Download the e num app for your phone. Using Enum to securely log in and confirm all operations in WebMoney

E-num is a special system that is necessary to access the WebMoney service (and not only) using a special encryption code. Essentially, it is a database of e-wallet keys that provides an improved level of security and login convenience for users from electronic gadgets such as smartphones or tablets.

One more feature - the client of the service should not remember his password (or several if there are many WMIDs). The entry system is made according to the following algorithm:

  1. The user enters the authorization page of WebMoney or another portal with protected content and enters the address of his account in the required field. Email.

  1. After checking the e-mail, a numerical question is displayed in the authorization form.

  1. Next, you need to run mobile version E-num on your compact gadget, where to enter the received question. After online processing of the data, the display will show the answer. Or you can use the QR code, in which case you do not need to enter a question, the answer will appear immediately. Please note that you have 5 seconds to enter your answer. If you didn’t have time, you will have to enter another answer!

  1. The answer is entered in the authorization field, and if the combination is correct, then the client gets access to the account - he can work with wallets, transfer or receive money, add new cards, and so on.

How to get E-num?

Registration in specified system requires the following tools: email address, mobile number and portable electronic gadget (phone, smartphone, tablet for any operating system from Android to Blackberry). In order not to get confused in the mail addresses, it is better to indicate in E-num the same one that was used when entering the Web Wallet.

Registration methods in the E-num system:

  1. Go to and, following the instructions, create a profile and then activate it.
  2. When entering the WebMoney site or when making payment transactions, you will be offered two ways to verify your identity: via SMS to your phone or E-num. Select the second option and the system will automatically redirect you to the portal.
  3. Adherents of the Android operating system can register in E-NUM directly from the client.

After receiving an account and authorization, you can proceed to setting up your account. Here you can leave only one of the many confirmation methods, as well as download additional versions for all operating systems. If you lose access to E-num, you must use the recovery tools or contact customer support.

Linking E-num to an electronic wallet

WebMoney is already well protected, but the presence additional service obviously won't hurt. All user access keys are stored in a specialized E-num section and are used when the client needs it. So, you can access your wallet from any PC and not be afraid that your data will be stolen during the input. Passwords do not need to be saved in the browser or memorized - this guarantees security against forgetfulness and virus activity.

Wallet access is configured on this page You need to specify your WMID and confirm the password, followed by verification, after which your money and personal data will be doubly protected. You can check the binding on the E-num website itself.

E-num is necessarily used not only for entry, but also for the implementation of the most serious operations. These include: correcting personal data, transferring funds from one wallet to another or paying towards any seller, requesting or issuing loans, unlocking the trust limit in the debt service, and so on. By default, the system sets additional authorization on almost every page, the owner of the account in E-num can change the parameters.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue talking about safe ways work with electronic money WebMoney, which are ways. In the first publication, I told about my own sad experience.

In fact, the problem of security when working with WebMoney is very acute and in the first article I advised you to pay attention to the security settings that can be done through the Security system, namely blocking access by IP. But there is an even stronger and more radical tool - Enum Storage.

Connect Enum to WebMoney and sleep well

Today I just want to talk about this, almost one hundred percent, protection of my wallets. The E-num authorization system has become such a kind of panacea, the essence of which is to use mobile phone or a fingerprint scanner to confirm any payment, transfer or authentication.

In the simplest case of using it to confirm a payment, transfer or authentication, an SMS with several numbers will be sent to your mobile phone, which will become the key to confirm the action you are taking. It will be harder for attackers to access these messages than it is to access your email.

Now you can forget about yours, Keeper Light or, and carry out the operations you need with electronic money from absolutely any computer and without remembering any passwords.

The main device that replaces both the keeper, the key file, and the password set will be your own mobile phone(in some and , this authorization method is used by default).

A very good idea that allows you to bring the issue of securing payments in WebMoney to the area that is considered inaccessible to hackers by default - the mobile phone.

When using the Enum system, there are no links to a deliberately vulnerable data transmission channel (Internet), so the issue of hacking becomes very difficult to resolve, for example, for those radishes that stole money from my WM wallet. In any case, I really hope so.

But even with absolute impenetrability for hacking, it will not guarantee you one hundred percent protection. There are examples good use social engineering in order for the user working through Enum to take actions himself, allowing hackers to gain access to electronic money.

But this can no longer be foreseen in advance, because at times we are all so wrapped up that we are able to do some actions simply on the machine, without wondering about the expected consequences. This is psychology, and the criminals involved in this type of fraud are quite good at it.

Let's now see what Enum Storage is in practice, in relation to your WebMoney wallets and your mobile phone.

Consider possible ways authorization depending on the device you are using (mobile phone model or fingerprint scanner) and how your phone number and mailbox address are linked. And finally, we will set up the use of Enum in the keeper instead of the authorization traditionally accepted in WebMoney.

Registration in the E-num system

To get started, you need to go registration(we will assume that you have already chosen a method and received a WMID).

At the same time, naturally, indicate your true data, because the case is connected with money and you may always need to confirm your identity. Pay close attention to the security question, which will help you restore the ability to manage your WebMoney money after losing access to the phone specified during registration (anything happens, you know).

Please note that the second option is not suitable for all phone models, but only for those working on Android based, Windows Mobile, iPhone/iPad, or Java-enabled (but seems to be Symbian only).

And then to the specified number cell phone you will receive an SMS with an activation code and, if you have chosen the Enum type, authorization through mobile client, then you will also be provided with a WAP-link, by clicking on which you can download a mobile client (a program for a smartphone that allows you to further increase the security of your work compared to sending ordinary SMS messages with a key).

Unfortunately, my phone is not suitable for installing the “Mobile Client” (it is already old, but terribly convenient), so I have to be content with SMS messages with an authorization code. But if your phone allows you to install the program, then do it without hesitation, because it will make Enum Storage even more invulnerable, and also allow you to save a little.

The fact is that for each SMS sent to your mobile phone when making a payment or transfer to WebMoney via Enum, you will be charged a commission equivalent to 0.05WMZ.

Plus, when choosing an authorization method via SMS messages, there is a limit of 5 messages per day, which you can use to authenticate on WebMoney sites or to enter the program Keeper Classic(this option is activated in the keeper settings).

Now on the main page, select the item " Account” and you will be prompted to carry out your first authorization on the Enuma website using the method you have chosen:

Thus, you marked the beginning of a whole stage in your work with WebMoney currencies, because you got the opportunity to safely carry out following operations:

Setting up entry through Enum to keepers and WebMoney sites

Now let's look at how to set up all this splendor. Ideally, in order to achieve absolute work security, you will need to set up mandatory authorization through Enum Storage when performing all possible operations, then hackers will not have a single chance of hacking.

Let's start by saying that it is possible to set up the entry to the keeper you are using (Classic, Light or Mini) through this system. Why might this be necessary? Well, in principle, it will be much easier and certainly safer to log in to the keeper not by entering a password and a key file, but only by entering a key received on a mobile phone.

In order for such login to Keeper Classic became a reality, you need to configure the transfer of the key file storage location to the so-called E-num Storage (which will be impossible for hackers to reach).

And you should also enter your registration E-mail and select the Enum authorization method you use from the drop-down list (in my case, this is an SMS message) in the Keeper Classic settings: "Tools" - "Program Options" - the "Security" tab.

Confirm your actions using the method you just selected. That's it, now when you enter the program, you will need to select the "E-num Storage" option in the "Access key storage location" field, after which you can log in to it via SMS, a mobile client or a fingerprint scanner.

In addition, if you install Keeper Classic on another computer where there is no key file, this way of logging into Keeper via Enum will still allow you to successfully work with this program.

You can make similar settings in WebMoney Keeper Light. To do this, you will first need to log in to it in the usual way using the Transfer certificate, and then select "Settings" - "Program settings" - the "Security" tab in the menu:

In the "Use for login" field, check the "Enum-authorization" field and on the next page specify mailbox, to which your account is linked (in Enum). Next, login with via SMS or the other two options. Everything is very simple, as you can see.

Authorization through Enum on sites and payment in Merchant

Now let's see how you can make it so that you can carry out transactions with money and log in to their sites without starting the keeper. To get started, you will need to go to the service WebMoney Security by logging in using the Classic program or any other way to manage your accounts (Mini or Lite).

Go to the "E-Num authorization" tab and on the page that opens, enter the name of the mailbox to which your account on the Enuma service is linked. After that, you will be asked to authenticate using SMS or the other two options to confirm your ownership of this account.

That, in fact, is all, now you can enter any WebMoney system sites through ENum and make payments without using keeper, which is very convenient and, most importantly, much more secure.

If you suddenly want to start working again through WM Keeper, then go back to this page Security service and click on the "prohibit authorization" button:

But you probably don't have to do this, because it's quite convenient to use Enum. Now just open the last tab:

And select the login method you use from the drop-down list (in my case, this is SMS) and perform all the necessary authorization operations using a mobile phone.

Let me remind you that you can log in using SMS no more than 5 times a day (because they are sent free of charge to you, and the WebMoney giant cannot afford to be generous indefinitely). When using the Enum client, there will be no restrictions on the number of inputs.

If you pay for services or make a purchase through the WebMoney Merchant system, then you also have the opportunity to select the Enum authorization option from the tabs offered:

This is followed by the standard login procedure, using the method you choose (SMS, mobile client or fingerprint scanner). Let me remind you what sending SMS in this case (when paying for a product or service), you will be charged an additional commission in the amount equivalent to 0.05WMZ for each operation performed. When using the client, no commission is charged.

Confirmation of all transactions in WebMoney via E-num

In order to achieve absolute security in working with electronic money, it will be possible to include mandatory confirmation of all ongoing operations (transactions) through Enum. In this case, the attacker will not be able to perform any action without your knowledge, because only you will have access to the mobile phone.

True, the work in this case becomes somewhat paranoid, but what can you do for your peace of mind. So, you will again need to go to WebMoney Security and go to the "Confirmation of operations" tab.

Next, you will need to click on the "Connect" button opposite the Enum authorization method that you use, and on the next page, confirm your choice by clicking on the power button. Well, at the end you will be prompted to log in using the method you have chosen.

Now all operations in the WebMoney system will require fiddling with a mobile phone or a fingerprint scanner, which will be somewhat tedious for you, but your WM wallets will become simply impenetrable for hacking.

It is a pity that I do not have the opportunity to try the mobile client in action due to an outdated phone, but it is possible that I will soon change it to modern model.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Due to the fact that the latest version WebMoney Keeper Classic added such functionality as confirmation of operations through modern system identification of WebMoney users - Enum authorization service, it's time to tell about this service in more detail ...

Incidentally, users WebMoney Keeper Light the ability to confirm payments through the Enum service has existed for a long time, and for the classics this option was made only now, but better later than never!

Let's start with the backstory. The system service has been operating for a long time, but bulk connection to this service began to be observed only in October 2008, when the WebMoney credit exchange announced that entry to the exchange will be possible only with the use of enum-authorization. This announcement had a twofold effect - some WM participants were very happy with this innovation, understanding the beauty of such authorization, others began to be very indignant, frightened by the innovation. As one of the greats of this world used to say: "What they don't know about, they don't want!" ), did not even hear about such a wonderful and safe method of authorization in the WebMoney system. Now we will eliminate this gap for everyone! ..

In fact, there is nothing terrible and difficult when connecting to the ENUM system, but the advantages of such authorization in the WM system are simply enormous. Many banks in the West have been using this authorization method for a long time when using Internet banking by customers - they simply issue a similar device to their customers directly at the bank when they open an account. The WebMoney system has simplified this process, allowing you to download and activate the enum client application without leaving your computer. With this application you get the following features, which significantly increase your WM security:

— launch your WebMoney Keeper without storing its keys on your computer;
- make payments in the WebMoney system without even launching your own keeper;
- log in to all sites and services of the WebMoney system, also without launching your own keeper;
- it is safe to run your WM keeper on any computer by simply downloading and installing it beforehand;
- now, make payments in the system using authorization only with your enum client;
- to produce SMS-confirmation of their transactions in the system.

Now, for those who are interested in such features of the ENUM authorization system and who are not indifferent to the security of funds in WM wallets, in more detail below ...

identification by the Question-Answer method from mobile devices;
fingerprint identification from PCs and laptops.
Identification by the Question-Answer method via SMS.

The second type is absolutely reliable, but also more expensive, since not everyone has a fingerprint scanner, and probably everyone already has a mobile phone, so now we will consider the type of enum authorization in the WebMoney system - question answer, moreover, it is closer to the format of our site. You will definitely need a mobile phone with Java MIDP 2.0 support, which all modern mobile devices now have, and it is also possible to work with devices on the IPhone, Windows Mobile and .

To give you an idea of ​​what an Enum application looks like on mobile device, as an example, you can see the screenshots of the program for the Android platform, this application also supports reading QR codes:

But, in any case, you must first register on the service website— (it’s easier to go to the SETTINGS of the Mini keeper and click the link to connect ENUM there, registration in the service will happen automatically).

There you need to fill in the appropriate fields, but here it should be noted that the mail and phone number must be indicated 100% of your own and work, because they will receive all messages from the ENUM system, starting with the link to download the application and the activation code for it, as well as ALWAYS remember or write down your control qestion and the answer to it, it will be necessary in case you lose the enum client application for recovery (everything happens in life!), Or to update the enum client application itself.

After registering in the service and choosing the application you need, in our case - Q&A using a mobile phone, you will receive messages to your mail and mobile phone with a link to download an individual enum client and an activation code for it, and you need to go to this link, download and install the application on your mobile phone, then enter the activation code into it and enter the same activation code on the site of the Enum service. After activating your cipherpad (Enum-client) on your phone, I strongly advise you to immediately delete these system messages with confidential data! I will add that after installing and activating the Enum client on a mobile phone, it will no longer need to connect to the Internet, then it works locally on your phone, like a personal cipher pad - you drive in some numbers, you get others corresponding to those entered. However, it is worth noting that it is possible in the Enum service to also choose the Question-Answer authorization method by sending and receiving SMS to your mobile number phone, but I don’t think you should bother with it - there were cases when SMS did not come long time, and the cipher pad works perfectly, besides, now only 5 SMS per day are allowed for authorization!

Next, you need to go to the WM system security site and in the section allow authorization on WebMoney Transfer sites and payment through the service Merchant.WebMoney for your E-num.

That's all, as you can see, there is nothing complicated about it, now you are connected to the most modern ENUM authorization service and can already use it on the sites and services of the WebMoney system, using your e-mal and enum client when authorizing (section 'Authorization' ), make payments without launching your keeper (you only need to select the section in the enum-client 'Payment'), but to ensure the complete security of your keeper, i.e. to CORRECTLY delete the key file to your keeper from your computer, you still need to do the following - go to the SECURITY tab in your keeper (Tools -> Program Options -> Security):

Here we will be interested in 3 positions in the following sequence - change keys(we generate new keys to be completely sure that no one has copies), save keys to file(we save the new, just created, .kwm key file to ourselves on a USB flash drive or other removable media, so that you have it in case of force majeure or, if you suddenly decide to refuse to use the ENUM service, though I see no reason for this) and install storage place for keys- Enum Storage (we remove the keys for the keeper from your computer), then press the OK button. The key file for accessing your keeper, after this action, is sent to a super secure storage Enum-Storage, which cannot be hacked, and will now be stored there forever, and will be deleted from your PC automatically. I think that there is no need to say that these operations must be done on a 'clean' machine, but, just in case, I advise you to first check the PC with several antiviruses.

That's it, now the key file for accessing your keeper is securely protected and stored in a safe place, and you will need to exit the keeper in order to set a new login type in your keeper - Enum-Storage, through which you will now go constantly:

Here you need to change the old login settings to your keeper to the new ones, as shown in the picture above, i.e. set the storage location for the E-num Storage keys, enter your e-mail registered in the Enum service for this WMID, select the authorization method - question and answer using the application, and click the ‘Next’ button to open the following window:

In it you will already see the number-question to enter your keeper, in this case - '58715', and you now need to open the application on your mobile phone EnumClient, select the 'Authorization' section and write these numbers in the window that appears, click OK, the application will give you a response number that you enter in the empty line of your keeper's login window, where it says 'enter the answer number'. If the numbers are correct, then the keeper will ask you for a password to enter it, if not, then he will no longer let you in, or rather, he will not let in an attacker who will try to enter your keeper without you!

But that's not all! Although they say that latest versions keepers have already eliminated such a vulnerability as creating a file .init, but the information is not verified, so I advise you to check it yourself. How to do this, I already wrote in this article:

And finally, the last moment remained - confirmation of operations in WebMoney Keeper Classic with the help of ENUM, because of which, in fact, this article was written. This innovation will seriously protect your keeper from unauthorized transfers, for example, trojans that have been teeming with the entire Internet for a long time, as well as using remote access to your computer, because the Enum-client, which will give permission to conduct transactions from your keeper using the 'question-answer' method, is only on your phone and it is not possible for fraudsters to gain access to it simply physically and hardware if you, of course, you won't use various java simulators for it on your PC, as some 'wise men' manage to do!

To activate this option in your keeper, confirm transactions through the service remind you that it became possible to install it at will, starting with the version of the program , so you need to update the keeper for those who now have a lower version of the keeper), you need to go to the WM security site and the option is easy to activate, i.e. press the ON button:

After activating this option, all money transfers in your keeper will already be carried out only through the enum client on your phone, and even correspondents in the keeper will be added through it ... Of course, there will be more trouble with confirming payments through Enum, but you will ensure yourself complete security your funds in the keeper and you can sleep peacefully after that!

It remains to be added that in case of loss of your mobile phone, in the mobile application EnumClient it is possible to set a password to enter it, which makes it impossible for unauthorized people to enter it, and you can always restore yourself a new enum client on the service website, the main thing is that you can restore the phone number from your operator. Owners of several WMIDs can also use the service, just for each WMID you will have to register a separate mailbox in Enum and then change them during authorization ...

That, perhaps, is all. A lot has been written, but I assure you that after carefully studying and following these recommendations, it will take you a little time to connect to the authorization service, so I advise you not to put it off, but start registering right now for the full use of the WM system service, to ensure the complete safety of the title units on your WebMoney wallets…

You can get access to the main services of the WebMoney Transfer payment system using the E-num authorization system located at The authorization process uses a secret encryption that various mobile devices are designed to store. Also, with its help, you can save the keys in E-num Storage, which allows you to get secure access to wallets and various services of the payment system.

The algorithm of actions is very simple: e-mail is entered in the corresponding window of the program, then a question number appears. Now the E-num client is launched in the mobile device (phone), this number is entered, after which the answer number comes. It is possible, without using the E-num client, to receive this number via SMS. In any case, the received answer is entered into a special line and further actions are performed.

Of course, you can go through authorization through an SMS message, but there are some nuances here. For example, within 24 hours you can send no more than five messages to confirm transactions of a non-payment nature, when authorizing using the “question-answer” algorithm, setting up the program. And when confirming transactions of a payment nature, a commission of 1.5 WMR, 0.05 WMZ is charged.

If these conditions seem to the user to some extent inconvenient, then fingerprint identification can be used. But this method implies the presence of a special configured reader.

Registration in the E-num system

Undoubtedly, the E-num system provides convenient and secure access to all WebMoney resources. But the first step towards this goal is to register in this system. To do this, you need to provide an email address (once), a mobile phone number.

On the registration page located at, you must enter the data: first name, last name, e-mail, 10 digits of a mobile phone, a security question and an answer to it, a code generated by the system. Then - "Register". An email with a link to confirm registration will be sent to the specified email address. You need to follow her. AT new page note how the service is to be used. The choice should be made based on the possibilities, after which it is confirmed. After completing these steps, the mobile phone will receive a link to install the E-num client and an activation code. The link should be used to install the application on a mobile device. Each version and platform used has its own installation algorithm. After this procedure, you should launch it and enter the activation code in the appropriate line.

If fingerprint identification is selected as a way to use the service, then you need to go to to the fingerprint page, where some biometric data is entered. Of course, in this case, you need to have a special reader.

Personal account in E-num

The "Personal Account" section provides all users with various information and opportunities in payment system webmoney.

Suppose the system keeps a record of all authorization attempts. In this case, the date, result, method, system are indicated. You can receive a message about any authorization fact by e-mail, for which you should go to the notification page at and mark the relevant items.

To add additional email addresses, in the aliases window at a new address is entered in the corresponding line, then - "Add". Then you need to check the mail at the specified address, in the received message there will be a link that you need to follow.

AT " Personal account» You can select authorization methods, disable unnecessary ones and connect the most convenient ones (put tags on the necessary items).

In case of loss of the data necessary for access, there is a possibility self recovery or technical means.

In E-num Technical Support at a message is sent about the loss of the mail address or mobile phone number. In this case, the system provides the user with a new application, and the old one becomes invalid.

To restore access, you need to go to the address and enter the email address in the line, click "Continue". Then you should answer the security question and confirm. On specified mail you will receive a message with a link that you need to follow to get the application. In the next window, you should carefully check the specified data, mark the types of authorization, and then confirm all this. Further actions have already been described above: E-num is installed on the mobile device, launched, and the activation code is entered. Any moment of performing actions requires attention, there is a limit on the number of re-registrations.

E-num authorization when entering WebMoney Keeper

E-num service provides additional opportunity authorization when entering WebMoney Keeper of the corresponding version. All that is needed for this is registration in the system and a specially configured version of WebMoney Keeper. The registration process, of course, is omitted, it is described above. It remains to deal with the setting of the keeper.

For Mini version E-num connection required, How additional option authorization. The sequence of actions is very simple: "Settings" in the account, "Security", "Login Methods", opposite E-num select """. Further actions are carried out according to the "question-answer" scheme. When restarting the keeper, select E-num as the authorization method.

For WebMoney Keeper Light first, the E-num function is connected, and at the subsequent launch, it is selected as the authorization method. To connect, you need to use a personal certificate, enter the keeper. In the "Program Settings" tab of the "Settings" menu, go to the security section, where the "E-num authorization" item is checked, save the marked one. In parallel, another small window will appear, where you should select the authorization method. The sequence of actions "Question-Answer" is described above, I think there is no point in repeating it. With "SMS" everything is clear too. To scan a fingerprint, you should wait for the notification of the E-num client, use the reader. After going through one of the authorization methods, you receive a notification that the option is enabled.

For WebMoney Keeper Classic you need to save the keys in E-num Storage. To do this, the program is launched, "Program Options" are selected in the tools, in the "Security" tab, change the location where the keys are stored, after which this is confirmed. After entering the characters from the picture, a window will appear in which you should select the authorization method, the subsequent actions depend on this. Restarting the keeper is a must.

Additional features for WebMoney system participants

Members of the WebMoney system have access to many services that can be used without running WebMoney Keeper. An account in E-num just needs to be linked to the existing connected version of the keeper, then only a WM-identifier is required for authorization on the site. To connect this option, you need to provide a connection between the account in the system and the keeper (for the Classic version), use the keeper settings (for Light), through the security system (for Mini). And you can uncheck the item "Online" (page of user settings).

Carrying out any operations related to electronic wallets requires confirmation. For example, transferring funds from wallet to wallet, paying an account, changing keys... This function is enabled on the security service page. There are four options for confirming transactions using the E-num service: a mobile client in the "Payment" or "Authorization" mode, a fingerprint, SMS authorization. To use this function, you must be registered in the E-num system, the authorization function on the sites. After that, the confirmation function is activated according to a certain scheme for each version of the keeper.

Of course, at first glance, the E-num system will seem too confusing and complicated to someone. But, if you look at all this carefully and understand everything, then there are few difficulties. After all, this is done for the security of our accounts in the payment system.

If you have any questions or want to add material, please write in the comments.

To use the E-num client application for Android, you must:

  • have a mobile device (smartphone, tablet) on the operating Android system version 2.3 and higher;
  • connect the identification method in the E-num system using a mobile application.
The E-num client program for Android provides users with the following features.

First login and setting up E-num client

Launch the app on your mobile device.

Launch the app on your mobile device. In the start window, enter your e-mail and activation code. Then click the "OK" button. The next step, the application offers to set the access confirmation method PIN code, graphic key or password. We strongly recommend that you do so immediately. To set it, click the "Yes" button and in the following forms enter a four-digit number twice. In the last step, determine in which other cases the code will be requested.

E-num client is ready to use.

To set the parameters of the program, select the item "Settings" by clicking the corresponding icon in the upper right corner of the application. This section consists of six items.

"Deactivate application" . Deactivation erases the entered E-num account data (code and email) in the program.

On the "Security Settings" page, there are options: change or delete set pin code(pattern), enable/disable automatic deactivation of the application after several (3.5 or 10) unsuccessful attempts to enter a pin-code (pattern), as well as changing the situations in which a pin-code (pattern) is requested.
If the pin-code (graphic key) is not set or disabled, then when you enter the "Security Settings" a form for setting it is automatically opened, similar to that shown when you first start the application.

Enable Mode "Paranoid". After enabling this mode, the application will request access confirmation before each attempt to receive a response number.

"Push notifications" after enabling this option, you will receive a question number and other details for authorization automatically. Specify how the application responds to certain operations.

"Smart watch" on Android Wear

After synchronization with a smartphone, incoming notifications with a “response number” for additional confirmation of operations pop up immediately on the watch screen, which allows you to speed up and simplify the identification procedure.

On the page "interface" You can set the following program parameters:

  • enable/disable the option to launch the QR code scanner when the application starts;
  • enable/disable the option to launch an external QR code scanner;
  • enable/disable the option to automatically close the window with the answer-number;
  • change the options for clicking the "Back" button;
  • specify how the application responds to certain operations;
  • select the style of the numeric keypad: normal or reverse button layout;
  • choose the option for displaying the number-answer: one number or divided into groups of numbers

In the section about the program, you can find out the version of the installed e-num application.

Reinstallation of E-num client

If you need to reinstall the application and you remember the activation code, then use the instructions above -. If you have forgotten the activation code, then you need to get it. To do this, follow these steps.

When you launch the application installed on the device for the first time, enter your e-mail in the start window and click the button "Forgot your activation code?".

And then agree to send instructions for recovering the code by e-mail by clicking the button "Yes". Click "OK" in the information window about sending instructions.

Open the letter sent to the e-mail registered in the E-num service and click on the link in it.

After receiving an SMS message, enter the activation code in the appropriate field and click the "Ok" button.

Additional authorization using E-num client

  • Confirmation of transactions in WM Keeper (WM transfer, adding a correspondent, changing keys, etc.).

To perform additional authorization, get a question number on the site where you intend to authorize (see example), then select the section in the main window of the E-num client "Confirm action" and ask a question number. Enter the number-answer generated by the program on the authorization site.

Confirmation of payment using E-num client

Payment confirmation mode - "Confirm payment" is used for:

  • confirmation of transactions in WM Keeper (see instructions for WM Keeper WinPro , WebPro and WM Keeper Standard);
  • making a payment on the Merchant service.
    To confirm the payment using the E-num client, you must select the section in the main program window "Confirm payment" and sequentially set:
  • recipient's wallet number without letter prefix;
  • payment amount by clicking the "OK" button at the end;
