What to do if hamachi services are disabled. How to completely remove hamachi

Despite the efforts of the Hamachi developers to make this program as “friendly” and simple as possible, many users still have difficulty setting it up. By following the instructions below, you can easily configure Hamachi correctly for gaming or work.

General setup of Hamachi on Windows
In this article we will look at how to configure Hamachi - the most available today. The example demonstrates the setting Hamachi for Windows 7, since this OS is the most common today.

In general, Hamachi does not require any additional configuration; all you need is to install the program, run it, and click on the “power” button (Fig. 1).

After this, you need to connect to the network of interest by clicking “connect to existing network"(Fig. 2) or "network" -> "connect to an existing network" (Fig. 3).

A network details window will appear in front of you, where you will need to enter the network ID and password (Fig. 4).

If there are enough free slots in the network, you will connect and see a window with a list of participants (Fig. 5).

Hamachi asks for registration, what should I do?
If Hamachi is launched on your PC for the first time, or information about previous launches is damaged, the program will display an authorization error message (Fig. 6).

In this case, you need to either register for free in the LogMenIn system (Fig. 7), or log in if you already have a LogMenIn account.

What to do if Hamachi won't connect?
First, you should check if everything is ok with the network you are interested in. To do this, enter “hamachi test network” into a search engine and try to connect using any of the details that appear in the search results.

If Hamachi does not connect to any network, click “system” -> “parameters” (Fig. 9).

Select the lowest item in the left panel - “Parameters”, find “Encryption” there and set the type to “Any” (Fig. 10).

Then click the item located at the bottom of the window “ Additional settings"(Fig. 11).

If you do not use a proxy server, set the corresponding attribute with the “no” flag (Fig. 12).

Please note that when using a proxy, connection problems may be caused by it.

Then resolve names using the mDNS protocol (Fig. 13).

Disable traffic filtering by selecting the “allow all” flag in the corresponding field (Fig. 14).

Enable presence in virtual network Hamachi (Fig. 15).

Confirm the changes made (Fig. 16).

Close the program and enter it again.

If the above does not help, try temporarily disabling your antivirus.
Also, sometimes Hamachi does not connect due to the Firewall blocking it.
To turn it off, click " Start» -> Control Panel -> Firewall-> Enabling or disabling Firewall
(Fig. 17) (Fig. 18) (Fig. 19) (Fig. 20)

Setting up Hamachi via a router
Sometimes the source of problems is not incorrect setting Hamachi or overly “vigilant” Anti-Virus, but the port through which your router broadcasts.

Open two arbitrary free ports in your router settings (each specific model The router has its own specifics for opening ports - see the instructions). Then configure Hamachi to use them by specifying the local TCP address and local UDP address attributes in the already familiar “advanced settings” window (Fig. 21).

After that, restart the router and restart Hamachi. Important point- when “forwarding” ports, do not confuse the addresses for TCP and UDP protocols!

Special cases of Hamachi configuration
It is worth noting that this program is often used by gamers to build gaming networks, as well as various organizations to create corporate file sharing systems. In such cases, you should strictly follow the instructions of the gaming community or your company. However, at the same time, you must understand that if you decide to download and install a third-party unofficial Hamachi distribution, you are endangering the security of your PC - unless absolutely necessary, refrain from connecting to such networks.

How to set the language in Hamachi?
Unfortunately, there is no optional language selection in the program. In order not to run for a dictionary, it is enough that you have the Russian version of Hamachi. If for some reason you need a different language, reinstall the program after downloading the “hamster” localization corresponding to the language you are interested in.

Note that Hamachi official website provides the ability to download only the English version of Hamachi. We can do it.

Recently, when using the LogMein Hamachi program, I recently encountered the following error.

This error appears immediately when you try to launch the program on your computer for the first time. Accordingly, the program does not work. The Internet is full of information, but the information is partial and one resource advises one thing, another another, but complete information nowhere. Therefore, for everyone who has encountered such an error, I am sharing a way to solve it.

To begin with, I will say that this error can appear not only with the program Hamachi and its service This error often occurs with the service Windows Audio, so this method will help in this case too.

And so, in the case of Hamachi, it all starts like this: you run the program and see an error - Hamachi service - Service status: stopped.

The reason for this is the service LogMein Hamachi Tunneling Engine, which could not start. She needs help.

Let's go to Control Panel - Administration - Services.

We see a list of all services on your computer, look for LogMein Hamachi Tunneling Engine.

Click on it right click- Properties. In the window that appears, select Start type: "Automatic" and press the button Launch. For some after this Hamachi can earn money, click here Apply And OK. Restart Hamachi.
But in most cases you will see an error window: Failed to start LogMein Hamachi Tunneling Engine service on Local Computer.Error 1068: The child service could not be started.

In this case, go again to properties services and go to the tab Dependencies.

You may not see anything in the “This service depends on the following components” window, but these are the services we need for the service to work LogMein Hamachi Tunneling Engine and program Hamachi.

Many LogMeIn Hamachi users report that they are unable to use the software. In most cases affecting users, when starting software a pop-up self-diagnosis window appears in which the error is defined as stopped the Hamachi service. This problem is most common on Windows 10, but there are reports of it occurring on Windows 8.

Hamachi error service not running

What causes the "Hamachi Service Stopped" error on Windows 10?

We investigated this particular error message by looking at many user reports. We were able to recreate the issue on our testing machines and analyzed recovery strategies that were deployed by other affected users to resolve the issue.

Based on what we've collected, there are a few common reasons known to cause this particular error message:

  • Hamachi application does not have administrative privileges— The problem often occurs because for one reason or another the Hamachi application does not have administrative privileges. In this case, you can resolve the error by forcing the application to run with administrator rights.
  • Service Windows management disabled- Hamachi relies heavily on the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service. If this service is configured to be disabled, this particular error will occur. In this case, starting the service should resolve the issue.
  • Missing dependencies for workstation - Several users reported that the problem was resolved after use command line with elevated privileges to configure Hamachi dependencies to add a workstation. Typically this is reported to happen if the user upgraded to Windows 10 from old version Windows.
  • LogMeIn Hamachi tunnel engine is not configured correctly- There are cases where the problem was confirmed because the service startup type was not set to Automatic. This problem can be easily resolved by going to the Services screen.
  • Third party security intervention- There are several overly secure AV/firewall packages that are known to conflict with LogMeIn Hamachi. Uninstalling the ultra-security package or creating exceptions for Hamachi should resolve the issue in this case.
  • Logging out or power cycling disables the Hamachi service- This is a common scenario on computers that need to be logged off or power cycled frequently. You can work around this inconvenience by creating a startup task to protect against these scenarios.

If you are currently looking for solutions "Hamachi service has stopped" error, this article will provide you with a set of proven troubleshooting steps. In the next section, you will find a list of potential fixes that other users in a similar situation have used to resolve the issue.

To make the entire process as efficient as possible, follow the methods in the order in which they are presented. Ultimately, you should find a fix that solves the problem in your specific scenario.

Method 1: Run Hamachi as Administrator

As simple as this fix may seem, many users have been able to bypass "Hamachi service has stopped" error by simply making sure the executable is run with administrator rights.

To do this, simply right-click on the LogMeIn Hamachi executable and select Run as administrator.

Running Hamachi as administrator

To avoid this every time you need to run it, you can right click and go to properties, then go to the Compatibility tab and check the box associated with Run this program as administrator. After the blow Apply, your computer is configured to run Hamachi with administrator rights.

Setting up LogMeIn Hamachi to run as administrator

See if this procedure solves the problem. If it doesn't, move on to the next method below.

Method 2: Enable the WMI service

Couple of users facing "Hamachi service has stopped" the error was reported that the error was resolved after enabling Windows Management Instrumentation provision of services. Please be aware that LogMeIn Hamachi depends on Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service in order to function normally under Windows.

Here quick guide that the Windows Management Instrumentation service is enabled and the dependencies are configured correctly:

Method 3: Change dependencies to add a workstation

This problem may also occur because Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) The service does not have the necessary dependencies to function properly.

In cases where the WMI service was enabled but LogMeIn Hamachi was still not working, some users reported that the issue was resolved after changing some dependencies to add a workstation from an elevated command prompt.

Here's a quick guide on how to do it:

If you are still facing "Hamachi service has stopped" Error, please go to the next method below.

Method 4: Set up LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Service

Some affected users have reported that they were able to resolve the issue by setting the LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Engine service startup type to Automatic and allowing the service to log in as local system account. After rebooting, most affected users reported that the issue was resolved.

Here step by step guide for setting up the LogMeIn Hamachi tunneling service:

Method 5: Uninstall Third Party Security Suite (If Applicable)

According to some users, the problem may also be caused by the overprotection of a third-party security package. Several users who encountered the same error reported that the problem no longer occurs after uninstalling the third-party firewall/antivirus.

If you like your security solution, you can probably resolve the conflict by setting an exception in your firewall/antivirus settings (excluding all Hamachi services from scanning). However, the steps to do this will differ depending on the AV service you use.

If you decide to get rid of the security option completely, you can follow our step-by-step article ( Here).

Once you've dealt with third-party security software, restart your computer and see if "Hamachi service has stopped" The error is resolved on the next startup.

If the problem still occurs, continue to the next method below.

Method 6: Create a startup task to protect against logoff or power loss

It is common knowledge that Hamachi services (and dependent ones) will stop if you log out or cycle the power while the software is running. This may irritate some users, as most quick solution- just restart and turn on the relevant components again.

However, there is one way to automate the entire process. You can set a safeguard by adding an automatically recurring task that runs the .cmd file every time it starts. This will save you the hassle of constant reboots.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Click Windows key+ R open the Run dialog box. Then enter " notebook And click Ctrl + Shift + Enter open a new notepad window like administrator. According to the prompt UAC (User Account Control), choose Yes grant administrative privileges.

    Opening a new Notepad window

    Notes: Opening as administrator Important. The procedure will not work if you follow the instructions from the regular window.

  2. In the notepad window that opens, enter the following commands in exact order: clean stop Hamachi2Svc clean start Hamachi2Svc run "X:\Filepath\LogMeIn Hamachi\hamachi-2-ui.exe" output

    Notes: Keep in mind that one line is the third, the first part ( *X:\Filepath*) is just a placeholder. Replace it with the appropriate drive letter and path. At the end the command should look like this: run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Hamachi-2-ui.exe"

  3. Once the code is configured, go to File>Save As. Then in Save as set file name as HamachiStart.cmd and change Save as type V All files. Then go to C:\Windows\System32 and click Save to save the newly created cmd file in the System 32 folder.

    Saving Hamachi CMD

    Notes: Saving the .cmd file inside System32 will save us from having to type the full path to the file later.

  4. Click Windows key + R open another Run dialog box. Then enter " taskschd.msc And click Login open Task Manager.

    Launching the Task Scheduler Utility from the Run dialog box
  5. Inside Task Manager, click on Create a task from the right menu.

    Create a new job using Job Scheduler
  6. From Create a task window, go to general tab and set a name for your task. Use whatever name you want. Then go to Security Settings, make sure your user account is selected and check the radio button associated with Run only when user is logged in. Finally, use the dropdown menu associated with Customize for and select Windows 10 from the list.

    Setting up the Hamachi launch task (general information)
  7. Then go to Triggers tab and click on New... From New trigger screen, set the drop-down menu associated with Start the task V On startup, then make sure Included the box at the bottom of the screen is checked. Finally hit Fine save changes.

    Setting up a Hamachi launch task (triggers)
  8. Then go to actions tab and click on New … button. From New Action screen, install action To launch the program (using the drop-down menu) and click Browse button linked to Program/script(under settings). Then go to C:\Windows\System32, Choose HamachiStart.cmd and press open. Finally hit Fine close the window.
    Setting up a Hamachi startup task (Actions)
  9. Then go to conditions Tab and uncheck everything there. Now click Fine save changes.

    Setting up the Hamachi launch task (conditions)

    This is it. Starting from the next startup, your computer is instructed to handle Hamachi whenever you need to log off or turn your computer off and on again.
