hasp key emulator for all 1c platforms. What you need to know when installing keys

At the request of our regular site visitor, we will publish a short article on how to install and configure the HASP driver emulator for 1C 8.2 for Windows x64.
We will also analyze the installation and configuration of the 1C 8.2 configuration with demo data.

Installing and configuring 1C 8.2 HASP driver emulator for Windows x64

Operation is guaranteed with a completely clean licensed Windows system ( Windows Vista x64, Windows Server 2008 x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 including Service Pack 1)
Install under local administrator!

1) Remove the old license manager and HASP driver (Control Panel -> Programs and Features). We also remove all old emulators and platform patches.
2) Disable User Account Control. Start -> Control Panel -> Change User Account Control settings. Set the value to "Never notify" (slider down).
3) Installing 1C (platform) with HASP driver or Installing HASP driver version with x64 support:

Download HASP driver with x64 support:

4) We make dumps (the registry branch with dumps has changed) - the “Dumps” folder, run and add the file to the registry "v8 50 user.reg" for workstation, for the server you need to add all the files in folder "Dumps"- archive for download at the bottom of the article.

5) Run install_certif.cmd(Installing a personal certificate and enabling test Windows mode ) if you don't want to press F8 every time you start it.

At the same time, your OS should boot in test mode - if this did not happen, then you need to press the F8 button during reboot and select Test mode with the ability to install drivers with unsigned certificates. The test version is used to install device drivers that are not signed with a certificate into the system. The certificate is issued by Microsoft after the corresponding driver is sent by the device (hardware) manufacturer for testing to the Microsoft laboratory. The absurdity is that no one will issue a certificate for the emulator driver and, accordingly, it is impossible to avoid the test version.

Check: in the lower right corner of the desktop Windows desktop must be written in white letters "Test Version" Windows 7 Build ???
If this message no, then, as an option, you did not turn on the test mode, so point 6 may not pass.
You can run the bcdedit.exe /set TESTSIGNING ON command in command line and reboot.

It is also necessary to repeat by removing all the patches, HASP emulators found in the system, and run step 5 again.
Test Mode may not turn on if Windows is already in another mode, such as Protected Mode.
Some windows activators, put the system into protected mode to bypass the activation mechanism.
In this case, you need to remove this activator and/or update the activator and/or purchase a licensed product.

Do not forget to disable the antivirus, its components often block the installation of drivers.

7) Install the driver
Control Panel -> Add Hardware -> (Control Panel -> Device Manager)
Add a new hardware device -> (Set the cursor on any of the device classes -> Action ->
Install old device ->)
Install the hardware that I manually select from a list ->
list manually ->)
Show all Devices -> (Show all devices ->)
Have disk -> (Install from disk ->)
Browse -> (Browse ->) path to the directory with files vusbbus.inf, vusbbus.cat, vusbbus.sys

Answer "Yes" when prompted to continue installing unsigned drivers.

8) Device Manager -> System devices should appear "Virtual Usb Bus Enumerator"
(Device Manager -> System Devices)

Attention. After installing the "Virtual Usb Bus Enumerator" driver, in " USB controllers» additional equipment will appear
Aladdin HASP key” or equivalent “SafeNet key”
Aladdin USB key
or after a reboot or after clicking Action -> Update hardware configuration

Examination. Device icon "Virtual Usb Bus Enumerator" should not be exclamation mark. The device should work normally.

9) Installing the HASP LM driver (ONLY for installation on a Windows Server platform). Archived at the bottom of the article.

9) To disable the display of a message on the desktop "Test version", you must install RemoveWatermarkX64.exe. Archived at the bottom of the article.

Download the archive with the HASP driver emulator for installing 1C 8.2 on Windows x64:

It is also desirable to prohibit the 1C platform from accessing the Internet (we use a Firewall or a third-party firewall).
On this, all 1C Enterprise 8.2 is installed and running.

Installation. Configuring 1C 8.2

it detailed instructions on installation of 1C configuration and creating a 1C database (from the installed configuration). Do not forget that you first need to install the 1C platform. Installation on a computer configuration 1C. Creating a 1C database from a configuration. Creating a 1C database from CF. Creating a 1C database from DT.

What needs to be done to install the 1C configuration?

Configuration 1C is a template. Based on this template, a 1C database is created. The number of 1C databases based on one 1C configuration template is unlimited.

Thus, the essence of setting the 1C configuration is the creation of a database.

You can create a database in the following ways:

- Install a configuration (template) on the computer and create on its basis

- Create an empty database and load CF into it

- Create an empty database and load DT into it

- Restore the backup of the 1C SQL database to another database and hook it up to the 1C server.

CF and DT are unloading configuration from an existing database. They differ from each other in that DT includes data, while CF does not (contains only configuration information).

Installing the 1C configuration from the distribution kit to the computer

The configuration distribution kit is distributed on a disk (select the Install menu item for installation) or as a self-extracting archive via the Internet (unzip to any location and click setup.exe).

Installing the 1C configuration distribution kit asks only one question - the installation directory. By default, the 1C configuration is installed in the templates directory.
it type catalog. For 8.1 it is usually located in "C:\Program Files\1cv81\tmplts\", for 8.2 in "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\1C\1Cv82\tmplts\".
Change the directory to your own:

As a result of the installation, a folder with the installed configuration will appear in the tmplts directory. Inside this folder are folders installed templates configurations. They contain documentation and "extra stuff". See the end of the article for the structure of the tmplts folder and the description of the files in the configuration distribution.

Creating a 1C database from the installed configuration (file version)

The configuration is stored in a directory on disk (the file version, we are considering it).

It is necessary to select a place on the disk where we will create the configuration, for example "E:\My_docs\1C\baza\". Let's go or create this folder and create a database folder in it, for example: "e:\My_docs\1C\baza\torgovlai-dla-fop".
We start 1C. In the database selection window, click the button Add.

Select "Create a new information base” and click “Next”.

If you installed a configuration (one or more) from the distribution kit, then now you will see a list of installed configurations. Options are available for each configuration:
- Configuration name/version
- Configuration name (demo) / version
The first option is a clean, empty database. The second option is a database with demo data for training. We choose the second option (put the cursor on the version number).

Enter the name of the database, it can be anything you understand. It is this name that will be displayed in the list of databases when entering 1C. For example, "Trading for private enterprises in Ukraine (DEMO)"

You need to select the location of the database. We install the file option, so we select "On this computer ...". When you install the client-server option, select "On the 1C server". You must select the same directory that we have prepared for the database. It was indicated earlier when installing 1C. In our case, this is: e:\My_docs\1C\baza\torgovlai-dla-fop

After that, leave the installation step unchanged:

Select our Demo configuration and open it.


We answer positively to question 1C. Performs version conversion. Upon completion, you will receive a notification:

Run the configuration - and get to work.

tmplts folder structure reminder

1) folder "1s" - configuration templates of the company 1C
2) folder "Configuration name" - the English name of the configuration (Accounting-Accounting, Trade-Trade Management, Hrm-Salary and Human Resources)
3) “Version” folder – configuration version
4) Folders and files of the configuration template.
For example, the path to the Trade Management configuration template version
C:\Program Files\1cv81\tmplts\1c\trade\10_3_9_4\

1) Readme.txt - the contents of the directory, what is where
2) HTML files - various descriptions and help for using configurations
3) 1cv8.cf - it is in this file that it is stored - 1C configuration
4) 1Cv8.dt - this file stores a database archive based on this configuration, usually a demo database; the file contains inside itself both configuration and data
5) 1cv8.cfu - configuration update file, used to switch from one configuration version to another
6) TTF files - font files, used for example for printing barcodes, please note that these fonts need to be added to the system if they are in the configuration distribution
7) XML files - often various classifiers are supplied with the configuration, we will consider their loading into the database in future releases, please note that these files should also be loaded into the database after it stops (for example, okp.xml)
8) ExtReps catalog - external reports and processing used for accounting, often reports are delivered that change frequently, for example, various printing forms
9) TradeWareEpf catalog - processing that is used to connect equipment, we will consider the connection in future releases
10) Conv_XXX directories - these directories store "conversion rules", the rules by which you can upload data from one database to another

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1C:Enterprise version 8 software products can also be protected from copying by hardware LPT or USB dongles of the HASP4 Net type from Aladdin. This article provides information about the type, marking and purpose of various HASP4 Net keys from 1C:Enterprise. As well as an overview of software products from Aladdin, which are used to install, configure and administer these keys (for OS of the Windows family).

1. Marking and assignment of keys

All HASP4 Net keys can be conditionally divided into 2 types "Client" and "Server":

The purpose of a particular key can be determined by its bloom and labeling. In the figures below, the key marking is highlighted with a frame. The remaining characters on the key do not have much meaning for program users. The type and purpose of the key by marking can be determined from the table below:

Table of key types HASP 1С:Enterprise 8
Type / color Marking / series Purpose
  • 1C: Accounting 8 PROF
  • 1C: Accounting 8 PROF. Supply for retail distribution
  • 1C: Accounting 8 CORP
  • 1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8
  • 1C: Accounting of an autonomous institution 8 PROF
  • 1C: Accounting department of an autonomous institution 8 KORP
  • 1C: Trade management 8
  • 1C: Payroll and Human Resources 8
  • 1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8
  • 1C: Small business management 8
  • 1C: Complex automation 8
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing enterprise management
  • 1C: Document management 8
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 1 workplace
  • 1C: Accounting 8. Set for 5 users
  • 1C: Accounting 8 PROF for 5 users. Supply for retail distribution
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. A set of applied solutions for 5 users
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 5 workplaces
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 10 workplaces
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 20 workplaces
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 50 workplaces
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 100 workplaces
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 300 jobs
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 500 jobs
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Server license (x32).
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Server license (x86-64).
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing enterprise management for 10 users + client-server. The package includes two keys: Multi-user for 10 workstations and for the server 1C:Enterprise 8.* (x32)
  • 1C: Integrated automation 8 for 10 users + client-server. The package includes two keys: Multi-user for 10 workstations and for the server 1C:Enterprise 8.* (x32)
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. A set for training in higher and secondary educational institutions. The package includes two keys: Multi-user for 20 workstations and for the server 1C:Enterprise 8.* (x32)

The size of USB keys may differ from the size of the keys shown in the figures. Software products of the 1C:Enterprise system produced before 2009 were equipped with USB keys in a longer form factor - 52 mm. The color scheme and marking of the keys remained unchanged.

2. What you need to know when installing keys

There are a few things to consider before installing HASP keys, namely:

  1. The total number of users who can work with 1C:Enterprise is equal to the sum of licenses available in each of the client keys.
  2. On one physical computer, 2 or more keys of the same Series, since these keys are indistinguishable and in fact only one of them (chosen arbitrarily) will be used. The key series can be determined by the last 5 characters in the marking (ORGL8, ORGL8A, ENSR8, etc.). Keys of different series can be installed on one computer without problems.
  3. Client keys can be installed on any computer on the network (if HASP License Manager is running).
  4. If there are several keys, licenses are issued in the following order:
    • in ORGL8 series key
    • in ORGL8A series key
    • in ORGL8B series key
  5. Also valid "Key remembering", i.e. when you re-apply, an attempt will first be made to obtain a license from the key, whose license was obtained by the user during the last connection.
  6. The server key must be installed directly on the same computer that is used as the cluster server 1C:Enterprise. It will not work over the network.
  7. Server 64-bit keys can also be used on 32-bit systems.
  8. There are certain problems with forwarding a server key from a physical environment to a virtual one on some hypervisors. For example, I never managed to transfer the server key to the virtual machine in .
  9. COM connection also requires a license.
  10. Web services do not require client licenses.
  11. Full license search algorithm at the start of 1C:Enterprise for the version 8.3 described, for version 8.2 — .

3. Peculiarities of accounting for client licenses

At startup, the 1C:Enterprise client can use to obtain licenses:

  • local key— a key installed on a physical computer from which 1C:Enterprise is launched. Gives the right to launch an arbitrary number of system instances on a computer with a key from under one Windows session in 1C:Enterprise or Configurator mode. When working in terminal mode, it allows only one user to work, who connected to the terminal session with identifier 0.
  • Multi-user key available over the network through the HASP License Manager- Ensures the simultaneous operation of as many computers as there are users for the key. Similar to a local key on one computer in one Windows session, it is possible to launch an arbitrary number of system instances in any mode within one license. When working in terminal mode, the installation of the HASP License Manager is also required.
  • 1C:Enterprise server or web server extension module— In addition to the HASP License Manager program, licenses can also be issued by the 1C:Enterprise server or the web server extension module (only when working with the file database via the Web client). At the same time, the 1C:Enterprise server or the web server extension module is responsible for counting licenses. In this case, unlike the two previous options, licenses are consumed on a per-session-one-license basis. Thus, if two instances of 1C:Enterprise are running on the same computer, two licenses will be consumed.

Besides very important to know and take into account the following feature: if several multi-user client keys of the ORGL8 series are found on the network, then the server will select one arbitrary key. After the licenses of this key are exhausted, it is possible to use one multi-user key ORG8A, and then it is possible to use one multi-user key ORG8B.

4. Programs for administration of HASP keys

4.1 HASP Device Driver

At the time of this writing, the current version was 6.62.1. You can download from the official site or from.

This is nothing more than a normal device driver. It is needed in order for the HASP4 Net key to be defined in the system. Install following the instructions of the installer.

4.2 HASP HL ​​License Manager

from the official site or from .

The license manager is a utility that serves as a link between the network key and "1C" that runs on a remote machine. When installed, the HASP License Manager automatically creates a . However, for the protected application to work on a remote workstation, it is necessary to check that UDP and TCP packets pass through port 475 in both directions without any obstacles. It is desirable to install the manager as a service by selecting " Service (nhsrvice.exe)» during installation.

Well, after installation, the corresponding service should appear.

When installing two or more license managers on a network, they must be configured for correct operation. Otherwise, a collision between license managers by name may occur on the network - at startup they take the same name by default, and as a result, there are several resources with the same names on the network. It is worth noting that managers often work normally even without configuration. However, be aware that a problem may occur. In addition, customization may be needed, for example, to separate clients into different license managers. Read more about this.

4.3 Aladdin HASP Monitor

At the time of writing, the current version was 8.32.5. You can download from the official site or from.

This utility is used to monitor key access and busy licenses. Once installed and launched, the program scans the network for a license manager and shows active connections from client applications to these services. The monitor allows you to see the names of the hosts on which the service and HASP keys are installed, the maximum number of licenses in the key, the number of used licenses and the name of the clients who received the license.

It should be understood that the monitor itself can only show the presence of a license manager at a particular address. He will be able to see the key only after the protected application successfully opens at least one session with the key. In addition, keep in mind that Aladdin Monitor works only via the UDP protocol, port 475, so for the program to work you need . Thus, the lack of data about the key in the monitor does not mean that the key is not available to the application.

5. Viewing the received license in 1C

The list of all visible keys, as well as the place where the current license was obtained, can also be viewed directly from 1C:Enterprise. It is enough to start 1C in 1C: Enterprise mode, select " Reference» — « About the program…” or click the icon with an exclamation mark on the panel.

In the window that opens, information about licenses can be viewed in the " License».

Here we will see the key that issued the license to this user, as well as all visible network keys. Information about issued licenses is also available in the 1C:Enterprise Server Administration Console in the list of infobase sessions (starting from platform version 8.2.15).

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emulator is a program that mimics the operation of various physical devices or other programs.

For example, virtual disks, game console emulators, games, etc. The article deals with the HASP protection key emulator.

HASP– hardware and software complex for protecting software from illegal (unauthorized) use and distribution.

The keys are issued for various operating systems - Windows, Linux, Android and 32-bit and 64-bit computers.

The system was developed by Aladdin KS, whose protection includes:

– electronic key (USB key fob);
- special software for binding to a key, protecting programs and data.

There are various versions of the HASP key:

- USB keychain;
– key LPT;
– PCMCIA card, internal PCI card.

The USB key fob is the most widely used. Currently, there are several options for keys:

1) HASP 4 (the first version of protection), HASP HL ​​(HardLock - a modern version) are hardware keys.

2) HASP SL (Soft Lock) - software key. This key is more convenient for distributing applications, but has a lower level of protection than HL.

3) HASP SRM is a combined solution, it has a choice - what to use: hardware HL or software SL key.

HASP protection is used by such software packages as 1C, Consultant Plus. The order of protection is something like this. The key is attached to a specific port on the computer. A special protection driver is installed.

The protected program sends protection information through it. If the key is answered correctly, the program continues to work, otherwise: demo mode or just stop.

Key emulation is used in the following cases:

- hacking software protection (hacking, illegal use - unfortunately.);
– unstable operation of HASP keys;
– failure or loss of the key;
– the inconvenience of using the key on different computers.

Such emulators are developed for users of licensed software, in order to facilitate their work (no keychain is needed), which is not a violation of the law.

This means that to install any emulator, you must have a licensed version of the software.

If for some reason you need a key emulator, you need to keep in mind the following - options for emulators, it depends on:

– number of program users;
– program versions – network or for local users;
- for which server you need an emulator - Server 2003, 2008, etc.

Many emulation programs have been created, among them the Sable complex. The following are two specific examples.

Installing the Hasp HL emulator

Additional Information:


Unpack and run HASPHL2007.exe

Drivers and the original connection key must be installed.

In the DRIVER program, click INSTALL - driver installation.

Run the program edgehasp.exe– key generation. Enter the received key into the “EMULATOR” tab. Click "Start Service".

Run the protected program, check its operation, then, if everything works, open the "DUMPER" window. Passwords are displayed in the window. To create a copy, click "DUMP". The result is a .dmp file.

Run the EDGEHASP.EXE program to convert the file.

Open the "DONGLES" file in the "HASP/Hardlock Emulator" window and specify the file name.

Clear dump - CLEAN button.

You can use. 🙂

Installing the Sable emulator

Information can be found at:


Start Sable and wait for reboot.

Remove emulator shortcut - C:\Documents Settings\All users\StartMenu\Programs\Startup

Run C:\ProgramFiles\SABLE\. Run delnt.bat- Remove Hasp from the registry.

Install Hasp emulator - C:\ProgramFiles\SABLE- run instnt.bat.

Run startnt.bat. PU - system - Equipment - remote control

Menu View-ShowHiddenDevice - Click NonPlag… -Scan for hardware…

Properties (Propetries - hasp Automatic.) Ok.

Copy patch77. exe from C:\ProgramFiles\sable in folder 1C.

Run patch77.exe /F1cv7.exe.

Remark . The instructions given are examples to guide you in a real-life situation.

Here you can Download HASP emulator absolutely free.

For today I have everything follow the blog by email. I look forward to your feedback in the comments. Bye!

It is well known that a license is required to work in 1C. 1C provides various security keys: local and network. The local key can be used only on one computer, having the form of a flash drive familiar to us.

Network keys can provide licenses for multiple users, depending on their series. In large enterprises, keys for 300 and 500 connections are most often used, but if necessary, you can purchase less. Please note that one computer cannot have more than one key of the same series.

In this article, we will take a step-by-step look at how to configure the 1C 8.3 license manager so that the network protection key is on one computer. Users from other computers will receive licenses already from it. Simply put, there is only one key, but there are many user sessions.

Setting up the HASP license manager

Let's start by installing the license manager on the computer that will distribute licenses. In what follows, we will refer to this computer as the license server. All required software is included in the 1C:Enterprise distribution.

You can download Alladin HASP License Manager for Windows x64 and x32 from the link.

For the correct performance of the manager, you need to make some preliminary settings. The file where you will produce them is called nhsrv.ini. It can most often be found at C:\Program Files\Aladdin\HASP LM if the license manager is installed as an application. Otherwise (installed as a service) it will be in the system directory of the operating system.

Open the file you found in any text editor, for example, in notepad and add the line there:

NHS_IP_LIMIT = 192.168.*.*

Instead of asterisks, you can put down any number from 0 to 254. Also, if you leave the “*” signs, this will mean that the licenses will “see” all computers on the network whose address starts with 192.168.

For example, if you have the NHS_IP_LIMIT = 192.168.1.* add-on specified in the nhsrv.ini file, then licenses will be available only to computers with ip in the range from to

Settings on client PCs

After you have made all the necessary settings on the 1C license server, you need to configure the client computers themselves.

When running 1C on a user PC, the program requests a license at the address specified in the nethasp.ini file. You can find it in the "conf" folder of the directory where the 1C platform is installed. In our case, the address is: "d:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\conf\".

Without any additional settings, the 1C program will search for licenses throughout the local network. To speed up this process, we can independently specify the ip address of the license server in this file by adding the text highlighted in the figure below to it.

Installing hasp emulator

The first thing that did not please me was that 1C did not want to accept its iron security key. When starting, he thinks for a long time, and then writes: "The protection key was not found" - and falls out.

I haven't heard of similar issues from other people though. Installing a new version of the HASP emulator drivers from www.alladin.ru did not change the situation. Therefore, leaving the cherished key proudly hanging out in the LPT port, let's roll up our sleeves and start looking for a way around this problem.

The most common way is to install a HASP emulator. The most common emulator for 1C is . It should be noted that not every Sable is suitable for Win2003 Server, and even more so, not every Sable will work on a two-processor machine. So before you take any action, read this section to the end.

I have three different releases of the "server" Sable, the sizes of SABLE.EXE are 508.944, 510.202 and 516.631 bytes, respectively. All three, according to Sobol's text, work fine on multiprocessor systems. Which one to use is up to you. Try 516.631 or 510.202. The procedure for installing Sable on a two-processor Win2003 Server is quite tricky:

  1. We start the installation and install Sable. At the end, the installer asks to reboot the computer - we agree.
  2. 2. Go to "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start menu\Programs\Startup", "C:\Documents and Settings\All users\Start menu\Programs\Startup" and remove the shortcut (or .cmd) that launches emulator.
  3. Go to C:\Program files\sable\ run delnt.bat - it cleans the HASP drivers from the registry.
  4. Be sure to reload!
  5. Go to C:\Program files\sable\ run instnt.bat - it installs HASP driver emulation.
  6. From there we run startnt.bat
  7. Go to Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device Manager
  8. Menu View -> Show hidden devices. The item "Non-Plug and Play Drivers" will appear in the list of devices
  9. Clicking right click click on the item and say "Scan for hardware changes".
  10. Now, among the devices of this item, the HASPNT device should appear.
  11. Go to Propetries -> Drivers and set the hasp startup type to Automatic. OK.
  12. Go to C:\Program files\sable\ and copy patch77.exe to the 1C directory.
  13. Run patch77.exe /F 1cv7.exe (perform "full patch")
  14. Delete patch77.exe. We are overloaded.

If everything is done correctly, after a reboot, 1s will stop swearing at the lack of a key, and will work in normal mode.

We recommend that you run 1C 10-15 times for verification. It should start quickly, without swearing at anything. If you find that 1C starts the emulator every other time, or only from the 10th attempt, it's because hasp is set incorrectly. From my experience, I can say that if HASPNT is raised from autorun (where the Sable installer initially pushes it), then: - firstly, in order for the emulator to work, after rebooting the server, you need to log in as Administrator; - secondly, with this launch option, 1c started from the 10th time.

So, even if during repeated testing 1C started without failures, reboot the server again and test the launch of 1C again. There were cases when the emulator did not always rise correctly when the server started.

Can you imagine the pain that awaits you?

Well, now the second way to wean 1c from HASP: find the patched 1cv7.exe. I can’t vouch for the advantages / disadvantages of this method yet, but it seems that everything is working so far ..


Don't rush to say goodbye to your old favorite hasp emulators and their software. On the Web, you will find emulators for any system ever released.
