Total war rome 2 opening of all factions. ROME Total War - how to unlock all factions? Egypt faction units

How to unlock all factions in Rome: Total War? There are a couple of ways that will allow the player to complete the game on other than the Roman side. Let's take a closer look at them.

There are a total of 21 factions in the game. They are divided into five groups according to nationality. There are sides for which, in principle, you cannot play, because this is not provided for in the system, but there are those that become available under certain conditions. How can I gain access to other camps?

Method 1: classic

The first option, the most accessible and fair, is to erase the association card from the map after completing the game (in other words, destroy it). This will open up the opportunity to play on their side in the next game campaign. This is a long task, as it requires completing the entire game, which takes not a couple of hours, but sometimes several months, and the gradual destruction of enemy camps.

Method 2: hacker

The second option is not the most honest, but effective, suitable for those who expect instant results.

For this we look for system folder, where the strategy is set. In this folder we go "Date" -> "World" -> "Maps" -> "Campaign" -> "Imperial_ Campaign" . In the last folder we find the file “Descr_Strat”.

Good day, site visitors website. In this article, I want to tell you about the most powerful factions in Rome 2.

After all, every player wants to take control of a powerful state, with a strong economy and invincible soldiers.

But there are so many factions in the game that it’s not easy to immediately understand which of them can help you achieve your goals.

This article is a logical continuation of the articles I wrote earlier on the game Total War: Rome 2:

First, let's figure out what “The Strongest Faction” means? In my opinion, this is the faction for which the player can most easily complete the task assigned to him and achieve:

  • Cultural victory.
  • Military victory.
  • Economic victory.

When selecting candidates, I judged on the following parameters:

  1. Faction economy.
  2. Provinces and cities at the start of the company.
  3. Units (however, let’s not forget that Total War is primarily military-oriented).
  4. Faction potential (this parameter comes from the three I listed above).

I would like to note right away that the definition of “The strongest” is a synonym for the phrase “The most difficult”. Because such factions are difficult to play, especially for beginners. By the way, I wrote about this in an article about the easiest factions in Rome 2.


The ancient country of the pharaohs was the strongest country in the region for hundreds of years. Total War: Rome 2 is no exception.

When there were no other states in sight, the Egyptians had already managed to erect their giant pyramids, and with them build a powerful foundation on which this faction would be located.

By the way, when playing as Egypt, you can also get aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the pyramids, not far from one of your cities. What other faction has such beauty? 🙂

Political situation.

As with any other large and powerful faction, Egypt, it is quite difficult to keep track of all your borders and keep them under lock and key. Although if you look at the political map of the region, you will see that you can only expect an attack from the enemy in two directions. At the very beginning, you will be on bad terms with three factions:

  • Cyrenaica.
  • Seleucids.
  • Kedar.

Since at the beginning it is advisable to spend your efforts on developing your areas, a war with such a strong faction as the Seleucids is undesirable. I would suggest trying to improve your relationship with them. But Cyrenaica and Kedar are two factions that you can deal with without problems. Moreover, as I already wrote above, they will only be able to attack you in directions that are quite easy to defend.

Therefore, if something happens, you can for a long time Adhere to defensive tactics, which will allow you to save money and develop the economy. In the future, I would advise focusing on the southern direction. Captures Nabatiyeh and Blemmyi, I advise going in the other two directions. Finish off your enemies from the north and east.

Next, you have several development options, of which my most preferred option is to conquer all African factions. And then you can go from one side to Spain, and on the other to conquer one of the Greek city-states and create a base in that region for further advancement in the European direction.

Units of the Egypt faction.

By the way, when choosing a commander’s detachment for Egypt, you will have a choice of as many as six types of units! Among which there are even war elephants.

Egypt has very interesting units. Let's look at the strongest of them:

  • Royal swordsmen in thoraxes.
  • Sickle chariots.
  • African war elephants.
  • Archers on camels.
  • Horse skirmishers.


Carthage. The military and economic power of this faction will allow you to successfully wage a war or build a strong economy. This will depend on your preferences.

Playing for Carthage, it generally seemed to me that the developers treated this faction with special love. I would even put it in second place after Rome, in terms of elaboration and interestingness.

By the way, only Rome and Carthage have the opportunity, when choosing a faction, to choose the Family with which you will control this faction.

This faction starts with five cities, of which the most developed is the capital, Carthage itself. The remaining cities, although small, can easily be brought to prosperity in just 10-15 moves. Therefore, at first, try to focus on the development of cities to create a financial reserve that will allow you to feed a future, powerful army.

True, no one promises Carthage an easy life at the very beginning of the game. He has a very difficult political situation. Perhaps the most difficult of all the factions selected for this review.

Carthage faction cards.

As you can see, the first disadvantage of Carthage (which I have written about several times in other reviews) is that its provinces are scattered across the map. Instead of one territory, you will own five fragments and near each of them there will be an enemy with whom you either have a war or a very strained relationship that will sooner or later develop into a war.

When playing as Carthage at the beginning, it is advisable to start fighting Rome as late as possible. And given your bad relationship with this faction, this will not be easy. But in the event of a war with Rome, from the first moves it will be very difficult for you to protect the two separated provinces of Caralis and Lilybaeum. Most likely, these two cities will become the first targets of the Roman Empire if you cannot find a common language with them.

When you feel that the economy allows you to maintain several large armies (and to protect such a large territory, this is simply necessary) then you can begin military operations.

And this is where the fun begins. Playing for Carthage is reminiscent of playing three or four factions simultaneously. This is exactly how it seemed to me when I myself controlled this faction. Because each part of this power, each of its provinces, is located and stewing in its own cauldron, with its own opponents and problems.

Well, it’s all the more interesting to set a goal for yourself to conquer the entire map, because you can move in three directions at the same time!

Carthage is focused on capturing Africa, two provinces on capturing Italy and Gaul, and the last two provinces will help in the conquest of Spain!

Although if you feel that you have enough finances or military strength to attack in several directions, then it is better to focus on one of them (Africa fits better total).


Carthage has very strong units. In terms of diversity and strength, I can only compare them to the Rome faction. Carthage, by the way, is one of the few factions where you can choose elephants as bodyguards for the commander.

Of the strongest units, I would note:

  • Aristocratic horsemen.
  • African war elephants.
  • Ballista with snakes (very original weapon).
  • Carthaginian polyball (one of the longest-range weapons in Total War: Rome 2).

Carthage also has a very good selection of melee and spear infantry. And with all this, you will not lack good cavalry, since your assault cavalry is represented by five strong units at once.


Of course, the Rome faction simply could not be absent from this review. In general, this faction can safely be called the strongest in Total War: Rome 2.

And there is nothing completely surprising in this. The point here is not the developers’ special love for this faction (although this is also a factor). The fact is that the developers are just following historicity. Rome in those days truly had no equal!

By choosing Rome, you can also choose one of three houses to manage:

  • House of Yuliev
  • House of Uniev
  • House of the Cornelians.

But this choice is of an aesthetic nature and does not affect anything.

Rome faction cards.

One of the strong geopolitical advantages of Rome is that the faction is located on the so-called “Italian boot”. It is surrounded on two sides by the sea, and on the north and south you will have land borders, but these borders are small and it will not be difficult to guard them.

At the beginning, your enemies will be the Etruscan League, but it is not difficult to fight with it, and besides, having conquered it, you will completely become the sole owner of the “Italian Boot”.

Further, if you want to subjugate the entire map, then it is best to move in a southern direction, conquering Syracuse. Although, I would not touch this small and proud faction :) They are very good as allies, and you will always have time to conquer them :)

It is best to choose Carthage as your enemy. After him, conquer all of Africa, then Spain, and then Europe (Greece, etc.). To achieve these goals, you will have one very important advantage- these are Units.


Of course, the units of the Rome faction will allow you to cope with any goal. It is not for nothing that the Roman army is considered one of the strongest in the history of mankind.

Among the strong units (oh my God, Rome is all strong!) I would highlight the following:

  • Veteran legionnaires.
  • Cohort of Evocats.
  • First Cohort.
  • Armored legionnaires.
  • Eagle Cohort.
  • Praetorians.
  • Praetorian Guard.
  • Gladiators.
  • Praetorian cavalry.
  • Union Cavalry.
  • Legion cavalry.
  • Equites allies.
  • Allied Numedian cavalry.
  • Allied African troops on elephants.
  • War dogs.
  • Roman onager with bees (yes, there is such a thing).

The Roman heavy onager, in my opinion, is generally the longest-ranged weapon in Total War: Rome 2.

Its range is 480, which is more than three times farther than a slinger can throw a stone, and almost five times farther than a bow!


This review ends with another large, powerful faction, the Seleucids.

The Seleucids are one of the fragments of the empire of Alexander the Great, which after his death began to fall apart, and this process was accelerated by the “heirs” of Macedon, who began dividing his lands among themselves.

Playing as the Seleucids, you will have as many as six provinces at your disposal.

In general, I would like to note that among these four factions, the Seleucids are the most difficult. The Seleucids simply have huge, stretched borders, the defense of which will require more than one army, so playing for this faction should be more of an aggressive attack, because you won’t be able to sit on the defensive with such a border.

Seleucid faction maps.

By the way, the Seleucids will have many enemies from the very beginning, you can look at the map, where the factions with which the Seleucids are at war or have very bad relations, which sooner or later will develop into a war, are marked in red.

If you set the task of conquering the map, then I advise you to move only in the eastern direction at the beginning.

Once you conquer this part of the map, you can choose where to move next. And I would advise you to deal with Greece and subjugate Africa. Then take on Spain and the European part of the continent.


There is probably no other faction where, when choosing the commander’s bodyguards, you had a choice of eight units at once!

The most original would be to choose chariots for this role; the most practical, in my opinion, would be war elephants.

Among the other units, I would highlight:

  • Royal cavalry.
  • Sickle chariots.
  • Greek cataphracts.
  • Argyraspidae swordsmen.
  • Royal peltasts.
  • Syrian heavy archers.
  • Light peltasts.
  • Eastern slingers.
  • Persian light archers.
  • Azat warriors.
  • Median cavalry.
  • Terenti cavalry.
  • Archers on camels.
  • Horse skirmishers.
  • Mercenaries on Syrian armored elephants (probably the most powerful unit in Total War: Rome 2, real tanks!)
  • Indian war elephants.

As you can see, dear friends, the list of the strongest included the following factions:

  • Egypt.
  • Carthage.
  • Seleucids.

Any of these factions guarantees you, if proper game, economic, cultural or military victory.

However, if you suddenly decide to achieve economic victory, then best choice will be Rome or Egypt. If you want to win a cultural victory, then it is better to choose Rome. If you want to achieve military victory in Total War: Rome 2, all 4 factions presented are suitable for these purposes.

As you can see, each of these factions is very interesting in itself. They are different, but what they have in common is that any of them can undoubtedly be called one of the most powerful in Total War: Rome 2.

But there is only one way to prove this - by playing! That's what I wish for you.

Play and win!

Friends, if you have any suggestions or comments, you can always write to me in the comments or through the “Contact the author” form. I always look forward to your messages and always respond to them.

Cavalry occupies a special place in Total War: Rome 2. The presence of these units in your army allows you to use more flexible tactics. Victory in battle often depends on the skillful use of cavalry. But we must remember that mounted units are effective only if they are used correctly.

Total War: Rome 2 has a lot of mounted units. But in this article I want to talk about the strongest of them; of course, this opinion will be subjective, and I will rely on my experience of the game.

Praetorian cavalry.

As the ancient saying goes, “All roads lead to Rome.” Therefore, I will start this review of Total War: Rome 2 cavalry with the Praetorians, which are available only to Rome. As I already said, these units are available for Rome and in order to use them, you need to build legionary barracks of level 4. These units have a strong attack and They have high morale, so you can always rely on them to carry out difficult tasks. These units have a very interesting history. After all, initially they were not separate military formations, but served as guards for the commander. Naturally, only the best riders and the hardiest horses were chosen for this role. Gradually, proving their effectiveness in battle, the Praetorian horsemen began to be used as detachments separate from the commander. The Praetorians served not only during the war, but also in peacetime helped to ensure order in Rome. Especially during public events. By the way, the Praetorians were recruited only from among the citizens of Rome, and were the only detachment that was allowed to be in Rome.

Aristocratic Horsemen: These horsemen are available in Total War: Rome 2 for the Arevaca faction. To do this, you need to build a level 4 stud farm. Aristocratic horsemen have a very strong attack and high morale. These horsemen were strong thanks to the Iberian horses. Which were valued so highly that both Rome and Carthage (the strongest powers at that time) wanted them in their army. Initially, aristocratic horsemen were used not so much for battle, but as a symbol of greatness and prestige for the rider. Noble warriors rode these horses to the battlefield. However, over time, they began to enter battle on horseback and turned into a fighting unit - the Aristocratic Horsemen. Noble Horsemen.Noble Horsemen are available for the following factions:

  • Arevaks.
  • Boyi.
  • Gallatia.
  • Nervia.

In order to get them into your army, you need to build a level 4 stud farm. Celtic tribes treated horses with awe and respect. Horses were at a premium, so they were only available to members of the nobility. And since noble warriors, due to their wealth, had best weapon and armor, then this type of cavalry was the elite in the troops.

Greek cataphracts. Greek cataphracts are available for the Bactrian and Seleucid factions. They have a very strong attack and can be built in a diamond shape. They had strong armor and high morale. However, there is one drawback. This cavalry is slow, although very powerful, which compensates for the lack of speed. In order to hire Greek cataphracts, you need to build level 4 royal barracks, or royal stables (this depends on the faction you will play for). Among all Western countries, it is the Seleucids were the first to understand the advantages of heavy cavalry, powerful and well-protected. An attack by such cavalry could cause considerable damage to the enemy. Heytayr Shield Bearers. These exotic mounted units are available in Total War: Rome 2 for the Macedonians and the Epirus faction. In order to hire them, you need to build a level 4 royal barracks. The Heytayrs were the best shock cavalry of their era. Initially they were used to guard the general and consisted of noble warriors. Most often they attacked in the “Wedge” formation. It was this formation that allowed them to demonstrate all their power on the battlefield. The riders of this cavalry were often armed with double-sided spears called cystons. If one spear tip broke, the rider could turn the spear over and continue to use it in battle.

Brave Horsemen. Brave Horsemen are available for the Icena faction. In order to hire them, you need to build a stud farm of level 4. These horsemen were armed with long swords, which they skillfully wielded in the saddle, but when possible they dismounted from their horses and turned into ferocious foot warriors. Dealing huge damage to enemies. Noble Saki. This cavalry is available for the Massageta faction. To recruit them, you need to build a Horn. This cavalry is slow in battle, but has a strong attack, strong armor and high morale. The Saki are a nomadic people. Like any nomads of that era, they fought mainly from the saddle, so they were among the best horsemen in the world. It was often said about them that they live and die in the saddle. True, most often, their enemies died first.

Royal cataphracts. Royal cataphracts are available for Armenia and Parthia. In Rome 2, to hire them you need to have a stable of Nisean horses. This is a very strong cavalry with high morale, although quite slow. As I mentioned, the tribes from the east were the first to use heavy cavalry, realizing its advantage. Although this cavalry could not accelerate to great speed and did not have maneuverability, but due to good armor and hardy horses, these troops were not afraid of a protracted battle with the enemy and were often sent into the thick of things. Skillfully wielding swords and spears, these warriors inflicted enormous damage to the enemy and broke the enemy formation, thereby allowing their infantry to operate more effectively. Pontic royal cavalry. This cavalry is available for the Pontus faction. To hire, you must have level 4 royal barracks. An important difference between this cavalry and many other similar units is that not only the riders, but also their horses were dressed in armor. Although the heavy armor could slow down the advance, it made it possible to hold out for a long time in battle. Also, due to the weight of the horse and rider, dressed in armor, this cavalry inflicted very big damage enemy manpower, attacking from a running start. Sarmatian royal spearmen. These units are available for the Roksolana faction. In order to hire them, you need to build a Horn building. The Sarmatians were a nomadic tribe that lived near the Black Sea. Sarmatian warriors spent most of their lives in the saddle, so they had no equal. Often these warriors served as mercenaries. And any ruler of neighboring powers knew that these warriors were worth forking out. The Sarmatian horsemen were very well protected - dressed in heavy armor. And in battle they can use not only melee weapons, but also shoot from bows. Therefore, their use provides great tactical variety. Azat warriors. These horsemen are available for the Seleucid faction, provided that you build the royal stables at level 4. The Azat warriors served as the personal guard of the queen, so they did not take just anyone into their ranks. This honor was awarded only to the best of the best. Azat warriors were very good at running attacks because they were armed with powerful pikes. When they entered into a protracted battle, they switched to melee weapons such as swords or axes. As you can see, Total War Rome 2 offers us a lot of variety when choosing cavalry. But do not forget that cavalry is effective only in the hands of a skilled commander. How often do you use cavalry? Play and win!

The strongest faction in Total War: Rome 2

Good day, visitors to In this article, I want to tell you about the most powerful factions of Rome 2. After all, every player wants to get control of a powerful state, with a strong economy and invincible soldiers. But there are so many factions in the game that you can immediately understand which one will be able to help you achieve your goals, it’s not easy. This article is a logical continuation of the articles I wrote earlier on the game Total War: Rome 2: The most difficult faction The easiest faction An overview of all factions First, let’s figure out what “The strongest faction” means? In my opinion, this is the faction for which the player can most easily complete the task assigned to him and achieve:

  • Cultural victory.
  • Military victory.
  • Economic victory.

When selecting candidates, I judged on the following parameters:

  1. Faction economy.
  2. Provinces and cities at the start of the company.
  3. Units (however, let’s not forget that Total War is primarily military-oriented).
  4. Faction potential (this parameter comes from the three I listed above).

I would like to note right away that the definition of “The strongest” is a synonym for the phrase “The most difficult”. Because such factions are difficult to play, especially for beginners. By the way, I wrote about this in an article about the easiest factions in Rome 2.


The ancient country of the pharaohs was the strongest country in the region for hundreds of years. Total War: Rome 2 is no exception.

When there were no other states in sight, the Egyptians had already managed to erect their giant pyramids, and with them build a powerful foundation on which this faction would be located.

By the way, when playing as Egypt, you can also get aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the pyramids, not far from one of your cities. What other faction has such beauty?

Political situation. As with any other large and powerful faction, Egypt, it is quite difficult to keep track of all your borders and keep them under lock and key. Although if you look at the political map of the region, you will see that you can only expect an attack from the enemy in two directions. At the very beginning, you will be on bad terms with three factions:

  • Cyrenaica.
  • Seleucids.
  • Kedar.

Since at the beginning it is advisable to spend your efforts on developing your areas, a war with such a strong faction as the Seleucids is undesirable. I would suggest trying to improve your relationship with them. But Cyrenaica and Kedar are two factions that you can deal with without problems. Moreover, as I already wrote above, they will only be able to attack you in directions that are quite easy to defend.

Therefore, if something happens, you can stick to defensive tactics for a long time, which will allow you to save money and develop the economy. In the future, I would advise focusing on the southern direction. Captures Nabatiyeh and Blemmyi, I advise going in the other two directions. Finish off your enemies from the north and east.

Next, you have several development options, of which my most preferred option is to conquer all African factions. And then you can go from one side to Spain, and on the other to conquer one of the Greek city-states and create a base in that region for further advancement in the European direction.

Units of the Egypt faction.

By the way, when choosing a commander’s detachment for Egypt, you will have a choice of as many as six types of units! Among which there are even war elephants.

Egypt has very interesting units. Let's look at the strongest of them:

  • Royal swordsmen in thoraxes.
  • Sickle chariots.
  • African war elephants.
  • Archers on camels.
  • Horse skirmishers.


Carthage. The military and economic power of this faction will allow you to successfully wage a war or build a strong economy. This will depend on your preferences. Playing for Carthage, it generally seemed to me that the developers treated this faction with special love. I would even put it in second place after Rome, in terms of sophistication and interestingness. By the way, only Rome and Carthage have the opportunity, when choosing a faction, to choose the Family with which you will control this faction. This faction starts with five cities, of which the most developed - this is the capital, Carthage itself. The remaining cities, although small, can easily be brought to prosperity in just 10-15 moves. Therefore, at first, try to focus on the development of cities to create a financial reserve that will allow you to feed a future, powerful army. The truth is that no one promises Carthage an easy life at the very beginning of the game. He has a very difficult political situation. Perhaps the most difficult of all the factions selected for this review.

Carthage faction cards.

As you can see, the first disadvantage of Carthage (which I have written about several times in other reviews) is that its provinces are scattered across the map. Instead of one territory, you will own five fragments and near each of them there will be an enemy with whom you either have a war or a very strained relationship that will sooner or later develop into a war.

When playing as Carthage at the beginning, it is advisable to start fighting Rome as late as possible. And given your bad relationship with this faction, this will not be easy. But in the event of a war with Rome, from the first moves it will be very difficult for you to protect the two separated provinces of Caralis and Lilybaeum. Most likely, these two cities will become the first targets of the Roman Empire if you cannot find a common language with them. When you feel that the economy allows you to support several large armies (and to protect such a large territory, this is simply necessary) then you can begin military operations. And this is where the fun begins. Playing for Carthage is reminiscent of playing three or four factions simultaneously. This is exactly how it seemed to me when I myself controlled this faction. Because each part of this power, each of its provinces, is located and stewing in its own cauldron, with its own opponents and problems. Well, it’s all the more interesting to set a goal for yourself to conquer the entire map, because you can move in three directions at the same time!

Carthage is focused on capturing Africa, two provinces on capturing Italy and Gaul, and the last two provinces will help in the conquest of Spain! Although if you feel that you have enough finance or military strength to attack in several directions, then it is better to focus on one of them ( Africa is best).

Carthage has very strong units. In terms of diversity and strength, I can only compare them to the Rome faction. Carthage, by the way, is one of the few factions where you can choose elephants as bodyguards for the commander.

Of the strongest units, I would note:

  • Aristocratic horsemen.
  • African war elephants.
  • Ballista with snakes (very original weapon).
  • Carthaginian polyball (one of the longest-range weapons in Total War: Rome 2).

Carthage also has a very good selection of melee and spear infantry. And with all this, you will not lack good cavalry, since your assault cavalry is represented by five strong units at once.


Of course, the Rome faction simply could not be absent from this review. In general, this faction can safely be called the strongest in Total War: Rome 2. Moreover, there is nothing completely surprising in this. The point here is not the developers’ special love for this faction (although this is also a factor). The fact is that the developers are just following historicity. Rome in those days truly had no equal!

By choosing Rome, you can also choose one of three houses to manage:

  • House of Yuliev
  • House of Uniev
  • House of the Cornelians.

But this choice is of an aesthetic nature and does not affect anything.

Rome faction cards.

One of the strong geopolitical advantages of Rome is that the faction is located on the so-called “Italian boot”. It is surrounded on two sides by the sea, and on the north and south you will have land borders, but these borders are small and protecting them will not be difficult. At the beginning, your enemies will be the Etruscan League, but it is not difficult to fight with it, and having conquered it , you will completely become the sole owner of the “Italian Boot”.

Further, if you want to subjugate the entire map, then it is best to move in a southern direction, conquering Syracuse. Although, I would not touch this small and proud faction. They are very good as allies, and you will always have time to win them.

It is best to choose Carthage as your enemy. After him, conquer all of Africa, then Spain, and then Europe (Greece, etc.). To achieve these goals, you will have one very important advantage - Units.

Of course, the units of the Rome faction will allow you to cope with any goal. It’s not for nothing that the Roman army is considered one of the strongest in the history of mankind. Among the strong units (oh my God, Rome is all strong!) I would highlight the following:

  • Veteran legionnaires.
  • Cohort of Evocats.
  • First Cohort.
  • Armored legionnaires.
  • Eagle Cohort.
  • Praetorians.
  • Praetorian Guard.
  • Gladiators.
  • Praetorian cavalry.
  • Union Cavalry.
  • Legion cavalry.
  • Equites allies.
  • Allied Numedian cavalry.
  • Allied African troops on elephants.
  • War dogs.
  • Roman onager with bees (yes, there is such a thing).

The Roman heavy onager, in my opinion, is generally the longest-ranged weapon in Total War: Rome 2.

Its range is 480, which is more than three times farther than a slinger can throw a stone, and almost five times farther than a bow!


This review ends with another large, strong faction, the Seleucids. The Seleucids are one of the fragments of the empire of Alexander the Great, which after his death began to fall apart, and this process was accelerated by the “heirs” of Macedon, who began dividing his lands among themselves.

Playing as the Seleucids, you will have as many as six provinces at your disposal. In general, I would like to note that among these four factions, the Seleucids are the most difficult. The Seleucids simply have huge, stretched borders, the defense of which will require more than one army, so playing for this faction should be more of an aggressive attack, because you won’t be able to sit on the defensive with such a border.

Seleucid faction maps.

By the way, the Seleucids will have many enemies from the very beginning, you can look at the map, where the factions with which the Seleucids are at war or have very bad relations, which sooner or later will develop into a war, are marked in red.

If you set the task of conquering the map, then I advise you to move only in the eastern direction at the beginning. Having conquered this part of the map, you will be able to choose where to move next. And I would advise you to deal with Greece and subjugate Africa. Then take on Spain and the European part of the continent. Units. There is probably no other faction where, when choosing the commander’s bodyguards, you had a choice of eight units at once!

The most original would be to choose chariots for this role, the most practical, in my opinion, would be war elephants. Among the other units, I would highlight:

  • Royal cavalry.
  • Sickle chariots.
  • Greek cataphracts.
  • Argyraspidae swordsmen.
  • Royal peltasts.
  • Syrian heavy archers.
  • Light peltasts. Eastern slingers.
  • Persian light archers. Azat warriors.
  • Median cavalry.
  • Terenti cavalry.
  • Archers on camels.
  • Horse skirmishers.
  • Mercenaries on Syrian armored elephants (probably the most powerful unit in Total War: Rome 2, real tanks!) Indian war elephants.

As you can see, dear friends, the list of the strongest included the following factions:

  • Egypt.
  • Carthage.
  • Seleucids.

Any of these factions will guarantee you, if played correctly, an economic, cultural or military victory. However, if you suddenly decide to achieve an economic victory, then the best choice will be Rome or Egypt. If you want to win a cultural victory, then it is better to choose Rome. If you want to achieve military victory in Total War: Rome 2, all 4 factions presented are suitable for these purposes. As you can see, each of these factions is very interesting in itself. They are different, but what they have in common is that any of them can undoubtedly be called one of the most powerful in Total War: Rome 2. But this can only be proven in one way - by playing! That's what I wish for you. Play and win!

Friends, if you have any suggestions or comments, you can always write to me in the comments or through the “Contact the author” form. I always look forward to your messages and always respond to them.


"Glory, honor, duty"

The Roman faction will appear before us in the form of a militaristic republic. The Republic needs new territories, which can be expanded at the expense of its northern neighbors - the Etruscans, and then go north to the barbarians, as well as at the expense of the lands of Carthage.

There is no doubt that the faction will be playable. The faction will have an advantage:

1. Metal processing

2. Military culture

3. Maintaining civil law and order

The Roman Republic will consist of three houses:

2. Cornelia

In addition, each house will have its own bonus.


"Democracy, trade, faith"

The Carthaginian state was a trading state pursuing an expansive policy. The Carthaginians preserved the faith that they inherited from their ancestors - the Phoenicians.

The Carthaginians have advantages in:

1. Naval battles

2. Trade

3. Democratic system

The Carthaginians had an army mainly of mercenaries, their main force was the Sacred Band, an important type of units were war elephants, as well as a very maneuverable fleet.

When playing as Carthage, you can choose one of the political forces, each of which has its own unique bonuses.


"Glory, Order, Strength"

Macedonia is a kingdom closed on all sides by its neighbors.

The Macedonian army was reformed - Hetaira, Thessalian cavalry, and new-style hoplites appeared in it.

Macedonian warriors have an advantage against barbarian troops.


1. Gracious rulers

2. Lucky traders

3. High satisfaction of the population


"Iron, Conquest, Pride"

The Ikens were a tribe that inhabited the territory of southern Britain.

The Icenian army fights mainly with infantry, but they gained fame thanks to their chariots. Iken warriors were covered in various colors and tattoos, and they also had rectangular shields.

1. Brave and warlike

2. Summoning the war warrior Andrasta during battle increases their morale ("Banzai" - note Red action)

3. Unique iron processing

Population satisfaction increases when war is declared.

Gauls (Arverni)

"Faith, Dignity, Power"

The state was ruled by kings and leaders, but the population was subordinate to the Druids.

The Gallic army was mostly infantry.

Arverni have an advantage in:

1. Crafts

2. Gold mining

3. Horsemanship

4. Increased respect in the diplomatic arena.


"Blood, nobility, courage"

The Suebi were a Germanic people who lived in the northeast of Gaul. The raids were carried out mainly by infantrymen, who made up the army of the Suebi. They fought mainly with spears, swords were rare, and they defended themselves with round shields. They wore cloaks and trousers or loincloths. The Suebian state is essentially a confederation.

Suebi have an advantage in:

1. Diplomatic advantages with other barbarians.

2. Contempt for other factions

3. Significant resistance in the provinces captured by the Suebi.

Parthia (Persia)

"Tolerance, justice, benefit"

The Parthian Confederation is famous for its horses and cavalry. The Persian infantry mainly consists of Persian mountaineers, skirmishers and spearmen.

Religion is represented by a mixture of Persian and Hellenic beliefs, local beliefs, as well as Zoroastrianism.

The basis of the economy is land owned by the elite. The emergence of trade relations along the Silk Road.

The faction has an advantage:

1. In trade

2. Cultural aspects

3. Tolerance of other cultures makes it easier to conquer lands

4. Slavery harms the economy and law and order

5. High skill of archers and cavalry.

Egypt (Ptolemies)

"Heritage, independence, power"

The Ptolemaic era in Egypt is associated with Hellenic culture, while Egyptian traditions are still strong.

The Ptolemies, who adopted the culture and customs of the Egyptians, became pharaohs. The traditions of building pompous monuments and temples continue. However, the penetration of the Greeks into Egyptian territory was accompanied by uprisings of local residents.

The Ptolemaic army is technically well-developed, but preference for command is given to heroes. Spearmen, swordsmen, chariots, war elephants and many others are the army of Egypt, and the Ptolemies also maintained a huge fleet in the Mediterranean to protect trade and colonial interests.

Ptolemaic Egypt is one of the heirs to the empire of Alexander the Great.

Kingdom of Pontus (Pontus)

"Ambition, independence, profit"

Pontus is a mountainous region near the Black Sea, with many fertile valleys, as well as ports on which the entire agricultural and commercial economy is tied. The backbone of the Pontic army are pikemen with bronze shields, and chariots inspire fear in the enemy.

Pontus was a colony of Persia and Macedonia. Having gained independence, ambitions arose to conquer all of Asia Minor.

This is a progressive state that maintains relations with the Greeks and the Diadochi. Warriors are renowned for their determination in battle.

PCGamer reports that Total War: Rome II will be released in October 2013.

Despite the fact that a toy called ROME Total War appeared quite a long time ago, it is still played by both novice gamers and old-timers, who thus relax after a hard day of work or educational lectures. Luxurious graphics, interesting opportunities and an intriguing plot - these are the main components of the success of the project.

Initially, the player is faced with the choice of playing for one of three Roman factions, which are in alliance with each other, while being controlled by the leading cardinal from the Eternal City. The game world is also saturated with other nations, which you cannot play for initially. However, over time, such an opportunity will appear. About How to unlock all factions in ROME Total War and will be discussed further. There are actually two ways to do this, each of which we will consider in detail.

An honest way to unlock all factions in the game

It's simple - the conditions of ROME Total War involve the discovery of new nations by exterminating them. That is, by erasing this or that faction from the earth, you will automatically add it to the list of nations that you can play for in the future. For some, it may seem unrealistic to take over the whole world within one company. Indeed, this is not the easiest task, especially if you play on the most difficult settings, so the developers made a small exception. To unlock all factions in ROME Total War– it is enough to completely complete the started campaign without exposing your state to destruction (provided that the game is played as the Scipios, Yulios or Brutes). However, keep in mind that if you play for several hours a day, such a passage (if you approach the question thoughtfully, and not “just to open it sooner”) can take more than one month of real time. If you are ready to wait and sweat, then honor and praise to you. Well, for those who want everything at once, for free and right now, the next method is not very honest, but reliable and simple.

Hacky way to unlock all factions in ROME Total War

The essence this method simple, like Vladislav Yama's hairstyle. Even if you have just begun your acquaintance with a PC, there will be no difficulties, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions below.

So, let's go!

  1. The first step is to find the root directory with the game (this is the folder in which ROME Total War was installed).
  2. Next, you need to find a directory in it called “Data”, then go to the “World” folder, then to the “Maps” directory, then to the “Campaign” folder, and, finally, to the final directory “Imperial_ Campaign” .
  3. Along the path specified in point “2” there is a file named “Descr_Strat”, which must first be copied to the “Desktop” (or any other safe place) - just in case you ruin it with your manipulations.
  4. Now you need to move the names of the factions under “END unlockable” to a “category” with the name “Playable”.
  5. That's it. All that remains is to save the changes and run the game, after which you will see for yourself that All factions in ROME Total War are open, if, of course, everything was done correctly.
