Where and how to do it. How to create your blog

So, you decided to create your own website, came up with a theme and what will be on it, but you don't know how to do it. In fact, it is not difficult now. It is much more profitable to create a website yourself than to order it from Web studios, the price can go from thousands to tens of thousands of rubles (everything will depend on the design and content).

Here are the main ways to create a website:

- choice of theme and structure

- coming up with a domain name

- choice of hosting

- selection of site engine

- filling it with articles

The first step is to decide on the topic of the site, which sections and points it will consist of. You do not need to make a website about everything, you must reveal some kind of topic in which you understand and which will be interesting to the reader. When we figured it out, we come up with the original domain name of the site. Domain - the name of your site, there are no two identical on the Internet, all domains are unique. Then we proceed to the selection of hosting - so to speak “at home” for your domain. Hosting - this is when the provider leases disk space to host your site. They are free and paid. By the way, when choosing a hosting, you can also choose a domain there. After the domain is hosted, we move on to the main work on the site: choosing an engine and filling it with content (text, articles and images). If all of the above is more or less clear, then it is not clear what a site engine is ?!

First, let's figure out what the site page consists of and how it works. And it consists of html code (from English "Hyper Text Markup Language" - language of hypertext markup) and structures CSS (Cascading Style Sheets - cascading style sheets). On any site, right-click and click "Source Code" or "View html-code".

Such an “abracatabra” should open.

In fact, this is how the site consists of the inside. This is the internal filling (html-code) and skeleton (CSS) of the site. In order not to manually create a website in html, there are engines, because a novice webmaster will take more than one month to thoroughly understand the html code and CSS tables. The use of engines allows you to reduce time and increase productivity when developing a website. But at least a superficial knowledge of the html code is needed, for example, to interfere with a design that you don't really like. Here are the most popular engines: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, DataLifeEngine, PHP Nuke etc. My site is powered by WordPress.

So, let's summarize. First, we choose an interesting topic, think over what the structure of the site will be, choose a domain name and place it on the hosting, then install the engine and start working.

These are the main points for creating a website.

Let's see how I created my website. I will not dwell on the choice of a topic, everything is clear here. With the name I had to think that it would be original and memorable. on his story. Checking a new domain before registering is a must if you want to create a completely clean website. Some abandoned sites have a bad reputation with search engines, possibly because of their subject matter, and therefore it is better that your new domain name does not match the names of such sites. Then I chose. Hosting and domain cost me three hundred rubles. The domain is provided for a year, but for hosting every month I pay about one hundred and fifty rubles. Although you can buy everything for a year. and selected the required template for our engine. A template is the look and feel of a site. There are standard WordPress templates as well, but I didn't like them. After that, having figured out a little with WordPress, I began to fill the site with content.

That's it! In fact, it is not difficult, the most important thing is to start. If, for example, something is not clear, I go to a search engine, type in what interests me and take information in a video or text version.

The most important thing to learn is that all problems are solved as they appear.

How to create your own website for free on the Internet from scratch? What is a domain, hosting, CMS platform, website builder, what is their difference and how to choose the right one? How to make a profitable website and make money on it?

Hello dear friend! The founders of the business magazine HeterBober.ru Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok are in touch.

In this article we will share our experience in creating websites. Themselves have created sites for 3 years. During this time, we independently developed about 30 Internet projects of varying complexity, and started from scratch.

Now we are professionally versed in this topic and hope that our knowledge will help you too.

Having learned how to create websites, you can not only create an Internet resource for yourself or your company, but also, if you wish, build your business on the Web.

So, at this point, you have two options:

  1. Read our article to the end in order to independently obtain all the knowledge necessary to create a website.
  2. Take a free course on website creation from where you will be "held by the hand" from the moment of idea to website creation. They will show you how to promote it and how to make money on it (both by selling your goods / services, and simply by selling advertising). On the course, you will have a support service + online webinars every day + as a result, you can sign up for a free personal consultation with the analysis of your project.

1.How does the creation of any website begin

If you are faced with the question of creating a website, then most likely you want to make it for a reason, but for a specific purpose, right? Any project begins with setting a goal, and the site in this situation is no exception.

Let's take a look at what purpose you might have for creating a website.

Globally, all goals can be divided into two categories:

  1. Commercial purpose website creation (in 95% of cases);
  2. Non-commercial purpose website creation.

Since the vast majority of the site is created for commercial purposes, it is these sites that will be discussed in the article.

The commercial purposes of creating a site include:

  • sale of goods and services;
  • personal and political PR;
  • informing the target audience in order to make a profit in the future;
  • creating a positive image for a commercial company;
  • creation of barter websites;
  • free development of Internet projects as a bonus to services already provided (goods sold);
  • production of sites to order.

Non-commercial purposes imply the creation of a site for charities or a group of individuals who will use this site as a platform for communication and exchange of content (photos, videos, messages) and information among themselves.

We define the tasks that the site should solve

The type of site is selected based on the tasks that it must perform.

For example, if you want to trade on the Internet and sell products through a website, then you need an online store.

Or maybe you are a private designer, lawyer or teacher. Then you need a different type of site, it is called a "business card site", so that potential customers can learn more about your services, prices for them, see your portfolio, customer reviews and find contacts for communication.

Let's repeat that it is on the basis of the tasks that you choose the type of site that you will work on.

Tasks that the site helps to solve:

  • create a stream of targeted visitors for your business;
  • help process applications from potential customers;
  • increase the awareness of the company or personal brand of the site creator;
  • create trust from potential buyers;
  • provide detailed information in text, audio and video formats;
  • enable the user to download the file (price list, presentation);
  • automate the company's business process in working with clients, for example, automatically calculate interest on a loan "online".

Below we have described the most popular types of sites, highlighted their features and distinctive features.

2. Types of sites

Dear reader, we draw your attention to the fact that all types of sites have similar features and this division is very arbitrary.

However, all specialists in the creation of sites or the so-called webmasters operate with these terms (names of types of sites) in their work and you need to understand what is at stake.

A bit of theory

Sites can be different, this is the first thing to understand. Developing an online store is different from creating a blog or business card website. And, for example, a portal in general can be created for many months by a team of experienced developers. Still, the main steps to creating are always the same - registering a domain and buying hosting services so that your project is hosted somewhere on the network.

Actually, the question of what is needed to create sites can be answered in different ways, because there are a lot of ways to create them. I would describe everything that is required something like this:

Your wish. No comment.

Knowledge. The more opportunities you want to get, the more knowledge you need.

JavaScript. Fast start

Money. Accordingly, the same thing. The cooler you plan a project, the more money you need for it. You can create a test resource for free.

Well, everything that concerns the site itself and its operation: domain, place on the network, engine, etc.

Let's first look at the simplest options for creation, in which you do not need knowledge and money.

The easiest ways

So there are platform giants like Blogger.com, livejournal, wordpress.com and many others. On such platforms, you can create your own blog for free. That is, you get a free space on the network where your site will be hosted. It's the same with the domain, only it will be of the third level, not the second. That is, with the prefixes .blogger.com, .wordpress.com. It is clear that no one will give you a normal domain for free.

Figure: 1. Choosing a theme for creating a blog on the wordpress site

These are the simplest ways to create your web resource in such a way, you need minimal computer knowledge at the level of the ability to use the Internet and follow the simple instructions of the designers.

If you have money, then on such platforms you can purchase premium services and get advanced management capabilities, this is already for advanced users.

More complicated way

The constructor deprives you of the need to register a domain yourself, select a hoster to buy space on the network, install the engine and many other worries. If you do all this yourself, then you initially get a lot more freedom in terms of site management. The only thing is that you already need certain knowledge, at least at the initial level. It will be difficult for you to start if you have no idea what it is: databases, FTP access, users, backups, cPanel, etc. But all this is the basics of site building and is studied in just a couple of days by googling. Let's take a closer look at the process.

Domain selection (site name)

Essentially the first stage. The domain should be registered even before you buy a place on the network for the site. Take it responsibly. The title should reflect the main purpose of your project. For example, let's take a look at the name of this portal - webformyself. The web is for me. Already in my head it becomes clear that this is a site about web technologies and its goal is to make these technologies easier and more understandable for anyone who wants to. Accordingly, you need to come up with and choose a beautiful and unoccupied name.

JavaScript. Fast start

Learn the basics of JavaScript with a hands-on example of building a web application

Figure: 2. The cost of domain registration in different zones

The domain can be registered with any registrar. The most popular: reg.ru, 2domains.ru. Which domain zone should you choose? First of all, it depends on the people from which country you mainly want to see on the site. Most often, the .ru zone is suitable, in addition, domains in this zone are the cheapest.

Let's say you are a teacher and are creating a website to attract your potential clients (students). You live in Ukraine and, perhaps, you need people from this particular country. Obviously, in this case, it is better to register in the zone.ua. Also с.by, .kz - Belarusian and Kazakh sites.

A domain in the .com zone means a commercial organization. If you only need visitors from a certain city, then you can register in even narrower zones, you can find out more on the registrar's websites. Registration for a year usually costs 100-1000 rubles.

Buying space on the network where the site will be stored

It is very important. You need to find a reliable hosting company and purchase services from them that will allow you to host your files on their hard drives. That is, in fact, sites.

Such services cost from 50 to several thousand rubles per month, depending on the capabilities of the tariff. I will not recommend any specific hoster to you, you can see it yourself in some rating.

Tariffs can be divided into: free (test period, minimum features), paid, vip tariffs, vps, vds, dedicated servers. The very last option is the coolest - you get a real remote computer at your disposal! It costs 2,000-20,000 rubles per month and is suitable for very serious and well-known sites. VPS / VDS is practically the same, only you do not get the whole computer entirely, but only a part of its space and resources. Naturally, you pay a lot less. This is the best option for all webmasters who care about their projects.

Regular paid hosting, although you pay for it, has several disadvantages compared to VDS. First, dozens of websites can be located on a single IP address. Thus, your project will be much less secure, because it will have a bunch of neighbors.

I will not continue this topic further, because this is not all that I want to tell you about. So far, the intermediate result is as follows: to create a website you need a domain and hosting, your total costs will hardly exceed 1000 rubles at this stage.

Installing the engine or creating web pages without it

When the place is purchased, you just have to associate the domain with it by specifying the correct DNS addresses, after which you can start installing the engine that will run the site. They can be paid and free. I recommend WordPress, it's free, very popular and easy for a beginner.

You will have to install the engine yourself, or the employees of the company where you bought the hosting will install it. Then a new stage begins - setting up a new project on the engine, adding a template, etc. There are many ready-made templates on the web (in fact, website designs), but the fact is that serious web resources need a unique design.

Accordingly, if you do not have the knowledge and cannot create such a template yourself, you will have to choose: either use the free options, or pay specialists to develop the template. Usually it costs from 10 thousand rubles.

In fact, you can order everything on a turnkey basis. They will register a domain for you, buy a place, install everything, create a unique design, etc. Anything you want. If you have the means to pay for all this, then please. It will cost you from 20-30 thousand rubles to many millions. Did I tell you that, for example, portals are created within a few months?


So what does it take to build a website from scratch? Knowledge and money. And if you answer from a technical point of view, then: domain, hosting, engine, database and much more. For example, if you do everything yourself, then you will also need knowledge of languages \u200b\u200bsuch as HTML, CSS, PHP and some engine.

Let's summarize again so that you remember very well what you need to do to create a website yourself. Watch this and you will get the most accurate idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you might need. You can probably find all the subsequent information on our website, because at the moment we have thousands of articles and many good courses, and by subscribing to updates, you can also receive notifications about the release of new training materials.

JavaScript. Fast start

Learn the basics of JavaScript with a hands-on example of building a web application

    • 1.1. Determining the theme of the future site and choosing a name
    • 1.2. Choosing a domain and hosting services
    • 1.3. Development of the technical component of the site: how to create your site from scratch or install the engine
    • 1.4. Website promotion and filling
    • 2.1. The target audience
    • 2.2. Geo targeting
    • 2.3. Site tasks
    • 2.4. Site platform
    • 3.1. Content creation
    • 3.2. Design development
    • 3.3. Website layout
    • Question number 1. How to find reliable and experienced performers?
    • Question number 2. Where can you learn how to create a professional website?
    • Question number 3. Is it possible to learn how to create websites for free?
    • Question number 4. What earnings can you achieve when creating websites?
  • 5. Conclusion

Developing your own website can pursue one of several goals: advertising services, creating a blog or selling resource, providing important information, opening a useful system or service... Different goals determine the complexity of the project and the costs required to launch a website. Read more about site classification by type and type

In order to figure out how to create your own website, you need to find out what hosting and domain are, learn how to use technologies Html and CSSmaybe even learn PHP, JavaScript and MySQL... Required knowledge determined by the complexity of the project.

This article will tell you in detail how to create your own website (blog) yourself for free from scratch and raise it in search results using SEO promotion.

Self-creation of sites - guide and instructions

1. "How to create a website" - where to start

Any development begins with the emergence of an idea on which the success of a future project depends. If it is outstanding and interesting, it will benefit both the creator and the visitor.

Usually people create a website about what they do best. This is what you should pay attention to when developing an idea.

1.1. Determining the theme of the future site and choosing a name

Simultaneously with the emergence of an idea, it is worth choosing a topic, since these things are interrelated.

The same rule applies here - you need to choose the area in which the most experience has been accumulated. However, you can try yourself in a new direction, if it seems profitable and interesting enough.

Having dealt with the idea and theme, you need to choose a name. It should be short, make it clear what the site is about, and be original. The name is not always identical to the domain (web-address), but it can also repeat it. The originality of the name can be easily verified in the next step.

1.2. Choosing a domain and hosting services

Domain - the name of the site, its address on the Web, consisting of two parts: titles and domain zone.

Domain name size must not exceed 15 charactersotherwise, there may be problems with the indexing of the site by search engines.

You also need to decide in which zone the site will be located ( .ru, .com etc). It also affects the rate at which a resource appears in search results.

For sites in Russian, it is logical to choose zone.ru .

There are other well-known zones that are not tied to language or country:

  • .net - sites whose content is related to the Internet.
  • .biz - projects dedicated to businesses.
  • .info - informational resources.
  • .com - commercial project.

When choosing a domain, you should check its compliance with the unspoken rules that make it easier to enter a domain name into the address bar:

  1. The name is easy to remember and original.
  2. The name is simply typed in Latin. The presence of sibilants and the letter "U" makes it difficult to dial.
  3. There are no hyphens in the domain.

Now let's talk about hosting.

Hosting - site placement on the Web, a service provided by hoster (hosting company).

In short, hosting is required to provide uninterrupted 24/7 access to a site.

As a rule, hosting ordering costs novice website builders 500-1500 rubles in year... The cost of hosting partly depends on how large the site will be.

In addition, the load on the site affects - in order to withstand the influx of visitors, additional capacity will be needed.

Hosting can cause problems with indexing, so you need to choose trusted companies.

It is worth paying attention to the following components:

  • price,
  • reputation of the hosting provider,
  • responsive support service,
  • quality and variety of services offered.

In some cases, it makes sense to order domain from one company, and hosting services - from another.

For example, if the hosting company offers favorable conditions, but does not have a sufficient reputation. In this case, if any problems arise, the transition to another hosting will be painless.

1.3. Development of the technical component of the site: how to create your site from scratch or install the engine

If you have the related knowledge, you can create a site for free yourself from scratch, but at the same time, many errors may appear, besides, your own development will take a long time.

An alternative to this - installing a paid or free engine, using the capabilities of which, you can quickly customize the site architecture.

The second option is also useful because a lot of templates have been developed for popular engines that help reduce the time spent on the structure and design.

Template - the ready-made "backbone" of the site, and all the created content is stretched onto it, that is, the content.

1.4. Website promotion and filling

Content can write yourself or order copywriters, the main thing is that it should be unique, useful, well structured and free of errors.

Not only texts are used, it is very useful to create unique graphic information: screenshots, graphs + video materials.

Website promotion is carried out in two ways: independently or through ordering SEO from professionals.

None of the options are guaranteed, but the second path brings results much faster.

Key points when creating a future website - what you should pay special attention to

2. What should you pay attention to when creating a website?

So that after launching the site you do not have to redo a lot, you need to pay attention to four things right away:

  1. the target audience;
  2. geo targeting;
  3. site platform;
  4. site tasks.

2.1. The target audience

If the site is not useful to those for whom it is intended, then the traffic will be zero. In some cases, determining the gender and age of most of the target audience is quite simple.

For example, a website for sewing children's clothing will be in demand in women 20-35 years old, and the online store of spare parts will be visited more often men 20-50 years old.

Knowing your target audience, you need to fill the site with content in such a way that it is interesting to this particular group of people.

2.2. Geo targeting

For people offering certain services, it is especially important where exactly the site visitors live.

For example, a window installer is not interested if potential customers are in another area or even in another country; he wants the site to be visited by people from his locality.

For this reason, some sites optimize for those requests that are asked by residents of a particular city, this is called geo targeting .

This also includes the language in which the site will be run. Some resources have been translated into foreign languages \u200b\u200band are aimed at audiences from all over the world.

2.3. Site tasks

Having decided exactly how the site will make a profit, it will be easier to decide on its appearance.

Are you planning to sell a product? Fit online store or promo site... Will there be tutorials on how to make wood figurines on the site? Then it's worth creating information site or blog... Thus, it is necessary to decide what and how the site will offer.

The tasks of the site must necessarily include the formation of a positive image of the company, the resource itself or the person.

2.4. Site platform

The platform for creating a website means the hosting on which it will be located, the domain zone used, as well as the used CMS or constructor.

Step by step guide

3. How to create your own website for free - step by step instructions + video

After the webmaster has decided on the tasks of the site, has chosen the engine and the type of the site, there are three more steps left:

  1. content creation;
  2. design development;
  3. layout.

Then all that remains is to buy a domain and hosting, transfer the site to it and launch it.

3.1. Content creation

All content of the future site can be divided into 3 parts:

  1. text information;
  2. photographs and images;
  3. video recordings.

Not all sites use video in their work, but it can be useful. There is a well-known SEO trick when a YouTube video is added to an article.

The lion's share of the job is almost always writing. You can delegate this task to a copywriter or do it yourself. The usefulness of the resource depends on the text in most cases, especially if it is an information site.

Keep in mind! You cannot just copy information from another site - it is fraught with the deletion of all pages from the search results.

All articles must be unique (See the article about text uniqueness) and not contain obvious errors, because search engines even look at this. Another requirement for texts is that they must be relevant to a given topic, that is, correspond to it. This is determined by the presence of keywords in the article.

In online stores, the graphic component is especially important; you will need colorful photos of goods.

3.2. Design development

In determining how to create your site and how it will look like, a prototype will help - a graphic layout that reflects the structure and location of the main elements of the site.

Design is paramount to engaging users. It should look modern, but not frighten off with a riot of colors.

It is worth deciding in advance where the menu, gallery will be located, what size the header will be. The areas in which the text will be located are marked on the layout, at the same stage it is worth choosing the main font.

It is important to decide on the range of colors: will they be bright or dull, light or dark.

After working through these points and sketching a prototype in "Photoshop" you can start layout.

3.3. Website layout

A website template is created based on the layout. The point of layout is to make the site look right in any browser and on any platform, but adjustments may be required.

At the same stage, the site takes on a finished look:

  • content is added;
  • links are provided;
  • site functionality is configured.

At the end of this step, the resource becomes completely ready for transferring to hosting and launching.

To complete the final steps, no special knowledge is required, just follow the instructions for the CMS or use the program Filezilla.

Layout requires knowledge of CSS, HTML and the use of appropriate applications.

There are many programs for editing and viewing code, but for most tasks you can use Adobe Dreamweaver and "Notepad ++".

Watch the video: “Your Website on the WordPress Engine in 1 Hour 38 Minutes. Step-by-step guide! "

Questions and answers

4. Frequently asked questions about website development and creation

Novice website developers often ask similar questions, and here are the most burning ones:

Question number 1. How to find reliable and experienced performers?

To find competent copywriters, designers, layout designers and programmers, you need to study their portfolios, read existing reviews, read their blogs, if any.

It's good if the performer is official or. This gives certain guarantees.

Question number 2. Where can you learn how to create a professional website?

At the service of novice site builders, courses are offered that can be found in every major city. However, technologies are constantly being refined and improved, the rules of SEO-optimization are changing, so in the end many things will have to be learned on their own.

Question number 3. Is it possible to learn how to create websites for free?

The Internet is full of free training courses that provide very specific knowledge.

The best place to start is HTML and CSS. Then you can move on to programming or try your hand at using the CMS. Skills in computer graphics will also come in handy.

Question number 4. What earnings can you achieve when creating websites?

The amount of earnings on website development is not limited, and therefore may even be 10000 $ per month... Ultimately it all depends on experience, talent, reputation and availability of orders.

Hello budding bloggers! Vasily Blinov is in touch and today I will present a new large section in which the team of authors and I will discuss the question of how to create your own blog on the Internet and make it popular.

You can create a blog in dozens of ways, now there are a lot of different tools for this. Depends on what you want to get. I think most of you are interested in the question, and this is the primary reason why you are reading my article now.

Such interest is quite normal and, I would say, correct, so you don't need to be shy and deceive yourself that you want a blog for your soul. Money is an indicator of success, a motivator, a force that leads to action, without it, as practice shows, not a single blogger has become successful. Remember that the greater the financial result, the more interesting and useful you can do for people and society as a blogger.

Based on this, I set myself the task of showing how to make such a blog and what you need to study for this.

Where is the best place to blog?

We are all people of different development, predisposition and a universal answer here, I cannot give. Some people find it easier to record video, so there are no better options. Someone just wants to share short stories and photos, they and other social. networks.

And someone, like me, likes to write a story and convey information in text, in the best traditions of blogging, since the days when they wrote diaries on paper. Combining text and video material on your blog pages.

Yes, I think building your own blog site is the best option. Of course, there are various special services like Blogger.com, LJ ( LiveJournal) and others, they are free, but they have a lot of shortcomings that block the ability to become popular and engage in monetization.

Therefore, the ideal option is to create a personal blog on your domain and hosting, be the full owner of it and be able to do whatever you want.

Step by step guide

Below you will find step-by-step instructions leading to dozens of lessons and individual articles on the topic. I think this instruction will be useful not only for beginners, but also for those who have been blogging for a long time.

It is still incomplete, in the process we will edit it and supplement it with new questions. You can also take part in improving it and write in the comments questions to which you have not yet found the answer.

I must say right away that we will not touch on some technical issues related, for example, to layout. If you have any problem with the design of the site or its functions, then contact the layout designers. I will tell you how and where to find a layout designer in a separate lesson.


  • How to choose a niche for your website?
  • Lesson in BZ " How to choose a site niche».
  • Lesson in BZ " How to analyze a niche and competitors».
  • How to create a site structure (headings)?
  • Lesson in BZ " How to properly structure the site».
  • Come up with a name and description for the site

Blog creation

Tuning and optimization

  • Configuring the Hyper Cache Plugin
  • Installing a logo (favicon)
  • Bread crumbs
  • Social media sharing buttons
  • How to back up your database and your entire site
  • Customizing the 404 error page

Analytics connection

  • Connecting Yandex Metrics
  • Yandex Webmaster connection
  • Connect Google Analytics
  • Connect Google Webmaster
  • Connecting LiveInternet statistics
  • Extensions for the browser LiveInternet and RDS Bar

Basic WordPress tutorials

  • How to create categories?
  • How to create new posts (articles) and edit them?
  • How do I create a page (add required pages)?
  • How do I customize widgets?
  • How do I customize the menu?
  • Page settings dropdown menu in admin panel?

Article writing and optimization

  • Article structure (headings)
  • Collecting keywords for an article
  • Competitor analysis
  • Keys.so service overview Keys.so service helps to analyze competitors and collect search queries on competitors' articles.
  • How do I customize the KeyCollector program?
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