Help. Mail client - ProfiMail Click Menu – Account – Create

Each email client has its own interface for configuration.

Some client programs require you to enter all settings manually, while others receive settings automatically from the provider database.

Let's look at the basic steps that are performed when setting up any email client. This information can be used to configure most email programs.

To use mail services, you need to register a mailbox on the mail provider’s website, enter your username and password to access your mail, the password must be remembered or written down. Your email address will look like - your-login@provider-site.

In this article you will find information about settings for several popular email providers.

To receive or send mail, authorization is required; for this, you must indicate your login and password in the appropriate fields when setting up the client. You may have to do this when setting up an incoming mail server and a server for sending messages, but most email clients remember the data you enter and subsequently use it automatically.

    Let's define the terminology used in this article:
  • SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, literally - a simple mail transfer protocol. Allows you to transfer messages from the user's computer to the server and further along the chain of servers.
  • POP3 - Post Office Protocol 3, literally - protocol post office. Contains commands for connecting to the server and downloading messages to the client computer.
  • IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol, a protocol for accessing email. Provides the ability to access emails, stored on the server, without downloading the contents of letters and attachments to the local computer.
  • Mail provider (ISP) - the email address of the site that provides postal service, for example As a rule, incoming and outgoing mail servers are run on its subdomains.
  • Incoming mail server - the email address of the server to which the mail client must connect to receive mail, for example or
  • Outgoing mail server - the email address of the server to which the mail client must connect to send mail, for example
Setting up incoming mail:

There are two protocols used to receive mail - POP3 and IMAP, select the protocol you need, preferably select IMAP if your mail provider supports it.
If the client program supports traffic encryption, install the SSL/TLS method for greater security.
Enter the incoming mail server address and port number, the necessary data for this can be found in the table below:

Provider POP3 Incoming Mail Server POP3 Port No. Incoming IMAP Mail Server IMAP Port No.Normal SSL Normal SSL 110 995 143 993 110 995 143 993 110 995 143 993 110 995 143 993 110 995 --- --- --- 110 995 --- 993
Setting up outgoing mail:

The SMTP protocol is used to send mail; you just have to choose whether to encrypt the traffic or not. It is preferable to use SSL/TLS if your email client supports encryption.
To fill in the fields corresponding to the outgoing mail server address and port number, use the information in the table below:

Provider Outgoing mail server SMTP Port No. SMTPNormal SSL 587 465 25, 587 465 25, 587 465 25, 587 465 25, 587 465 25, 587, 2525 465

Save your settings and test your email client.

For incoming messages (POP3) please indicate the address:

Use a Secure Connection (SSL/TLS, port 995).
In this case, you do not need to enable Secure Password Authentication (SPA), and the Authentication Method must be Normal Password.

The outgoing message server (SMTP) is provided only for VIP accounts and has a limit on the number of messages sent simultaneously. If you paid for it, please indicate:
Use a Secure Connection (SSL/TLS, port 465).
In this case, user authentication (authorization) must be enabled, and the Authentication Method must be Normal password, otherwise you will not be able to send letters.

If you do not want to pay for a VIP account, then indicate the SMTP server of your provider, if it provides it to you.

IMAP is not provided but is planned.

I can’t log into my email, what should I do?

If, after entering your login and password, you are taken to a page where you are informed that the login or password is incorrect, then several options are possible:
- You simply made a mistake in writing the password, then you need to try to enter it again, checking which language and letter case are selected;
- You forgot your password and are entering the wrong one, then use the password reminder service;
- you have incorrectly configured page caching in your browser or on the proxy server, which is why protection against password interception is triggered, to do this, try entering it again on the page with this message;
- if after entering the password the login page simply refreshes, without any error messages, then most likely your browser, additionally installed software, or proxy server does not support sessions (Cookies are blocked), then try setting the settings in the browser settings in the “privacy” tab by default, or contact the proxy server administrator if the problem is not related to your browser.

Why don't I receive SMS notifications about new emails?

These notifications are sent via open sms operator gates, therefore, the delivery speed of such messages is not very high, and depends only on the operator, and sometimes they do not even arrive at all. Therefore, we do not guarantee the delivery of such SMS notifications, because... We cannot influence this process in any way.

Why doesn't mail arrive in my mailbox?

There are several reasons.
1. Your box is empty free space. If the letter is larger than the free capacity of the mailbox, it is not accepted, and the sender receives a message from the postal system that the letter has not been accepted. Therefore, keep an eye on your mailbox, increase its size or delete the contents of spam and deleted email folders.
2. Most often the mail arrives, but sometimes it mistakenly ends up in the spam folder. To prevent this from happening, check this folder periodically and mark normal emails as “not spam.” By training the filter a little, you will ensure that there will be fewer such false positives in the future. If you receive mail via the pop3 protocol into your mail program, we recommend that you disable the antispam filter in the settings.
3. The sender of the letter was blocked by us as a spammer. If you do not agree with this, then let him forward us the letter that the mail system returns to him, we will see which IP was blocked by us, and perhaps remove it from the blacklist.
4.Add to whitelist entry in the form @sender_domain, and on our part there will be no restrictions on receiving his letters.

If you have checked all these reasons and they do not answer where the letter sent to you went, then write to us when and from what address it was sent.

How to attach a file to a letter?

If you want to send some files along with the letter, then when writing the letter, find the file selection form (the “browse” button in the Russian version of the browser), and in the list of files that appears, select required file, then click on it. After this, the browser will begin to automatically upload the selected file to the server, while the message “downloading” will be displayed, and the “attach” button will not be active. If the file does not download automatically, click on the “attach” button. After uploading a file to the server, it will appear in the list of attached files, where you can delete it if this file no need to send. Attention, before clicking on the send message button, wait full load file to the server, i.e. its appearance in the list of attachments.

If, when creating a letter, you do not see a form for adding (selecting) a file, then most likely you do not have Flash 9 (or higher) installed, or you have a firewall program installed on your computer that blocks the iframe. If you are unable to install Flash or configure the software correctly, then go to the mail settings, then to the mail interface settings, and check the box next to “turn off advanced mode for adding files.”

Why do I get the "page cannot be displayed" message?

If you receive such a message when sending a letter, and the Internet connection is working normally, then most likely this is due to the settings of your browser or the proxy server through which you access the Internet. Try setting all settings to default in your browser in the "advanced" tab. If this does not help, contact the proxy server administrator to check the HTTP 1.1 protocol settings

I can't send an email via your SMTP

There are several reasons that you need to check yourself:
1. You have not paid for your VIP account or its validity period has already expired.
2. You entered the wrong login or password, or incorrectly specified the server address, which is different for each mail domain, or did not enable user authentication (authorization).
3. In the settings, you specified unnecessary parameters, due to which authorization does not occur, for example, you do not need to specify password encryption, all settings should be standard.
4. You have the 25th port closed, perhaps it is closed on your computer, for example, with a personal firewall, or on a proxy server if you work in an office, or your provider has closed this port for all its subscribers. To check this statement, do the following: in Windows, click “start” - “run” - give the command: “cmd”, then give the command: “telnet 25”, “220 bst01” should appear as a response from our server ESMTP Exim". If this does not happen, i.e. there is no answer, then your port 25 is closed. Alternatively, try replacing it with 2525; if that doesn’t help, then contact your network administrator or provider.

If you have checked all the settings and you have port 25 open, but still cannot send an email, then take screenshots of all account settings tabs and send them to us.

What are the restrictions on sent and received letters?

Accepted letters must not exceed 30 MB in size.

You can attach no more than 20 MB to sent letters, because... As a result, when generating a letter, its size will increase to almost 30 MB.

Both through the web interface and through paid SMTP it is impossible to send a large number of letters in a short period of time. This restriction is made to prevent spam from being sent from our servers. At the same time, its parameters are selected so as not to interfere with normal correspondence.

The restrictions introduced apply to all accounts and we cannot make an exception for anyone.

Why can't I send mail to

The company has launched a new antispam system that checks all incoming emails for spam. At this stage, it blocks a large number of normal letters, considering them spam, so if you receive a letter that says “550 spam message discarded,” then you should contact the support service at [email protected] with explanations that your letter is not spam and should be missed by the recipient.

From our side, we cannot help solve this problem, because... are not blocked mailboxes, or servers, but specific letters that, based on text analysis, their system considers spam.

Why do I receive an email with the subject Mail delivery failed after sending?

Such letters arrive when your letter cannot be delivered to the addressee. The reason is stated inside this letter. The reasons may be the following:
- “User not found"or "Unrouteable address" or "Mailbox unavailable" or "user unknown" - there is no such user
- “Recipient's mailbox is full” or “User over quota” - the recipient’s mailbox is full
- “User hasn’t entered during last 3 month” - the user has not entered his mailbox for more than three months
- “Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size” - the size of your letter is larger than allowed on the recipient’s server
- “Spam message rejected” - Your letter was recognized as spam
- “Rejected because sender host is in a black list” or “blocked by spamcop” - Your IP address is on the black list.

I want to change my email address, how can I do this?

Unfortunately, you cannot change your email address without losing all your mail. In fact, changing the address means deleting the old one and creating a new name, which will lead to the loss of all mail that will subsequently arrive at the old address. Therefore, quick change email addresses we didn't do it because... Not all users fully understand that they may lose their mail. If you want to do this, then delete your account yourself and create a new one. Or, create a new account, and redirect all mail from the old account to the new one.

Why doesn't your mail server accept emails from my server?

To protect against spam, we do not accept mail from IP addresses that are defined as Dial-Up or ADSL connections, because These are mainly virus-infected computers of home users. Advise your partners to use the SMTP server of their provider or, if it is a dedicated IP for the office, then configure it correctly DNS record so that it is not defined in this way.

Where did all my mail go?

If you do not see a single letter in your Inbox, then it is obvious that you have configured mail collection on your computer, or on another mail server, but forgot to specify that a copy should remain on our server. Almost everything mail programs By default, no copies are left, and you need to specify this separately in the settings. Unfortunately, it is impossible to return mail back from programs to the server. If the mail was taken to another postal service, and it has open protocol pop3, then you can take it back in the same way by setting up a mail collector on our website.

Perhaps I’ll start with a description and basic principles of ProfiMail.

ProfiMail is an excellent email client for mobile devices and I consider one of the best email clients. Despite its small volume, the functional richness of ProfiMail is practically not inferior to email clients on a PC.

ProfiMail can download entire emails or just their headers, so you can select emails to download yourself (in order to reduce GPRS traffic).

If you are interested in this mail client, then first you need to create a mailbox on one of the mail servers, if you do not already have one, and download ProfiMail.

Ready? You have created a mailbox and installed ProfiMail. Now is the time to set it up.

So, let's begin:

1. We launch the program, we are immediately prompted to create an account, click yes.

2. Now set up:

We write anything. This is your account name
Email address
Your email in full, for example [email protected].

Here we write our name or some other name. This will appear as the sender's name in your messages.
Mail server type

Incoming mail server
Outgoing mail server

Enter your login, for example [email protected].

Enter your password. The password is case sensitive. Make sure you enter numbers and symbols correctly.

Receive message
This function includes disabling the reception of entire letters,

not headlines.

If you want to receive only email headers to save traffic, then do not check the box.

If you want to receive all emails in their entirety, please check the box.

This opportunity very convenient, since from the list of incoming letters you can select the ones you need by title and then receive them, as well as saving GPRS traffic.

Include in update
This option allows the mailbox to be updated upon startup.

If you want the update to occur, then check the box.

If you do not want the update to occur, do not leave the box empty.

These are advanced account settings. Usually everything here is by default, but for control, go in and check. There should be only one checkbox next to the SMTP authorization option.

Click Finish! Account created.

I looked at setting up an account using the server as an example.

If your mailbox is on another mail server, then do not worry. Creating an account for different mail servers is practically the same. The only thing that needs to be replaced is the Incoming Mail Server and the Outgoing Mail Server.

Some settings for boxes:

For mailboxes

Incoming mail server
Outgoing mail server

For mailboxes

incoming mail server

outgoing mail server

For mailboxes

incoming mail server

outgoing mail server

For mailboxes

incoming mail server

outgoing mail server

Port: POP3 - 110, SMTP - 25 or 2525.

For boxes on UA.FM

SMTP server:

POP3 server:

For Rambler boxes:

incoming mail server

outgoing mail server

and check the SMTP Authentication checkbox

Port: 25 or 587

For boxes on Bigmir

incoming mail server

they do NOT have an outgoing mail server.

You jump for joy, shouting hurray, but I have to upset you a little. The feast on this occasion is canceled for now, since some manipulations still need to be done to work comfortably with the client.

Click Menu – Tools – Settings

Text size

This option gives you the opportunity to customize the text size when viewing and editing messages.

View panel

This option enables the message view pane in the message list. That is, in the message folder you see only the sender's name and the subject of the letter. This option allows you to scroll through the text in the lower window without opening the letter. Use the joystick up or down to move through the list of messages, select the letter you need and then press the joystick left or right to scroll through the letter.

Data counter

This option enables a data counter, that is, when connecting to the server, it will be shown how much data you sent and received. There are three options here:

  • Disable – this way you disable the counter
  • Current volume - thus, it will be shown how much in at the moment data sent or received
  • Total volume - thus, it will be shown how much data you have transferred or received in total for the entire time you have been using the email client.
  • Date Format

    Well, here everything is clear; we choose who likes which date format best. DD – date, MM – month, YY – year.

    Access point

    With this option, you need to select an Internet access point to connect to the server. There will be as many options as you have in mobile device included access points in general and plus the “automatic” option.

    We need to select only an INET access point, which you use to access the Internet, for an ICQ connection... and so on. For example, my name is: JEANS INET GPRS

    Connection support

    This option makes it possible to maintain an Internet connection at all times. That is, if you have an unstable Internet, as I do, for example, in a certain area, then check the box and our program will automatically connect when the connection is lost.

    Waiting time

    Here we set the waiting time for connecting to the server as desired.

    For example, I set it to 5 minutes and my program will try to connect to the server for 5 minutes if there is no network or the connection was broken and you didn’t notice.

    Send immediately

    This option gives you the opportunity to send letters immediately or, if the option is disabled, the program queues them for sending.

    Save sent

    If you check this box, all emails you have sent will be saved in the “sent” folder. And at any time you can see what you have there and to whom you sent it.

    Update period

    This option enables automatic updates for new messages in the mailbox after a time that you can set. Set the time in minutes. For example, I have 120, which means my mailbox will be updated every 2 hours.

    Alert sound

    This option gives us the opportunity to set the alert signal to our liking when new emails are available/received. There is already a flight of fancy here.

    To select the melody you need, select this option, press the joystick and the file manager. We remember where our cool melodies are, find them and select them.

    Alert volume

    Here we set the volume of that cool melody that you selected earlier. Choose louder, let everyone know how cool you are

    Receive images

    This option makes it possible to receive images contained in messages in HTML format. If this function is enabled, then when you open a letter you will see this kind of image. If it is disabled, for example to save traffic, then when you open a letter you will not see the image itself and it will not be downloaded along with the letter. This function does not affect receiving images as attachments.

    Image scale

    This option allows you to set the scale of the image contained in the message in HTML format. The data set for this option does not affect the image scale; it is received as an attachment.

    Show Archive/Sent

    If you check the box, the “Archive” and “Sent Items” folders will be displayed in the list of accounts. That is, when you open your email client, you will immediately see the inbox, sent and archive folders.


    Well, it’s clear here, you set the language in which all program menu items will be.

    Color scheme

    Not for everyone, 6 color schemes and all yours. Can be set according to your mood

    Well, it looks like everything is set up! Now let's figure out how the program works (how to receive, update, compose, edit, delete letters).

  • How to write a letter:
  • Open the folder of your incoming messages with the name of your account.

    Next we do some simple manipulations:

    Menu – New message

    There are several fields that need to be filled out.

    To - you can enter the address manually, or you can add it from the contact list, for which we click MenuAdd recipient. This is possible provided that you have entered the address in the record of the selected contact email.

    Ss – bcc.

    Vcc – second hidden copy.

    These two fields are optional. They are useful if, for example, you decide to congratulate everyone and send them the same text, then enter the recipients here and with one letter you will kill... oh, congratulate three people.

    Subject is the subject of the letter. Usually they write here from whom, for whom, or the essence of the letter. For example, “From me”, “For you”, “Confession”.

  • How to attach an image, program or anything else:
  • If you want to attach any attachment to your essay, this is done simply: in the letter composition window

    Menu – Add attachment. The file manager opens and simply select what you want to attach.

    If you change your mind about adding an attachment or want to replace it, then move the cursor to the attachment (it is highlighted with a colored border) and then Menu - Delete attachment.

  • I can’t finish the letter, but it’s a pity to delete it:
  • Don't be upset, you have the opportunity to save the letter and edit it in the future. To do this: Menu – Save draft or just click “back” and it will be automatically saved. This is provided by the program in case you accidentally pressed the “Back” button. Your draft will be saved in the list of received messages at the very bottom. To edit just open it and that's it.

  • I finished my creation, how to send a letter:
  • It's simple: Menu – Send

  • How to find out if I have new emails:
  • If in the program settings you checked the box next to the “Automatic update” item, then after the time you specified, the program itself will update the mail on the server. If you didn’t check the box or want to find out right now if they sent you anything new. This is done like this: open the inbox folder and then

    Menu – Refresh.

    If you want to update all folders, then home page programs, click Menu – Update all.

    Update or update everything - also done using the send key - the green "pick up the phone" button

  • How can I delete emails from my mailbox:
  • You've decided to clean out your inbox and free up some space. We do it this way: select the letter that is subject to disposal

    Menu – Message – Delete or just press “c”.

    If you suddenly change your mind about deleting a letter or mistakenly selected the wrong letter for deletion, then this is possible before the Update, do this: select the letter that you changed your mind about deleting and

    Menu – Message – Restore. Everything fell into place.

  • I delete emails, but the headers remain, what should I do?
  • Above I described how to delete letters from your mailbox. In this case, the deleted letter looks like this:

    We see that our letter now does not look like an envelope, but is marked with a red cross and below the letter is identified as , but the header remains. This is done in case you get confused/change your mind about deleting the letter. How to cancel deletion of a letter is described above.

    And so, you have checked everything and want to permanently delete the letter and header, then do the following: Menu – Update

    and your letter and title disappear without a trace.

    Emails marked for deletion will also be deleted at the designated time. automatic update, if you have checked the box in the settings, as well as when reading or sending any letter.

    Well, that seems to be all. I shared the basic principles of work, then you will understand and understand everything yourself.

    Errors that may occur:

  • I installed Profimail, set everything up, I’ve been fiddling around for 3 days, but it doesn’t WANT to work! It takes a very long time to connect, then it says "CONNECTION ERROR"
  • Possible error – service mobile internet not activated or configured

    Solution– activation of the service and configuration of the corresponding access point.

    Possible error– access point

    Solution– The access point must be INTERNET, the same as for the stICQ connection. The wap access point is not suitable.

    Possible error– unstable connection or temporarily no access to GPRS due to ongoing work.

    Solution– contact your telecom operator to determine the availability of GPRS in your area and the availability of the service.

  • It gives the error "501 sender address must match authenticated user"
  • Possible error– setting up an account and input data for authentication on the server

    Solution– detailed analysis of the data you entered when creating your account for any inconsistencies.

    For example:

    A) if your password contains symbols and numbers, then when entering the password, be sure to select the appropriate language and remember, passwords are case sensitive;

    B) Login – may look like this: name or, for some servers a mandatory requirement, in the “login” field you must enter the entire email address, this is what your login will look like then - [email protected]

    B) on mail servers they are fighting spam, so they have a mandatory requirement when authenticating in the “Login”, “Username” and “Email Address” fields to enter the full email address, for example [email protected]

  • It’s terrible, what kind of incomprehensible language is this, I can’t read or decipher anything. Help, what to do?
  • Possible error– encoding

    Unfortunately, this is the only trouble in working with the program, but this does not make it any less convenient and functional to use, and most importantly, all other advantages cover this problem.

    SolutionThis problem can be solved by installing an encoding package, which you can download below.

    Unfortunately, the problem is not solved if UTF-8 encoding is used in the subject line.

  • I have several mailboxes, how can I connect the rest?
  • As I already said, ProfiMail is a multifunctional email client, which makes it possible to use other mailboxes. It's quite simple.

    Solution - Open the program:

    1. Click Menu – Account – Create

    as with the first account, using the method described above;

  • Now, when you open the program,
  • you have a second account (box)

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