How to close a frozen program. How to close a frozen program Shutting down the computer: calling the “Shutdown” menu

Do you want to turn off your computer without unnecessary actions? You will not need, as always, to enter the “START” menu and click the mouse, choosing one of the options. We'll get by with just one click on a button that we'll place on the desktop. And after pressing the button, the system will not provide confirmation of any actions, but will immediately turn off. This is very convenient, and making such a button is easy.

Now let’s get down to business making the label “ OFF” by performing the following operations. Right-click on the desktop, select menu item Create – Shortcut

In the command execution field, enter the path to the object.

Shutdown.exe -s -t 00 to turn off the computer.
Shutdown.exe -r -t 00 for the reboot shortcut.
C:\Windows\System32\tsdiscon.exe to change user

rundll32.exe User32.dll,LockWorkStation to lock your computer
rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep for sleep mode

In the field, indicate the name of your button “SHUT DOWN” or “RESET”. Well, in general, the name of the button will not affect the function. You can give it any name, as long as it doesn’t get confused.

Click “ Ready” and such a terrible shortcut appeared on the desktop.

Now let's move on to the second point. Our terrible label needs to be improved and given an appropriate appearance. To do this, right-click on it and in the window that opens, at the very bottom, go to properties.

We will see a window like this, where we click on the “ change icon

Perhaps you, like me, will receive a system warning. But don’t be alarmed, this is just a hint that we are going to follow anyway.

Press the button “ OK” and move on to choosing a picture for our label.

Select the icon you like, click “ OK“. But in this window “ APPLY" And " OK

After some simple work, we now have a ready-to-use button.

The same steps can be done when creating a button “” and “ change user

This is useful to know:

Probably everyone Windows user, starting his acquaintance with the operating system, knows where the START button and the Shutdown. Her appearance has changed a bit over the past few Windows versions, but the meaning of her work has not changed one bit. It still does only one thing - shuts down the computer. You yourself have done this thousands of times. But did you know that you can shut down your computer in other ways without using this button at all. Now I will show you how the Pros do it.

Shortcut keys

One of effective ways to call the shutdown window is by pressing keys Alt+F4, and then Enter while on the desktop.

You can quickly switch to the desktop at any time by pressing the keys Windows + D.

Another option is to click Ctrl + Alt + Del, click on the power icon and press Shut down.

Changing what the power button does

This method involves using the power button located on the case system unit or on a laptop. Default physical button The power supply is configured to put the computer to sleep. If you prefer to use it as a button to turn off the screen, follow these simple steps:

1. Open Control Panel and go to the section Power supply.

Shutdown timer label

Another tricky way- create a shortcut on the desktop that will turn off the computer after a certain amount of time.

Right-click on the desktop, select Create - Label. Enter shutdown.exe -s -t XXX, where XXX is the time in seconds, which means after what time the computer shutdown will begin.

For example, to delay shutdown for three minutes, you must enter shutdown.exe -s -t 180.

You can also create a shortcut that will cancel the action of the first shortcut. Those. if you suddenly want to cancel the shutdown that was caused by the first shortcut, just create a second shortcut and enter shutdown.exe -a.

Force shutdown

Often at completion time Windows operation asks you to wait until the applications you have open finish. Unless you close all your applications yourself before shutting down, Windows will wait for them to close automatically. To change this behavior there are three different meanings registry:

  • WaitToKillAppTimeout: Windows will wait 20 seconds for apps to save before giving you the option to force close them.
  • HungAppTimeout: If a program doesn't respond within five seconds, Windows considers it hung.
  • AutoEndTasks: After these five seconds, Windows will give you the option to force quit.

You can edit all these values ​​in the Registry Editor.

Then at the following branch in the registry:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

From the main menu select Edit - Create - String parameter and enter one of the three variable names described above, for example:

You can create or edit (if they have already been created) all three parameters this way if you wish.

Once you have created a parameter, double-click on it to edit it and specify a value.

For WaitToKillAppTimeout And HungAppTimeout Enter these values ​​in milliseconds.

For AutoEndTasks- value 1 if you want Windows to automatically close programs when you shut down, and 0 if you want to do it yourself.

Here they are simple ways can diversify the options for shutting down your computer.

Every computer user has encountered how to close a frozen program. This situation occurs quite often when working on a computer.

While working on a computer, it happens that some program does not respond to user commands. The program does not respond to the mouse or keyboard, a window appears with the inscription “the program is not responding.”

How to close a frozen program? Some users immediately press the “Reset” button, which is located on the front panel of the computer. After this there is a reboot operating system Windows.

But this is not recommended. A reboot may negatively affect the operation of the operating system or individual programs running at that moment. After a new launch, errors may appear in the program that was running at the time of sudden shutdown.

If defragmentation was occurring at the time of the reboot, then files that were being processed at that time may be damaged due to the reboot. And if these were any system files, then problems with the operating system may begin.

If problems with the operating system have already begun, then one of the ways out will be until it is operational.

What to do if the program does not respond?

Let's look at the easiest case first. The program is frozen and does not respond to computer user commands. You need to disable the frozen program; to do this, you need to launch the “Task Manager” by pressing the “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “Del” keys simultaneously on the keyboard in the operating Windows system XP.

In the operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, after pressing these keys, in a new window of the operating system, in open menu You will need to select the “Start task manager” item at the very bottom, or simultaneously press the key combination “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “Esc” on the keyboard.

The Windows operating system has more convenient way launch the “Task Manager” - right-click on the “Taskbar”, and then select in context menu item “Run task manager” (In Windows XP, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 - “Task Manager”).

In the “Task Manager” window that opens, go to the “Applications” tab. Usually, opposite the name of the frozen program, in the “Status” column the inscription “Not responding” will be visible.

Next, select the frozen program, and then click on the “End task” button, or select in the context menu, after clicking right button mouse, select “Cancel task”. In the warning window, agree to complete the process.

After some time, the frozen application will shut down. If this does not happen, go to the “Processes” tab.

Attention! You will need to be careful with this tab. Don't look for a hung process unless you know the name of the process!

In the Applications tab, select the frozen program, and then right-click on it and select Go to Process.

Task Manager will automatically switch you to the Processes tab and highlight the frozen application.

After that, click the “End process” button, or select “End process” in the context menu by right-clicking the mouse.

If the hung program is not displayed in the “Applications” tab, then you need to go to the “Processes” tab yourself, find the process of the frozen program and disable it, if you can find this process correctly. If you don’t know the name of the process, then it’s better not to do anything in this tab!

If these steps do not help, then go to the “Users” tab, click on the “Log out” button, or after right-clicking, select “Log off” from the context menu.

You will have to wait a while until the system completes all processes, and then an operating system window with your icon will appear on your monitor. account. Click on this icon, and then log back into the operating system to continue working.

Similar actions can be performed using the Start menu, if you have access to the menu. In the Start menu, hover your mouse over the Shut Down button, and then select Sign Out from the pop-up context menu.

Restarting Explorer

One way to “revive” Windows is to restart Explorer. Windows Explorer is not only file manager, in the operating system it is responsible, among other things, for displaying the Desktop and the Taskbar.

First, launch the Task Manager using the “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “Esc” keys. Then go to the “Processes” tab, then click on the “Image name” button, and then click on the “E” button (in the Latin keyboard layout).

The process "explorer.exe" will be highlighted. Terminate this process using the “End Process” button or from the context menu.

After this, Explorer will complete its work, and all icons will disappear from the monitor screen. In the Task Manager, go to the “File” menu, and in the context menu select “New task (Run...)”.

In the “Create a new task” window, enter “explorer” in the input field, and then click on the “OK” button.

After this, the operating system should work normally.

Removing a hung process from the command line

Run Command Prompt as Administrator. In the interpreter command line enter the command: “tasklist” (without quotes), and then press the “Enter” key.

You will see a list of all processes running in the operating system. Next to each application name, its “PID” and the amount of memory consumed are displayed.

Remember the “PID” (numbers) of the frozen application that you need to disable. In the command line interpreter window, enter new team: “taskkill/pid...” (without quotes). Instead of "..." after PID, insert the value that you remember. Then press the "Enter" key. The hung application will be closed.

Other ways

The most difficult case is when some program or game that was deployed to fill the entire monitor screen freezes. In this case, you will not have access to the Desktop, the Task Manager, or the Start menu.

In this case, try exiting the window with the frozen program to the “Desktop” using the keys on the keyboard.

Press the keyboard keys “Alt” + “F4”. This key combination in the Windows operating system is used to close applications.

You can try pressing the “Esc” or “Enter” keys on your keyboard; perhaps, in some cases, you will be able to access the Desktop.

When you press the “Windows” key, you can also sometimes get to the Desktop when the program is frozen.

Try pressing the function keys “F1” - “F12” on your keyboard. In some cases, pressing these keys will open the Desktop. Which one specifically? function key may help, depends on the specific computer you have different computers it happens in different ways.

If the Desktop has opened, then to exit the frozen application, follow the steps described above in this article.

But, there are situations when the computer does not respond to any user actions. The mouse does not work, the computer does not respond to keystrokes on the keyboard. In this case, rebooting the operating system can no longer be avoided. Then you will have to click on the "Reset" button.

Conclusions of the article

If the program freezes. does not respond to user actions, try to shut down the frozen application without rebooting the operating system.
