Smart TVs are different from computers. Interactive TV or Smart: what's the difference? What are the disadvantages of Smart TV technology?

In order not to make a mistake and choose a truly high-quality TV, you need to follow certain criteria. Now we will analyze how to choose the right TV for your home without spending too much money.

The suggested tips for choosing a TV have been compiled by experts. Study carefully technical specifications devices. Consider your own needs. For example, do you plan to connect your TV to the Internet? After weighing all the arguments, make your final decision.

Basic rules for choosing a TV correctly

First, you need to decide how much money you are willing to spend to purchase the best TV. For example, if you want to save money, then you can take a Full HD model from the mid-price segment of any manufacturer. If you want a flagship, then it is better to choose a device from model range Sony, LG, Samsung.

Secondly, consider technical features purchased TV. Now we’ll take a closer look at how to choose a TV for your home. Most main criterion- screen. That's why we'll start with it.

Screen and backlight type

The key parameter when choosing a TV is the screen and its backlight. First, let's analyze all display types. The oldest and cheapest option is kinescope models. Everyone probably had such devices in their home. Today, they continue to be actively used by grandparents, for whom image quality is not of fundamental importance.

The main advantages of a kinescope screen include a long service life and low price. These TVs have limited functionality and are very bulky.

Liquid crystal screen (LCD TVs) - despite the relatively low cost, they provide high quality image. They also differ from other types of screens in their good color reproduction. Speaking of disadvantages, LCD displays fade over time. Therefore, they should be placed in such a way that the device is not exposed to direct sunlight. Otherwise, spots will appear on the screen.

LED TVs are modern devices that are widely available in electronics supermarkets. They differ from liquid crystal models in the presence LED backlight matrices. Therefore, LED panels are slightly thinner than LCD TVs. They are capable of transmitting high-quality images and consume a minimum of electricity.

A plasma TV is equipped with a screen made of sealed cells that are filled with gas. This unique design ensures high-quality images. The screen does not fade over time. Plasma consumes more energy when compared to an LED TV. All plasma panels have one characteristic feature - large diagonal screen. Minimum size is 32 inches.

Laser screens are a relatively new development. They have a long service life and consume minimal electricity. Laser displays will provide high-quality images. Perhaps the only drawback is the too high price.

Projection screens have become the subject of heated debate. Especially when it comes to the price-quality ratio. They provide high-quality color reproduction and excellent image detail. Individual elements of the screen fade over time, so the picture quality gradually decreases. Projection models are characterized by a limited viewing angle.

When choosing a TV, pay attention to its physical parameters. Modern devices can be flat or concave. The former are much more common and cost much less. Curved screens, in turn, are found mainly on flagships.

Cost and image quality will also vary depending on the backlight. Let's look at the most current options to choose the best one. Edge LED backlighting is found on many modern TVs with a maximum viewing angle. The LEDs are located along the contour of the display, they are like a luminous frame. This allows you to make the device thin and as economical as possible.

Improved Direct technology LED involves the placement of LEDs over the entire surface. Each diode can be adjusted if necessary. This allows you to darken a specific color to make the image appear brighter. Techniques with such illumination provide a colorful image.

QLED technology does not provide a separate backlight unit. Special quantum dots, performing the functions of illumination. Devices of this type convey colors that will be acceptable to the human eye. The image is bright and natural. Such a TV will cost much more.

OLED technology is another modern development. Instead of a backlight unit, diodes are used that are coated with phosphor. It glows when an electrical impulse passes through. Models of this type have the greatest viewing angle. Your eyes won't get tired from watching it.

Diagonal and screen resolution

An equally important criterion for choosing a TV is the screen diagonal. During the era of popularity of CRT TVs, many users believed that the distance from the viewing point to the screen should be equivalent to the diagonal multiplied by 5.

Calculation of the optimal distance is carried out according to a similar principle. The coefficient has changed - instead of 5, you need to multiply by 3 (if we're talking about about LED TV).

Let's look at an illustrative example. If you are planning to purchase a TV with a 32-inch screen diagonal, then the distance to the viewing point should be at least 2.5 meters.

Now let's talk about one more thing important parameter– screen resolution. For the most part everything modern models sold with the Full HD label.

The bottom line is that such a device will display an image with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. Terrestrial television broadcasting is carried out with a resolution of 720x576 pixels. Therefore, if you do not plan to connect cable, digital or satellite television, there is no point in chasing permission.

Don’t forget that you can watch movies and TV series on your TV that are pre-loaded onto a flash drive. Therefore, it is still better to buy a TV with Full HD support. Satellite and cable operators are able to offer certain channels with HD pictures.

Frequency and response time

Another parameter that should never be ignored. Response time is a parameter that characterizes the change in the position of the crystal in each pixel. The response time will determine how quickly the image changes during a dynamic scene. If this parameter is low, the picture will be blurry, which will create some discomfort while viewing.

The higher this number is, the better. Which TV is better to choose? Really high-quality models in the mid-price segment have frequencies starting from 400 Hz. Highest value can reach 1000 Hz.

Brightness and Contrast

A good TV is a device with high picture quality. The image should be rich and realistic. It is very important that the TV does not operate at the limit of its capabilities.

Before purchasing a device, ask your consultant to show you the brightness and contrast scale in the settings. If the values ​​are set to average then everything is fine. If the contrast or brightness is set too high, then they are trying to deceive you.


To choose a high-quality TV, you need to pay attention not only to the image, but also to the sound. If the speakers are capable of playing clear sound, which means that viewing will be as comfortable as possible.

The best parameters are available for models with a Dolby Digital decoder. It's even better if the device supports NICAM. It is desirable that the total power of the stereo speakers of the TV is at least 20 W. The optimal solution will be the purchase of a TV with multi-channel acoustics.

With or without smart

Should a modern home TV have Smart TV support? It all depends entirely on your preferences. Think and try to answer how necessary an Internet connection is for you. Keep in mind that you will have to overpay for Smart TV support.

How to choose good TV with Smart TV? You need to choose a device from a company that specializes in the production of such models. For example, you can buy a model from Samsung, Sony or LG. Some companies install operating systems with low performance levels. Therefore, TV begins to slow down.

Additional features

Modern TVs are equipped with a wide range of additional functionality. Whether they are needed or not is up to you to decide. Now we will briefly list the most popular additional options:

If you need certain functions from the list above, then inquire about their availability when choosing an LCD TV.


The manufacturer's reputation must be taken into account when choosing a TV. For example, some companies stand out by equipping their equipment with high-quality speakers, while other organizations release timely updates for correct operation Smart TV. Knowing this information, the user will be able to choose a TV for himself.

Smart TV is a set of additional TV functionality. The new package of functions can be installed on both LCD and OLED TVs. Without changing anything in the basic capabilities of a television receiver, smart TV expands the functionality of the television receiver.

The Smart TV package allows you to connect additional channels for receiving content to your TV, including watching movies via the Internet.

The first developments in the field of receiving online content via TV took place in 2007-2008. Users enjoyed using information and entertainment services. At that time, several portals offered their services. But the infrastructure has developed, facilitated by the spread of the Internet with high data transfer speeds. And already in 2010-2011, the mass introduction of “smart” television became possible.

Today it is already possible to watch Full HD movies via the Internet; a speed of 7 Mbit/sec is sufficient for this, and a speed of 2 Mbit/sec is sufficient to watch videos from YouTube. Delayed viewing services are also very popular, when TV channels post programs and films in the archive, and users who did not have time to watch the desired program in due time will be able to see the desired video via the Internet from the archive. The highest Internet speed is required for streaming 3D video, and for its normal playback you need a speed of at least 10 Mbit/sec. It is believed that the lowest Internet speed for Smart TVs should be at least 1 Mbit/sec.

Some Internet speed values when using smart TV:

  1. Minimum speed for normal operation of smart TV: 1 Mbit/sec.
  2. To view streaming 3D video you need 10 Mbps.
  3. For Full HD movies: 7 Mbit/sec.
  4. For YouTube viewing I need a speed of 2 Mbit/sec.

Features of the smart TV package

Connecting all devices in the house via local Ethernet networks via DLNA connector to Smart TV, you get access to files stored on these devices. And through the TV screen using the remote control you find required file, wherever it is stored, and turn it on for playback. The content can be video files, music, photos that are stored on other devices.

The second opportunity to receive content is to connect to the Internet directly from the TV set. Constantly developing, this new functionality has reached such a level that it even comes with a built-in browser for free travel on the World Wide Web. If previously only pre-installed services were available, today the user can search for what he needs to view on the Internet. Since surfing the Internet using only the TV remote control is not very convenient, all manufacturers have left pre-installed services for users of Smart TVs. Or rather, the TV set already contains widgets (programs) that allow you to connect to selected services on the Internet. Such services include various photo hosting sites for viewing photos, services for watching movies, listening to music, social networks for communication, etc.

We can say that Smart TV is software (programs) that allows you to connect devices at home to the TV via a local network and connect the TV receiver to the Internet. Such features were introduced into the TV so that the viewer would not be tied only to the program schedule of broadcast channels. This is how manufacturers are trying to keep users glued to their TV screens and away from their computers by offering them the same content as their home PC. The advantage of Smart TV is that you don’t need to download anything from the Internet, you just need to connect to the network and watch video from the selected service.

Package contents

On TVs various manufacturers The Smart TV set is almost the same and does not differ significantly. The main difference is in the external design of the interface; they may have different names and be slightly different from each other, but the functions are usually the same. On all TVs, the smart TV package consists of three main parts, which can be divided into separate components.


Without fail, all TVs with Smart TV will have a unit responsible for connecting all home devices into a single local network. Basically, they immediately connect a computer to view files from it, and you can also connect a video camera, a camera, and other equipment. And from the TV screen you can see all connected devices and choose what you need to watch.

LG interface


The second block is the Internet connection. The TV will definitely have a built-in browser with its favorites, history, etc. For ease of management, it will not be similar to browsers on a computer, but you will be able to surf the Internet. But you won’t be able to work from the TV as from a computer, because the screen will be larger, the viewing distance will be greater, the fonts will be small, there will be no keyboard, etc. Therefore use Smart TV TV for networking or email It’s very inconvenient, but it’s better to use such a TV to watch videos, using specially made services already installed on the TV.

You may also have Skype already pre-installed and you just need to connect the video camera to your TV and you can make video calls.

Smart TV will definitely include a block social networks. It includes the services of Facebook and Twitter. You can log into your accounts directly from your TV and comment on what you see on the screen without interrupting your viewing.

There will also be a YouTube widget, which you can turn on with one press of a button on the remote control and watch videos on your TV.

There will also be widgets services with licensed music (Yota Music) and films (;;, by going to which you can select the desired film or musical composition and watch or listen to it all via the Internet without downloading.

These are only the basic capabilities of Smart TV, but each manufacturer has its own services that give users more opportunities, for example, weather information, a catalog of radio stations, games, etc.

Philips interface


The third required block of the Smart TV package is the Apps application store. Each manufacturer of TVs with Smart TV functionality creates a service on the Internet where its users can find the widgets (programs) they need. There can be both free and paid applications that anyone can download and install to expand the capabilities of their TV.

The Smart TV package on TVs is not tied to anything and comes as an independent addition. Therefore, all other functions, image quality and characteristics of the TV are selected in the same way as in a regular TV receiver.

Samsung interface

Just a few years ago, the phrase “I don’t have a TV” sounded proud and exposed its owner, if not as an intellectual, then certainly as a person with good taste. But trends quickly changed: first, home theaters and wide plasma panels came into fashion, then LCDs dropped sharply in price, and finally, Smart TV technology became widespread, greatly expanding the functionality of televisions.

Almost all TV models in the mid-price segment and all have the “Smart TV” line among other characteristics. The name itself suggests that the TV has a number of additional functions, the required set includes the ability to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi or Ethernet, the availability shell and installed applications.

“Smart” TVs are classified according to several parameters at once, but the leading role remains with the operating system - it is the OS that largely determines the ease of use, the complexity of the settings, and the variety of programs that can be used.

The choice of platforms in the television market is wide, big brands willingly create their own shells. However, it is widespread universal android, very familiar to smartphone users.

  • operating system Tizen installed in modern TVs, models based on it have been produced since 2015.

The advantage of the system is the intuitive Smart Hub interface, thanks to which even users who are encountering the platform for the first time will not have any problems with management. We are also pleased with the wide selection of software in the Tizen Store, primarily video applications, which are paramount for a TV. The obvious “minus” is the presence of a number preinstalled programs, which cannot be deleted.

  • WebOS- proprietary development of the company.

In many ways, the platform is similar to Tizen - the same support for multitasking, multi-window interface, flexible interactive settings, even the remote controls are almost identical. The only difference is appearance controls, and applications are downloaded from the LG Store, with an amazing number of programs installed in a few clicks.

  • Android TV support both little-known brands and large market players, for example, Sony and Philips.

The advantages of the OS include the absence of a strict connection to the brand; based on this operating system you can find both quite expensive (for example, the Sony Bravia line) and quite budget smart TVs. Another “plus” is the ability to install applications from Google Play and guaranteed support for Chromecast technology, which makes it easy to transfer content from mobile devices. The main disadvantage is that the settings are quite complex; however, the convenience of the interface largely depends on specific model.

The choice is not limited to three positions - in addition to the built-in Smart TV, there are external devices, special set-top boxes that turn it into a “smart” one. Most often this Android devices, but Apple fans can purchase branded Apple TV set-top boxes. The prices for set-top boxes are quite reasonable, but the average user will probably encounter difficulties when choosing and, most importantly, connecting a device.

How to choose Smart TV

It’s paradoxical, but when choosing a TV with a built-in Smart TV, the main thing is not to forget that you are choosing a TV: with a certain diagonal, color rendering, screen manufacturing technology and speaker system. If, all other things being equal, you are satisfied with the chosen model, it is time to take a closer look at the characteristics that are important specifically for the comfortable use of smart functions.

Wi-Fi support

The first Smart TVs most often had a LAN module, which allowed you to connect the TV to the network via the usual Ethernet. This was largely due to the fact that the wireless connection could not provide sufficient speed, but now the situation has changed. In order not to pull another wire to the TV, it is worth checking the presence of a WLAN module that allows you to connect the TV to the Internet via Wi-Fi using.

Availability of USB ports

To without unnecessary problems connect to TV external hard disk, flash drive or even a mouse and keyboard, you should check the availability and number of USB ports in advance. To connect external device The TV should respond instantly.

The ports are also useful for USB recording Recoding, with which your favorite movie episode or TV show can be recorded on a connected media in real time.

Number of HDMI ports

The rule is extremely simple and applies to both regular and Smart TVs: the more peripherals you plan to connect to the TV, the more HDMI ports there should be. It is optimal if 2-3 connectors are available to simultaneously connect a game console, media player or external sound system. By the way, the HDMI version also plays a role; the 1.4 standard is already considered obsolete, so it is better to immediately purchase a TV with HDMI 2.0.

Possibility of control from a smartphone

Control remains one of the most important problems of Smart TV - with a regular remote control you have to perform too many manipulations even just to move the cursor across the screen, and multimedia remote controls, which are more reminiscent computer keyboard, not every model has it. Therefore, the ability to use a smartphone as a control element greatly simplifies life. By the way, if the manufacturer of the TV and phone is the same, management becomes much simpler and more convenient.

Of course, on the modern market there is a huge variety of both smart TV models and their diagonals. Therefore, for ease of selection, the rating below shows best tvs diagonals from 48 to 55 inches, because according to research, these are the sizes that are in greatest demand both for small city halls and for spacious rooms in private houses.

Rating of the best smart TVs 2019-2020

Available (up to 20 thousand rubles)

TV Akai LES-32D83M

For those who want to get Smart TV in the operating room Android system for little money, you can take a closer look at the Akai LES-32D83M TV. This new product was created by a famous brand at the end of 2018. This TV is equipped with a Wi-Fi 802.11n interface and has a built-in memory of 4 GB. Using the device you can watch broadcast and cable television in 720p HD resolution, record video to a flash drive, watch photos and videos from hard drive. The TV attracts attention with its lightness, compactness and fairly good sound.


  • Diagonal: 32″ (81 cm);
  • Screen format: 16:9;
  • Resolution: 1366×768;
  • HD Resolution: 720p HD;
  • Brightness: 200 cd/m2;
  • Dynamic contrast: 1400:1;
  • Viewing angle: 178°;
  • Sound power: 14 W (2×7 W);
  • Inputs: AV, component, VGA, HDMI x3, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi 802.11n;
  • Power consumption: 65 W.

Additionally: Direct LED backlight; progressive scan; stereo sound; DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2; 1299 channels; two speakers; surround sound; automatic volume leveling (AVL); formats: MP3, MPEG4, MKV, JPEG; coaxial output; headphone jack; 1 TV tuner; recording video to a USB drive; TimeShift; sleep timer; protection from children; wall mounting.


  • low price;
  • 720p HD;
  • ability to record video;
  • Wi-Fi support;
  • low power consumption;
  • compactness;
  • lightness (3.54 kg);
  • high-quality assembly.


  • glossy screen finish;
  • 1 tuner;
  • small screen.

Price: 10-12 thousand rubles.


Smart TV from the manufacturer TELEFUNKEN is a very compact and cheap model with 1 tuner, but with Wi-Fi support and a progressive screen resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. The TELEFUNKEN TF-LED40S43T2S TV has quite a wide range of functionality at a low price. The undeniable advantages of the model are Android support, reading a large number of audio and video formats. Accepts analog and digital signals: PAL/SECAM DVB-T2/T/C.

When purchasing, pay attention to the country of origin. In this case, it could be Türkiye or the Russian Federation. Depending on the region for which the model was produced; These audio and video formats are read by the device.


  • Diagonal: 40″ (102 cm);
  • Screen format: 16:9;
  • Resolution: 1920×1080;
  • HD Resolution: 1080p Full HD;
  • Refresh rate index: 50 Hz;
  • Brightness: 280 cd/m2;
  • Viewing angle: 178°;
  • Sound power: 12 W (2×6 W);
  • Inputs: AV, component, VGA, HDMI x3, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi.

Additionally: LED backlight; progressive scan; stereo sound NICAM, DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2; 1100 channels; teletext; two speakers; formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, Xvid, MKV, JPEG; coaxial output; headphone jack; 1 TV tuner; recording video to a USB drive; TimeShift; sleep timer; child lock, light sensor, wall mount.


  • price;
  • screen resolution;
  • Android;
  • 8 GB of internal memory;
  • light (6.5 kg);
  • connecting headphones;
  • recording to a flash drive;
  • “omnivorous” formats.


  • you should pay attention to the firmware;
  • The speakers are rather weak.

Price: 16 thousand rubles.

TV Thomson T43FSL5131

Well-known European brands are trying to keep up with Asians who are keeping up with the times. Thus, Thomson released its version of Smart TV, which has a high-quality 4-core ARM processor A7 and MALI 450 video card.

Android OS, support for Wi-Fi, DLNA (playing content from other devices in real time) and control of the Thomson T43FSL5131 smart TV from the remote control are reliable foundations for high-quality work.

The manufacturer has endowed this model convenient settings: dynamic picture contrast, black and white enhancement, skin tone, game mode, movie mode, sports mode, “sound only” mode, etc. Multimedia content on the screen is displayed in 1080p Full HD format.

Many “smart” models take a long time to turn on, unlike them, the Thomson T43FSL5131 TV has a function « Instant On”, which ensures fast loading.


  • Diagonal: 43″ (109 cm);
  • Screen format: 16:9;
  • Resolution: 1920×1080;
  • HD Resolution: 1080p Full HD;
  • Refresh rate index: 50 Hz;
  • Brightness: 280 cd/m2;
  • Dynamic contrast: 4000:1;
  • Viewing angle: 178°;
  • Inputs: AV, HDMI x2, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi, Miracast;
  • Power consumption: 75 W.

Additionally: Direct LED backlight; progressive scan; stereo sound NICAM, DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2; 1099 channels; two speakers, automatic volume leveling (AVL); formats: MP3, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), MKV, JPEG; optical output; headphone jack; 3 TV tuners; record video to USB drive;TimeShift; sleep timer; protection from children; wall mounting.


  • inexpensive;
  • 1080p Full HD;
  • brightness;
  • DLNA support;
  • Wi-Fi;
  • Android;
  • 3 tuners;
  • turns on quickly;
  • there is noise reduction;
  • light (7.2 kg);


  • glossy screen finish;
  • The speakers are rather weak.

Price: 20 thousand rubles.

The best smart TVs in terms of price/quality ratio (20-50 thousand rubles)

TV Erisson 50ULEA99T2 Smart

Smart TV from trademark Erisson, which has extensive experience in the television and radio equipment market. The Erisson 50ULEA99T2 Smart TV is a model that supports Android OS and displays content in progressive 4K UHD format. The picture is distinguished by its rich colors and accurate color rendition.

The Erisson 50ULEA99T2 Smart TV quickly connects to wireless interface Wi-Fi, you can watch movies in 24p True Cinema format. Wireless connection compensates for only one built-in tuner, but this is also a lot, given the rather low cost of the model. The TV has two fairly powerful stereo speakers using NICAM and AVL technologies.


  • Diagonal: 50″ (127 cm);
  • Screen format: 16:9;
  • Resolution: 3840×2160;
  • HD Resolution: 4K UHD;
  • Refresh rate index: 50 Hz;
  • Brightness: 310 cd/m2;
  • Dynamic contrast: 5000:1;
  • Viewing angle: 178°;
  • Inputs: AV, component, VGA, HDMI x3, USB x3, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi.

Additionally: LED backlight; progressive scan; teletext; stereo sound NICAM, DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2; two speakers, automatic volume leveling (AVL); formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, MKV, JPEG; coaxial output; headphone jack; 1 TV tuner; recording video to a USB drive; protection from children; TimeShift; sleep timer; wall mounting.


  • price/quality ratio;
  • brightness;
  • color rendering;
  • 4K Ultra HD;
  • Wi-Fi support;
  • extensive connectivity options;
  • sound.


  • glossy screen finish;
  • 1 tuner.

Price: 24-35 thousand rubles.


The manufacturer sets this model apart from the rest, emphasizing the large range of colors (1.07 billion colors), amazing color realism and high screen brightness.

This LED TV is average price category has a 58″ diagonal and 4K UHD resolution . The excellent performance of two TV tuners: T2 (terrestrial) and S2 (satellite) is complemented by the ability to access the Internet.

The SUPRA STV-LC60GT5000U TV has a full set of modern interfaces, Wi-Fi module and Smart-TV on Android. Storage of 1100 channels, video recording to a USB drive and surround sound are pleasant advantages of the model. This manufacturer tends to pay close attention to build quality. SUPRA also monitors the emergence of new technologies and introduces them into new models, so this TV is worth paying attention to.


  • Diagonal: 58″ (147 cm);
  • Screen format: 16:9;
  • Resolution: 3840×2160;
  • HD Resolution: 4K UHD;
  • Refresh rate index: 60 Hz;
  • Brightness: 330 cd/m2;
  • Dynamic contrast: 150000:1;
  • Viewing angle: 178°;
  • Sound power: 20 W (2×10 W);
  • Inputs: VGA, HDMI x2, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi 802.11ac;
  • Power consumption: 180 W.

Additionally: LED backlight; progressive scan; stereo sound; DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2; teletext, two speakers; formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), MKV, JPEG; coaxial output; headphone jack; 2 TV tuners; recording video to a USB drive; TimeShift; sleep timer; wall mounting.


  • value for money;
  • diagonal;
  • Ultra HD;
  • brightness;
  • color rendering;
  • viewing angle;
  • Android;
  • Wi-Fi support;
  • good sound.


  • glossy;
  • heavy (21.8 kg).

Price: 39-45 thousand rubles.

TV Xiaomi Mi TV 4S 55

The Mi TV 4S 55 smart TV from Xiaomi 2019 is a very slim model that will fit into a modern apartment, furnished with good taste, and will be a demonstration of elegance and high technology.

The TFT IPS panel (In-Plane Switching) has a resolution of 3840x2160 pixels, this TV has a proprietary backlight called Direct-Lit. An operating system with an exclusive PatchWall shell may be of interest to fans new technology, since the system is able to select and offer content for the viewer. A new feature is a remote control with voice control.

The hardware installed inside this elegant TV is a quad-core Amlogic processor with Cortex-A53x4 and GPU Mali-450 GPU. 2 GB RAM DDR4 and 8 GB of flash memory are enough for normal operation of the device without delays.

The speakers of Xiaomi Mi TV 4S 55 are 8 watts each, and the sound is good and voluminous, with support for Dolby audio and DTS. In terms of connections, this model only has USB 2.0 connectors. Otherwise, the set of connections corresponds latest models this manufacturer.


  • Diagonal: 54.6″ (139 cm);
  • Screen format: 16:9;
  • Resolution: 3840×2160;
  • Refresh rate index: 50 Hz;
  • Viewing angle: 178°;
  • Sound power: 16 W (2×8 W);
  • Inputs: AV, component, HDMI x3, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11ac;
  • Power consumption: 120 W.
  • Audio decoders: Dolby Digital, DTS; Video decoders: MPEG1/2/4, REAL, H.265, H.264.

Additionally: Direct LED backlight; progressive scan; stereo sound, two speakers, Dolby Digital, DTS; formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), MKV, JPEG; coaxial output; 1 TV tuner (Analog + Digital), wall mount.


  • price/quality ratio;
  • display;
  • 4K resolution with HDR;
  • sound;
  • Wi-Fi 5 GHz;
  • Bluetooth 4.0;
  • quite light (13.4 kg);
  • aluminum rim;
  • stylish design.


  • not bright enough;
  • need for firmware;
  • inferior “Chinese” Android;
  • does not support Google Play;
  • not very convenient remote control;
  • the microphone only accepts Chinese;
  • the legs are not very high quality;
  • The build quality is not perfect.

Price: 40-50 thousand rubles.

Verified (50-90 thousand rubles)

TV Sony KD-49XF7005

Reliable Smart TV Sony KD-49XF7005 on the Linux platform is one of the new products Sony. The HD resolution (4K UHD) and HDR-10 technology installed in this TV are leading edge in the market. The device is pleased with the richness of the image, the detail of each pixel, high-quality, tear-free display backlight and DLNA support. The dynamic scene index is 200 fps/Motionflow.

operating room Linux system(VEWD) allows the user to download limited paid content applications (VEWD store), which does not suit everyone. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the XSMART application, which provides the key to new movies and free channels IP TV.

The model receives Wi-Fi excellently, and the built-in 4 GB memory expands the capabilities of the device. Among the pleasant characteristics it is worth noting: 3 HDMI input, optical output, video recording, TimeShift; NICAM stereo sound.

For those who find common language With the built-in VEWD browser, the TV can become a full-fledged “smart”. For everyone else - a very high-quality TV with great capabilities and a unique picture.


  • Diagonal: 48.5″ (123 cm);
  • Screen format: 16:9;
  • Resolution: 3840×2160;
  • HD Resolution: 4K UHD, HDR-10;
  • Refresh rate index: 50 Hz;
  • Brightness: 350 cd/m2;
  • Dynamic contrast: 3300:1;
  • Viewing angle: 178°;
  • Sound power: 20 W (2×10 W);
  • Inputs: AV, HDMI x3, USB x3, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi 802.11n, WiDi, Miracast;
  • Power consumption: 115 W.

Additionally: Edge LED backlight; progressive scan; stereo sound NICAM, DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2; teletext; FM radio; two speakers, Dolby Digital, DTS, formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), Xvid, DivX, MKV, JPEG; optical output; headphone jack; 2 TV tuners; recording video to a USB drive; TimeShift; sleep timer; child protection, wall mounting.


  • image quality;
  • diagonal;
  • good assembly;
  • 4K expansion (3840×2160);
  • HDR support (HDR10, HLG);
  • Wi-Fi Certified 802.11b/g/n;
  • image transmission (Miracast);
  • viewing angle;
  • thin frame;
  • digital television (2 multiplexes);
  • support for a large number of formats;
  • FM radio;
  • not heavy (12 kg);
  • anti-glare screen coating.


  • expensive;
  • outdated remote control;
  • external power supply;
  • Linux operating system (VEWD);
  • Doesn't support Android.

Price: 45-60 thousand rubles.

TV Panasonic TX-55FXR600

Panasonic's new Smart TV offers customers the opportunity to experience 4K UHD picture quality in HDR technologies 10. This is a high-quality “smart” TV at a fairly affordable price. Among the positive characteristics, it is worth noting the wide connectivity options, given 2 HDMI 2.0 outputs, support for Wi-Fi and 24p True Cinema, as well as stable operation in real-time mode, with compatibility with many devices, which is ensured by DLNA technology.

In addition, the Panasonic TX-55FXR600 has such useful functionality as voice control, light sensor, video recording to a flash drive, headphone connection, sleep timer, etc.


  • Diagonal: 54.6″ (139 cm);
  • Screen format: 16:9;
  • Resolution: 3840×2160;
  • Refresh rate index: 50 Hz;
  • Brightness: 350 cd/m2;
  • Viewing angle: 178°;
  • Sound power: 20 W (2×10 W);
  • Inputs: AV, component, HDMI x3, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Miracast;
  • Power consumption: 189 W.

Additionally: Direct LED backlight; progressive scan; stereo sound, DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2; teletext; two speakers, formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), MKV, JPEG; optical output; headphone jack; 2 TV tuners; recording video to a USB drive; TimeShift; sleep timer; child protection, voice control, light sensor; wall mounting.


  • optimal cost;
  • brightness and contrast;
  • 4K UHD resolution, HDR 10;
  • HDMI 2.0
  • Wi-Fi 802.11ac support;
  • 24p True Cinema;
  • light sensor;
  • build quality;
  • voice control;
  • anti-glare coating.


  • energy-consuming;
  • heavy (17 kg).

Price: 60 thousand rubles.

TV Samsung UE58NU7100U

The new seventh generation from the Samsung brand contains 4 times more pixels than its FHD predecessors. Local Dimming technology ensures excellent detail of each pixel, which is reflected in the quality of dynamic scenes.

Smart TV operates on operating system Tizen and is controlled in a proprietary browser, which helps the user select content that interests him. This browser allows you to preview content to save your time. This TV also supports Samsung Cloud, thanks to which you can store your photos and videos on the cloud, as well as transfer photos from your smartphone to the TV screen.

Dolby Digital audio decoders from two built-in speakers create surround sound when watching a movie or playing games. By the way, Steam Link will help you play on the big screen, so get ready for a completely new experience.


  • Diagonal: 55″ 58″ (147 cm);
  • Screen format: 16:9;
  • Resolution: 3840×2160;
  • HD Resolution: 4K UHD, HDR 10;
  • Brightness: 330 cd/m2;
  • Dynamic contrast: 130000:1;
  • Viewing angle: 178°;
  • Sound power: 20 W (2×10 W);
  • Inputs: AV, component, HDMI x3, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi 802.11n, Miracast;
  • Power consumption: 160 W.

Additionally: Edge LED backlight; progressive scan; stereo sound NICAM, DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2; teletext, two Dolby Digital speakers, automatic volume leveling (AVL), formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), DivX, MKV, JPEG; optical output; 2 TV tuners; recording video to a USB drive; TimeShift; sleep timer; child protection, light sensor; wall mounting.


  • price;
  • diagonal;
  • 4K Ultra HD;
  • color rendering;
  • wireless connection;
  • sound;
  • fast Smart TV;
  • convenient control;
  • assembly;
  • Slim and stylish look.


  • weight (20.2 kg without stand);
  • poor quality of analog TV;
  • inconvenient fastening (long bolts).

Price: 53-60 thousand rubles.

Premium (90 thousand rubles+)

TV Samsung QE65Q7FNA

This new Smart-TV from the Samsung brand is not in vain classified as a premium series. The maximum screen resolution of 4K UHD with support for HDR-10 technology is especially bright on the latest QLED matrix, which uses nanoparticle coating and an almost unlimited color spectrum (more than 1 billion shades)!

The Q Engine processor processes, improves color combinations and details the picture, preventing image “blurring” using proprietary brightness and contrast control technology - Q Contrast Elite. "Smart" Samsung TV QE65Q7FNA has a high refresh rate screen.

120 Hz and high index of dynamic scenes – 200 fps/Motion Rate/.

With such excellent characteristics and high cost, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, a built-in browser, recording TV shows and other necessary functionality are things that go without saying.

The Samsung QE65Q7FNA TV can be controlled by voice and gestures. The One Remote multimedia remote control, which comes with the TV, is very easy to use.

Also worth noting is the Ambient Mode, which, using mobile application“fits” the TV into the interior, like a picture on the wall.

The One Connect connector combines cables and optical signal in one wire.

The durability of the QLED matrix promised by the manufacturer makes this model one of the main favorites on the market.


  • Diagonal: 65″;
  • Screen format: 16:9;
  • Resolution: 3840×2160;
  • HD Resolution: 4K UHD, HDR-10;
  • Refresh rate index: 120 Hz;
  • Viewing angle: 178°;
  • Inputs: USB/3 pcs./LAN COM port (RS-232);
  • Power consumption: 153 W.

Additionally: QLED; progressive scan; stereo sound NICAM, DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2; OS Tizen 4.0, 4 speakers, formats: AVI, MKV, H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV9/VC1, AAC, AMR technology, LPCM, M4A, MP3, MPEG1, L1 /2, WMA, JPEG, BMP, GIF, JPS, PNG, PNS; optical output; headphone jack; 3 TV tuners; recording video to a USB drive; voice and gesture control; TimeShift; sleep timer; picture in picture, wall mount.

4 built-in speakers with a subwoofer provide surround sound Dolby Digital, DTS.

The model has two built-in tuners and ample connectivity options, providing excellent playback of any audio and video formats.

The manufacturer claims that the guarantee of operation of this OLED matrix is ​​100 thousand hours. Those who managed to get acquainted with this TV in person note its brightness, fast operation, “omnivorousness” and universal (multi-brand) remote control.


  • Diagonal: 64.5″ (164 cm);
  • Screen format: 16:9;
  • Resolution: 3840×2160;
  • HD Resolution: 4K UHD, HDR-10;
  • Refresh rate index: 100 Hz;
  • Brightness: 300 cd/m2;
  • Viewing angle: 178°;
  • Sound power: 40 W (4×10 W);
  • Inputs: AV, HDMI x4, USB x3, Ethernet (RJ-45), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11ac.

Additionally: LED backlight; progressive scan; 24p True Cinema support; DLNA support; stereo sound NICAM, DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2, teletext, 4 speakers, Dolby Digital, DTS, auto volume leveling AVL; formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), DivX, MKV, JPEG; 2 TV tuners; TimeShift; sleep timer; child protection, wall mounting.


  • the picture as a whole;
  • 4K UHD, HDR-10;
  • brightness;
  • Smart TV;
  • sound and subwoofer;
  • reads many formats;
  • 2 tuners;
  • universal (multi-brand) remote control.


  • expensive;
  • heavy: weight with stand – 25.4 kg;
  • There are complaints about the transmission of white color.

Price: 173-330 thousand rubles.

TV Sony KD-75XF9005

The huge new Smart TV Sony KD-75XF9005 has a diagonal of 74.5″ (189 cm). The time-tested VA matrix has the highest 4K UHD resolution and supports Dolby Vision and HDR 10 technologies. 24p True Cinema in this quality makes watching movies a breeze.

In a matter of seconds, the TV connects to Wi-Fi and, using DLNA technology, converts content from other devices into a rich, contrasting picture on the screen. The TV can be controlled from a mobile application via Android. The light sensor automatically adjusts the image brightness depending on the time of day and the brightness of the light sources in the room.

3 TV tuners: T2 (terrestrial), C (cable), S (satellite), S2 (satellite) efficiently process incoming signals using DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB- technologies S2.

"Smart" Sony TV The KD-75XF9005 features a 4K HDR X1™ Extreme processor and 16GB of internal memory, as well as an impressive array of additional features.


  • Diagonal: 74.5″ (189 cm);
  • Screen format: 16:9;
  • Resolution: 3840×2160;
  • HD Resolution: 4K UHD, Dolby Vision, HDR 10;
  • Refresh rate index: 100 Hz;
  • Viewing angle: 178°;
  • Sound power: 20 W (2×10 W);
  • Inputs: AV, HDMI x4, USB x3, Ethernet (RJ-45), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Miracast;
  • Power consumption: 330 W.

Additionally: Direct LED backlight; progressive scan; stereo sound NICAM, DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2; teletext; two speakers, audio decoders Dolby Digital, DTS, Dolby™ Digital Plus, Dolby™ Pulse; formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), Xvid, DivX, MKV, JPEG; coaxial output (SPDIF), optical output; mini-Jack headphone jack (3.5 mm); 3 TV tuners; recording video to a USB drive; TimeShift; protection from children; sleep timer; light sensor; voice control; wall mounting.

Well made and inexpensive Thomson T43FSL5131 with 1080p Full HD resolution, supporting Android.

2) We separately selected models with the best price/quality ratio (20-50 thousand rubles):

This top three includes smart TVs from Xiaomi, SUPRA and Erisson; each of which has its own undeniable advantages with very minor disadvantages.

Sony KD-49XF7005, Panasonic TX-55FXR600 and Samsung UE58NU7100U, which have a common LED matrix, the differences lie in the platform and some technical parameters that were discussed above. These are new models that use proven technologies that are worth the money.

4) We also cannot ignore the “premium” category (90 thousand rubles+):

Mentioned here are flagships from leading manufacturers, competing for the right to offer the buyer the best picture. These are: Samsung QE65Q7FNA with a QLED matrix, LG OLED65C8 with an OLED display and Panasonic TX-55FXR600 with a VA matrix, with the highest 4K UHD resolution and support for Dolby Vision and HDR 10 technologies.

Thus our Smart TV review 2019 is divided into 4 segments based on price, each of which has three models that deserve the attention of buyers.

In the eternal debate on the topic “which OS is better,” many copies have been broken and it is simply impossible to give an unambiguous answer: it all depends on the tastes of the owner and the budget allocated for the purchase.

Article updated: August 2019
