What is Internet Explorer. TLS protocol in Internet Explorer Address bar and search system

The internet explorer browser is one of the oldest. Despite huge amount analogues at the present time, it is still popular among users.

The creator of the internet explorer browser is Microsoft, so it is installed by default with the Windows operating system. However, in order for IE to work stably, it needs to be configured, and also be sure to monitor the updates of the plugins used and new versions of the software.

Knowing how to configure the internet explorer browser will help you get rid of problems that arise after the action of viruses, such as automatic switching on offline mode or blocking activex elements.

Basic browser settings

In order to enter the internet explorer browser settings, you need to click on the gear in the upper left corner of the screen or use the key combination “ALT + X”.

In the window that appears, select “Internet Options”. Many people confuse this section of the menu with “Customize add-ons”. However, add-ons are features and plugins that you can attach to your browser, and this section is also worth a look.

General Settings

The general settings tab allows you to select the pages you want to start working on. In addition, it is possible to select the display of individual tabs and the parameters of their behavior.

Can be changed appearance Internet Explorer browser beyond recognition by customizing the style characteristics that are convenient for you. To do this you can choose:

You should be careful with your design settings, as each web page has its own style, and it may not suit you or display correctly.

It's important to remember that " General settings» allow you to delete temporary and offline files, and also clear log entries. You can often hear from the service technical support or system administrator words: “try clearing your cookies.” This operation is performed from here.

Security Settings

Few people are involved in setting up browser security. And in vain. The setting is quite flexible, and since most applications use internet explorer to open pages, it can protect your computer from virus infection.

If you don't want to get into full customization, which you can access by clicking the “Other” button, you can enable one of the security levels that are included in the system and have their own settings: low, medium and high.

By controlling the parameters found in the security settings, you can control many important page display criteria for the user, such as:

  • Pop-up blocker;
  • authentication on the page and saving authorization data;
  • management of all kinds of activex elements;
  • displaying videos, animations, and specific types of queries.

If you are unsure about enabling a particular setting, be careful. Disabling some activex settings may cause page elements to display problems or block them altogether. Pay special attention to:

  • permission to launch and download unsigned items;
  • automatically launching controls and recording permissions for them;
  • enable offline mode.

Privacy tab

Internet Explorer privacy settings allow you to control how websites access your data and how requests are processed. It is possible to enable one of the levels or set the settings manually, controlling every smallest detail of the tolerance, as well as block it altogether. IN additional settings It is possible to control cookie processing.

In site management, you can prioritize the display of elements and assign access levels to each resource. In addition, there is a convenient setting that allows you to block or allow pop-up ads, which sometimes are simply impossible to get rid of in any other way. Be careful when changing your privacy settings, or you may accidentally disable communication with the site entirely and end up in offline mode.

Connection settings

This setting allows you to:

  • enable and configure automatic connection when opening the internet explorer browser;
  • edit the list of network connections;
  • create tunnel VPN connection;
  • launch the “Network Setup Wizard”;
  • configure a proxy server or automatic configuration script.

If you suspect that a virus has entered your computer, or when you open any page you see a message about an error processing a proxy server, this is the place for you - in the “network settings” tab (an incorrectly entered port or proxy server address can block access to any sites).

A tunnel connection is created to transmit data securely between two points. This type of connection is also used by some providers to provide Internet access using the PPTP and L2TP protocols.

Setting up display of site content based on criteria keywords is set in Family Safety. Quite convenient function to configure parental controls, which allows you to block unwanted resources.

Additionally, content includes displaying RSS feeds, setting up and connecting certificates, and enabling the autocomplete feature.

Program tab

Used to select an html editor, a client for working with mail, assigning a default browser for opening sites, as well as the previously mentioned “Add-on Management”.

In this window, you can edit extensions, applications, spell checkers, and accelerators that launch. Managing add-ons is very important, because with their help you can turn your browser into great tool web designer or optimizer and analyst.

At the same time, they most often end up here virus programs, which completely or partially block work in global network. Got here malicious code can disable activex elements, enable redirection to other pages or offline mode, and block access to social networks.

Advanced tab

Settings that are not included in any of the main parameters, but are equally important, are located in the “Advanced” tab. In addition, from here you can completely reset Internet Explorer, returning to the default settings when installing the program. However, resetting does not always help to disable offline mode and return the browser to functionality.

Offline mode and other problems

One of the problematic parameters is activex. Thanks to this element, most applications and scripts on web pages are launched. Therefore, if you have filtering enabled or acceptance disabled for this element, you may experience display issues.

If your internet explorer version is lower than 11, you may encounter a problem with working offline. In order to disable offline mode, you need to go to the file menu and uncheck the box.

If you are using a modern version, you will not find this option enabled or disabled. If you have a question about disabling it, then most likely your computer is infected with viruses. In this case, it is necessary to treat it, and then delete the entry in the registry using the link indicated in the figure or change its value to zero. After this, the offline mode will be disabled and the sites will be available again.

Problems with offline mode arise due to the fact that it is designed for offline browsing. And it includes viruses and malware.

If you look at the logs of any web server (with the possible exception of sites dedicated to Unix), you will find that the overwhelming number of users view the site through Internet Explorer- one version or another. And if you read almost any forum or conference that at least in some way affects websites or programs, you will probably find many statements that IE sucks, but, say, Opera is incredibly cool! What is happening, why a huge number of users do not want to switch to incredibly good program, continuing to use the disgusting and buggy creation of a notorious corporation?

First, let's try to look at the alternatives. There are, alas, few of them. By and large, there are only two: Opera and Mozilla. How is it possible, readers will exclaim, where is the beloved NetCaptor? And the trick is that NetCaptor, like many other add-ons, is not a browser as such: it uses the IE engine and only adds to it additional features, like convenient switching between sites.

If we look at the browsers section of some software archive, we will see a fairly large list. But, starting to delve into the descriptions, the vast majority of these browsers have a postscript on the IE core or use the Mozilla engine, etc. And this, in turn, means that when using such a browser, we will inherit all the glitches inherent in the core of this system (though, in fairness, it should be noted that there are not so many glitches there).

However, all these subtleties - add-ons, kernels, etc. - the average user is of very little interest (which is correct). He needs to look at the site comfortably. And if, along with the operating system, he also receives a browser that works quite well and shows everything that is required, then why download (and then study) something else?

By and large, strictly speaking, there is no need. Well, perhaps some add-on for more convenient management, such as NetCaptor or MyIE. IE copes very well with displaying pages (most often the difficulties arise precisely because the page is visible only in IE), it works quite quickly - even if some page takes half a second longer to load, it’s unlikely to be very will be very disappointing, it is quite stable - of course, if the system is configured correctly and is not assembled on crooked hardware, it is sufficiently protected - if you do not forget to regularly download patches from the Microsoft website (by the way, if Windows Update says that there are no patches for you - it means, most likely, you just have an illegal copy of Windows!). Moreover, most of the amenities - like additional control panels from different search engines or payment systems, work specifically (and often only!) with IE; Many programs, such as various informers, require IE, etc. etc. So, alas, the question posed in the title of the article will have to be answered no - it’s unlikely that you will be able to completely abandon Internet Explorer...

Now, having said all of the above, let's try to return to alternative browsers and understand whether they are worth downloading. The choice, as noted above, is small - Opera and Mozilla. The rest of the honest browsers may not be considered as such: Amaya from the W3C is less a browser than a working life-size model, and text-based Lynx, although useful in some cases, is the exception rather than the rule. Well, the 7th Netscape, based on the Mozilla engine, is such a scary and sophisticated monster that it’s probably not worth talking about - it’s purely an amateur thing...

Why might we need new browser? Most users answer: speed, size, reliability and convenience. Let's sort it out in order.


To be honest, there is no fundamental (or even any noticeable) difference in speed - at least during normal surfing. It is quite possible that in some extreme cases, some browser turns out to be faster than competitors, but with a typical connection to the network via a modem, it is the connection speed that is decisive - the speed of the computer itself when processing and displaying pages is sufficient for a person not to notice the difference in the loading time of typical pages. The loading speed of the browsers themselves is also approximately the same, perhaps IE even benefits due to the fact that it uses many components that are loaded into memory at startup operating system. However, this indicator is not decisive: it is not very often necessary to open or close the browser - most often, after launching, the user looks at sites for more or less a long time, then closes (or does not close) the browser and does other things. So there is no hope for a noticeable increase in speed...


Here, alternative browsers are definitely the winner, especially if you don't use (download) Java. Opera at 3 MB (without Java) or 13 Mb (with Java) and Mozilla at 11 MB are much preferable to IE, which, depending on the required components, can weigh up to 75 MB (average 25). One could argue that IE is already installed, but remember about the updates that were written about above... Not to mention the fact that a new version may be released...


Unfortunately, I can’t provide objective statistics, but subjectively, alternative browsers are much more stable. An undoubted advantage is that they are not so tightly integrated into the system, and their fall is unlikely to cause the need to restart the computer (as well as vice versa - the fall of some program will not crash the browser). However, on modern operating systems based on the NT line (Win2K, WinXP), reboots are generally slowly becoming a thing of the past, even for not very professional users.

An additional argument for an alternative browser is that most Trojans and other nasty things target IE, so the risk of losing passwords and other confidential information is somewhat reduced. But, if you pay some attention to safety, then this risk is already small...

And finally, the most controversial parameter: convenience. This is too subjective: what is convenient for one will be inconvenient for another, and indeed - any new program, until you get used to it, it seems uncomfortable... But still, let’s try to bring a little objectivity.

A very convenient (honestly!) function that is available in both Opera and Mozilla is the so-called tabbed browsing, that is, the ability to open several pages in one window. Combined with the ability to open several windows, you get an absolutely wonderful thing: you open a site in one window, its different pages in different tabs, another site in another window, etc. In IE, this can be achieved using various add-ons - no wonder they are so popular!

The ability of IE substitutes to block pop-ups is sometimes quite useful. You can achieve the same thing in IE by installing some special utility, fortunately there is plenty of such goodness on the Internet.

In Mozilla, perhaps, better than in other browsers, issues of privacy protection are resolved - convenient management of saved passwords from sites, cookies, and so on. Both Mozilla and Opera can set additional master passwords for access to private information.

The controversial conveniences include the desire of developers to expand the functionality of their products in every possible way. In Mozilla, this includes a built-in IRC chat, mail and news clients, and the ability to develop web pages; in Opera - mail and news, in previous versions they tried to add ICQ, but still came to their senses. I’m talking about ambiguity because it’s probably convenient for someone, but it still seems to me that it’s better to separate the flies from the cutlets... Why, one might ask, do you need a poor HTML editor if you can find a huge number of more quality programs who specialize specifically in web page development? Here, in my opinion, IE acts most competently - it, of course, can work with both MSN Messenger and Outlook Express, but these are still separate programs that can be removed...

Now - about the most important thing, namely browsing websites. Alas, when using alternative browsers, you will periodically (albeit not very often) encounter the fact that some pages are not shown or are shown somehow crookedly, and some functions do not work. This is not always, or rather, almost never, the fault of the browsers - as a rule, the issue is the incorrect code of the pages themselves. This difficulty arose several years ago when Microsoft started a browser war in an effort to capture this market. The method chosen was the following: Microsoft did not follow HTML standards, introducing its own parameters and introducing some inaccuracies when creating HTML pages in MS Word or FrontPage. At the same time, IE showed such incorrect code, and other browsers rightly complained about errors. It was then that webmasters began to have headaches with browser compatibility (they had to the page being created look in different versions browsers and use every possible trick to achieve at least approximately the same appearance), and a huge number of pages appeared on the Internet that could only be viewed in IE.

To be fair, it should be noted that modern versions Most browsers can understand typical mistakes code and guess what the author wanted to say. But, nevertheless, some difficulties with displaying pages still remain - for the most part they are associated with the use of relatively complex scripts, which are usually used for navigation. In these cases, you won't be able to get away from IE.

At the end of this article, I will try to briefly formulate the main pros and cons of competitors.

Internet Explorer:

omnivorous - shows everything that is possible; a huge number of programs attached to it; not the best security and stability.

displays pages well, almost like IE; Opera's traditional glitches in processing complex scripts remain; fast work; A distinctive feature is that the browser controls are very well thought out: a large set of hot keys and an understanding of special mouse movements;


perhaps the best reliability and security; fairly fast work; good quality page display; free. Distinctive feature - open source, i.e. The whole world is working on the browser.

And yet monopoly is a great force. If you have the most popular operating system on planet Earth in your hands. If only 19 countries in the world are richer than you. If you have been dictating your own rules of the game for many years, then you can afford to be imposing.

Talking about a success story Microsoft Internet Explorer browser, we should not forget that this browser itself is a rather average and not such a powerful development as they want to present it to us today. But if you have the opportunity to integrate your program into Windows (the most popular operating system in the world), then millions will use it in any case. Possessing such colossal capabilities, you will make even the most mediocre solution a leader.

And this is exactly what happened with Internet Explorer. The introduction is over. I invite you on a journey history of IE creation.

The creation of Internet Explorer, or How Bill Gates “slept through” the Internet

Even geniuses make mistakes sometimes. This is what actually happened with: in the early 90s, he was firmly convinced that the Network would remain the lot of the elite. Today it sounds wild and even funny, but Gates’s train of thought can be understood: at that time it had not yet been adapted to simple user. Everything was too expensive, heavy and difficult to master. Guided by considerations about the weak potential of the Network, Microsoft concentrated on the minimum - creating an online service MSN, which, according to management, should cover all the needs of a few users.

And 1995 struck... And they saw the light. And they realized how wrong they were.

I'm learning, of course. Everything was not so pretentious, but the essence was conveyed correctly - it was in 1995 that Microsoft faced the need to urgently reconsider its strategy. MSN, in which enormous amounts of money had been invested, failed to cope with its leadership role. Bill Gates understood that they urgently needed someone who could, at a minimum, become popular and convenient. The decision was made to start working on IE.

Internet Explorer's first victory

In the mid-90s, the Internet was dominated by Netscape browser. The developers of Internet Explorer were given a specific task - to quickly create a program that would win the palm from Netscape. The first release was based on the developments of the now defunct Mosaic browser. Naturally, some things have been improved and some things have been refined.

Finally, on August 16, 1995, the first version of Internet Explorer was released. By the way, it has not yet been integrated into Windows and was offered for free download. Free browser, immediately integrated into Windows "95, appeared a little later - in 1996. And this immediately began to bear fruit: the program had its first fans. By the way, already from the second release (November 1996) the browser was available both for Windows , and for Mac.

By 2001, six versions of the program had been released, and each version was significantly updated and modernized. We must pay tribute to Internet Explorer - for that time it was a pretty good browser: high speed downloads, completely free, constant updates.

It is no wonder that it was in the period from 1999 to 2003 that the Internet Explorer browser won a huge market share, finally defeating the completely unupdated Netscape Navigator in a fair fight. It was this period (until 2003) that is considered to be the “golden era” of IE: according to some data, at that time the program was used by up to 90% of Internet visitors. The figure is more than impressive.

Sunset Internet Explorer

In 2001, an event occurred that first raised the popularity of Internet Explorer to its highest heights, and then turned into its “gravedigger.” It was in this year that the famous sixth Internet version Explorer, which has caused thousands of severe nervous disorders and attacks of hatred among webmasters around the world. This version completely ignored generally accepted standards and applications specifically adopted by the W3C consortium.

Speaking in simple language, sites may look great in all known browsers, but will frankly “float” in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. Naturally, too many people did not like this state of affairs. Numerous security holes in the program did not add to optimism.

What exactly happened? It's simple - the usual dizziness from success. Besides the fact that the sixth version itself was quite good (not counting the above-mentioned problem and security problems), it was installed on Windows XP - a real Microsoft masterpiece that broke all records of popularity among users: an unthinkable thing, even today, more than 10 years old, millions of people use this OS.

It was a simply fantastic situation: a very popular version of the browser was installed on an even more popular version of the OS. It would seem like a miracle, comparable to winning the lottery.

You, Microsoft did not provoke a confrontation with the whole world and did not derive any benefit from this situation for itself. I don’t presume to judge what exactly became the root cause of such a strange position: was it pride, the desire to create an alternative (read, subsequently the main) direction in the development of browsers, or something else. What worked perfectly with Windows did not work with the IE browser: users did not want to accept the imposed rules of the game and began to look for other programs for surfing the Internet.

The sixth version of the browser has gained notoriety both among web developers and users. And the more popularity of XP grew, the more dissatisfaction was caused by the browser built into it. This is the paradox in the history of Internet Explorer.

Internet Explorer today

Of course, Microsoft rushed to fix the situation, but it was too late. The outflow of users began and continues to this day. Yes, there was the ninth version of Internet Explorer, where all sites were viewed quite correctly, and security problems were more or less resolved. But invaluable time has already been lost. Over the years, new programs have grown and fledged (,), which gladly picked up the flag that fell from the weakening hands of IE. The moment was lost.

To date, there are 11 full-fledged releases of IE, and the latest one is a completely competitive product. Not without flaws, of course.

Yes, today's share Internet browser Explorer ranges from 25% in the US to 8% in Russia and some European countries. But what strength does this give the company! If earlier the influx of users was completely natural, today maintaining positions is only possible with the support of three pillars: huge money, mass PR and, of course, integration into the world’s most popular OS, Windows.

What was literally lying under our feet yesterday, today the creators of the browser have to extract it with enormous efforts.

This is the history of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. A browser that could become for Internet visitors what Windows became for most computer users - everything. But in the end, IE became just one of them.

Hello everyone Let's talk about a program like Internet Explorer, which is in every Windows, I will also tell you why it is needed. This means that Internet Explorer is a browser, but not everyone’s favorite, you can even say that it is the most NOT popular browser, although it is available in any Windows. For some reason no one likes it, no, well, of course there are those who use it, but many are still dissatisfied with it..

And do you know why? Because Internet Explorer is a very slow browser, it’s not clear why it’s so slow even in Windows 10! Or did you think he wasn't here? It’s here, and it’s there, where did it go? True, if I’m not mistaken, then its development has been stopped, because His Majesty came to replace him Microsoft Edge, this is like a super-duper fast browser..

It's not all that simple though. The fact is that even when Microsoft Edge appeared, Internet Explorer was not removed from Windows. And it seems to me that this was done because Internet Explorer is not just a browser, it is a system program, the object of which can be used in another program. Well, that is, I mean that any programmer can write a program that will use Internet Explorer for its own purposes. And so that such programs work, and they exist, as it were, that’s why this browser remains in Windows 10.

This is what Internet Explorer looks like:

Supports almost everything that modern browsers. However, such a little thing as Paste and go, well, when you copied the link, there is no such thing in this browser, it’s a jamb, it’s a jamb

By the way, do you know how to quickly launch Internet Explorer? I'll show you now! So press Win + R and write the following command there:

And that’s it, then click OK and that’s it, Internet Explorer will start! But if you write in the window not iexplore, but iexplore -private, then it will start immediately in private mode

Is it possible to uninstall Internet Explorer? Well, actually you can't. You can disable it at most using Windows settings. But you can still remove it, although it is a little dangerous.. Okay, let me first show you how to disable it. So look guys, click right click Click on the Start icon and select the topmost item, that is, Programs and Features:

Now in the window there will be such a thing as enabling or disabling Windows components, so click this:

A window will appear, here you need to find Internet Explorer 11 and uncheck it:

When you uncheck the box, the following message will appear, then click Yes:

Then click OK and there will be a window like this to search for some files, well, it’s like turning off Internet Explorer:

And then you will need to restart the computer again, well, in short:

I advise you not to postpone the reboot, but to complete the job

Then I tried to launch Internet Explorer and this is the error I saw, as if it had actually been deleted:

But the Internet Explorer folder in Program Files still remains, here are its contents:

That is, you see, there is no iexplorer.exe file, but it is this file that launches the browser! There is no file in either just Program Files or Program Files (x86). That is, it smells like a real shutdown and one might even say deletion, because the browser cannot be launched and the main file, that is, iexplorer.exe, then it is not there, but this is essentially the browser.. These are the pies guys

Well, now about Internet removal Explorer. If you want to delete it, I'll show you how to do it, you can try it too. But before deleting, so to speak, for the best effect, well, I’ll write just in case, before deleting, it’s better that the browser is disabled. Well, that is, as I showed above, through Windows components.

Before deleting, be sure to make a restore point first. But why create this point and how to do it at all? I already deleted it once system program called MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser, and to avoid any mistakes, I first created a restore point just in case. I wrote about this to everyone here, I advise you to take a look

So, to be honest, I don’t know whether I will be able to remove Internet Explorer or not, but I hope that it will work out, and now I will do it. First, we need the Unlocker utility; we can’t do without it. You can easily find it on the Internet, because the utility is quite well known. It seems that this is the official website from where you can download the utility, there is even a portable version.

Just be careful when you install it, some other left-handed program is often installed along with it, so be careful and look for the presence of left-handed checkboxes when installing. When I installed Unlocker for myself, there was this checkbox for installing some incomprehensible leftist:

So, I installed the Unlocker utility, so what do we do now? What we’ll do is delete the Internet Explorer folder from both Program Files and Program Files (x86). The Unlocker utility was created just for such things; it can delete things that, in principle, cannot be deleted. Therefore, be careful with Unlocker and do not delete anything unnecessary, otherwise there will be glitches later and Windows will suddenly not boot!

So, let's go first to this folder:

C:\Program Files

Right-click on the Internet Explorer folder and select Unlocker:

That's it, then you need to select Delete from the menu and click OK:

After this, the Internet Explorer folder should be successfully deleted:

Now you do the same with the Internet Explorer folder that is located in Program Files (x86), that is, you also delete it using Unlocker.

After I deleted it, I rebooted to check that everything would work as it should. Windows turned on, folders opened normally and without glitches, that is, Explorer worked as expected. The fact is that I uninstalled Internet Explorer in Windows 7 in the same way, but there was a jamb, then all my folders opened in a new window, this doesn’t seem to be the case here.

I hope that you understand that it will not be possible to return Internet Explorer back. Because we removed it by the roots. Although, on the other hand, you can not delete the Internet Explorer folders, but move them somewhere so that later you can put them back if necessary. And then all that remains is to enable the component, well, in that window Windows components, and it is quite possible that Internet Explorer will recover. But maybe it won't work. In general, you should definitely make a restore point before deleting.

Well that's all guys, now you know not only what it is Internet program Explorer, but also how to remove this program. I hope everything was clear to you, good luck in life and that everything goes well for you


It's hard to believe that no one else knows anything about browsers. These programs have long become our assistants; they allow us to plunge into the world of the Internet and find out everything we want. Web browsers help not only browse web pages, but also open special documents, files, directories, manage applications and solve various kinds of software problems.


We've all heard about the Internet browser, which has become a "cult" (with a negative connotation). Nowadays only a small number of people use it. This is also due to the fact that the company has practically stopped software support for its brainchild, and users are tired of slowdowns and lags.

Some may think that Internet Explorer was the first browser. But that's not true. In fact, he is only 22 years old. The first Internet browser was WorldWideWeb. He became famous back in 1990. It was designed by Tim Berners-Lee. Over time, the browser was renamed Nexus. But this option can hardly be considered full-fledged, since it was used for special tasks.

But NCSA Mosaic has become a common reviewer. He started working with Windows, and it was on its basis with source code Internet Explorer became famous. This happened in 1995. From that moment on, IE began to be included in the Windows OS. And only in the 10th version of the OS this browser was replaced by a new product from Microsoft Edge.

First steps

The browser project was founded in 1994. Thomas Reardon worked on it. The first version appeared the next year and is similar to Spyglass Mosaic, since it was developed based on this browser. Microsoft legally, having purchased the license, creates its first browser. The version became known to owners of Windows 95. Later, an intermediate version appeared, for which support for displaying HTML tables was improved.

Subsequent versions began to appear one after another. In them, users could get acquainted with new functions. Then programmers began to use the iframe element HTML language, which made it possible to create documents within a document.

The fifth version finally stopped rebooting when making HTTP requests to the server. The method of grabbing and dragging parts became known. It is now part of the fifth version of the markup language and is accepted by all applications by default. We added attributes for direct editing of elements from the browser and opened access to the clipboard.

The sixth version of the Internet Explorer browser for XP was noted for the fact that it began to use the P3P protocol to notify about the confidentiality of visitor data. In the seventh version, this function was improved; information was now protected from viruses and network attacks.


IE8 became known to the world in 2009. A beta version was released earlier, which allowed us to identify all the shortcomings. Afterwards, the second beta version was released with improvements, and already on March 19, the main one came into wide use. This browser worked with Windows XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003 and 2008. The system architecture could be 32 or 64-bit. The manufacturer claimed that this option The browser was supposed to provide security, simplicity and lightweight work with PSS, CSS, etc.

The developers have tried to implement strict adherence to standards and correct display of cascading style sheets. JavaScript experience has also been improved and performance has been improved. Anonymous mode could be used. But, despite all the declared advantages and innovations, some countries recommended their citizens to refuse to use this web browser, since security problems were discovered during the work. This version of Internet Explorer for Windows XP was the last for users of this operating system.


Work on this update began immediately after the release of the previous one. Developers wanted to improve the performance of web applications by improving the way DirectX works. In 2011, it was possible to check this when working with IE9. This version supported operating systems starting with Vista. It has become possible to use CSS 3, but only partially. We also decided to provide support for ICC color profiles version 2 or 4.

It was the first web browser to be hardware accelerated. It was necessary for quick display graphic elements. Loading of text and video was also accelerated using special technologies. It became possible to pin pages to the taskbar, and testing showed excellent results.


The tenth version of Internet Explorer for Windows 7 was not released immediately. Initially, the company introduced this browser for two systems: Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. On the G8, this version of the web browser was divided into two parts: the classic one for the desktop, and the first one for touch devices. The update allowed you to manage all the new JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3. We again tried to improve technologies for the security of user data and various tools.


The eleventh version of Internet Explorer is latest update. Released in 2013 on Windows 8.1. At first I worked with this version of the operating system for PCs and smartphones, and later with the “seven”. With the release of Windows 10, it entered the complex along with a new product from Microsoft.

The updated version now supports synchronization of all personal data and tools through your account Microsoft entry. The developer conducted testing and stated that this version is definitely considered the fastest at the time of its release. There are many innovations associated with the smartphone version.

Since the beginning of 2016, the manufacturer announced that this version of Internet Explorer is the only one that will be supported by the company for some time. All others, outdated, will be deprived of technical support and security updates.


It's no secret that few people like this browser. He received a ton of criticism at the time. At first this was due to the fact that the Microsoft web browser was the only one available on the system. The developer wanted to monopolize the market for desktop operating systems. But soon it became possible to choose the default browser.

Later, many countries began to claim that Internet Explorer is not a flexible web browser. It does not have sufficient support for web standards, which, naturally, programmers did not like. It was only in the ninth version that all the necessary technologies and functions were added, while webmasters moved to other platforms.

There were also questions about safety and operational work. Particularly doubts arose regarding test scores. Some experts believed that Microsoft was deliberately tweaking the results in order to somehow stay afloat.


Microsoft Edge is a continuation of the Internet Explorer browser. The new application appeared along with the tenth version of the operating system. The new product is presented to the public as the default browser. Internet Explorer 11 also remains on the system to maintain backward compatibility. Microsoft Edge runs on a new JavaScript engine and interpreter. Allows you to use a stylus. The Cortana assistant has been introduced. You can log in via biometric system authentication and much more.

The replacement for the old Internet Explorer was a success. Of course, it’s too early to talk about this, since his audience is small. But those who have already tried this web browser were satisfied with both the speed and security. The only thing is that some are missing additional tools and extensions.
