What is a tablet PC? "Tablets, what better to choose?" - Tips in the selection of the gadget.

Tablets are well suited for the following tasks: online communication, mobile games and content consumption (reading books, viewing sites, videos, TV shows and films). Some devices are also very convenient for office work.

The best tablet is the one that matches your needs. From them and you need to repel not to guess. Think what exactly you are going to do on your tablet. This will help choose the properly choose the characteristics of your future gadget.

Select Operating System


Among Android devices, it is easiest to find inexpensive, but at the same time a productive and high-quality tablet. In addition, the users have a huge number of services, games and programs for a variety of tasks. And enthusiasts have a lot of opportunities to adjust the system for themselves.

At the same time, most gadgets on this platform do not receive timely updates. As a result newest functions And programming error corrections appear on the devices with a delay or do not reach at all.


All new IOS devices are in the upper price segment. But it is always premium apparatus with relevant characteristics and specifying fashion design. Worders of iOS-tablets, to put it mildly, are not deprived by programs, games and services. Devices on this system receive regular updates for several years after the market appeared.

Windows 10.

Windows did not fit on smartphones, but it is much better on the tablets. The tenth version of this system turns the tablet to a full-fledged laptop replacement. Especially if you connect the keyboard and mouse to it.

Owners of tablets on Windows 10 are available less applications than users of other platforms. But they can establish full-fledged desktop games and programs, including package Microsoft Office.. And this is a huge plus for those who need a tablet for work.

If you use, quickly disaster with the tablet on the same OS.

Windows 10 + Android

There are such tablets on which two operating systems are installed at once. Buying, you can switch between Windows 10 and Android at any convenient moment.

Determine the display size

Stripping from the length of the screen diagonal, it is possible to conditionally divide the tablets into three categories: compact (7-8 inches), medium (9-10 inches) and large (11-12 inches).

  1. Compact plates Excellent suitable for communication, most games, reading books and web surfing outside the house. For these tasks, they are more convenient than smartphones when you are not on the go. But still the diagonal of the display of 7-8 inches long is not always enough to view PDF documents or enjoy the serials and movies.
  2. Medium-sized tablets - Optimal combination between mobility and accessible features. Such devices do not put in the pocket, but they are often more powerful than their smaller fellow and more convenient to view multimedia content and games. They are also actually working when the laptop is not at hand.
  3. Large tablets So far not so much. They are the most productive, as well as the best adapted for business tasks due to the size of the screen and accessories. But at the same time they are already difficult to call portable. In addition, such devices are the most expensive.

Pick up the form factor

Classic tablets are monolithic devices without moving parts. To many of them you can connect accessories like keyboards and mice. The indicative example is on iOS to which the keyboard cover with the stand is sold. By purchasing such a device, you can use it for most business tasks.

In addition, there are hybrids of tablets and laptops. They are also called transformers. As an example, you can bring Lenovo Yoga Book on Windows 10 or Android. The device looks like a ultrabook. But it is necessary to take the panel with the keys to the rear wall of the screen - and the gadget will become a tablet.

Hybrid owners can easily switch between workers and entertainment functions, but classic tablets are usually cheaper.

Observe the characteristics

Screen resolution and matrix

Screen resolution is measured by the number of pixels from which it consists. The higher this parameter, the more clear the image. Therefore, it is very important for the tablet.

For sure, you should not take a device with a resolution of less than 1 920 × 1 080 (or Full HD) points. And if you are interested in tablets with a diagonal of a display of 9 inches and more, it is very desirable to choose even higher resolution. But remember that the cost of the gadget depends on this indicator.

The matrix is \u200b\u200bcalled the technology on which the screen is based. The overall quality of the image depends on it, so this parameter is better not to neglected. Take a look at tablets with IPS or OLED matrices (AMOLED, SUPER AMOLED). They provide a better picture. The rest of the options are cheaper, but greatly losing in quality.

Pixels of the working OLED display can turn off completely. Thus, they transmit an image with a truly black color. In this regard, the OLED matrix does not have equal, and in addition, it consumes less energy than IPS. On the other hand, OLED displays are more expensive.

The best way to choose between IPS and OLED is to put two tablets nearby and view the same images on them. If you notice the difference, choose the type of matrix, which, in your opinion, can be better cope with the task.


The speed of the tablet largely depends on the architecture and frequency of the processor, as well as the number of RAM. But if you are not going to use a gadget for 3D games or professional work with graphics, then do not dwell on these components.

Even the average for modern hardware values \u200b\u200bis enough for most user tasks. In addition, if the manufacturer has optimized the software, the tablet can be inhibited even with the top processor and the large amount of RAM on board. This is especially true for Android devices.

To determine whether the power of the device is enough for your needs, it is best to take it before buying in the hands and test: to felt the interface, open several sites, run a video or game.

In the extreme case, you can see how the tablet responds to these actions in video reviews.

Wireless technology support

The more wireless technology supports the gadget, the greater the possibilities for transmitting and receiving data.

If you plan to use the device mainly in the office and at home, then, most likely, you will be enough wi-Fi modulewhich is present in all tablets. If you are going to use network functions On the road, buy a device with support for LTE networks (4G).

You may be connected to the tablet Headphones, Keyboards, Mice and Other wireless devices. In this case, choose the device with wireless support bluetooth standard Not lower than version 4.0. This will provide fast exchange Data with accessories with minimal burden on the battery.

Storage size

The volume of the storage determines the amount of data that can accommodate the tablet. If you buy a device for web surfing, communicating and, then you will have 16 GB of internal memory.

But to store music and movies on the gadget, install games and many programs, you will need much more free space. The required size depends only on your appetite.

The storage size significantly affects the cost of the tablet. To save, you can choose a device with a small number of built-in memory, but with a connector for a roomy SD card. It is convenient to store musical and video files, as well as the data of some programs. But keep in mind that there are no memory card support in gadgets with IOS.

Battery capacity

The time of battery depends on the capacity autonomous work Tablet. But by the meaning of this parameter, it is difficult to judge how often you have to charge the device.

At the same time, on the sites of manufacturers, you can often read how many hours the device can withstand in one or another mode of operation. Take this indicator for the landmark. For example, Apple traditionally indicates the characteristics of their iPad that they are designed for 10 hours of web surfing, watching video or listening to music. Very good indicator for tablet.

Do not forget to check the applications of the manufacturer with, which are often present in the reviews of gadgets from independent publications.

Camera parameters

Manufacturers and sellers make an emphasis on the number of megapixels of the camera, as if this indicator entirely determines the quality of video and pictures. It is not so, so do not get into big numbers.

In addition, cameras in tablets are not as important as in smartphones. Due to the size, the tablet is simply inconvenient to use both a video camera or a camera.

What you need to pay attention is for the presence frontal chamber. Without it, you will not be able to communicate through video links. And in order to at least roughly estimate the quality of the camera on the selected tablet, look for samples of photos and videos on the network. If the device is popular, it will be easy to find such information.

In this article we will tell you abouthow is a tablet computer (He is a tablet or tablet PC). Now quite a lot of novice users do not know what kind of tablet is. After all, this device appeared on the shelves of our Supermarkets relatively recently. It is for this reason that, not everyone understands how to use it. Therefore, in this review we will tell youwhat is a tablet computer and why it is needed.

What is a tablet computer?

Tablet PC ( tablet) is the new kind modern computers Mobile type. the main distinctive trait any such device is touch screen. It takes most of the area of \u200b\u200bthe tablet. In addition, the screen bears the function of the input device. Since the tablets are not equipped with a mouse and hardware keyboard, the management of various programs and the text set is performed solely with your fingers on the touch panel.

What are the operating systems of tablets

Now in electronic technology stores, you can find tablets that work on the basis of the following operating systems: Windows 7, Android and Apple iOS..

1. Apple iOS is an OS on which the iPad 2 and iPad tabletniks work.

2. Android is an OS, which work most of the device competing with iPad. For example,most popular tablets from this OS - Acer iconia Tab A501, Dell Streak 5, Samsung Galaxy Tab. P1000 and HTC Flyer.

3. Windows 7 - not so much with this tablet. The main advantage of such devices is compatibility with all applications that have been developed under this OS. The most popular tablets with Windows 7 are Asus Eee Slate, Archos 9 PCTABLET ATOM and ACER Iconia tab. W500.

What do you need a tablet computer

First of all,tablet is A device designed to work with digital content. Using the tablet, it is convenient to read e-books, browse various sites, photos and videos, presentations and documents. In addition, you can play on the tablet. Now worked hundreds of high quality games specifically for tablets. One of the main advantages of the tablet to ordinary computers is its compactness. This device can be done without any problems to work or on vacation.

In addition, it consumes less electrical Energy and B. offline mode Works more laptop. And finally, low price Compared to the same laptops.

So we told about what a tablet computer. We hope that you made the right conclusions for yourself and decided whether you need this device or not.

We continue the cycle of our guidelines for the choice of mobile devices. After articles about fitness bracelets and smart watches, we decided to summarize our experience testing tablets in one material. We will periodically update the article and re-publish, so you can always find current information here, description best models At the moment, the current prices for them.

Fashion on the tablets turned the IT industry in 2010 due to the appearance of Apple iPad (everything that was previously, a massive phenomenon cannot be called), reached its peak in 2012-2013 and since then began to fade. Already in 2015, a clear feeling appeared that all the tablets were tired - both manufacturers and the public. And even the release of the iPad Pro could not turn the trend.

However, fashion fashion, and no one has canceled everyday needs and tasks. For those for several years, during which almost all families have acquired tablets, users are used to that on such devices it is convenient to read books, wander on the Internet, flip by social networks and mail (especially lying on the sofa or in bed), watch videos and movies, play in Some kinds of games ... It is worth noting that the tablets turned out to be an ideal device for children: it is from them most of those born at the end of the "zero" begin to get acquainted with the technique.

In general, no matter how cool, the tablet is a useful and pleasant thing. Maybe it is not so necessary as a smartphone, and not as versatile, like a laptop, but if there is an opportunity to acquire at least one tablet on the family - it's worth doing this. And therefore, the question of choice arises. Yes, and the existing users of tablets sooner or later turn out to be needed to update the device - either because of the breakdown of the old one or due to its moral obsolescence (which, however, is slower than in the case of smartphones).

So, if you decide to buy a tablet, you need to answer the main question: for what and where in the first place you will use it (or is it already two questions? ..). The answer depends on two other fundamental questions: on which operating system there will be a tablet and with which diagonal of the screen.

You can write separate large articles about the nuances of choice between differenties and diagonals of screens, but we will not go into details here and try to allocate the main thing. With the operating systems, everything rests on whether you are planning to use the tablet as a full-featured replacement of the laptop, or not. That is, if you are going to ride with him on a business trip, open and edit MS Office documents, run some professional types of type Adobe Photoshop. or 1C Accounting (at least occasionally), then it makes sense to acquire a tablet on Windows.

But if the tablet is supposed to use for entertainment (games, especially children's, video, reading books and magazines, social networks ...), then in this case it is worth watching IOS / Android devices.

As for the diagonal, the key point here is a place of use. For home use, especially if the tablet is purchased to children or older people, the optimal diagonal is about 10 inches. For permanent wearing, it is more convenient for a smaller device (for example, if you get to work on the train or we are going for quite a long time on the subway, then read more conveniently with a tablet with a screen diagonal of about 8 inches). Well, diagonally more than 11 inches are already calculated on the fairly narrow category of users who are used for professional tasks, but they need to be in the tablet, and not a laptop. It may be artists, lecturers, etc. Finally, if you buy a tablet on the principle of "let it be, and the application will be found" and cannot in advance to determine the use format, then take the device with a diagonal of about 10 inches, this is the most universal option.

Now, deciding with the diagonal and operating system, we can go directly to the choice. We decided to make a rubrication based on the diagonal, while making the tablets on Windows into a separate category, since there is its own specificity, which is even more significant than, actually, diagonal.

Immediately warn you that we did not include in the article products of little-known chinese brands and their Russian "avatars", because they can't handle their reliability and durability, and, and, moreover, their huge quantity, and they replace each other they are rapidly, so if you really want to save, choose at your own risk, Focusing on the characteristics and reviews.

Tablets with a diagonal of 8 inches and less

The most famous compact tablet is definitely iPad mini. Although Apple did not admit a long time diagonally less than 9.7 inches (it was her Jobs perfect), but to give the market compact tablets I didn't want to competitors to Tim Cook to compete. So appeared ipad mini.and if the first model turned out to be in all the parameters of the inferior Big iPad, then in the second generation iPad mini got retina screen and very powerful hardware stuffing.

Since then, two more updates came out: one - cosmetic (iPad mini 3), and the second (i.e. iPad mini 4) - more serious. But all the same iPad mini 2 remains quite relevant option, optimal in terms of price and quality ratio. So, the cheapest version (with 16 GB of integrated memory and without LTE) is quite possible to find 20 thousand rubles cheaper.

Of course, if you plan to actively use a tablet for shooting photos / video, then 16 GB is not enough, but this is enough as a portable reader and the compact game console (again, if the games are not a few gigabytes and not a dozen, but smaller). Optimal option - Perhaps 64 GB. But a good compromise is in the case of iPad Mini 2 there may be a 32-gigabyte version (there is no such option in newer generations).

Among Apple's competitors the widest range of compact tablets - Samsung. There are models for every taste and wallet, although most of them are, of course, occupy the lower segment. In this article, we will not recommend the tablets with the screen resolution below Full HD, because, in our opinion, in 2016, it is possible to refuse the normal definition of the image in the event that there is no possibility of buying more expensive models. And if there is money in principle, and you want to choose some reasonable option, you can save on everything except screen quality. And although the high permission does not always mean that the screen is really good, but the inverse relationship is undoubted: 1280 × 800 or 1024 × 768 clearly indicate that they saved on the screen.

So returning to sAMSUNG modelsWe would recommend Galaxy Tab S2 8.0. Option is not the cheapest but interesting, first of all, sUPER screen Amoled (which means that there will be bright juicy colors and high energy efficiency when reading on a black background) than not to boast competitors, as well as a fingerprint scanner and actual version Android (6.0 Marshmallow).

Another interesting alternative to iPad Mini - Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact. The waterproofability is drawn here (of course, we do not recommend using it under water, but to lie down with him on the beach, not afraid of hitting sand and splashes of the sea - it is quite possible. We will add to this the minimum weight (270 grams) and a rather powerful stuffing ( Qualcomm Snapdragon. 801, 3 GB of RAM) - and get a great option, especially for the Sony brand fans.

By the way, an important nuance: at the iPad mini and Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 The screen has the aspect ratio of 4: 3. A W. Sony Xperia. Z3 Tablet Compact - 16: 9. The first is more convenient for the Internet, the second is to watch movies.

Curious solution (first of all, in the area of \u200b\u200bdesign) - Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 2. This tablet has a leg-stand along the long side of the case, and the center of gravity of the device is shifted to it. Therefore, you can install the tablet without additional accessories to a convenient position to view movies or reading, or arrange it on the table so that its long-distance side of you raised a little over the table. This is a convenient print option on the virtual keyboard.

Specifications Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 2 Not bad, but android version - Old (4.4), and this, of course, minus. But the price is low.

As you already noticed, all the models we told in this section have a screen diagonal of about 8 inches. What about seven-year models? Of course, they also have in the market, especially in the budget segment. But today it seems to us inappropriate to acquire them, since their display is not much more than that of the tablet phones with a 5.5-5.7 inches screen, but it is inconvenient to use them as a smartphone. That is neither there or here.

Tablets with a diagonal from 9 to 10 inches

Of course, we begin with the iPad - for those who have passed since the release of the first iPad for six years, Apple has never been inferior to their leadership in the tablet market (unlike the smartphone market). And the iPad with a diagonal of 9.7 "remains the standard of de facto.

True, Apple has two options among current models: iPad Air 2 and iPad Pro 9.7 ". The Pro from Trump - support for the cover-keyboard and stylus (but they must be purchased additionally, and they are expensive), more productive SOC, stereo speakers and better camera.

But iPad Air. 2 And without all this, it remains an excellent choice, while the price is significantly lower. In general, we recommend iPad Air 2, and only if you are firmly confident that you need the above features, then take the iPad Pro. In our opinion, the price / possibility ratio has an iPad Air 2 is significantly better.

Competitors are the same: Sony, Samsung, Lenovo, as well as Huawei, whose MediaPad M2 10.0 seemed to us a good alternative to iPad Pro 9.7 ". From him and let's start. Like the iPad Pro, the Huawei tablet allows you to use the stylus sensitive to the power of pressing (there are versions of the tablet both with a stylus and without). In addition, the tablet has a fingerprint and stereo speakers scanner. And in general, the design is very worthy.

It cannot be said that Huawei MediaPad M2 10.0 struck us something, it does not have unique or some outstanding features, but the balance of opportunities and prices is quite good.

Flagship Sony and Samsung solutions are somewhat more expensive, but they are more interesting. In principle, their key features We are identical to the eighty models described above: Samsung has a Super Amoled Plus display, and Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet is waterproof.

Sony, however, is a higher resolution (2560 × 1600) and a more convenient aspect ratio for watching movies (16: 9). And both tablets are very thin and lungs.

A very interesting model offers Lenovo. Yoga Tablet 3 Pro has not only an original design, similar in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Yoga Tablet 8 2 described above, but also a built-in projector, four JBL dynamics and a very capacious battery (10200 mA · h).

The tablet screen has a resolution of 2560 × 1600, and inside intel processor Atom X5 Z8500. True, the dimensions and weight of Yoga Tablet 3 Pro are significantly less attractive than samsung flagships And Sony, and the feasibility of the presence of a projector (naturally, rather weak) causes doubt.

Windows tablets and / or diagonal more than 11 inches

Curious fact: Android has almost no tablets with a diagonal of 11 inches and more. Previously, there was Samsung Galaxy NotePro 12.2 on sale, but now it is not available. In fact, the iPad Pro with a diagonal of 12.9 inches became the only player in the niche of large-format tablets with a mobile operating system.

What to say here? The highest performance among mobile Arm platforms, excellent screen, stereo speakers, stylus support Apple Pencil., quite suitable for the work of professional artists, an attached keyboard-cover, on which you can print blindly ... The restraining factor when buying will be, naturally, the price is directly say, biting. But there is another problem: with all his advantages of iPad Pro it is impossible to call universal device - just because of the mobile OS (and therefore - the lack of traditional ports and access to file System). Therefore, to replace the iPad Pro laptop will not be able to replace.

Understanding this, Apple's competitors made a bet on Windows 10, which, in general, it is quite logical. After all, such devices approaching the dimensions to laptops are already involved not only entertaining, but also professional use, and for professional tasks a full-fledged operating system, of course better.

A set of Windows tablet brands is different from what we saw in the case of Android. Here Dell, Lenovo, HP come to the fore, that is, business laptop manufacturers. It is understandable: such tablets are, in fact, laptops without a keyboard (more precisely, with a disconnected keyboard). Here, for example, Dell XPS 12.

The screen is 12.5 inches with a resolution of 4K (3840 × 2160), the sixth generation of Intel Core M processors (as in MacBook 12), up to 8 GB of RAM, 64-bit Windows 10 Pro, Thunderbolt interface ... impressive! As, however, the price.

Option Simplest and cheaper: Lenovo ThinkPad 10 2. Screen 10.1 "Full HD, Intel Atom X7 Z8700 processor, 4 GB of RAM, Stylus Support, uSB ports 3.0 and Micro-HDMI.

An important nuance: such tablets can be connected using the hubs and adapters, to external monitor and periphery using as a full-fledged computer on Windows. It is clear that on this computer it is especially not working with Adobe Photoshop or Premier and, moreover, you will not play. But to demonstrate presentations, work with documents and other professional tasks that do not require high performance, they are fit perfectly.

One of the top versions (alas, officially not sold in Russia, but affordable in many dealers) - Microsoft Surface Pro 4. It is based on a full-fledged laptop configuration - Intel Core-I generation Skylake, SSD drive from 128 GB, from 4 GB of RAM. Plus, it is an impressive screen resolution: 2736 × 1824 with a diagonal of 12.3 ".

True, in the case of Windows for ultra-high screen resolution, it is not always worth the screen, because the interface is not all Windows-programs is optimized for the use of zoom in 150-200%. And without scaling, all icons and badges will be on a small screen of tiny tablet. So here on the resolution can also be saved by taking, for example, HP Elite X2 (with a display of 11.6 "and a resolution of 1366 × 768) or something similar.

Note that when buying such devices is worth paying attention, there is a keyboard in a set or not, because if it is not, then the price of the keyboard must be added to the price. Use a Windows tablet without keyboard seems to us at least strange.

We listed here only the products of the most famous brands. If desired, you can choose something like this and from less titled companies. Of course, it will be cheaper. And you can also wait for the appearance of two new players in the market: Huawei with the Matebook model (it will come out the other day) and ASUS with the new TRANSFORMER line. Judging by our meeting with them on presentations, these are very strong devices that can adjust the alignment on the market.


Having studied the modern market of tablets, we can make several conclusions that will simultaneously and advice for buyers.

First of all, it is worth keeping in mind that the market for Android tablets is in a strong decline. First, over the past year there was not a single large announcement. That is, the manufacturers themselves do not really believe in the prospects of this direction. Secondly, many very good models of 2013-2014 are already problematic to find on sale. For example, Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet and Z3 Tablet or Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 / 8.4. There is no significant progress here, so you can safely buy tablets of two or three years ago, including on Internet flea markets and sales. But if you want to keep up with the times and expect to get a really relevant device, then look either on iOS or on Windows-models.

The second moment: to acquire tablets less than 8 inches makes practically no - only something is completely cheap for some particular task (for example, taxi service workers). But among the 8-inch models there are already good options, including Android (although the foregoing about Android tablets in general does not cancel). But Windows tablets less than 10 inches do not take, as it will not be much sense.

But among the models more than 11 inches just the Windows tablets seem to us the most interesting solution. The choice here is quite large, and the price variation is huge (although there are no very cheap options for top brands). True, it is necessary to think well here: how do you need a tablet, and should you spend the same money to spend on a compact laptop if you plan to use a device for work, or on a 10-inch iOS / Android tablet, if you have fun? Still, like Microsoft nor promoted your tile interface and windows Store Store, for entertainment and pure tablet use iOS and Android with their huge application selection more convenient.

And the third moment. If you bought a tablet two or three years ago, and it suits you in general, that is, it does not slow down, it does not bother to external defects, etc., then it makes no sense to buy new tablet not. You do not get anything qualitatively new.

How inexpensive, but good? This question interests many users. The choice depends on the set of factors, including the parameters of the gadget, its technical characteristics, operating system, etc.

Before choosing a good gadget, you need to still figure it out, what is the tablet? It is a multifunctional apparatus that combines the functions of a personal computer and phone. Almost all modern have the ability to enter the Internet. This is achieved by several paths: through the built-in Wi-Fi adapter or with 3G and 4G connections.

The tablet may have different sizes, specifications and capabilities. The definition of the use of the use will help choose a tablet. Tips can be obtained from sellers familiar or on the Internet.

Opportunities and scope of tablet

Most often, the tablet is bought for entertainment, study or work. Before choosing a tablet (inexpensive, but good), you need to decide on exactly which functions of the tablet will be used:

  • Work with different applications, including with office programs, databases, scanning documents, etc.
  • Internet work: view web pages, use search engines, social networks and etc.
  • Reading books in different formats: Epub, PDF, TXT, DOC, etc.
  • View and edit photos.
  • Listening to music and watching video.
  • Work with email.
  • Implementation of online conferences, including using the camera.
  • Various games and others.

Depending on this, the tablet model is also selected. If we are talking about, for example, how to choose a tablet for the Internet, then you need to focus on the speed of the gadget on the network. If the device will be used to work with different types of files, then preference can be models with more weak technical characteristics, but with a large and convenient screen, etc. When choosing, it is also necessary to pay attention to other factors that directly affect the work with the gadget.

Select operating system

The operating system is one of the main factors affecting how to choose a good tablet. Customer reviews indicate that each option has its own distinctive characteristics, as well as positive and negative sides.

Today's market provides tablets with three operating systems. This is Android from Google, iOS from Apple and Windows from Microsoft. The most popular, undoubtedly, is the first operating system. Products with Android make up two thirds of the modern market, then it goes iOS, occupying almost a third of the segment of the segment, and the product from Windows is less common, but recently becomes increasingly popular. Each system has its pros and cons.


This is the most common operating system that is installed not only on tablets, but also on smartphones, netbooks, various multimedia players, electronic reading tools, etc.

As for the positive sides of this operating system, they are as follows:

  • A huge number of applications that are available for download via Google Play service.
  • Convenient synchronization with other services from Google.
  • The presence of built-in voice assistant.
  • Easy to connect the tablet to the PC.
  • Fast and easy data transfer to other devices.

As for negative parties, Android has the following:

  • High energy consumption. The owners of Android devices know that the battery is necessary to charge quite often.
  • Unlike other operating systems, Android is often updated, which sometimes leads to incompatibility of some programs.


When it comes to how to choose the right tablet, many users prefer the IOS operating system, which is installed only on Apple products. As for the advantages of the OS, then they are as follows:

  • High speed and stability of the system.
  • Huge selection of applications through the AppStore.
  • Comfortable and understandable interface.
  • The presence of a special voice helper Siri.
  • Low power consumption, which allows you to work for a long time with the device without additional recharging.
  • Convenience of OS synchronization with other devices.

As for the minuses of the operating system, then they are as follows:

  • To work with the computer you need special Program iTunes.
  • A more complex data exchange process.
  • The operating system does not support memory cards.


If we are talking about what tablet choose (inexpensive and high-quality), more and more users prefer devices from the OS from Microsoft. The company offers both Windows 8 OS available on different devicesSo and Windows RT, designed specifically for tablets. Windows has its own positive parties:

  • Comfortable and fast synchronization with other services from Microsoft.
  • The presence of a pre-installed Microsoft Office office software package.
  • High speed operating system.
  • Easy to connect the device to the computer.
  • Ease of work with files on different devices.

As for the minuses, they are as follows:

  • Relatively small applications for the user.
  • High power consumption.

What is the size of the screen to give preference?

Screen size is important factorallowing you to understand how to choose a tablet. User feedback indicate that the ease of use of the device directly depends on this. There are the following screens dimensions:

  • from 5 to 7.9 inches. If we are talking about how to choose a tablet inexpensive, but good, then preference should be given this particular category. Such tablets are convenient to use due to their compactness, but they cannot boast of high technical characteristics.
  • Screen size from 8 to 9 inches. The most common types of tablets on which it is convenient to work, as well as play games and spend time on the Internet.
  • Screen size from 9 or more inches. Large and sufficiently heavy options. With such gadgets, it is very convenient to work, but keep them all the time in your hands hard.

Each type of screen has its advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of using the gadget will allow you to choose a high-quality tablet for any situation.


When it comes to how to choose a good tablet, you must pay attention to the following technical characteristics of the gadget:

  1. RAM. From this indicator, the speed of operation of the device directly depends. It should be ensured that the minimum RAM indicator was no less than 1 GB. Otherwise, the device will slow down, and applications - to start a long time.
  2. CPU. From the processor will depend on what exactly the user can use the user. As for "Android", the preference is better to give the dual-core processor. If we are talking about Windows, the choice here is not yet very large, but thanks to the enormous choice of manufacturers, the user can choose the option for its needs.
  3. Physical memory. From this indicator directly depends the amount of data that can be stored on the tablet. You can enlarge this indicator using a memory card if the OS is supported.

In addition to these indicators, it is also important to pay attention to other factors, in particular on a variety of wireless technologies.

Wireless technology on the tablet

If we are talking about how to choose the tablet correctly, you must also pay attention to wireless technologywhich are equipped modern gadgets:

  • Wi-Fi. Almost all tablets have an antenna Wi-Fi, which allows you to connect to wireless network Houses or use the Internet in places equipped with wireless access points.
  • 3G. The presence in the tablet of the built-in 3G module allows you to use World Wide Web In those places where there is no Wi-Fi.
  • Bluetooth. Almost all modern gadgets are equipped with Bluetooth 3.0 technology, which is capable of transmitting large amounts of data on high speed. Latest models Tablets are also supported bluetooth technology 4.0, which additionally has low power consumption. It should be remembered that another device must be compatible with Bluetooth 4.0 to exchange data.
  • HDMI. Tablets that have an HDMI output can be connected to a TV with high expansion.
  • GPS. Technology that allows you to work in navigator mode. For this, in addition to the module itself, you also need a program-navigator.
  • NFC. This technology allows you to share photos and music with other users without the need to install an additional connection with devices.
  • DLNA. DLNA technology allows you to connect a tablet to wireless home network, including home cinema and other audio and video equipment. The tablet in this case will perform the role of the remote control.
  • USB. USB technology allows you to connect a variety of gadget external devices, Including disk drives, flash drives, cartriders and more.
  • G-sensor. Most modern tablets have an accelerator that determines the position of the device in space. Due to this, when turning the device, the device switches from the horizontal position to the vertical and vice versa. This feature is also used in games.

In addition to these technologies, modern tablets are also equipped with others. additional featuresallowing you to use gadgets in a variety of situations.

Use multimedia

When it comes to which tablet choose (inexpensive and high-quality), then you need to think about multimedia. Modern tablets possess the following features:

  • Audio player. Gadgets are equipped with full-fledged players with an equalizer, which allows them to not give up the quality of music players.
  • Video player. Almost all tablets have a built-in video player supporting a variety of video files.
  • Radio. Many users prefer radio player. For these purposes, a special application on the tablet is used, as well as headphones as an antenna.

Multimedia is one of the key factors when choosing a tablet. The price of the device depends on the quality of the built-in applications.

Additional tablet selection parameters

When choosing a tablet additionally, attention should be paid to the following points:

  • Camera. It can be both frontal and rear. The quality of the camera depends on the quality of photos and video calls. A high-quality chamber directly affects the cost of the tablet. If it is important, the choice must be stopped at an option with a minimum of 5-8 Mp. Excellent if the camera will support Full HD format.
  • Battery. From the battery directly will depend on how much it will be possible to use the gadget without the need for its recharging. The selection depends on the size of the screen and the operating system.

Inexpensive, but good? This question interests many users. The selection of the device depends on a number of factors, including from the size of the screen, OS, technical characteristics Gadget and the availability of additional features.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. My name is and today I suggest you understand the topic, or rather one of their specific species: Tablet.

The tablets won tremendous popularity, and this popularity is quite acquitted. After all tablet PC - This is a portable device with a fairly large touch display It is not too great and placed in the bag, and at the same time not too little, such as a smartphone, which is most quickly discharged and has a modest screen. As a result, we get an almost perfect device that can cope with most everyday tasks anywhere (some models even under water).

From a concept to life. First tablets.

Now that we have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a tablet is, we can familiarize yourself with the history of development and the first tablets in the world.

Initially, they, or rather their prototypes, were used except in fantastic films and were only fantasies, as now, for example, a time trip, but unlike him, fantasy about portable computers was realized, and already in 1968. Alan Kay. introduced the device resembling a tablet, called "Dynabook". He possessed the keyboard built into the housing and was created exclusively for learning.

Here, by the way, and Alan Kay. At presentation with their children.

Then also began to appear and pocket computers running on Windows XP, but possessing a weak processor and a battery, which only grabbed a device for 2-3 hours. Also produced I. Kpk.what is deciphered as pocket Personal Computer. Used to manage them stylus (The sensory handle to which the screen reacts), the touch of this device does not perceive this device.

One of the first things was "MessagePad"represented by the world famous company Apple. It was presented August 2 of 1993 In Boston. This device It was very expensive - 800 dollars, but despite this, the first 5,000 copies scattered in a matter of hours like hot cakes.

History tablet computers It stretches for quite a long time, but a huge jump in their development occurred quite recently, in 2010 year, after output iPad.(Apple tablet). After that, all stores simply sisha offers from various firms.

Apple brings to the world of innovation, and the rest pick them up and create their own products, but is it worth choosing something other than apple? Perhaps yes. At least for the reason that not everyone needs such an expensive and such a powerful tablet, because some will not use its potential even half. Precisely because not everything is so simple, we are with you here, so let's figure it out with all aspects choice and using tablets.

Why do you need a tablet? His advantage Before other gadgets.

Let's start with the very seemingly simple confusion - Why do you need a tablet?

Possible variations of the use of the tablet, perhaps depend more from the user itself than from the gadget.

But let's try to list some of its numerous functions. So, with the tablet you can:

And this is just the most basic. Thousands of applications And this list will be revealed repeatedly.

Now let's look at the advantages of the tablet. Naturally, I will mention and cons, because there are only cons. This is all personally my opinion as iPad user with experience. Well, in addition, I will say that all the advantages can become both minuses of cheap models, but below I will describe an exceptional product quality.


  1. Huge stock charge batterywhich is enough with a surplus. Since with a large place of place inside more, then you can put there anymore.
  2. Big screenWith which it is comfortable reading and watching a video.
  3. Powerful "iron" (processor, rAM...) and perfectly optimized app under it (as in the case of Apple, so it is for sure).
  4. A huge amount of paid and free applications For any purpose.
  5. Simple, intuitive operating system with a pleasant interface.
  6. Access to all of your data from anywhere, not just at home.
  7. A huge number of convenient and functional covers, such as Smart Cover.


  1. Big size. The tablets, of course, are of different sizes, but none of them can boast the ability to lie in your pocket, and if they can, then this is not a tablet at all. Accordingly, you have to take a bag or carry it in your hands.
  2. No access to powerful softwarelike laptops.
  3. If compared with smartphones, then inability to call and write SMS. But this is compensated by a huge number of communication programs, such as Skype, (although now there is already), VK and so on.

I thought long enough about what kind of tablet is minuses, but more than two did not remember (the third is completely controversial). But even though minuses and less, but they are essential and can even affect the choice of mobile gadget.

How to choose a tablet? What to buy?

Well, the choice is naturally individual and I will not call now the "best tablet". Because the best it is yours for everyone, and the title "best" Depends on the set factors.

I can make it easier for you only with your advice. Well, then I will write Zero Council Right here: I advise you to use to choose a tablet or something else Yandex Market, about which I recently wrote. Immediately from one site to choose more convenient, there are all firms and characteristics, in general, I hope you will figure it out, I tried to write in detail. He enjoyed them when choosing, everything clearly scattered on the pros and cons for themselves.

Decide why do you need a tablet. No matter how trite it did not sound.

Yes, buying depends on budgetBut you should not upload all your blood on the device, which could be replaced with analogue five times cheaper. For example, if you need a tablet to listen to music in the subway and check mail once a day, then there is no point to spend money on top (best) tablet. But if you are going to use the tablet for a long time and full (play new games, run powerful applications, sit on the Internet and much more), then buying an expensive toy is justified.

Do not overcome with savings. If you buy a cheap tablet, then spend a lot of nerves with him, and most likely he will soon break down And you have to buy a new one. So it's better to first familiarize yourself with reviews About the product, with reviewsAnd if you do not have enough money, then feed. Qualitative tablet Pay yourself for a long time will last and please you with your service, believe me.

Council, in principle, relating to any purchase, do not buy the tablet immediately where you look, in all sorts of salons, there price very much hollow. Find a proven online store and order there (with this you will help the aforementioned Yandex Market).

Do not worry, your tablet will come to you safely and preservation. 🙂

How to use the tablet?

Suppose you are guinea pig, just bought a tablet and do not know where to begin. Then you are at.

Since there are a lot of operating systems for tablets, then I will not be able to thoroughly disassemble each. For this there are many educational videos. My goal is not to teach you to handle a specific system, and coordinate generally.

All mobile systems, although they differ in their filling, but enough similar, and cooping with one system you can quickly go to another, only adds your knowledge of their differences.

Personally, I passed from Android on the iOS absolutely without studying the system (I also did not read anything about Android, except for a couple of articles to solve specific problems). But this is my method, I personally like to learn something new about the system when working with it. Yes, and it is not necessary to know much, in the beauty mobile systems , they are intuitively understandable, simple and visual. A person who saw the iPad screen for the first time, will already be able to navigate in it and something, yes to do.

Of course, before buying something, it is necessary to be a little theoretically prepared for working with him, but we will not be boring.

To begin with, remove your device out of the box, inspect all the waste paper, which is attached to it. Perhaps, among the pieces there will be an instruction that will solve your problems in the case of anything. Also inspect the whole package, make sure that it coincides with the manufacturer's website (you can find and instructions in electronic form).

Turn on the tablet, usually the power button on top or side on the housing. The button must be held. Also inspect the case for other mechanical buttons, in the instructions, find out about their functions. Wait until the tablet (from the word "Tablet", for a variety of calling it so) will turn on. Apple-devices have after the first inclusion you need to configure the tablet.

Well, you are on main screen Your pill is an unknown company. First of all, read the desktop ( main screen). Look at what applications already installed On it, open them by clicking on the icons. Not much, finger. If the tablet is not very cheap, it has enough easy touch for the reaction.

Run in the settings, connect your device to WiFi, change the wallpaper, in general tick the tablet for yourself.

Then, when you configured the Internet connection, try to find the application store on the screen to replenish your collection of the very necessary software. At the APLLE this store is called Apple Store., Android - Play Market. . There will have register. Then set the most important to work with the device - for example a browser, application of social networks. Everything depends on you.

Hmm, well, in general, everything and everything, it is not difficult, as it seemed, isn't it? Yes, and if there are difficulties, we have a good in the 21st century and the Internet is always at hand, if you do not find the answer to the question yourself, you can ask it in the comments here or on specialized forums.

Bonus for beginners "Appleers"

Well, and since I use myself Applethen I will be glad to give you a couple of places, from where you can draw information about iOS system functions (operating system on mobile devices Apple).

First, this is an Apple Official Website. I really like my design. And who does not like it? Site at the company level.

A brief and stylish review of the new functions of the iOS system. In general, use this site. Of course, no one will give any objective information with the minuses of the device (this is the site of the manufacturer), but read the reviews on their devices is very entertaining and pleasant for the eyes.

In general, all necessary information gives us Apple (which is not surprising, they always make an emphasis on trifles, and everything is "polished" so thoroughly, which is difficult to complain about something). So and second place also gives Apple (selects food from poor surveyors).

And if you are the owner of their device with IOS 8., then you are not necessary to walk. This is originally installed application "advice".

Make mini Overview This mini-application.

To open the "Tips", find the light bulb icon on a yellow background, as in the screenshot.

That's how the advice looks - everything is concise and understandable, with pictures. To progress the pictures - turn on the Internet, after that they will remain in the cache () and you can watch tips without the Internet.

In total, these tips 27, but with new functions, their list will be replenished. You can click on the button "I like" if you think this feature is useful.

Not necessarily flipping all the advice in search of the right one. You can open the headers of the tips with the list and quickly find your own.

Android owners, forgive, but I do not understand your system so much, shared what I have a presentation. By the way, there is a new-fashioned thing called, and for iOS. Pretty cool app. I hope it will be useful.

Let's sum up

This article, I hope, I helped you decide whether you need a tablet, how to choose it, why it is needed at all and how to work with it. It is not difficult, the main thing is to choose from responsibly. Dare, good luck in your endeavors!

PS: At the bottom I put 2 videos in which the functions are overlooked recent versions IOS and Android, namely iOS 8 and Android 5.0 Lollipop.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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