What you need to know when buying a laptop. What to look for when choosing a laptop

Modern life trends dictate new rules, and now the best assistant for most of us is a laptop. Therefore, it is very important to choose a truly high-quality device that meets all your requirements.

In this article we will try to give practical recommendations on how to choose a worthy portable friend. The main characteristics of laptops will not be left without attention, since it is almost impossible to choose a laptop correctly and not take into account the parameters.

For convenience and quick transition, a brief summary is provided:

Laptop manufacturer

Such a characteristic as the laptop manufacturer is not predominant when choosing. This follows from the fact that almost all laptop manufacturers do not have any distinctive characteristics regarding the hardware, since they use identical products from well-known manufacturers of video cards, processors, hard drives and other components. The only thing that remains with the manufacturer is the organization of a good cooling system, high-quality assembly, proper appearance of the device and a very small list of other little things. Therefore, you can safely choose from all well-known manufacturers: Apple, Sony, Lenovo, Asus, HP, Acer, Samsung, DELL, etc. Regarding Apple and Sony, this is a rather controversial issue, since they like to increase the cost “per brand”, but the quality is also appropriate. A well-known and reliable grant is the Asus company, with very affordable prices for products for the mass consumer.

Before choosing a particular model, I recommend that you read reviews and user reviews so as not to run into an unsuccessful model in terms of cooling or build quality. Unsuccessful models and even lines slip through all manufacturers without exception.

Selecting a laptop 2013. Hardware specifications

When choosing a laptop, hardware specifications are the most significant and difficult factor. First of all, you need to discard all aesthetic tastes and focus on the insides of the device in order to weed out all unsuitable models.

Before evaluating the hardware characteristics of the device, you need to give a clear answer to the question: what do you need a laptop for? That is, evaluate it from a positioning point of view. You can rank laptops based on a variety of parameters, but it’s better to highlight a few basic ones in terms of performance:

  • Entry level performance. Positioned for working with text, watching videos, simple games and other similar types of tasks. Their main advantage is their low price;
  • Average level of performance. Such laptops can already perform more resource-intensive tasks; to the tasks described above, you can add the ability to play most games at medium settings, the ability to work comfortably in some graphics packages, which as a result makes them more suitable for replacing a home PC. Their price is slightly higher than entry-level laptops, but they have much more features;
  • High level of productivity. This includes expensive laptops that can show fairly high performance in demanding games and programs. Such laptops can become an almost complete replacement for a home PC, but of course with a number of disadvantages.

So, we have completed the conditional gradation. The important thing to understand here is that entry-level laptops will be a very viable option for some, while for some, even mid-range laptops will not be enough. Therefore, we move directly to the hardware characteristics so that everyone can model the necessary device for themselves.

Choosing a processor for a laptop

Choosing the right processor is the key to success. We will not go too deep into the jungle of specific models, but will briefly talk about the main series.

It is worth noting that the processor in any system is responsible for computing performance, that is, to a greater extent for the work of programs aimed at this. For example, with a more powerful processor, file unpacking, video conversion, any type of encoding will be much faster; the operation of almost all types of programs (data processing time in them) depends on the processor. Now regarding specific lines from leading manufacturers AMD and Intel:

  • If you need a laptop for undemanding tasks, then you should choose among the Intel lines - Celeron, Pentium processors, or at worst Atom. In some cases, you can pay attention to the Intel Core i3 from those that are less productive and cheaper in price. If the processor is from AMD, then here we look at the Trinity A4, AMD E, AMD C series. Both Intel and AMD products look good in this class.
  • When it comes to the middle class of laptops, the Intel processors that come under our gaze are: again, the Intel Core i3 and some of the not very productive Intel Core i5, which are affordable. From AMD: Trinty A6,A8 and in some cases A10. Phenom – not recommended.
    In this class, it is recommended to take a closer look at AMD Trinity processors, especially in conjunction with an AMD video card. Such laptops at a reasonable price will give best performance in this class. So, if you want a cheap gaming laptop, the AMD Trinity is for you. But don't have any illusions about these processors: they will provide the best gaming performance for their price, but not exorbitantly and are only suitable for average games.
  • Gradually we have reached the class of high-performance laptops, here we will demand the best from Intel and AMD. Unfortunately, AMD in this class cannot compete with its competitor practically anything (the maximum is A10, and even then it will not be entirely correct here). From Intel series– these are top-end Intel Core i5 and i7. A powerful gaming laptop with these processors is a rather ambiguous thing. Often, it is better to complete the desktop and buy a mediocre laptop. The price won't be much more, but you will have the insane gaming performance of a desktop and good portability of a laptop.

But if you are serious about buying a gaming laptop and expect decent performance from it, then look at models starting from $1200. At the same time, everything must be balanced, and the main thing here is– powerful discrete video card.

Laptop video card - integrated or discrete?

To select video card for a laptop, you again need to build on the positioning classes. If the tasks assigned to the laptop are not high in relation to gaming performance: simple games, watching movies and listening to music, as well as working in simple programs (text editors etc.), then an integrated (built into the processor) video card will be enough for you. Therefore, for the budget and middle class, laptops based on AMD Trinity are very good. AMD Trinity processors have the most powerful integrated graphics; they have no equal in terms of integrated video cards. As a result, in the price range up to $600-700, it is better to give preference to the integrated graphics of these processors, but, again, if the tasks are primarily not gaming, but computing, then in some variations the integrated graphics from Intel will be acceptable.

Rising into the slightly more expensive middle segment of $700-1200, we can already talk about discrete video cards. Here, in terms of graphics, the combination of AMD A10 + Radeon HD 7670 video card will look good and affordable. In this case, the operation of both the integrated and discrete video cards will be implemented in a joint mode using Dual Graphics. This combination will be good for graphic loads (games, high quality movies, etc.). If you need more computing performance, then some discrete video card from Nvidia with CUDA, paired with an Intel processor, would look better here.

Moving into the segment of high-performance laptops from $1200 and far upward, we completely forget about integrated graphics - it has no place here. Among high-performance laptops, we can mention Dell Alienware, but there is too much pathos, for which they want to charge a very large sum. But the characteristics are impressive: two HD7990M video cards in Cross Fire mode.

There are also less pretentious, cheaper models. It is advisable that they have a video card installed somewhere in the performance range of GTX650M or higher, otherwise they will not even be able to parody comfortable game and work in graphics-intensive applications.

Other hardware characteristics

Other hardware characteristics of the laptop include volume RAM and volume hard drive. « There is no such thing as too much RAM» - It follows from this that it is worth choosing models with a large amount of RAM on board. But if we arrange gradation by class, we can distinguish the following dependence:

  • For entry-level laptops, 2-4 GB will be enough;
  • For laptops of average performance level, 6 GB of RAM will be quite optimal (if there are no specific tasks present);
  • For high-end laptops, 6-8 GB or more is required.

If we talk about the volume of the hard drive, then everything is purely individual. For one, 250 GB will be enough, and for another, 750 GB will not be enough. But, as a golden mean, we can call a volume of 500 GB.

Display selection

When choosing a display, you should, again, take into account the positioning of the laptop. When it comes to diagonal size, the golden mean is precisely 15.6 inches; such laptops can boast both the convenience of working in stationary conditions and good portability. If the focus is on portability, then you should take a closer look at 10-13-inch models. If you plan to buy a desktop laptop (desktop laptop for home), then you can raise the bar to 17 or 19 inches.

Resolution will be important here. It would seem - than higher resolution, the better. But not everything is clear here, especially in the case of laptops with weak hardware. If an entry-level laptop (in terms of hardware characteristics) operates with a display resolution of 1920x1080, then its graphics subsystem (which most likely is integrated graphics) will simply die, even when watching high-quality movies. Therefore, balance is very important here. If this is an entry-level laptop, then with a diagonal of 15.6 inches it is quite the best option the resolution will be 1366x768 pixels.

For mid-range laptops, you can aim for 1600x900, but 1366x768 is also a good option, in this case the hardware will reveal itself even more effectively.

For the class of high-performance gaming and home laptops, it is reasonable to select a resolution from 1600x900 and higher, that is, you can aim for Full HD - 1920x1080, fortunately the hardware allows you to “pull it out”.

Displays with IPS matrices have the best image quality, so it is preferable to select laptops with such displays. But if in budget options You will come across other types of matrices - you shouldn’t “twist your nose”. Now any of the matrices have fairly good image quality.

Additional options

Additional factors include the weight and dimensions of the device. You should pay quite close attention to this when choosing a laptop. For some, the device's battery performance will be the most important parameter. It is better to evaluate this characteristic based on reviews and reviews of various laptop models, since developers do not always provide objective information regarding this parameter.

There must also be a standard set of interfaces for communication with outside world– Wi-Fi, USB, 3G, a sufficient number of USB ports, for some quite specific interfaces are useful, such as Thunderbolt, used mainly in laptops from Apple. Here, too, everything is purely individual, and you need to determine, according to the characteristics, what you need and what you don’t.


It remains to summarize all of the above. Of course, it was not possible to describe all the parameters and nuances of choosing a laptop. The most important thing is to clearly define for yourself the tasks of the future laptop, soberly assess your budget for the purchase and the capabilities of laptops in this price range. These factors are the key to a successful purchase.

Good luck in choosing a laptop! If you have any questions to choose from, you can leave them in the comments.

The modern market for mobile computers is so diverse that sometimes even a specialist has to spend a lot of time choosing a good and inexpensive laptop, so as not to regret the purchase later. Well, a person whose life is only indirectly connected with the development of the technological process will have to think carefully before deciding which laptop is best to choose for the home in 2016? After all, unlike a desktop computer, it won’t be much improved. Therefore, it is important to immediately choose a device that you can work on for at least several years. Next, I will tell you how to choose the right laptop for your home, which ones you should pay attention to when choosing for home use or work, and even games, but unfortunately, cramming all this information into one article is stupid, so there will be a separate article for the most necessary needs.In the meantime, you will need to get acquainted with these characteristics and the interesting video below:

Tips for dummies on choosing a good laptop


This is one of the most important characteristics laptop, because it is impossible to change it, and the cost will be very different. Therefore, this criterion should be taken with great responsibility.

What diagonal to choose for a laptop?

Of course, we’ll get to the “filling”, but first of all, it’s worth taking a closer look at the different laptop models in terms of display size. It is important that you feel comfortable working and wearing it comfortably. In specialized stores you can find them with screens from 10.1″ to 18.4″. Which laptop to choose depends on its purpose.

  • If you need a laptop for mobile work in different conditions, you should pay attention to models with a screen of 10.1 -13.3 inches.
  • In cases where you need a laptop for work and home, then choose better options with diagonal sizes from 14″ to 17.3. For this purpose, large screens are more convenient so as not to strain your eyes.
  • Well, if you need a gaming laptop, pay attention to a diagonal of 15.6 inches or more, up to 18.4.

Screen resolution

The quality of the picture you see on the screen depends on its resolution; the higher this indicator, the better and, accordingly, the higher the price of such a laptop. If you see devices in a store of approximately the same price and screen size, in most cases they will have the same resolution. Below I will present options for screen resolutions in all sizes, which may be different:

  • 10-11.6 - sometimes with 1024×600 and 1366×768 the picture quality is better, but if you have poor eyesight, taking such a small laptop with a large expansion is stupid, because all the icons on the screen will be smaller, and this is an extra burden on vision.
  • 13.3 - available 1366×768, 1440×900, 1920×1080 Full HD costs only on ultrabooks for $800 - $1500
  • 15.6 - 1366×768, 1440×900, 1920×1080
  • 17.3 - 1600×900 and 1920×1080 in such Full HD diagonals is a very useful thing, but in most cases it is used in gaming laptops.
  • 18.4 - only 1920x1080 and 4k these powerful laptops are only for games, prices start from $1000 to $4500

However, the difference in resolutions can be quite significant. For the same screen size in various models resolution may vary significantly as you can see in the list above. It is recommended to choose laptops with higher values ​​of this indicator. Although, of course, it’s already here we're talking about about your financial capabilities.

Which screen to choose for a laptop?

In addition to these aspects, when examining a monitor, it is advisable to examine the surface of the screen; it can be:

  • glossy
  • matte

Choosing a device with a matte screen surface will drain your budget somewhat more than buying a cheaper one with a glossy one. However, these investments can be considered expenses for your own health. A matte monitor practically does not reflect in the sun, which minimizes its detrimental effect on human vision and fatigue. In addition, such a surface is easier to care for, but the saturation and brightness of the picture is lost, so the choice is yours. My advice is to choose a matte screen, it’s a pity that now it’s almost never installed on cheap and mid-segment laptops.

Which processor to choose for a laptop?

Now we have reached the main point that needs to be considered when choosing a good and powerful laptop. You can determine that the device you have chosen is a laptop or ultrabook by the letter “M, U or H” in the brand/model designation of this laptop computer. For example, names such as Intel Core i3-6200U or AMD Quad-Core A10-4600M indicate that these technological machines belong specifically to the laptop family.

If you want to purchase an ultrabook, then you should look in the name of the presented mobile devices the letter "U". Today, processors for laptop computers of this level are assembled only by Intel Core i3, i5 and i7 are already 6th generation, this can be recognized by the first digit of the marking, for example, now a lot of 4th and 5th generation processors are sold, it looks like this so: Core i3 5010U 2100 MHz and Core i5 4200H 2800 MHz. Their highlight is that during their creation, the engineers of this company managed to achieve a significant reduction in energy consumption. Due to this, a laptop or ultrabook acquired such thin shapes and felt noticeably lighter.

You need to choose your first laptop based on the processor power criteria based on the requirements that you place on it. For example, if your work requires a device with compelling computing performance, we recommend looking at processors such as Intel Core i3, i5 or i7. So that your laptop allows you to enjoy computer games, you need to look for an appropriate device with powerful discrete graphics.

You can also pay attention to laptops with processors from AMD A4, A6, A8, A10. Moreover, even here you will be able to save a lot if you do not need a super powerful gaming laptop, but you just want to take a model that can do the simplest and most popular things like: watch movies, type text, work with office programs and ordinary household tasks, then I would recommend AMD, because of their good built-in video cards and of course the cost.

Today, the leading positions in the market of processing devices for laptops and ultrabooks in terms of product quality are occupied by processors Intel. The most common fruits of engineering are 5th and 6th generation processors. The presented devices differ in their technological process, 22 nm and 14 nm, respectively. In other words, the difference between 5th and 6th generation processors lies in the spacing between the transistors of the device and the graphics cores (video cards) built into them. Processor performance will increase in proportion to the decrease in this interval. Moreover, energy consumption in this case decreases and sometimes remains at the same level.

The first in the list of data is lithography, which is also a technological process. This has already been decided - this figure should be as low as possible. The next parameter is the maximum design power. It indicates the amount of energy consumed at full load. The smallest values ​​are also important here. The less the device requires to operate, the longer you can use it without recharging. Type of supported memory – large values ​​are important for this indicator. It will be easier to decide on the choice of processor for a laptop if you look at the specifications of several models in advance and compare them according to the specified parameters. It is advisable to look for this data on the manufacturer’s website; such information is not difficult to find on the Internet.

For an entry-level laptop, these processor models are suitable

  • Intel- 3825U 1900 MHz or better quad-core Intel Pentium N3540 (2.16 - 2.66 GHz)
  • AMD- A6 6310 1800 MHz, or better yet, find an AMD A8-6410

If you don’t have any special requirements for it, then these processors will cope with your household tasks 100%.

These models are suitable for a mid-level laptop

  • Intel- Intel Core i3-5005U (2.0 GHz) or Intel Core i5-5200U (2.2 - 2.7 GHz)
  • AMD- AMD Quad-Core A8-7410 (2.2 - 2.5 GHz) or AMD Quad-Core A10-8780P (2.0 - 3.3 GHz) - these are all 4-core processors

Well, for a gaming laptop the choice is obvious

  • Intel® Core™ i7-5700HQ and Intel Core i7-6700HQ (2.6 - 3.5 GHz) are the most powerful processors that are installed in laptops and are good at pulling out all the new toys!

What amount of RAM should I choose?

When wondering how to choose the right laptop for work, it is also important to pay attention to the amount of RAM. It should be noted that for comfortable work A minimum of 4 GB of RAM is required. Some craftsmen, however, manage to increase the memory by 2 to 4 GB with 2 GB. However, here you need to be able to work so that there is enough volume and there is no need to use virtual memory. Otherwise it will work in enhanced mode hard drive, and the whole system will start to work much slower. On at the moment in a standard laptop 15 diagonal there are 2 slots for brackets and it will be better if they are all occupied by 4+4, which will give us 8 GB which will be enough for several years, but if you want to buy more later, this can only be done if you delay this process, It is worth knowing that over time their cost increases, especially after the release of a new generation of memory. In a word, the more the merrier!

On given time There are 3rd generation strips called DDR3 1333 Mhz and 1600 Mhz, but there is already a 4th DDR4-2133 MHz.

What hard drive size should I choose?

Large volumes are also important for this parameter. The larger the numbers indicating the amount of space on your hard drive, the more data you can store here. Weak point any hard drive portable system, this is performance. It is possible to help correct the situation by adding RAM or using a solid-state SSD drive and which is 10-15 times faster than HDD! By the way, if the thought of replacing the hard drive with solid state SSD the disk visits you even before purchase, then, in principle, you can not pay attention to the volume of the hard drive, because this disk has a small volume of 120-512 GB, although models with 1 TB have already appeared, but their cost is still sky-high, although at the end of 2015 There has been talk of price reductions for years. Although some laptops have two disk connectors, so you can put an SSD and HDD in one unit, as is often the case when Windows and main programs and games that are often played are installed on a solid-state one, and important information is stored on the other.

Number and variety of connectors

For comfortable work on a laptop, 3 USB ports will be enough. Although there are devices with more and less similar outputs. It is desirable that at least one of them be USB 3.0, through which you can already connect external hard disk and some other devices. Most laptop computers have an HDMI output for connecting to a TV screen. The standard situation for a laptop is a combination of headphone and microphone outputs in a single connector. If this point is important for you, look for an option with two connectors. In addition, all devices are equipped with a connector that allows you to connect to the Internet via cable, and a connector that allows you to connect a monitor to the device (VGA, D-SUB). In addition, they must “be able” to read an SD memory card. By the way, the performance of devices into which the entire body of an SD card can be inserted can be improved using Readyboost technologies for Windows 7 and Windows 8. In this case, you will no longer need to remove the card from the laptop during operation to achieve the maximum effect.

Well, between us, laptop manufacturers set everything to the standard and therefore everything is almost the same for everyone.

Most often you can find laptops that have 4-8 cell batteries with a capacity of 4400-5600 mAh. The higher this indicator, the longer the laptop will work without recharging, but you need to know that such a device will already weigh somewhat more. Therefore, you should choose what you need more: weight or autonomy. Plus, now the consumption of new spare parts is so low that even a 3-cell battery lasts up to 2-3 hours without recharging while reading. Yes, and we cannot choose this indicator, alas!

Rating of the best laptops of the year

The best laptops under 20,000 rubles

  • HP 15-ac000 - recommended for home use
  • ASUS X552EA
  • ASUS X551CA - the best option with Windows for home use
  • Lenovo G50-70

The most best laptops up to 25,000 rubles

  • ASUS X502CA
  • ASUS X552EA
  • DELL INSPIRON 3542 is also an interesting model, but the design is not for everyone
  • Lenovo G50-45
  • HP 15-r100 - beautiful and reliable laptop

The best laptops under 30,000 rubles

  • ASUS X554LJ is an excellent choice for work
  • Acer ASPIRE E5-511G-P4Q4
  • Lenovo IdeaPad S510p
  • HP PAVILION 17-e000 - the most best choice for this amount if you don't move around with it a lot

  • ASUS X550LD
  • Acer ASPIRE E1-570G-53334G50Mn
  • ASUS X555LN - best buy
  • HP PAVILION 15-p200
  • Lenovo G50-70
  • HP PAVILION 15-p000

Top best laptops under 40,000 rubles 2015

  • HP PAVILION 17-g000
  • ASUS X555LD
  • ASUS K551LN - best buy
  • Lenovo IdeaPad Z5070
  • Lenovo IdeaPad G505s
  • Lenovo THINKPAD Edge E555
  • Acer ASPIRE E5-551G-T2LT

The best laptops under 50,000 rubles

It happens that a person buys a laptop “just to have it.” This is not very reasonable. Unless you have a clear reason for purchasing it, a brand new laptop will most likely be collecting dust somewhere on a table or a distant shelf.

A versatile laptop for every day

Dell XPS 13

This category includes laptops from the middle and high price categories. Productive and balanced hardware allows such laptops to cope with a wide range of tasks, including not too demanding games on average and even high settings. Thus, gamers who do not prioritize graphics can save themselves from significant expenses on a full-fledged gaming laptop with powerful performance. discrete video card.

The best laptops of 2017 according to TechRadar:

  1. Dell XPS 13.
  2. Asus ZenBook UX305.
  3. Razer Blade Stealth.
  4. Asus Chromebook Flip.
  5. HP Specter x360.
  6. Razer Blade.
  7. Samsung Notebook 7 Spin.
  8. Acer Aspire S 13.
  9. Samsung Notebook 9.
  10. Surface Book.
  11. HP Specter x360 15.
  12. MacBook.
  13. Asus ZenBook Flip UX360.
  14. Apple MacBook Pro 15.
  15. Lenovo Yoga 910.

The rating of the best laptop manufacturers was compiled by Laptop Mag based on a combination of six key criteria: reviewer ratings, design, quality technical support and provision, innovation, range of laptops offered, as well as loyalty of warranty conditions.

  1. Lenovo.
  2. Asus.
  3. Dell.
  4. Acer.
  5. Apple.
  6. Razer.
  7. Samsung.
  8. Microsoft.

For serious games

Razer Blade

Gaming laptops are very powerful and very expensive. This feature allows you to use gaming laptops for any work, including design, video editing, 3D graphics and engineering.

The video card is the most important part. In 2016 Nvidia company introduced the tenth series of video cards GeForce GTX, which are not only much more productive than previous generations, but are also great for installation in laptops because they do not require a bulky cooling system.

If Nvidia previously released heavily stripped-down mobile GeForce GTXs with the letter M in the name for laptops, now you can install a full-fledged video card in a laptop: like in a desktop PC, but with slightly lower frequencies.

That is, if you buy a gaming laptop with a GeForce GTX 1050, 1050 Ti, 1060, 1070, 1080 or 1080 Ti, you will get the performance of a desktop gaming PC with a similar graphics card.

The problem is that there are still a lot of outdated gaming laptops in electronics stores, and they cost as good as new, and sometimes are even more expensive. The consultant may try to sell you such a laptop. Don't be fooled and choose a gaming laptop only with a GeForce GTX 10th series.

Seniors traditionally choose the processor for a gaming laptop. Intel models Core i5 (for GTX 1050 and 1060), base Core i7 (for GTX 1070) and senior Core i7 (for GTX 1080). The amount of RAM usually ranges from 8 to 32 GB.

Top 10 gaming laptops according to TechRadar:

  1. Razer Blade.
  2. Asus ROG Strix GL502.
  3. Alienware 13 R3.
  4. Razer Blade Pro.
  5. Gigabyte Aero 14.
  6. Dell Inspiron 15 Gaming.
  7. HP Omen 17.
  8. Origin EVO15-S.
  9. Gigabyte Aero 15.
  10. Origin EON17-X.

For maximum mobility

If your lifestyle or the nature of your work forces you to constantly move, then mobility comes to the fore when choosing a laptop. The smaller, lighter and thinner the better. Such laptops are often called ultrabooks.

Top 10 ultrabooks according to TechRadar:

  1. Dell XPS 13.
  2. Asus ZenBook UX30.
  3. Razer Blade Stealth.
  4. HP Specter x360.
  5. Samsung Notebook 9.
  6. Acer Aspire S 13.
  7. Surface Book.
  8. Acer Swift 7.
  9. Lenovo Yoga 910.
  10. HP Spectre.

For maximum autonomy

If you spend most of your time away from a power outlet, then the determining factor when choosing a laptop is the battery life.

We bring to your attention a rating of the most “long-lasting” laptops according to Laptop Mag. The indicated operating time is valid for constant web surfing in a browser via Wi-Fi without using other resource-intensive applications.

  1. Lenovo ThinkPad T470 - 17 hours.
  2. MacBook Air 13 - 14 hours.
  3. Microsoft Surface Book - 12 hours.
  4. Dell Latitude 7280 - 12 hours.
  5. Lenovo Miix 310 - 12 hours.
  6. Dell Latitude 5280 - 12 hours.
  7. Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon - 12 hours.
  8. Dell XPS 13 - 11 hours.
  9. Dell Latitude 5480 - 11 hours.
  10. Dell Inspiron 15 7000 Gaming - 11 hours.
  11. Acer ChromeBook R 13 - 11 hours.
  12. Lenovo Yoga 910 - 10 hours.
  13. Apple MacBook Pro 15 - 10 hours.
  14. Asus ZenBook UX330UA - 10 hours.
  15. HP Specter x360 - 10 hours.

Instead of a tablet

HP Specter x360

Nowadays, transformers that combine a laptop and a tablet are very popular. The design of this hybrid allows you to unfasten the keyboard, rotate the top cover, or literally turn the device inside out so that the screen is on top. A mandatory attribute of a transformer is touch display. “2 in 1” laptops are very compact, lightweight and can completely replace a tablet.

Top 10 convertible laptops according to TechRadar:

  1. HP Specter x360.
  2. Microsoft Surface Book i7.
  3. Samsung Notebook 7 Spin.
  4. Microsoft Surface Book.
  5. Asus ZenBook Flip UX360.
  6. HP Specter x360 15.
  7. Dell Inspiron 13 7000 2-in-1.
  8. Lenovo Yoga 910.
  9. Lenovo Yoga 900S.
  10. HP Elite x2 1012 G1.

To work on the Internet

If you only use a browser, then consider a Chromebook - more affordable laptops, tailored for working on the Internet.

  1. Asus Chromebook Flip.
  2. Samsung Chromebook Pro.
  3. Dell Chromebook 11.
  4. Acer Chromebook 15.
  5. Acer Chromebook R11.
  6. HP Chromebook 14.
  7. HP Chromebook 13.

As a more compact and aesthetic replacement for a desktop computer

Big system unit, monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers and a bunch of tangled wires do not add beauty to the interior and take up a lot of space. The laptop solves the problem easily and gracefully.


The configuration and cost of such a laptop will depend on what you usually did on the old desktop computer and what you plan to do on the new one.

For special work

This includes design, video editing, sound work, 3D graphics, engineering and other specialized activities.

The configurations of such laptops greatly depend on the tasks being solved and the used software, and the cost ranges from tens to several hundred thousand rubles.

If you need just such a professional laptop, then this guide is unlikely to be useful to you. It is better to look for information about the correct configurations for narrow-profile laptops on the relevant sites and forums. Only there you will find experienced specialists ready to help with advice.

What's worth paying extra for?

Now you will learn about really useful things that justify every ruble invested in them.

Latest generation processor from Intel

There are no good laptop processors from AMD yet. Perhaps the situation will change with the advent of the Ryzen mobile line, but now the only reasonable solution is to buy a laptop with Intel Kaby Lake on board (Core i5 7xxx or Core i7 7xxx).

You can buy a laptop with a previous generation Core i5 or Core i7 (fifth or sixth) and get slightly less performance, but the trick is that the cost difference between them is minimal or non-existent. Accordingly, it is better to choose the latest technology.

A powerful processor turns the laptop into a multitasking machine that not only works quickly, but also allows you to play not too demanding games, do video editing, graphics, and so on.

SSD instead of HDD

In order not to burden you with unnecessary words, we will simply leave here the indicators of the time required to launch some applications on a laptop with an HDD and SSD, all other characteristics being equal.


You've probably heard how gluttonous Chrome browser in terms of memory consumption, and this is not the only program that requires a lot of resources to run quickly.

RAM is cheap and greatly affects the performance of the computer. Don't skimp on it.

Full HD screen

A laptop with a Full HD screen at a standard distance from it makes the pixels invisible to the human eye. Thanks to this, the picture becomes much better. Full HD accommodates more content, making working with desktop applications and the Internet more comfortable and convenient. High-resolution matrices, as a rule, are manufactured using more advanced technologies and have best characteristics, than their younger HD brothers.

GeForce GTX tenth series video card

If you are buying a laptop with an eye on new games, then choose a model with a discrete GeForce video card GTX 1050, 1050 Ti, 1060, 1070, 1080 or 1080 Ti - depending on your budget.

Do not under any circumstances purchase laptops with GeForce GTX series nine or earlier. By saving just a little money, you'll get a lot less productive laptop without power reserves for the future and normal VR support.

Wi-Fi 5 GHz

Now Wi-Fi points everywhere, but side effect Such ubiquitous presence results in a drop in the quality and speed of communication. Roughly speaking, wireless routers jamming each other.

The solution may be to move to the 5-gigahertz Wi-Fi band, known as 802.11ac.

Unfortunately for Wi-Fi usage 5 GHz also requires a router that supports this technology, but as a reward for spending extra money you will get super-fast and stable wireless Internet.

By the way, 5 GHz Wi-Fi support is useful not only for a laptop, but also for a smartphone.

USB-C or Thunderbolt 3 connectors

USB-C is the inevitable future, coming sooner than you think. In the next few years this standard will become the only universal interface for charging and connecting any peripherals to a laptop.

The symmetrical design allows you to connect USB-C from either side, and therefore the familiar problem of “doesn’t fit, turned it upside down - doesn’t fit” will become a thing of the past.

The famous USB paradox

Advanced Thunderbolt 3, in addition to being compatible with USB-C, has sufficient bandwidth to connect a 4K monitor, an external drive with read and write speeds comparable to an SSD, as well as a full-fledged external video card.

What you shouldn't overpay for

Not all manufacturers are distinguished by their ability to create balanced laptops. In addition, some of the features found in laptops are often downright useless.

Backlit keyboard

The laptop is a complete device, and its screen always illuminates the keyboard. Accordingly, additional backlighting of the keys is not needed.

The only reason to choose a backlit model or to pay extra for this modification is the habit of working in complete darkness with minimum screen brightness.

Screen with resolution higher than Full HD

The capabilities of the human eye are limited. With a sufficient pixel density, we will not see them from a typical work with specific device distances. Such screens are best known as those used in Apple products.

For a laptop with a 13-inch screen diagonal and Full HD resolution, the distance from which the pixels cease to be distinguishable is 51 centimeters. Our eyes are approximately at this distance when working on a laptop. Thus, increasing the screen resolution, and therefore the pixel density, does not make sense.

If someone persistently tries to prove to you that QHD and even more so Ultra HD (almost the same as 4K) are cool and necessary, then either you are dealing with a consultant in an electronics store, or you are faced with a victim of marketing.

In addition to being pointless in terms of picture quality, displays with excessive resolution consume more battery power and require much more resources to render the picture, which negatively affects performance.

Mandatory Intel Core i7

Intel Core i7 of the latest generations - it really is cool processor, but there is such a thing as sufficient performance.

Simply put, you don't need a Nissan GTR if you use the car for commuting to Auchan and on busy roads.

Core i7 is good for heavy computing, video editing, graphics work and top-end gaming computers. The average user will not use even a fifth of its performance, but will pay the full price.

Required discrete graphics card

A separate video card is needed for hardcore gamers who want to play new games with cool graphics, as well as for individual specialists. For web surfing, office work and watching movies, the power offered by the integrated graphics is sufficient.

32 GB RAM or more

If you don't know why you need so much RAM, then you don't need that much RAM.

If you are not a gamer, then 8 GB of RAM is enough for you, and if you play heavy games, then 16 GB is enough.

Fingerprint scanner

It is now fashionable to install fingerprint scanners in laptops as a more convenient alternative to entering a password. It may save you an extra second, but is it worth the money that manufacturers are asking for this feature?

Touch screen in an ordinary laptop

A touch screen is required for transformers - hybrid devices with a removable keyboard that combine a tablet and a laptop.

For an ordinary laptop, a touchscreen is not only useless, but also a downright harmful excess, increasing the cost of the device, battery consumption and sometimes worsening the quality characteristics of the screen itself.

Other guides to choosing equipment from Lifehacker.

Buying a laptop is a pretty serious undertaking. Therefore, you should be fully prepared for it. First of all, study the assortment provided by various stores. Compare prices for your favorite models from different brands. Since it very often happens that the cost of the same model from different sellers can differ significantly. It is also important to decide what functions the purchased laptop will perform. And this is precisely what you should primarily focus on when choosing a specific model.

There are several classes of compact PCs - gaming, for work, multimedia centers. Each has its own specifics and different operating parameters. For example, if a device is purchased for work, there is no point in choosing a computer with a very powerful video card and a large amount of memory. If, on the contrary, it will be used for games, a powerful processor and a good discrete card for video processing are required. Therefore, before you run to the store to buy a new computer, you should think it over carefully and decide on the right model. Our step by step guide will shed light on the question of how to choose a laptop that will become an indispensable assistant in resolving work issues.

Choosing a laptop: step-by-step guide

The first thing a buyer should decide on is the brand. So which brand is best? When choosing a model, you should carefully study the components used during assembly. Since their service life depends on their quality. The main suppliers of such parts are companies such as NVIDEA (video cards), ATI (video cards), AMD (processors), Intel (processors, integrated video cards). Some individual products from these brands are more reliable, some less so. But overall their quality is comparable.

You should not choose a laptop with “gray” components. Since the reliability of a computer is determined by the reliability of its weakest link. Therefore, you should not buy a model equipped with a famous processor and video card if they are located on a motherboard of unknown origin. Another important criterion when purchasing is authorized service. Usually there is a proportional relationship between the cost of the device and the availability of warranty service centers. Giants such as Samsung, Asus, HP have official repair shops in almost every city. Models from lesser-known brands - Nec, BENQ and others like them usually cost slightly less than their classmates. But give them to the official service center quite problematic.

Popular laptop brands

When choosing a brand, you should proceed from the quantity cash which are in stock. If they are limited, but you want something more powerful, you can purchase a device from a little-known brand; all components for all laptops are produced at the same factory. But if it breaks, problems may arise. If your financial condition allows, it is worth purchasing a computer from a more well-known brand. The most common and popular brands in our country:

  • Acer;
  • Apple;
  • Asus;
  • Dell;
Acer is a fairly well-known and well-established brand. This brand also owns eMachines, Packard Bell, Gateway (they are part of a concern called AcerGroup). Despite their relatively low cost, they are quite powerful and productive. The disadvantages of Acer include not very high-quality assembly, as well as poor quality of screen matrices.
Apple is one of the most expensive brands. And for good reason. Models called MacBook Pro and MacBook Air not only offer excellent performance characteristics, but also extremely attractive designs. The body is made of aluminum, and the Retina display will delight you with the high quality of the displayed image. It is also worth highlighting the low weight - it is no more than 2 kg. But you have to pay for everything; the cost of such devices is usually more than 2 thousand dollars.
Asus assembles computers of a wide variety of formats. From simple and inexpensive devices for working in office applications, to real gaming monsters. An important advantage of this brand is the complete correspondence of quality to price. specific model. An important advantage of this brand is its authorized service centers in the most remote corners of the planet.
Dell is an American brand. In its homeland, it is a real leader in the number of laptops sold among its competitors. It is also the leader in the number of returns - the build quality leaves much to be desired. As is the quality of warranty repairs. Plus, finding a Dell service center is quite problematic. But this brand has one very important advantage over its competitors - price. The cost is extremely low compared to similar models from other brands.
HP is a famous brand with rich history. The company values ​​​​its reputation, therefore it offers its customers fairly high-quality equipment. In addition, its price is relatively low when compared with models from other manufacturers.
Lenovo is a new brand of one of the oldest companies in the US IT technology sector - IBM. It does not pretend to be a leader in sales, but, at the same time, it offers its customers excellent workhorses at a relatively low price.
Samsung is a very recognizable company. It produces excellent computers, built to last and quite powerful. Moreover, their cost is relatively low. The only exceptions are ultrabooks - pricing policy company regarding these devices is not entirely reasonable in the opinion of many experts.
Sony Vaio is an extremely popular brand. And this is precisely the reason for the relatively high price of this manufacturer. Despite decent build quality and powerful hardware, this manufacturer has some drawbacks. These are not very high-quality screens and not a well-thought-out cooling system. Therefore, if you purchase, then you should choose a car from another manufacturer.

How to choose the best laptop for people with different needs?

In this article we will help find the optimal laptop for 4 people whose needs coincide with the needs of the majority of people purchasing new computers. So, meet:

  1. Sabina (30 years old): “I work as a designer and often travel. I need a computer powerful enough to work in... graphics programs. I also want to take it with me on trips.”
  2. Rita (42 years old): “I’m looking for a notebook for comfortable Internet use, watching movies and communicating via Skype. I would also like it to not be very expensive.”
  3. Pasha (18 years old): “I am passionate about games and I need a powerful laptop on which I can play all modern games. It is desirable that the screen diagonal be as large as possible.”
  4. Nikolai (60 years old): “I work as a security guard in a warehouse. In order to stay awake at night, I need a small and simple computer that I could take with me to work to watch my favorite TV shows, listen to music and just while away the time.”

As you can see, all these people need completely different devices. Perhaps your requirements for a laptop are somewhat the same as those stated above. Next, we will step by step choose a laptop that will satisfy all your needs.

To choose correctly new laptop, we will use the following algorithm:

  • We express all our requirements and wishes for the computer, trying not to miss anything.
  • We choose the class and design: will it be thin and stylish or large and scary.
  • We select the appropriate screen diagonal.
  • We select the optimal configuration. You will have to work hard here, because this is the most important step consisting of several small steps.
  • Choose additional features: You may have to deny yourself some desirable but useless features at this stage, or vice versa.

Step 1: determine the device requirements

Before buying a laptop, you need to imagine what functions you will assign to it. Whether it will be for work travel or a replacement for an outdated desktop PC, an office workhorse or a powerful gaming machine, or maybe all at once. You also need to decide whether you need an optical drive in your new computer, what dimensions and weight it should have, and what it should look like.

Step 2: select the class and type of structure

A classic laptop is distinguished by its solid size and weight. This is an ideal choice for those looking for a worthy replacement desktop computer. The large case easily accommodates a power-hungry video card, several hard drives and a full-fledged processor with high clock frequency. Also classic is optimal choice, if you need a simple office computer.

An ultrabook is a thin and light multimedia device. Its main features are a thin body, a processor with reduced frequency and power consumption.

Convertible laptops can be equipped with a removable touch display, a rotating display, or hinges with a 360-degree opening angle. Such features allow you to turn it into a tablet.

– small and cheap. The low cost is due to the not very powerful hardware. However, they are not without advantages. Thanks to their ultra-low power consumption, netbooks can last almost all day on battery power, and their light weight allows you to take them with you wherever you go.

Step 3: choosing the optimal diagonal and other display parameters

What is the difference between laptop displays? First of all this:

  • Size
  • Manufacturing technology
  • Permission

There are more than 2,000 laptop models available on the market today. Display sizes range from 10 to 18.4 inches and even larger. They are manufactured using two technologies: IPS and TN+Film. The first is more progressive. These displays have slightly higher contrast and wider viewing angles, but TN displays are cheaper to produce. Also, screens can have different resolutions: from 1024x600 pixels to ultra-clear 3200x1800.

The length of the diagonal directly affects the weight and dimensions. So if you need mobile computer, which would be light and fit in a bag or briefcase, then you should choose models with a small diagonal. 10.1 or 11.6-inch models weigh on average no more than 1.2 or 1.3 kilograms. This weight is not very noticeable when compared with the weight of a classic laptop (2.8 kg). Therefore, if you need a computer to carry in your bag every day, think about purchasing a medium-sized laptop or netbook. This solution will be optimal for Nikolai and will satisfy all his needs.

For designer Sabin, mentioned above, this may not seem enough. Since she travels often, the ideal option for her would be a diagonal: 12.1 or 13.3 inches with high resolution, made using IPS technology. On a larger screen with high definition, it is more convenient to work with graphic applications, and the weight of 13-inch ultrabooks is not much different from that of their slightly smaller counterparts. Also, for ease of use, you can choose a model with touch screen.

Those who do not plan to take their laptop out of the house can look towards more impressive models. For example, for those who play games, like the aforementioned Pasha, or like to watch movies and communicate via video, like Rita, screens with a diagonal of 17.3" or 15.6" are suitable.

Step 4: select a suitable laptop configuration

Having dealt with the optimal diagonal, let's move on to the most important part of the choice - choosing a configuration:

Processor and its frequency

The processor is the brain of the computer. Of all the components, it has the greatest impact on performance. And if an ordinary Pentium or even a Celeron is enough to watch movies or surf the Internet, then to run modern video games, decode video files and work with 3D applications, you need an order of magnitude more powerful processor. Depending on your budget, you should choose between Intel Core i3, i5, or i7. Let's take a brief look at the advantages of each processor family.

  • Intel Atom and AMD C, E – processors for netbooks and tablets. They have low productivity and low energy consumption. Thanks to this, devices based on these “stones” are extremely autonomous. They usually have 2 cores, although there are also quad-core models, for example, Intel Atom Z3775.
  • Intel Celeron and AMD A4 are simple processors that are powerful enough for office applications and comfortable Internet use. There are only dual-core ones and are installed in simple office laptops.
  • Intel Pentium and AMD A6 are more powerful solutions with two and four cores for various tasks. In addition to working with documents, they are designed for processing photos, watching high-resolution videos, communicating via webcam and simple games.
  • Intel Core i3-4xxx and AMD A8, A10 are the golden mean in the processor range. Products from Intel are dual-core but quad-threaded, while AMD products are purely quad-core. They allow you to work comfortably in any program and play video games well, at the same time not as expensive as their “big brothers”. The i3-4xxx has a built-in hardware video processor, which allows you to encode and view video without using the processing power of the processor itself.
  • Intel Core i5-4xxx are dual-core processors that can provide good gaming performance. To achieve this, they are equipped with technology that temporarily increases the clock speed. The optimal solution for game lovers.
  • Intel Core i7-4xxx is the most expensive and productive solution. It has four physical cores, each of which operates in two threads. Provides a good performance reserve for the future.

So, each processor is targeted at a specific user and specific tasks. For those who play games, the best choice is Core i5/i7; for undemanding users, such as Rita, this is an Intel Pentium or Celeron. For Nikolai, we will choose one of the Intel Atom modifications with a low thermal package.

Video adapter

There are two types of video cards: integrated into the processor and discrete (separate). For most tasks, the power of the integrated adapters is quite sufficient. The processors of the Intel Core family also have smart functions that help optimize the load both on the processor itself and on the video chip built into it. Cards of this type do not have their own memory, and the donor for them is RAM.

Discrete video adapters allow you to run 3D games, 3D modeling programs and other applications that contain 3D visualization. As an entry-level video card, you can purchase NVIDIA GeForce 610M/710M or AMD Radeon HD 75th or 76th series. These cards allow you to play games at minimum graphics quality settings and work in some 3D visualization applications.

Mid-class video cards - models of the NVIDIA GeForce GT or Radeon HD 85 and 86 family. Such devices will provide normal performance in games at medium settings and will allow you to work in most programs. AMD Radeon HD 88, 89 and R7 series, as well as the high-end GeForce GTX line of video cards, will give you the opportunity to play any games at high settings. Also, any 3D applications are not able to stop such video adapters.

For the tasks of Rita and Nikolai, a video card is simply not needed. But for Pasha you should buy a good video card, depending on his budget. Sabina can get by with built-in video if she purchases a laptop based on Core processors.

RAM capacity

This setting also directly affects performance. The processor and memory are like husband and wife, interconnected and must suit each other. So, for low-power processors such as Intel Atom or AMD E, 2GB of RAM will be enough. Mid-class processors will perform more serious tasks, which means they need more RAM. Intel Celeron and Pentium will cope well with their functions if they are supported by 4 GB of RAM, and for processors of the Intel Core family this figure can reach 8 or even 16 GB, depending on the gluttony of the programs being launched.

Hard drive and SSD

The hard drive is the component on which all files are stored. This could be: videos, photos, documents, music or programs. The hard drive in most cases does not affect the speed of operation. Only for the amount of data storage. However, recently drives with SSD cache have become increasingly popular. These drives can speed up boot times and speed up frequently used programs.

SSD drives speed up computer boot times several times. They also speed up programs and file operations. It is advisable to use such devices in gaming machines. However, they have one drawback - small volume. Typically, SSD drives are installed in high-end laptops, ultrabooks and gaming machines. If you are looking for a simpler computer, then pay attention to models with SSD cache.


Nowadays, drives have lost their popularity, and manufacturers are gradually abandoning these devices. This allows you to reduce the weight of the laptop and make it thinner. It is worth noting that all laptops with a diagonal of 13.3 inches and smaller are produced without an optical drive. Even many 15-inch models leave the assembly line without it. This can be explained by the fact that more reliable and faster storage media have appeared, such as USB drives (flash drives or hard drives). You can also use cloud storage systems to exchange information. If you need an optical drive, but need a small and lightweight laptop, then you can purchase an external DVD drive with a USB connection. Or buy a classic laptop with a built-in DVD.

Step 5: Additional Features

  1. Touch display. This feature will be of interest to those who are looking for a small laptop that can be used in their hands or on their laps. A touch screen is also necessary for those who want to combine a laptop and tablet in one device.
  2. Keyboard backlight – indispensable assistant in the evening or at night. It can be useful for those who have to stay up late at the computer. So, by dimming the display brightness and turning on the key backlight, you can work quietly while your husband or wife sleeps peacefully.
  3. eSata or USB 3.0 interface. These ports provide high speed transferring files to removable media. Will be useful for those who collect films or other multimedia data.
  4. The Thunderbolt interface is an even faster interface for connecting devices to a laptop. Maximum throughput is 20 Gbit/sec.
  5. HDMI or DisplayPort are video interfaces that provide clear image transmission to a TV or monitor via a special cable. Such ports are often used to watch movies on a large screen while the movies themselves are stored on a laptop.

When choosing a laptop, make sure these additional features in fact, you need or will definitely come in handy in the future. Otherwise, you will just spend extra money.

Step 6: Laptop Case Materials

Today, housings are made from different materials. Basically, it's good old plastic and aluminum. But there are rare masterpieces made of carbon or a combination of carbon and metal, for example, the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon. What a laptop is made of directly affects its appearance. Cheap plastic immediately catches your eye. On such a case you can often see fingerprints and other traces of use. If plastic good quality, this minimizes the appearance of fingerprints and abrasions.

Metal raises the price, so it is not used in cheap lines. However, it is pleasant to the touch, cools the palm and looks great. You can often find models in which plastic is combined with metal. For example, the lid is made of metal, and the rest is plastic. Such cases are the optimal solution for those who are looking for a compromise between appearance and price. Carbon bodies are used only in top-level models. Expensive carbon fiber is very light and durable. Such cases do not bend and are not afraid of falls. The choice of body finishing materials is a matter of taste. It is inappropriate to advise anything here, because everyone may have personal preferences. Therefore, choose a laptop case that is pleasant to look at and pleasant to the touch.

Step 7: Operating System

Computer without operating system- This is a pile of metal. To take advantage of all the possibilities that a new laptop opens up for you, it must have an OS installed on it. Models with Windows 8 already pre-installed are slightly more expensive than bare models. However, purchasing separately licensed Windows 8 will cost even more. In addition, if you are not very experienced in installing software, you will also have to pay to install and activate the operating system.

Whichever option you choose, it is extremely unwise to try to install pirated versions OS. In addition to the fact that this is fraught with criminal liability, it deprives your computer of technical support from manufacturers, both the equipment and the operating system itself. And the cost of installing a pirated OS from craftsmen can cover half the cost of a licensed copy already pre-installed on a laptop. It is also worth choosing licensed software because after correct activation, the laptop will receive all important and necessary updates. Also buying a PC with installed programs, you immediately get a ready-to-use solution that won’t take a long time to set up.


The time has come to finally make a choice. Having considered all the nuances, identified all the criteria and selected the necessary options, we can proceed directly to purchasing a specific model. Let's remember our 4 characters, whom we are helping today to choose the best laptop:

Designer Sabina needs light, mobile and powerful device with a good touch screen, she also needs an HDMI output to demonstrate her work. Considering such requests, the most suitable solution for it would be the ASUS UX302LA-C4004H or Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro (59-402621). This model combines small size, weight and high performance. Both models have a touch display and a built-in video adapter with good power. In addition, Yoga 2 is equipped with unique hinges that allow you to open the lid 360 degrees, thereby turning the laptop into a 13-inch tablet.

Rita, who uses a computer to watch movies, browse the Internet and contact relatives, should think about a laptop with a 17-inch screen, with an average level of performance, and definitely with a DVD drive and a webcam. It is also important that the cost be modest. A good solution would be the Lenovo G700 (59-381085), HP Pavilion 17-e150sr (F5B78EA), or the slightly more powerful Dell Inspiron 5748 (I57P45DIL-34). All these models have large displays, with a minimum level of equipment, which allows you to save on cost. However, they have everything you need for comfortable use of the network, watching videos and communicating via the Internet.
18-year-old Pasha can recommend the MSI GS70 or GE70, which combine powerful quad-core processors with powerful video cards. It is also worth considering purchasing the ASUS G750JS, which is even more impressive with its characteristics: 16 GB of RAM, 3 GB video card, ultra-fast 4-core processor. In addition, it is equipped with all modern ports including HDMI and Thunderbolt and was specially designed for fans of heavy video games and provides excellent performance even at maximum quality settings.

For people like Nikolai, who are looking for a small and simple laptop to just while away the time at work, listening to music or watching TV shows, the Lenovo IdeaPad S110 model is suitable, which will work without recharging for a very long time. It's a regular laptop with all the peripherals (except DVD), just small and light. It is these advantages that will allow you to easily carry it with you every day.

Lenovo IdeaPad S110
If your requirements coincide with the requirements of the above-mentioned buyers, then you can safely purchase the models offered by them. You will never be disappointed with them. If you have special needs, then we will make a list of the models you like, and then, step by step, as you re-read this guide, we will select the laptop that best suits these needs and, at the same time, weed out the bad options. In the end, you will be left with one worthy candidate for purchase.

Purchasing any equipment requires a serious approach, because it will serve us for many years. When choosing a laptop, it is not enough to be guided only by its physical characteristics

(size, weight and ergonomics), it is important to pay attention to technical parameters.

Depending on the purpose for which you are purchasing a laptop, these indicators may vary, thereby narrowing the range of suitable models. Let's move on to considering specific indicators that will play a decisive role when choosing a model.

The most important parameters of laptops:

Screen size and matrix

It is obvious that working on a laptop with big screen it will be quite convenient. The display with a diagonal of 15.4 - 17 inches is perfect for watching movies and working with text documents. But if you often have to take a laptop with you on trips, then a bulky model will create a lot of inconvenience. In this case, a model with a 10-12-inch display would be much more convenient. In this case, you need to pay attention to the screen resolution. For office models, the XGA extension will be sufficient, but if you plan to work with graphics or spend a lot of time playing games, then the WUXGA extension will be most preferable.

Speaking about the characteristics of the display, we should mention the properties and purpose of the matrix. It is the matrix that is responsible for image quality; at the moment the matrix can be manufactured using one of three technologies. The most accessible, low-cost technology is TN (Twisted Nematic). A display made using the TN principle will have low power consumption and good response time, but the overall picture quality leaves much to be desired. Due to low color rendering and contrast, watching movies or working with graphics will be very difficult. Most suitable parameters for home laptop has a display made using MVA (Multi-Domain Vertical Alignment) technology. In this case, the contrast will be at the level, the color rendition will be excellent, and the viewing angle will be quite suitable for working with video and graphics. The best matrices are those made using IPS (In Plane Switching) technology. Due to their rather high cost and high energy consumption, they have not received due popularity and are used mainly for professional purposes.

Regardless of the type of matrix, manufacturers can use additional coatings to improve picture quality. They not only increase image brightness, but also protect against glare. If the monitor is matte and has a purple tint, it means that it has a reliable anti-glare coating and can be considered completely safe and comfortable for work.


Since one of the main advantages of a laptop is its mobility, the operating time is from battery becomes one of the most important factors when choosing. Most models are designed for 2 hours of operation under average load, and the most common type of battery is Li-Ion. For some models, an operating time of 8 hours is indicated, but it is worth understanding that in this case we are talking about a load below the average. If you want to insure yourself in case your laptop suddenly turns off, it is better to immediately purchase an additional battery.


The most important part of any PC, including a laptop. The main indicator of a processor is the clock frequency; it determines the number of operations that the processor can perform per unit of time. The higher the clock frequency, the faster the computer will perform. A model with a frequency of 1 GHz is suitable for the office, but for running games and graphic editors The clock frequency must be at least 2 GHz. The undisputed leaders among processors remain Intel models, which, along with a high clock frequency, provide low energy consumption. They don’t lag behind them either AMD processors, attracting buyers with low cost compared to Intel.

Undoubtedly, you should give preference to a model with a high processor clock speed. After all, software development does not stand still, and after a couple of years the frequency indicator, which was considered optimal at the time of purchase, may not meet the requirements of modern programs.


The fact is that this is one of the few devices that eliminates the replacement procedure. The motherboard is built into the laptop when assembled, and you cannot replace it. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the presence of additional slots that allow you to expand RAM. If motherboard provides at least one slot (it is better to have two), then you will have enough opportunities for upgrading.

Winchester (hard drive)

This is the main storage medium, the volume of which directly determines the amount of data that can fit in your laptop. If for office computers A 40 GB hard drive will be enough, but for a home laptop the volume should be at least 200 GB. The parameters of the hard drive also affect the cost of the model, but a large hard drive will save you from additional expenses in the future. You don't have to buy additional removable drives or spend money on flash drives in order to save an archive of photos or record your favorite movies. Changing a hard drive is not always possible, since the hard drives that come with laptops have different characteristics than hard drives for PCs.


This is another indicator characterizing the performance of the model. For comfortable full-fledged work, the laptop’s RAM must be at least 256 MB. If you plan to run resource-intensive applications (new games or graphics programs), then the minimum RAM should be 512 MB. If the motherboard has slots for memory cards, then in the future you can easily upgrade your laptop and install as much RAM as you need.

Video adapter

Absolutely all laptops are equipped with a built-in video card, parameters which affects both the cost and capabilities of the model. The more powerful the video adapter, the higher the image quality, and the more opportunities for working with video and photo resources. It is worth noting that video card parameters are one of the most important indicators for fans of computer games.

Sound card

As for the sound adapter, there are no specific differences. Absolutely all laptops are equipped with a standard sound card that allows you to play any audio files. Sometimes a laptop may have built-in speakers, but they have very little power and cannot replace a full-fledged audio system. If sound card provides an audio output, you can connect speakers or headphones to your laptop.

Keyboard and touchpad

If you work a lot with text documents, then your laptop keyboard should be as comfortable as possible. Here it is worth paying attention to the size of the keys, which may be smaller than on a standard keyboard due to the compactness of the laptop. Sometimes part of the keyboard can be full-size, and the other part has a reduced key format, which is also not very convenient.

Instead of the usual “mouse” manipulator, laptops have a special touch panel; when purchasing, you need to test it for sensitivity. Some models may have a small joystick, which is also quite convenient to use. But if these devices seem unusual to you, you can always buy a regular mouse and work with a familiar pointing device.

Communication capabilities

IN modern models laptops always have a built-in modem, standard network card, and also Wi-Fi module. Thanks to these components, you will be able to connect to the Internet (including using wireless technologies), connect the laptop to local network and, if necessary, expand its capabilities.

I/O ports

The presence of ports allows you to connect additional devices to the laptop. Naturally, the more ports, the more devices you can connect. There must be a USB port (it is better if there are at least three). This is a universal port used to connect most different devices: keyboard and mouse, printer, scanner, flash drives, as well as removable media memory. If your laptop is equipped with a Bluetooth module, you can easily connect cell phone, wireless keyboard and mouse, which are very popular. The PCMCIA port allows the connection of a number of peripheral devices: additional RAM, fax, modem, hard drive and other devices.

Case parameters and weight

The weight and size of a laptop is influenced by the set of components, display parameters and the material from which the body is made. If you plan to use a laptop at home, then weight will not play a decisive role in your choice. But if you often have to take it with you on trips, then you should think about purchasing a mobile lightweight model, the weight of which should not exceed 5 kg. It should be understood that a metal case is much more reliable than a plastic one. Only he can ensure the safety of internal devices.

These are the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a laptop model. If you have any doubts about a particular indicator, you should seek advice from specialists. Only they can help you understand the variety of computer innovations and make the right choice.
