest. Browser developers have created excellent conditions.

After you receive the information you are interested in, you can close the search window by pressing Esc, which is also functional in Internet Explorer, and in many beloved Mozilla Firefox, as well as in Opera and the dynamically developing Google Chrome.

As you can see, the developers of all of our most popular Internet browsers, despite all the desire to uniqueize their own product, solved this problem in the same way. Users can find the necessary information on the page of any web resource literally in a minute, which significantly saves time and is appreciated by many.

We present to you a new version of Yandex Browser. The most interesting changes in this version:

  • page search has learned to understand the morphology of the Russian language - as far as we know, this is the first browser that supports such a search;
  • Gestures appeared to control navigation in the browser;
  • An experiment is being conducted with combining an omnibox and a search bar on a search service page;
  • For bookmarks you can now enable the display of favicons.
Search by page based on morphology
Yandex has specialized in understanding your search queries. An important role in this is played by our algorithms, which allow us to analyze and take into account the morphology of the Russian language for high-quality search results. It would be strange not to use our advances in morphology in other products. You may have already heard about the Mystem program, and now they have found application in Yandex Browser.

Anytime modern browser built-in search on the page. All of them can search only by the exact character-by-character occurrence of a query in the text. But often, users don't remember (or don't know) the exact form of the word or phrase they're searching for. Yandex.Browser was the first to begin solving this problem and, together with the Search team, presents the first version of information search on the page taking into account the morphology of the Russian language.

Let's say you're looking for the word "users" but have forgotten the exact form, so you type [users] into the page's search field. If the searched query is not found in other browsers, then the updated search in Yandex.Browser will find and show the desired word.

The situation is even more interesting when you are looking for a phrase of several words. In this case, we search for all entered words, as well as all words found by exact occurrence. Moreover, they can be in any order or even at a distance of several words from each other.

Of course, you can also search only for exact matches to your query. To do this, just check the “Exact match” checkbox.

How does this work? Yandex.Browser uses a special module that analyzes the morphology of text on the page. This work takes place locally, without using a network, while the module itself weighs about a megabyte. This is only the first version of our morphological engine, but already in it we have learned to find similar words with a certain probability without using a dictionary. In future versions, we plan to improve the quality of analysis and the accuracy of identifying words with a common normal form.

The ability to control the browser using mouse gestures has been known for a long time. In some browsers this is implemented using extensions, in others it is built in natively. Starting with this version, Yandex Browser supports gestures out of the box. Now frequently performed actions such as “forward”, “back”, opening, closing, reloading or restoring tabs can be performed faster.

If you wish, you can disable gestures in the settings. A description of all available gestures can be found in the help.

Visitors to our stand at YaC 2013 may have already noticed that in the test version of Yandex.Browser on the page with search results th Yandex search bar is combined with the address bar. As a result, the volume increased useful information on the page. IN new version This was implemented in the browser as an experiment (currently only on Windows) to evaluate how convenient it would be for the user.

By default this feature is disabled. In order to connect it, you need to launch the Browser with the parameter:

  • --toolbar-experiment=1 to enable a white header on Yandex search results;
  • --toolbar-experiment=2 to enable the gray header on Yandex search results.

New way to number versions
A few words about the new way of numbering versions. Now the number contains the year and month the update was released: for example, 13.10 means that the version was released in October 2013. This method is already familiar to many in the operating room. Ubuntu system. This allows us to avoid simply increasing the first number in the version number at the beginning of each development cycle (a similar numbering method is used in Chrome browsers, Firefox, Opera). In addition, this method allows us to abandon the subjective assessment of the “significance” of the update (as we did before).

And one more bonus. Now you can enable the display of favicons on the bookmarks bar. Many users asked us about this, and we decided to return this feature.

Yandex.Browser will be gradually updated for all users, but if you want to download the update now, go to the “About” page Yandex browser" in the browser menu and click on the "Update" button (will appear for everyone very soon). You can also download from

We present to you a new version of Yandex Browser. The most interesting changes in this version:

  • page search has learned to understand the morphology of the Russian language - as far as we know, this is the first browser that supports such a search;
  • Gestures appeared to control navigation in the browser;
  • An experiment is being conducted with combining an omnibox and a search bar on a search service page;
  • For bookmarks you can now enable the display of favicons.
Search by page based on morphology
Yandex has specialized in understanding your search queries since 1997. Our algorithms play an important role in this, which allows us to analyze and take into account the morphology of the Russian language for high-quality search results. It would be strange not to use our advances in morphology in other products. You may have already heard about the Mystem program, and now they have found application in Yandex Browser.

Any modern browser has built-in on-page search. All of them can search only by the exact character-by-character occurrence of a query in the text. But often, users don't remember (or don't know) the exact form of the word or phrase they're looking for. Yandex.Browser was the first to begin solving this problem and, together with the Search team, presents the first version of information search on the page taking into account the morphology of the Russian language.

Let's say you're looking for the word "users" but have forgotten the exact form, so you type [users] into the page's search field. If the searched query is not found in other browsers, then the updated search in Yandex.Browser will find and show the desired word.

The situation is even more interesting when you are looking for a phrase of several words. In this case, we search for all entered words, as well as all words found by exact occurrence. Moreover, they can be in any order or even at a distance of several words from each other.

Of course, you can also search only for exact matches to your query. To do this, just check the “Exact match” checkbox.

How does this work? Yandex.Browser uses a special module that analyzes the morphology of text on the page. This work takes place locally, without using a network, while the module itself weighs about a megabyte. This is only the first version of our morphological engine, but already in it we have learned to find similar words with a certain probability without using a dictionary. In future versions, we plan to improve the quality of analysis and the accuracy of identifying words with a common normal form.

The ability to control the browser using mouse gestures has been known for a long time. In some browsers this is implemented using extensions, in others it is built in natively. Starting with this version, Yandex Browser supports gestures out of the box. Now frequently performed actions such as “forward”, “back”, opening, closing, reloading or restoring tabs can be performed faster.

If you wish, you can disable gestures in the settings. A description of all available gestures can be found in the help.

Visitors to our stand at YaC 2013 may have already noticed that in the test version of Yandex.Browser on the page with Yandex search results, the search bar is combined with the address bar. As a result, the amount of useful information on the page has increased. In the new version of the Browser, this is implemented as an experiment (currently only on Windows) to evaluate how convenient it will be for the user.

By default this feature is disabled. In order to connect it, you need to launch the Browser with the parameter:

  • --toolbar-experiment=1 to enable a white header on Yandex search results;
  • --toolbar-experiment=2 to enable the gray header on Yandex search results.

New way to number versions
A few words about the new way of numbering versions. Now the number contains the year and month the update was released: for example, 13.10 means that the version was released in October 2013. This method is already familiar to many operating system Ubuntu. This allows us to avoid simply increasing the first number in the version number at the beginning of each development cycle (a similar numbering method is used in the Chrome, Firefox, Opera browsers). In addition, this method allows us to abandon the subjective assessment of the “significance” of the update (as we did before).

And one more bonus. Now you can enable the display of favicons on the bookmarks bar. Many users asked us about this, and we decided to return this feature.

Yandex Browser will be gradually updated for all users, but if you want to download the update now, then go to the “About Yandex Browser” page in the browser menu and click on the “Update” button (it will appear for everyone very soon). You can also download from

On the Internet, you often come across website pages containing incredibly large amounts of text. Some people scroll the page for a very long time in order to find a section of text or a word they are interested in. In this case, you have to waste time and read unnecessary material.

If you are one of these people, then this post will help you improve your web surfing skills. From it you will learn as quickly as possible find information on the site. Be it a word, phrase or even a phrase.

Keys for searching on a website page

To search for a section containing a word or fragment of a word, it is very convenient to use hot keys. They are incredibly helpful in making browsers easier to use. With their use, a seemingly trivial task becomes even simpler.

Keys to search for words on a page: F3 and Ctrl+F

The key combination is standard for all browsers ( Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, IE, Yandex browser, Safari).

In order to find word per page in Mac the following combination should be used: ⌘ + F

After clicking, a search window will appear under the toolbar of your browser, into which you should enter the word or part of a word you need.

As you enter letters, you will be automatically redirected to the first fragment used on the page. The rest will be highlighted in yellow.

Using the arrows in the search menu, you can quickly move to the next or previous result.

The scroll bar will also indicate areas of the page that contain the word entered into the search. Which is also very convenient.

This is how, with the help of a few keys, you can easily find the text of interest on a website page, without reading unnecessary “garbage”.

Every day a person is faced with large amounts of new information. There are millions of web pages on the Internet where you can find the necessary data. For this reason, a lot of time is spent finding the required paragraph or several keywords in a huge number output by browsers as text. It is difficult for a person to quickly navigate through huge texts posted on different sites. The urgent need to quickly find information arises in the professional activities of accountants, lawyers, editors and writers.

But what if there is absolutely no time to search for the necessary information, and you need to find a word as soon as possible? In this case, you need to enable the function page search built into almost all computer programs for working with text. The main ones of these programs are text editors and browsers for accessing the Internet. Each of them has specific hotkeys that allow you to quickly find all occurrences of a phrase or an entire sentence.

Quickly search for necessary words

To quickly search for a keyword or phrase in your browser or text document You can use the "search on page" function. Hot keys help you search for the paragraphs you need, make it easier to work with search engines, and allow you to quickly edit text.

When using any browser- Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Mozilla, Safari - you can use hot keys, for which you need to take the following step: in search engine or a text document you need to press the combination Ctrl keys+ F. When using Apple tablets, computers and phones, the keyboard shortcut is Cmd + F. This action will open a window for entering the words needed for the search.

The search bar in different browsers may be in the following places:

  • in Opera - upper left corner;
  • in Mozilla - lower left corner;
  • in Google Chrome - upper right corner;
  • in Internet Explorer - upper left corner;
  • in Yandex Browser - upper right corner.

In the opened search bar write the word or phrase you need to find. After entering, all occurrences of the required phrase in the text on the page are highlighted in a certain color - blue, orange, red or green - depending on the type of browser. If the text does not contain the searched word, then the number zero will appear in the search line, and the panel itself will turn red. In the line that opens, the number of exact occurrences of the phrase in the entire text is written.

Additionally, the search panel will have buttons that can be used to move up and down through the text if there are several matches with the search word. Close the search panel using the red cross located on it or the Esc key.

When viewing documents, text editors are used, in which you also need to search for keywords. Find the required phrase on pages in the text editor Microsoft Office Word can be done in the same way:

  1. In an open text document, you must press the key combination Ctrl + F. Some programs allow you to open the search bar using the F3 key. A line or window will appear in which you need to enter the search phrase.
  2. After entering, click the “Find” button, a menu will appear in which you need to select the “Main Document” item.
  3. The phrase you were looking for will be highlighted in color in the text. If several similar phrases are highlighted, you must use the “Find Next” button to view the entire document. The search bar will contain the number of searched words in the text.
  4. The text document is closed with a cross or the “Close” button in the search bar.

Larger selection of options for finding the right words in text Word document can be found using the "More" button. It allows you to search for words taking into account case, suffixes, and prefixes. It is especially convenient to use this option when you need to find words of foreign origin or professional slang.

Search bar features

If you turn on the search bar in your browser, you can find not only a word or phrase, but also numbers, a code, any symbol or phrase. Text is entered into the search bar using the keyboard or links copied from the clipboard are pasted.

To search a page in the Opera browser, you need to press the “/” key, and the searched sentence or phrase on the page will be highlighted in color. If the mouse cursor is in any field, the search function will not work.

Search function in browsers - best way quickly find the information you need keywords or phrases. It is convenient to use when you have limited time on the Internet or view a large number of documents.


This video will help you learn how to quickly find the information you need on the Internet.
