Effective queries for promotion: rules for preparing the semantic core and assessing competition. Analysis of potential visitors and buyers

1. Use only “targeted” queries.

A person who searched for “paints” may have meant “watercolor paints,” “paint group,” “car paints,” or “hair dyes.”

This is one example of an untargeted request. The request "paint" is suitable for too many people. This means that the ad will be shown to both target users and users who are completely indifferent to your offer. As a result, the effect of the ad is reduced.

The lower the effectiveness (click-through rate) of an ad, the lower it is in the list of all other ads. If the effectiveness has reached a minimum, then the ad is removed from display. To prevent this from happening to you, carefully select the queries for which you will advertise. It is advisable that the ad is shown only to your “target group”.

2. Keep your announcement short.

Brevity is the sister of talent. This also applies to the text of the contextual ad. All people are lazy by nature, that’s why they prefer short texts to long ones.

Despite the fact that contextual ads and are so limited in terms of characters, the shortest ones will still stand out. However, don't take away from the meaning of the ad by making it short. You must describe the entire essence of your proposal in one or two phrases.

3. Use keywords in your ad.

Keywords that are in the ad will be highlighted in bold. This will immediately draw attention to your text. In addition, a person always pays attention to the text he searched for.

Imagine that you need to repair a VAZ car. You entered “VAZ car repair” into the search form. Which of the following headlines would you respond to: “Repair of cars of any brands” or “Repair of VAZ cars”? In the second case, you get exactly what you were looking for.

It is advisable to use keywords both in the title and in the text of the ad. It will always work better if you don't use keywords in the text at all.

4. Each word has a separate ad.

Based on the previous tip, you should allocate a separate ad for each word. This way, you will not only be able to create suitable text for each request, but you will also be able to test in practice the effectiveness of certain words. And this is a very valuable experience.

Imagine this time that you need a certain model of Canon camera. You did a search and found an advertisement advertising this model. But when you clicked on the link in the title, you were taken not to a page with descriptions and prices, but to the “home page” of a huge online store selling a wide variety of electronics.

In this case, you would have to spend a lot of time searching for a page with a description of that very model. Most people won't even try and will simply go to another site. That is why the link from your ad should not lead to the main page, but to a page describing what you offered in the ad itself. Of course, sometimes this can be home page.

1.4 Search engine optimization

Search Engine Optimization ( search engine optimization, SEO) - a set of measures to increase the ranking of sites in search results search engines according to specific user requests. Typically, the higher a site's position in search results, the more interested visitors come to it from search engines. When analyzing the effectiveness of search engine optimization, the cost of the target visitor is assessed, taking into account the time it takes to bring the site to the specified positions.

The search engine takes into account the following parameters of a site when calculating its relevance (degree of compliance with the entered query):

Density keywords, complex algorithms of modern search engines allow semantic analysis of text in order to weed out search spam when a keyword occurs too often.

Site centering index, depending on the number and authority of web resources linking to this site; Many search engines do not take into account reciprocal links (to each other). It is often also important that the links are from sites of similar topics to the site being optimized.

Accordingly, all factors influencing the site’s position in search engine results can be divided into external and internal. Optimization work includes working with internal factors (under the control of the website owner) - bringing text and page layout in line with selected queries, improving the quality and quantity of text on the site, stylistic design of text (headings, bold font), improving structure and navigation, use of internal links, and external factors- exchange of links, registration in catalogs and other activities to increase and stimulate linkability to the resource.

SMM (Social Media Marketing), or SMO (Social Media Optimization) is a set of measures carried out on social networks, blogs, thematic forums and websites to attract new visitors to your website, increase the popularity and awareness of your business, products or services .

SMM is personal communication with your potential clients and the opportunity to immediately receive feedback in the form of opinions and comments from the most active Internet users. Moreover, you will be able to fight negative reviews, by moderating comments and thus managing opinions to your advantage.

Today, social networks in Russia have reached the pinnacle of popularity: our country ranks first in Europe in terms of traffic to social networks. Their audience is wider than that of search engines. More than 11 million blogs are written in Russian. Need I say that this is a huge scope for various types of advertising?

Social Media Optimization (SMO) is essentially the same thing as search engine optimization(SEO), but is not intended for search engines, but for social networks and blogs, in order to attract traffic to your site from there or to form a community of interests within a social resource.

At the same time, the optimizer’s task changes from optimizing for search engines to optimizing for people - including creating interesting, “viral” content.

Another difference between SEO and SMO is the effectiveness of actions. On the YouTube video service, the average number of views per typical video is English older than six months is 10-12 thousand views. Achieving the same number using SEO is much more difficult than is possible for SMO specialists who are trying to start “word of mouth” by starting to promote videos on blogs and social networks. This is often done using special services.

By the beginning of 2010, most companies had already tried social media. Many people bought review publications on blogs, some created their own community in some large social network, someone even made videos that were later to spread virally. Today, SMM is one of the most promising areas for the development of Internet advertising.

When analyzing traffic from search engines, it is important to divide it into two categories: traffic directly related to SEO, and traffic that is not related to SEO or is indirectly related.

Whether or not the target request is in front of you is determined quite simply: by the presence or absence of a stop word in it. For example, for a website of a store that sells exclusively new products, such a stop word may be “used,” and for a company providing services, the word “sale” may be used.

To carry out the simplest analysis, you need to open “Sources”, and then the “Search phrases” tab. After that, click “Upload to CSV”.

After opening the file, mark those search queries, which mention your brand, website address, company name, etc. Also mark phrases that contain stop words. After this, calculate their shares.

Please note that the vast majority of transitions from Google search engine hidden for the Yandex system, as well as vice versa. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate for both systems using the Search Console panel. This way you can most accurately calculate how many requests were branded and non-targeted. In addition, this will allow you to understand how different traffic from Google and Yandex is.

Most in a simple way An estimate of the "natural" relative share of search traffic is to use the LiveInternet counter. With its help, you can view sections of sites of interest to groups. In order to view the desired section, you need to go to liveinternet/stat/ru.

Let's look at slices using two groups as an example. Obviously, the volume of search traffic in the two Google and Yandex is different. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that for a site dedicated to medicine, an indicator of 28% is the norm, while for a site computer topics– this is an extremely low indicator, and most likely it ranks poorly.

After analyzing the LiveInternet counter data, it will be necessary to draw conclusions about whether the indicators are within normal limits and determine the share of traffic from each search engine. This, in turn, will allow you to understand whether any sanctions were imposed on the search engine.

What are slices and what are they for?

A slice is something called certain property, which the audience has, and by which it can be divided into groups and subgroups. For example, which search engine she came from, what month it was, her gender, operating system etc. In Yandex Metrica, you can easily build your own slice by comparing different segments.

What are the benefits of reports from a marketing and SEO point of view?

With this data, two likely conclusions can be drawn: either these pages are not useful as such, or they were not properly configured to attract search traffic.

  • The share of traffic coming from a particular type of site page. This indicator is important for determining which group of pages has the maximum impact, for example, categories, articles, cards, etc.
  • Analysis of devices used by visitors. Thanks to this information, you can determine how urgently the site needs adaptation for mobile devices.
  • Displaying the site in different browsers. Despite the apparent uselessness of this indicator, in fact it allows you to understand whether the site requires adaptive layout, which is useful from a budget planning point of view.

How to track conversion rates?

The goal may be viewing a certain number of pages on the site, following a certain link, or the occurrence of an event. An event is the start of a visitor's interaction with an object, such as a form, button, or pop-up window.

Depending on the topic of the site, it is convenient to form a composite goal. The essence of a composite goal is to build a chain of sequential actions. By tracking the chain, you can determine at what step the user refused to perform subsequent actions, and further analysis will reveal why this happened.

  • Reports: “traffic” and “conversions”

To track goals, you must select a report. At the bottom there is a “goals” tab. In it you can select the desired goal.

  • Adjusting goals

It is almost impossible to immediately set all the goals that need to be tracked. They need to be gradually adjusted if there is a certain conversion funnel, and at some step a significant subsidence is obvious if there is a significant decrease in conversion.

As an example, let’s take a site where the visitor is expected to move sequentially from one page to the second, then to the third, etc. If at some step there is a sudden drop in conversion, then splitting can be a way out of the situation this step into two simpler and, accordingly, understandable to the user.

Compilation full list important goals – the work is quite long and painstaking. Successful compilation requires systematic monitoring and the creation of new events and goals.

If new functionality is added to the site, for example, new form or a calculator, you need to add new goals to the settings, with the help of which visitors’ interactions with new objects will be tracked.

Why is a revision of the semantic core needed?

As a rule, the composition semantic core requires periodic review - approximately every 3-5 months. As a result, the existing core can be modified or extended.
In order to increase attendance, you can use the following scheme.

The above diagram skips the stage of frequency analysis based on WordStat statistics. This is explained by the fact that this statistic does not reflect even a third of the queries that generate traffic. A significant part of the queries in these statistics have a significant frequency, but give an exceptionally small percentage of real visits.

Using the method described above, you can, with little effort, adjust the composition of the semantic core and significantly increase the volume of search traffic. Even better results can be achieved by adjusting the content of the pages and increasing the link mass.

See also on our website.

After you have decided on and created, you need to determine which targeted queries which pages of the site will be related to. There's no need to rush here.

When distributing target queries across pages, you should not “shove in the unfit.” It is not recommended to promote all requests from one page, for example the main page, at once. Previously, when the main page of the site had the greatest weight and was especially popular with search engines, i.e. had the greatest weight on the site, so they did it, wrote large text optimized for target queries, and that was quite enough. Currently, such an approach to the matter will certainly lead to a ban for over-spamming the page. Also, you shouldn’t create for every request separate page and write text for it for this target request. This will not improve the behavioral factor, will complicate site navigation and will ultimately lead to a deterioration in the ranking of your site.

Yandex keyword statistics will help you select target queries (keywords). In the best way, when choosing target requests for site pages, is a site diagram with clearly distributed pages for specific products or services. When using such a scheme while filling the site, you will never experience overspam or dummy pages without targeted requests. For example, let's take a modeling agency website:

  • Home page - high-frequency queries (HF) “model agency”, “model work”
  • “About Us” page - mid-frequency queries (MF) “model agency Kyiv”, “model agencies in Kyiv”
  • “Services” page – midrange and low-frequency queries (LF) “casting”, “hostess”, “model selection”

IN in this example not all pages of the site, but an example of the distribution scheme of target queries across pages.

If you have a website with a catalog of goods or services, try to divide it into sections and subsections, categories and subcategories:

  • for goods or services of the same type
  • for goods or services for a specific purpose
  • by manufacturer name
  • by technical properties, etc.

Look at your site through the eyes of a visitor. If the presence of sections and subsections adds convenience to searching and navigating the site, then undoubtedly such pages should be present, especially since they provide your site with highly specialized traffic for low-frequency queries.

Any service you provide must have its own separate page. Thus, on the website of a modeling agency, the “Services” page included several highly targeted pages:

  • Model school
  • Children's school of models

Based on all this we can summarize:

  • any page of the site relates to certain target queries, but no more than five per page
  • requests should be similar in topic and provide a detailed answer to the visitor’s question
  • separate pages with high-frequency and low-frequency queries

Good luck with filling out your sites.

A Target Request is a practical action plan focused on achieving personal goals through mental work. Essentially, this is a set of techniques and techniques that help:

a) discipline yourself
b) remove fears of the goal
c) set the right goal
d) take the right steps to achieve it.

Any human desire STRIVES for its fulfillment.

This is the LAW.

How many of your wishes have not yet come true?

Although...don't bother counting.

All-knowing statistics have already done this a long time ago - and established:

up to 90% of people's wishes DO NOT COME FULFILLED

Why do wishes NOT come true?

Just 3 reasons:

  1. They don’t translate desires into goals
    (don’t go further than just “I want”)
  2. They have little faith in the fulfillment of their own desires
    (or they don’t believe it at all)
  3. They don't know how to let go
    (“overthinking” the situation, and as a result they take many wrong actions)


Here's what.

When a person’s desires are chronically unfulfilled, a very strong focus of destructive energy is formed, formed by impulses of negative emotions.

This focus settles in the cerebral cortex - the highest part
central nervous system - and begins to seriously harm the natural program of the entire organism, affecting ALL its levels: biological, mental and energetic.

This sabotage manifests itself in the fact that the destructive energy of negative emotions triggers a DANGEROUS CHAIN ​​REACTION:

  • The hypothalamus is first stimulated
  • from this, the pituitary gland releases a lot of adrenocorticotropic hormones (ACTH) into the blood,
  • this causes the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline,
  • and this hormone cannot tolerate slow heart rhythms.
  • In the presence of adrenaline, the heart goes into a crazy gallop - and
  • This race includes organs and systems of the entire organism.

As a result:

  • palpitations
  • ragged breathing
  • wild surges in blood pressure
  • sharp increase in intracranial pressure
  • and other painful glitches.

And the chain reaction does NOT stop there:

  • physiological reactions are continued in the disruption of healthy mental functions.

And...receive and sign:

  • insomnia
  • irritability and psychosis out of the blue
  • chronic anxiety
  • morbid fear of everything
  • and different types of phobias.

But that's not all!

The chain reaction continues its destructive march:

  • penetrates into the energy body and begins to cripple
    lines and meridians.

...And here the chain reaction ends...

Because there is nothing left to cripple: it turns off,
One very important chakra stops receiving energy:


That's all. A person gives up on himself, forbids himself to desire something and stops in his development. A full life stops. Existence remains.


Yes. This can be changed.

And even so: this disgrace, which turns life into a continuous painful restriction, can be completely abolished.

Now move your chair closer and concentrate as much as possible.

Now you will find out what is the MOST IMPORTANT regarding YOUR PERSONALLY cherished desires

When your goal is to get through the day and get home
and sit in front of the TV - then you achieve it

When you set out to feel good, always look like a rose in the dew, and live long life, then you achieve this too

When your goal is a happy relationship and a strong family,
then that's exactly what you get

When you set yourself the goal of making capital and becoming rich
human, then you guarantee yourself just this

Can you see it already? Well, yes:
what you want
wants you too

Please plant this thought in your head - and keep it in your mind constantly.
Yes, with understanding: this is NOT a cheerful assumption, but a LAW.

And this Law says:

A specific desire is a Direct Indication of an opportunity.

Any desire you have cannot arise until
until the conditions for its (your desire) realization are provided.

...Okay, that was the theory...


In practice, these are clear actions according to a strict algorithm

  1. First, you decide which specific of your desires is the highest priority today. Yes, you need to choose your most ardent desire, and stop paying attention to the rest for now. (It will come to them in due time).
  2. Then you take a calendar and mark today.
  3. You count exactly 35 days from this date and record this day on the calendar.
  4. After this, you introduce Special Mental Attitudes into your consciousness, which will form a program in your consciousness for achieving the goal. (And without this - nowhere. Mental program achieving the goal is mandatory, otherwise you won’t meet it in 35 days)
  5. Next, you check your desire for compliance with the 5 Mandatory Rules. If you find that your desire does not correspond to all 5 rules, then in a special way (there is a trick) you achieve this compliance.
  6. Then you take a Special Formula and use it to create... no, NOT a goal statement (this is weak), but a clear and verified Target Request.
  7. Continue like this. You create a clear image of your desire (goal) - you identify what your desire looks like in its realized form. To do this, you use a Special Scenario consisting of 3 steps - and your desire ceases to be something vague and unsteady, but takes on a clear and detailed form.

(And this is not just anything, but a quantum model, which, having been created
in the environment of subtle energies, it always, necessarily, passes into the coarse environment - i.e.


This is almost all that is necessary for your Most Important desire to come true.
But for this to happen not someday later, but in the near future,
necessary – HOW! - practice for exactly 30 days
4 Very Strong – they are even called magical – Mental Techniques

While you are practicing these techniques, you will need to do the following:
scrupulously record all factors demonstrating exactly how
your desire (Main Goal) is progressively realized.

And this - mind you - is very important condition so that your desire ceases to be pie in the sky, but actually comes true - after all, in the process of realizing your desire, you need to constantly be in an extremely conscious state.

(So ​​as not to miss the opportunities that will open up for you in response to your Target Request)


WHO AM I to say this so confidently?

My name is Marta Nikolaeva-Garina, I am a practical psychologist, psycholinguist,
hypnologist... and so on - psychologists with many years of practice always have a lot
local specializations, and there is no point in listing them here - this is not relevant at all.

The only thing relevant to the stated topic is that I am the author of the “Targeted Request” Technology,
and since it is precisely this method of mine that I now present, I will designate the following:
There are already a lot of techniques and methods for achieving personal goals.
And among all those existing, there are enough of them that evoke sincere respect.

However, not all working methods are oriented towards independent use.

Most methods require coaching support and even individual coaching - so it turns out that, yes, there are results, and often outstanding, but when it comes to how many people managed to achieve these results, then... in general, these are modest numbers (although Of course, this does not detract from their importance).

The “Target Request” technology is focused on independent use -
this was precisely my main task when creating this technology.
And it was precisely this task that forced us to minimize the practical algorithm as much as possible,
make it so clear and easy to use that it does not require
volitional efforts and would not cause self-sabotage (this is the eternal companion of all good endeavors).

Am I satisfied with the results? Yes, quite.

The algorithm turned out to be working - it ensures the realization of personal goals and successfully
translates “I want to have” into “I already have.” And, what is especially pleasing,
The algorithm of the “Targeted Request” Technology in most cases demonstrates
high speed of achieving goals - even those that are called global.

And this, of course, is understandable: after all, the realization of goals is ensured not by fussy running around,
always accompanied by erroneous actions, but by a way of mental work.
And this type of work is many times more productive than any other work...


A detailed algorithm that guarantees the realization of personal goals

A practical action plan focused on achieving personal goals through mental work


Why does having a clear goal EQUALize achieving it?

Because this is how the brain works: it contains an automatic mechanism,
performs 2 functions: determines the optimal path to the goal
and unmistakably guides you along this path

This property of the brain is usually called a cybernetic mechanism, and this brain mechanism operates in exactly the same way as a missile guidance system operates: it continuously maintains feedback with the target and, if necessary, corrects the course.
Thanks to this mechanism in your brain, you are sure to achieve your goal - as long as it is clear.


Achieving a goal is an automatic process.

You don’t go to the goal yourself - it’s your goal that leads you to it.

You may object:
they say, to achieve a goal you need persistence. Yes, this is undeniable: persistence – i.e. progressive movement towards the goal is definitely necessary.

But there is no need to deceive yourself.
After all, you know that if you have a clear goal, persistence is NOT a manifestation of your will, but a merit of your goal. It is the attractiveness of the goal that ensures your persistence - and will has nothing to do with it.

(And another insistence: when the will is violated, without really understanding why, -
not only depletes strength, but also inevitably leads to a dead end)

So open your eyes and you will definitely see:
Your goal is using you as a tool to achieve itself.


A clear goal is both the desired reality and the transport that delivers to the desired reality

...Okay, there’s no need to theorize about this topic - the “Targeted Request” algorithm
this is always clearly demonstrated. That's why they often say:
they say, I didn’t really understand how it all happened... (and women formulate it more poetically: “It’s like they picked you up and carried you”)


Of course not.
For those who do not believe in the power of their subconscious, but give unconditional priority
solely based on its logic, the “Targeted Request” technology is not able to help.
For one simple reason: people who do not use their right hemisphere
cut off from the opportunity to get what they want through mental work.

And let me repeat this.
Relying only on logic (and on experience already gained) is very difficult,
and often it is generally impossible to go beyond the boundaries of template ways of achieving goals - and
This is precisely what prevents the stated goal from being realized accurately and quickly.

The subconscious is the main player in the fulfillment of all desires in the world.
And when there is no willingness to admit it, if a person seriously believes
that his logic is capable of constructing an optimal (error-free)
strategy for achieving a personal goal, then so be it:

this is a love of tension and overcoming - and this is a voluntary choice
the hard way. And the “Target Request” algorithm is incompatible with this choice -
after all, the algorithm is aimed at eliminating emerging obstacles and difficulties.

My blog, my rules. As you know, in this blog I write articles based on my personal experience. This blog is also a platform for me for various experiments on website promotion.

Here I develop technologies, and if they show positive results, then I implement them on my other sites. It is convenient to have such a site for a SEO money maker.

After all, in addition to the experiments and invaluable experience, we gain practical skills. And they are very useful in the current realities of website promotion for Yandex.

It can already be said that website promotion nowadays is a rather labor-intensive and interesting task at the same time. We need experiments confirmed not by theory, but by practice. It was for these purposes that a section was created on my blog, hidden from subscribers, where I conducted my experiment. The purpose of the experiment was to promote non-target queries in search engines. And the main questions I wanted to get were: is there any benefit from non-targeted requests and how do they affect the overall conversion of the site?

By the way, here are these articles written specifically for this experiment:

P.S. Articles on non-target queries on this site have been removed. There is only one left - for the experiment. Why I deleted it - read on and draw conclusions.

As we can see, the articles are not targeted for this site, which specializes in SEO promotion websites and making money from contextual advertising. Using these articles, it was possible to collect good traffic in the form of additional visitors. Especially for the experiment, these articles were not specifically promoted in search engines, and links were not purchased for them. They acquired their weight only through internal optimization website and internal linking.

After some time, we can draw a conclusion based on traffic statistics. Yes, these articles receive visitors from search engines and their share in the total blog traffic is not bad. From this we conclude that there is traffic to these articles and they give an increase in traffic. Moreover, this increase will be greater than the larger trust your site has.

The main goal of the experiment was to find out whether promotion for non-target queries is useful. As it turned out, they make almost no sense on this CoolSeoMan blog. These queries are more suitable for entertainment topics, where there is special programs to convert such users. On commercial and purely thematic sites created to make money on contextual advertising, the traffic from such visitors will be stupid. If we attract visitors for non-targeted queries, then we reduce site conversion, which leads to a decrease in the average bid in contextual advertising and a decrease in overall income. Remember, on sites created for contextual advertising, only targeted traffic is needed and nothing else. Only in this way can one achieve good earnings on contextual advertising.

From the above, we can conclude that if you want to attract additional visitors and your site makes money from contextual advertising, then it is highly undesirable to do this. For other sites, this method of attracting visitors may be useful, at least it will increase traffic statistics.

Articles on the topic


  1. Elena:

    Working with a website, filling it out and promoting it takes a lot of time. But this is a really exciting process, especially when traffic grows and you start making money from contextual advertising. I have very little experience in website promotion and so far I don’t see any patterns between my actions and traffic growth, but I continue to experiment. I will definitely observe how non-targeted requests affect traffic.

  2. Well-wisher:

    I completely agree with the author regarding non-targeted requests. I conducted a similar experiment for a year on my thematic blog, and eventually came to the conclusion that it is better to stick to one direction of content for a specific target audience. I forgot to say that the blog makes money purely on context. As a result, when I increased the publication of content on this topic, earnings began to increase in direct proportion to the number of visitors. Fortunately, I won’t share the link to my blog, the niche is quite open, I need to make the most of it =) Good luck!

  3. :

    The non-target audience of the site also directly affects income from contextual advertising. If we have a thematic site on a certain topic, then visitors should come from thematic queries. Otherwise, it turns out that the site is well visited, and the income from contextual advertising is pennies. This also reveals the answer to the question: “why does my site earn little, although a competitor has many times more income with the same traffic?” So you need to carefully monitor traffic, because it directly determines how much you can earn from advertising.

  4. Seorubl:

    At the initial stage of site promotion, I allow non-targeted requests in order to somehow “boost” the site. This must be done carefully in order to improve, and not worsen, behavioral factors on the site. But to make money on context, it is better to use strictly targeted queries. Although if non-targeted traffic has a small share, I think in this case there will be nothing terrible. People may have different interests in the evening, one thing in their head, and in the morning another :-).

  5. :

    About behavioral factors (PF) - you are absolutely right. After all, if there are a lot of non-targeted requests on the site, then the PF will worsen, because for such requests people often do not look beyond the second page and immediately leave. This is not good, these untargeted requests will spoil the overall picture of the site. But if there are not many of them as a percentage (no more than 2-3% of the total traffic), then it’s okay. It is best to initially promote the site for a variety of TARGET low frequency queries. You can select the semantic core of a site in any topic; with skill, you can come up with about a thousand low frequency queries for which you need to write texts. By the way, here is a ready-made example of a site for context.
