The Shockwave Flash plugin slows down your computer. What is Shockwave Flash? What can I do to prevent the plugin from slowing down?

Recently, users quite often began to complain about the following error appearing while surfing the web: “Plugin Shockwave Flash slows down your computer. Please wait until the plugin is restored or stop its execution." Moreover, this error can occur regardless of the browser. So today I will tell you how to set up Shockwave's work Flash and fix the error.

Flash Player such a nasty thing that it can refuse to work at any moment, and fixing this problem will be quite difficult. Most often, the problem with the Shockwave Flash plugin occurs due to a lack of RAM. If you restart your computer and close all necessary programs does not help, the computer needs more RAM. If you are not ready for this treatment method, try using the tips below.

Now I will tell you about a method that works with an almost 100% guarantee. You can use it in any browser and for any program that has begun to work incorrectly.

Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select the “Task Manager” menu. A window will open in which we immediately go to the “Processes” tab. As you can see, there are a large number of processes running on your computer, but in our case we need to close two processes, namely the running browser (in my case it is Mozilla Firefox) and "plugin-container.exe".

Now launch your browser. Everything will work fine for you until the next error window appears. If you need a working Flash Player, this is the only way to continue working. However, the error will sometimes appear, and you will have to close it using the method described above.

Another way that will completely save you from the unfortunate mistake is shutdown Flash works Player.

To disable Flash Player in the Moziila Firefox browser, open the browser menu and select the “Add-ons” icon.

On the left, go to the “Plugins” tab and opposite Shockwave Flash, enable the “Enable on request” option. Now on sites with Flash, the system will ask you for permission to enable Flash, and you will confirm if you need it, or reject the request.

Disabling Flash Player in Opera and Browsers Google Chrome.

Disabling Flash Player in these browsers is approximately the same, with one small exception.

IN Opera browser V address bar enter without quotes: " opera:plugins ».

In the Google Chrome browser, enter into the address bar without quotes: “ chrome://plugins »

Press Enter.

A page with plugins will open, look for “ Adobe Flash Player" and select "Disable". Ready!

Not in vain mobile platforms abandoned Flash. Shockwave Flash puts quite a heavy load on the computer that even the most powerful machine can begin to slow down greatly. If you start having problems because of it, then very rarely updates to this plugin can save the situation. I'll just hope that the day is not far off when the world can completely abandon Flash.

Plugins are special add-on programs for certain purposes: adequate viewing of online videos, etc. All in all, plugins are essential for your computer to function.

But it often happens that while watching online videos or online flash games, the game window screen goes blank and the message “The plugin has crashed” appears. The following is advice to send a message about the crash, as well as refresh the page. But neither one nor the other helps: the collapse occurs again and again! Question: why? And the next question: how to eliminate the cause of the crashes? Let's figure it out.

So! First, let's look at the reasons for these crashes.

Firstly, the crash of the plugin occurs when your software is not updated: there are no important update packages for your browsers.

Secondly, the unstable operation of plugins is to blame Adobe program Flash player: with each new version of this program, many users begin to experience all the delights of online brakes.

Thirdly, the large presence of such slag as “toolbars” also poses a threat of plugins falling: they consume resources, take up space, etc., etc. In general, because of them, a conflict can also occur, which leads to the crash of the plugin.

Fourthly, noticed interesting point: 90% of crashes occur in the Mozilla Firefox browser!

By the way, many argue that the cause of the plugin crash may be outdated version browser or Adobe Flash player. Yes, that's true. But it’s the Adobe Flash player that is especially unstable (for some reason?): every new version This brainchild has a bunch of “jambs” that result in failure.

How to solve the crash problem?

First, go into your browser's toolbox and look for the Add-ons menu. In this menu there is a “Plugins” tab - this is what you need. Look how many plugins you have installed and enabled? Often, about ten plugins are included in the browser, nine of which you don’t really need! But when all the plugins work in the heap, conflicts may arise and this will definitely lead to the crash of the plugin. Therefore, it is worth disabling all plugins except one - ShockWave Flash; this plugin is needed to watch videos online. By the way: it is he who falls!

Secondly, you can configure something in the browser itself. On the very top line Mozilla browser In Firefox, type the command about:config and press Enter (Enter key). (Attention! The line you need is the line in which the addresses of sites are displayed when you visit them. Do not confuse it with a regular search line, such as “Yandex”! In general, the line you need is located immediately under the browser tabs (you will find it). It will appear warning window - we agree and go to the next window. There you will see the “Search” field. In this field, enter the command dom.ipc.plugins.enabled and press “Enter”. You will see the required parameter dom.ipc.plugins.enabled. is set to “true”. Double-click on it with the left mouse button - the parameter will become “false”. Restart the browser and enjoy: plugins will no longer crash!

And the last option: complete removal browser and flash player, followed by installing them again (first uninstalling and then installing the latest versions of the browser and flash player again).

And one more piece of advice. If you see that plugins crash (in your case) with enviable frequency, then maybe it’s just time to use a different browser? For example, try the new “Yandex.Browser”: it really solves problems with numerous glitches and plugin crashes. In any case, it's worth a try.

Good day, friends! The Shockwave Flash plugin is responsible for displaying graphics in games, applications and video content. It just so happens that the developers of popular browsers have not fully integrated their programs with this plugin, which is why such crashing errors appear. Today we will try to correct the situation when Shockwave Flash is not responding.

First, simply restart your computer and look at the result after rebooting the system. Such easy way It will help if you experienced a similar error once or for the first time. If the Shockwave Flash plugin frequently or constantly fails, read below.

Instant solution to problem in Google Chrome when Shockwave Flash plugin is not responding

The Google Chrome browser is used by most users, so we’ll start with it. This browser, in addition to its bells and whistles, has one more feature - it already has Adobe Flash Player built-in, that is, there is no need to download, install and update this component. If several similar plugins are installed in Chrome, then for this reason conflicts may arise between them. As a result, we see that the Shockwave Flash plugin is not responding.

So, to determine which plugins are installed in Google browser Chrome, enter “chrome://plugins” in the address bar.

A window will open in front of you with installed plugins, where you need to find Adobe Flash Player. Look carefully, if the message “2 files” is present, then the plugin crash is most likely due to this.

To solve the problem, disable one of the plugins. Click the “More details” link and see we have two plugins, disable one of them.

We restart the browser and try to launch the video or application, after launching which an error occurred with Shockwave Flash. If the problem is solved, great; if not, try disabling another plugin by enabling the first one. Restart the browser again and take a look. Most likely the problem will go away. If this does not help, then try downloading the latest Adobe version Player follow the link and update/install.

Shockwave flash plugin does not respond in Mozilla Firefox or Opera

If you see a similar error in the Opera browser, then follow these steps. First, type “opera:plugins” into the address bar and press enter.

Next, in the window with installed plugins, find Shockwave Flash and disable it using the “Disable” button.

Turn off, turn on Opera and check.

If you encounter a similar error in Mozilla Firefox, go to “Tools” - “Add-ons” - “Plugins”. Same here, find the Shockwave Flash plugin and disable it.

After all the above steps in any browser, you can get rid of the error “ Shockwave flash plugin is not responding", spending about a minute. If you know any other methods that will help solve a similar problem, then be sure to describe the actions in the comments, because helping others increases karma, don’t forget about it! That's all, thanks for your attention!

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Table of Contents

Determining if a plugin is the problem

You can selectively disable plugins while Firefox is running. If you suspect a certain plugin, disable it first, then test for your problem. If you don"t know which plugin to disable:

If you find that disabling a plugin fixes your problem, continue following the steps in this article.

Updating or re-installing your plugins

Many problems with plugins can be solved by updating to the latest version of the plugin.

If updating to the newest version of the plugin or reinstalling it does not fix the problem, you can leave it disabled.

Manually uninstalling a plugin

If you can"t use an uninstaller program to remove a plugin, you can remove it manually:

  1. Type about:plugins into the address bar and press EnterReturn to display the About Plugins page.
  2. Each entry in the About Plugins page will have "File:" and "Path:", showing the name and location of the plugin file. Use Windows Explorer to navigate Navigate to the folder shown for the plugin you want to remove.
  3. Rename the file to add an X in front of the filename (for instance, npswf32 becomes Xnpswf32 ).

The plugin will be removed.

Re-initializing the plugins database

In some cases, you may not be able to install or re-install a plugin. Re-initializing the database plugins may fix this problem.

The question often arises of what to do if Shockwave Flash slows down your computer. It should be noted that there are several reasons and possible solutions this problem. On the one hand, it can be removed. And at the same time forget about music, videos and much more. But we can fix this. How?

Object Flash Ocx Error

If there is a problem with the Shockwave Flash plugin, instead of the required video, something awkward is displayed, for example, a gray screen and an inscription that the plugin has fallen, then there is a conflict between the program built into the browser and the one installed on the computer. This was only the most critical option described. In ordinary life, such a confrontation simply turns out to be slow work and even occasional freezes for a few seconds. What to do in this case? There are two options here:

  1. Sequentially update both software elements automatically.
  2. Do what is described in the first paragraph manually.

But if the Shockwave Flash plugin slows down even after this, then make sure that the programs have been updated to latest version. Let's take a closer look at these processes both on the computer itself and in relation to browsers.

on the computer

This can be done using a program downloaded from the official website or using the internal interface settings. The first option is advantageous in that when checking for updates, you can set additional parameters that will apply to software during subsequent downloads. What can we recommend to note? Check the boxes next to the following:

  1. Allow Adobe to install updates. In this case, you will be deprived of the obligation to manually do everything all the time. Believe me, technology can cope with this task on its own even better than a person.
  2. Check now. As a result, a page of the official website will open in front of you, where a comparison of the versions on your computer and the last published one will be displayed. If they differ, update.

Problems with Opera

What should I do if Shockwave Flash slows down my computer in Opera? As a response to this question two ways can be used:

  1. Refresh your browser. It should be noted that the opera is tailored to specific software elements with which it will work (interaction may be with others, but it is not a fact that it is stable). Therefore, to avoid problems, you just need to update your browser. This can be done by simply left-clicking on an empty tab and selecting “About”. A window will appear that will automatically check if there is any update. But keep in mind that this is a double-edged sword: the problem may be that the plugin is too outdated.
  2. Use the plugin only when necessary. If Shockwave Flash slows down your computer, but you don’t want to take the first path for some reason, then you can use this option. It implies that the plugin is simply disabled so as not to reproduce various garbage. And when necessary, it needs to be launched. This method is noted to be 100% error-free (when turned off).

What to do with

The very first and most promising option is updating. In this case, there are three ways:

  1. Download new program from the official website and install it.
  2. We update using the plugins menu. By the way, if you just enter flash in the search bar, the browser will offer you not only target programs, but also their alternatives. However, before you can do something that eliminates the situation where the plugin is slowing down, it needs to be stopped.
  3. We reinstall Mozilla Firefox, while using the built-in interface that is installed in the program itself. To do this, select the question mark in the “Advanced” tab. A window will appear in which we go to the “About Mozilla Firefox” item. Next, we select the settings that satisfy us and follow the recommendations provided.

Problems with Google Chrome

As you might have already guessed, one of possible options actions when Shockwave Flash slows down the computer - this is an update, both of the browser itself (pay attention to the settings menu or enter in search bar chrome://chrome/) and the plugin. You can also stop the program. But there is such a nuance that there can be two, three or even four. Such diversity. But you only need to disable the one that is used inside the browser itself.

To get rid of the problem when a plugin slows down your computer, you only need to restart the program itself. Simply closing all the windows is not enough. Use Task Manager to make sure that all processes related to it are terminated. If they are not, stop them. As simple way You may be advised to restart your computer. Despite the fact that stories are popular on the Internet that the plugin slows down the computer, believe me, in the vast majority of cases, user ignorance is to blame.
