Eraser tool in Photoshop. Using the Magic Eraser tool in Photoshop How to use the magic eraser in Photoshop cs6

Tool Magic eraser(Magic Eraser) removes pixels that are similar in color at the point where the mouse was clicked. Moreover, it automatically converts fo new layer to normal. Its settings are similar to those of the tool Wand(Magic Wand).

The Magic Eraser is best used in conjunction with a regular eraser, which deletes all pixels located under the brush. In Fig. 1.2 shows an image whose background has been removed using sharing these tools. Using the magic eraser, you need to click the mouse in those places where you need to remove the background.

Original image

Result of using the tool Magic eraser

The result of removing the remaining background fragments with the tool Eraser

Rice. 1.2. Example of tool sharing Eraser And Magic eraser

Due to the fact that the one being deleted green also present in the image of a dragonfly, a flag Adjacent pix.(Contiguous) must be set, otherwise the green pixels in the dragonfly image will be removed. Each time you click the mouse, you must change the value of the parameter Tolerance(Tolerance). For example, for clicks around the wings and head, you can set a fairly large tolerance value, about 60, and to remove the background around the dragonfly's legs, you need to reduce the value of this parameter to 15-20.

If you want to practice using magic and regular erasers,

The image of the dragonfly is saved on the attached disk in the file /glava1/start/02.jpg. The result of background removal is presented in the file /glava1/finish/02.tif.

Source: Skrylina S.N. Secrets of creating montage and collage in Photoshop CS5 with examples. - St. Petersburg: BHV Petersburg, 2011. - 288 p.: ill. + DVD

Have a nice day, my dear readers. How are you feeling? Are you ready for defense and work? Do not forget how in your youth (well, maybe not in your youth) you drew something and saw what was wrong here, and in that place it went beyond the edges, etc. Rubber product No. 3 (no, not 2, in particular 3) came to our aid, i.e. eraser.

We used it to erase everything we messed up.

So in Photoshop, the developers have provided this tool. Based on this, we will now look in detail at how to use the eraser in Photoshop, so that we can erase all unnecessary nonsense. And if you think that this is a very simple tool, then you are mistaken. He has his own chips.

So, let's go!

Simple eraser on one layer

  1. In Photoshop, create any document with a white background. Now take your brush, select any size and color, and now draw anything. Did you draw it? Now let’s turn to someone who will help us erase or wipe it away, i.e. to the eraser (warm key E, from the English ERASER).
  2. Now select the eraser size you need. It's not difficult. Don't forget how we changed the brush size in one of the lessons? Besides this and here. In eraser mode, press right button mouse on the working page and select the required size, hardness and type. In general, the same thing! Now hold down the left mouse button and, without releasing it, begin to erase everything that you need, or rather, everything that you don’t need.
  3. But the eraser in our case does not erase. It paints over what we want to erase, but paints over it with the background color. I talked about this in the article about choosing brush color in Photoshop. And if you change the color of the background to green or light blue, then the eraser will be erased in green or blue.

A simple eraser when working with multiple layers

  1. Open any two images. I opened a picture of a house in nature, and opened an image of a kitten. These are exactly what I will use here. Make sure that the kitten is in the image with the yard. To do this, you must know how to work with layers in Photoshop.
  2. Now take the eraser and start erasing everything around the cat. Just be sure to occasionally release the mouse button, so as not to start all over again. Just make sure you are on the kitten layer.
  3. Remember to zoom in to make it easier to work on more complex areas that require more fine work. And for this image, I would recommend using a soft eraser brush (or a brush with blurred edges).
  4. As you can see, I have already done some of the work. Now, with careful movements, I erase the remaining indicators of the kitten’s previous background. And voila! The cat is now in the backyard.

It goes without saying that it is clear that the cat is not sitting naturally, which can still be retouched, etc. But here there was another task. We are still studying the eraser tool.

And by the way, did you see that on at the moment The domestic instrument did not paint over the picture, but actually erased it. This is all due to the fact that we erased not the background layer, but the top one. Based on this, he removed the native background, thereby leaving it transparent.

As you can see, the thing is very ergonomic and irreplaceable, so it is prohibited to exclude it under any circumstances.

Background eraser

Now it will be even more entertaining, so take a sip of water, crunch your fingers and go!

The next tool in the domestic list of erasers will be the background eraser. This tool is used in most cases to erase unnecessary background and the more uniform it is, the better. Let's look at an example.

Open a picture with a cat, but not with the past, but with a new, growling one. Oh, what a handsome man.

  1. Select the background eraser tool. I hope everyone already knows how it is possible to choose a second instrument from the same group? You should already know! I talked about this. Well, in case anyone was fiddling, then point at the Eraser tool and right-click on it. And from the drop-down menu, select Background eraser.
  2. At the top, set the restriction to “All pixels”. Set the tolerance to 45%. But now choose an eraser size of 60-70 and start erasing the sky. Don't be afraid to drive over the cat, because nothing will happen to him. Since you chose a piece of light blue sky as your starting point, it will accordingly erase only its given shades and color. As you can see, the domestic cat was not affected, but the background near it fell through the ground.

Why do you need permission? The tolerance decides which color range is included in the erase area. If the tolerance is 1%, then the background eraser will erase strictly the color that you pressed on, and it will not affect all shades that differ by several units.

If the tolerance is greater, then when erasing, not only the color that you want to erase will be affected, but also its native colors.

In general, this is how we erase the unnecessary background and voila. Now the domestic cat is on transparent background, and we can transfer it to the second image.

Miracle eraser

Perhaps you didn’t realize that the eraser tool might not be so simple? At first I also thought that it was only for simple erasing: the main thing is not to touch the edges. And it turns out he has a bunch of features and two brothers.

So we move on to another element in the group, specifically the Miracle Eraser. Why is he so wonderful? And the fact that it can erase homogeneous (or similar in color) backgrounds not by dragging the mouse and constant erasing, but with just one click of a button.

This makes the task much easier.

  1. Let's re-open the domestic cat and select the Miracle Eraser tool. It is located in the same place as the simple and background eraser. All you have to do is press the right mouse button and select it.
  2. Now pay attention to the eraser features at the top. We see the familiar word “Admission”. Tolerance is responsible for covering the color range. Well, don't forget that. Set the tolerance to 30 to begin with and press anywhere in the blue sky once. As you can see, part of the sky was removed, but not all of it, since 30 is quite a color range and a small tolerance, which means it is possible to erase much less.
  3. Now go back to initial state Using the History palette, set the tolerance to 80 and click on the same point in the sky. Look, the sky near the cat has fallen through the ground almost perfectly, all that remains is to correct minor defects. So, by playing with the tolerance, you can come to the desired result. I hope everything was clear to you, because is it?

Well, in general, I started talking about something. It's time to finish it. Finally, I would like to recommend you one excellent video course on Photoshop, in which training takes place visually and in human language. Moreover, in video format, information is absorbed somewhat better.

I watched this course myself and discovered a lot of fascinating things that I now use systematically.

Bye bye.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Adobe Photoshop - Eraser tool and its secrets.

Good afternoon dear friends, let's look at a number of drawing tools in .

Everyone knows about the “Eraser” functions, however, the program also provides such options as “Magic Eraser” and “Background Eraser” - they provide even greater capabilities, which, however, not many people know about.

I'll try to demonstrate the functions of all these Erasers using the example of processing a specific photo. Let's check whether they are really capable of making tasks easier for the designer.

The toolbar with a selection of erasers looks like this:

Erase part of a picture using the Eraser tool

As the name of the option suggests, Eraser removes selected pixels from the image. IN basic settings you can select the brush size, set the transparency level for erasing and select the mode of use:

The eraser comes in the form of a "Brush", "Pencil" or "Block", and depending on the eraser mode you choose, you get a different effect and they are required for different images. We will look in more detail below.

To begin, select “Eraser” from the toolbar. We carefully draw along the image in our picture. If we suddenly accidentally go beyond the boundaries and erase the desired part of the image, then press Cntrl+Z to cancel last action and use the Eraser to go over this place again. This way we restore the image to its original form.

This is the simplest action, which by the way is used most often.

Erase with the Background Eraser tool

Using the Background Eraser Tool we can remove unnecessary background, while preserving the boundaries of the object that is in the foreground. Using the "Background Eraser" we select the background color, after which this color can be removed from the entire work area of ​​your image.

To be on the safe side, you can protect the foreground color from being accidentally or automatically erased.

In Limits, you should select Contiguous and using the Sample tool (eyedropper on the toolbar), specify the color in your image that cannot be touched by our eraser.

Don't forget to press the Alt button before setting the color and also make sure that the Protect Foreground Color checkbox is checked.

Erasing with the Magic Eraser Tool

Unlike the Background Eraser, the Magic Eraser can erase pixels in non-brush areas.

On the toolbar, select “Magic Eraser” and check Tolerance at 32 in the top menu.

Tolerance- this property determines the level of tolerance of one color to another. By increasing this indicator, you can achieve very smooth erasing in areas where colors smoothly blend into each other.

Then we check the boxes “Adjacent pixels” and “Smoothing”, after which we work with this tool and erase entire areas of the same color.

You can also try using different sizes brushes, test different tolerances and other settings.

In general, taking into account the existing nuances, you can try different options and achieve even better visual results and effects.

Except instead of a paint brush pointer, you get a mouse pointer that looks like a cross between the Eraser and Magic Wand tools.

Just as it can highlight color with one click, our tool can erase color with the click of a button, so it's great for instantly removing large areas of solid color. Since this tool is an eraser, it will actually remove pixels, so you will need to duplicate the background layer before using the tool.

The behavior can be changed by adjusting the following settings in the Options Bar:

  • Anti-aliasing. Checking this box causes Photoshop to soften the edges a little.
  • Adjacent pixels (Contiguous). If you want to erase pixels touching each other, leave this option checked. If you want to erase pixels of similar color no matter where they are in the image, clear this check box.
  • Sample from all layers (Sample all layers). If you have a multi-layer document, you can check this box to see the pixels of all layers, not just the active one.
  • Opacity. If you want to control how effective the Magic Eraser is, you can enter a percentage value in this field. For example, entering 50 will cause it to erase 50 percent of the image's opacity, entering 100 will remove the entire image, etc.

Complete background erasing

Now that you know how to use the Background Eraser and Magic Eraser tools, keep in mind that you can't always trust what you see on your screen. Most of the time you will use these tools to erase to a transparent (checkerboard) background. And while it may seem like you've erased the entire background, you may not. Checkerboard backgrounds are notorious for being difficult to notice if you've missed a pixel or two here and there, especially when the erased background is white or gray (like clouds).

Fortunately, this obstacle is easy to overcome. Next time you're ready to use one of the erasers, first create a new adjustment layer or fill layer, and choose a bright color that contrasts with the one you're trying to remove. And then place the adjustment layer or at the very bottom of the layers list. This way you can see if you deleted everything you wanted.

Here's how to do it: Click the Create a new adjustment or fill layer button. Select a vibrant color from the Color Picker dialog box, and then click OK. Drag the new layer under the erasable one and you are ready to start.

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