What should I do? I forgot my Huawei password. Unlock Huawei P Smart

Huawei routers are often used to access the Internet; this company is known for high-quality equipment that provides access to the Internet. world wide web, and this includes both modems and routers. On any device that provides access to a wireless wifi network, you must change the password from the standard one, otherwise any Internet user will be able to connect to a free signal. Not everyone knows how to do this, so they either leave the problem unattended or invite professional technicians to do it, but you can change the access code to the wifi network yourself.

When to change your security key

After purchasing a new router, you need to not only connect it to a power outlet and a computer, but also configure it correctly, including setting a password for access to the wireless network. However, many people skip this point, and the security key is installed by default. Any Internet user within the coverage area wifi signal, can connect to it, knowing the name of the router, which is usually the name of the default network. By entering your router model into the search bar in your browser, you can quickly find the standard password set by the equipment manufacturer.

You should suspect the connection of strangers to your wireless network in the following cases:

  1. Connection speed decreases. This applies to all devices connected to the Huawei router via a wired or wireless network. The signal arriving via the Internet cable is distributed over several connections, as a result of which the speed is evenly distributed. As a rule, those who like to connect to a neighbor’s wifi not only browse sites in a browser, but also try to download large files, as a result of which the connection owner’s speed will be much lower than advertised.
  2. Allowed traffic has been exceeded. In most cases, modern tariffs home internet They provide unlimited access, that is, they do not limit the user’s traffic, but there are other options with a certain limit. If previously the user had enough of the provided quota, and for some time the traffic ends very quickly, you need to think about third-party connections.
  3. Provider printout does not match. You can order a detailed report from any provider, which will show when access to the Internet was made, and how much data was transmitted or received. If you know for sure that on a certain day you did not go online at all, and the printout indicates the opposite, you need to change the security key for the wireless network on the Huawei router.

Procedure for changing the security key

Not every Internet user knows how to change the wifi password on a Huawei router, but doing it is quite simple and quick. The whole process takes no more than 5 minutes, and professional craftsmen in different regions can charge from 500 to 1,500 rubles for such a service.

To perform the necessary actions, you will need a computer or laptop connected to the router via a wired or wireless network. You can also use mobile devices, for example, a smartphone or tablet computer, but in this case the procedure will be less convenient and take longer.

To set up a password, it is not necessary to connect to the Internet; it is enough that all the wires are in their sockets. To change the access code, you need to open any browser that is installed on the system and enter address bar combination “” or “”. The system will redirect you to the web configurator page, where you need to enter your login and password. If you have not changed them, they remain standard, so you must enter the word “admin” on each line. If the combination does not work, look at the bottom of the router; there should be a sticker on it indicating the IP address of the router and the combination to access it.

When the login and password have been successfully entered, the main page of the configurator will open, where you can see the characteristics of the router and wireless network. Changeable data on home page no, they are presented for review and, if necessary, comparison with the indications declared by the provider.

To set up a password for wifi, you need to select the “Basic” section and the “Wireless Lan” subsection in it in the left list of tabs. Some firmware versions have a different interface, all sections are located in the top horizontal line, in it you need to select the WLAN item, otherwise all actions will be identical.

In the window that opens, in the SSID field you must enter the name of the wireless network; by default, it is named according to the router model, but it is recommended to change it to ensure better protection. Then you need to determine the encryption certificate, it is set in the Authentication Type field, the most optimal is WPA2-PSK. All other points can be left unchanged and entered New Password in the Pre-Shared Key line, it must consist of at least 8 characters. To save the changes you have made, you need to click the “Submit” button in old version firmware, and in the new one you need to go to the “System Tolls” item and click the “Save Configuration” button.

On this page you will find information about How to set up screen lock and unlock on Huawei. Maybe this instruction Suitable for other Android devices. You can configure your smartphone or tablet so that when you unlock your Huawei screen you need to enter a code, graphic key, PIN or fingerprint. After you set any of these passwords, you will reliably protect your data and no one except you will be able to unlock the phone unless, of course, you tell the password. Attention! Be sure to remember the saved passwords, if you forget, then in order to unlock Huawei and reset the password you will have to do a hard reset, that is full reset with the loss of all data, including contacts on the phone. Although resetting does not always help, also if you have a Google account, be sure to write down the password for the account, sometimes when unlocking they require you to log into your account.

Let's see how to set a password on Huawei.
Open “Settings” on Android, then “Screen lock and passwords” and “Password”.
If you need to set a graphic key, click "Graphic key" you need to connect at least 4 dots to save the unlock pattern.
To set a password, click on “Password”; you also need to enter at least 4 characters.
To set a PIN code, select “PIN code” and follow the subsequent instructions on the screen, the PIN code must contain at least 4 digits.
If you need to unlock Huawei using a fingerprint, then click on “Registration” and save the fingerprint. (You can set up unlocking using a fingerprint only in devices that have this function).
You can disable the screen unlock password by clicking “No” and following the instructions on the screen.

How to set up automatic screen lock on Android.
To lock the screen yourself, simply press the "Power" button.
You can set the time in the settings to automatically lock the Huawei screen. Open "Settings" then "Display" then "Sleep mode" and set the required time.

Perhaps the blocking methods mentioned above will also work for other Android devices. If the information turned out to be useful, then please leave a review and indicate the model of the device to which the information fits or not, so that other visitors to this page will receive useful information from you.

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The optical modem ont huawei hg8245 is a completely worthy representative of the glorious ancient Chinese family of Huawei. But seriously, the device will be a good solution both for home use and for creating a reliable corporate network. In skillful hands, its capabilities are very extensive and multifaceted.

And in this article we will look at how to set up a Huawei hg8245 wifi router under Rostelecom, as well as what functions this optical terminal supports.

By the way, the peculiarity of this modem is its two-level administration system: for major changes you will need a superuser password (which is blocked by Rostelecom on all modern firmware). Of course, with the help of “brainstorming” it can be dug out from the router’s configuration file, but in most cases “the game is not worth the candle” and for simple home use standard publicly available settings are quite sufficient.

Huawei HG8245: technical specifications

The Huawei hg8245 router is designed for connecting to a local network for the Internet, television and telephony using GPON technology.

At the same time, the device supports data exchange at GE line speed with a bridge connection, and 900 Mbit/s in a NAT scenario.

Among the main features of the ont hg8245 terminal it is worth noting:

  • - processing of Internet signals, IPTV and VoIP (arriving via an optical channel);
  • - creation of wireless WiFi points access;
  • - support virtual server, NAT functions, DMZ and DDNS
  • - remote diagnostics of problems;
  • - Ethernet connection monitoring, etc.

Ont hg8245 terminal: description of connectors

On the back panel of the Huawei hg8245 router there are:

Optical port OPTICAL, designed for connecting fiber optics

Do not look into the optical port to avoid eye injury.

LAN1 – LAN4 - connectors for connecting user devices via a network cable;

TEL1 – TEL2 – connectors for connecting telephone cable (VoIP telephony);

ON/OFF – button to turn the device on/off;

POWER – connector for connecting a power adapter.

On the sidebar Huawei modem hg8245 are located:

BBU - connector for connecting an external battery;

USB port for connecting external media;

WLAN button to turn on/off the Wi-Fi function;

The RESET button is necessary to reset the router settings to factory settings.

To reset the settings, you must hold this button pressed for 10 - 15 seconds.

On the top panel of the ont huawei hg8245 there is a block of indicators:

The POWER indicator indicates the presence of power supply ( green– power supply from the mains, orange – from an external battery);

The PON and LOS indicator characterize the optical cable connection. So, if the Huawei hg8245 los LED blinks red, then the device receives a low level of optical signal.

The LAN1 – LAN4 indicators light up when the corresponding port on the back of the device is activated (with a normal Ethernet connection, the LED lights up steadily).

The TEL1 – TEL2 indicators indicate the activation of the VoIP telephony ports;

USB characterizes the connection to the optical terminal of external devices;

The WLAN indicator lights up when the WiFi function is activated;

The indicator lights up steadily when the WPS function is enabled.

Further instructions provide for the initial setup of Huawei HG8245. If the optical terminal has been in use before, you must first reset its settings to factory settings using the RESET button.

Setting up a Huawei hg8245 router by Rostelecom

To set up a Huawei hg8245 wifi router under Rostelecom, you first need to connect it to your computer using network cable(supplied with the device).

Then on this PC you need to go to and set the static IP address there, and leave the subnet mask

Important! Static IP is set only during the initial setup of the router. Upon completion Huawei settings hg8245 Rostelecom should set a dynamic IP address in accordance with the instructions at the above link.

Huawei hg8245: login and password

To log into the Huawei hg8245 Rostelecom router, you need to launch any Internet browser on your PC, enter in the address bar and press the “Enter” (or “Go”) key.

An authentication window will open where hg8245 will ask you to enter your login and password.

Default for Huawei router MGTS hg8245 login and password: “root” and “admin”,

however, on many firmware versions Rostelecom installs login(account) : telecomadmin And password: admintelecom.

Enter the required authentication parameters and click the “Login” button

How to set up wifi router huawei hg8245?

If this is not the case, check the missing boxes and click the Apply button to save the settings.

The next step is to create a new connection. To do this, go to the WAN menu tab and click the New button.

If in this section Any connections have already been established - they should be deleted to avoid system failures.

In the new connection settings window, set the following parameters:

Mark the “Enable WAN” marker;

In the WAN Mode line, select Route WAN from the list;

In the Service type line, set Internet;

Check Enable Vlan;

In the VlAN ID line, enter the VLAN ID. (VLAN ID must be the same as the VLAN ID on the OLT). It ranges from 1 to 4094. This parameter must be specified in your contract with the provider (otherwise you can check it with the service technical support Internet provider);

In the Encapsulation mode line, select the type of Internet connection provided to you (this parameter is also specified in the agreement with the provider);

In the IP acquisition Mode line, the provided method for obtaining an IP address is:

DHCP – dynamic address;

Static – static (permanent) IP address. When selecting this mode, you will also need to enter the IP address allocated to you, subnet mask, active and backup IP addresses DNS server and the default gateway (from the agreement with the provider).

In PPPoE mode, you must enter a username and password (from the agreement with the provider).

Check the Enable NAT checkbox and click the Apply button to save the connection you created.

After saving the settings, a configuration page will appear with a new Internet connection.

Router hg8245: bridge mode

To configure the hg8245 router in bridge mode, when creating a new connection, select in the Mode column bridge mode, and in the Bridge type line – IP Bridget.

How to set up iptv on a Huawei hg8245 mgts router?

To set up IP TV on the Huawei hg8245 gpon router, you need to create a new connection in the WAN tab, where in the Service type line select IPTV and enter the VLAN ID and Multicast VLAN ID from the agreement with the service provider.

Click Apply - a second connection for IPTV should appear on the configuration page.

Now you should check if the IGMP feature is enabled. To do this, go to the Network Application -> IGMP Configuration tab and check that Enable IGMP is active.

On this basic setup Router Huawei HG8245 Rostelecom is finished. The activity of the created connections can be checked in the Status tab - the connection status should be Connected, and an IP address for each device should be assigned in the IP Address column.

Huawei echolife hg8245: wifi setup

To configure wifi on the Huawei hg8245 Rostelecom router, go to the WLAN -> WLAN Configuration tab and set the following parameters here.

SSID Name – the name of your WiFi Network, which is displayed in the “Search for available networks” of wireless devices;

Associated Device Number – maximum quantity devices that can connect to your network;

Authentication Mode – authentication mode. For greater security, it is recommended to use WPA2 Pre-Shared Key;

Encryption Mode – encryption type. For greater security, it is recommended to install AES;

WPA Pre-Shared Key – password for your wireless network from 8 to 63 characters. Here you can change wifi password huawei hg8245.

Channel Width: WiFi channel width. If you only use 802.11n devices, then set it to 40MHz. If you are using 802.11b or 802.11g devices, then it is recommended to set it to 20 MHz. If they are used different devices– set Auto 20/40.

To apply the installed configuration, click the Apply button and scan your WiFi network on any wireless device. If you find a network with the name you specified in the SSID line, then connect to it and enter the password (WPA Pre-Shared Key).

Don't forget when you finish wifi settings Router Huawei hg8245 Rostelecom specify in the settings network card dynamically obtaining an IP address.

Wi-Fi router provides devices (smartphones, laptops, computers) connected to it local network and the Internet. If after installing the router you have not set a password for your Wi-Fi network, then the network is public and anyone within the network’s range can connect to it. Thus, your neighbors or employees of neighboring offices at work can connect to your network and use it, which will lead to losses in Internet speed.

If you already have a password, but someone found it out, then you have no choice but to change the password on your Wi-Fi router to stop the free distribution of your Internet. In this article you will learn how to change the password on all popular Wi-Fi routers.

Procedure for changing the password on the router

As a rule, the configuration of the router and its installation are carried out by people from the provider. However, after some time the user may experience the following problems:
1. The data transfer speed begins to drop significantly.
2. Even at a time when no one in the house is using wireless network, indicator lights WiFi networks still blinking.
3. If the provider charges for the amount of information transferred in excess of the norm, there is a constant debt on the account, which some attribute to their inattention at first.

All these cases indicate only one thing - someone unknown was able to connect to WiFi by guessing or hacking the password. If the password is not set, then there is no need to even guess.

The way out of this situation is to change the password to a more complex combination. However, we note that hacking a WiFi network password is quite difficult. Therefore, often the cause of problems is the human factor - someone you know, when they were at your home, asked for a password to connect their device, and then told others about it (it’s worth remembering that all devices save passwords for WiFi networks). How to change the password on the router and how to make the network more secure?

When considering the issue of changing the WiFi password, for example, from the Rostelecom provider, you should understand that providers do not produce network routers, but only enter into an agreement to supply them to their customers with various manufacturers. You can set a new password on all network routers, but the changing process depends on the characteristics of the router itself.

Provider Rostelecom provides its services with the installation of the following network routers:
1. D-Link.
2. TP-Link.
We will also look at the process of changing the password for routers from other manufacturers.

Changing the Wi-Fi password on a D-Link router

Despite the fact that you can find on the market from the manufacturer D-Link huge amount router models, you can set or change the WiFi password using the same recommendation. This is due to the fact that the software part of the system remains unchanged, and the models differ only in their characteristics.

The differences may be minor, often affecting only the design and location of menu items.

One of the most popular models from the world famous manufacturer D-Link is the DVG-5402SP. The Rostelecom provider also allows you to install this model. The password change process can be divided into the following stages:

1. Launch any browser, for example Mozzila Firefox or Google Chrome.

2. The model in question has a non-standard router address that you should go to to display the settings panel - You can most often change the password and set other settings in other models of this manufacturer by going to or Setting up a WiFi network occurs through a browser. After going to the browser address, the router panel should open.

2.After you have entered the control panel, go to the WLAN tab. You need to specify the SSID Name (the name of your Wi-Fi connections) and WPA PSK password. After making changes, you must click Apply.

Changing the Wi-Fi password on an ASUS router

1.Open any browser and go to Specify Admin as the login, and Admin as the password.

2. In the left menu, go to the “Wireless Network” setting.

3. Enter the name of your Wi-Fi network in the SSID field, and in the “authentication method” item - WPA2-Personal. This is the most secure method on at the moment. In the WPA Pre-Shared Key field, enter the new password for the network and click Apply.

Changing the Wi-Fi password on the ZyXEL router

1. Go to This address is applicable in almost all cases. Only some models have a different address home network, you can see it on the back of the router itself.
2. Next you will see the login panel or the menu itself. If the login panel is the password and login “admin”. If this value is not suitable, we reset the settings to factory settings using a special key on the router case.
3. In the router control panel, go to the “Wi-Fi Network” menu, “Security”, select WPA2-PSK protection and enter a new value and click apply.

4. After this, you should reboot the router for the changes to take effect. It is also important not to forget to click on the save button before carrying out the reboot process. Otherwise, you will have to repeat the process again. In some cases, it is recommended to reboot the router itself, not through the virtual panel, but through the button on the device body.

If devices cannot connect to the network

After changing the password, a situation often occurs when it is no longer possible to connect to the created network. The problem is that the login information has changed, and all devices are trying to connect using the old parameters. At the same time, some devices begin to slow down, produce strange errors, and see the network under a different name even in a situation where this data was left.
The way out of the situation is quite simple - you should delete the network on all devices, and then search for access points again and connect using a new password. All problems will immediately disappear and the device will work stably again.

The list of default passwords for Huawei routers allows you to change the settings of the distributed Wi-Fi networks.

List of default passwords for Huawei routers

To set up a Huawei router, you need to connect the device to your computer using a data cable or by connecting to the Wi-Fi network provided by the router. To access the settings, go to any browser and enter the address Logins and passwords can be like this:





  • kyivstar\kyivstar.

Important! In some models, the standard data is different; look for the login and password on the back of the router.

Wi-Fi password

Wi-Fi passwords depend on the Huawei router model. For example, a series of routers were released specifically for the Kyivstar company and are configured to distribute Kyivstar home Internet. You can determine the login and password for the Network only by looking at it on the back of the router or changing it in the settings.

How to reset settings to factory settings?

To reset settings to factory settings (this option is suitable if you cannot log in using standard passwords), you need to find the reset button and press it for 5-10 seconds (see photo).
