How to leave forever. How to delete a VKontakte page? Deleted VK page

Deleting the personal page of a user of the VKontakte social network is a rather multifaceted matter. On the one hand, this can be done without any unnecessary problems, using the standard functionality; on the other hand, it all depends on the owner of the profile and his personal preferences.

Today, if we compare the situation with what it was several years ago, the administration has taken care of users who may want to deactivate their page. Due to this, the standard VKontakte settings interface contains specialized functionality that gives anyone the opportunity to delete a profile. In addition, VK has unique hidden settings, by completing which you can deactivate your account.

Before deactivating your own VKontakte page, it is extremely important to understand what exactly you want. For example, perhaps you want to delete a profile only temporarily, or vice versa forever in the shortest possible time.

In all cases of deactivating a VK profile, you will need patience, since instant deletion is currently impossible; this is necessary for the security of users’ personal data.

Please note that each proposed method involves the use of the standard VKontakte interface, displayed through any Internet browser. In case you are using mobile device or special applications, the removal technique may simply not be available to you.

Method 1: Uninstall via Settings

The method of deleting a VKontakte account through the basic settings is the simplest and affordable way for everyone. However, if you decide to deactivate your page in this way, you will encounter some problematic aspects.

The main feature of this deletion method is that your page will remain in the social network's database and can be restored for some time. At the same time, unfortunately, it is impossible to speed up the deletion process, since the VK administration, first of all, thinks about the security of user data and deliberately set a fixed deletion period.

Contact support directly with your request quick removal, in the vast majority of cases, is useless.

When deleting a page through standard user settings, you should be aware that the associated phone number will remain associated with it until permanent deactivation, for a period of seven months from the date the deletion is initiated. Thus, deleting the VK page to free phone number- the idea is unsuccessful.

In the dialog box that opens, you are required to indicate the reason for deactivation. In addition, here you can uncheck or leave the checkbox "Tell your friends", so that your comment about deleting your profile is displayed in their feed, as well as on your page (in case of restoration).

If you select one of the prepared items, your avatar will have a unique avatar until your account disappears completely. appearance, depending on the selected reason option.

This technique is recommended for those who only need to temporarily hide their page from other users. If you really want to get rid of your profile, then this method will require a lot of patience from you.

You can create a new account by specifying the phone number associated with the deleted profile. This will not speed up the deletion in any way, but it will still minimize the chance of accidental authorization and subsequent recovery.

Please note that if you need to restore the page for a while, the deletion date will be updated in accordance with the deactivation rules.

Method 2: Temporarily freezing your account

This method of deleting a page is not a means of deactivating a VKontakte profile forever. Freezing an account gives you the opportunity to hide your account from the eyes of other social network users. At the same time, you retain full access to all the features of

Unlike the first method, freezing will require deleting any user data and files.

The only advantage of this method is the ability to remove the freeze at any convenient time, after which you can continue to use the page.

  1. Log in to VKontakte using an Internet browser and use the drop-down menu in the upper right part of the page to go to the section "Edit".
  2. It is recommended to switch the birthday information to "Do not show date of birth".
  3. Remove all information about yourself by switching between tabs on the right side of the editing page.
  4. You need to erase all information that you have ever provided. Ideally, only data about your gender should remain.

  5. After saving the new data, use the drop-down top menu to go to "Settings".
  6. Here you need to switch using the right menu to the subsection "Privacy".
  7. Scroll down the page to the settings block "Contact Me".
  8. For each item presented, enter a value. "Nobody".
  9. Additionally, in the block "Other" opposite the point “Who can see my page on the Internet?” set the value "Only for VKontakte users".
  10. Return to home page, clean your wall and remove any user files, including photographs and videos. Perform exactly the same actions with the list of your friends.

It's best to block people you delete so they don't remain on your follower list. The subscribers themselves also need to be blocked using a blacklist.

After all the steps taken, you just need to leave your account.

Method 3: Custom Settings

In this case, you don't need to strain yourself manual removal all friends and user data. You will only need to do a few things, the main ones being new profile settings.

The main advantage of the technique is the somewhat accelerated removal process, but only with strict adherence to all instructions.

As before, you will only need any Internet browser and full access to the page to be deleted.

The deletion technique works due to the fact that the VKontakte administration perceives such profile settings as a voluntary refusal of the owner from the services of the social network. Over the next few months (until 2.5) your account will be completely deleted in automatic mode, and those tied to it e-mail and the phone will be free.

You can choose any of the above removal methods, depending on your personal preferences and goals. But do not forget that it is basically impossible to perform instant deletion, since the administration does not provide such an option.

We wish you good luck in achieving your goal!

Hello! Evgeny Kryzhanovsky is in touch! Today I’ll tell you how to delete a VKontakte page forever. Deciding to tie the virtual knot social networks, you, unwittingly, are drawing yourself into a dense web in which entire hours of time will be lost.

If you decide to delete your VKontakte page, then you can easily solve this problem. By freeing yourself from the passionate desire to regularly visit your virtual page due to its absence, you will get a lot of free time, which you can spend usefully.

Of course, at first it will be difficult for you to survive your own disappearance from the social network, since you will suddenly lose such privileges as permanent virtual communication with friends, the opportunity to find out news that you don’t always need, and you will also stop wasting a lot of time on various applications, watching videos and playing games.

However, it is worth it, because in return you will get more - huge amount free time. You can always spend it usefully - for example, reading, watching a movie, meeting friends in person and chatting. I congratulate you on your decision to remove yourself from the VKontakte website database and propose a simple algorithm for this procedure.

How to delete a VKontakte page? The easy way!

  1. To begin with, which is quite logical, you need to go to your page and enter your personal login and password there to log into the system.
  2. In the menu on the left, select the “Settings” item, familiar to all users of this network.
  3. Scroll to the very bottom of the page that opens and select the “Delete your page” link with the mouse.
  4. Next, you will see a list of not entirely adequate reasons for deletion, from which you can choose any at your discretion. In this case, pay attention to the “Tell friends” item. By checking the box there, you can notify all friends on your list of your intention to leave the social network. If you leave this item unchecked, then your friends will find out about your escape only by visiting your page. Next, having said goodbye to your page, click on the blue tab “Delete page.
  5. In principle, the deletion algorithm is complete, as evidenced by the dog’s face on your avatar with crosses instead of eyes.

However, despite the deletion, Vkontakte gives the right to restore the page within six months from the date of deletion. In this case, recovery will be only one step away. This moment suggests that deletion in this way cannot be called “permanent” deletion. To implement the latter option, you should take a different route.

How to delete a VKontakte page forever? Exactly forever!

To find out how to delete a VKontakte page forever, just repeat all my steps described below.

  • We go to “Settings” and change the password there, choosing a rather complex combination of letters and numbers.
  • You will also need an unnecessary SIM card, the number of which should be linked to your account.
  • After this, we delete the page in the usual way, as described in the first part of the article.
  • After, instead of a photo on your avatar, you saw a regular dog with crosses instead of eyes, click “Exit” in the upper right corner.

Now you should break the SIM card and throw away the piece of paper with the new complex password, if you managed to rewrite it, just in case. Now you will never be able to log into your account, which in six months will simply cease to exist. Of course, this method is rather psychological, which will allow you to forever ban yourself from entering a social network, giving it a lot of time.

That's all for me! Now you know how to delete a VKontakte page forever. If you don’t understand something, don’t hesitate to ask questions in the comments. I always answer quickly and to absolutely everyone. I wish everyone good and health!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

A user of the social network VKontakte, for one reason or another, may temporarily want to “lay low,” that is, completely erase references to himself from the site. It is possible to close almost all data about yourself with privacy settings, including protecting the page from being visited by a search robot, but this is not enough for everyone. Another option is to delete the VKontakte page temporarily and then restore it. In this article we will look at how to do this.

How to delete a VKontakte page temporarily

The social network VKontakte has a basic tool for deleting a page. By simply pressing a couple of buttons, you can completely delete all information about the page. If you then restore the page in time, which is not difficult, it will turn out that the information was deleted temporarily.

Important: The concept of “recovering a page in a timely manner” means completing this action within up to 7 months. The fact is that if the page has been deleted and 7 months have passed, the VKontakte social network automatically completely erases the profile information from its database. After this there is no way to restore the page.

If you decide to temporarily delete your VKontakte page, do the following:

That's it, your page on the VKontakte social network will be deleted. In simple ways It will no longer be possible to view the information that was posted on it. All your photos, videos, list of friends, subscribers, reposts on the wall, etc. will be hidden from prying eyes.

When you need to restore a page and return all the data on it, this will be quite simple. You will need to go to the VKontakte website and log in to your account. After this, you will see your deleted page, as well as the date until which you have the opportunity to restore it, while preserving the data previously published on it. To return the page to its previous state, click “Restore your page.”

A window will appear confirming the action, in which you need to click on the “Restore Page” button, after which your VKontakte page will instantly return.

As you can see, temporarily deleting a VKontakte page is quite simple. It is important to remember that you are given only 7 months to change your decision to completely remove yourself from the VKontakte social network. If the 7-month period expires and you still do not want to return fully to the social network, we recommend restoring the page using the method described above, and then immediately deleting it again. Thus, the seven-month countdown will begin all over again.

No, but what's wrong with that? - Perhaps this is temporary, because we will have enough time to restore the page - this is in case the withdrawal attack from the news and kittens overpowers you.

Situations are different, sometimes deleting a profile in a contact is simply vital - maybe you are a poor girl who is overwhelmed by your ex and you have no desire to use social networks. So you opened Yandex (or Google) and wrote the cherished words - how to delete an account in VK, but take your time, now I will give you a little educational program...

Before deleting a VK page, you should think about the consequences - social networks have taken root in our lives too quickly and it is not just a messenger. Many of my friends use VK to listen to music or watch movies - if you delete the page, you will lose access to all this data... but I have a solution for you.

Of course, I do not rule out that the meaning of your request on how to delete a page on VK completely implies the complete destruction of data about you right here and now - I will tell you about this first.

How to delete a contact profile completely

You can delete your VK page from any device, even from a smartphone screen. However, to do this you need to use a browser - you won’t be able to do this through the official VKontakte application for iOS or Android

Unlike Odnoklassniki (although now both social networks belong to Mail company, the same one who invented Amigo) in VK everything is more logical and transparent - leaving VK will not be any problem. Now I will show an example of the process of deleting an account using a computer, and just below I will duplicate all the information for the mobile version...

Step 1. Go to the page and enter your page credentials (login/phone number and password). Click on the avatar in the menu and select “Settings” from the drop-down list.

Step 2. On the “General” tab, scroll the window to the very bottom and find the link “You can delete your page” - this is exactly what we need... CLICK!

Step 3. Of course, the developers need to know why you decided to stop using VK and are deleting your VKontakte page, so they will ask you to fill out the reason for your decision. You can ignore and not write anything. You can immediately tell all your friends about your decision to delete the page (don’t forget to check this box) and click “Delete Page”.

Step 4. And that’s all - the page has already been deleted, but you still have time to change your mind (in fact, there’s a lot of time - they give you half a year). If you suddenly change your mind, then simply click on “Restore your page” and you will immediately return to all the delights of social networks as if you had never deleted the page.

An interesting note: if you change your mind and restore the page... and a little later you decide to delete your account again, then the countdown to complete deletion will start again and you will have to wait half a year again.

Your friends on VK will have such information about the deletion - they will even be able to discuss your departure to the real world (well, why else would there be social networks if not to discuss the person?!)

On the mobile version of the site (if you access it from a browser on a smartphone), everything is a little different, but the meaning does not change - we need to go to “Settings” Account" and also click "Delete your page" at the bottom

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about deleting your profile in a contact - everything is extremely simple and clear. Please note that all likes and comments on posts will not go anywhere, even after completely deleting your account.

Temporary freezing of VKontakte account

If VKontakte does not let you go and you still need some functionality of the social network, then you can perform some kind of freezing - simply erase all the data and, as a bonus, change your last name or even your gender. You will be able to listen to music, continue to develop your farm on VK, or follow the lives of your friends (you can even joke in the comments)... but your profile will be as closed as possible from outsiders and other users simply will not know who you are?!

In this case, we will delete all information about ourselves without the possibility of recovery - we will not have the opportunity or time to return everything back if you change your mind

Step 1. Log in to VKontakte, click on your avatar on the right and select “Edit”. On the tab we erase all personal data that could give you away - don’t forget about your birthday (even though no one will remember it - there is a chance of getting burned.)

Step 2. On the “Contacts” tab, don’t forget to clean up the tails about yourself (don't forget to save changes)

Step 3. We go to “Privacy” and select “Only me” or “No one” wherever possible

Scroll down and find “Who can see my page on the Internet” and select “Only VKontakte users”. After all these manipulations, delete all media files (videos, photos and music)... don’t forget about the wall (Durov, bring back the wall)

Step 4. Delete all your friends - it's very easy to do. Go to the “Friends” menu on the left and delete one by one - to do this, opposite the desired friend, click on “Three dots” and select “Remove from friends” from the drop-down menu

Well, in conclusion - so that no one guesses that it is you... you can change your first or last name to any other name so that they cannot find you by searching. It is absolutely not necessary to delete your page on VK - you can use this method and continue to enjoy the benefits of social networks.

How to delete a VKontakte page - for extreme sports enthusiasts

I came across information online about the possibility of setting the correct combination in privacy, supposedly you agree to deletion and you will be wiped from the VK servers... however, it seems to me that such a method does not exist and the information on the sites is not true

Few people know that VK has a huge number of internal rules that you agreed to when registering (but who reads them)... the point is that if you break them, you are blocked and later deleted.

What can be broken? - Of course, you shouldn’t call for extremism or other harsh things... just put your account in any service for getting likes and try to like everyone - if a captcha appears, then you’re on the right track! The page will be frozen and after some time (it’s different for everyone) it will be deleted.


We have discussed with you several ways to delete a VK page. In fact, social networks allow us to stay in touch with family and friends... maybe it’s not worth deleting your account, but, for example, using freezing and trying to get by with little loss. Write in the comments - why are you leaving VKontakte?!

VKontakte is one of the first full-fledged social networks in Russia. Users registered en masse, indicating non-existent data, joined groups, communicated with each other, because it was new. Now, VK is not the most progressive way to keep in touch with family and friends; more convenient Telegram and Facebook have appeared. In order not to spread your attention across several services, you need to delete the VK page and continue communication in a more convenient messenger.

How to delete a VK page via phone

Progress does not stand still; over time, smartphones have become a convenient means of communication, displacing traditional PCs and laptops. According to statistics, more than 57% of users access VKontakte from phones on Android based, another 18% from iPhone.

Therefore, the most pressing issue is deleting accounts using a mobile phone.

Delete via mobile app

VK mobile application, the most convenient way access to social networks. Unfortunately, the developers did not add the function of deleting profiles to it. Neither in the user agreement nor in the profile settings is there an option to permanently erase the data.

Therefore, deletion from the smartphone occurs only through mobile version site.

Mobile version of VKontakte

4. Click the “Log out” button and do not log in for three months.

In order to free up space on the servers, the site engine deletes profiles that have completely hidden information about themselves and have not been active for more than three months.

Above, I described standard methods delete your account as prescribed by the service administration. Now it's time to describe non-standard methods, arising in various life situations, for example, when a page is hacked or the death of its owner.

How to delete a page after hacking

Instead of a conclusion

In this manual, I described everything in detail current methods get rid of your VK account, omitting a few, to put it mildly, “delusional” ones. As a result, we have:

  • All options are temporary until the recovery period has expired;
  • Complete deletion of data occurs within a year after completion of the operation;
  • You can even erase someone else’s account if you have every reason.

I hope I helped solve your problem, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments to the article.
