Needed for virtual glasses. How to use virtual reality glasses: step-by-step guide on connecting and setting up

Starting our conversation about virtual reality, we cannot help but mention such cult films as “Johnny Mnemonic” and “The Lawnmower Man”. The technical achievements shown in them were truly fantastic in their time. And even now, despite the leap in technology, the virtual world is still far from the usual " working environment» Mnemonics.

Nevertheless, there is progress, and quite noticeable. As an example, we can recall the famous Oculus Rift device. Perhaps many of you have seen it in action in conjunction with additional controllers that allow you to run around the world of Fallout 4. Unfortunately, such a solution is not yet available to everyone: the cost of a complete set, which should also include powerful computer. And the “run” itself only plays the role of demonstration.

A more accessible example is virtual reality glasses. The content provider in them is a smartphone, which allows you to not take into account the cost of a computer when purchasing a set. True, comparing the results of two devices is the same as comparing the built-in and discrete video card. However, a general idea of ​​virtual reality can be obtained in this way.

So, in this review we will talk about the easiest way to get into the drawn world. A smartphone will help us with this. Android control in conjunction with a helmet, or rather, with virtual reality glasses VR HeadSet RIEM 2. We will also pay attention to the software part, since there are applications in the store Play Market more than enough.

Virtual reality technologies

To begin with, let's divide computer realities into augmented and virtual. Augmented reality is a kind of hybrid: the real picture obtained using cameras is superimposed additional elements. So, every smartphone owner can install special application for the camera and see “live” dinosaurs walking on the table on the phone screen. Another example, already familiar, is the colored lines that are used when showing sports programs to indicate leading athletes.

Augmented reality is not the subject of this article, although we will definitely return to this conversation. For now, I would like to note that the technology has a very bright future with a wide variety of applications. By the way, Microsoft is working on one of them - at at the moment the product is known as HoloLens.

Now to our main topic - virtual reality. To put it in the dry language of a well-known encyclopedia, 3D virtual reality is an artificial reality that, using technical means, influences human sensations. You don't have to look far for an example. The simplest amusement park attraction in the form of a screen with speakers, a steering wheel, a moving chair and a racing car simulator program can already be called a virtual reality system. Let it be primitive, rough, but still workable.

At the core modern technology The virtual reality we will talk about is the long-studied effect of stereoscopy. To put it very simply, the video sequence is formed by two separate images for the right and left eyes, as a result of which our brain perceives a flat picture as three-dimensional. The same effect is used in stereo cinematography, but special glasses are required to achieve it.

As a result, the recipe for “how to watch virtual reality” is relatively simple. Firstly, this is one, or better yet, two screens, the image from which should cover the entire field of view and be quite clear. Secondly – ​​sound. But the most important thing is the reaction of virtual reality to your influence, in other words, the ability to “look around” around you by turning your head. This is achieved by a set of sensors located both on the device itself and in the room.

Virtual reality glasses

The most famous device that provides access to virtual reality is the Oculus Rift. The first models were equipped with only one screen ranging in size from 5.6 to 7 inches.

However, since the screen must simultaneously show two images at once for the right and left eyes, respectively, each eye accounted for, at best, half the resolution of the entire screen. Therefore, the next step is to develop glasses with two 4K screens.

The first Oculus Rift Consumer Version (CV1) is currently available for pre-order. The glasses are equipped with an OLED screen with a resolution of 2K, that is, 2160×1200 pixels or, relatively speaking, 1K for each eye. The cost of the kit is about $600 at the time of review, and the queue to receive the device stretched until the summer of 2016.

HTC Vive glasses, introduced at the beginning of 2016, became a competitor to the Oculus Rift. This is a joint project between HTC and Valve, the famous developer of the games Half-Life and Counter-Strike, as well as the Steam service. Like the Oculus Rift, the glasses are equipped with a display with 2160x1200 pixels and a refresh rate of 90 Hz. HTC claims that in the first 10 minutes after the pre-order was opened, more than 15 thousand paid applications were received.

However, it should be remembered that such virtual reality glasses are just a screen with a set of sensors. The image provider is a computer, and due to the gaming nature of the device, the requirements for it are high. So, to fully use the Oculus Rift you will need a “machine” with the equivalent Intel Core i5-4590, NVIDIA video card GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290 and 8 GB RAM. Similar requirements apply to the Vive, and this is only the minimum required set.

The second option for making virtual reality is glasses with the ability to install a smartphone or tablet. In fact, the glasses are just an outer shell, a body with a pair of lenses without any filling, while the smartphone is responsible for everything else. In principle, comparing such glasses and even the first Oculus Rift models looks like comparing a motorized car from the movie “Operation Y and Shurik’s Other Adventures” and a business class car. However, some idea of ​​virtual reality can be obtained in this inexpensive way.

The arsenal of such devices is quite large; Chinese stores are literally replete with various offers, both simple and sophisticated. However, the essence of such glasses is still the same: a convenient case-partition for a smartphone. Moreover, for these purposes, a sheet of ordinary cardboard, folded in a special way and supplemented with lenses, is quite suitable - that’s all, you can immerse yourself in the world of virtual reality without unnecessary difficulties.

This was proven by Google developers, who in 2014 presented their Google Cardboard project - a helmet assembled from cardboard, lenses and Velcro for mounting on the head. And if you want to save even more, you can buy a set of lenses and mounts in one of the Chinese stores, and cut out the frame of the glasses and assemble them from cardboard according to the diagrams that are full on the Internet.

There are also more serious options, for example, Samsung Gear VR These glasses are equipped with good optics with a wide range of adjustments, including lens correction for different vision. The downside is that these glasses support a fairly modest set of smartphones. Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 edge, Galaxy Note 5 and edge+. The limitation is understandable - these smartphones are equipped with high-resolution screens, which allows you to get a higher-quality three-dimensional picture.

Review of the virtual reality helmet VR HeadSet RIEM 2

Now let's start reviewing the hero of today - the VR HeadSet RIEM 2 helmet-glasses. It is with their help that you can create cheap virtual reality for a smartphone. Judging by the information from the instructions, the glasses support phones with screens from 3.5 to 6.0 inches.

In our case, a phone with a 5-inch screen with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels was used as a prototype. Looking ahead, we can note that even this resolution, providing a pixel density of 441 ppi, was not enough to obtain a clear picture.

So, what are virtual reality glasses that cost about $15? First, let's look at the kit:

  • glasses;
  • belt for fastening;
  • magnet;
  • instructions

The glasses themselves are quite large, massive and look heavy, although in fact they are not. We should pay tribute to the good mounting system on the head. Together with the smartphone, the entire structure takes on noticeable weight, but this does not cause any inconvenience.

The smartphone is mounted on a hinged lid equipped with a set of suction cups.

On the one hand, this approach makes it easy to install a phone of any size. In addition, if you need access to your smartphone to select another application, you just need to open the cover without removing the device itself.

The cover itself has holes for connecting headphones and charger.

The downside is that the suction cups hold the phone too tightly - you will have to use considerable force to remove it. In addition, there are no guidelines for determining the correct horizontal position; everything has to be done “by eye”.

The RIEM 2 adjustment set consists of two sliders that allow you to change the distance between the lenses. In addition, there is a magnet on the left side to influence the magnetic field of the phone's magnetometer.

In general, we did not have any serious complaints about the glasses themselves and their operation.

The only thing I would like to recommend is to add a joystick or gamepad to the kit. Without additional devices controlling what is happening on the screen becomes at least inconvenient. The phone should also be equipped with a gyroscope for more accurate orientation in space. This condition is not mandatory, but desirable.

And so we suggest watching a video review of this helmet at our channel :

Virtual reality on Android

There are a lot of applications for getting acquainted with “pocket” virtual reality in the Play Market. First of all, of course, these are games - attractions like the famous Roller Coaster, zombie shooters, space flights and dozens of other genres.

The following set of virtual reality programs can be described as demonstration ones. These are walks through various cities and beautiful places, simulators, exploration of the underwater world, and so on. Typically, the operating principle of most of these applications is to view photos taken using 360-degree cameras.

Finally, a big part of virtual reality is video. The main content provider is YouTube - here you can find hundreds of videos for viewing in Side-by-side mode, that is, divided into two images for each eye, or turn your head in a panoramic 360-degree video. We believe virtual reality films will appear soon

However, before you start looking for a particular application, we recommend that you get acquainted with Google’s service – Google Cardboard. It is quite possible that studying its capabilities will take you more than one hour.

Games for virtual reality glasses

Since in our case there was no joystick included in the set of glasses, and the phone itself was not equipped with a gyroscope, control in most games became a serious problem. Therefore, I would like to once again draw your attention to this point: you should enter virtual reality prepared.

Owners of Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR will not be bored: in addition to the Play Market, the Oculus application store offers its services. Everyone else will have to be content with only the Google store.

Although there is something to see here too. First of all, these are applications from the company FIBRUM, which is a developer of not only software for virtual reality, but also the creator of glasses of the same name. The game Roller Coaster VR, to which many Android travelers begin their virtual journey, is the creation of FIBRUM.

Another game of the company is the virtual swing VR Swing. On a phone screen, a double image looks nothing more than funny, but with glasses, flying over the city looks completely different. Unfortunately, neither images nor videos convey such sensations.

Most games like zombie shooters require additional controls. Without them, your hero will simply stand in one place.

Some games automatically detect the absence of a gyroscope on your phone and then block Side-by-side viewing mode. You can play, but not with glasses.

Various races - regular, space, water - are a very popular genre of games for virtual reality glasses. At the same time, racing does not have to resemble graphics Need for Speed ​​- the simplest picture with glasses brings a lot of pleasure.


A significant share of the total number of applications for virtual reality glasses is occupied by applications of a demonstration or training nature. These are all kinds of walks and excursions - Tokyo at night, the Buran shuttle, underwater or prehistoric worlds with all sorts of their inhabitants, and so on.

Some applications consist of a set of high-quality photos. You can look at the area around you, turning your head, as if you were really standing in the center of this city. As an example, we can highlight the Sites in VR applications from the developer Ercan Gigi – and VR Cities from Smart2VR - they attract a large number high-quality photographs.

In many other applications beautiful views created artificially, but viewing does not become less interesting. In some cases, on the contrary, the imagination of developers allows them to achieve interesting results. For example, walking in space.

Some apps make it easier to search YouTube by showing you the entire list of relevant videos at once. The applications of some developers, for example Qwellcode, cheat a little: after selecting the video you like, the YouTube application is launched.

Finally, the Play Market has a number of applications with “own video”, which cannot be found on YouTube. Videos with an immersive effect are especially popular - as a rule, these are either horror films or videos with beautiful girls of Oriental origin.

Virtual reality and iOS

Last May 2015, Google came to the rescue and created Google app Cardboard for iOS. In particular, models starting from iPhone 5 and higher are supported. .

Google Features Cardboard are the same as for Android. The application includes several functions: Exhibit - visiting museums and exhibitions, Explorer - exploring various locations, and Urban Hike - virtual tours of cities. Of course, to fully use the application, it is recommended to acquire Google Cardboard virtual reality glasses or an equivalent.

In general, the set of virtual reality-related applications for iOS is the same as for Android, although the latter is slightly smaller in size. Find lists of games with detailed description, images and reviews in social networks won't be difficult.


We consider virtual reality glasses, in which the smartphone plays the main role, to be inexpensive, interesting, but short-lived entertainment. Of course, such glasses don’t have a chance against the Oculus Rift, but the difference in price is such that it’s not even funny: about 3 thousand rubles for a set (glasses + manipulator) versus at least 43 thousand.

When purchasing glasses, you should make sure that the pointing device is included in the package. If not, it must be purchased separately. It is also desirable that the smartphone itself be equipped with a screen of at least 5 inches in size with a resolution of at least Full HD; a gyroscope is required. Only in this case will immersion in virtual reality be pleasant.

 Today, the opportunity to plunge into the virtual world is no longer a novelty. Manufacturers are releasing new models of glasses and helmets that are designed to work in conjunction with a computer and modern mobile phones. That's three various categories devices:

  • Virtual reality glasses designed for computers and consoles (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift).
  • Wireless virtual reality helmets.
  • VR glasses for smartphones (VR Box, Samsung Gear VR).

Let's look at how to use them and what the difference is.

Virtual reality helmets and glasses for smartphones (VR Box, Yes VR, Samsung Gear VR)

  • Work when connected to a smartphone.
  • The necessary information is pre-installed on the phone software. The manufacturer offers to purchase it or download it for free, including a large database of films, games and videos, designed for this model points.
  • After downloading and launching them, the phone is installed in the box, fixed and the glasses are put on the head, adjusting the clarity and quality of the picture.
  • In some models, it is possible to purchase an additional headset (joystick) to control games.

Many fans of advanced games and movies in HD quality would like to know how to use virtual reality glasses for a smartphone by connecting to a computer via wi-fi or bluetooth? In this case, you need to download the necessary programs on your PC (for example, Trinus VR), establish a connection with your smartphone and use the film library or play games.

Virtual reality (VR) headsets for computers (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift)

  • Before you start, you need to install (download) drivers compatible with this model of virtual reality glasses.
  • Requires connection via cable.
  • After establishing a connection, select a movie, video or game using the mouse.
  • You can adjust the image for each eye.
  • Sound is transmitted through PC speakers or headphones.

Detailed recommendations on how to use virtual reality glasses for a computer are contained in the instructions for the device. Many users prefer PC models as they provide more options to gamers. This is a wide range of video games in excellent quality, allowing you to get indescribable sensations when immersed in the virtual world.

Nowadays virtual reality technologies are actively promoted by the most different companies. AND we're talking about not only about these accessories for such expensive products as PS4 or top Samsung smartphones. In principle, every user can now buy decent virtual reality glasses, because they cost around two to three thousand rubles. The main thing is that the smartphone matches them. Today we’ll talk about how to use VR glasses after purchasing them.

What is needed for VR glasses to work?

Operating system: Android at least KitKat;

The dimensions of the smartphone must correspond to the recess in the glasses;

A set of sensors: accelerometer and gyroscope.

Optionally, you can add a resolution of at least Full HD. In principle, this cannot be called a necessity. But from personal experience I will say that with HD on a five-inch screen, the feeling of the game deteriorates significantly, because the picture is grainy and of poor quality. Accordingly, if this HD is maintained at 5.5 inches, then the pixel density will drop even more, leading to more image distortion.

Otherwise, the process of using virtual reality glasses for a smartphone is extremely simple. First, we stock up on relevant software and media (apps, games, movies, etc.). Then we launch the desired program, insert the smartphone into a special recess inside the glasses, fix it - and that’s it! Now let's go through the software. And we will start, of course, with games.

Games for VR glasses

Very cool content is created by the Fibrum studio. Many toys provide the opportunity to go through a demo level in order to check out the gameplay and answer the question “Should I buy full version? Among the coolest creations are Space Stalker, Zombie Shooter and Roller Coaster (where would we be without it?!). However, the list of VR games from the Fibrum studio does not end there. The graphics in them can hardly be called realistic, but the gameplay itself is addictive, that’s for sure.

Although “Roller Coaster” can be found in Google Play V a huge number from many other developers. Another interesting toy is “Survival Horror 3D”. A kind of horror that looks terrifying in virtual reality glasses (even adjusted for the graphic part). But at this point a very important thing needs to be mentioned: a considerable percentage similar applications requires an additional accessory to control the character. It can be a wired joystick, but it is better to buy a Bluetooth controller. It is more compact and there will be no problems with wires.

Google Play is rich in VR games in more than just shooters and racing games. Here, in addition to Traffic Racer or Mountain Sniper, you can even find a wingsuit jump simulator. Or a fly flight simulator. Or a spaceship. Or a combat aircraft. I could list them endlessly, but I think everything is clear. In general, the choice is up to the user. By spending at least an hour or two searching, you can find several good toys for VR glasses, from which we will get no less pleasure than from playing regular games.

Now we will talk about combining software with multimedia, namely watching movies in virtual reality glasses. Actually, after games, this is the second reason that encourages people to buy appropriate accessories. This especially motivates those who like to go to the cinema to watch a screening in 3D format. What could be better than having your own movie theater at your fingertips, and with the ability to pause the movie at any moment? And although there are quite a few similar applications on Google Play, we will consider only one player, because it has everything we need.

VaR’s VR Player is a multimedia player for viewing both 3D videos and VR videos with a concise, but stylish and understandable user interface. The application allows you to play files that are already available directly on your smartphone (choice either through the gallery or through the directive browser). In addition, if the video is posted on the site, you can simply enter its URL in the appropriate menu, so as not to download files and waste time on it. If, of course, traffic allows it.

This program is for Android platforms It is distributed absolutely free of charge and now, after several updates, it appears on Google Play with the postfix “Pro”. The only purchased content costs 259 rubles, and with its help we can disable annoying advertising. By the way, this is the only drawback of the application. At least in my opinion. Although ratings and reviews on Google Play most likely only confirm my point of view. An analogue application can be called the AAA VR Cinema program.

Want a lot of VR videos? It's doable!

There is special software for this. If you purchased Google Cardboard, then I recommend downloading the corresponding application. But if virtual reality glasses are from another manufacturer, then they come to the rescue universal remedies software. Now I will talk about how to use the Fulldive program and what it has to offer, as well as how to watch VR videos directly from Youtube.

As for the Fulldive program... In my opinion, the name “Full Immersion” fully justifies the functionality of the program. In principle, he is not interested in what type of headset the user has. And this makes it stand out against the background of the same Cardboard, designed specifically for owners of VR glasses of the same name.

First of all, the Russified assistant will tell the novice user about the controls in the application, and will also show what is located and where. As for the “arsenal,” the number of videos collected in the general library is simply off the charts. It’s especially cool that they are divided into categories. So, if you are tempted to watch a couple of short horror films at night, you just need to hover the virtual cursor over the appropriate category and wait until filtering occurs.

FullDive contains information not only about videos, but also about games. It's a pity, of course, that there is no possibility of direct downloading. Instead, the program will generate a link and save it, but the user will have to go to Google Play themselves and download from there. The reason for this phenomenon is most likely that not all VR games are free. However, I already talked about this at the beginning of the article, when we talked about the Fibrum studio and other “creators” of virtual reality games. Now a little about Youtube.

This type of content is suitable for both advanced users and those who are just starting their acquaintance with VR technologies. In such videos, shot using 360-degree technology, the user does not have any freedom in terms of movement. He sees only what the fixed camera around him was able to capture. But who said it shouldn't be cool? I assure you: a parachute jump and a roller coaster look quite impressive, especially on smartphones with good screen resolution.

To watch such videos, you do not need to download special applications. Nowadays, many Android smartphones come with a pre-installed application from Youtube, where you can find such “videos”. If this program is not available, then we simply turn to the browser version of the site. In any case, the request will be the same: 360. After turning on the corresponding video, you will need to click on the VR headset icon in the lower right part of the player.

Play GTA 5 with VR glasses? Easily!

There is one interesting program called Trinus. It allows you to synchronize your PC/laptop with your smartphone via either a wired USB connection or wirelessly (via a shared point Wi-Fi access). The point is that after synchronizing the images from the monitor, they are also displayed on the smartphone screen, and, thanks to the presence of a gyroscope, our head movements will be perceived within the game itself. The effect is especially noticeable in games with the possibility of sniper shooting: Sniper Ghost Warrior or Counter-Strike at worst. But we note that such a connection can be made with all games. And playing solitaire with VR glasses or driving a car in GTA 5 is the user’s choice. But let's take a closer look at how to set up Trinus to work.

Find software for personal computer can be found on the official website of the developer, and mobile version applications - on Google Play. I would like to immediately warn you that trial version Allows devices to sync for 15 minutes only. Then the connection is lost and will have to be established again. In fact, this can be done indefinitely. But the only question is the comfort of such use.

With a wired connection, performance will be better, but mobility is lost due to the wire. I recommend setting the balance between picture quality and speed in the settings of the smartphone version of the program, but on the computer set the resolution in games to 800x600. Moreover, launch the game itself in windowed mode. This will help save precious FPS and avoid frame drops as much as possible.

Other useful programs

Several more applications have been developed by Google for curious users. These are Google Street View, Google Arts and Culture and others. We will dwell in detail only on Street View. The rest of the software can be easily found in the wilds of Google Play.

I remember that at one time many fans of Google service, which allowed you to navigate the streets of almost any city in 3D mode. Users, in turn, got the opportunity to look at many parts of the globe at all 360 degrees. In fact, travelers were able to “drive” through the chosen city virtually. Nowadays, many users still resort to using the desktop version of the service in order to be partially prepared for a real expedition.

However, owners of VR glasses will be interested in trying to adapt the service to a smartphone application. However, if your headset does not provide external buttons control, you will have to fork out for a Bluetooth controller or its wired analogue. There is simply no other way to navigate the streets.


As you can see, there is plenty of content for VR glasses on the Internet and, in particular, on Google Play. Games, movies, videos - all this leaves no chance of getting bored. Today I gave examples best apps, provided the basis for the use of virtual reality technologies. And in favor of what to make a further choice, the user will decide for himself. We can only wish for a strong vestibular apparatus, since this is the only thing that will stop us in the process of using VR glasses.

These are special devices through which you can immerse yourself in an amazing virtual world, explore unexplored places, take part in exciting games and even engage in self-development. Today there are many device models, each of which has its own functionality and price range. Let's look at how to use virtual reality glasses correctly and what modern applications have been developed for them at present.

How to use virtual reality glasses

Requirements vary depending on what device the virtual reality glasses work with - a computer or a smartphone.
Let's look at how to use virtual reality glasses with a mobile device.

  1. You need to download the application to your smartphone and install it. The application is selected depending on the glasses model.
  2. After this, the smartphone will need to be installed in the box and secured.
  3. The next step is to put on glasses and adjust image clarity and quality.
  4. Sometimes models include a joystick so that the application mode also covers the gaming sphere.

Each virtual reality headset has its own use. Instructions are included with the device.
How to use VR glasses? Nowadays, more and more technologies are appearing, and virtual devices are undergoing changes. So, in cheap models of glasses, you will need to tilt or turn your head to control them, and there is a small button to control other functions.
Some models allow you to control the glasses by moving your eyes. There are options where a joystick is required, and there are those where you need to press the smartphone screen.

Virtual glasses for a smartphone on Android: how to use

There are 8 most popular applications that are designed for Android. Consider virtual reality glasses and how to use them from your phone.

AAA VR Cinema

Provides a free video player for your glasses that plays local content found on your phone. The advantages of the player are its simple interface and ease of use. To view a video, you need to place the video on your device and open it through the application.
The video player also offers a number of other features:

  • activation/deactivation of tracking the user's head movement;
  • viewing video in 360 and 180 degree format;
  • connection additional source data storage (physical or network).

With this application you can view our Earth satellite in detail. It uses footage collected by NASA conducting flights to space and the moon. Through the application you will see everything that was presented to the eyes of the astronauts. To use the app, your device will need to have significant power and be able to run at 1920x1080p resolution. Thus, any smartphone will not work.

Cardboard Camera

VR glasses (VR): how to use from a smartphone? The application is designed to configure virtuality glasses. You can also use it to “walk” around the center of Moscow and fly around the entire Earth. The application provides the ability to view video content that is on your device. It has a catalog free games and applications.


This application was created for educational purposes, but it is interesting to use for models mobile devices not only in the classroom, but also at home, for self-development. The application consists of 200 expeditions. There is a 360 degree mode.

This is a free VR navigation platform that will allow you to view content from around world wide web. The advantages of the application include a browser for viewing online content, a built-in video player and support for VR videos from YouTube.

Let's look at how to use VR glasses and “travel” around the Earth. The application allows you to view the streets in 360 degrees, post your content and view other people's content. The application is different high quality pictures and is a great way to explore the world around you.

How does the user use virtual reality glasses in this case? Thanks to the application, you can examine the planets of the solar system and the star itself, compare the sizes of objects and learn a lot of other interesting information. The application is relatively free, but for about $3 you can use the service of a speaker - an automatic voice will help you find a specific object.

YouTube VR

This is one of the largest sources of VR video on the Internet. IN free version Ads will be displayed on the smartphone screen; to turn it off, you will need to purchase a Red subscription for about $10.

VR glasses for iOS

The best VR apps on iOS include the following:

  • Jaunt VR – viewing a huge collection of 360-degree videos;
  • Relax VR – an opportunity to relieve stress after a busy day at work and visit the quietest and most secluded places on Earth;
  • Virtual Kaiju 3D - in this game you act as Godzilla and destroy the metropolis;
  • VR Roller Coaster – the opportunity to “ride” on virtual attractions (the application features high-quality graphics and fast speed);
  • Egypt Chamber Cardboard – in the action-adventure game you explore an ancient Egyptian pyramid in search of an answer to a riddle;
  • HYUNDAI VR+ - the application provides access to panoramic cameras installed in the interior of a racing sports car.

You can also use Google Street View (the mapping service application described above, which provides the opportunity to walk to any point on the planet), Youtube VR and Virtual Reality Moon (for traveling on the Moon).

How to use using a computer

Virtual reality glasses - why, what are they for, how to use on a computer? It is necessary that the glasses have powerful hardware that is compatible with the PC. Before purchasing a device, make sure that your PC is compatible with this model of glasses.
The first thing you need to do is download drivers that are compatible with your glasses model. The connection is made via cable. After the connection is made, games or movies are selected with the mouse. You can adjust the image for each visual organ separately.
The sound is transmitted through headphones or speakers on the computer. How to apply a specific model virtual glasses, written in the instructions for the device in more detail.

Menu panel in virtual reality glasses

Let's consider how a person uses virtual reality glasses. Depending on the model, the user can open touchpad on the right temple. To exit it or return to the previous menu, you must press the hardware button. There is also a special volume rocker on the panel.


We looked at how to use virtual reality (VR) glasses. The virtual world provides enormous opportunities not only for entertainment and games, but also for education and self-development. To immerse yourself in the reality of virtual reality glasses, you need to know how to use the device. It depends on the model of glasses: cheap options have simple ways controls and provide limited functionality, while more expensive analogues can completely immerse you in the virtual world.

More and more gadgets fill our lives. Virtual reality glasses are another innovation. What are they for? First of all, the device is created for fans of games and watching movies. This newfangled gadget allows you to go deeper into the world of virtual reality and feel the events happening on the other side of the screen.

Owners of such glasses can truly experience all the sensations from movies or games, and freely go on a virtual journey. This newfangled development has already appeared among some gamers and simply lovers of technical innovations. Videos are made with VR glasses, reviews are made on them, in general, there are a lot of reviews and opinions. Where did they come from, how much do virtual reality glasses cost, when did they appear, how to use them? All the details are below.

Where did the VR helmet come from?

The first attempt to show people the second reality was not very successful. Back in the nineties, a helmet for immersing in virtual reality was invented in the United States of America. Due to some shortcomings, it was not widely used, and a year later manufacturers refused to release this new product.

Next I tried to work with “virtual reality” Sony company. Several miniature helmets were created. They were equipped with headphones and displays. But, again, the device did not become widespread.

Today, virtual reality helmets have been significantly improved. They have become more compact and convenient to use. There are plastic and even ordinary cardboard glasses. What's remarkable is that both serve their purpose. The choice on the market is huge. There are also films and games designed specifically for such glasses.

Operating principle

How do virtual reality glasses work? The helmet (or otherwise - VR glasses) is based on a body made of plastic or cardboard with lenses, behind which there is a screen divided into two parts. It is built in such a way that one eye does not see what is visible to the other eye. A three-dimensional 3D image is obtained due to the fact that each eye sees its own picture. The principle is the same as with 3D video. If you make a video from two cameras at once, and then run them in the same way for the eyes, we will get a 3D video.

In addition, inside the virtual glasses there is a gyroscope - a special device for tracking head turns. If you are watching a movie on a computer or playing a game, the helmet is connected to the PC, and the image from it is transferred to the screen of the virtual glasses. Now we have figured out how this gadget works.

What are the types of VR glasses?

There are VR gadgets for smartphones and computers. How do virtual reality glasses work on a smartphone? First of all, you need to install a special application on your device. Next, you need to fix the smartphone, connect the glasses to it, put them on your head, and adjust the image. For gaming, sometimes you need to purchase an additional headset.

PC Helmets

Virtual reality helmets (glasses) for a computer require the installation of special drivers on it. The glasses are connected to the PC via a cable. Sound is usually transmitted through headphones or speakers. The image, as in the previous version with a smartphone, can be adjusted. Game lovers prefer to use virtual reality glasses for computers, as there is a large selection of strategies, action games, adventure games and racing games in good quality.

Applications for virtual reality glasses

If you become the proud owner of VR glasses, then ask yourself: are there any special developments for them? Of course yes. For beginners, the application from Google is quite suitable. It's called Google Cardboard. The program includes a photo service and an application with films and games for VR.

There are other programs that can interact with VR glasses:

  1. Video player for Android AAA VR Cinema. This program plays virtual reality files on your smartphone. So, you can watch all videos, and not just those that were originally intended for the VR device. The application can be downloaded for free from the Google Play library.
  2. Camera to take VR photos. This application is called CardBoard Camera. With it, you can take pictures and then view them using VR glasses.
  3. Another very interesting option is Expeditions. Sitting on your couch, you can visit any corner of the planet. Simply an amazing journey. On Google Play app free.
  4. Do you love culture and art, but do not have the time or sufficient funds to visit museums, exhibitions and other cultural projects? Then you'll love the Google Arts and Culture app. This free program on Google Play.
  5. Google Street View. With this application you can view the streets of any city in 360-degree mode.
  6. For space lovers, Titans of Space is a good choice. A complete model of the solar system is developed in this application. With VR glasses you can freely explore space.
  7. YouTube. Glasses give you mega-opportunities for watching videos from this video hosting site.

Using VR glasses

You have installed the required application. Now let's figure out how to continue using virtual reality glasses. Let's launch installed program. In some models, a special bar extends and a smartphone is inserted there. It happens that this part simply folds back. Then we put on glasses and watch or play.

How to use virtual reality glasses on a computer? To do this you need to install the TrinusVR application. It is used to transfer data from a smartphone. There are all settings: sound, video, etc. Once configured, you can play or watch movies for virtual reality glasses.

Playing with virtual reality glasses

Gadgets provide more and more opportunities. Let's get acquainted with games for virtual reality glasses:

  1. Elite Dangerous. The games in this series have been around for decades. Here you can explore the vastness of the Universe and fight. A virtual reality helmet will only enhance the entire experience.
  2. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is a game for several people. One of the company puts on virtual helmet and thus finds himself in the room with the bomb. The others tell her what to do to keep her safe.
  3. Job Simulator. The action takes place in 2050. Robots do everything instead of people. The player is offered the role of a working person, and robots constantly interfere with him.
  4. Batman: Arkham VR. Designed for playing on PlayStation. You will conquer the world in a superhero costume.
  5. Euro Truck Simulator 2 is a simulator about truck drivers.
  6. Minecraft VR. Very popular game. And most importantly, to plunge into the “world of blocks”, the simplest equipment is enough.
  7. Pool Nation VR. With virtual glasses you will get a full room for playing billiards.
  8. Assetto Corsa VR is another car simulator.
  9. Subnautica. A game about how to survive in the ocean. You can travel by submarine or using scuba gear.
  10. The Climb. Here you need to overcome obstacles in the mountains. If you are very sensitive, you may experience dizziness at some points.
  11. An expedition to Everest can be done using Everest VR.

To find games for virtual reality glasses, download any application on this topic to your device. But games are not the only entertainment.

Movies for virtual reality glasses

If you have purchased a helmet, but still don’t know what video to choose from, we offer several new products designed for viewing with virtual reality glasses:

  1. "Blade Runner 2049". A three-hour thriller about a world inhabited by replicants.
  2. "Talon Falls." A horror film about an attraction with human dolls.
  3. The French comedy Wild Desire tells the story of a young couple going to great lengths to conceive a child.
  4. The French film about the events of 1945, “Winter War,” will tell about the struggle between the Americans and the French.

Any film or video on YouTube can also be watched using virtual reality glasses.

Which virtual reality glasses to choose?

Samsung glasses are quite easy to use. Designed for smartphones. The lenses in them are plastic, and the accompanying parts are made of foam and leatherette. The glasses have focus and volume adjustments. Virtual reality helmets from this manufacturer do not have their own batteries. If the sound is insufficient, the glasses are used together with headphones from a smartphone.

A budget option is glasses from the Chinese manufacturer VR Box 2 0. In this option, you need to use a smartphone display, since the gadget does not have its own. This helmet can also work with a computer. Reviews of virtual reality glasses from this manufacturer are appearing more and more often and are generally positive.

Xiaomi has developed a VR Glasses helmet. The device is the lightest among its brothers. Any additional features There are no glasses - everything is simple and ascetic.

Chinese representative of the new generation of virtual reality glasses - HIPER VRS. What's new? This device has 33.5 mm lenses. There is a focus distance adjustment. The outside of the helmet is covered with glossy plastic. There is an output for headphones and a charger. Various components will allow you to completely adjust the helmet to suit you. According to reviews, virtual reality glasses in this line have a good price-quality ratio.

VR Box VR 2.0 device. Unlike the previous copy, it is made of matte plastic and has a remote control.

Fibrum Pro is the lightest of the "advanced" virtual reality glasses. The view here is possible at an angle of 110 degrees. In addition, this device was developed by Russian manufacturers.

Vive is a professional level device. The helmet tracks head movement and movement in space. There are headphones included in the external package. Reviews of virtual reality glasses from Vive indicate that it is more convenient to work with them through a computer.

Oculus Rift is an affordable professional option. Automatically adjusts to the human eye. Built-in headphones and game joystick included. The sensor is made so that the position can be changed 360 degrees.

The review of virtual reality glasses is far from complete. More detailed information about the devices can be found on the official websites of manufacturers or sellers. Reviews about virtual reality glasses are generally positive - the development is interesting, affordable, and has every prospect of becoming very popular.

Prices for VR devices

The pricing policy will depend on the model, manufacturer and type of device. How much do virtual reality glasses cost? Prices range from 300 to 40,000 rubles. Thus, glasses for a computer are usually more expensive than glasses for a smartphone due to the fact that they have separate components in the design.

The future of VR gadgets

New technologies are created not only for entertainment; it is quite possible to use such devices, for example, in medicine when carrying out complex operations. So, it is likely that very soon virtual reality helmets will be used in many areas of human life.
