What to do if languages ​​are missing. How to quickly restore the language bar if it suddenly disappeared

Sometimes there is a situation when language will be lost panel, which significantly complicates the choice of language for both experienced and novice users.

Even if a person does not use the panel to actually switch, he still looks at it to understand what language he will now type in.

The language bar has disappeared, what should I do?

The main reason why the language bar disappears on a computer is violations in software. Most often these are changes in settings that occurred without your participation while you were downloading new program from an unofficial site. But if this fate nevertheless overtook you and the switching panel disappeared, then before rushing to reinstall windows, let’s try a few manual methods– this will help you save time and nerves!

5 ways to return the language bar.

  1. Enable in Control Panel
  2. Checking, changing regional standards
  3. Correction using the ctfmon.exe file
  4. Manual changes to the registry
  5. Replace standard panel, on convenient program « Punto Switcher»

So, enable it in the control panel. This is the simplest event against the simplest failures or careless use, usually due to inattentive pressing of buttons. To correct, click right click mouse to the toolbar at the bottom of the desktop

In the drop-down menu, select the panel line and see if the checkbox next to the language panel is checked

If everything is in order here, then we move on to the next stage.

We check whether the settings in regional standards are correct.

To do this, click the start button (in the lower left corner) and select control panel

Going to the control panel, look for the “language and regional settings” section

In the window that opens, select the “language and keyboard” tab, now click the “change keyboard” button

We were faced with the “Languages ​​and text input services” window. We carefully study all the settings in this window. First, we look at how many languages ​​we have in the layout, here we need to remember that in order for the language bar to be displayed, at least 2 languages ​​are needed, if less, then use the add button. If everything is in order here, then look at what language is the default, they say that sometimes by changing one to another, the panel may appear, although I have not seen this myself. After that, select the “language bar” tab (top)

In this window, the line “pinned to the taskbar” should be highlighted and do not forget to click the apply button after that.

The Registry Editor will open in front of you

Now maximum attention, you need to move through the registry files strictly by name

Movement branches on the left side of the registry:

When you get to the last “Run” branch, right-click on it, select “create”, then “string parameter” and name it “CTFMON.EXE” it should look like the picture below, but that’s not all.

Now double-click on the newly created file with the left mouse button and give it the value “C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe”, click OK. It should look like the picture

We restart the computer and check, the language bar should already appear, but if it still does not appear, you may not have the “ctfmon.exe” file at all.

If nothing works out for you, don’t be upset, you can simply replace the boring language selection panel with great program"Punto Switcher", it will completely replace the standard language bar.

Although the main feature of the program is to automatically switch layouts, for example, if you accidentally entered “)
