Russian postcrossing: Nature error. Postcrossing

Russian postcrossing fatal is not lucky: any attempt to create a Russian-speaking site for lovers of this hobby ends with a deafening failure. I do not know how much such attempts were, but I found three: I no longer remember the name of the first site, because at that moment was actively used by official. The second was untimely honored with all received and elected, and recently appeared the third pancake room -, where I decided to register in search of domestic like-minded people.

They say Russian programmers are in demand around the world, although, judging by this site, it is very doubting. The first half hour I persistently tried to figure it out in the hectares of the menu created, apparently, according to the principle: "Without half a liter you will not understand." Where to find your own gallery with photos of the received and sent postcards, I did not understand. Attempts to go to their profile ends with a mistake 404, which is issued with our, purely Russian persistence, not allowing to change in its description. A single letter (as can be seen in confirmation of the saying: "What is written in the pen - do not cut down the ax"). By the way, even with a successful hit in the profile, it can be changed little in it. For example, if you managed to move from Moscow to Peter, then about this happy event it is necessary to notify the admin on the forum - it manually will change your address. May be. If, in principle, you will be able to reach it.

The administration on this site is generally a separate song of a lyrical warehouse. Admin - either strolling school, whether the character from the series "does not take such astronauts". It seems that he has an eternal holiday, then gold, then diarrhea, not allowing him to correct the next bug. In any case, it is precisely such excuses that he will post on the forum, where he is asked to fix something specific. Example: On the site, a real catastrophe with the fallout of new addresses, for which you need to send the following postcards. When you try to click the "Send Postcard" button, you can most often observe an encouraging inscription: "Unfortunately, there are no available options, try later." Regret it is unlikely to have its limits, because at first a failure in the deposition of addresses Admin explained "holidays", and then the employment of his own personal life (from which I conclude that the distribution of addresses is apparently happening on the site manually). Although, judging by the reviews of the site's pioneers, it used to be more cooler: new addresses have fallen automatically, without any desire from users, simply when switching to the main page. No words - a brilliant solution.

In general, by sending your dozen postcards, I realized that the apocalypse is inevitable, so to invest and postcards in a new Russian site, unfortunately, it makes no sense. What and everyone urgently does not advise. - Website for people who are passionate about postcrossing. This is a hobby, consisting in the exchange of postcards with people from around the world, has now become very popular. Website Allows you to quickly and easily join the postcrosser community.

Going on will seriously risk "getting sick" new hobby. True, it will be the most unproofed time and money to your hobby. But at the same time quite interesting. In postcrossing, several attractive features at once.

  • Mystery element. Postcrossing is organized so that you do not know where the next postcard will come from.
  • It's a surprise. All postcrossors talk about great joy, which brings from a distant country discovered in the mailbox.
  • Personal contact. The postcard is intended personally to you, and it is the unfamiliar person from another country who addresses several warm words.
  • Collectible time. The active postcrosser pretty quickly becomes the owner of a unique collection of postcards from around the world, which successfully impresses friends and acquaintances.

Well, and manage this process of postcrossors, one of which is

"Dedication" in the ranks of postcrossers comes down to very simple actions.

  1. You register on And fill your profile.
  2. Get the postal address and send your first postcard on it.
  3. Your postcard reaches the addressee and registers them on the site. At this point, your address will fall into the database and begins to be offered to other postcrosses.
  4. Soon postcards from different countries of the world regularly come regularly.

In the tradition of global postcrossing - the use of English.However, good ownership of them is not necessary.. Many of the Russian postcrosses are bypass by the Google translator, and this is enough. So ignorance of the language is not a valid reason for the refusal of this exciting classes.

Another common concern is the poor work of Russian mail. In fact, it is not worth it to be afraid: becoming a postcharrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrian, you quickly make sure that it works not worse than the email services of other countries. In any case, at the moment.

And now let's quickly go through the main moments. When registering there are two small difficulties - write your address and something about yourself.

1. The address is written by translite (not in English!), Bottom up:

  • First Name Last Name
  • Street, house, flat
  • City and index
  • Region / Region (not required for residents of large cities)
  • Country
  • Index

Under the field in which you want to write the address, there is a link where you will find the rules and an example of writing the address:

Click on UPU RECOMMENDATION FOR RUSSIA and find out ...

... Address Writing Rules

2. To write something about yourself is not necessarily, but ... you still need to agree, it is not interesting to communicate with a person who has a blank sheet in the profile! In addition, many postcrossors write here about what postcards they would like to get. If you also have such wishes, report it.

What to write about yourself

Do not forget at the end to leave magic words with gratitude:
Thank You for Your Attention and Happy Postcrossing!

Also in the profile you need to specify your gender ("Gender"). Here you have a choice of five options. This is not a joke, just the authors added three extra opportunities here.

  • First, you can specify the "group" ("group") - if, for example, the account leads a married couple.
  • Secondly, there is an "other" item ("Other") is the ability to keep an account on behalf of (why not) your pet is a cat or dog.
  • And thirdly, there is a item "Perhaps I will not say" ("Rather Not Say").

To get the first address, you need to click "SEND A PostCard", and then "Request Address". You will see your addressee, you will be able to learn about him that he wished to inform himself, and his wishes in terms of the topics postcards:

Together with the address you get an ID to write on your postcard

Well, and then - run by mail for postcards and stamps! After you received the address, I went countdown 60 days during which it must be sent, received and registered. In the opposite case, it will be considered lost. But in the vast majority of cases, it turns out to be enough.

By sending a postcard, it is very important to be clearly (and preferably in two places) write ID Postcardswhich you get along with the address. Exactly using ID, the postcard will be registered on the site by the address.

On the there is a limit - at the same time you can send no more than five cards. Then this limit will increase - the more postcards you send, the more addresses you can get at the same time.

This restriction is caused by security considerations - in the light of many people who want to receive real addresses of people in large quantities (advertising services and not only). Therefore, the next new address you get only when the postcard is registered by the buyer or after 60 days.

To send postcards you will need to buy brands. Currently, the cost of mailing abroad is 23 rubles by terrestrial transport and 26 - aviation. Marks are advised to stick more, breaking the payment for minor amounts, and the brands themselves choose painting.

In the middle Russian postcrossors, their hobby costs 300 rubles per month. What, as they say, quite a bit for "inappropriate joy."

In the gallery Registered postcards You can see, comment and add to favorites

Postcrossing today has been devoted to many sites; There you can find out the incomprehensible moments and learn a lot of interesting details. For example, that postcrossors are often sent along with a postcard coin, tea bags and even souvenir magnets. And, of course, postcrossors love to discuss their trophies on different forums.

Often, thanks to postcrossing, friendship is tied. Many people point in the profile link to their Facebook, and many ask such a link. Often, people agree on the direct exchange of postcards, bypassing - exchange congratulations, postcards from travel and just messages.

And now it's time to call a person who invented postcrossing is Portuguese Paulo Magalyas. The name, apparently, prompted - the movement with which we have already acquainted.

In conclusion, it must be said that postcrossing has some special property, it does not understand who did not try and looks from the part. It lies in some particularly sincere joy from receiving a postcard from a distant country and the feeling of happiness, which postcrossors tell. Reading their feedback, so I want to try this occupation yourself.

I wish you, friends, and do. For example, I have already started an account on. Well, finally, let's look at the Gallery of Cards.

Agree how it would be nice on New Year's Eve, a day of birth, some other celebration get an envelope from the mailbox or a postcard with a friend, native handwriting ... Recently, in a stormy era of developed technologies, familiar SMS, emails with their efficiency, Availability occupied the palm of the championship, but hardly ready to convey all the warmth, the mentality of human communication. After all, even a sheet of paper, in comparison with the field for text, requires a more careful relationship, accuracy of the handwriting and thought.

Despite the fact that fashion on the postal correspondence is rapidly moving in the past, an excellent alternative has appeared for lovers of such communication. And the name is postcrossing.

Postcrossing: What is it?

This is an amazing project, with which people from different countries exchange postcards. In order for such a postal communication to be organized, in 2005 a special postcrossing site was created. The author of the unique project is considered to be Paolo Magalyaš - a programmer from Portugal, who loved to receive paper written from the letter. The motto of the new postal "movement" was the words: "Surprise in your mailbox!".

How to become a postcrosser?

To get a postcrossor title, use this instruction:

  1. Register on the site and fill in a program by short information about yourself.
  2. Successful registration allows you to get up to 5 random addresses postcrossers from different countries. You will open a page with a map of the world and the arrow, where exactly your future postcard will go.
  3. Send it to a fascinating overseas trip.
  4. Load the postcard to your addressee. As soon as he receives it, immediately reguses the ID number on the postcrossing site. From this point on, your address will fall into the hands of another random participant, which will leave you a cherished postcard.
  5. Open your mailbox and dance from happiness from the received postcard. Do not forget to register its ID number.

Pay attention to some details of the project, in order to feel all the charm of postcards:

  • English - postcrossing language. Although it is possible, at the request of the addressee, write the text of the postcard in your native language. The address must be issued in English.
  • There is an unofficial sharing of postcards, the so-called Swap. This method does not require registration of postcards on the site. And it provides the possibility of project participants to write off and exchange cards.
  • You can please and please your addressee. After all, in the profile most often indicate which postcards would be wanted to get.

What is the postcrossing?

Postcrossing is an amazing possibility of not only unusual human communication, but also the knowledge of the culture of other countries and peoples. Postcrossing allows you to become a collector of wonderful postcards, practicing in English, and once again unlimitedly referring, having received a small surprise from the mailbox once. And it will be really a surprise, because it is unknown to the end, from which corner of the earth the desired postcard should come.

Postcrossing is an excellent find for those who are looking for positive emotions and missed human attention. And also for those who love to participate, communicate, rejoice, thank, search, give, share, boast and, of course, create ...

Great when an interesting idea actually works and is free! Postcrossing is just such an idea! Money here you will have to spend, but only to buy and send a postcard. However, you and receive postcards will beSo it can be safe to say that everything spent returns. Therefore, it is a hobby - free.

Postcrossing is a free project for those who want to collect postcards - the most real, not electronic. You will exchange greetings with people from all over the world. It's just great!

The idea is simple.

To start sharing you need to register on the site and request up to five addresses.

Send cards to received addresses with a unique "number", which is assigned to each postcard.

When the addressee receives your postcard, it registers it on the postcrossing website, after which your name falls into the list, and will be issued to the next person to request the postcard mailing addresses.

So it comes out: you send a postcard, get a postcard, register it, request a new address.

Checked by many enthusiastic people and in our country: it works!

How to choose a postcard suitable for postcrossing? Very simple: on it from the reverse side there should be a place for the address. It goes right so, without an envelope, and keeps all the postage stamps on itself, brands - they are also interested to consider them too.

Suitable postcards are sold and sets, you are not at all necessary to buy their pieces. - In the postcard section, there are reviews, people often write that "suitable for postcrossing". For sending abroad, postcards-reprints of Soviet times are ideal ,.

By the way - do not forget write something on a postcardbetter in English, then you can talk and chat, the addressee can send you a postcard in response. Do not know English? Write in Russian: look at the letters and words from other countries, in unfamiliar languages, is also very cool!

You can send a postcard to Finland, get in response to a postcard from Lisbon, Portugal! The most interesting thing is that in the end you get cards from these random places that you won't guess! Send postcards to Spain, Thailand, England and Estonia, USA, and all other countries. What countries do postcards come from? Surprise! Look in your mailbox!

The post-crossing audience is friendly, the site is convenient, statistics are available. After logging in to the system, you can view the story where your postcards have already traveled, with what people you are rewritten, how much time it took a postcard to get to the addressee and be registered, there is also a forum.

With thousands of users of 144 countriesThe postcrossing project is more than half a million sent postcards. Sent, received and registered. And this number does not take into account the postcards, which are sent not through the system, but through the forums or directly those who sent you a postcard.

Start postcrossing

The site was launched on July 14, 2005, his founder - Salvador Paulo - said that the beginning was not easy. Development went mainly from the mouth to mouth, then attention came from the media, then suddenly the "Loe" server due to the huge influx of people. Initially, the site worked from the server in the closet at the house of the founder! It was really a project "Garage", invented by one person, and can not believe how postcrossing grew. Today, on average, one postcard is obtained in the world due to the postcrossing system.

Paulo loved receiving mail, especially postcards. Since he is tired of receiving unwanted mail, he thought that it would be nice to receive postcards from someone by chance. He was ready to send postcards, not even receiving an answer in return. It took him some time to develop a program, and today the system is already well debugged and convenient.

Age of postcrossing users?

Anyone can take part, regardless of age. Postcrossing is safe for children, children often participate with the help of parents. In fact, many school classes (especially in geography) together with teachers help schoolchildren to join the post-crossing to receive and send postcards from around the world. Because there is no way it is better to study geography and get carried away by it!

There are in the system and small children, and old grandmothers! Surprises in the mailbox adore absolutely everything!

Young people are looking for friends abroad, want to learn more about other countries, there are users of retirement age, those who would like to ride the world.

What awaits us in the future post crossing?

The site is periodically reworked, although this happens slowly. The new version usually has a simpler platform and provides new opportunities, it is already much more than when the initial site was developed. The postcrossing project simply rose too much and too fast. And it is wonderful for each of us!

Paulo would like users in the system from all to the united countries of the world!

Imagine what collection of postcards do you collect with this system? Fantastic! You can show friends and acquaintances: postcards from all over the world, with all stamps! Join - Carry!

  • Collecting postcards: how, why and why
  • Particular invitations: how to write them right?
  • Chronology Travel through a century
  • Pioneer. The most dangerous travels of all time
  • Book Series "My Russia"
  • The arms of the regions of Russia №1. Buryatia
  • The arms of the regions of Russia
  • American history. Part one. Mafia and dry law
  • New Guinea birds and other collectible postcards
  • Lost in ice. Expedition Sheklton
  • Pencil Map World
  • The most beautiful opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games, photos
  • What is the most ancient color in the world?
  • Understand №14 / 2018. gold ring of Russia
  • How to celebrate Halloween in different countries of the world (and why not in Russia)
  • Gigalids of the Ice Age: Unique Panorama Book

    admin will need to throw off the purely foreign ones right here. There are very beautiful!

    Celeste, just for the year to collect so much ... amazing! Looking at the collection, you think that five years already, no less.
    On the beautiful foreign interesting things to see. I probably do not have the most successful sets. True, you have among our postcards that I have never seen.

    yes, I myself still open for myself. 30 With excess stores that work with postclossing postcards, a bunch of authors (some are very famous and as illustrators of books: M. Pavlova, O. Grebennik, N. Derevko). I am already silent about the limited series, which the artists themselves print and sell. That's just go to Alice's posts for gifts directly by zealous collectors-Aliceamans, ordered a girl who generally knits toys and draws at his leisure.

    Such cards, I already understood, do not reach ordinary stores, you need to know where to take. In ordinary stores, too, there are interesting sets, but still not the most ... if you still gather, I will search for specialized ... But in the foreseeable future, other plans for the book, as long as there are more books.

    Celeste, and expensive goes out so postcards to collect? I still look closely, but I'm afraid that my budget will not stand.

    The guest. At first glance is not expensive. Well, it would seem, the postcard costs 12-16 rubles, the brand is 14. Not expensive? But! And eternal here is it but! By ordering, you take at least 500-700 p (this is usually minimum for free delivery), but I want, and that, and this, but in that store I also looked at the Disney, but there are new cats there. This is not cheap pleasure, I tell you. Separate theme The decoration of the backup side of the postcard (these are decorative scotchi, stickers, art stamps, drawings), it also costs money (except for the drawings of course yours). If only according to the official exchange, then of course cheaper, but not everyone responsibly approaches the postcards that will be sent to you. Direct exchanges are tightened, especially on interesting topics. But the interesting thing is to be interesting, especially since those who have been engaged in these large collections for a long time and they are very loyal or their suggestions have just been there for themselves for themselves I brought the limit for a month that I can spend on this hobby. Sometimes I certainly exceed it a bit, sometimes on the contrary (it is less).

Postcrossing (Postcrossing, letters. Mail marathon) - communication and acquaintance with new people with the help of postcards.

People lost the skill and desire to write letters. Only exchange SMS messages, messages on E-mail and immediately remove them. In the "thick bag on the belt" of postmen only on the court, tax, military enlistment office.
The biographs of modern idols crowd will be very difficult. After all, where to look for the innermost meaning of their actions, statements, relations, the origins of fatal mistakes or great insights as not in the correspondence - with friends, relatives, wives, mistresses, patters and publishers. And it will not be it. And in short, there will be a collection of writings from the absence of volumes with letters.

Of course, postcrossing does not set a task to revive the epistolary genre. He is only trying to remind mankind about the existence of a handle and paper for presenting his thoughts. In addition, postcrossing is collectibles: addresses, postcards, brands. And where collecting is there Azart, passion, goal, hope, in general life. Not someone else's serial or virtual, but its own.

However, without a network in postcrossing anyway does not do. Moreover, the Internet plays a decisive role in it. There are special sites, Russian-and English-speaking, for postcrosses and those who want to become. The sites are set out the principle of operation of the entire system.

The system is complex. Even too. It follows it for a long time. It may be because only about half a million people from 213 countries of the world participate in postcrossing according to Wikipedia testimony.

Postcrossing story

Postcrossing idea belongs to students from Portugal Paolo Mogulles and Anne Campos. They came up with and developed the site and its logo. The site earned on July 14, 2005. A million postcard was sent in May 2012, a decade-million - in January 2012, after 11 months later was sent fifteen millionth. Gradually arose online stores selling postcards and postcrossing stamps. And the mail of Belarus even announced the days of the Darksier - July 8, October 8, December 8. These days you can send postcards from 10% discount (though, in an amount of at least 10 pieces)

The most numerous postcrosser community in the world is Russian - about 60,000 participants. The world travels most of all from Germany - about three million

Video about postcrosser movement

On postcrossing from the transfer "From morning to evening" on TV channel TSV.

Another video from the active participant of the movement
