Review of scripts for organizing affiliate programs. Review of scripts for organizing affiliate programs Download the script for the network of affiliate programs

The CpaPlatform platform implements a lot of tools for comfortable work of the webmaster, admin, operator and advertiser. On home page news, top offers, advantages of working with your network and the ability to log in or register are displayed.

Administrator features and functions:

The main page shows statistics for the day, how many total orders there were, how many of them were confirmed and how much profit you received from commissions.
- View all webmasters who have been registered in the system, it is possible to view the registration date, webmaster ID, its status, balance, amount on hold, set hold time, what amount is ordered for payment and how much has been paid.
- Actions with webmasters, i.e. log in from the webmaster’s account and view his statistics, just look at the statistics without going to his account, editing the webmaster’s data, transferring the webmaster’s account to an advertiser’s account and blocking the webmaster, as well as editing the webmaster’s data and reducing , or increase in hold.
- Actions of the advertiser, i.e. log into the advertiser’s account, edit its data and add the amount to the balance.
- Individual payments - you can increase or decrease the amount for an action performed by a specific webmaster for a specific offer.
- View and process tickets in one click, create a ticket for a specific webmaster, view closed tickets
- View all offers that are available to webmasters, edit them, stop them or completely delete them.
- View all offers that have not yet been launched or have been stopped, the ability to make the offer active.
- View the offer card, i.e. description, news, goals, geo, traffic sources, cost of the product.
- Ability to give the webmaster access to a private offer.
- Adding an offer directly from the admin panel, after which the offer is already available to webmasters, after your moderation and verification of course! When adding an offer, the following is written down: offer name, product cost, advertiser ID, private offer or not, category, logo, description, GEO, traffic sources, post-click, target audience, adding landing pages for an offer, spacers and specifying a goal, goal category, how much the advertiser pays you and how much of this money you pay the webmaster.
- View, add and edit news.
- The ability to link news to a specific offer and make an email notification, i.e. a letter with the news will go to all webmasters.
- Visits - viewing all visits, for all offers that were made through the system, the ability to sort by offer, by order status, by date and webmaster. These statistics also show the date and time of the transition, from which webmaster, for which offer, from where, i.e. referrer, from which IP, browser and country the transition or order was made.
- Payments - Payments ordered by webmasters, you can pay or write a ticket to the webmaster who ordered the payment.
- Call Center - displays all operators who have been registered, their full name, email, password, which offer they are linked to, the ability to edit their data or complete removal. Possibility of adding a new operator to any offer.
- E-mail newsletter - it is possible to send an email newsletter directly from the administrator’s account.

The functionality for the admin is very wide, for example, it is possible to integrate with other affiliate programs via API and much more.

Webmaster features and functions:

We tried to include all the most important, necessary tools for the comfortable work of webmasters, because they are the ones who bring orders. On at the moment There is everything for a webmaster to start working comfortably; all kinds of analytics and all kinds of tools are already included in the platform.
- On the main page of his account, the webmaster can view statistics for the day, i.e. how many transitions there were, how many orders there were and how much profit was received per day. Below is a convenient graph. On the right is the “Your personal manager” block, from where the webmaster can write directly to the ticket, or through the contacts listed there.
- At the top there is a hold and balance, as well as the webmaster’s login, when clicked, he goes to a page where he can view and edit his data, editing his email and wallet occurs through technical. security support. By clicking on the hold, the webmaster can view the order date, order ID, for which offer, how much was added to the hold and when that amount will be transferred to the balance.
- When you click on the balance, all the same data is shown, i.e. order date, order ID, offer, income and the date when this amount was transferred from the hold to the balance.
- News - here the webmaster can view system news and descriptions. Also if added new news, but the webmaster has not viewed it, then the panel will show “+1”, depending on how many news the webmaster has not yet viewed.
- Statistics - here the webmaster can view all statistics on transitions, orders, etc. Statistics by date - date, how many transitions were made to the landing page from the webmaster, coefficients such as CR, EPC - are calculated automatically, conversions, i.e. how many were there in total, how many of them were accepted, how many were pending and how many were rejected, financial statistics - what was the total amount of leads, how much of this was credited, how many were pending and how many were rejected.
- Statistics on sub-accounts - If a webmaster uses sub-accounts when attracting traffic, then he has the opportunity to view statistics on sub-accounts and analyze from which teaser and from which platform he had orders, again, there is all the data as in the statistics by date.
- Stream statistics: here the webmaster can view on which stream clicks, orders and all the same statistics as by date were made.
- Statistics on offers - the webmaster can view which offer, when and how many orders were received + all the same statistics as by date.
- Statistics on actions - here the webmaster can view some information on orders, i.e. when, for which offer, from which page the order was made, what was the purpose, amount of earnings and customer data on the order.
- My streams - here the webmaster can view what streams he created, copy the stream link, see what offer the stream was created for, what landing page is used for of this stream, can delete the stream or edit it.
- List of offers - all offers that are present in the system. All information on these offers, such as the name of the offer, the cost of the product, the goal, such as data such as EPC and CR, targeting and the function of adding an offer to yourself, or deleting it if it is already present in your list. From here you can view the full product card, description, goals, landing pages, geo, accepted traffic sources and news on the offer.
- My offers - all offers that you have already added to your list will be shown here. From here you can already create a flow and receive a link to attract traffic. Here you can sort offers by category and Geo.
- Creating a stream - the name of the stream is written down, a landing page is selected (If the webmaster has already poured on this landing page, a value such as CR will be written next to it. Next, a spacer is selected if it is provided by the offer, again, if the webmaster has poured, then a value like CR will be shown next to it It is possible to enable or disable the comebacker and the ability to enable or disable opening the landing page in a new tab when working with spacers. It is very designed for webmasters. useful feature, such as tracking using metrics counters, mail ru and Google analytics, i.e. the webmaster can create a counter and register its number and all transitions that were made to the landing page using the webmaster’s link will be displayed in the counter’s statistics. Next, there is the possibility of using TrafficBack, i.e. if the offer accepts geo RU, and you have traffic from geo KZ, then when you add a link to TrafficBack, traffic from geo KZ will be redirected to this link. It is possible to use Postback. Below is how to work with all this. Next, the webmaster can add tags or subaccounts to the link. After all the settings, the stream is saved and the webmaster can begin to attract traffic through his link.
- Payments - at this stage the webmaster will be able to order a payment, as well as view the entire payment history.
- Tickets - here the webmaster can create a ticket, answer it or close it in one click.
- Account settings - change login and other personal data.

On the advertiser’s main page, a schedule of orders is shown, that is, the advertiser can keep track of which day there were more orders and which day there were fewer. There is a technical support block, you can register phone numbers there. and Skype, and if the advertiser has any problems, he can call or write to you.
- Balance - the advertiser, before starting cooperation, makes a deposit, the admin writes the amount of this deposit to the advertiser’s account and from this amount the amount for each confirmed order is minus. When you click on the balance, we will be able to see when, for which offer and for which order the amount was withdrawn and what it is.
- My offers - here the advertiser can view all his offers, their name, cost on the landing page, payments and odds.
- Finance - shows how much in total, for what date the amount was withdrawn, i.e. statistics of all expenses by date.
- Statistics - shows the date, how many orders there were in total, how many were accepted, how many are in processing, how many were rejected, also by amounts, it shows how much was spent on deductions, how many potentially, and the percentage of confirmation. Below are statistics on offers, by country and by sales.
- Orders - all orders that have been received by the advertiser are shown here.

Operator capabilities and functions:

The operator's office is quite well thought out and very easy to use.
- There are categories of statuses, such as confirmed, pending, rejected and errors, and substatuses have been added for convenience and complete statistics.
- A new order is sent to the waiting list, a new order, from where the order processing begins.
- When you click on start processing, an order card appears in front of you, where the operator sees all the data and he has the opportunity to transfer the order to another status and enter all the necessary data, full name, phone number, city, address, zip code, quantity, color, order track number , cost, comment for the webmaster and upsell.
- If one operator opens an order, the other will not be able to do this and will receive a message that the order was opened by another operator and by whom exactly.
- If the order has been confirmed, then it can be rejected only within 24 hours, after that it will no longer be possible - this value changes.

Create your own affiliate program is a very pressing task for many modern Internet businessmen, since affiliate programs are a very good way promoting your own product or service. Properly organized and advertised affiliate programs can bring very good income, both to partners and to the organizer himself. That is why they arouse such great interest in themselves.

But how to create your own affiliate program? Surely this question can confuse novice Internet businessmen, and the first thing many will do is turn to a web studio or freelance exchange, where there are many programmers who are able to organize the software part of the affiliate system.

However, this is not always the most best option, since the services of a programmer can cost a lot, and besides, changes may be needed in the future (and they will definitely be needed if the project develops), the introduction of which can bring a lot of headaches and cause additional costs.

There are other methods for creating your own affiliate program, one of these methods is the use of special services that allow you to create personal account for partners, and can also please others with very useful and necessary functionality. Of course, the services of such services are paid: in some cases, you will need to pay a certain amount monthly, in others, you will have to share a percentage of sales. Unfortunately, at the moment, almost all such services have a large number of disadvantages: some charge large commissions, some do not provide the necessary functionality and capabilities.

Creating an affiliate program on a special CMS

One of the most best solutions is to create your own affiliate program on a special CMS, which is unpacked as a stand-alone script and is capable of providing all the necessary functionality. One of the best CMS at the moment for this purpose is the Master Order 2 system, which is very popular among online businesses, as it has a number of advantages and strengths.

More about Master Order 2

Master Order 2 script is one of the most convenient CMS for organizing affiliate programs. It is located on the hosting as a stand-alone script, but if necessary, it is possible to allocate a separate domain for it, which is very convenient.

In addition, there is also the possibility of connecting a large number of various sites to such a domain, which will allow you to accept and make payments using this software solution.

What can Master Order 2 do?

Master Order is an actively developing system that offers its users a very wide range of different opportunities, here are the main ones:

  • allows you to create email alerts for both partners and clients.
  • allows you to create special offers and a basket of goods. Special offers work as follows: a person buys a certain product and then receives several offers from a category of related products at a discount. Very often, this approach is a very smart decision, as it can significantly increase the level of sales of goods.
  • allows you to use a variety of payment systems, including: WebMoney, Interkassa, Yandex.Money, Robokassa and many others.
  • allows you to view all the necessary statistics in a very clear and convenient format.
  • allows you to create discount coupons.
  • The interface of this CMS is very convenient and understandable to every user. If any problems arise with it, you can always turn to the help center for help, where everything is described in as much detail and competently as possible. If suddenly the help center cannot help, you can always contact the developer of this script directly.

How much does Master Order 2 cost?

As stated above, Master Order 2 is not a free script and is currently priced at $349. Probably, this amount may seem too large to many, however, this is not entirely true. The fact is that if you use other means of organizing your own affiliate program, it can cost much more. On special services, a businessman will always be charged a certain percentage or a specific amount; the work of programmers is also not cheap, especially good programmers.

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money through affiliate programs

The main advantage of a CMS like Master Order 2 is that there is no need to pay a commission every time, it is enough to pay it only once, after which you can safely use this CMS, using all its advantages and its powerful functionality.

Many believe that Master Order 2 is the best CMS for creating your own affiliate programs at the moment. It should be noted that there are really a lot of such people and those who have tried to use this script almost never change their decision and continue to do so. Of course, there are some other scripts for organizing affiliate programs, however, many believe that it is difficult for them to compare with Master Order 2.

Affiliate programs are one of the most effective methods increasing sales of a particular product on the Internet. Nowadays everything more Internet businessmen use affiliate programs to promote their own online stores, landing pages, and other things.

How can you create affiliate programs? For this purpose there are special services, as well as special scripts that allow you to offer a possible partner the most convenient and highest-quality functionality for work.

If you want to organize your own affiliate program, then you can use any specialized service or use an affiliate program script that will allow you to do everything as quickly as possible and with the highest quality. Now we will tell you about the most popular, powerful and profitable scripts for your business.

Order Master 2 is one of the most popular scripts for organizing affiliate programs. This standalone script allows you to get all the necessary functionality of the affiliate program, which is available on some specialized services, only in this case, all this functionality will be installed as a standalone script.

In addition, it is possible to allocate a separate domain for Order Master 2, which can undoubtedly be a very convenient solution, especially considering the fact that a very large number of different sites can be connected to such a domain. Thus, all payments from these sites can be made through this script, which is very convenient.

Main features of Order Master 2

The Order Master 2 script can be called an indispensable tool for those people who are engaged in sales on the Internet, since it has a number of different advanced functions, here are the main ones:

  • Creating email notifications for partners and clients.
  • Possibility of creating a basket of goods, as well as special offers. For example, a person buys a certain product, after which he is immediately offered another related product at a good discount.
  • Large selection payment systems, at the moment there are 8 of them, including WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Robokasa, Interkassa and some others.
  • Possibility of creating special closed areas on the site.
  • Very convenient and understandable statistics.
  • Possibility of creating discount coupons.
  • A very convenient and extremely simple interface, understandable to every user. If you suddenly encounter any problems with your work, you can always contact the help center. You can also ask a question directly to the developer.

Cost and benefits of Order Master 2

The cost of the Order Master 2 script is currently $349. For some, this price may seem too high and unreasonably large. However, do not rush to draw such conclusions, since nowadays good, truly effective and convenient functionality costs a lot of money.

The main advantage of the organization affiliate programs using an offline script is that there is no need to pay a commission for use each time, as is the case with various services. Therefore, the functionality and effectiveness of this script, with a good product/service, can very quickly cover the invested money and begin to make a profit.

Script Postaffiliatepro

One of the most powerful scripts. This script The affiliate program has a number of important features that greatly simplify working with the affiliate program.

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money through affiliate programs

At the moment, Postaffiliatepro is one of the most popular scripts for organizing affiliate programs; many well-known affiliate programs work precisely on its basis. On the official Postaffiliatepro website you can find a demo version, as well as a video that perfectly explains how the script works.

Ecommtools script

This solution is not just a script, but a very complex complex effective tools to increase sales levels. The script allows you to create all kinds of discounts, as well as gift certificates, capable of working on free hosting. Ecommtools is great for both selling physical products and selling informational products.

Adminstation script

The script allows you to organize a modern and effective affiliate program with 10 types of advertising. The script allows you to work with PopUp advertising, teaser, banner, contextual advertising and a whole range of other species. Many Internet businessmen choose this particular script because of its convenience and versatility.

Phpteaser script

This script differs from many others in that its functionality allows you to create a full-fledged teaser network, so in some cases this solution is especially popular.

GLOPART script

An excellent solution focused on selling information products. The service is especially popular among sellers of all kinds of courses that are devoted to programming, making money on the Internet, freelancing and many other areas.

The script, which is an Internet traffic exchange, offers a very large number of advertising formats. Each of these scripts can be an excellent solution for organizing your Internet business, which will bring you significant funds.

The CpaPlatform platform implements a lot of tools for comfortable work of the webmaster, admin, operator and advertiser. The main page displays news, top offers, benefits of working with your network and the ability to log in or register.

Administrator features and functions:

The main page shows statistics for the day, how many total orders there were, how many of them were confirmed and how much profit you received from commissions.
- View all webmasters who have been registered in the system, it is possible to view the registration date, webmaster ID, its status, balance, amount on hold, set hold time, what amount is ordered for payment and how much has been paid.
- Actions with webmasters, i.e. log in from the webmaster’s account and view his statistics, just look at the statistics without going to his account, editing the webmaster’s data, transferring the webmaster’s account to an advertiser’s account and blocking the webmaster, as well as editing the webmaster’s data and reducing , or increase in hold.
- Actions of the advertiser, i.e. log into the advertiser’s account, edit its data and add the amount to the balance.
- Individual payments - you can increase or decrease the amount for an action performed by a specific webmaster for a specific offer.
- View and process tickets in one click, create a ticket for a specific webmaster, view closed tickets
- View all offers that are available to webmasters, edit them, stop them or completely delete them.
- View all offers that have not yet been launched or have been stopped, the ability to make the offer active.
- View the offer card, i.e. description, news, goals, geo, traffic sources, cost of the product.
- Ability to give the webmaster access to a private offer.
- Adding an offer directly from the admin panel, after which the offer is already available to webmasters, after your moderation and verification of course! When adding an offer, the following is written down: name of the offer, cost of the product, advertiser ID, private offer or not, category, logo, description, GEO, traffic sources, post-click, target audience, adding landing pages for the offer, spacers and specifying the goal, category of the goal, how much the advertiser pays you and how much of this money you pay the webmaster.
- View, add and edit news.
- The ability to link news to a specific offer and make an email notification, i.e. a letter with the news will go to all webmasters.
- Visits - viewing all visits, for all offers that were made through the system, the ability to sort by offer, by order status, by date and webmaster. These statistics also show the date and time of the transition, from which webmaster, for which offer, from where, i.e. referrer, from which IP, browser and country the transition or order was made.
- Payments - Payments ordered by webmasters, you can pay or write a ticket to the webmaster who ordered the payment.
- Call Center - shows all operators who have been registered, their full name, email, password, which offer they are linked to, the ability to edit their data or completely delete it. Possibility of adding a new operator to any offer.
- E-mail newsletter - it is possible to send an email newsletter directly from the administrator’s account.

The functionality for the admin is very wide, for example, it is possible to integrate with other affiliate programs via API and much more.

Webmaster features and functions:

We tried to include all the most important, necessary tools for the comfortable work of webmasters, because they are the ones who bring orders. At the moment, there is everything for a webmaster to start working comfortably; all kinds of analytics and all kinds of tools are already included in the platform.
- On the main page of his account, the webmaster can view statistics for the day, i.e. how many transitions there were, how many orders there were and how much profit was received per day. Below is a convenient graph. On the right is the “Your personal manager” block, from where the webmaster can write directly to the ticket, or through the contacts listed there.
- At the top there is a hold and balance, as well as the webmaster’s login, when clicked, he goes to a page where he can view and edit his data, editing his email and wallet occurs through technical. security support. By clicking on the hold, the webmaster can view the order date, order ID, for which offer, how much was added to the hold and when that amount will be transferred to the balance.
- When you click on the balance, all the same data is shown, i.e. order date, order ID, offer, income and the date when this amount was transferred from the hold to the balance.
- News - here the webmaster can view system news and descriptions. Also, if a new news has been added, but the webmaster has not viewed it, then the panel will show “+1”, depending on how many news the webmaster has not yet viewed.
- Statistics - here the webmaster can view all statistics on transitions, orders, etc. Statistics by date - date, how many transitions were made to the landing page from the webmaster, coefficients such as CR, EPC - are calculated automatically, conversions, i.e. how many were there in total, how many of them were accepted, how many were pending and how many were rejected, financial statistics - what was the total amount of leads, how much of this was credited, how many were pending and how many were rejected.
- Statistics on sub-accounts - If a webmaster uses sub-accounts when attracting traffic, then he has the opportunity to view statistics on sub-accounts and analyze from which teaser and from which platform he had orders, again, there is all the data as in the statistics by date.
- Stream statistics: here the webmaster can view on which stream clicks, orders and all the same statistics as by date were made.
- Statistics on offers - the webmaster can view which offer, when and how many orders were received + all the same statistics as by date.
- Statistics on actions - here the webmaster can view some information on orders, i.e. when, for which offer, from which page the order was made, what was the purpose, amount of earnings and customer data on the order.
- My streams - here the webmaster can view what streams he created, copy the stream link, see what offer the stream was created for, what landing page is used for this stream, can delete the stream, or edit it.
- List of offers - all offers that are present in the system. All information on these offers, such as the name of the offer, the cost of the product, the goal, such as data such as EPC and CR, targeting and the function of adding an offer to yourself, or deleting it if it is already present in your list. From here you can view the full product card, description, goals, landing pages, geo, accepted traffic sources and news on the offer.
- My offers - all offers that you have already added to your list will be shown here. From here you can already create a flow and receive a link to attract traffic. Here you can sort offers by category and Geo.
- Creating a stream - the name of the stream is written down, a landing page is selected (If the webmaster has already poured on this landing page, a value such as CR will be written next to it. Next, a spacer is selected if it is provided by the offer, again, if the webmaster has poured, then a value like CR will be shown next to it It is possible to enable or disable the comebacker and the ability to enable or disable opening the landing page in a new tab when working with pads. A very useful function has been developed for the webmaster, such as tracking using metrics counters, mail ru and Google analytics, i.e. the webmaster can create a counter. and enter its number and all transitions that were made to the landing page via the webmaster’s link will be displayed in the counter statistics. Next, there is the possibility of using TrafficBack, i.e. if the offer accepts geo RU, and you have traffic from geo KZ, then when adding. links in TrafficBack, traffic from geo KZ will be redirected via this link. It is possible to use Postback. Below is how to work with this. Next, the webmaster can add tags or subaccounts to the link. After all the settings, the stream is saved and the webmaster can begin to attract traffic through his link.
- Payments - at this stage the webmaster will be able to order a payment, as well as view the entire payment history.
- Tickets - here the webmaster can create a ticket, answer it or close it in one click.
- Account settings - change login and other personal data.

On the advertiser’s main page, a schedule of orders is shown, that is, the advertiser can keep track of which day there were more orders and which day there were fewer. There is a technical support block, you can register phone numbers there. and Skype, and if the advertiser has any problems, he can call or write to you.
- Balance - the advertiser, before starting cooperation, makes a deposit, the admin writes the amount of this deposit to the advertiser’s account and from this amount the amount for each confirmed order is minus. When you click on the balance, we will be able to see when, for which offer and for which order the amount was withdrawn and what it is.
- My offers - here the advertiser can view all his offers, their name, cost on the landing page, payments and odds.
- Finance - shows how much in total, for what date the amount was withdrawn, i.e. statistics of all expenses by date.
- Statistics - shows the date, how many orders there were in total, how many were accepted, how many are in processing, how many were rejected, also by amounts, it shows how much was spent on deductions, how many potentially, and the percentage of confirmation. Below are statistics on offers, by country and by sales.
- Orders - all orders that have been received by the advertiser are shown here.

Operator capabilities and functions:

The operator's office is quite well thought out and very easy to use.
- There are categories of statuses, such as confirmed, pending, rejected and errors, and substatuses have been added for convenience and complete statistics.
- A new order is sent to the waiting list, a new order, from where the order processing begins.
- When you click on start processing, an order card appears in front of you, where the operator sees all the data and he has the opportunity to transfer the order to another status and enter all the necessary data, full name, phone number, city, address, zip code, quantity, color, order track number , cost, comment for the webmaster and upsell.
- If one operator opens an order, the other will not be able to do this and will receive a message that the order was opened by another operator and by whom exactly.
- If the order has been confirmed, then it can be rejected only within 24 hours, after that it will no longer be possible - this value changes.

There are many ideas for opening a high-quality website, but some of them are very difficult to implement.

The network actively uses earnings through affiliate programs. Aggregators are often used for this, and their owners receive huge amounts of money in the form of commissions and various percentages.

It is enough to look at the success of ActionPay or Admitad to understand how profitable it is to create such projects.

You don’t have to do everything from scratch, you just need to know where to get a CPA script to create your network? For almost any type of project, you can find a ready-made script, but you need to be prepared for serious expenses.

How to create your own CPA network?

You can't do it without professional skills. First of all, figure it out. All these are payment schemes, and in our case the main one is the CPA model.

If you explain in simple language, then this is payment for action. The partner receives a reward if the person he attracts:

The conditions may be different; they will be put forward by those who create the offers. To affiliate network was of high quality and interesting, it needs to attract many advertisers. The more offers, the more webmasters will want to enter into cooperation.

How does a CPA script work?

This is a ready-made code that allows you to organize on the site partnership terms. Everything works in automatic or semi-automatic mode.

If you are not very good at this yourself, it is better to involve professionals. There are many talented programmers and webmasters on the Weblancer exchange; they will install and configure the CPA network script.

The main function of the CPA network is to organize relationships between advertisers and webmasters. Why don't they collaborate directly? Because the network does row important functions:

  • controls honesty on both sides;
  • provides statistics;
  • conducts financial transactions;
  • offers user-friendly interface;
  • provides a wide selection of offers.

The decision to develop your own network of affiliate programs often comes to those who are already involved in this area. Experience is priceless, and getting it will help.

You need to have a good understanding of the operating mechanisms of such systems in order to launch your own project.

Where to buy or download a CPA script?

The choice must be approached responsibly, because there may be holes in the script specifically left by the developer in order to have access to the created resources in the future.

Finding a ready-made CPA script on the Internet is not difficult; you enter the appropriate query and get a bunch of results:

They often offer all kinds of scripts, but not for free. It’s hard to say how much it will cost, I know concrete example when a webmaster bought a CPA network script for 70,000 rubles.

You need to understand that this is not a turnkey business, but only a necessary part of the code for the operation of a network of affiliate programs.

You can’t rely on the honesty of sellers and developers, so you need to double-check every line in the received code. It is advisable to involve professionals for this; with several eyes it is easier to see the “loopholes” left by attackers.

Create and earn money from your affiliate program, this is one of the most profitable areas where income is automatic.

In order not to look for start-up capital, many users are looking for where to download the CPA network script for free. I strongly do not recommend using such offers.

There are serious risks of falling for scammers who can then easily hack the project. It’s better to do everything yourself or use the services of trusted developers.
