iPhone doesn't see charging. This cable or accessory is not certified...

Despite the “advancement” of most Apple smartphone users in using accessories, they sometimes have difficulties. So, many on the forums are interested in how to charge an iPhone 5 with a non-original charger. And although using non-original add-ons for Apple devices is generally not recommended, this does not stop many. Quite a large number of users, wanting to save money, use Chinese chargers.

What does this lead to? A number of users complain that when they start charging the gadget, or try to exchange data via iTunes, the system displays an unpleasant message on the display. Namely, it writes that this cord is not original, and therefore it is not supported by the device. Our article will tell you what to do in such a situation and how to charge the device.

Similar messages began to appear for the first time on the “fives” with iOS 7. On newer versions of the “OS” the same thing happens, only the text of the message has become longer.

The reason such messages appear is that the user is using a fake Chinese USB cable. Of course, it does not have certification, nor is it original.

The real accessory – Lightning – has a rather complex structure inside. Its “filling” hides a microcircuit with four microchips. The mechanism of their operation is unknown to the common man. As well as the functions of each of the chips are unfamiliar.

However, we can say that one of the controllers switches the contacts to which the iPhone is connected. This is a Lightning connector, which is reversible and can be inserted into the connector at absolutely any end.

It is responsible for efficient and secure data exchange between an iOS device and a PC when interacting with iTunes. And also when flashing OS firmware.

Of course, users who prefer the Chinese cord to the original one can be understood. After all, for the last App Store you will have to pay about 2000 rubles. And this is just for 1 meter of wire and 2 connectors, one of which is a primitive USB.

A required element of the original Lightning cord

Companies producing accessories supported users and offered their own analogues. But in pursuit of low production costs, many companies (mainly from China) do not add the necessary chips to the connectors so that they at least comply with the MFi license. We’ll tell you what this concept means further.

Fake Lightning cable: signs

MFi is an acronym that means the product is made for the iPhone. This is a kind of license for third-party companies that produce accessories compatible with iOS gadgets.

These symbols printed on the product mean that the cord or other accessory was produced specifically to interact with the Apple device. At the same time, it goes without saying that it has been certified and meets Apple standards. A device charged with such a cord will not have any problems.

Apple is responsible for such products, and for this it receives a percentage of their sales. All this in theory means that these accessories cannot harm the iPhone.

Besides the high price, real USB cords have another disadvantage. Their wear-resistant properties are very low - they quickly become unusable. Therefore, a number of users preferred Juicies+ with lightning connector to them. And, I must say, we did not regret this step at all.

So, in order for your Apple device to charge well at normal voltage and current, and also to exchange data with a PC without errors, purchase, if not an original, then at least a certified cable. The latter is also cheaper than the former. However, for those who do not have the opportunity to purchase either the first or the second, there is a method for recharging, flashing and synchronizing the gadget via a Chinese cable.

What to do if the cord is not certified?

Sometimes the following steps are sufficient:

  • Connect the cord to the iOS device.
  • When a corresponding message appears on the display (that the accessory is not suitable), click on the close button for this SMS.
  • Remove the block from the gadget.
  • If the same message pops up again, close it again.
  • Without removing the unit or doing anything else, disconnect the cord from the iPhone.
  • Reconnect it.

These are the ones simple actions sometimes it is enough for everything to go smoothly. But if this algorithm did not help, do the following:

  • Produce complete shutdown gadget.
  • Plug the Lightning connector into it, and connect the other end to the charger or PC. The latter depends on your purpose, whether you need to charge or synchronize the device.
  • Turn on the gadget.
  • Once iOS boots, it should charge normally.
  • If the connector is pulled out and connected again while the gadget is turned on, the charging process will stop again and the procedure will need to be repeated.

For jailbroken phones in Cydia, you need to find and install the “Support Unsupported Accessories 8” or “Unauthorized Lightning Cable Enabler” tweak.

But keep in mind that this will not provide a 100% solution to the problem. this will be a one-time method of getting out of the situation. The company can always block counterfeiting at the operating system level. In addition, the power controller may fail. The cost of repairs in this case will be about 5,000 rubles. and more.

Strange SMS when using original accessories

And one more interesting point. There are times when the user connects a real cord, but the system still displays a message that the accessory is supposedly not certified, etc. That is, everything is the same as what happens when you connect a Chinese cable. Such a misunderstanding can occur if the cord is damaged. Therefore, if you are 100% sure that the products you are using are of high quality, but similar SMS messages pop up, just check the cord for damage.

What to do if the Lightning cable breaks?

If damage is not visible, pick up a working cord to check (of course, it must be real). And then check the functionality of the gadget with it. If everything is fine, throw away your accessory and buy a new one.

It often happens that the connector becomes clogged. The essence of the phenomenon is that small debris constantly gets into this hole, which eventually clogs it. This is especially true for Lightning connectors.

IN certain moment So much debris accumulates that the cable contact in the connector is broken. And, of course, when you connect the device to the cord, the ill-fated SMS pops up. In this situation, the solution to the problem is to thoroughly clean the connector. This is done with a simple toothpick or a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. It is recommended to do the procedure with the device turned off.

A few words in conclusion

Usually, when purchasing an Apple gadget for the first time, users use the original accessories that come with it. Including the charging cord. But later, when real products fail, many, not wanting to spend extra money, purchase Chinese fakes.

It's better to buy certified accessories, which are an order of magnitude cheaper than the original ones. But if in at the moment your smartphone needs recharging, but you don’t have a high-quality cord at hand, you can use a cheap cable once or twice. But only in emergency situations without abusing it.

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that any product with the Apple logo is expensive, but if in the case of Apple technology While this is easy to accept, the price of branded accessories sometimes exceeds reasonable limits. We looked at how to extend the life of complete cables, but not all users are ready to resort to such tricks when you can buy cheap Chinese cables for ridiculous money.

But when saving on original charging cables, you need to be aware of the possible consequences. Using non-original chargers can be not only harmful to the environment, because they do not comply with environmental standards, but also dangerous both for the equipment itself and for the lives of users. There have been cases where non-original chargers have caused iPhone batteries to ignite, resulting in fires and burns for users. On this occasion, Apple even organized an exchange program for Chinese users, when at the nearest Apple Store one could return a non-original charging cable and receive a discount on the purchase of branded accessories from Apple.

Another widely known problem when using Chinese cables and chargers is the incorrect behavior of the display sensor when charging, which manifests itself in the form of false clicks. Incorrect voltage or current results in lower potential static currents that are detected by the device as touch. This behavior will not affect the performance of the display in any way and does not have negative consequences, but it does not allow you to comfortably use the device while charging.

With the appearance in Apple devices Touch ID fingerprint scanner, it turned out that static currents also affect its operation. Some users noted that it stopped working when using non-original chargers. Touch ID is complex sensor, which is extremely sensitive to any influences. The worst thing is that if something happens to him, he won’t be able to get away easily. normal replacement the buttons are the same as before, but you’ll have to change everything motherboard device, which will cost almost the full cost of the device itself. Each Touch ID sensor is unique and tied to the processor specific device forever. That is why you cannot even change the cable to Touch ID to a non-original one. This can happen during renovations. broken display in unskilled service centers. Any impact on Touch ID will cause it to simply fail. This is a necessary security measure that guarantees the safety of data on the device and safe work Apple Pay.

This is why you should not use non-original chargers and cables. There is little chance that this will cause your device to catch fire and you will be written about in the news, but there is a chance that it will affect the operation of Touch ID. When buying an expensive iPhone or iPad, it is foolish to skimp on original cables - if something goes wrong, repairs will cost you significantly more.

Added: As user maka correctly pointed out in the comments, not all non-original chargers are the same. Apple has MFI (Made for iPhone, iPad or iPod) certification, which it issues, or rather sells, to third-party manufacturers. This certificate also applies to charging cables and power supplies. If a product bears the MFI mark, Apple guarantees that it meets all safety standards and regulations for use with its devices.

Consider a situation where your iPhone or iPad displays the message “This cable or accessory is not certified...”. What does it mean and how to solve the problem.

The need to use only original accessories and their high price seriously bother many owners of Apple devices. Emotions begin to rage especially strongly when, when trying to charge a device or connect it to a computer, a notification appears that “this cable or accessory is not certified.”

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The device does not charge, data transfer becomes impossible, about flashing, creating backup copy or recovery can be forgotten. There are several reasons for this behavior of Apple smartphones and tablets:

  • Using a non-original cable.
  • Physical damage to the wire.
  • The connector is dirty.

Let's take a closer look at these reasons and find out how you can eliminate the problems that arise with charging and connecting to a computer. But before you start tricking the device or replacing the cable, follow these simple steps:

  1. Unplug the cable and try connecting it again.
  2. Connect to another USB port on your computer (it is recommended to use only the connectors on the back of the system unit).

If these manipulations do not help, then move on to other methods of troubleshooting.

Not original cable

The most common reason for a message that a cable is not certified is the use of a non-original cable. Many Apple fans are guilty of this: the cost of original accessories is prohibitively high, and when it is possible to buy the same wire, but 5 times cheaper, the choice becomes obvious.

Another thing is that not all cheap cables will work correctly with Apple devices. After several connections, a smartphone or tablet may begin to “swear” at the cable, and then completely refuse to interact with it, recognizing it as a Chinese fake.

But the device can be fooled:

This method is not a solution to the problem - rather, a temporary measure until you buy the original wire.

Cable damage

If you are using the original “cord”, but still see a message on the screen about the lack of a certificate, then check the physical condition of the cable. It may be damaged - this is also the reason why the smartphone/tablet cannot be charged or connected to the computer.

Try using another original cable to connect. If it works, then replace the old wire that has failed.

Connector problems

The connector on the iPhone into which the cable is inserted is not protected in any way, so after some time after being carried in your pocket, it becomes clogged with various small debris: threads, pieces of fabric, fluff and other dirt. Sometimes there is so much debris that it prevents the cable from contacting the connector.

To remove dirt, use a regular toothpick. Any wooden, thin product, the size of which allows it to fit freely into the connector, will do. Metal objects should not be used as they can damage the port.

Comrades from the United States of America are increasingly fighting for copyrights. In the bourgeoisie, licensing is held in high esteem, as well as only original gadgets and devices. Therefore, the appearance of errors and warnings about certification of cables and accessories not news for the owner of an iPhone, iPad or iPod.

The world-famous company Apple has gone further than others in this. Starting with the new, seventh generation of iOS operating systems, the ability to connect a smartphone or tablet using cheap Chinese USB cables has disappeared. When connecting a non-original cord, a message appears that This cable or accessory is not certified and may not work correctly with this device.. At the same time, if in beta versions of the system the gadget simply warned about the problem, now it blocks the unwanted cable.

There are three workarounds for the error if the message “This cable or accessory is not certified” appears.

1) The simplest, but also unreliable. This method doesn't always work. But you don’t need to make any special efforts to try it.

  • You should connect your phone to the network using a USB cable.
  • Click “close” when an error message appears.
  • Unlock the gadget and press the same button in the warning window.
  • Disconnect the cable from the network and then connect it back.
  • Click the “close” button again in the message about an uncertified cable.

The gadget will start charging. This method is explained by a bug in the device’s firmware and does not always work, but over time, Apple developers will be able to eliminate this trick.

2) Buy a special Chinese cable. The Celestial Empire is rich in so many talents. And now, craftsmen from China have managed to develop a cable that is not afraid of blocking from an iPhone or iPad. The creators claim that the USB type is completely unimportant for their models; the cords work equally well with all types of gadgets. How long Chinese new generation cables will be able to stay on the market is unknown. After all, Apple is also not standing still and will want to improve program code to protect against fraudsters.

3) The most difficult, but at the moment the most effective method. The Cydia store has released a special free tweak that will help you bypass the protection.

  • First, you need to jailbreak using the Evasi0n 7 utility. Instructions for working with it can be found on the Internet.
  • Next, you should launch Cydia from the home screen and wait for the storage update. In the Manage tab, click on the Source button.
  • Add the following Internet address - http://parrotgeek.net/repo. The program will automatically download all the necessary data from the storage.
  • Find a tweak called Unauthorized Lightning Cable Enabler.
  • Update your device for the changes to take effect.

After these simple manipulations, the gadget will begin to charge even with the help of non-certified cables and accessories. This method is good because during beta testing of the seventh generation of iOS, it was in the shadows. And only after the official release operating system, the tweak appeared in public access. Consequently, Apple was unable to block the program's actions even before the system was released. It is possible that they will now add such a function to new version firmware. But folk craftsmen will come up with something new. As always happens in the struggle between pirates and copyright holders.

When charging an iPad or iPhone using the Lightning connector, the device may display a message that reads: “This accessory or cable is not certified and therefore cannot be used reliably iPhone data not guaranteed." After this, charging will stop.

There are several reasons for this “strange” behavior of the gadget. But, before you start looking for them, you need to disconnect and then reconnect the cable to the Lightning connector. In addition, you can solve the charging problem by connecting to another USB port or to another outlet. But if there is no positive result, then the problem is hidden deeper.


Non-original accessories

The reason this message appears is the use of non-original accessories. Branded products are more expensive than “analogs” from unknown manufacturers. It happens that such things work well, and sometimes they flatly refuse to function.

As always, such protection of apple manufacturers can be bypassed. To do this, follow these steps:

  • connect the cable to your iPhone or iPad;
  • after the unfortunate message appears, click “Close”;
  • unlock the device;
  • When the message appears, click “Close” again;
  • without blocking, pull out the cable from the device connector;
  • connect the cable again.

Much the best option is to purchase a cable that will work well and will not damage your expensive gadget. There are alternative inexpensive but high-quality accessories from third-party manufacturers. On their packaging you can see the inscription “ Made for iPhone / iPod / iPad.”

Damaged cable and debris

The cable may refuse to work due to a simple breakdown. The accessory may have become wet, corroded, or physically damaged. You will have to buy a new one, because such things cannot be repaired.

This is the most easily resolved cause of the cable support failure message. Debris is a physical hindrance to the charging process. Such cases are rare, but still occur. Threads, lint, crumbs, or other particles that are located at the bottom of the pocket may become trapped in the port. To solve this problem, you need to check the ports and, if necessary, carefully remove any debris stuck there.
