An error has occurred, please clear your browser cache. What does it mean to clear cache in android phone

In this guide, we will look at how to clear the browser cache, as well as history and cookies on various desktop and mobile versions programs. In addition, we'll take a quick look at what a browser cache is and how it works.

What is browser cache?

Browser cache- This is a temporary storage designed to speed up the loading of sites. It works by storing static files in the computer's local memory. This reduces the number of requests sent to the webserver that contains the actual files and instead downloads them from local storage. Therefore, when caching elements such as HTML, CSS, JS, and images, the browser significantly reduces load times and resource usage.

What is cached data?

Cache is a term used to describe temporary storage. Thus, cached data is a collection of items stored in the cache store. Whenever a browser requests a particular file, it first checks to see if the resource is available locally. If the searched object is not found, then the browser sends a request to the appropriate web server and stores it as cached data depending on the file type.

What happens when you clear the cache?

Clearing the browser cache deletes all data stored in temporary storage. As a result, after clearing all the cache, the first time you access the site, it will take additional time to load. This is because the resources cannot be retrieved locally and must all be delivered by the appropriate web server.

Why do you need to clear the cache?

Files collected in the browser cache can take up quite a lot of disk space over time. This may cause your browser to run slower than usual and use additional resources. In addition, cached resources that are out of date can cause site content to display incorrectly. For example, you might have trouble viewing changes and updates made recently to a site. Thus, clearing the browser cache from time to time can help prevent such features.

How to clear the cache on desktop computers

Clearing the cache is a relatively easy task for most desktop browsers. Let's see how it can be done on the most popular ones.

How to Clear the Google Chrome Browser Cache

  1. Go to the side menu and open the section History › History (History › History).
  2. Choose a setting Clear Browsing Data(Clear browser cache).
  3. Select a time span. If you want to delete all content, select All Time (For all time).
  4. cache, cookies, story.
  5. Click the button Clear Data.


  • Users Windows OS can go to the clear cache tab by key combination Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  • Users MacOS Command+Shift+Delete.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open the side menu and go to the section Library › History › Clear Recent History.
  2. Select a time span. If you want to delete everything, select All Time (For all time).
  3. Check which items are to be removed. cache, cookies, story among the others.
  4. Click the button Clear Now.


  • For quick access to clear cache tab users Windows OS Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  • Users MacOS can use shortcut buttons Command+Shift+Delete.


  1. Go to fold History (History) in the top menu and select Clear History.
  2. All Time (For all time).
  3. Safari deletes history, cache, cookies without the ability to select one.
  4. Click the button Clear History.


  • For quick access to the clear cache page, users Windows OS can use a combination Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  • Users MacOS can use quick access buttons Command+Shift+Delete.


  1. Click the icon History (History) located in the bottom left menu.
  2. Press the button.
  3. Select a time span. To delete everything - select the beginning of time (from the very beginning).
  4. cached images and files, cookies.
  5. Click the button Clear Browsing Data (Clear browsing data).


  • For users Windows OS combination available Ctrl+Shift+Delete to quickly switch to the cache clearing tab.
  • Users MacOS can take advantage of quick access with a combination Command+Shift+Delete.

Microsoft Edge

  1. Go to the side menu at the top right and select Settings.
  2. Click Choose what to clear (Choose what to clear) In chapter Clear browsing data.
  3. Select what you want to remove from the dropdown list.
  4. Click the button Clear and wait for the process to finish.
  5. There is also a setting for automatic deletion every time you close the browser program.


  • you can click Ctrl+Shift+Delete for quick access.

How to clear browser cache on mobile platforms

Mobile browsers use caching in the same way as desktop browsers. Therefore, let's see how you can clear the cache in the most popular mobile browsers.

Google Chrome (Android)

  1. In the side menu, go to the tab History (History).
  2. Click on the button Clear Browsing Data.
  3. Choose a time period. To delete all content, select the option All Time (All the time).
  4. Mark items to remove − story, files cookie, cache.
  5. Click the button Clear Data.

Mozilla Firefox (Android)

  1. Go to section History (History) in the side menu.
  2. Click on the button Clear Browsing History (Clear browser history) at the bottom.
  3. Confirm by pressing the button OK in a popup window.

Opera Mini (Android)

  1. Click the Opera icon at the bottom of the browser.
  2. Select the wrench icon and you will be taken to the section Settings.
  3. Choose a setting Clear Browsing Data.
  4. Check the items you want to remove − history, files cookie, cache.
  5. Confirm by pressing OK.

Safari (iOS)

  1. Go to Settings on your iOS device.
  2. Find a section safari and open it.
  3. Scroll until you find the section Clear History and Website Data (Clear history and browser data).
  4. Confirm deleting everything in the pop-up window.

Google Chrome (iOS)

  1. Enter the side menu on the right side and navigate to History.
  2. Click the button Clear Browsing Data.
  3. Select items to delete − history, cookies, cache.
  4. Click again Clear Browsing Data.

Mozilla Firefox (iOS)

  1. Open the side menu at the bottom right and navigate to Settings.
  2. Scroll down until you find the .
  3. Select the items you want to remove − cache, files cookie, history.
  4. Hit the red button Clear Private Data to confirm your actions.
  5. When you see a pop-up window, click OK.


In this guide, we looked at how to clear the cache in different browsers- mobile and desktop versions. We also looked at what a browser cache is and how it works.

Remember that not in all cases, incorrect display of site content is due to the display of data cached in the browser. Many website building tools like WordPress have their own caching mechanisms that work on the server side. In this case, you will need to clear the WordPress cache.

First of all, let's understand what is browser cache. The web pages that you view on the Internet are made up of many files:

  • css styles,
  • JavaScript scripts,
  • pictures and photo,
  • audio and video,
  • the web page itself is Text Document, marked up in a special way, collecting all these files into a common whole.

When you visit a site for the first time, the browser saves the files that make up web pages to disk. This special storage on your computer is called browser cache. When you visit the site again, there is no need to re-download all this economy to your computer, since the browser has already saved them to cache. This saves traffic and precious time.

Over time, however, this vault can grow to monstrous proportions. And even if you no longer visit the pages that own most of the files, they are still stored on your computer. Do you need it?

So if you ask me: "Do I need to clear the browser cache?". I will answer you: "It is necessary!".

How to properly clear the browser cache

So how do you clear the browser cache? Very simple: read the section on your favorite browser, follow the instructions and enjoy life.

Choose a browser:

How to clear Yandex browser cache

1. You can clear the Yandex browser cache by clicking on the button at the very top of the program window:

2. Move the mouse over the item " Additionally" and in the drop-down menu click on the line " Clear the history».

However, you can also call this window with a combination of hot keys Ctrl+Shift+Del from any open tab.

4. In the drop-down list, select the time for which you want to delete the browsing history, and also check the boxes " Files saved in the cache", and optionally" Cookies and other site data". All other checkboxes can be cleared.

5. Press the button " Clear the history».

How to Clear the Google Chrome Browser Cache

1. You can clear the cache of the Chrome browser by going through the main menu to the "Settings" menu item

2. On the page that opens, click on the button " Clear the history" In chapter " Personal data". In order for this section to appear (hidden by default), you must click on the link at the bottom of the page " Show advanced settings».

3. In the appeared window « Clear the history» Specify in the drop-down list the period for which you want to delete the browsing history. Then check only the checkboxes " Images and other files stored in the cache". If necessary, you can also check the box " Cookies and other site and plug-in data».

4. Confirm your actions by clicking on the button " Clear the history»

How to clear the cache of the Opera browser

1. We go to the main menu, find the item " Settings» ( Alt+P)

2. Click in the left menu item " Safety»

3. In the section " Confidentiality» click on the button « Clear browsing history...»

Call window " Clear browsing history» you can also use hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+Del

4. In the drop-down list next to the inscription " Destroy the following items»Select the period for which we want to destroy this same data.

5. Leave only the checkbox " Clear cache", and if necessary, delete cookies as well" Delete cookies and other site data»

6. Press the button " Clear browsing history».

How to Clear Mozilla Firefox Browser Cache

1. We are looking for the settings icon in the right corner, click. A pop-up window appears with menu items. We find the item Settings».

2. On the tab " privacy"Looking for a link" delete your recent history».

3. However, the fastest way is to use hotkeys to clear the browser cache: Ctrl+Shift+Del.

4. In this window " Delete recent history» in the drop-down list « Delete» Select for which period you want to delete the history.

5. Next, expand the menu " Details” and tick only the item “ Cache" if you want to reset the cache Firefox browser. Check the box if necessary Cookies" if you want to clear your browser's cache and cookies.

6. We confirm our actions by clicking on the button " Delete now».

How to Clear the Internet Explorer Cache

Depending on the version Internet Explorer, the settings responsible for clearing the cache can be located in different menu items.

How to check your IE version:

  1. In the main menu of IE, look for the item " Reference» (Help). If you don't see the menu, hold down alt.
  2. In the drop down menu " Reference» find the item « About the program»
  3. The window that appears will prompt your Internet version explorer.


Service alt.
Internet Options»
3. In the tab " General» press the button « Delete files»
5. To close the window " Internet Options”, click again “ Ok».


1. In the main menu, select the item " Service". If you don't see a menu item, click alt.
2. In the menu that opens, click on the line " Delete browsing history»
3. In the section " Temporary Internet Files» press the button « Delete files»
4. Confirm your actions by pressing " Yes»
5. To close the window " Delete browsing history”, click “ close».

IE 8.9

1. In the main menu, look for the item " Service". If you see him, try holding down the key alt.
2. In the menu " Service» find the item « Delete browsing history»
3. Check the box " Temporary internet files". Remove all other checkboxes.
4. Confirm the action with the button " Delete».

IE 10.11

1. Go to the menu " Service" by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner:

On a note: to clear the browser cache, hotkeys are very useful: hold down at the same time Ctrl+Shift+Del, we see the same window.

  • Even more useful

2. In the window " Delete browsing history» clear all the checkboxes, leaving only a tick in the « Temporary files of the Internet and websites". If you want to clear the cache and cookies of the browser, then you need to leave the checkbox next to the item " Cookies and website data».

3. Press the button " Delete».

How to clear the browser cache Amigo from

1. How to clear the cache of the Amigo browser, if you suddenly happen to become the unfortunate owner of this, so to speak, “browser”.

2. Just delete it - that's my sincere advice to you!

How to Clear Safari Browser Cache

1. In the main menu of the Safari browser, find the item " safari", and then " Reset Safari»

2. In the window that opens, check the checkbox " Delete all website data”, all other checkboxes are best left unchecked.

3. Press the button " Reset».

Have you encountered any difficulties while clearing your browser cache?

I think every PC user has come across such a concept as the browser cache (cache), and also heard that it needs to be cleaned periodically. But how to clear the browser cache and why do it at all?) We'll talk about this in today's article.

While you are using your browser to travel through the vast expanses of the Internet and surf the sites, your browser, whether Google Chrome Opera, Mozilla Firefox etc., saves HDD PC certain data (caches): pictures, sound files, technical files site markup, etc. This is done so that when you re-enter the same page or site, the data is not loaded again from the server, but is quickly loaded from your computer.

In this regard, an unpleasant situation often arises: the page of the site that you recently visited has already changed since your last visit (for example, its design has changed), and you continue to see its old version! Often it helps in these cases to refresh the page using the F5 key, but sometimes it does not work. Very famous for this unpleasant feature of Google Chrome, which is very reluctant to update the cache on its own, without user intervention.

Moreover, if you do not clear the browser cache for a long time, then it will begin to take up a lot of space on your computer's hard drive - up to several gigabytes! In addition, fragmentation of files on the disk will increase, and, consequently, a decrease in the speed of the HDD.

How to clear browser cache? There is nothing difficult in this! Below you will find a description of the keyboard shortcuts and actions for each type of browser, because they are slightly different.

Ctrl+Shift+Del >> Clear Cache >> Clear History

Ctrl+Shift+Del >> Temporary Internet Files >> Delete

Ctrl+Shift+Del >> Cache >> Clear Now


Ctrl+F12 >> Advanced >> History >> Disk Cache >> Clear

Ctrl+Alt+E >> Clear

Carry out the procedure for clearing the browser cache regularly - this will help you avoid many glitches that you occasionally encounter. I also recommend that you read the rest of the list.

P.S. At my last job, cleaning the cache of one of the applications was carried out so regularly and necessarily that we had a playful name for this operation “clear the cache”). First of all, if something was buggy, the testers asked: “Did you clear the cache and for how long?”)

What is a cache? Is it possible to clear the app cache on an android phone? Yes, you can. Do I need to clear the cache on Android? Necessary and unnecessary.

Why is it necessary and unnecessary, and what should you do, determine by reading this entry to the end, although the principle is simple: after clearing the cache, you will get more memory, but data access speed may decrease.

The number of applications in most owners is constantly increasing. Sometimes so large that it slows down the system.

Therefore, you should get rid of them periodically. In newer versions, you can do this with a single button.

Go to "Settings", then to the memory tab, then to the data cache. You will be asked if you want to get rid of all data.

This step can be configured to repeat automatically periodically, which should help keep the system in good condition.

How the cache works

Is the cache memory of applications in an android phone relatively small compared to the storage capacity of a smartphone or tablet?

Its task is to reduce access time for data processing and minimize the load on RAM to make it available to other devices.

It bridges the gap between performance growth and storage media access speed.

The use of cache memory has two advantages: reduced access time and more effective use using the built-in intelligent data storage algorithm.

The memory controller determines a sequence of frequently repeated operations and, during execution, intercepts them and replaces them with data from the cache.

Thus, the processor saves a long access path to the main memory. A loop in the cache runs many times faster than if it were taken from main memory.

What happens if you delete the cache

Nothing will happen if you delete the memory cache. It is a set of data that is a "tracing paper" of the original values ​​stored elsewhere.

In other words, the cache is a temporary storage where frequently accessed data can be stored for quick access.

Android device caching is a technology based on the memory subsystem. The main goal is to speed up your android to complete tasks much faster.

So that in the future you no longer bother with clearing the cache, I recommend using an excellent option.

To understand the basic concept of caching, look at a simple example of a librarian at work.

When the first customer arrives for the book, the librarian goes to the warehouse and returns to the counter with the book to give it to the customer.

Later, the client returns to return the book. The librarian takes the book to the warehouse, returns to the counter and waits for another client.

Let's assume that the next client needs exactly the same book. The librarian must go back to the warehouse to take the book again and take it to the new client.

According to this model, the librarian must make the full path to bring each book. Let's put a cache on the librarian - give him a backpack in which he can store 10 books.

In this backpack, he will put books that customers return - a maximum of 10. Now, when another client comes, all that is required from the librarian is to take a book from the backpack and give it to the client, so the client is served faster.

Almost everything works the same way on an android phone. As you can see, a lot also depends on the volume and cleaning - the speed of service decreases, in our case, this is the performance of the android system.

Therefore, the conclusion is this: you can clear the cache on android, but whether you need to clear it is up to you. Good luck.

Hello friends! In this article, I want to tell you how to clear the browser cache not only on your own, but also on the user's side. To speed up the time of work and reduce the load on the server, wordpress caches the software part of the site. On the user side, the browser does the same job. It saves pages in the cache that the user has already opened so that they load faster.


How to Clear Your Browser Cache: 7 Ways

Clearing the cache in the browser means simply erasing temporary documents and files from the memory of the PC itself. As a rule, these files are saved by the browser after browsing the Internet.

Browser copies absolutely all pages, which the user has ever visited, viewed pictures, videos, audio files.

All such documents are stored in the folder “ Program Files ". It is possible to erase them not only through the browser, but also with the help of special cleaner applications.

Why you need to clear your browser cache

Such a procedure as clearing the cache is simply necessary in order to improve the performance of the device. If you do not delete files of this type for a long time, then they will accumulate great amount, which in turn will lead to clogging of the computer and slowing down its work.

Also, after clearing the cache, the user will be able to see Latest updates pages he visits. This will happen because the browser will stop loading site images from its memory, but will take them directly from the network server. That is why it is so important for site owners to clear the cache not only for themselves, but also for users, because this is an opportunity to provide site visitors with all the updates.

The note: I wrote an article here external files, use.

In addition, it is simply necessary to periodically clear the cache in case other users have access to the computer. The fact is that it is easy to see personal data or images in the cache. It is worth noting that if you open pages in incognito mode, then no data will be saved. Any browser immediately erases the history and cache for this browsing mode.

Update style document in WordPress blog can be done as follows:

  1. For editing, open the file "header.php".
  2. Find the following code in the text:
  3. Change it to this pattern:

The numbers after the question mark can be anything. With each change in style, they subsequently need to be simply replaced with new ones.

As soon as the operation is completed, visitors will begin to see all updates on the resource from their browser. If this does not happen, then you will have to clear the cache. This method updates is just a life hack that was invented abroad. And it may not always work.

Clearing the browser's cache

There are cases when the page of the site does not load completely, with a crooked layout or after making changes to the design, they are not displayed. The reason lies in the cached version of the site, as it differs from the one stored on the Internet server.

In this case, there is no need to clear the client's cache completely. In most browsers, you just need to press the F5 button or the F5 + ctr key combination to reset the temporary file of the site on which the actions were performed.

There are two ways to completely clear your browser's cache:

  1. With help special programs cleaners.
  2. Self-delete temporary files from a specific browser.

Applications to improve the performance of your computer delete all files, regardless of the date they were saved. But manual erasing makes it possible to delete documents from a specific browser and choose how long to save them.

Here the user himself decides which method to choose. But it is recommended to delete everything, because when using several browsers, the cleaning process will be delayed. But the complete erasure of all unnecessary will only benefit the performance of the device.

How to clear the browser cache using a third-party program

A popular cleaner for many users is CCleaner. Deleting temporary files in this application is as follows:

  1. To get started, you need install the application from the official site.
  2. After, install and open the program.
  3. The main window will open, in which the entire process of cleaning the computer from garbage takes place.
  4. But before clicking the “Cleanup” button, you need to check the boxes for the required browsers in the left pane of the window. By default, all browsers are already checked there, but if it is necessary to clear only some, you need to mark it.
  5. Click on the button “ cleaning”.
  6. Wait for the end of the process. The program will show exactly how many files have been deleted.

It should be understood that during the process of deleting temporary files from browsers, it is required to close all clients. Otherwise, the program itself will urgently ask them to close for cleaning, if you do not do this, the application will skip the cache of the active browser.

Check the box about clearing temporary files in the browser cache and delete.

The user can also choose what exactly to delete from the browser's memory and the time interval of the saved files.

Press the button “ Delete” to erase temporary files.

This window is also called by a keyboard shortcut similar to the Google Chrome browser.

Clearing the cache Opera browser is done as follows:

  1. The client needs to be started.
  2. Go to settings or call them with a combination of buttons Alt + P.
  3. Go to advanced settings and switch to clear history.

Near the line " disk cache” click on the button to clear.

It should be noted that clearing the cache in different versions browser may vary slightly. But basically the process proceeds in a similar way.

Scroll through the options to the item about clearing history. Click on the file selection button.

The cache in Yandex browser is cleared as follows:

  1. You need to open a browser.
  2. There are three bars on the top panel that you need to click on. This action will bring up the menu “”.
  3. Go to advanced options and select " Clear the history”.
  4. Select a time period.
  5. Check the box for deleting temporary files.
  6. Press the button “ Clear”.

It is worth noting that deleting the cache immediately after visiting the resource may be unsafe, as the risk of personal data falling into the hands of intruders increases. Especially if pages of unprotected resources were opened. It is recommended to visit unfamiliar sites in incognito mode. Then there is no need to clear browser data.


Clearing the browser cache is a fairly easy action that any user can do. But despite this, many are faced with computer performance problems precisely because of a clogged cache.

To delete temporary files in a timely manner, you must use third party applications, which can clear the cache with given frequency. This will allow you to always see updates on sites and prevent computer overload.

That's all for me. You can also support me by sharing a link to this article in in social networks, or subscribing to content updates my blog. See you at seovpmr!
